Panel radiator

There are constant conversations about energy resources becoming more expensive. Therefore, it is necessary to urgently consider issues related to energy conservation. This also applies to heating systems, the use of which entails significant energy costs. If we talk about the heating system of any apartment building, then the cost and energy savings here will largely depend on the method of supplying thermal energy to the apartments. There are two such methods - centrally and in the form of autonomous heating of an apartment building.

Pros and cons


Let's take a closer look at the second option and determine its positive and negative aspects. First, let's figure out what an autonomous heating point is. This is a separate room where boiler equipment, the power of which is sufficient to provide heat and hot water the entire apartment building. This is a kind of mini-boiler room with a full set of necessary instruments, fixtures and systems. Modern technologies providing heat residential buildings began to be used specifically in autonomous systems. The latter worked for one or several houses, which was doubly profitable. Why?

  • Firstly, the distance from thermal generator to heating devices in each apartment. This means that heat loss has decreased due to the transportation of coolant.
  • Secondly, the time for supplying heat to the consumer has been reduced, which is again due to a decrease in distance.
  • Thirdly, the costs of maintaining heating networks, their repair and installation have changed less.
  • Fourthly, they decreased economic indicators resulting from previous benefits. This means that the cost of the supplied coolant has changed to a minimum.

Scheme autonomous system

There is one more advantage of the system. When a house is being built, the developer is required to obtain large number permits that will allow him to crash into the central highway. Bureaucratic delays sometimes take months. And the installation of a metering device will cause a lot of disputes between developers and the receiving party, that is, the operating company. So for builders the option is with, even for the most big house, ideal.

And the last advantage is that the boiler room for the microdistrict occupies a place where not only buildings and water tanks will be erected, but also an electrical substation, access roads, warehouses, office premises, administrative buildings, etc. That is, a fairly impressive area will have to be allocated for it. And if there is no longer a need for a boiler room, the district administration can use this area for its own needs. For example, build another residential building, school, clinic, etc.


Gas boilers

There are disadvantages in any system, but they are usually fewer:

  • An autonomous boiler room must be located in a separate building, so it is necessary to allocate an area near the house for it. Sometimes such a building takes the form of an extension.
  • Mini-boiler houses pollute to a certain extent environment. Therefore, it is impossible to do without modern cleaning devices. And being located inside microdistricts obliges us to create conditions for environmentally friendly operating indicators. They exist and are stipulated by the norms and rules of SNiP. Hence the increase in the cost of the equipment itself.
  • The autonomous heating system is not yet as popular as the centralized one, so the production of equipment and related components has not yet been put into production. Hence the high cost of such systems. This means that not all developers can afford them.

Heating regulator

However, experts say that engineering developments today can eliminate some of the shortcomings. For example, if an autonomous boiler room is used to heat only one apartment building, its equipment can be placed in attic- the dimensions of the devices allow this to be done. In addition, the attic immediately becomes heated, which is undoubtedly a plus. In addition, the area between the houses is freed up. The only requirement for such options is the presence flat roof, which is not a problem. If you plan to install just such a heating system, you can include in the project flat roof. Experts have already carried out preliminary calculations, which have shown that even if the cost of equipment and installation costs are high, it will all pay off in a few seasons.

Types of decentralized heat supply

Of course, building a separate boiler room, even a small one, is quite expensive. And the attic option is also not cheap. However, there is an alternative.

Modular boiler rooms

Block-modular boiler room

One of the very interesting projects- these are modular, or block, boiler rooms. There is no need to build anything, and only a small area is allocated for the boiler house. Blocks are brought here that are easily and quickly connected into finished design. All of them are completed at the factory, the equipment inside them is precisely selected according to technical indicators, they are insulated and have a presentable appearance. The most important thing is to correctly arrange and connect the equipment. A couple of days and the boiler room is ready. But only specialists should assemble it. If anyone remembers, such modular boiler houses were used to heat cabins and barracks, that is, temporary structures. After engineers and designers worked on them, such stand-alone installations began to be used for organizing heating in apartment buildings. However, this option is not the only one.

Wall boilers

The most effective and economical today is apartment heating, where they are used as a heating device wall-mounted boilers. They run on either gas or electricity. Why wall-mounted?

