Ecology of life. IN natural conditions Kalanchoe grows in Australia, America, Africa and Southeast Asia; the plant itself is classified as a succulent.

Under natural conditions, Kalanchoe grows in Australia, America, Africa and Southeast Asia; the plant itself is classified as a succulent. The plant has recently been very popular among lovers of indoor floriculture. Decorative species of Kalanchoe have gained great popularity, and all thanks to their beautiful and long flowering.

decorative flower Kalanchoe care and at home it doesn’t require so much, the main thing is to follow a number of simple rules and the plant will delight you for many years. Buy this ornamental plant possible in almost any flower shop, since due to its increasing popularity it has long been grown on an industrial scale.

Lighting mode and location
Since the plant comes from the tropics, it requires good lighting and long daylight hours. The ideal length of daylight hours for this plant is at least 12 hours, but if the daylight hours are shorter, the plant requires additional illumination with artificial light sources, this is especially true for flowering species in the autumn. winter period.
Window sills facing east or west are considered suitable places for Kalanchoe. The plant is not harmed by direct sunlight.

The ideal temperature regime for Kalanchoe can be considered a temperature ranging from 18 to 28°C in spring-summer period and from 14 to 20°C in autumn-winter. In principle, the plant is so unpretentious that minor temperature fluctuations have absolutely no effect on it.

Only in in this case Do not allow the temperature to drop below 10°C for a long time, otherwise the plant may get sick and subsequently die.

At temperatures from 14 to 18°C, the plant produces buds for further flowering. Drafts do not have any effect on Kalanchoe.

How to water Kalanchoe at home
Watering the plant is best done with settled water at room temperature. Watering is carried out as the top layer of soil dries. You should not allow the earthen ball to dry out for a long time, as the plant will react by dropping its leaves.
Short-term drying out will not have a detrimental effect on the plant, since the juicy and fleshy stems and leaves of the plant contain enough moisture to survive a slight drought.

In spring and summer, the plant needs to be watered 2 times a week; in winter, watering is reduced. You should also not overwater Kalanchoe, as with prolonged overwatering the plant may begin to rot.

Kalanchoe does not need spraying, but if you wipe the leaves or spray the plant on hot days, this will have a beneficial effect on the growth and development of the plant.
Types of Kalanchoe with pubescent leaves should absolutely not be sprayed or wiped; stains may appear on the leaves if water gets on them. And for these plants, it is preferable to keep them in conditions of low air humidity.

Soil requirements
The plant is not demanding on the composition of the soil, the main thing is that there is no stagnation of water in the pot, and the soil is sufficiently loose. The optimal soil for growing this plant is considered to be a universal soil, consisting in equal parts of turf and leaf soil, humus and sand. You can buy ready-made universal primer.

Feeding and fertilizers
This unpretentious plant needs fertilizer only during the period of bud formation and flowering; the budding period occurs in the autumn months, and Kalanchoe blooms in the summer. The composition is suitable for the plant complex fertilizers for cacti or succulents. Such fertilizers should be used once a week, using half the full dose.
If you use separate solutions of mineral and organic fertilizers, then the feeding mode looks like this: organic fertilizers The plant is fertilized once every two weeks, and with mineral fertilizers once a week.

Plant pruning

If the plant has dropped its lower leaves, or you want it to look like a neat bush, the Kalanchoe should be pruned or the tops should be pinched at a young age.

The remaining parts of the plant after pruning can be used as cuttings.

Caring for Kalanchoe after purchase
It is generally accepted that a plant needs to be replanted immediately after purchase; in the case of Kalanchoe, this is not necessary. The main thing is to make sure that the soil in the pot does not retain moisture and the water does not stagnate in the pot. If everything is in order, the plant does not need to be replanted.
After purchasing, locate the plant according to the recommendations above and follow the rest of the recommendations.

Replanting Kalanchoe at home
Quite often, when growing this plant, beginners have questions about how to replant Kalanchoe and how often should it be done? The plant should be replanted if it has grown well, and the replanting process itself is not difficult.
If you just want to transplant the plant into a larger pot, you should not choose a very large one. It is enough if the pot is 3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. If you want to divide a plant and get two or more from one, take small pots.
Place at the bottom of the selected container good layer drainage, approximately 3-4 cm high, this is necessary to avoid stagnation of water in the pot.
If you don’t want to bother with preparing the substrate, take a ready-made one for cacti or succulents.
Next, if you are simply replanting a plant, replant using the transshipment method and fill the voids in the pot with new soil.

If you are planting a plant, after removing it from the pot, carefully shake off the soil from the roots and divide the plant into as many parts as you want using a sharp knife. Sprinkle the cut areas with crushed coal and plant the plants in new pots. After planting, tamp down the soil and water the Kalanchoe thoroughly.

