A home healer on the windowsill - fragrant geranium. She is absolutely unpretentious in her care and has no whims when choosing a place to live. An adequate young lady, what can I say. But search engines often come up with the question why geranium leaves turn yellow and dry out. What to do?

Some flower growers believe that if a flower is described as unpretentious, it means it grows on its own. If they remember, they look after him, if they don’t remember, maybe he’ll survive somehow. But any indoor plant needs at least minimal care. And geranium is no exception.

Let's look at the reasons for yellowing and drying of geranium foliage.

Lack of light

Signs. The lower leaves gradually turn yellow and dry out, the stem becomes elongated, and the geranium blooms very rarely and little.

Solution. Change your young lady's place of residence. Place it closer to the light or even add additional lighting with phytolamps. Do not touch the leaves themselves. You can pinch the crown so that the geranium grows wider. Otherwise, only a bare stem and a bunch of leaves at the top will remain.

If you already have such a “miracle”, then the best option There will be cuttings and rooting. Because new leaves will no longer grow on the stem.


Signs. The leaf blades turn yellow and then turn white throughout the entire plant. Then they dry out.

Solution. Geranium is of course light-loving and can easily tolerate direct sunlight. But there is a limit to everything. For example, in last years summer middle zone brings incredible surprises. On the windowsill the temperature can be well over +40°C. Even a cactus will wither here, let alone a geranium.

Be sure to shade the bush for the summer with white paper or a curtain made of cotton fabric. If the window design does not allow it, then simply move the pot from the windowsill to a table or bedside table near the window. There will be enough light, but there will be no burn.

Excess moisture

Signs. The leaves turn yellow at the tops of the shoots, then become limp and watery. The last stage is the rotting of the stem and drying of the leaves.

Solution. Stop creating a swamp in your geranium pot. Check the drainage holes for debris and overgrown roots. If this problem persists, then carefully remove the holes. Or better yet, transplant the plant into another pot.

Water your pet correctly. Since geranium is often placed on sunny window, then the top layer of soil dries out quickly enough, forming a crust. But it's still quite humid down there. Many people are too lazy to dig up the soil before the next watering and see what is happening below the crust level. And the geranium is watered again.

Get into the habit of sticking a wooden skewer or sushi stick all the way to the bottom of the pot for 12-14 minutes. Then take it out and look. Unpainted wood will clearly show the moisture level in the ground.

And further. Geranium does not have a strict regular drinking schedule. Water is given to the plant only when the soil in the pot is almost completely dry.

Water scarcity

Signs. The leaves of geranium have a dry yellow border of a dark, almost brown hue. Pigmentation is noticeable throughout the plant.

Solution. Watering is discussed above. Don’t go from one extreme to another and completely dry out earthen lump. Geranium too living plant, loves to eat and drink. Especially in summer and in the heat.

Don't have time to water your flower often? Place him in more reliable hands. Or change the geranium’s place of residence, where the temperature is lower. This way, the moisture from the pot will evaporate more slowly, and the roots will not absorb it at the speed of the pump.

By the way, if possible, then in the summer you can not torment the beauty with a hot window sill, but transplant her directly into open ground. Just not in direct sun. Preferably where you most often run with a watering can or watering hose. In autumn you won’t recognize your geranium. Instead of a stunted stick with yellowing, drying leaves, a beautiful powerful bush with juicy green burdocks will grow.

Just don’t plant it in the far corner of the garden or plot. You'll definitely forget.

Low temperature content

Signs. The border on all leaves is red at first, then turns yellow and dries.

Solution. Normal temperature Range geranium content ranges from +15 to +24°C. A lower thermometer reading is completely uncomfortable for the plant. The cold season is especially rich in unpleasant surprises. Hot, dry air comes from the heating radiators, and cold and damp air blows from the window. So it’s no wonder that geraniums get sick.

