Hydrangea - popular among gardeners decorative flower. It belongs to the category of capricious crops. Errors in growing technology lead to a lack of flowers. There are several reasons why the plant does not bloom. It is important to diagnose them correctly and then eliminate negative factors.

Features of hydrangea cultivation

Hydrangea is grown as climbing vine, small tree or bush. The plant has many varieties. The variety of shades and shapes allows you to create a unique decorative combination in the flower garden. You need to figure out why hydrangea doesn’t bloom in the spring, when you notice the absence of buds.

Beginning gardeners may encounter the following problem: they bought ready-made flowering plant in the store, but at home it withered. It is not possible to achieve the appearance of new buds. The reason for this was most likely special means, which stimulate flowering, but greatly deplete the strength of hydrangea. After treatment, the plant may not form new flowers for several more years.

Advice. In this case, you can help the culture by adding a growth activator.

If you purchase a young specimen and plant it yourself, it can bloom in the first summer after reproduction. However, without proper attention and care, you may be left without flowers even in the second season if the cutting turns out to be weak and has not grown stronger in the first year. And in this case, growth activators help. The drugs allow:

Hydrangea blossom

  • strengthen and develop the root system;
  • form stems and twigs;
  • provide an increase in greenery.

Feeding hydrangea: the basis for full flowering

The correct technology for fertilizing hydrangea will help to grow a plant that can bloom normally. The flower needs the first feeding immediately after planting - with a weak solution of organic fertilizer for good adaptation. During the growing process, fertilizers are applied according to a certain pattern.

In early spring, the crop needs a lot of nitrogen. This mixture works well:

  • urea - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Potassium sulfate - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 10 l.

Attention! Watering is carried out at the rate of 5 liters per 1 bush.

An alternative is slurry diluted in water (1:10). Later, at the stage of bud formation, the plant is fed mineral complexes with a high content of phosphorus and potassium. To further strengthen the bush, pour potassium permanganate solution over the root zone and the stem itself. The procedure must be repeated three times. In this case, there should be no situations where hydrangea does not bloom.

In summer, the shrub must be treated with a strengthening complex agent for flowering crops. Nitrogen must be used carefully during this period. Its excess will lead to strengthening of the greenery and the inflorescences themselves, which will negatively affect the strength of the branches. Total number of feedings in summer months limited to 3 times.

During flowering, gardeners also use non-standard fertilizers:

  • lactic acid (yogurt, kefir, whey);
  • soaked sour bread.

Advice. In autumn, hydrangeas need to accumulate potassium and phosphorus, so repeat the course of applying mineral fertilizers.

How to understand why hydrangea does not bloom

The main reasons for the absence of buds in an adult hydrangea specimen:

Before experienced gardener There is no question about hydrangea flowering. The main factor for this is proper care behind the plant.

How to make hydrangea bloom: video

Hydrangea is one of the most unpretentious plants, which even novice gardeners can grow. If you care, why doesn't hydrangea bloom?, but only gives foliage, we will help you understand this issue. There are several types of hydrangea, each of which has its own characteristics. With our advice you can achieve abundant flowering of this plant and decorate your site.

What types of flowering hydrangea are there?

Annabelle is the most common type of hydrangea, characterized by large fluffy flowers and growing up to 2 meters.

Paniculata hydrangea tolerates cold well and grows up to 5 meters. Flowers can be red, cream or yellowish in color.

Indoor hydrangea is considered one of the most capricious and at the same time the most beautiful flowers. It can change color depending on the composition of the soil.

If you want to decorate an arch in the garden, choose climbing hydrangea. Keep in mind that this species does not tolerate cold well.

Reasons why hydrangea does not bloom

If hydrangea does not produce flowers, but only goes into foliage, it is necessary to determine the reasons why. Although this shrub is unpretentious, it must be properly pruned in the spring. Particular attention should be paid to watering, lighting and fertilizer. If you don't feed the soil, there will be only foliage and not lush flowers. It is important that the plant develops well root system, otherwise it will be weak and will not bloom.

Indoor hydrangea

One of the most common reasons why hydrangeas do not bloom and produce only foliage is that sellers may have used flowering stimulants, after which the plant may not bloom for several more years. If your hydrangea does not bloom and only produces foliage, think about whether it froze in winter. You may need to cover the bush if there is severe frost in your area.

