When planting seeds, people expect to receive a high-quality and rich harvest. This is the meaning of any cultivation of a particular crop. But often nature produces funny embarrassments. Is it bad or fun? It's up to you to decide. But know the reason and possible ways eliminating such confusions will be useful. Carrots are one of the most common crops. She is useful and quite unpretentious. But often, instead of a beautiful root crop, a horned carrot grows. What is the reason? Why is it growing? horned carrot?

Culprit seeds

Can you blame the seeds or those who sell them for your poor harvest? It is the traders that gardeners always complain about. However, in most cases they are not to blame. The reason why horned carrots grow may be soil, fertilizer, care, watering, and so on. And only 15% of seeds can be truly unusable (no more). And this is provided that you buy them on the market. Seed packets (branded) may contain a maximum of 5% spoilage. And this is also the maximum figure. If the seeds are bad, they will not be bought. Manufacturers know this, which is why they don’t take risks. Good companies are always responsible for the quality of their goods. But if the seeds are fine, then why do horned carrots grow?

Maybe dig deeper?

If the seeds are planted in rocky, clayey or acidic soil, then the root crop may grow clumsy. The reason carrots grow horned in these conditions is because they have to push their way through. That's why it bends. If you choose land for planting, then light loams, sandy loams or cultivated peat bogs are well suited. The ideal soil for carrots is when it is diluted with sand. In autumn and spring, be sure to dig up the area to prevent soil compaction. Moreover, this should not be superficial loosening. Deep digging is required. Then the carrots will grow perfectly. Before planting, loose soil should be diluted with sand so that it becomes soft, pleasant, and not heavy.

Fertilizer for carrots

The root crop in question is fertilized with anything so that it grows evenly. Often people don't even study the reasons why horned carrots grow. Sometimes gardeners add ash, lime, or, even worse, potassium chloride to the soil, which is generally contraindicated for it. Fertilizer is very important for growing carrots. But there are quite a few caveats here. Carrots do not tolerate soil recently fertilized with manure. It becomes deformed when this or any other fertilizer is sprinkled in clumps. At the same time, its taste also deteriorates. Therefore, you can only fertilize carrots with compost. It is advisable to do this before landing. In such soil the root crop will be comfortable and free. He will be able to grow up straight and handsome.

Insufficient care

Carrots are quite unpretentious. But it still requires attention. If you don’t take care of it, then you shouldn’t ask yourself the question: “Why do carrots grow horned?” Moreover, there are also pests in nature. There is one very unpleasant midge - the carrot fly. This insect loves to eat thin rudiments when the root crop is still developing. As a result of her machinations, the carrots spoil and grow clumsy. What to do with this harmful fly? You can find thousands of ways to deal with it. For example, you can treat the sown area with chemicals or various fertilizers. But there is one practice-tested method that has saved more than one gardener - onions and tomatoes. Plant onions between rows of carrots. It will scare away the fly. Tomato also helps. But not in advanced cases.

To water or not to water?

Watering is a problem for many gardeners. It is not always possible to carry it out in a timely manner and in sufficient quantities. Here are the basic rules. Carrots should be watered only in June and July. In August the plant no longer needs this. If the soil has not been watered for a certain time and has become dry, then we can assume that the carrots will be uneven. The reason is that when this crop lacks water, the tip of its root dies first. Therefore, watering should be constant, but not excessive. After all, the root may rot. This is another reason why horned carrots grow. If you pay enough attention to watering, the harvest should please you.


And finally, one of the most common mistakes gardeners make. Many of them, thinking about the reasons why carrots are horned, do not notice real facts. At its core, it is a damaged root vegetable. If you sow carrots close to one another, thin them out very carefully. Due to excessive density, the crop has nowhere to grow. It is thinned out, but at the same time it damages neighboring shoots - roots or tops. To avoid such cases, you need to plant carrots at a sufficient distance (5 cm). Then it will not need to be thinned out. If this is still necessary, then do it carefully, without damaging the adjacent roots.

On bags of seeds, the carrots look just perfect: even, smooth, impeccably shaped, same size... Why in life do many gardeners have to pull small, crooked and crooked “monstrosities” out of the ground? And sometimes you even come across shaggy carrots, completely covered with root hairs.

The main reasons why gnarled carrots grow

Of course, children like intricate carrot figures, because it’s so interesting to guess the resemblance to some animal or funny person in bizarre shapes. Adults do not share children's joy. Why gnarled carrots Gardeners don’t like it that way? First of all, because it is poorly stored, and peeling non-standard carrots is a real punishment.