Move the pot to a more comfortable place with an acceptable temperature and normal humidity air. If this is not possible, then do the following:

  1. Cover the radiators under the window with a thick towel or blanket. Better wet. This eliminates excessive dry air.
  2. Cold glass is fenced off from the pot with a plate of polystyrene foam or a strip of foam insulation. Even a piece of cork coaster or a piece of thick woolen fabric will do.
  3. The same materials are placed under the pot to insulate the root system.
  4. Place the geranium on the windowsill so that the shoots and leaves do not touch the glass.

As you can see, the procedures are not that complicated, but the benefits from them are enormous. Thanks to these actions, the temperature of keeping geraniums on the windowsill in winter is equalized. It is close to the room and does not fluctuate from drafts from the window. The leaves will stop turning yellow and drying out.

Fungal diseases

Signs. First, yellow spots appear on the leaves. Over time, they grow over the entire surface. Sometimes a gray or whitish coating of mold may appear. Then the leaf blades dry out. The fungus affects the entire plant.

Solution. When the disease has just begun, treatment should be started immediately. Otherwise, it will be impossible to save the geranium later. Spray with any suitable systemic fungicide. Strictly according to the instructions and without increasing the dosage.

Young plant small size you can just dip the whole thing in medicinal solution. Adult big bush, most likely, it will not be possible to atone. But you need to spray thoroughly, until all are completely wetted. sheet plates from outside and inside. Because the fibers trap microdrops of the solution and prevent it from working directly with the green mass.

If time has already passed and the plant is completely affected (the fungus has spread to the stem), then fungicides will no longer help. Can you find shoots that are not heavily infected? Cut them off with a sterile knife or blade. Then try to root it. Couldn't find at least one healthy twig? You'll have to say goodbye to geraniums.

By the way, the soil from under it also needs to be thrown out. Before the next use, the pot must be disinfected with boiling water or a hot, strong solution of potassium permanganate.


Signs. Small yellow dots appear on the leaves. On the underside of the burlap are always clearly visible uninvited guests. Sometimes there are cobwebs or a sticky coating on the shoots. Then the dots grow into spots and the leaves dry out. Absolutely any part of the plant can be damaged.

Solution. Found enemies? Get rid of them immediately! Not only do they suck out all the nutritional juices and vitality from the geranium, but pests also often carry pathogenic bacteria and spores of pathogenic fungi.

There are recommendations to use a solution of laundry or potassium soap to wash the leaves. You can try it. This method works well with nasty guests. The difficulty of using it is that the fluff on the geranium interferes with soap solution Wash the leaves thoroughly.

In this regard, any systemic insecticide with complex action is much more convenient. Even if you fail to thoroughly wet the leaves with the solution, some part will remain on the fibers and will certainly fall on insects.


Signs. The leaves turn yellow evenly throughout the entire plant, first from the edges, then as a whole. Gradually they dry out, leaving a bare trunk. There is no flowering and is not expected. From drainage hole roots are visible.

Solution. The reason is banal: the geranium’s pot has become too small. This plant is quite tolerant of small containers. Requires transplantation every 3-4 years. But sometimes, when good care And high-quality fertilizing, the flower is growing too quickly. This is especially true for young plants.

Just transplant the geranium into a larger home. Just not by much. Otherwise, you won’t see flowers in the next 2 years. The plant will begin to intensively grow its root system to the detriment of foliage and buds. It is very important not to feed it for 3 months after transplantation. This is a time of acclimatization and habituation.

By the way, if you notice thickenings, tubercles or knots on the roots, then we sympathize with you. Geranium is affected by root nematode. This can also cause yellowing and drying of the leaves. Unfortunately, this problem cannot be cured. You will have to throw away the entire plant along with the soil and pot.

Even prolonged soaking of the container in bleach or boiling does not give a 100% result in getting rid of the larvae and the worms themselves.

After discovering such nasty things, you will have to inspect all neighboring plants. Often they also have to be disposed of. Do not buy plants at spontaneous markets and avoid a similar fate.

Those who truly love home flowers will never worry about why geranium leaves turn yellow and dry. What to do? - they also know very well. This article will help everyone else, including beginners.