Also read: How to grow lobelia in the country

Once you have figured out the reasons why the hydrangea bush does not bloom, begin to properly care for it. Flowering can be restored in any case, so don’t worry.

How to care for hydrangea

It is very important to timely feed the plant. This should be done on average about 4 times a year, in spring and summer period. In early spring, start with organic fertilizers, which will stimulate the growth and flowering of hydrangea. During active growth buds should be fed one more time, adding urea and potassium salts in addition to organic fertilizers. In the summer bring in mineral fertilizers, and then special mixtures for hydrangea.

When caring for hydrangea, you need to monitor the air humidity. If it is too dry, spray the leaves. Please pay attention special attention watering, as the plant loves moist soil. Hydrangea grows best on clay soils and poorly on sandy soils. If the pH of the soil is acidic, add sawdust and pine needles to the soil before planting hydrangeas.

Now you know what to do if the hydrangea does not bloom, but only produces foliage. With your own hands you can grow lush flowering bushes and transform your own site.

Hydrangea is one of the most beautiful garden plants, the flowers of which can be of many shades. There are different varieties of hydrangeas, but they all have rather large inflorescences, consisting of many small fruiting and several large sterile flowers. Hydrangea begins to bloom at the age of five, but sometimes mature plant does not bloom. There may be several reasons why hydrangea does not bloom in the garden.

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    Reasons for the lack of flowers

    The main thing when buying hydrangea is to choose the right variety, which in the climate of the region can take root and survive winter cold. If the variety is chosen correctly, the lack of flowers may be caused by one of the factors:

    • Unsuitable climate - hydrangea is enough heat-loving plant, transplanting to new conditions can be stressful. In an unusual climate, generative buds will not develop. Before buying a flower, you need to find out in what conditions it grew.
    • Insufficiency of the root system: young hydrangeas have rather fragile and weak roots; after transplantation, such plants may not bloom for two to five years.
    • Young plants do not produce flowers; for flowering, the age of hydrangea should begin at 5 years.
    • Incorrect pruning – if you prune incorrectly every year, there will be no flowers, or very few of them.
    • Cold - the plant must be covered for the winter, acting carefully and carefully. If you do not cover the hydrangea enough, the shoots will freeze; if you do it too tightly, there is a risk of damaging the branches.
    • Inappropriate feeding may be one of the reasons why flowers do not bloom.
    • Poor soil - the plant is quite demanding on the quality of fertilizers and the soil in which it grows.
    • Artificial stimulation of flowering - if before sale the flower was drip-fed with fertilizers to simulate lush blooming species, next year there may be no flowers at all. In order for the bush to begin to bear flowers, it needs proper care.

    How to help a plant bloom?

    Before purchasing, you need to ask the seller in what conditions the hydrangea was grown - in a greenhouse or on open ground. A greenhouse flower will need long time for acclimatization, so you shouldn’t expect flowers right away.

    In order to speed up the process of the flower getting used to new soil When replanting, it is recommended to leave a lump of soil on the roots in which the hydrangea originally grew.

    In the first two months, fertilizers are applied on average once every two weeks. It is better to choose a fertilizer specialized for hydrangeas, however fertilizer will do for azalea and heather. A plant that has been drip-watered with the addition of fertilizers will not be able to feed on its own in the open ground - such a flower is weaned off an excess of complementary foods gradually, over the course of a year or two.

    Landing rules

    You need to plant hydrangea early spring, after the snow has melted, but before buds appear on garden trees.

    It is best to make holes for the bush about half a meter in diameter and about the same depth. When planting, the roots are trimmed a little; this is not necessary for young plants.

    In the center landing hole it is necessary to make a small earthen mound and evenly distribute the root system along the slopes. The soil is compacted tightly and then watered abundantly.

    Mulching the soil is done in the spring before flowering and in the fall, before hiding the plant for the winter. The layer of mulched soil should be about 8 cm thick. For broadleaf and paniculata hydrangeas better to choose loamy soil, with the addition of peat.

    Pruning branches

    In hydrangea, flowers are located on the shoots of the previous year, which is why, if pruned annually, hydrangea does not bloom. Although hydrangea grows quickly, inflorescences form only on healthy and strong shoots. In spring, you can prune dried and frozen branches, but you should not do this in early spring.

    The best time for hygienic pruning is mid-April and early May.