Some gardeners, seeing what has grown in the garden bed ugly carrot, first of all they complain about the purchased seeds - they say that the producers turned out to be unscrupulous and slipped low-quality planting material. In fact, root vegetables take on an unsightly shape for completely different reasons.

Video about why carrots are irregularly shaped

If the soil on your site is heavy, clayey or rocky, it is likely that gnarled carrots will form, because as the root crop grows, it will encounter obstacles in its path in the form of compacted soil and, as a result, bend. To avoid deformation of carrots, mix the soil in the beds with a large number sand - due to the sand, the root vegetables will turn out smooth and beautiful. Also keep in mind that too loose soil can cause ugly carrots to appear. Therefore, the beds should be prepared in the fall, then the soil will have time to settle.

Another common cause of crooked carrots is the introduction fresh manure or unripe humus to the garden bed. Apply organic fertilizers under carrot predecessors: tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, cabbage or early potatoes.

If the soil in your area is heavy, clayey or rocky, it is likely that gnarled carrots will form

Ugly carrots may not only be crooked, but also horned or multi-tailed. Damage to the root at an early stage is the most main reason why are carrots horned? You just have to find out why the spine was damaged. The options could be:

  • after a long germination, the carrot seeds managed to germinate, as a result, the fragile roots were damaged during planting;
  • before the emergence of shoots and in the first month of growing carrots, the bed dried out (the tip of the root in this case dies first);
  • you touched the roots when thinning the seedlings carelessly or because you started thinning much later than the appearance of the first leaf,
  • the spine was damaged by insects ( carrot fly or bear).

Ugly carrots may not only be crooked, but also horned or multi-tailed.

Horned carrots also grow when ash, dolomite or lime were added to the planting, or as a result of feeding with potassium chloride, which is contraindicated for carrots, as are large doses of calcium.

Bursting or hairy carrots are the result of improper watering

There are often cases when, when harvesting, carrots burst right in your hands, as soon as you take them out of the ground. Of course, this causes amazement for novice gardeners: why do carrots crack? The answer is simple - this happens when you start harvesting immediately after heavy rain, because the root crops burst and unfurl from excess moisture. This is why you need to wait a few days without rain before you start harvesting carrots, because bursting roots are not suitable for storage.

Another question is, why do carrots burst while in the ground? The reason lies in the fact that during the growth period of root crops in June-July, the bed dries out from the heat, the carrots lose moisture, and with heavy rain and watering in August, the root crops begin to crack. Remember that when growing any root crops, you need to water the bed well in the first month, and then reduce watering to a minimum. It is not recommended to water the resulting root crops even in dry weather.

There is no need to shallowly water the garden bed every day; it is better to water it a couple of times a week.

In the first month after sowing the seeds, you need to water the carrots correctly, so that later you don’t have to wonder why the carrots are hairy. The root crop usually releases root hairs in search of moisture or when a crust forms on the soil - then root system it simply doesn't get enough oxygen. A carrot will not grow hairy if you provide it abundant watering with regular loosening of the soil. There is no need to shallowly water the garden bed every day; it is better to water it a couple of times a week, but so that the soil is saturated with moisture by 20 centimeters.

Delicious, large carrots need good soil.

Having bought a bag of seeds yourself, you sow them in the beds and care for them throughout the season in the hope of a harvest of large, sweet root crops. However, as a result, you get mini carrots instead of the promised giants, 30 cm long. Or the root crops grow regular size, but their taste qualities you are not happy at all. What's the matter? Why aren’t carrots sweet, why are they bitter along their entire length, and why don’t the root vegetables turn out as big as in the picture?

In most cases, this discrepancy with your expectations is explained by unsuitable soil. As mentioned above, heavy, dense soil leads to the formation of ugly root crops; carrots develop poorly and stop their growth. In addition, small carrots can grow in soils that lack organic fertilizers. That is why it is so important to change the location of the carrot bed from time to time and grow it in the place where tomatoes, onions or cucumbers previously grew.

Small carrots can grow in soils that lack organic fertilizers

Do not forget to also thin out the carrot seedlings when the first leaf appears, so that the distance between the plants is sufficient - for root crops cylindrical less, and more for conical root vegetables.

Bring in mineral fertilizers should be added to the soil sparingly, otherwise the root crops will be woody and tasteless. You can feed the plants potash fertilizers(they make the carrots tender) and phosphorus (the carrots will become sweeter). However, fertilizers do not always help; in some cases, root vegetables may have a bitter taste.

