How dangerous is mold in an apartment for human health and does it exist? In an apartment, mold fungi “strike” not only the materials from which the building is constructed, but also cause a particular danger to human health.

Mold and fungi spoil appearance your home is being destroyed wooden buildings, in the form of pathogenic fumes, penetrate along with the air into the lungs and blood of humans and pets, which can cause serious illnesses. The main thing is not to lose sight of the moment mold appears in the apartment, and to strike at it, eliminating all the causes of its formation.

Mold is actually a fungus that forms in places with associated favorable conditions, and this high humidity, lack of air access and elevated temperature.

Mold can form from spores, the so-called “seeds”. Such a “plant” covers the growing surface at lightning speed and can sometimes be very difficult to get rid of.

Important! The whole problem and danger is mold spores.

In the air, spores are suspended and, when inhaled, enter the respiratory organs and then throughout the body of a living organism. Mold fungi destroy the walls, ceiling, and floor of the room over time.

Scientists from many medical institutes different countries Fungi have been studied for a long time and diseases that appear upon contact with them are identified:

  • leukemia;
  • childhood diathesis;
  • allergy;
  • asthma;
  • diseases respiratory system: bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia;
  • sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • decreased immune system;
  • thrush;
  • stomatitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, etc.

Particular attention is paid to childhood diseases, since their immunity has not yet been formed, they are most susceptible to suffering from fungal spores. But don’t panic when you see mold on the walls.

It is important to carry out preventive measures in advance: wet cleaning, maximum ventilation, eliminating darkening of the space, disinfection, and getting rid of trash and debris in a timely manner.

Let's look at the most common diseases caused by fungus.

Inhalation of mold spores

Many people believe that if you inhale fungal spores you will get sick. But that's not true. The immune system of humans and any living creature is designed to destroy pathogenic microflora and fungi, and therefore their spores. But for some time there will be a struggle and, if measures are not taken in time, the fungus will nevertheless begin to develop in the body, causing harm to it. When a person is completely healthy and comes into contact with mold, he will not immediately get sick.

The situation is different with chronic asthmatics and allergy sufferers. Once in the bronchi, tracheal spores can cause irritation of the mucous membrane, which complicates the symptoms of the disease, and ultimately worsens the patient’s condition. According to statistics, people suffering from bronchial asthma are accompanied by an allergy to mold fungi. But spores are just an allergen, and how the body copes with it depends on your health.

Emerging diseases

If you notice mold on food, it means there is a fungus. The mistake often lies in peeling it off, cutting off a thin layer, which is not possible. Thin threads of fungus penetrate deep into the product, although this is not noticeable.

By eating spoiled food or breathing in the air in an apartment where fungus is common, we are doomed to get the following diseases:

  1. Food poisoning (botulism), which is often accompanied by severe diarrhea, flatulence, abdominal pain, and severe intoxication.
  2. Diseases of the respiratory system, mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, larynx, causing rhinitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis.
  3. Once in the body, allergies manifest themselves in the form of sneezing, watery eyes, coughing, headaches, and dizziness.

In some cases, symptoms may be aggravated by suffocation, convulsions, bleeding, and fainting. Has a number of deaths among children small age in direct contact with fungal and mold spores.

Skin contact

No less dangerous is the contact of human skin with fungus. These are usually intractable diseases, and with reduced immunity, often ending in death.

When human skin comes into contact with a fungus, diseases called mycoses occur when the upper layers of the epidermis and subcutaneous fat are affected. Then the problem goes deeper, provoking bone diseases, muscle mass, moving to internal organs.

Sometimes it is difficult for a doctor to determine the presence of mold mycosis, since it can be mixed with normal microflora person and occur as aggravating consequences of a simple disease.

Emerging diseases

Fungus in an apartment, office, hospital ward or other room causes a number of problems to the human body.

In case of contact with skin, the following diseases may occur:

  1. First group– invasive skin lesions and mycoses of the bone apparatus. Here, destruction of the nail plate, mucous membranes of the nose, ear, and eyes can be observed;
  2. Second groupexternal manifestations in the form of allergies: eczema, dermatitis, conjunctivitis, urticaria, vasculitis, bronchial asthma, enlarged appendages.

The symptoms of infection with mold mycosis are very scary and are accompanied by:

  • nodes and infiltrates;
  • fistulas and ulcers;
  • bruises;
  • severe itching;
  • purulent wounds.

These manifestations are aggravated by the deterioration of the person’s general condition. In case of reduced immunity, mold mycosis affects all mucous membranes, internal organs and epidermal cells.


Having considered the diseases that arise from damage to the body by fungal and mold spores, every homeowner should understand for himself that the danger exists and is not small. To avoid encountering them, you need to limit your apartment from excessive dampness, unpleasant odors and strong darkening of the space.

Video: The effect of mold on the human body

Black mold on walls and ceilings is a microfungus whose spores spread everywhere: on furniture, food, in the air and on the floor. Mold exists both in places where cleaning is often carried out, and in corners where a mop and rag rarely reach. For this reason, the proximity of a fungus to a person is a fairly common situation, but hardly beneficial. About what Negative consequences contains household mold, MirSovetov will tell you.

Causes of mold

Mold appears when the moisture content in the air in the room is exceeded. For a comfortable human stay, the humidity level of the living space is up to 80%. But often the indicator is higher than normal, and this happens for a number of reasons:

  • indoor plants grow abundantly in the home;
  • violation of the microclimate of the living space due to lack of ventilation during installed windows PVC;
  • washed clothes are dried in the bathroom;
  • condensation due to temperature contrast external environment and premises;
  • The living space is unevenly heated and poorly ventilated.