    Only dried and non-viable shoots need to be removed. You can also thin out the bush by removing weakened zero shoots. When pruning more than two or three mature buds from one branch, flowering may not occur.

    Before the onset of cold weather, it is better to cut off all the inflorescences, but all viable buds should be left.

    Correct bait

    Do not overfeed hydrangea flowers nitrogen fertilizers, otherwise it will freeze in winter and die. For hydrangea, fertilizers should be applied in the following sequence:

    • At the beginning of spring - nitrogenous fertilizers, for more lush flowering;
    • In summer - potassium, so that the plant does not dry out and preserves flowers and shoots;
    • In autumn - phosphates, to develop frost resistance and successful wintering.

    Young hydrangea may also need aluminum salts. Ammonium sulfate, fertilizers with super-phosphate, as well as specially developed fertilizers with all the microelements necessary for the flower are well suited for hydrangeas.

    Shelter from the cold

    Starting from the end of September, you will need to wrap the hydrangea with greenhouse film or lutrasil in two layers.

    You can hide the plant for the winter starting in mid-October. Before covering the plant, you need to cut off all the inflorescences, leaving the buds. Plants under five years old are immediately covered with earth or peat, but old thick bushes can be broken in this way.

    In order for the hydrangea not to be damaged, it is necessary to build a bedding of stones, branches, leaves and coniferous branches, and carefully lay the plant on it so that the stem and shoots are not damaged, secure it with ropes, and make an earthen mound on top. In the spring, it is necessary to remove the embankment, but until the end of May, in case of night frosts, it is necessary to cover the hydrangea with lutrasil or film. This is especially important for young plants - it will help preserve more shoots and viable buds.

    Watering requirements

    Hydrangeas are moisture-loving, but different varieties different lighting requirements: some species need to be planted in shaded areas, while others, on the contrary, need to be planted in the sun. One of the most capricious species are broad-leaved varieties - they require a lot of moisture, and grow mainly in places with good lighting. It is necessary to maintain a balance between lighting and hydration of plants.

    For irrigation, you need water with a slightly acidic environment; tap water is not suitable, as it will shift the balance to the alkaline side, which will harm the plants. You can water it with rainwater, or let it sit with tap water for several days. If watering is urgently needed, you can boil the required volume of liquid in an open container - this will help evaporate impurities harmful to plants and eliminate excess water hardness.

    To maintain the acidity of the soil, you can add to the liquid during watering. large number citric acid, kefir or weak vinegar solution.

    In the hot season, you need to water the plant quite often and abundantly, about 20 liters per adult plant, but you must not create excess moisture - otherwise the root system will rot. IN rainy summer the frequency of watering is reduced several times.

    You can judge the acidity of the soil by the change in color of hydrangeas: acidic soil the flowers have a bluish tint, white or orange in neutral soils, and when the soils are leached they turn pink or lilac.

    Reproduction methods

    It is best to propagate hydrangea by cuttings in early July and until mid-July; it is best to take cuttings from young plants. You need to choose shoots without visible diseases, not dried out, with large buds. Cuttings need to be cut in the morning to protect them from drying out; it is better to do this from the sides of the plant.

    The tops with buds must be trimmed, cut off lower leaves and soak for several days in a solution that stimulates growth. You can make the solution yourself by adding a small amount of honey to the water.

    After callus has formed, the shoots are planted in a richly moistened mixture of sand and peat, made in a ratio of one part sand to two parts peat. It is advisable to water the cuttings daily and also spray the leaves. In suitable conditions, the shoots will take root within a month.

    It is impossible to propagate hydrangea by seeds in open ground - it is necessary to grow the plant in a pot for the first two years, and then replant it into garden soil with all precautions. Experienced gardeners can try to plant offspring, propagate by layering, or divide the bush into several parts.

    Variety selection

    In order for the plant to show itself in all its glory, you need to choose a frost-resistant variety that will not die after wintering:

    • One of these frost-resistant flowers is paniculata hydrangea, in conditions middle zone this shrub grows up to two meters. Its inflorescences are shaped like lilac inflorescences. The variety prefers slightly acidic or clay soils.
    • Tree hydrangea is a plant with a height of one and a half to two and a half meters, one of the most cold-resistant species. IN warm winter it does not need to be covered, and in general it requires less maintenance than other hydrangeas.
    • Large-leaved hydrangea requires a lot of attention and does not tolerate cold weather. It can bloom both on last year's shoots and on those that grew this year.
    • In addition to flowers, oakleaf hydrangea is distinguished by very beautiful curly leaves. It does not tolerate cold weather and can only grow in greenhouses or in the southern part of the country.

