Flooring is considered one of the main design elements, and the floor in the hallway is no exception. First of all, when choosing a design in the hallway, you need to take into account the practicality of the coating, and also do not forget about its other properties and characteristics.

The best materials will be those that have increased strength characteristics, moisture resistance, and will be easy to clean from contaminants. Such materials are:

  • porcelain stoneware;
  • laminate;
  • ceramic tile;
  • linoleum;
  • parquet;
  • carpet

Natural wood or pile fibers can be used as materials compatible with them.


Several years ago, this material was the most popular for cladding hallways and other rooms. Other materials were considered luxury items. Now they can be seen everywhere, but linoleum has undergone some changes. Now there are many colors and textures available that can completely replicate wood, both in appearance and tactile sensations. And this is just one example of many! At the same time, linoleum has retained its practicality, is easy to maintain and its cost remains low compared to other materials.

There is linoleum from natural materials, which costs significantly more, but is absolutely not afraid of moisture, dirt and mechanical damage and fits perfectly into any design. Significant disadvantages are the very high cost and limited color range, and to maintain an attractive appearance you will have to periodically rub it with a special compound.

Linoleum is divided into three categories:

  • for household use;
  • for commercial;
  • semi-commercial linoleum.

For the hallway, the third option is best. The photo shows an example of linoleum in the hallway, which fits into the design, creating an atmosphere of comfort.

Porcelain tiles and ceramic tiles

Porcelain stoneware is a material unique in its characteristics. It consists of slabs made in ovens at high temperatures from natural materials. Tile is a rather slippery surface, so it will not fit into every design. To avoid sudden falls, choose tiles with a matte textured surface.

These types of flooring are considered the most durable. They are divided according to strength class from 1 to 5. The most durable of them is used in heavy industry and in production in general. For a hallway, class 3 and 4 tiles would be an excellent choice.

One more important property What ceramics has is resistance to chemical reagents. Here there is also a division into classes, but now literally. Weak classes are considered C and D. It is better to ignore them. Choose more durable A and B for the hallway.

Class AA will become an unreasonably expensive purchase. It has the highest possible resistance to chemicals, but is used only in production where it is necessary. Square tiles fits well into the interior of an equilateral hallway. In the photo you can see an example of tiled flooring in the hallway.

Laminate and parquet

Until recently, this coating was considered an attribute of luxury, but now it can increasingly be found in modern apartments. Designers use these materials for flooring in the hallway. Please note that not every brand of these materials will suit for use in the hallway. Choose laminate or parquet brand 31/33. This brand has increased strength characteristics - it is least susceptible to wear.

Be sure to pay attention to the fact that the coating made of these materials has a special moisture-resistant impregnation. If you neglect this rule, the material will swell and deform over time, and the interior design will be completely ruined. Natural wood is a material aimed at aesthetics. The coating made of this material will have to be maintained regularly. Unfortunately, even wood with moisture-resistant impregnation will eventually undergo negative influence moisture.

The price of such materials, unfortunately, is not their advantage. For this reason the best solution will combine this material with a cheap and wear-resistant one, placing the first at the edges and the second in the center. In the photo you can see the aesthetic effect of natural wood coating.


Here you will have to carefully choose the right material so that it lasts as long as possible and maintains its aesthetic qualities. I would like to say right away that natural material is not suitable for placement near front door. It retains dents for too long and can also become a real reservoir of moisture. Among other things, such material will cost you quite a lot.

The best solution for the hallway would be synthetic material, superior to natural in strength characteristics. In addition to its low price, it is quite practical and easy to clean. Among synthetic ones, choose carpet with a short pile covering and a high density of loops. In the photo you can see what effect synthetic carpet produces in the hallway.

What should the choice be based on?

Do not forget that floors must meet generally accepted aesthetic requirements. This is the most main question design. It is necessary to take into account the color compatibility of the floor, walls, doorways and furniture located in the hallway. Experts recommend using the floor as the base color, since it is the least likely to be repaired.

Modern design involves using a combination of tones that differ little from each other. You can combine several contrasting colors, but in this case you must not overdo it, otherwise you will end up with excessive variegation. Design experts use 2-3 colors in the interior to achieve perfect combination: red with white, ocher with black, etc. The smooth transition of colors in the interior gives the room a special atmosphere. As a rule, the floor is made darker, and as you move upward the color becomes lighter.