Wall boiler

  • Firstly, they have small sizes, so they can be installed even in kitchens. At the same time, their appearance does not spoil the interior design at all.
  • Secondly, wall-mounted heating boilers are real mini-boiler rooms. Their design has circulation pump, expansion tank, as well as control and safety devices.
  • Thirdly, such heating installations can have a power of up to 35 kilowatts, which allows them to heat rooms up to 100 square meters.
  • Fourthly, modern manufacturers offer both single-circuit and double-circuit boilers for autonomous heating. So you will also be provided with hot water.

And now important question- how to choose the right boiler? The main thing is to correctly select the unit according to its design features. It should contain all the devices we mentioned without exception - pump, tank, etc. In addition, it is necessary to have a chimney, which will ensure not only the removal of fuel combustion products in the case of gas boilers, but also the influx clean air from outside. This means that the wall-mounted gas boiler must be with closed camera combustion. And the last thing is full automation, which will not only simplify the operation of the boiler, but will also save on fuel.

Attention! Modern wall-mounted heating boilers can also be used to connect a “warm floor” system to them. To do this, they have enough pressure, power, and coolant temperature.

Of course, with gas boilers There are more connection problems. But electric analogues are simpler in this regard. Here you only need to draw a branch from distribution panel with the installation of a machine and connect to the water supply system.

What might cause difficulties?

Modern kitchen

It may seem that everything is very simple and profitable. Then why don’t tenants switch to this heating system? And no one gives them permission. Imagine that the residents of one house will immediately submit documents for the re-equipment of heating networks, or rather, to refuse the services of organizations that supply heat to their houses. This is, firstly, a disaster for such an organization and deprivation of its profits. And, secondly, job cuts, although this issue is controversial. Someone needs to maintain autonomous mini-boiler rooms. So, in many respects, any of these options is not profitable for management companies. Although on a national scale, it’s the other way around. But it’s not for you and me to decide this issue.

Conclusion on the topic

No matter what happens in the technical and financial sphere, no matter who prohibits the introduction of innovations that entail savings, it is still independent heating gradually makes his way into life. Mini-boiler houses are appearing in new buildings in different cities, which are now being implemented as experimental ones. But a couple of years will pass and everything will fall into place. No one will want or pay more, so new technologies will gradually be introduced into life.

An important factor when choosing an apartment in a multi-storey building is the opportunity to save on heating and hot water supply (DHW). There is an opinion that the use of an individual boiler installation significantly reduces utility costs. In this article, we will look at why developers are building autonomous boiler houses near their homes, what they are this system heating, as well as how profitable and safe it is for residents.

Disadvantages of a centralized heating system

Today in Russia, the vast majority of residential buildings, hospitals, kindergartens and administrative buildings A centralized heat supply system and hot water supply from district thermal stations (RTS), combined heat and power plants (CHP) or large boiler houses are used.

It's no secret that the condition of both the thermal power plants themselves and municipal boiler houses, as well as heating networks, leaves much to be desired, and in some cities is close to catastrophic. Deterioration of heating mains, irrational use of capacity, high energy consumption of outdated equipment, frequent accidents and repairs lead to the fact that consumers are forced to pay for huge heat losses (up to 20% of consumption), depreciation of networks and labor costs for maintenance personnel.

In addition, residents of houses connected to the system central heating, depend on the beginning and end accepted by the city administration heating season, regardless of the room temperature. This fact forces us to use household heaters in the fall, which leads to an increase in electricity bills, and turn off the radiators in the spring, continuing to pay receipts with extortionate amounts for heating.

Preventative shutdown hot water V summer period for a period of two weeks is also associated with a large number objects connected to one thermal power plant or boiler house, where diagnostic or repair work is being carried out.

Often in apartments on upper floors The quality of heating and hot water is reduced due to insufficiently high water temperatures in the pipes.

These disadvantages have led to the fact that developers are increasingly building block (modular) boiler houses to supply heat to residential complexes and even individual apartment buildings.

Reasons prompting the developer to choose an autonomous heating system for the house:

  • Lack of engineering infrastructure for the development site;
  • The distance of the object from city heating plants, but the presence of a gas pipeline nearby;
  • Capacity shortages and inefficiency of the central heating system;
  • Complexity and/or high cost of approval technological connection to existing networks;
  • The density of buildings in the central regions interferes with the work on laying heating networks;
  • The development area, free of heating mains, allows for the creation of attractive recreation areas, parking spaces, and children's playgrounds.

In addition, the presence of an individual boiler room is presented by developers as an additional advantage for potential clients and allows you to position the property as comfort-class housing.

What is a block boiler installation?