    Before purchasing, you should pay attention to the presence of buds: if there are any, the plant has been artificially fed, and it will be more difficult for it to take root. If you properly care for the plant and provide it with required quantity moisture and fertilizers, it will delight you with lush inflorescences and a variety of colors.

    Heat-loving perennial shrub Hydrangea is native to Japan and first bloomed in the 18th century. Initially, the plant was only indoors, but experts “relocated” the hydrangea to open ground. Hydrangea is known as a frost-resistant plant that for many years will please the eye in a flowerbed in a temperate climate.

    Varieties of flowering hydrangea

    There are many available today various varieties and types of flowering hydrangea:

    1. Oakleaf. Brought to temperate latitudes from North America, the advantage of the species is its frost resistance - the plant can withstand temperatures down to -29 degrees. Popular varieties include "Tennessee Clone", "Applause", "Little Honey" and many others, which are characterized by lobed (oak) leaves up to 24 cm in length and big flowers up to 3 cm in diameter.
    2. Serrated. Low-growing perennial bush. Varieties: “BlueBird”, “Golden Sunlight”, “Veerle”. A spreading plant with jagged leaves and inflorescences up to 8 cm in diameter. Distinctive feature variety is the color of the flowers - a bright, rich blue hue.
    3. Chereshkova. The plant is a deciduous vine with aerial roots, total length Hydrangea can reach 25 meters with proper care. This type of flowering hydrangea is used by florists to decorate arches and pergolas. The plant variety is distinguished by a wide variety of flowering colors and shapes, but main feature- This is a spicy aroma. This type of hydrangea is often called climbing or climbing.
    4. Garden large-leaved. Another name is broad-leaved, large-leaved. Decorative look flowering hydrangea for planting in open ground, at least 130 cm high and straight ovoid leaves, as well as spherical inflorescences. The flowers are large, up to 3 cm, usually pink color. The shoots of the current year are grassy and green, woody on next year. The most common flowering varieties are “Forever & Ever”, “Romance”, “Red Sensation” and many others.
    5. . The name of the crop is directly related to the shape of the flowers, which are associated with the panicle and reach a length of 20-25 cm. This is a bush up to 2.5 meters high, which tolerates low winter temperatures and has a dense crown. Varieties: “Vanilla Fraze”, “Diamond Rouge”, Limelight.”
    6. Tree-like. The peculiarity of the plant is its high tolerance to cold and strong, abundant flowering. The tree variety is tall bush, up to 160 cm with oblong leaves and small flowers in inflorescence. Flowers of this species are often called white bush hydrangea. This type flourishing culture is represented by such popular varieties, like Grandiflora, Pink Annabelle.

    When and how long do hydrangeas bloom?

    It has the following properties:

    • Allows increase productivity by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
    • You can get a good one harvest even on low-fertility soils and in unfavorable climatic conditions
    • Absolutely safe

    Features of hydrangea flowering

    Hydrangea blooming received its name thanks to the sister of Prince of the Holy Roman Empire Charles Heinrich of Nassau-Siegen, Princess Hortensia. The literal translation of the name is “water vessel”, which means that in order to get abundant flowering, it must not be left without life-giving moisture.

    If hydrangea is planted in early spring with high-quality fertilizer soil, the bush can please you with several inflorescences by mid-summer.

    In what year after planting the hydrangea will bloom depends on the region.

    On average, the plant will bloom 3 years after planting; it is worth considering that hydrangea does not bloom in the 2 and 4 years of planting.

    The culture tolerates light shade and partial shade.

    Why doesn't hydrangea bloom?

    If you do not care for it correctly, it often happens that the bush does not bloom.