Video: how to care for geraniums

This flower brings into the house positive energy, the plant itself can rightfully be considered home first aid kit. But what to do when a plant’s leaves suddenly begin to turn yellow or fall off? The reasons for the yellowness of geranium leaves are different and this problem should be dealt with in different ways.

Causes of yellow leaves in geraniums

Let's consider possible reasons such a disease:

  1. The pot is too tight. As a rule, descriptions of the plant indicate that it is too spacious pot not required. Ultimately, indoor geranium leaves turn yellow due to too much small space. If you transplant the plant into a larger pot, the problem is eliminated.
  2. Another reason why geranium leaves turn yellow may be improper care V winter time . Remember that the flower does not tolerate drafts and waterlogging of the soil. The content temperature should not exceed 12°C. Do not place the plant near the radiator, where the air is very dry.
  3. Too much moisture. Always ensure good drainage before planting. Often the leaves of indoor geraniums turn yellow precisely because of excess moisture. If, in addition to yellowness, you notice that lower leaves begin to rot, and the plant itself is lethargic, these are sure signs of waterlogging of the soil. Go to more moderate watering and don't forget to loosen the soil.
  4. Yellow leaves on geraniums may also appear due to drying out of the soil. In this case, the leaves lose their elasticity and begin to dry from the edges to the center. At the end, all the leaves begin to fall off.
  5. Fungus. It happens that the reason why geranium leaves turn yellow is a plant disease. Red-brown spots appear on the leaves. If you notice yellow tints on the leaves mixed with brown spots, immediately treat the flower with Bordeaux mixture.
  6. Yellow leaves can be acquired by overfeeding nitrogen fertilizers . If you overdo it, the plant will only get worse. Always read the instructions on the packaging carefully and summer period It is better to feed the flower with fertilizers containing potassium.

Care for geranium leaves

Always place the flower so that the leaves do not fall directly Sun rays. In addition, the effect of a draft will have a very negative impact on the plant. Geranium feels best in dry and fresh air.

For a flower, it is better to dry out the root system a little rather than over-moisten it. In summer, focus on the top layer of soil, and in winter, reduce watering by half. If the summer is very hot, you can gently wash the leaves with water without affecting the flowering.

It is better to replant in the spring, no more than once every two to three years. Never use a pot that is much larger than your old one. This will stimulate the growth of the root system, but not the foliage. To prevent root rot, be sure to provide good drainage.

Diseases of geranium leaves

In addition to yellowness, geranium leaves can be affected by several other diseases:

If anyone knows all the secrets of growing indoor plants, so these are those who grow such beauty at home. Professional or amateur flower growers will help you find answers to everything FAQ, which arise when “communicating” with domestic flowers. For example, why do geranium leaves turn yellow? indoor autumn and in winter and how to solve this problem without allowing the plant to die?

Geranium is also called pelargonium. This is a surprisingly unpretentious and easy-to-care plant that will decorate your windowsill with bright, attractive flowers. It is valued most of all for its beauty. But not everyone knows that this plant can also be used in folk medicine, since it has mass medicinal properties. A problem that flower growers often have to face is that the leaves of indoor geraniums turn yellow. This phenomenon can be noticed in autumn and winter, even with all the observance of watering rules.

Causes of yellowing leaves

Geranium is one of those plants that does not require any effort at all to grow. special effort. Yellowing of leaves can be a signal in the following situations:

The pot has become too small for the flower, and you just need to choose a container bigger size;
Incorrect watering regime;
Not really suitable composition soil;
Excess fertilizers or their incorrect selection;
Diseases or pests

Now in more detail about each of possible problems. As for choosing a container for growing geraniums, it should not be too spacious. Many gardeners choose wider pots so that the plant develops faster and more, but these factors are not related to each other. Pelargonium feels comfortable in pots with a diameter of 13-14 cm and a height of no more than 15 cm. This space and volume of soil is enough for the plant to bloom and grow regularly.

If you begin to notice that yellow leaves have begun to appear, pay attention to the frequency of watering. Geranium is not a very moisture-loving plant. Check the condition of the top layer of soil: if it is dry, water the plant.