To create a hallway where every detail complements the other, use color extensively. You can paint the ceiling in stripes that match the width of the cabinets. You will get the feeling that the furniture, ceiling and walls are one whole. This is a modern and quite effective design technique.

Changing the size of the room

Before choosing a floor for the hallway, you need to adequately assess its size. As a rule, the hallway is a rather narrow room. To make it visually spacious, you can use the following technique: choose a material with stripes (any of the above), lay it so that the stripes are located diagonally or across the room. This simple trick will visually expand the space inside the room.

The play of colors has a great influence on the visual dimensions of the hallway. The trick is to combine the colors of the furniture on the walls and floor, which visually increases the size of the room. How lighter color floor, the larger the room visually.

In the design of the hallway you can use several materials, for example, tiles and laminate. This way you divide the hallway into two zones. Tile is a more practical material than laminate, so it would be logical to place it closer to the exit where shoes are taken off. This division will also visually enlarge the hallway.

Try to choose the most suitable for the hallway practical materials, which will last as long as possible, do not forget to also take care of them on time. Choose the right color and texture of the floor to highlight your hallway. Remember the basic rules of floor design, make sure that the floor is in harmony with all other attributes of the interior in the hallway: walls, ceiling and furniture. Then your home will announce you from the threshold as a good owner with taste.

Of all the rooms in the house, the hallway is the heaviest of all: due to street dirt that inevitably settles on surfaces, frosty air that rushes into a warm environment, or high-heeled shoes that create additional stress. Under the influence of such factors, the floor covering quickly wears out, becomes dirty, sometimes even cracks, in other words, it loses its visual and practical properties. This can be avoided by choosing quality tiles on the floor in the hallway, which is deservedly included in the list of optimal finishing solutions.

Features of choice

When choosing a material for cladding, you need to focus on the requirements that this space imposes. Firstly, he must have high degree resistance to various destructive substances: moisture, household chemicals, abrasives and so on. Some types of tiles are vulnerable to this effect, especially in the joint area. Waterproof grout will help solve this problem, as well as the use of large fragments, instead of, for example, mosaics.

Secondly, the products must be wear-resistant, not wear out due to constant interaction with shoes, friction, and also withstand heavy objects. According to this indicator, tiles are divided into classes, and the higher, the better for the hallway.

Thirdly, it is worth thinking about the risk of injury and comfort of movement. The surface should be smooth, but with a low level of slip, which for glossy ones often increases upon contact with water.

Last, but not least, are the visual merits of the tile - does it match the design of the room, how does it fit with other compositional elements, does it highlight flaws in geometry, and so on.

Types of floor tiles

Floor tiles are presented in several variations, which differ in composition, characteristics, design capabilities and, of course, price. Let's look at the main ones.

Ceramic tile

The traditional and most common type, and not only for the hallway floor. It is made from baked clay, which gives the fragments resistance to wear and with it durability. True, this does not apply to strong blows which can lead to cracks.

Temperature changes are also not dangerous for ceramic tiles, since they usually maintain a stable cold state, which will cause inconvenience for those who like to walk on the floor with bare feet.

With its help you can realize almost any idea: be it variegated colors, unusual shapes, complex patterns, relief texture or minimalistic smooth coating.

Porcelain tiles

It is classified as a top-class product with increased strength. Ceramic granite is made from different mixtures crushed rocks, high-quality clay, as well as natural dyes, which are presented in a wide palette of shades.

This is a low-porosity material that practically does not absorb moisture, unlike ceramic tiles, which are not so ideal in this parameter. However, the complexity of installation does not vary much. It also copes well with other requirements. The main disadvantage is the high cost.

Quartz vinyl tiles

The construction industry has presented an improved version of tiles that is resistant to any temperatures, loads and detergents. The composition of this material, in addition to quartz, includes stabilizers, plasticizer compounds, pigments and vinyl, which gives the product strength, plasticity, and a variety of shapes.

Despite the presence of components artificial origin, quartzinil is considered safe for human health, but in the hallway it does not play such an important role due to the occasional use of space. If necessary, you can easily replace several blocks without damaging the overall composition.

The disadvantages include the massiveness of the fragments, as well as the need for ideal alignment of the base - even minor unevenness will significantly affect movement.

Choosing a tile design for the hallway

Technical characteristics are, of course, important factor in the choice of flooring, but aesthetics and visual design of the interior occupy an equal position with it. After all, the hallway is the first place that visitors to the house encounter, so every detail in it creates a certain impression.