    To achieve success, you need to find out the reasons and eliminate them:

    1. Improper soil fertilization, namely, excessive use of potassium-phosphate elements will lead to oversaturation of the soil. must be applied to the soil throughout spring, summer and autumn, in winter time use is strictly prohibited.
    2. Too much pruning crowns of hydrangea will lead to the fact that the inflorescences will have nothing to develop on. In spring, you can trim only dry branches and those growing inside the bush, so as not to interfere with the formation of the crown.
    3. Unfair care before winter will lead to freezing of last year's shoots, so it is important to take care of high-quality cover for the crown of the bush for the winter. It is worth removing woven dense material after frosts and a decline in spring temperature changes.
    4. Hydrangea does not bloom if the buds are damaged. This happens with varieties that have large leaves. Buds form on top of last year's shoots. Flowering occurs precisely on these shoots, so it is important to cover the flower completely in winter so that the buds do not freeze.

    How to get hydrangea to bloom in the garden?

    For crops in open ground, subject to all care rules, in order to increase flowering and so that the plant blooms faster, use the following techniques:

    1. Early growth arrest performed in November or early December, in which case the first flowering can be expected in early March.
    2. For faster flowering They use the warm watering method, for this they water with water at a temperature of at least 35-36 degrees from the early spring months.
    3. With the appearance of the first leaves and shoots, watering of the bush is doubled, and additional spraying is used at a temperature of at least 14 degrees.

    For hydrangeas in tubs and pots, there are other ways to speed up flowering:

    1. Thermal baths when the pot is placed for 10-12 hours in a basin with warm water(36-38 degrees).
    2. To ensure flowering in December-January it is necessary to carry out measures for additional electric lighting. To do this, tubs and pots are placed under lamps for 8-10 hours at a time, especially at night. Such an event accelerates the onset of inflorescence formation by 15-20 days.

    Flowering indoor hydrangea

    Rules for caring for home flowers:

    • Trim an adult homemade hydrangea bush to 25-30 cm from the ground and plant it in the ground for the winter.
    • Cover well with dry leaves and spruce.
    • In spring, trim the stems to the very base.
    • After renewing the crown in August, plant the plant back in the tub.

    Tips for choosing pot size:

    • For one shoot on a bush, choose a tub with a diameter of no more than 10-12 cm.
    • Two or three shoots - it is better to give preference to a pot with a diameter of up to 15 cm.
    • For big bush– 18-20 cm.

    Care after flowering

    Hydrangea paniculata and tree variety they prune well, but don’t touch the large-leaved ones at all, because they bloom on last year’s shoots. Caring for perennials after flowering must be done either late autumn, or postpone all events to the spring. When flowering has passed, the inflorescences must be carefully removed from the bush.

    How to trim?

    Pruning techniques are divided into two main types:

    Hydrangea paniculate variety cut back to old branches, leaving a few main shoots. Indoor hydrangeas undergo gentle pruning, forming the crown of the bush and somewhat replacing old branches with new ones. The event takes place in late autumn.

    Renewing a bush, if done correctly, is completely safe and will allow the bush to acquire greater luxury and splendor.

    Preparing for winter

    Before the attack winter period, the hydrangea is covered with a dense, natural fabric that allows air to pass through. Tree hydrangea is tolerant of cold weather, but it is also covered for the winter.

    Step-by-step plan for preparing a perennial plant for winter:

    • On the 20th of September, excess leaves are removed according to the recommended pruning scheme. This will ensure lignification of the shoots and strengthening of the bush.
    • After this, it is important to feed the soil with potassium phosphate elements to provide the plant with high-quality nutrition during the winter.
    • It is important to know that in autumn time It is strictly not recommended to introduce nitrogen preparations into the soil.
    • After this, cover the bush with woven material.

    Hydrangea transplant

    It is not recommended to replant perennial shrubs in autumn; this will cause difficulties in the plant’s adaptation and lead to death. But if we're talking about Regarding tree hydrangea or paniculata, experts allow replanting in the fall.

    It is better to replant the plant in the spring, if possible, before the sap begins to flow.

    To do this:

    1. dig a hole with a diameter of up to 30 cm;
    2. bring in, pour in a bucket of water;
    3. branches flowering bush tied with twine so as not to damage them;
    4. plant a bush in the prepared hole and cover it with soil.

    At the end of the event, carry out rejuvenating pruning of the crown so that the hydrangea takes root as quickly as possible and sends out new roots and blooms. It is not advisable to replant a blooming hydrangea; this will lead to the death of the inflorescences and poor survival rate.

    Photo gallery: blooming hydrangea in garden design

    Stories from our readers!
    "I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together and yielded more than usual. And they didn’t suffer from late blight, that’s the main thing.

    Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth to garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Nowadays you can’t grow a normal harvest without fertilizer, and this fertilizing increases the amount of vegetables, so I’m very pleased with the result.”

    How to feed hydrangea?

    Correct systematic feeding soil for hydrangea is the key to long-lasting growth, lush flowering and good general condition of the shrub. It is necessary to fertilize so that the plant survives the winter and is resistant to diseases and pests.

    For the spring period, the following fertilizer application scheme is used:

    • IN spring period leaves develop, inflorescences form, and the crown grows. For this important element is nitrogen, therefore for feeding it is recommended to use solutions of potassium sulfate and urea in equal parts 1:1 and diluted in water (10 liters). To water one flowering bush, at least 4-6 liters of solution are required.
    • So that the hydrangea receives sufficient quantity nitric acid use slurry, which is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10.
    • Before tying buds It is recommended to add a slightly different composition to the soil; a large amount of phosphorus and potassium is required. A drug such as superphosphate is great for this.
    • For a strong powerful stem, hydrangea is fed with a weak, slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. It can only be applied three times during the entire spring season.

    IN summer time To obtain abundant flowering of hydrangeas, use the drug “Kemira flower”, as well as the following feeding recipes:

    • Organic-based solutions, such as bird droppings or manure, diluted in equal parts with water.
    • In summer, nitrogen substances are limited.
    • In the summer, lactic acid is well used; in this case, it is allowed to use kefir, whey, and yogurt for irrigation.
    • Effective simple option is feeding with soaked sourdough bread.

    In autumn, they pay special attention to the issue of fertilizing flowering hydrangeas and carefully follow the recommendations:

    • Add potassium sulfate and superphosphates to the soil. Specialized phosphorus-potassium solutions help the perennial to properly prepare for winter and strengthen the roots. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate in 10 liters of water and use at least 7 liters per bush.
    • Add nitrogen elements to the soil at autumn period strictly not allowed. Otherwise, this may result in the plant being vulnerable to frost and not surviving the winter. The only things allowed to be used are peat and manure in small quantities.

    Hydrangea diseases and how to revive a flower?

    Among the most common diseases and pests of hydrangea are the following:

    Cobwebby Description:

    Covers inner side leaves of a blooming hydrangea with a web of brown tint. In this case, yellowing of the foliage is immediately noticeable, after which it dries and falls off.

    How to fight?

    Products such as Tiofors and Fitoverm are used as pest control drugs.

    Mealybug Description:

    The disease caused by a mealyworm appears on the leaves and stems of the bush; they become covered with extensive yellow spots. If no control measures are taken, the spots gradually grow and the plant dies. The development of such an unpleasant situation is facilitated by high humidity air and high temperature.

    How to fight?

    To get rid of the disease, use a solution copper sulfate, water and green soap in parts 15g:10l:150g.

    Chlorosis Description:

    The first sign that the hydrangea has been exposed to chlorosis , are white leaves in which only the veins remain dark green. This often manifests itself when there is an excess of humus or manure in the soil.

    How to fight?

    In this case, it is necessary to use a solution of potassium nitrate 40 g per bucket of water and water it 3 times every three days.

    Green leafy Description:

    If a flowering hydrangea is affected by green leaf aphids, most often when the crop grows in closed ground.

    How to fight?

    As control and prevention, the method of spraying with a solution of anabasine sulfate, in a proportion of 20 grams per 10 liters of water, is used.

    Fungal rot Description:

    Fungal rot of hydrangea spreads mainly to the roots of the plant. This process stops the flow of moisture and nutrients, due to which the perennial becomes covered with storms and dies. The cause is bacteria in the soil (organic amendments), which mainly affect young, immature plants.

    How to fight?

    To get rid of fungal diseases in a timely manner, use effective drug phytosporin and other high quality.

    Snails Description:

    Often blooming hydrangea I attack snails (grape snail and common amber snail). Insects eat the inflorescences, feed on moisture from the leaves, and “steal” nutritional elements from a plant. Snails can often be seen near a bush in winter; they hibernate there and in the soil dug around the nest of snails. With the appearance of the first rays of sunlight, the snails begin to feed on the still unblown shoots.

    How to fight?

    To get rid of them in the spring, use metaldehyde powder, scattering it around the bush. It mixes with the soil and blocks the path of snails, preventing them from reaching leaves and flowers.