Periodically, the soil needs to be loosened to provide better air access to the roots.
By the way, about the soil. If the plant does not like the composition you have chosen, it will never bloom or will be lethargic and constantly turn yellow. Geranium does well in garden soil with the addition of peat. A drainage system must be present to prevent moisture from accumulating at the roots.

Now about feeding. Pelargonium loves various kinds mineral supplements and organic fertilizers, potassium and phosphorus. But their excess leads to yellowing of the leaves, so do not overdo it. In winter and autumn, fertilizing should be carried out no more than once every two months. You can add watering with water with a small amount of iodine - the plant will really like it. At the same time, you should not place flower pots on well-lit windowsills. IN winter period geraniums need rest to recuperate for flowering in spring and summer. Despite the fact that at home with proper care pelargonium can bring joy bright colors all year round, she still needs to give her some rest. To do this, move the pots to dark places or on north side apartments around the second half of December, when it fades.

Under no circumstances should you replant the plant in winter. This will have a detrimental effect on his condition. If there are dead or yellowed leaves, they must be carefully removed. It is also better to shape with the onset of spring.

And finally, let’s pay attention to the diseases that cause leaves to indoor pelargonium turn yellow. If the leaf turns yellow and spots with spore pads appear on it, then the plant is affected by “rust”. To prevent this, you need to frequently loosen the soil to prevent rotting. Remove weeds regularly and do not over-water. Another disease is a fungal one - it affects the leaves, manifesting itself as bubbles and almost black spots. In this case, treatment with fungicidal preparations will be required. The fungus is dangerous! He easily switches to others indoor flowers, therefore, the affected parts of the diseased plant must be removed immediately.

Geranium in folk medicine

Few people would think that such an ordinary flower could bring such great benefit to the human body. Even its presence in the room fills the air with healing phytoncides that kill bacteria. As soon as you lightly rub the leaf, a pronounced characteristic odor immediately appears, due to the presence of essential oils. The plant contains a lot of microelements, pectins, organic acids.

For kidney stones: fresh leaves grind through a meat grinder. You need to calculate the amount so that you get a full tablespoon of the composition. Pour two glasses of boiling water over it, leave for eight hours, wrapped in a warm towel. Drink the resulting infusion 5-6 sips at least 4 times a day. This medicinal composition dissolves kidney stones well and removes sand.

For colds and runny nose: just tear off one or two leaves, rub lightly and inhale the emanating aroma. This is an excellent remedy in the fight against viruses, superior in properties to garlic and onions.

For diseases of cardio-vascular system: infusion of geranium leaves, take several sips throughout the day. At high blood pressure Apply a slightly crumpled sheet to your wrist. The same can be done for wounds and ulcers on the skin.

The aroma of freshness released by the leaves of this shrub is considered a natural antidepressant, and greenery and flowers are an integral part of interior decor. We are talking about pelargonium. Geranium is considered a light-loving, unpretentious and easy-to-care plant, but sometimes the plant can upset the owner with yellowing leaves. What's the matter?

Common reasons

The following are considered common causes of yellowing and drying of geranium leaves.

  • A cramped pot in which the roots are not able to function normally;
  • Waterlogging of the soil due to lack of drainage;
  • Lack of moisture due to poor watering;
  • Incorrect choice of location for the pot (drafts, shadow, next to the radiator);
  • Errors in using fertilizer (see how and with what).

What to do if geranium leaves turn yellow in summer

It is quite difficult to clearly identify the reasons for the change in leaf color in summer. It depends on many related factors. For example, depending on how long pelargonium has been living in your home.

Here's an interesting case. After buying it in a store, the geranium was in normal condition for several months, and then suddenly it was covered with yellow leaves. The resourceful housewife removed the roots from the pot and saw that they were in. Treatment of the plant consisted only of freeing the roots from the fine-mesh mesh and light washing. After transplanting the flower into new soil the geranium came to life.

The second case is no less interesting. The hostess regularly looked after the pelargonium, fertilized, groomed and cherished it, but one day the flower suddenly turned yellow. When replanting the plant, it turned out that the woman simply did not water it enough. The result was a situation where dry soil remained under the wet top layer.