Video about mutant carrots

Why are carrots bitter?

  • with shallow tillage, the tops of root crops appear on the surface of the bed, turn green and acquire a bitter taste;
  • carrots did not have enough watering at the beginning of summer;
  • you planted varieties intended for long-term storage(they are less sweet and tasty);
  • instead of F1 hybrids, F2 hybrids were chosen, which have more pronounced properties of wild carrots;
  • root crops were in the ground much longer than expected;
  • bitterness is a response of root crops to damage from carrot flies;
  • the soil is infertile or acidic.

By the way, acidic soil- another answer why carrots are hairy or ugly. Choose seeds carefully, prepare the soil, provide plants proper watering, thinning and timely harvesting, then you will be able to avoid most problems, and the carrots will be smooth, beautiful and tasty!

The main reasons why gnarled carrots grow

On packets of seeds, carrots look just perfect: even, smooth, impeccably shaped, the same size... Why in life do many gardeners have to pull small, crooked and crooked “monstrosities” out of the ground? And sometimes you even come across shaggy carrots, completely covered with root hairs.

Some gardeners, seeing that ugly carrots have grown in the garden, first of all complain about the purchased seeds - they say that the producers turned out to be unscrupulous and slipped low-quality planting material. In fact, root vegetables take on an unsightly shape for completely different reasons.

If the soil on your site is heavy, clayey or rocky, it is likely that gnarled carrots will form, because as the root crop grows, it will encounter obstacles in its path in the form of compacted soil and, as a result, bend. To avoid deformation of carrots, mix the soil in the beds with a large amount of sand - due to the sand, the root crops will turn out smooth and beautiful. Also keep in mind that too loose soil can cause ugly carrots to appear. Therefore, the beds should be prepared in the fall, then the soil will have time to settle.

Another common reason for carrot distortion is the introduction of fresh manure or unripe humus into the garden bed. Apply organic fertilizers under carrot predecessors: tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, cabbage or early potatoes.

Ugly carrots may not only be crooked, but also horned or multi-tailed. Damage to the root at an early stage is the main reason why carrots are horned. All you have to do is find out why the spine was damaged.

The options could be:

After a long germination, the carrot seeds managed to germinate, as a result, the fragile roots were damaged during planting;

Before the emergence of shoots and in the first month of growing carrots, the bed dried out (the tip of the root in this case dies first);

You touched the roots when thinning the seedlings carelessly or because you started thinning much later than the appearance of the first leaf,
the root was damaged by insects (carrot fly or mole cricket).

Horned carrots also grow when ash, dolomite or lime were added to the planting, or as a result of feeding with potassium chloride, which is contraindicated for carrots, as are large doses of calcium.

Bursted or hairy carrots are the result improper watering

There are often cases when, when harvesting, carrots burst right in your hands, as soon as you take them out of the ground. Of course, this causes amazement for novice gardeners: why do carrots crack? The answer is simple - this happens when you start harvesting immediately after heavy rain, because the root crops burst and unfurl from excess moisture. This is why you need to wait a few days without rain before you start harvesting carrots, because bursting roots are not suitable for storage.

Another question is, why do carrots burst while in the ground?

The reason lies in the fact that during the growth period of root crops in June-July, the bed dries out from the heat, the carrots lose moisture, and with heavy rain and watering in August, the root crops begin to crack. Remember that when growing any root crops, you need to water the bed well in the first month, and then reduce watering to a minimum. It is not recommended to water the resulting root crops even in dry weather.

In the first month after sowing the seeds, you need to water the carrots correctly, so that later you don’t have to wonder why the carrots are hairy. The root crop usually releases root hairs in search of moisture or when a crust forms on the soil - then the root system simply does not receive enough oxygen. Carrots will not grow hairy if you provide them with abundant watering and regular loosening of the soil. There is no need to shallowly water the garden bed every day; it is better to water it a couple of times a week, but so that the soil is saturated with moisture by 20 centimeters.

How to get rid of aphids?
9 recipes to combat dangerous garden pest- aphids.
For tasty, large carrots you need good soil

Having bought a bag of seeds yourself the best variety carrots, you sow them in beds and tend them throughout the season in hopes of a harvest of large, sweet root vegetables. However, as a result, you get mini carrots instead of the promised giants, 30 cm long. Or the root vegetables grow to a normal size, but their taste does not please you at all. What's the matter? Why aren’t carrots sweet, why are they bitter along their entire length, and why don’t the root vegetables turn out as big as in the picture?