    Root nematode Description:

    They are small worms that create swellings on the roots during their life. This leads to rotting and death of the plant. This problem is most often encountered by owners of young bushes.

    How to fight?

    To eliminate the problem, use a light solution of potassium permanganate to water the roots.

    To revive a plant, depending on the cause of its death, a variety of chemicals and high-quality, effective fertilizers are used.

    • To get rid of light spots on hydrangea leaves, it is necessary to rid the crop of direct sunlight.
    • If only the tips of the plant rot, the problem is a lack of moisture and dry air.
    • If the hydrangea does not bloom, the soil may need to be fed with nutrient solutions.

    We answer questions

    Hydrangea unique flower, and many inexperienced gardeners are asking the most common questions about caring for and growing perennial plants.

    We answer the questions:

    1. Hydrangea bush with inflorescences different colors— how to achieve such an effect? It is not difficult to achieve this effect; fertilizing will help with this:
      1. To get on one bush different shade inflorescences, you need to add ammonia-potassium alum diluted in water (10 pieces per 2 liters) on one side of the bush. This will give one part of the hydrangea bush a blue color.
      2. To obtain sky blue inflorescences feed the soil with iron salts or you can dig in an iron pipe for subsequent oxidation.
      3. To get pink color flowers on a bush, you need to pour a handful of lime into the soil on one side of the perennial.
    2. Is it possible to make a purchased flowering one indoor hydrangea did it bloom several times? Hydrangea unique plant, inflorescences appear from mid-summer to late autumn. But if the flowering period has already passed, it is impossible to make the flower bloom again, even if it is transplanted into open ground.
    3. Is it possible to take cuttings from a flowering bush? It is better to take hydrangea cuttings in the summer using annual cuttings up to 15 cm long. The flowering bush is pruned for cuttings, but the inflorescences are removed (trimmed). In this case, better rooting of the branches is ensured and the material for planting is of higher quality.


    Hydrangea represents the most beautiful perennial for home and garden. Thanks to constant high-quality care, the bush will delight its owners with gorgeous flowers and bright colors. Growing hydrangea in the country will not be difficult even for a novice gardener if you follow the rules and recommendations described above.

    You won't find hydrangea in a bouquet. The reason for this is appearance. The flower is so beautiful that it is a pity to pick it from the bush. It happens that the plant refuses to bloom. This is of great concern to gardeners and beauty lovers. Read the article about why hydrangeas don’t bloom.


    The genus of this plant includes up to eighty species. Hydrangea also has another name - hydrangea, which translated from Latin means “vessel of water”. The birthplace of the flower is the Land of the Rising Sun.

    Hydrangea is a bush up to sixty centimeters tall. Some garden species this deciduous ornamental plant have high frost resistance. The texture of the large dark green leaves is rough, the edges are jagged. The flowers are white, red, blue and are collected in huge inflorescences of spherical or conical shape. Stunningly beautiful plant!

    How to make garden hydrangea bloom?

    • Plant it in a sunny area protected from the wind.
    • The ground under the plant should be mulched with peat in a thick layer.
    • When shoots appear, they need to be pinned to the ground.
    • In order not to wonder in the spring why garden hydrangea does not bloom, for the winter, after the listed preparatory work, it should be covered on top with a box previously upholstered with heat-insulating material.

    • With the onset of spring, as soon as the snow melts, the hydrangea needs to be opened so that it does not rot. But, if suddenly the temperature starts to drop, cover it again. The fact is that when the plant is freed from shelter, shoots begin to grow instantly, and even a slight frost can destroy them.
    • It is recommended to feed hydrangea with special fertilizers: “Florena” or “Rosop”.

    What to look for when buying planting material?

    When purchasing flowers, you should carefully examine the seedlings so that in the future the question does not arise about why hydrangeas do not bloom. If they have buds, it means they were stimulated to flower. They were watered using the drip method with fertilizer added to the water. Such plants, if you purchase them, will not bloom for a couple of years, or even die. After planting the seedling in the ground, it is not recommended to suddenly change familiar conditions growth. The plant needs to adapt and take root. To do this, fertilizers must be added to the soil over the course of two months at intervals of two weeks. This will teach the roots to independently extract food from the soil.

    Why don't hydrangeas bloom? This may occur due to a poorly developed root system. In order for the seedlings to quickly grow and bloom profusely in the future, during planting you need to mix the garden soil with a substrate, the amount of which should not greatly change the structure of the soil.