Attention! It is important to adjust the volume of water supplied. Practice shows that it is better to pour the excess out of the tray of a flower pot than not to wait for it to appear.

By the way, the lack of drainage, as a rule, leads to a similar problem, but exactly the opposite. Stagnation of water leads to rotting of the roots, yellowing and falling of leaves.

If you have established that we're talking about about water overflow, then you need to wait a little, and carry out the next watering only 2-3 days after the top layer has dried.

And finally, common reasons Yellowing of pelargonium leaves in summer is considered a change of environment or temperature changes. A plant, like a person, can experience stress. In this case, the problem will soon resolve itself. If you want to alleviate the condition of the geranium, you can sprinkle it with the adaptogen Epin. This drug is used to revive weakened plants by stimulating shoot formation.

What to do if geranium leaves turn yellow in winter

In the cold season, yellowing is usually caused by external factors– short daylight hours, dry indoor air or improper watering plants. Sometimes to correct the situation it is enough to move flower pot away from the battery, but in a bright place.

Pelargonium tolerates well short days, but does not like shading. When there is insufficient light, it stretches, the leaves fade, but do not turn yellow.

The cause of unhealthy yellowness is dry indoor air. What to do? Ventilate the room regularly and consider options for increasing humidity (for example, spraying with a spray bottle). Yellowed leaves must be removed. They will no longer bring benefits to geraniums, but young shoots will appear in their place in the spring.

Remember! Now the plant is dormant and, if urgent measures are not taken, you can lose the flower forever.

If geranium leaves turn yellow after replanting

This happens too. The old pot is small, the new one fits perfectly, but the geranium continues to act up. Most likely, the transplanted pelargonium is impaired root system. The way to eliminate the error is simple - do not allow excess moisture in the soil, but cover the plant in a plastic bag(simulate a greenhouse). It is advisable to treat sick geranium with Kornevin. The drug should be diluted according to the instructions.

By the way, pelargonium prefers a neutral, well-permeable substrate and fertilizing with phosphorus and potassium. However, do not overdo it; an overdose of fertilizers with nitrogen will definitely end in yellowing of the geranium.

What to do in other similar cases

When a plant is infected with thrips, the geranium leaves also turn yellow and become covered on the inside. small pimples. It is necessary to treat the plant with drugs like Fitoverm and remove the affected areas to give the pelargonium the opportunity to sprout new shoots, that is, to rejuvenate.

If except yellow leaves There are light or dark brown spots on the stem of the plant, unhealthy fluffy formations are observed, most likely the geranium has been overcome by a mold fungus - gray Botrytis. What to do? Remove the affected parts, treat the pelargonium with any fungicide, reduce watering to a minimum for 1 week, then monitor the moderation of soil moisture.

Prevention of yellow leaves in geraniums

All measures come down to creating normal conditions for growth, rejuvenation and flowering of geranium:

  • ventilation of the room;
  • moderate watering;
  • sufficient lighting;
  • regular feeding.

At the same time, drafts, cramped pots and inaccurate replanting should be avoided. Healthy geraniums to you!

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This is a flower that can be found in almost every apartment. Geranium is valued for its ease of care. Thanks to beautiful flowering Pelargonium has many fans. But in addition to external changes in the interior, it brings positive changes to the energy of the house. Therefore, when a flower starts to hurt, I want to quickly figure out why the leaves of my favorite geranium turn yellow and how to help it.


Geranium is one of the plants that does not require complex care. There are not many reasons why leaves may begin to turn yellow, so dealing with the problem will not be difficult. At the same time, you need to understand that this is a normal process, and if it concerns several lower leaves, then this should not be a cause for concern.

Poor health of a flower can be caused by:

  • an incorrectly selected container that does not match the size of the flower;
  • improper watering;
  • incorrectly selected soil;
  • violation of the feeding regime and unsuitable fertilizer;
  • violation of winter care rules;
  • diseases.