In most cases, this discrepancy with your expectations is explained by unsuitable soil. As mentioned above, heavy, dense soil leads to the formation of ugly root crops; carrots develop poorly and stop their growth. In addition, small carrots can grow in soils that lack organic fertilizers. That is why it is so important to change the location of the carrot bed from time to time and grow it in the place where tomatoes, onions or cucumbers previously grew.

Do not forget to also thin out the carrot seedlings when the first leaf appears, so that the distance between the plants is sufficient - less for cylindrical root vegetables, and more for conical root vegetables.

Mineral fertilizers should be applied to the soil sparingly, otherwise the root crops will be woody and tasteless. You can feed the plants with potassium fertilizers (they make the carrots tender) and phosphorus fertilizers (the carrots will become sweeter). However, fertilizers do not always help; in some cases, root vegetables may have a bitter taste.

Why are carrots bitter?

with shallow tillage, the tops of root crops appear on the surface of the bed, turn green and acquire a bitter taste;
carrots did not have enough watering at the beginning of summer;
you planted varieties intended for long-term storage (they are less sweet and tasty);
instead of F1 hybrids, F2 hybrids were chosen, which have more pronounced properties of wild carrots;
root crops were in the ground much longer than expected;
bitterness is a response of root crops to damage from carrot flies;
the soil is infertile or acidic.

By the way, acidic soil is another answer to why carrots are hairy or ugly. Carefully select seeds, prepare the soil, provide the plants with proper watering, thinning and timely harvesting, then you will be able to avoid most problems, and the carrots will be smooth, beautiful and tasty!

Digging up fresh, juicy carrots from your own garden bed is the dream of many gardeners. Own root crop grown on personal plot, fed with humus and cow manure, without chemicals and specific additives - isn’t this joy? But it happens that the red-haired beauty grows up not very beautiful and even ugly - clumsy, with additional horns or with abnormal hair, and also cracks when harvested. What are the reasons for such deformation and what needs to be done to ensure that the carrots turn out smooth, rich in color and with excellent taste. All this should be known before planting.

The main reasons why carrots grow ugly, gnarled and horned

The carrot harvest period is coming, but instead of a neat and beautiful spiky beauty, a horned, gnarled and unkempt crop appears. Children love to look at the resulting carrots, but gardeners do not share their interest and joy. The appearance of such an anomaly and improperly developed shape of carrots is influenced by a number of reasons:

Attention! In addition, horned and gnarled carrots are formed if the plant is damaged by pests living in the soil - mole crickets, wireworms. The addition of lime also stimulates the growth of horned vegetables. dolomite flour or wood ash. To grow an even plant, you should refrain from specific fertilizing.

Why do carrots grow hairy?

Carrots acquire a specific hair coat due to improper watering. If a gardener does not strive to water his plantings well, the soil dries out. In the absence of normal watering, the plant begins to produce small white root appendages. They contribute to the search for what is necessary for growth and normal development feed water.

In order to get a good even harvest, it is recommended to use high-quality irrigate the soil. Having previously checked the drying of the soil, you need to saturate the soil substrate so that the nutrient moisture soaks the soil 20 cm deep. This is necessary so that the entire culture is completely saturated. Otherwise, tiny rhizomes will be released throughout the entire body of the root crop to search for additional water.

In some cases, the heat outside causes the top layer of soil to dry out, resulting in the formation of a crust. If it is not eliminated in time, then all the moisture will successfully roll off without getting deep into the soil. The loosening procedure carried out will help prevent the process of hair fouling on the red-haired beauty.

Another reason for covering the root crop with white tiny roots is no harvest long period . If the carrots are not pulled out of the ground in time, they, having been saturated with useful substances from the soil, will begin to prepare for the winter. To do this, it will produce additional lateral roots, trying to take root.

Why do carrots crack, what to do?

Digging beautiful, smooth carrots from the ground, the gardener rejoices at his success. But after a short time it turns out that the resulting harvest is all cracked. The reason for this result is the incorrect application of irrigation during the growth of the rhizome, its development, and also during the harvesting period.

When the time comes to harvest your grown vegetables, you should carefully monitor the weather forecast. If a period of rain is predicted in the coming days, it is recommended not to wait for unfavorable weather conditions and pull out the red beauty before cloudy and rainy weather sets in, otherwise the carrots may crack.

First of all, harvesting from wet beds is not a favorable prospect - the entire territory of the garden bed will be successfully trampled. Secondly, after keeping the vegetable in the ground during heavy rains, the root crop becomes saturated with unnecessary moisture and will soon crack during storage.