    Why don't hydrangeas bloom in open ground?

    This flower has many varieties. For example, large-leaved garden hydrangea can grow on a plot for many years, pleasing the eye with the shape of the bush and the color of the leaves, but not bloom. Young tree-like and paniculate hydrangeas also do not bloom, since they do not have enough strength to do so or they are not given enough space to grow. suitable conditions. But this happens rarely, do not be alarmed. Why doesn't hydrangea bloom in the garden? There are many reasons, let’s consider some of them using the example of large-leaved hydrangea:

    • A recently planted hydrangea may not bloom because its root system is not yet sufficiently developed. Over time, when the plant gets stronger, everything will work out. This also happens when it is planted in the ground. In this case, you will have to admire the beauty of the bush’s shape and leaves for a couple of years.
    • Many gardeners regularly cut off the top part of last year's shoots, considering this to be correct. Alas, you should know that this is where hydrangea flowers appear.
    • If flower buds will suffer during spring frosts, it is likely that the plant will not bloom this year.
    • The question often arises about why hydrangeas do not bloom outside. Yes, you just chose a species that is not suitable for your climate, that’s all. There may be no other reasons. It is known that northern regions differ short summer, and the flower buds simply do not have time to ripen.

    Preparing hydrangea for winter

    This culture tolerates the winter season well. But why doesn’t hydrangea bloom in the garden in the spring, after a frosty period? The solution to this issue may depend on how well and correctly the hydrangea is protected from low temperatures. The most important thing is to protect the tops of the shoots from freezing. And to do this, take care already in September by covering the bush with lutrasil or film, since there are always frosts at the end of the month. But it’s too early to hide the flower for the winter.

    One of the reasons may be an uncomfortable winter. Therefore, before the ground freezes, the inflorescences should be cut off. Upper part shoots should remain, buds will form on it. The branches of young plants are bent to the ground and covered with peat along with the roots. If you don’t have it, then use the ground. Hydrangeas that are five years old and older have very fragile branches. To avoid breaking them, stones are placed in the root zone, then a cushion of spruce branches and leaves is placed. The whole thing is covered with boards on top and sprinkled with a thick layer of earth. The work must be done carefully so as not to injure the plant. In the spring, the embankment is gradually removed. The plant is rejuvenated: all damaged and diseased branches are pruned.

    What do you need to bloom at home?

    Many housewives are interested in the question of why indoor hydrangea does not bloom. To make her do this, you need to provide proper care. To do this, you need to place the hydrangea in a bright room, which is always ventilated, but so that sun rays did not directly fall on the leaves.

    The flower prefers acidic soil, which should always be moist; this is the most important thing for hydrangea. Therefore, it needs to be systematically watered and sprayed from above. In spring it’s a good idea to take the plant outside fresh air, and pluck out the shoots that appear from the root half their length, leaving only the strongest.

    • Why home hydrangea not blooming? There can be many reasons, but one of them is the temperature difference in the room. It must be stable, especially during the flowering period.
    • If the plant suddenly suddenly stops blooming, it is recommended to cut the shoots in half.
    • It is very important to change the plant to a new one after 3-4 years. This will ensure its annual flowering, subject to all care rules.

    • To avoid the question of why hydrangea does not bloom at home, play it safe and rule out reasons such as replanting and replacing soil. This procedure must be repeated every year. When replanting a plant, you need to thoroughly loosen the clod of earth at the roots. You can use soil for azaleas by mixing it with soil and horn flour. Good fertilizer served coffee. It can be mixed with the ground or scattered over its surface. You can ease the hassle and buy ready soil For

    Useful information

    There is an opinion that white hydrangeas can be easily changed to another by applying special solution. This is not entirely true. White hydrangea varieties are not capable of changing color. This can only be done large leaf hydrangea, which can change color if the soil is highly acidic. But even if a bluish tint appears on the flowers, it will be blurry and dirty-pale.

    It should be remembered that the plant can bloom even with unpruned shoots. But paniculata or when pruning branches produces stronger shoots. But it’s better not to trim large-leaved ones. You need to know that it forms inflorescences at the top of the shoots. They can, of course, be pruned in the spring. They will also give strong side shoots, but will not bloom. It is better to rejuvenate the bush by removing thick and damaged branches.

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