Caring for Kalanchoe in winter
With the onset of winter, the plant needs minor adjustments to the rules of care. The air temperature in the room needs to be lowered slightly for the formation of buds and buds. But do not allow the temperature to drop below 10°C, the plant may die.
In winter, the length of daylight hours decreases, and the plant should be illuminated with fluorescent lamps, or moved to southern windows.
You should also take care that the Kalanchoe is not constantly exposed to currents of warm and dry air, as its leaves may begin to dry out and its immunity will decrease. Watering in winter is reduced to once every 10 days.

Kalanchoe blooming Blossfeld and Kalandiva - home care

These two species are considered the most common in indoor floriculture. The basic rules of care are relevant for both flowering and non-flowering species, but there are several aspects that we will present below.

Flowering Kalanchoe does not require much care, but if you want the plants to bloom for a long time and a lot, use our tips.
The main thing for flowering plants is a sufficient amount of light, since with a lack of light, alas, there will be no flowering.
In winter, the plant should be kept at an air temperature of 15-18 ° C, for the formation of flower buds, since they do not form in hotter conditions.
And the most important condition for flowering is regular pruning of plants after flowering. Moreover, the pruning should be quite strong; you need to leave two or three pairs on each branch. lower leaves. This way you will also rejuvenate the plant. The cuttings remaining after pruning can be used to propagate the plant. published

If you would like to grow a flower at home that not only decorates the room, but also has medicinal functions, pay attention to Kalanchoe, which can have an anti-inflammatory and healing effect. And since the plant belongs to the large family of succulents, its care must be special. So, we will look at how to water Kalanchoe at home.

How to water Kalanchoe correctly?

Being a practically low-maintenance plant, Kalanchoe is quite relaxed about watering. Even more than that. As you know, succulents grow in arid areas and therefore retain moisture reserves in the trunk. Kalanchoe, as a succulent, also tolerates long-term lack of watering. Moreover, if we talk about how often to water Kalanchoe, then we recommend following the rule “less often is better than more often,” so as not to lead to rotting of the roots, and then to the death of the plant. Thus, watering is carried out rarely and moderately - only when the top soil layer in the pot has dried sufficiently. At the same time, do not try to overfill the container with the plant: use a sufficient amount of water, previously settled.

If you are interested in how to water Kalanchoe - from above or from below, then any type of plant is suitable. Most often, flower growers pour water into the soil of the pot from above or place the container in a tray with water, and then the flower itself is saturated with the amount of moisture it needs. Please note that the recommendations described above are suitable for the warm season. In winter, you need to do things a little differently. The same amount of water for irrigation on cold days can be fatal for Kalanchoe. Therefore, we recommend watering the flower once a month or every two to three weeks, this will be quite enough.

As for the moment of watering Kalanchoe during flowering, there are no differences from the normal state of the plant.

Kalanchoe helps restore strength and has general strengthening properties.

As soon as they don’t call Kalanchoe - “ indoor ginseng", "magic doctor". Yes, Kalanchoe is truly a wonderful healing plant. It not only purifies the air, but also has strong antiviral activity. The plant strengthens the immune system and helps restore strength. If there is a sick person in the house, it is recommended to place the Kalanchoe in a dark, cool room for several hours (this will activate its properties) and then place it near the bed. The closer a person is to Kalanchoe, the stronger the effect. For general strengthening of the body, it is recommended to touch Kalanchoe leaves daily.

An adult, well-developed Kalanchoe plant has a positive effect not only on the well-being of people present in the room, but also on the growth of nearby plants.

Perennial evergreen up to 100 cm tall. The leaves are fleshy, juicy, ovate, large in the lower part of the stem, trifoliate or pinnate in the upper part of the stem, mostly oblong, ovate, the edges of the leaves are serrated, on them a huge number young plants develop. The flowers are tubular, collected at the ends of the branches in large racemose inflorescences.

Kalanchoe blooms profusely from January to the end of May. The plant has taken root well indoor culture. His rapid growth captivates lovers of home flowers. The homeland of Kalanchoe is South America.

Features of care

For normal development, the plant needs a warm room with good natural light. East or west windows are suitable; southern windows will require shading in summer.

Watering in spring and summer is moderate, in autumn watering is reduced, in winter it is only slightly moistened earthen lump. Winter maintenance at a temperature of 12-15 °C.

In spring, the plant is transplanted into fresh soil. It is better to choose wide and shallow pots. An elongated, tired plant can be rejuvenated by cutting and rooting the top. Apical stalk must be dried first. Kalanchoe Degremona is easiest to propagate by “babies”, which are formed in abundance along the edges of the leaves and, falling off, take root themselves.

Family Crassulaceae. Genus Kalanchoe. Natural climatic conditions: subtropics and tropics.