Color variations

Any type of tile has a wide palette of colors, so here the author is limited only by style, taste preferences and space possibilities.

Traditionally, light shades help to expand the room: these are white, beige, walnut, gray, as well as pastel varieties. But against such a background, any pollution that appears literally every day is more quickly visible.

Unfortunately, traces of dirt will be just as noticeable on a dark, smooth floor, as will any scratches. Such a range noticeably outlines the space, especially if there is not much of it.

It is best to use muted colors with uneven textures or patterns for decoration - they look advantageous in the interior and do not seem boring. Pay attention to the tone, since cold options tend to visually distance objects, while light ones, on the contrary, bring them closer.


You won’t be able to apply photorealistic paintings to tiles—and you shouldn’t, especially in such a secluded room. But any type of product can implement other techniques.

It could be simple geometric figures, ethnic ornament or floral patterns that are made different colors. In large hallways, you can decorate the floor with a small pattern, which creates a unique cozy atmosphere. But most often the decor is combined with a plain base, thereby balancing the bright details.

Texture solutions

If desired, you can order a finish with a relief texture, but this option is usually neglected due to the inconvenience of moving on the floor. In general, there are several types of surfaces:

- Glossy. Reflects surrounding objects and is rarely used in small hallways, despite its effectiveness mirror surfaces in such spaces. The appearance of any scratches is immediately noticeable.

- Matte. The optimal non-slip solution on which traces of dirt are not so noticeable. Due to low reflectivity, it conveys color better.

- Satin. A floor with a micro-relief on which the light shimmers softly, beautifully emphasizing the decor of the tiles.

— Structural. It is a more affordable and durable imitation of natural materials - wood or stone.

Matte and satin products are considered the most optimal, mainly due to their practical properties.

Tile size and shape

The possibilities of tiles are limited - for example, you cannot “lay” a room with a continuous covering. But they still offer some variety.

So, in large hallways you can decorate the floor with large blocks that will emphasize its scale. Medium pieces will fit perfectly into medium-sized and small-sized rooms. But the mosaic fragments are attributed more likely to decorative techniques, therefore they are not used for floor finishing.

Regarding the forms, we note that curly ones are rarely found in interiors. In addition to standard square and rectangular elements, you can also choose diamond-shaped, round, trapezoidal or hexagonal - and the range is not limited to this. Several types are often combined for visual effect.

Types of installation

It’s also interesting to tile the floor in the hallway different ways laying the material. These include:

— Traditional straight laying in a row;
— Diagonal option, which requires additional stages on formation suitable products;
— Brick-type masonry;
— Parquet, which is used for tiles that imitate wood texture;
– Modular – tile combination different sizes;
— Carpet, which involves the use of any decorative elements.

To properly design the floor, it is better to turn to the services of professionals.

Interior styles

There are many design options, but when you have to deal with a certain style, they often come down to a few profitable solutions.

Hallway tiles in a classic style

Floor tiles will help to realize the classics in their most luxurious interpretation, especially if the living space contributes to this. This is the case when gloss will look appropriate, especially in combination with marbled porcelain tiles or classic patterns.

In more modern interiors, you can limit yourself to a light natural finish with several decorative elements, which are consonant with the color scheme.

Modern style hallway tiles

The visual component of the direction goes along with the practical one and often draws aesthetics from it. You need to focus on the convenience of the material, as well as its compliance with the geometry of the space.

Matte will fit harmoniously into such a hallway floor tiles light colors with a uniform or structured surface. But modern style suitable for interesting experiments- for example, a black glossy floor surrounded by white walls.

Scandinavian style hallway tiles

The dominant place in the Nordic interior is occupied by White color, so you don’t have to think for a long time and continue it at the base of the room. In addition to standard square fragments, you can pay attention to tiles of different shapes with geometric pattern, or lay it like brickwork. Coverings with a natural texture are also suitable for the hallway.

Hallway tiles in loft style

Inspired by industrial aesthetics, the loft is the ideal canvas for various combinations. You can purchase floor tiles that look like wood, stone, or even concrete. On the background brick walls Detailed fragments of different shapes, contrasting with other compositional elements, look interesting.

Hallway tiles in high-tech style

Despite its commitment to high technology, high-tech does not shy away from traditional solutions. Here you can use large solid blocks with deep texture, matte products or those that softly reflect the light.

The colors are strict, natural, continuing the monochrome palette characteristic of the style.