Therefore it is worth either wait time for 4-5 days so that the soil dries thoroughly, and then remove the plant in dry weather. But then there is a chance to overcook the root crop and end up with carrots covered in hair. Either what is the best option,collect vegetable until the rains come.

To ensure that the red-haired beauty is always smooth and appetizing when harvesting, without cracks, a number of measures should be taken:

  1. Before planting carrots, green manure should be planted on the intended territory. After it ripens, you need to dig up the soil along with the greenery of the plant.
  2. IN autumn period additionally fertilize the soil with chlorine-free fertilizer mixed with potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus.
  3. Sowing is carried out immediately in the spring using milling, while the soil is slightly moist and not dry.
  4. After sowing the planting seeds, spray against pests, diseases, as well as active growth weeds. It should be borne in mind that any treatment should be carried out on moist soil, immediately after watering or after rain.
  5. During the entire growth period, cultivation is carried out 3-4 times with cultivators to cut down the rhizomes of weeds, as well as to loosen the upper surface of the soil.

Knowing all the tricks of growing straight carrots, you don’t have to be afraid of the appearance of an ugly appearance with abnormal shoots and increased hairiness on the plant’s body.

What do you need to make carrots grow tasty and large?

Planting material purchased in a specialized store, gently planted into the ground using various devices and grown with trepidation and control, is revealed at harvest to be a small, ugly and tasteless root crop. Many gardeners wonder why this happens and what to do to ensure that carrots grow into appetizing, tasty and large fruits.

Attention! In most cases, non-compliance with the stated parameters indicates that the soil is unsuitable for planting. It is also recommended to pay attention to fertilizing. Heavy and poor soil is not conducive to producing a tasty, sweet and large red-haired beauty.

For carrots to grow beautiful shape and with good taste, the following requirements must be met:

  1. The soil must be neutral in acidity, and in no case acidic.
  2. The soil should be adjusted before planting autumn time saturate with plenty of nutrients.
  3. At the beginning of summer, when active size formation is underway, it is necessary to add a sufficient amount of water.
  4. Deep tillage of the soil should be carried out. If surface loosening is carried out, then the tops of the carrots remain on fresh air, under the influence sun rays they turn green and spoil.
  5. It is correct to choose varieties intended for long-term storage, and not for fresh consumption.
  6. Harvest in a timely manner, since long-term aging of the root crop in the soil deprives it of its taste.
  7. When purchasing, pay attention to whether they belong to hybrids. For example, instead of F1, an F hybrid was purchased and planted, which has the properties of wild carrots.

All problems: why carrots bifurcate, grow horned, gnarled or hairy are recommended to be looked for in the care and cultivation of the orange root vegetable. If you follow all the advice on timely care, watering, fertilizing and harvesting, then the carrots will not only be ideal in size, but also tasty.

Thus, you should carefully monitor the condition of root crops, prevent them from drying out, protect them from pests and help saturate the soil nutrients. Otherwise, the carrots will constantly grow ugly: gnarled and hairy, different in structure and unsightly to look at. appearance. In the absence of normal care, the root vegetable loses all its taste, becoming bitter and sour.

Video: horned and gnarled carrots - how to prevent this

Growing carrots at home as a business is a profitable activity, because the demand for this vegetable continues all year round. Growing root vegetables is quite simple, because you do not need to perform any complex agrotechnical techniques. However, vegetable growers are often interested in why carrots grow gnarled, horned and ugly? Changing the shape and color of carrots is one of the common reasons why a vegetable loses its attractive presentation. How to avoid this by growing beautiful and tasty carrots?


Every summer resident and farmer wants to harvest a harvest of carrots that are visually attractive, even and sweet. However, it is difficult to obtain such root vegetables if you do not follow the basic rules for caring for a carrot bed. According to gardeners, carrots often grow horned, with many small shoots and branches. What is the reason for this strange shape and how to deal with this problem?

  1. In the fall, prepare a bed for planting carrots. This includes deep digging of soil.
  2. Repeated loosening of the soil is carried out in the spring, immediately before planting, namely 7-10 days before sowing the seeds.
  3. The addition of sand, rotted sawdust or peat helps to significantly improve the properties of the soil. After this procedure, the soil becomes more loose and saturated with oxygen.
  4. The application of organic fertilizers has a positive effect on soil density. Humus makes the soil softer and looser.
  5. Regular watering and loosening of the soil during the formation of root crops - great solution problems with the formation of ugly and horned carrots.