Semi-shrub or shrubby succulents with a variety of stem and leaf structures; leaves are opposite, simple or pinnate with a smooth or serrated edge; inflorescence (usually) is a loose cluster located on peduncles.

Attention! Most sources on floriculture admit the same common inaccuracy: the genus Kalanchoe is confused with the genus Bryophyllum. The fundamental difference between them is the inability of Kalanchoe to form adventitious buds on the leaves - “babies”. The most common types in indoor culture are:

Kalanchoe becharensis

♦ The stem is thin, up to 2 m tall, pubescent; leaves up to 10 cm long, wedge-shaped or triangular, coarsely toothed, wavy, in some varieties covered with a waxy coating, in others covered with brownish hairs; peduncles up to 60 cm tall, loose inflorescence, light yellow flowers, blooms in June-July. The leaves are retained only at the top of the shoots, and therefore it is advisable to frequently renew the plants by letting the cut tops grow on cuttings.

Kalanchoe Blossfeld

♦Stalks up to 40 cm tall, smooth, glabrous; leaves up to 7 cm long, ovate, notched along the edges, hard, fleshy, dark green, reddening at the edges; peduncles up to 45 cm, inflorescences capitate, flowers numerous, small (up to 1 cm in diameter), differing in color in different varieties: from lemon-yellow (Golden Fleece) to scarlet-edged (a number of varieties). With proper care, it blooms from March to October.

Kalanchoe tomentosa

♦ Stem up to 40 cm tall, densely leafy; leaves sessile, elongated oval with a blunt tip, crushed-toothed along the edge; the leaf blade is green, but the color is replaced by dense felt pubescence to almost white; brownish dots or spots may be observed on the teeth and tips of the leaves; flowers are whitish-pink; blooms in July.

Kalanchoe single-flowered

♦ Under natural conditions it often grows as an epiphyte; stems are creeping, thin, rooting at the nodes; leaves are small (maximum up to 3 cm long), almost sessile, almost round, oval or obovate, thick, fleshy, green; the flowers are swollen bell-shaped, from reddish-purple to dark red. Grown as hanging plant.

Attention! The conditions for keeping Kalanchoe single-flowered differ from all other species. Enough unpretentious plants. Moisture requirement: rare, but abundant watering in summer, very moderate in winter.

Temperature regime: in winter the optimal temperature is 12 -14 °C, with the exception of Kalanchoe single-flowered, which even then needs at least 18 °C.

Light regime: very sun-loving, typically short-day plants. To achieve flowering in spring and summer, it is necessary to artificially reduce daylight hours to 12 hours. Southern exposure is optimal, with the exception of single-flowered Kalanchoe, which requires moderate lighting.

Soil requirement: a mixture of compost, humus and deciduous soil with sand in a ratio of 4:2:1:1 is optimal, with the exception of Kalanchoe single flowering, which is preferably grown in a substrate of deciduous soil with the addition of humus, charcoal, sand and moss in a ratio of 12:1:1:1. It needs feeding with solutions of mineral and organic fertilizers, during the budding period (from March to August) - with a high phosphorus content or separately with phosphorus.

Reproduction: by reproduction buds, less often by seeds, leaf cuttings and cuttings of peduncles. It is advisable to wither the cuttings for one and a half days before planting. The shards are rooted in the sand. The peculiarity of seed propagation is that the seeds are germinated at a temperature of 16 -18 ° C.

Features: young rooted plants must be pinched at the top. Replanting or transshipment is advisable annually.


The juice of the stems and leaves is used for medicinal purposes. The juice, like aloe juice, has an anti-inflammatory effect, promotes rapid cleansing and healing of wounds and ulcers, does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes, and is slightly toxic. It is used externally in the form of bandages, in surgical practice for the treatment of purulent wounds, trophic ulcers of the lower leg, and bedsores. In dental practice it is used for gum inflammation. Heals cracks in dry skin of the hands, feet and nipples of nursing mothers.

The juice is prepared as follows: fresh cut leaves and the green part of the stems are stored in the dark at a temperature of plus 5-10 degrees for a week, then washed in running water and grind in a meat grinder. A homogeneous mass is obtained, which is squeezed out, the liquid part is settled. At a temperature of 4-10 degrees Celsius they are sterilized, filtered and preserved. In appearance it is a transparent yellow liquid with an orange tint.

The leaves can be used externally either fresh or after keeping them in a dark place. We know what is produced in them large number biologically active substances.

Fresh mashed leaves quickly stop bleeding.

For sore throat, runny nose, and flu, you can also use Kalanchoe leaves (the leaf is chewed in the mouth). Several such procedures - and the painful symptoms recede.

The leaves of this plant passed through a meat grinder help with burns. Apply them to the burned area of ​​skin for several hours: the juice promotes speedy healing, and it also protects against infection. Fresh gruel Kalanchoe leaves It also helps with frostbite, purulent wounds, and ulcers.