Just one type of finish offers such a wide variety of design solutions: from texture to installation method. In our selection of photographs, we tried to demonstrate the advantages of floor tiles in the hallway, inspiring you to new ideas. Enjoy watching!

Among the common types of floor coverings in the hallway there are both budget and luxury materials: from linoleum to natural stone. And each option has special properties.

Porcelain tiles, ceramic tiles, natural stone

A natural stone - rare guest V standard apartments. It is durable, exclusive and can last you forever, but it is too expensive - the most common types cost from $300 per square meter. meter, and average price for exclusive colors is $1000 or more. In addition, natural stone can demonstrate its solemn grace only at large areas- for example, when registering entrance group country house.

Stylish tile floor in the hallway of a private house

When choosing a material, you should give preference to coatings that are characterized by:

  • wear resistance;
  • immunity to moisture;
  • ease of care;
  • impact resistance;
  • stylish design.

Glossy surface is easy to clean

After such prices, the cost does not look shocking at all - on average $15 per sq. m. meter. For floor design they choose especially durable material, from the corresponding floor collections. Most often they are a high-precision imitation of wood or natural stone- moisture- and wear-resistant, easy to install. But keep in mind that tiles - cold material. It will last you a really long time, but it can be uncomfortable to use, especially if you are used to traveling around the house barefoot.

If the main thing for you is practicality, choose tiles of wear resistance class 3-4 according to PEI, as well as categories A or B in terms of chemical resistance.

Ribbed ceramic tiles will not slip

Advice. Modern collections include options with glazed, matte, embossed textured surface. It is better to avoid smooth gloss on the floor in the hallway, as it is too slippery to remain a safe coating.

Advantages of porcelain stoneware

Porcelain stoneware is characterized by frost resistance, chemical resistance, minimal water absorption, and its density is more than 18 kg/sq. m. In this segment, you can choose products with a matte, embossed or polished surface. There is also porcelain tile with ideal geometry for seamless installation - rectified. Price standard material- about 8-20 dollars per square.

Natural stone on the hallway floor

By the way, porcelain stoneware is not only very durable and impact-resistant, but is also painted throughout its entire thickness, so the color remains the same regardless of the level of load on the coating. However, there is an opinion that such material is too expensive for a hallway, where such significant strength is not needed. After all, porcelain stoneware can last about 50 years, and repairs in the hallway are done much more often.

Linoleum - all the variety of variations

To decorate your hallway, you can choose one of three types of linoleum:

  • marmoleum (natural);
  • PVC, artificial;
  • tiled.

Features of PVC linoleum

Artificial linoleum is a multilayer material based on polyvinyl chloride. It is classified according to the level of wear resistance - it depends on the thickness of the top protective layer, which can be in the range of 0.15-0.7 mm:

Linoleum on the floor in the hallway

  • household class - for unloaded premises, with a service life of no more than 5 years, price - up to $10;
  • semi-commercial, able to withstand 10 years of operation, cost about 12-14 dollars;
  • commercial, intended for public premises and is designed to last for 25 years, costs more than $20 per square meter. meter.

Linoleum with a laminate pattern

Advice. For the hallway it is better to choose a semi-commercial class coating. It is characterized by ease of installation, quite flexible, but does not form dents under short pressure. You can choose any stylish design- from imitations natural materials to expressive abstractions.

Tiled linoleum

If traditional linoleum is roll covering, produced standard width, then tiled ones are separate modules that can be easily installed in rooms of different shapes and sizes. This material is a multilayer “pie”:

  • elastic vinyl base about 0.5 mm thick;
  • reinforced base made of durable fiberglass;
  • a base made of flexible vinyl and quartz sand is a stabilizing layer that ensures constant geometric dimensions;
  • decorative - especially durable paper with a pattern or texture;
  • polyurethane protective layer— protects against abrasion and exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

The floor is laid out from individual tiles

The panels provide effective cushioning and are very pleasant to walk on. You can also choose different shapes tiles - square, rectangle, hexagon. They also differ in the type of surface - glossy, matte and embossed are best suited for the home.

Natural linoleum - marmoleum

Marmoleum or natural linoleum is made from cork, jute and resins obtained from oils plant origin. The composition also includes antiseptic additives - an ultra-safe coating is obtained, which is also characterized increased stability to chemicals, household chemicals, moisture. The strength of the material is also very high - 160 kg/sq. cm, that is, you can move a heavy cabinet and not find any dents underneath it.