Block boiler units (BCU) are manufactured at the factory and delivered to the site already assembled form, so-called block modules. From the outside it's small one-story building, similar to a trailer made of sandwich panels, inside of which the following components and systems are installed:

  • hot water boiler, fuel combustion chamber, heat exchangers;
  • pumps for circulating water in the system;
  • equipment for water treatment and purification;
  • flues, chimneys;
  • gas equipment (when using gas);
  • DHW circuit equipment (if any);
  • automatic control and dispatch system, instrumentation.

By type of fuel consumed differentiate gas, solid and liquid fuels BKU. Combinations of several types of fuel are possible.
Gas boiler houses are most widespread due to high efficiency(up to 95%), they are also the most environmentally friendly. As solid fuel coal, firewood, peat, pallets, liquid fuel oil, diesel fuel, waste oil

By type of execution The following boiler plant modules are distinguished:

The latter version is gaining popularity due to its technical and economic advantages, as well as best characteristics on safety and ecology.

Benefits of autonomous heating for residents

Savings on utilities compared to apartments of the same area, heated from main networks, is at least 45%, and in some cases reaches 200 - 300%. This effect is the sum of several factors: there is no need to pay for heat loss, the cost of transporting coolant, the cost of maintaining and repairing worn-out main networks, and worker labor.

Calculation of payments for heating and hot water becomes clear and understandable for the consumer. It consists of the physical volumes of resources actually consumed for heat production during the billing period, multiplied by the tariffs corresponding to each resource. Consumption of raw materials, namely gas (or other fuel), cold water and electricity, confirmed by metering devices. Total cost distributed among the owners in proportion to the area of ​​the apartments and non-residential premises.

An additional advantage of having a home boiler room will be the independence of residents from the heating season schedule and planned outages hot water adopted by the city authorities. The ability to independently quickly control the power of thermal energy production depending on the temperature outside the window allows you to efficiently use resources, saving on utility bills.

In terms of safety, modern autonomous boiler systems are not inferior to centralized systems. From design to commissioning, the process of creating a block boiler house is controlled supervisory authorities. Besides, automatic systems safety devices built into the control loop signal threats and block equipment operation in emergency situations. In case of breakdown, a backup boiler and pumps are provided.

In terms of environmental parameters of exhaust gas emissions into the atmosphere, a block boiler house is much safer than a thermal power plant, since the volume of pollution is an order of magnitude smaller, and if it is located on the roof, its dispersion is improved.

The only drawback of an autonomous boiler room for apartment owners is the fact that it belongs to the in-house engineering systems, that is, common property. According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, repairs and maintenance of such property are carried out at the expense of the owners of residential and non-residential premises. In practice, these needs are included in the tariff for the maintenance and repair of common property in apartment building. But since the planned service life of the equipment is designed for 25 years, the considerable cost of its replacement and installation is extended over time and distributed over the area, ultimately remaining profitable for the apartment owner compared to centralized system heating.

Energy resources are becoming more expensive - this is a fact, so it is especially acute in lately The question of energy saving arises. This also applies to heating systems of apartment buildings. The cost directly depends on the method of supplying heat to residents, of which there are currently two: centralized and autonomous.

Mini-boiler room in an apartment building and its advantages

If with centralized heating everything is more or less clear, then with autonomous heating it’s not entirely clear. Of course, in addition to the advantages, mini-boiler rooms in apartment buildings also have a number of disadvantages. Let's look at the question one by one.

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Design chimneys is included in the list of tasks regulated by Rostechnadzor of Russia. Pipes are classified as hazardous production facilities, so their design and installation can only be carried out by qualified enterprises.

In accordance with regulatory documents, the person responsible for the gas facilities of the enterprise is responsible for eliminating any accidents and extinguishing fires in the boiler room. He also develops an emergency response plan, which is agreed upon with all management and the fire service, and approved by the chief engineer.

Any boiler room, regardless of its configuration and equipment, is considered potentially dangerous technical room, That's why special attention During its production, safety issues, especially fire safety, should be taken into account. Without automation and control mechanisms that negate most risks, the boiler room simply will not be put into operation.

Modular boiler rooms are boiler equipment located in a special module (or several modules). Design features make it easy to transport ready installation to any location, quickly install and carry out commissioning work, and also guarantee high efficiency of the unit due to assembly at the manufacturer.

If it is necessary to quickly and easily provide space heating, mobile boiler rooms are used - block-modular installations on skids or chassis, which are delivered directly to the designated location.