Kalanchoe leaves are useful to eat when the body is weakened after serious illnesses. They purify the blood, neutralize harmful substances and help protect against colds.

For preventive purposes, you can add fresh leaves in vinaigrettes and potato salads, after washing and finely chopping. This is especially useful for people suffering from inflammation of the periodontal tissues - periodontitis.

How to grow Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe is an unpretentious and easy-to-care plant. All its species, to a greater or lesser extent, have characteristics of succulents - plants that easily survive in the most unfavorable conditions. This determines the method of its cultivation. Any special effort and conditions for its growth and development will not be required. It is enough to find a cozy place for your pet with enough light.

Soil requirements and replanting

There are no significant requirements for soil composition. But still, Kalanchoe prefers soil of neutral and slightly acidic composition. It's best to take garden soil, humus and sand in equal ratio. The thickness of the nutrient layer should be 12-15 cm.

Kalanchoe is replanted in the spring. The soil can be composed as follows: turf, leaf soil, peat soil, sand in equal parts. It is useful to add brick chips and pieces of birch coal to the soil for Kalanchoe. When replanting, the diameter of the new pot should be 1-2 cm larger than the previous one. After transplantation, the plant is watered abundantly; fertilizing begins only when it has taken root sufficiently in the new vessel, that is, after 2-3 weeks.

Placement and lighting

Since in nature Kalanchoe chooses brightly lit places, then in room conditions preferably light sunny window. But it is better if the plant is still protected from direct sun rays. On a south-facing window in the summer (and especially during the hottest hours of the day), it is better for him to create shade. In summer, Kalanchoe also feels good in western and east windows. Thanks to its hardiness, it can grow for some time even on a windowsill, where the sun's rays do not reach at all.

You can grow Kalanchoe using artificial lighting- in this case, fluorescent lamps are used for 16 hours a day.

Watering and air humidity

Since Kalanchoe belongs to the group of succulents, all its species are easily tolerated low humidity air. From spring to autumn - during the growth period - they are watered moderately. But you still need to make sure that top layer the soil did not dry out. In winter, watering can be rare, but periodic spraying will not harm the plant at all.

If you have to leave for some time, your “tree of life” will calmly survive this period without watering. The moisture obtained from the air will be enough for him. Just before leaving, do not forget to water the plant generously and move it to a cool place - away from direct sunlight. In such conditions, your family doctor can survive without any care for a month.

Some varieties are decorative blooming kalanchoe It is recommended to spray more often, because the duration of their flowering depends on air humidity.

Air temperature

In winter, Kalanchoe is kept at a temperature not lower than 12-16°C. Otherwise the plant will not form flower buds. In summer it feels great under open air on the balcony or in the garden.


Kalanchoe blooms from about February to March for several months, depending on the species. And with good care it can bloom and all year round.

How can you achieve re-blooming? When the plant has finished flowering, it should be allowed to rest for a month. At this time, remove all flower stalks from it and place it on a shaded windowsill. You can even cover it with a paper bag or box for a while. This is how a regime is created for him short day— the plant spends most of the day in the dark. All this time, Kalanchoe is watered very rarely. After 2.5-3 months, the plant is gradually returned to normal lighting. It’s the same with watering - they don’t switch to normal mode right away. Changing the light and water regimes stimulates the formation of buds. After some time, the plant will again be covered with flowers.

Often after Kalanchoe flowering loses its former appearance - the stems stretch and become bare, the leaves take on a different shape (especially if the flowering was abundant). Such elongated stems should be cut, shortened and re-rooted. After radical pruning, the plant is pinched another 2-3 times. In this “surgical” way, you will return your pet to its former cheerful and pleasing appearance.

It should be remembered: any Kalanchoe plant needs a period of rest throughout the year, even if you do not set a goal to achieve it abundant flowering. Usually he is given such a rest in early spring.

What and how to feed Kalanchoe

In the summer, 2 times a month, Kalanchoe is fed with fertilizers for cacti and other succulents. Viviparous species are fertilized once a month.

Before fertilizing with liquid fertilizer, the plant must be watered with clean water.

Growing problems

Kalanchoe most often suffers from a lack of light - the stems stretch out, and the lower leaves fly off or become pale and yellow.

After abundant flowering, it lacks nutrition - the plant also stretches and loses leaves. Help can be provided by transplanting or feeding.

If the loss of decorativeness is not associated with a lack of light or nutrition, it is most likely caused by too warm and dry air in the room. The plant next to the battery is especially uncomfortable.

The appearance of brownish soft spots or mold on the plant, on the contrary, means that the room is too humid or the temperature is too low.

Excess nutrition with an overdose of fertilizers prevents the onset of flowering, although the plant may have a healthy appearance and large, juicy green leaves.