Often the problem lies simply in the wrong size of the pot into which the flower is transplanted. For some plants, the rule is that what more capacity, the more comfortable the flower feels. Therefore, housewives choose a container with a reserve so that the root system can develop and grow unhindered. However, for pelargonium this approach is not correct. Roots in big pot really grow, but flowering and sometimes green foliage may not be expected.

Pelargonium growth should also not be limited by using an excessively small container. The best option for a medium-sized plant there will be a pot whose diameter and height are about 15 cm.

Improper watering can also cause geranium leaves to turn yellow. If the plant has become lifeless, and rotting processes are observed in some places, it means that you are watering it too much. When caring for geraniums, it is recommended to follow the principle “less is better.” It is easier to save dried pelargonium than a flower whose roots have already begun to rot. You can determine that pelargonium lacks moisture by the way the leaves turn yellow. In this case, the process starts from the edge and goes to the middle, and then the leaves begin to dry out and fall off.

Watering should not be done according to a schedule, but by evaluating external condition soil - when it dries top layer, you need to moisturize it. Watering can cause yellow spots to appear. cold water. It is better to use settled water at room temperature.

At the same time, geranium does not like spraying! Yellow spots may appear if water gets on the leaves.

Attention! From time to time it is necessary to carefully loosen the soil so that air can flow to the root system.

How to properly feed geraniums

Geranium, like most plants, needs additional feeding. However, it should be fed by carefully choosing fertilizers.

For example, high nitrogen content in fertilizers may be the reason why geranium leaves turn yellow and dry.

Loves this type of flowers mineral fertilizers. It is better to use phosphorus and potassium fertilizers for pelargonium. Improve appearance pelargonium will allow watering with iodized water.

The winter period is a time of rest for the plant. In winter, watering is carried out less frequently - it will be enough to water the geranium 1-2 times a week. There is also no need to add fertilizer during this period. WITH open window sill geraniums should be placed in a dark place, protected from drafts. However, it cannot be placed next to the heater - optimal temperature for keeping pelargonium in winter is about 12 degrees. Many housewives take the flower out onto the loggia until spring - it feels great there.

Advice! No manipulations with geranium should be carried out in winter. Reproduction and transplantation can negatively affect its condition. In the spring, at the beginning of March, dead leaves are carefully removed, and the flower is given shape and size adjusted. Already from this month, geranium wakes up and begins to bloom.

Diseases that cause leaves to turn yellow and dry

It is necessary to carefully examine the flower for the presence of insects. The danger also lies in the fact that healthy ones can become infected from an affected specimen, so a new, just purchased flower should not be immediately placed with the others.

If you notice white fluff on a wilting plant, this is a sign of damage. mealybug. When there are few insects, it is enough to wipe the leaves with alcohol. If the defeat is serious, then this method will no longer help. To combat insects, you will need to purchase a special solution, however, this does not always help.

The disease can also cause spider mite, which is extremely difficult to detect at an early stage. On initial stage pelargonium treatment required special solution. It will need to be done at least 3 times at weekly intervals. It is extremely difficult to get rid of a tick - it can hibernate and show no signs of life, but favorable conditions wake up again and continue to reproduce.

Whitefly infestation can also cause yellowing. The larvae of this insect feed on the sap of leaves, which leads to their yellowing and falling. In case of infection, it will also not be possible to do without a special drug.

In addition to insects, viruses that are carried by insects can also destroy a plant. The virus can be detected by several signs: pelargonium begins to grow more slowly, the stem becomes crooked, spots appear on the leaves, and stripes appear on the flowers. The plant cannot be cured, so you have to get rid of it. This is done by burning to prevent the spread of infection.

In diseases of a bacterial nature, spots of different sizes appear Brown. The appearance of spots is accompanied by lethargy of the plant. To overcome the disease, you must immediately remove all affected leaves and ensure that the water does not stagnate.

The proliferation of microorganisms can also lead to “rust”. Yellow spots and spore pads on the leaves are a sign of such a lesion. Like bacterial diseases, the proliferation of microorganisms begins to manifest itself from below the flower. To prevent infection, it is important to loosen the soil well and remove weeds in a timely manner.

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