The floor can be laid out from colored modules

As for the designs, you won’t find any designer delights here - the material is most often monochrome or with an unobtrusive “salt-pepper” texture. But it is painted throughout its entire thickness, and even if it wears out, it will not affect the drawing in any way.

Or maybe from black and white

Important. Marmoleum is produced in the form of individual tiles, which makes installation easier and allows you to assemble simple patterns from colored modules. However, it can only be mounted on a carefully leveled base. In addition, the material is fragile, which requires careful transportation.

Laminate flooring in the hallway

Laminate is a multi-layer floor covering in which the base is fiberboard board high density. The middle layer is a decorative layer of durable paper, and upper layer protective. There are 6 classes of laminate according to the degree of resistance to wear - 21-23 refers to “home” coatings, and 31-33 - to commercial ones.

For the hallway it is better to choose a wear-resistant laminate

Considering the load on the floor in the hallway, it is advisable to use commercial coatings of class 31, stable under high loads, exposure to moisture and dirt. They are quite durable and, moreover, easy to install - special tenons and grooves are provided at the ends of the modules for connection. The cost of such a solution is about $18, and if you prefer modern collections with increased moisture resistance, the price will increase by another 25%.

Photo: light laminate on the hallway floor

I install the laminate on a special leveling and soundproofing substrate. You will also need a plinth to secure the assembled canvas around the perimeter of the room. By the way, laminate is considered a coating suitable for local repairs - purchase several spare modules at once and you can replace them if necessary, quickly returning the floor to its former attractiveness.

Laminate flooring in the hallway and hallway

As for design, laminate collections are incredibly variable - they can imitate different breeds wood (from bleached oak to wenge), ceramic tiles, aged natural stone or even genuine leather, metal.

Parquet or parquet board

Under piece parquet refers to a floor made of wooden blocks laid using various techniques. Such elements can reproduce standard herringbone and square designs, or they can create a unique artistic design using palace techniques.

Parquet pattern

Parquet is incredibly durable, but it is demanding both in terms of operating conditions and maintenance - it must be periodically varnished and not allowed prolonged contact with moisture. The cost of such a floor with a standard pattern is about $100 per square meter taking into account the preparation of the base and the use of a lower underlying layer of moisture-resistant plywood.

Parquet in the hallway is usually laid in cottages

You can also use a parquet board - it costs between 30-50 dollars per square and differs from parquet in its larger dimensions and structure. This material contains 3 layers:

  • veneer from valuable species wood as top decor;
  • middle stabilization layer;
  • The lower shock-absorbing layer is made of coniferous wood.

But also parquet board It turns out to be too susceptible to dirty shoes, constant humidity and household chemicals.

The parquet floor in the door area will require repairs faster

Advice. If you want to decorate your hallway with flooring made of natural wood, use special moisture-absorbing mats in the area near the door or combine several types of coatings.

For example, you can lay ceramic tiles directly at the entrance, and then a wooden covering at the level next to it. They are separated by compensation inserts made of cork for regulation during temperature changes.

The floors in the hallway are constantly exposed to the aggressive influence of moisture, sand, and salts. In addition, the flooring is regularly impacted by heels and shoe soles. For an area subject to such loads, you should choose the most resistant floor covering. For some reason, we don’t install parquet in the bathroom and toilet, and we try to prefer tiles for the kitchen. But when it comes to the floor in the hallway, many people forget about forethought.

In the old days, floor tiles had an unattractive appearance, so they tried to use them to a minimum. For obvious reasons, it was not customary to decorate hallways and even kitchens with it. But these days, when the choice of floor tiles is incredibly diverse, it is hardly advisable to abandon them in favor of boards in “problem” rooms. Even the highest quality laminate cannot compare with tiles in terms of resistance to so-called aggressive environments.

The tiles in the hallway look elegant and appropriate. Such flooring visually “increases the cost” of the interior. At the same time, the tiles do not lose their original aesthetics for a very long time and look like new for many years.

However, tile, like other coatings, has its drawbacks. She is cold and tough. Walking on it is not as pleasant as, for example, on wooden board or carpet. With a tiled floor, the interior of the hallway or lobby can turn out cold, gloomy, and “official.” In this regard, tiling a large area, of which the hallway is part, seems an unattractive solution. However, this is not necessary, because the tiles can be used for facing a small fragment.

Combining floor coverings in the hallway area helps in solving several problems.