Features of reproduction

All types of Kalanchoe propagate very easily - by leaf and stem cuttings or seeds. Kalanchoe Degremona and Kalanchoe pinnate (so-called viviparous species) also reproduce well by brood buds.

For subsequent propagation, small plants are removed from the edges leaf blade and placed in a soil mixture with a large number sand. You can root them in a mixture of sand and peat. It is advisable to maintain the room temperature at least 22°C; high humidity air.

At home, Kalanchoe can be propagated at any time of the year. To do this, just cut off the leaf blade, turn it upside down and lay it horizontally on the surface of the soil or sand. After this, the edges are sprinkled with a thin layer of soil (2-2.5 cm) and pressed lightly. The cut can be treated with special hormonal preparations (to stimulate root formation).

Propagation by seeds requires patience. To do this, a small bowl 3.5 cm high is filled 1-2 cm with light peat soil, and 0.5 cm of clean sand, washed in several waters, is poured on top. Seeds are sown on the soil prepared in this way, carefully spreading them on the surface, and the soil on top is moistened. The seed plate is placed in cellophane bag and place in a warm, bright place, avoiding direct sunlight (desirable temperature - 20-22°C). Crops are periodically ventilated. Typically, it takes about 12 months from sowing to flowering.

There are very few medicinal plants that have a beautiful decorative appearance, but Kalanchoe, which is cared for at home, is precisely this plant. The number of varieties of this flower, belonging to the Crassulaceae family, is more than 200 species.

General information

Kalanchoe is a perennial succulent, ranging in height from a few centimeters to 4 meters depending on the species. Among the representatives of the genus there are herbaceous plants and subshrubs, as well as epiphytes and vines.

Under natural conditions, these plants are common on the islands of Madagascar, New Guinea, in the tropical parts of Australia and America, as well as in the subtropics and tropics of Asia.

The plant has fleshy and succulent leaves, petiolate or sessile. Its flowers are collected in umbrella-shaped multi-flowered inflorescences, most often located at the top, less often on the sides of the plant. The color of the flowers can be purple, white, yellow, bright red. Blooms profusely and for a long time, usually in autumn-winter period when you really want to add some color to your life.

Varieties and types

(Kalanchoe beharensis) – herbaceous perennial, having non-branching bare stems. Scars can be found where fallen leaves attach to the stems.

The leaves of this species are slightly serrate or almost entire, pubescent, with a grayish waxy coating, triangular or wedge-shaped. The leaves are 10-20 cm long, 5-10 cm wide. The inflorescences are umbellate, located at the top.

The flowers are small, pubescent, yellow. The flower petals are linear, the corolla tube is pitcher-shaped. This species is native to Madagascar. The plant is highly decorative and suitable for keeping in cool rooms.

(Kalanchoe blossfeldiana) is one of the most common and beautiful species. It also comes from Madagascar.

The flower is a low (up to 30 cm), erect, slightly branched shrub. The leaves of this species are ovate, smooth, dark green with reddish wavy edges. The leaves can be up to 7 cm long and up to 4 cm wide. Numerous flowers, up to 1 cm in diameter and approximately 1.3 cm long, are clustered in umbellate inflorescences.

It blooms for a long time and profusely, most often from February to May. Flowers original plant red. Breeders have developed new garden forms and ampelous varieties of Kalanchoe Blossfeld, striking with their bright and decorative flowers of white, yellow, orange, pink and lilac.

Kalanchoe bentii

Also called Kalanchoe bristlefolia - a slightly branched powerful subshrub, up to 1 meter high. The leaves are thick, large (up to 40 cm long), rounded, growing in 6 pairs.

White flowers, up to 2.5 cm long, are collected in umbrella inflorescences. The petals of the flowers are ovoid, the corolla tube is swollen at the base and half as long as the petals. Flowering period is April-May.

Its homeland is the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula. The plant is highly decorative and grows well in cool rooms.

(Kalanchoe tomentosa), often called "cat ears" are erect subshrubs with densely pubescent shoots. The leaves are sessile, oblong-ovate, entire-edged, up to 6 cm long and up to 1.6 cm wide.

The umbrella-shaped inflorescence consists of small flowers with 12 mm petals and a corolla tube. A profusely flowering, highly ornamental plant, native to the central part of Madagascar.

Kalanchoe daigremontiana

Another name Bryophyllum Degremona (Bryophyllum daigremontianum) is a herbaceous perennial, up to half a meter tall, native to the island of Madagascar. The leaves are fleshy, oblong-oval, up to 10 cm long, slightly curled along the central vein, with a serrated edge.

The upper side of the leaf is gray-green with purple spots, the lower side is variegated. The flowers are collected in a panicle, have petals 0.7 cm long and a corolla tube about 1.7 cm long, colored pink. The period of abundant flowering is the winter months.