Roof boiler rooms - a new solution to old problems

Roof boiler rooms - a new solution to old problems

Considering that it is not always possible to lay heating pipelines along the walls or under the floor, we have to consider somewhat non-standard for traditional heating methods schemes. One such option is the so-called roof boiler room. Laying and installation method heating elements on the roof is a somewhat labor-intensive job, but having a number of advantages, it is increasingly found in various enterprises and hangars, where it is often difficult to carry out communications.

As is known, the main factors by which the efficiency of a heating system is calculated are the duration of the heating pipelines, the amount of thermal energy used for benefit and the amount of energy that “leaks away”, the so-called heat losses. But if we consider a rooftop boiler room in comparison with a conventional one, traditional scheme, then with a relatively short length of communications they allow you to constantly maintain the desired temperature in the premises. This advantage allows you to significantly reduce energy losses both during direct heating and when laying pipes. If we express the savings factor in numbers, it will be in the range of 30 – 40%.

Roof boiler room - heating system

As for the boiler itself for rooftop heating systems, it is preferable to place it in the form of autonomous IHP on the roof and upper technical levels of buildings, which is why such boiler houses have the corresponding name - “rooftop”. As for the benefits similar placement, then, firstly, the need for land acquisition or construction is immediately eliminated separate building in the form of a boiler room. Secondly, relatively short communications and constant free access to them make it possible to special effort produce technical inspection pipelines and system components. Thirdly, increased safety. This factor is manifested in the fact that even with an emergency supply of fuel (gas or liquid carriers in the form of gasoline or diesel fuel, for a diesel boiler room), the likelihood of smoke penetration and open flame indoors is virtually excluded.

One more important property, which a roof boiler house has, is environmentally safe and preferable to other types of boiler houses. The fact is that, being on the roof, gases have greater access to the open atmosphere, so their removal is much easier compared to conventional gas outlets, in which gaseous combustion products are literally forced up the pipe.

An experiment was recently conducted that showed how much more profitable it is to use such heating systems. The analysis consisted mainly of the cost of thermal energy. The results showed that when producing 1 Gcal of energy with a roof heating system, we save about 20% compared to heating using another type of boiler house.

What qualities distinguish a modern roof boiler house?

Firstly, high performance. Manufacturers no longer offer weak models, because they are suitable only for small cottages. In great demand They use the most powerful roof boiler houses, capable of maintaining heat even in multi-storey buildings. Moreover, they are constantly used even in low-rise construction, since the owners not only heat the premises, but also maintain high temperature in saunas or baths.

Secondly, efficiency. Now fuel consumption has become an important factor. The roof boiler room runs on gas, so its cost is low. However, volumes still greatly affect the owner’s costs. For this reason, every modern model meets global requirements for efficiency. Without it, it is no longer possible to become a serious competitor in a market where there are many other options.

Thirdly, ease of operation. Among other things, the roof boiler room is easy to handle. The average person carries out basic maintenance on his own, quickly adds fuel and checks the main components. This means that the owner does not have to spend extra money on the services of a specialist, but these costs are usually high.

Fourthly, low cost. Usually, before every purchase, a compatriot thinks about the price. When choosing a roof boiler room, he will not be able to refuse this, because it is not always so necessary. True, not a single buyer can be upset by the price, because even the most powerful models quite accessible.

So installing a roof boiler room is a solution to many problems due to the highest technical characteristics. A wide assortment will only pleasantly complement a visit to the store.

Roof boiler room disadvantages

As for the disadvantages that a roof boiler house has, the main one is the need to attract the latest, modern equipment for installation of elements of a roof heating system. And this is where problems arise necessary requirements to the gas boiler room. First of all, this is a limitation on the weight of the boiler, since it is the main source of mass. And since the boiler group is attached to the ceiling elements, the strength condition must be observed roofing structure and distribute the weight evenly across all roof strength elements. This in itself is not an easy task. That's why optimal material Copper is used for the manufacture of heat exchangers. But besides this, such complex system simply cannot do without systems automated control and control. Therefore, elements of the ATS (system automatic regulation) and self-propelled guns (systems automatic control), which continuously monitor parameters throughout the entire system.

It should also be noted that the roof boiler room is the latest achievement in the field of energy supply of premises and their heating. Despite the complexity, roof-mounted options will most likely replace other types of boiler houses in the near future.

When will you need a rooftop boiler room?