1. Tiles laid on small area in the hallway area, protects floors from negative influences.

2. Combining floors works for zoning: the hallway area stands out effectively from the general space of the hall, corridor, lobby or studio. The boundary of the zones runs along the joint line of the floor coverings.

For effective zoning, it is important that the tiles are noticeably different in color and pattern from the second floor covering.

3. The combined floor deprives the interior long corridor or lobby monotony. The combination of two coatings allows you to introduce additional curves or straight lines into the space.

If you prefer not to divide the space into zones through a combination of coatings, you can tile the entire area of ​​the hall, corridor, or vestibule. This area will look cozier if you choose wood-look tiles. For effectiveness, you may prefer a black and white solution.

Hallway tiles: which one to choose?

It is desirable that the tiles be as resistant to moisture and abrasion as possible. Porcelain stoneware has these qualities. It never loses its color because it is dyed to its full depth. The water absorption of porcelain stoneware is close to zero, which means that the tile is absolutely indifferent to moisture.

The tiles in the hallway should not be slippery. When purchasing material, you should pay attention to the anti-slip indicator. For the hallway, tiles with an anti-slip level of R10 or R11 are suitable.

The color of the tiles is important not only from a decorative point of view. If the surface of porcelain stoneware is textured, the light-colored coating may become dirty over time. The fact is that dirt will become clogged in the unevenness that makes up the tile relief. The anti-slip material has a rough surface, making it difficult to clean.

Of course, such tiles can be cleaned using effective detergents, abrasives, and brushes. However, not always and not everyone has the time and opportunity for this. If the practicality of the floor is important to you, choose darker textured porcelain tiles.

Light-colored “seams” will also get dirty over time. For the hallway area, it is worth choosing the least easily soiled grout possible.

Polished and glazed porcelain tiles look luxurious. However, it is often too slippery and therefore not suitable for the hallway.

Tile in the hallway: ways to combine it with another coating

The tiled area may be on the same level as another floor covering, or may rise above it. The tile podium should not be high - in the hallway it is inconvenient and even unsafe. It is enough to raise the tile level by 3-5 cm.

The podium can be filled with screed mixture or even tile adhesive. A mini-podium in the hallway zones the space more effectively, since the selection of this area becomes more obvious. As a rule, none of the owners or guests leaves this area without taking off their shoes. This helps keep the house clean.

The connection of two floor coverings happens straight or curly. The second option is more difficult to implement, especially if the boundary between the coatings is curved. It is necessary to make careful calculations and cut very carefully.

Just like that, solely for the sake of effectiveness, it’s hardly worth being sophisticated. But if curved lines are one of the key features of the interior, such a move will be justified. For example, the line where the tiles and parquet meet can follow the lines of the ornament on the cabinet doors. A curvilinear connection of coatings will be relevant for the interior, which tends towards fancy ornateness.

It is much easier to refine straight joints, and the choice of joining parts for them is much wider. The threshold can match the color of the tiles, second covering, baseboards, furniture, or metal fittings.

Floor tiles in the hallway: ideas

If you plan to tile a fairly large area, you can think about introducing additional nuances of color and shape - that is, placing a tiled panel in the center of the area, using two types of tiles for cladding, or making a mosaic edging. This will deprive the floor of the hallway of monotony, making it more original and aesthetic.

Combining coatings not at right angles, but obliquely “breaks” the rigid boundaries of space. Sometimes such a move is justified if the owners do not like the clearly defined rectangular shapes. With this combination of coverings, the hall or vestibule takes on a completely different look and acquires individuality.

If you decide to renovate the hallway, then The best way completely transform the room - involve specialists in the work. Professionals perform finishing work efficiently and quickly. The best option The floor covering is considered to be tiles in the hallway.

The floor is constantly exposed mechanical stress. It is necessary that it can withstand the pressure of high heels and be as susceptible to dirt and dust as possible.

Homeowners need to choose materials that have high performance characteristics. Then the floor covering will be durable and beautiful.

All about the pros and cons

Modern tiles in the hallway have the following advantages:

  • practicality;
  • wear resistance;
  • rich color range;
  • easy care;
  • various finishing methods.

Floor coverings for halls, corridors, lobbies are presented various options. You can make parquet, lay linoleum or laminate. However, it is durable tiles is the most effective and durable option.

Ceramic products look great in different styles. However, here it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of each design directions. So, in the hallway, decorated in rustic style, floor tiles that imitate natural stone are appropriate.