This species is viviparous, since brood buds are “born” in the depressions along the edge of the leaf, from which young children with aerial roots are formed here. Falling off the leaf and landing on the soil, the children immediately take root and begin rapid independent development.

(Kalanchoe marmorata) - 50 cm shrubs, also known as or Somali . The leaves of this species are 8-10 cm long, obovate, tapering at the base, and have a notched-toothed edge.

The green color of the leaves eventually turns into a grayish color with large lilac or brown spots. The white flowers of the plant form umbrella-shaped inflorescences. The corolla tube is tetrahedral, up to 8 cm long. The flower petals are shaped like an elongated egg. Flowering period is January-April. It is native to the mountains of Ethiopia.

(Kalanchoe grandiflora) is a subshrub with sessile, lobed-toothed leaves that have a light green color, which takes on a reddish tint in the sun.

The height of the plant is about 60 cm. Light yellow flowers with an expanded corolla tube up to 1.2 cm long and ovoid petals are collected in an umbrella inflorescence. Abundant flowering occurs in May. This species is native to India.

Kalanchoe manginii (K. manginii)

Also called Bryophyllum Mangina (Bryophyllum manginii) is an ampelous variety, distinguished by large drooping bell-shaped flowers of pink color. Blooms in spring.

(K. thyrsiflora) - densely leafy herbaceous perennials up to 60 cm high. They grow wild on the rocky slopes of South Africa. The leaves of this species are inversely ovate, up to 15 cm long and up to 7 cm wide, and are painted silver-white.

The lower leaves form a dense rosette, while the upper ones are spaced less frequently and are smaller in size. Yellow flowers with a tetrahedral pitcher-shaped swollen corolla tube and small rounded petals, collected in a panicle inflorescence. It begins to bloom in April-May. It reproduces using bulbous buds formed after flowering.

Or fiery red (K. flammea), also known as Kalanchoe bluish (Kalanchoe glaucescens) is a sparsely branched herbaceous perennial native to Somalia. The height of this species is 30-40 cm. The leaves, 6-8 cm long and 2-3 cm wide, are ovoid in shape, narrowed at the base with a serrated edge.

The name of the species well emphasizes the color of the plant’s flowers. They are bright red-orange in color, up to 2 centimeters in diameter. Inflorescences are umbellate, apical. Kalanchoe fiery is great for growing in pots in cool rooms.

Kalanchoe pinnata (K. pinnata)

A herbaceous perennial up to 1 meter high, which is found on rocky soil on the island of Madagascar. Notable titlesCotidelon pinnate , Crassula pinnata , Bryophyllum pinnate . Different leaves grow on the same plant. Below - ovoid, with a heart-shaped base, simple, light green in color with a serrated and red edge.

The upper leaves are imparipinnately dissected or divided into 3-5 lobes. All leaves of the plant are juicy and fleshy, located oppositely. The flowers are drooping, have a greenish-white corolla tube about 3.5 cm long and triangular, brick-red petals. Flowering is abundant, but not regular. Like Kalanchoe Degremona, it is a viviparous species.

Brood buds are also formed in the recesses of the edges of the leaves. From them young plants with aerial roots are formed, which, falling and falling into the ground, quickly take root.

Or tubeflower (K. tubiflora (Harv.) Raym.-Hamet) - perennial herbaceous shrubs, up to 70 cm high. Numerous narrow leaves are up to 13 cm long and up to 0.6 cm wide, colored grayish-green with dark brown spots .

In the upper part there is a large number of brood buds. The flowers are red, with a corolla tube up to 2.5 cm long. The plant is highly ornamental and widely used in home cultivation. This species is native to Madagascar.

Many varieties have been bred in the culture, which differ in plant height: tall - from 25 to 30 cm, medium-tall - from 15 to 20 cm and low-growing - from 10 to 15 cm. New colors of Kalanchoe trumpetiflorum flowers have also been obtained - bright pink, scarlet -red, fiery red, orange, dark purple, light purple, light yellow and white.

It may also appear under the name Kalanchoe lobata (Kalanchoe laciniata DC.), popularly called “ deer horns"is a herbaceous perennial with fleshy and succulent shoots that initially grow vertically and eventually begin to lie down.

Representatives of this species are found in nature in the subtropical and tropical regions of Asia, as well as in Africa. It is also called Kalanchoe serrated.

The leaves are fleshy, deeply dissected, have a serrated edge and a light green color with a waxy coating. Blooms profusely with tubular yellow-orange flowers.

Caring for this species requires special, limited watering, complete drying of the earthen clod and good lighting. Due to its drooping shoots it can be used as an hanging plant. In India, this species is widely used by people for medicinal purposes.