The best aspects of such autonomous heating made it possible to use them in different cases. First of all, a rooftop boiler room is used when there is a lack of free space near the building. With the current dense development of the largest cities, firms have to use such models. In addition, due to the installation of a roof boiler room low-rise construction becomes completely autonomous. Some unique cottage designs take this heating option into account because it provides the required power without taking up free space.

As a result, it is now quite easy to find a rooftop boiler room. They are installed in many residential areas or cottage villages, becoming an indispensable part of the construction of houses.

The issues of increasing energy efficiency and saving energy resources fully aroused the interest of consumers and officials only after the adoption of the relevant law.
First of all, increasing energy efficiency should affect housing and communal services, as the most unprofitable and poorly organized industry national economy. On the Internet, you can find a lot of data from reports on energy audits carried out by various companies that have nothing in common, in different cities countries.
At the same time, they are striking in the uniformity of data: in apartment buildings older than ten years, up to 70% of thermal energy is lost into the atmosphere, and yet people, having paid for it in full, often freeze in their apartments.
Main reason This state of affairs consists in the irrational use of heat, its losses during transportation, as well as the inertia of the sales company.
Everyone is familiar with the picture when entire cities freeze during early autumn frosts, waiting for the start of the mythical heating season, or “burn from the heat” in the spring, dreaming of its end. At the same time, for all these inconveniences, consumers are also forced to pay a considerable amount of money.
All this happens due to the great inertia of enterprises that generate and supply heat. As a rule, we're talking about about district boiler houses that provide thermal energy to entire residential areas and about heating networks that supply it to consumers.
Their work can be compared to a heavy train, which is difficult to accelerate and even more difficult to stop. So, for example, the beginning of the heating season is like an acceleration of the train, and its end is like a deceleration.

To make your homes nice and cozy...
For homes to be nice and cozy, they must be warm. Moreover, its supply should begin and end not depending on the heating season, but in strict accordance with the weather. It gets cold, we start heating, it gets hot, we stop. This can be done using your own autonomous heating system, based on your personal boiler installed in the apartment. However, it is more convenient and practical to install the boiler not in the apartment itself, but in a special combustion room.
In an apartment building, this combustion chamber can be located on the roof of the house. This is not only convenient in terms of supplying heated water to consumers, but also allows you to do without chimneys, the construction of which in houses of 16 or even 20 floors is a real problem.
It should be remembered that flue gases must be evacuated to a height several meters higher than the height of the building. From this point of view, the location of the boiler room in an apartment building on its roof is the most preferable option among all others.
Let's note it right away. That the location of the boiler room in the courtyard of a house on the adjacent territory is also difficult, because its chimney must be higher than the houses located in the neighborhood, and the movement flue gases, determined by the wind rose, should not encounter obstacles in the form of residential buildings on its path.
Find a place where it would be possible to build a boiler room next to multi-storey buildings V big city almost impossible.
There is only one conclusion: the roof for the location of the boiler room of an apartment building is the best option.

But if all the residents of one house want to refuse central heating services...
But if all residents of one house want to refuse central heating services, then they need to unite and make one common boiler room for the entire house or for a separate entrance. Let us list a number of advantages of an autonomous boiler room, comparing it with conventional central heating:
Reducing heat loss during transportation
No costs for heat transportation
Accurate and transparent accounting of received thermal energy
Possibility to turn on the heating as soon as necessary
Possibility of adjusting heat consumption
Possibility of supplying heat to preheat cold air for the ventilation system

List of works required to install an autonomous boiler room
As already mentioned, in order to switch to autonomous heating of a house or entrance, it is necessary to make an appropriate decision on general meeting residents. Then you need to develop a project for the boiler room and its connection to the heating system.

Project in mandatory agreed upon in state supervision organizations:
Fire safety service
Sanitary Inspection Service
Urban architecture
Technical supervision

All this is done to ensure the safety of the house and the people living in it.
For reference: boiler rooms cannot be installed on the roofs of schools, kindergartens and educational institutions, hospitals and sanatoriums, as well as on roofs storage facilities and explosive industries.

About choosing equipment for a boiler room on the roof
The efficiency of an autonomous boiler room depends on the performance of the boilers used in it, so preference should be given to modern, highly efficient equipment, among which wall-mounted condensing boilers take the leading positions.
This heat generating equipment is compact, efficient and absolutely safe. One small boiler can heat an area of ​​2000 square meters. Two boilers are enough for one entrance, but you can install any number of them and effectively heat the entire apartment building, also heating the air for the ventilation system.
Besides condensing boilers 15% more efficient than conventional gas boilers.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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