Why do carrots grow gnarled and horned?

According to reviews from experienced farmers, carrots grow well in cultivated, aerated and moisture-permeable soil. The soil is carefully prepared before, loosened weekly and watered moderately. Then the carrots will not be ugly and clumsy, but on the contrary, they will delight you with their size, correct form and beautiful color.


The shooting of carrots upsets gardeners who expect to receive bountiful harvest. When bolting, the root crop does not form or is small in size. The reason is that the plant spends all its energy on forcing the arrows, and not on the development of the root crop. Why do carrots shoot? Here are some main reasons:

  • sowing low-quality seeds in spring;
  • planting seeds in unheated soil;
  • thickened planting of seeds;
  • lack or excess of moisture in the soil;
  • high air temperature during the formation of root crops.

Carrots often start to shoot and begin to bloom

Considering all the listed reasons why carrots start to bloom, it is necessary to eliminate unfavorable factors in a timely manner. It is therefore recommended to sow carrot seeds only in soil heated to 6-8 degrees and thin out the seedlings. Planting those that are not prone to bolting will help solve the problem radically. Regular, but moderate watering and the application of organic fertilizers is an excellent prevention of carrot bolting and flowering.


Sweet and tasty carrots grown in your own garden are the dream of every summer resident. However, carrots are often bitter and have no sweetness at all. There are several reasons why root vegetables taste bad. The first is that the root crops are affected by a fungal infection, which is guaranteed to lead to carrot diseases. As a result of the development of microspores, sugars are oxidized and the root vegetable loses its sweet taste.

Violation of carrot thinning technique is one of the reasons why the root crop grows bitter and not sweet

Prevention of infection of carrots by fungi should be done at the stage of preparing seeds for sowing. Processing planting material disinfectant solutionsgood decision problems. For example, you can use potassium permanganate or, popularly, potassium permanganate. It is enough to soak the seeds for 15-20 minutes in a pink solution to destroy fungal spores and prevent them from developing in the garden. When buying seeds in a store, you need to carefully read what is written on the package. Manufacturers often sell already disinfected seeds.

However, not only carrots infected with a fungal infection are bitter. Often the gardener himself is to blame for this. Violation of carrot thinning technique is one of the reasons why the root crop grows bitter and not sweet. If you thin out the seedlings carelessly, part of the root may become exposed and turn green. As a result, a bitter taste is formed in the fruit chemical substance– solanine. Bitter carrots should not be eaten as this alkaloid is harmful to human health.

How to grow sweet and tasty carrots? Here are a few important aspects, which are worth paying attention to, namely:

  1. After thinning the bed, you should carefully hill up the carrots.
  2. Harvesting is recommended only in dry weather.
  3. Before being sent for storage, all root crops are dried, and those that have turned green or damaged are rejected.

To grow sweet carrots, you need to buy and sow disease-resistant carrot varieties. Breeders have obtained many varieties that are resistant to fungal infection and retain the usual sweetness of root vegetables.


The reason carrots wilt is due to damage various diseases

Vegetable growers notice that while still in the ground, the carrots become soft, the tops wither, and then the root crop disappears. Why does it spoil? According to the observation of professionals, the reason for wilting of carrots is damage to various diseases. These include both bacterial infection of root crops and destruction of vegetables by fungal spores.

We recommend checking the symptoms of the disease and reading from the photo. Timely execution preventive measures will avoid such a problem. If part of the bed is infected, then you cannot do without the use of drugs to treat the plants. Spraying by special means will destroy the fungal infection and preserve the harvest.

Why do carrots crack in the ground??

To keep carrots in beautiful shape, they need to be watered moderately but regularly.

Cracking of carrots is a common phenomenon that occurs during dry periods. If there is not enough rain during the summer, then the root crops slow down in growth and wait for moisture. When liquid reaches the carrot roots, intensive growth begins. Vegetable cells divide so quickly that cracking occurs.

Regular watering of the beds will help eliminate the problem. To keep carrots in beautiful shape, they need to be watered moderately but regularly. Then the growth will be uniform, and the root crop will have a correct and even shape. According to gardeners, prolonged rains or waterlogging of the soil also leads to cracking.

Video about why carrots are gnarled, ugly and horned:

Do you want to know why carrots grow gnarled, horned and ugly? She goes to the arrow, but you don’t know what to do? Growing this popular vegetable is quite simple, but not without difficulties. According to reviews from summer residents, root vegetables sometimes become soft and bitter. All the secrets of growing tasty and healthy carrots at home are described in the article.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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