Kalanchoe care at home

Before purchasing indoor kalanchoe, you need to carefully examine the plant. Its leaves should be juicy and elastic. It is advisable to give preference to specimens with flowers that have not yet bloomed, but have formed. In this case, the color of the flowers can already be determined and this choice will allow you to enjoy long flowering plants are already at home.

Since Kalanchoe is a plant of the tropics, it loves a lot of light, however, at the same time it requires a short daylight hours. It is recommended to cover the flowerpot after lunch and open it only after 10 am.

From spring to autumn, it is best to place the plant on western or eastern windows. In winter he will feel better south side. Flowering Kalanchoe requires special care; it needs bright lighting, so in the autumn-winter months it is necessary to provide the plant with additional lighting until it reaches 12 hours of daylight. In summer, 9-hour daylight hours are enough for Kalanchoe.

The purchased plant, which was cared for in the partial shade of the store, must be gradually accustomed to bright light to avoid the plant getting sunburn.

The plant does not like heat. Feels good in summer at a temperature of 20-22 degrees, in winter – 10-12 degrees. Kalanchoe that was cared for when the temperature drops below 10 degrees may die.

Watering Kalanchoe

Since the plant is a succulent, it is able to accumulate moisture in the leaves and stems, which is why moderate watering is preferable. On hot summer days, water generously, allowing the top layer of soil to dry out. In winter, watering is carried out less frequently, but do not allow the substrate to dry out completely, as this can lead to the leaves falling off. Water is taken that is settled, soft, and at room temperature. You can pour it either from above into the pot or into the tray.

Thanks to the accumulated moisture, it thrives in dry indoor air conditions and does not need spraying. Spraying will be useful only on particularly hot days. The leaves of the plant can be gently wiped with a damp cloth to remove dust.

Fertilizer for Kalanchoe

Plant care in the spring-summer period is carried out with fertilizing according to standard scheme– once every 2 weeks, alternating mineral and organic fertilizers.

You can use fertilizers for cacti and succulents, but it is recommended to dilute them with water until they reach a slightly lower concentration than indicated in the instructions. Fertilizing is repeated during the period of bud formation.

Pruning Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe is formed by pruning long shoots. Some forms have stems that, when reaching a certain length, bend over the edge of the pot. Cuttings of these species are planted several at a time along the edge of a pot or bowl. Over time, they take root, grow, bend and droop. During flowering, the plant takes on a very decorative appearance.

Even non-flowering plants, the stems of which hang through the holes in the walls of the pot, look original and decorative.

To achieve earlier flowering of Kalanchoe, you should reduce daylight hours to 9-10 hours. However, to obtain bright and large flowers, intense lighting is required. There are species whose cut inflorescences can stand in water for up to 3 weeks without fading or losing their beauty.

After flowering is completed, the stems of the plant are trimmed to maintain a neat appearance. The cut parts can be used for cuttings.

Kalanchoe transplant

The plant is replanted approximately once every 2-3 years to ensure soil renewal or to increase the size of the pot, in which the roots of the plant no longer fit. It is best to replant in the spring. Do not disturb or replant a flowering plant.

The soil for planting is neutral or slightly acidic, with a pH in the range of 5.5-6.5. For young plants, a mixture of turf, deciduous soil, sand and rotted peat, taken in a ratio of 4:2:1:1, is well suited. Peat can be replaced with coniferous soil. The bottom of the pot needs to have good drainage.

Kalanchoe propagation

The plant can be propagated by seeds, stem and leaf cuttings, and certain species that form children - by children.

The easiest way to reproduce is by children. The children separated from the mother plant are planted in the soil, and the plant begins its growth and development.

Propagation of Kalanchoe by leaf

You can root falling leaves by placing them in damp sand and covering them with a glass.

Very soon roots will appear and a new young plant will form.

Propagation of Kalanchoe by seeds

Propagation by seeds is a longer and more labor-intensive process, however, it is quite doable. The seeds are sown on top of moist, light deciduous soil, lightly pressed down without covering it with soil, covered with glass and shaded with paper. Caring for seedlings is necessary at a temperature of 16-18 degrees. Carry out daily ventilation twice a day. If necessary, water with warm and settled water.

Glass and paper are removed as soon as shoots appear. A month later, the resulting plants are planted in boxes and covered with glass for several days. When young Kalanchoes grow several leaves, they are planted in small (about 7 cm) containers.

The substrate is prepared from deciduous, turf soil, compost and sand, taken in a ratio of 4:2:1:1. It is possible to prepare the following mixture: peat – 4 parts, turf soil – 1 part, sand – 1 part.

To form a bush, you need to pinch the top. In August, young Kalanchoes are transplanted into pots larger size. For planting, take a mixture consisting of compost, humus, deciduous soil and sand, which are mixed in a ratio of 4:2:1:1. Plants obtained from seeds bloom a year after sowing.