The hygiene of porcelain stoneware is beyond doubt. It can be washed with aggressive chemicals. After this wet cleaning initial attractive appearance doesn't change at all.

Consider the slip coefficient when choosing finishing materials; you should not use glazed ceramics for the corridor. If the sole of your shoe is wet, there is a high risk that you will slip. Give preference to matte floor tiles.

How to decorate a spacious hallway?

A room of impressive size can be decorated using ceramics and other components. Porcelain tiles should be placed at the threshold: this area is exposed to maximum impact. A tiled area can successfully replace a rug at the threshold.

By combining two types of flooring, you can create a clear zoning of the interior. For this purpose, designers often use wood-look ceramics.

Linoleum and laminate look great in the living room-kitchen, and floor tiles in the hallway. In order for the zoning boundary to be clear, the tiled area should be of contrasting shades.

The tile looks great in combination with the floorboard. Both materials do not require perfect, seamless installation, which gives the floor surface a special charm.

Today, technology makes it possible to lay tiles in the corridor using a variety of methods. It is not necessary to adhere to strict geometry. You can lay the plates in waves, zigzags and in the form of irregular polygons. When there is in the corridor multi-level ceiling, then you can repeat its pattern on the floor.

Choosing colors, shapes and patterns

In long and narrow room You should not use dark tiles, the corridor will become cold, and it will not be at all comfortable to be in it. Any light colors that match the color of the walls are appropriate here. Designers do not recommend using white. If you want to visually expand the boundaries of the room, then lay horizontally through one contrasting narrow tile.

In the large hall you can show your creativity. In this case, it is easy to answer the question: “Which tile to choose for the corridor?” Models can be completely different in texture, color schemes and shapes.

Additional accents are appropriate in the interior. Take some time indoors Special attention decorative design of its central part. Create a beautiful tiled panel, and let the border for a modern masterpiece be a strip of small mosaic.

The choice of patterns on the surface of ceramics is large, it depends on the overall style of the interior. Take a closer look at the patterns on the wallpaper, furniture or ceiling. Tiles in the interior of the hallway with imitation marble - suitable solution for the classics.

For fans oriental style would be better suited metlakh tiles, on the surface of which fancy patterns are applied. For modern high-tech with minimalism, contrasting color combinations and staggered installation are suitable.

Professional or DIY installation of ceramics?

Ceramic products can become a real highlight of the room if you involve a virtuoso professional in the work. He will be able to complete any complex design that will delight you for many years. Take a look at the photo of the tiles for the corridor; after installation, they resemble a multi-colored carpet, which does not have to be hidden at all.

If the tile is laid incorrectly, cracks will soon appear on its surface. Masters know that before starting finishing works you will need to prepare the base. It should be smooth and dry.

Those who want to save money family budget, they can try laying the tiles themselves. You will need to perform the following types of work:

  • If the floor is concrete, then its surface is leveled using special staff. Use a spirit level to make sure the surface is level.
  • Let the solution dry and apply primer.
  • Make markings taking into account the dimensions of the ceramic products.
  • It is better to start laying tiles from the corner. Divorce glue solution, following the recommendations from the manufacturer. Ready-to-use glue is applied to the surface using a smooth spatula and smoothed with a notched spatula.

To prepare the adhesive composition with your own hands, use electrical appliances: a construction mixer or a drill with a special attachment. The dry composition is diluted in water, the mixture is mixed well and left for 15 minutes to settle. After that it is mixed again.

Do not pour the entire package into the container at once. adhesive composition. It dries quickly and you may not have time to use it. Experienced masters It is recommended to dilute the glue in parts.

The prepared adhesive solution is applied to a floor area equal to 1 m2 and to the surface of each ceramic product. In order for the adhesive to adhere as strongly as possible, the direction of the grooves on the tile and on the floor should not coincide.

If you use spacer crosses, the seams will be neat and even. To adjust the tile level, tap it with a rubber mallet.

Once the solution has dried, use a rubber spatula to smooth out the seams.

To ensure that the seams dry evenly and do not become deformed, they are specially moistened with water for the next two or three days.

It's time to take stock

Create a stylish floor covering that is not inferior in beauty and performance properties to other finishing materials. The tiled area retains its attractive appearance throughout its entire service life.

Ceramics allows you to create durable floor coverings, requiring minimal care. You can select finishing materials in online catalogs. Look at the photos of interiors for which the tiles you liked were used. This will help visualize the end result.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):