Kalanchoe medicinal properties

For its medicinal properties, Kalanchoe received the names “tree of life” and “indoor ginseng”. The population of Madagascar has long discovered the healing capabilities of the plant and widely used them.

Juice obtained from leaves Kalanchoe pinnate, has anti-inflammatory properties, without irritating either the skin or mucous membranes. That's why I found wide application in dentistry and gynecology to stimulate regeneration processes of mucous membranes and damaged tissues. 2-3 drops of Kalanchoe juice applied to the nipples of a nursing mother will help get rid of cracks in 4-5 days.

The juice of this plant is used to treat wounds, trophic ulcers, frostbite, burns, bedsores, stomatitis, periodontal disease and tonsillitis. The use of Kalanchoe is also recommended for diseases of the digestive system, migraines, infectious diseases, flu, suffocating cough. Effective in the treatment of acne, warts, boils.

A crushed leaf will help get rid of toothache. About proven medicinal properties juice from this plant is also evidenced by the fact that it can be purchased in pharmacies. However, it should be borne in mind that treatment with this drug can only be started after consultation with your doctor.

Kalanchoebright representative of the Crassulaceae family, can be either decorative (Blossfeld) or medicinal (Degremona). Blooming Kalanchoe easy to care for and distinguished by rare beauty.

Let's take a closer look: flower care Kalanchoe at home, transplantation, propagation, proper watering and fertilizing for abundant flowering. Caring for Kalanchoe after flowering.

Decorative flowering Kalanchoe has dense, fleshy leaves, with beautiful caps of inflorescences of various shades. With proper care, it will delight you with beautiful flowering for up to 8 months. The leaves are wavy along the edges.

Kalanchoe tolerates high humidity and dry conditions. IN favorable periods The leaves of the plant accumulate moisture, which is later used for survival.

Blooming Kalanchoe resistant to various diseases and pests, easy to reproduce.

Kalanchoe - home care


For normal growth, any place in the house that receives even a little sunlight is suitable. The plant grows well in partial shade or in diffuse sunlight.

When exposed to direct sunlight, the color of the leaves along the edges will change, they become reddish.

The ideal place in the house would be east or west window, with not very intense lighting. Blooming Kalanchoe prefers an eastern or south-eastern window.

During Kalanchoe flowering in spring and autumn, additional lighting will be needed.

Insufficient light leads to stretching of plants, turn pale upper leaves and the lower ones die off.


The plant tolerates temperature changes calmly. Therefore, starting from 10 degrees, it can be taken out to fresh air. During the summer-autumn period, the plant can be left on the balcony.

It's hot in summer months The plant tolerates it well, but it is necessary to increase the frequency of watering.

The optimal temperature is considered to be: in summer 23-25 ​​degrees, in winter 12-16 degrees.


Kalanchoe accumulates moisture in its leaves and withstands drought or, for example, your absence. Plants are afraid of stagnant water.

Watering must be done abundantly to wet the entire lump of earth, but the remaining moisture must be drained.

Decide for yourself the correct frequency of watering; the earthen ball should dry out between waterings.

More often, watering is carried out in the summer heat; in winter, the interval between waterings is 10-14 days.

If you flood the plants, the roots will begin to rot, and various rots and fungi will appear.


At home, Kalanchoe does not need spraying. It is especially dangerous to spray in winter. If the leaves are covered with dust, best way to get rid of it, wipe it with a damp cloth or, alternatively, wash it in the shower.


In order for plants to bloom, they must be pruned radically. Trim the flower stalks as low as possible so that the remaining parts do not rot.

All bad looking and old parts of the plant must be removed. Young and strong shoots, after pruning, are suitable for propagation.

In summer, pinch off the tops to form side shoots and protect the plant from growing.

Video - Pinching decorative Kalanchoe

Top dressing

Approximately once a month, Kalanchoe needs to be fed using fertilizers for succulents.

For flowering Kalanchoe they use complex fertilizers, otherwise the plant will not bloom.

Attention: an excess of fertilizers is dangerous for Kalanchoe.

When feeding, it is better to dilute half the dose or a third according to the instructions of the drug used. Do not fertilize in winter.


Kalanchoe belongs to fast growing plants, so it reproduces easily.

For reproduction Young shoots that remain after pruning or are cut specifically for propagation are suitable.

Shoots are approximately 10-12 cm long. 4-6 lower leaves are removed from them and planted at this depth in a pot with loose, fertile soil.

Roots will appear from the axils of the torn lower leaves in the ground. After planting, compact the soil around the shoot and water along the edges of the pot (so that the shoot in the ground wilts a little, do all other watering as usual, over the entire surface).

There is no need to cover the plant during propagation. Place the pot in a warm place with partial shade.

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):