A common feature of all of these reasons is moisture condensation in cold places in the home. Bathroom walls, ceilings, areas under the windowsill, and walls behind cabinets are often susceptible to this phenomenon. These are the most attractive places for the growth of mold fungi and a comfortable environment for them to live.

It should be remembered that mold is dangerous microorganisms for human health, which can also damage furniture and various designs. To be more specific, the harm of the fungus lies in its spores, which it spreads into the surrounding space and, along with breathing, enters the human body. This can provoke the appearance of a number of serious diseases.

Black mold threat

The entry of mold spores into the human body can lead to the development of the following ailments:

  • emergence skin diseases, which are difficult to diagnose medically - varieties of dermatoses and mycoses;
  • illnesses respiratory tract– chronic and;
  • the appearance of problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • the occurrence of joint-rheumatic diseases;
  • exhaustion and weakness.

Hidden danger: allergens

It is not the mold itself that has negative consequences for human health, but the spores that constantly form in it. They are the strongest allergens. With the flow of air, fungal spores quickly penetrate the respiratory tract, causing the appearance of many allergic diseases. These can be problems ranging from simple to respiratory allergosis. And also often moldy fungus in the apartment becomes the cause of the appearance.

Mold can spread its spores not only to the surfaces of walls and ceilings, but also to the skin, causing eczema and dermatitis. The fungus can affect hair and nails, irritate the mucous membrane intestinal tract, as well as the inner walls of the alveoli. At the same time, the most terrible of the fungi is black aspergillus - the causative agent rare disease pulmonary aspergillosis, which is fatal.

Not only spores, but also volatile components with unpleasant smell. They quickly penetrate the human circulatory system through the respiratory tract, and the body reacts to intoxication with dizziness, vomiting and nausea.

Most susceptible negative influence people with reduced immunity, teenagers and children. The most unpleasant thing is that many diseases caused by mold spores are poorly understood today. Experts find it difficult to determine the correct diagnosis and often mistake symptoms for a completely different disease. Yes, the consequences negative impact mold often goes untreated.

Points of possible damage

Anything can become moldy in an apartment, even the inhabitants of the home, if favorable conditions are created for this. The main rule is that fungus does not grow where it is dry. But he can always find a corner where they stand and the room is poorly ventilated. Mushroom chains form in rooms that are poorly heated and poorly ventilated. Other sources of spread of mold formations include the following:

How to prevent mold?

Undoubtedly, rather than getting rid of fungal colonies, it is always better to prevent their appearance in the home. To do this you need to follow simple recommendations:

  1. Ventilate the room regularly, as this makes the conditions for fungal growth unbearable. At the same time, in winter time You should not leave the window open for a long time to avoid overcooling the walls and the formation of condensation on them.
  2. Heat all rooms in your home well.
  3. Do not hang washed laundry in your apartment.
  4. Make timely repairs to faucets and drainpipes.
  5. Reduce the quantity indoor plants in the apartment.
  6. Keep your bathroom and toilet well ventilated.
  7. When renovating or building a home, give preference to “dry” materials to avoid the occurrence of structural moisture.
  8. It is best to cover the balcony floor with a dense polyurethane coating to protect it from moisture.


Mold appeared several billion years ago, however, serious research began only in the last century. Taking into account the estimates of mycologists, 50,000 species are currently unknown to science. But scientists learned about the dangers of mold for human health only in the last century.

Regular ventilation of the room will prevent the appearance of fungus.

So, what is fungus on the walls, how does it affect your health? Should we be afraid of him? What is the harm from mold? Usually, such questions interest a person only when mold appears in the house. Therefore, it won’t hurt anyone to find out in advance about how mold affects people’s health.

The influence of pathogens on human health

What is fungus on the walls? What harm does it cause to people? Typically this is simple microorganisms, which are capable of uniting into colonies. They appear as black spots on walls, wallpaper, and products.

As you know, fungi can have a rather insidious effect on the health of everyone in the room. The products of their metabolism are an allergen for people. During its development, mold on walls releases toxins (which are volatile, liquid) and spores that can be easily spread by air currents. Immediately after this, spores and toxins enter the respiratory tract of people.

Thus, pathogenic microorganisms cause irreparable harm to humans - they begin to affect the weakest areas of the body that are prone to chronic diseases.

The fungus very quickly undermines health. People buy all kinds of drugs, hoping for their help. However, such help is short-term and can only make you feel better for so long. certain time. Diseases begin to periodically worsen during the off-season - just at the moment when indoor air humidity increases. It is because of this that the concentration of fungal spores, which people constantly inhale, increases. Using this method, a person adds harmful bacteria to the body that have a bad effect on the beneficial microflora of the immune system. Because of this, people quickly age, attributing this to various reasons, but not paying attention to the uncomfortable living with dampness.

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Harm from microorganisms: different effects on humans

The toxic effect can manifest itself in the form of mild weakness, increased fatigue, and irritability. As a rule, people think that this is ordinary fatigue from work. Over time, a person may develop cirrhosis of the liver - one of the main consequences.

If a person regularly consumes mold with food, he will live a very short and painful life. Among the consequences of toxic effects are cardiovascular diseases, sinusitis, migraines, nosebleeds, and cough.

If we talk about the allergenic effects of mold, it manifests itself in the form of allergies to the skin and mucous membranes. For example, allergic rhinitis is a fairly common disease. But hay fever, one of its most common types, is almost always caused by fungal spores. Bronchial asthma is also provoked by black mold.

Quite often, mold allergies are observed in children. Since everyone’s susceptibility to the fungus is different, the severity of the consequences of being in an infected place also differs.

As for the carcinogenic effect, it manifests itself at the moment when the fungus gets into the food. Remember, if mold does form, there is no point in cutting off the affected piece of bread - the entire product must be disposed of immediately.

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Fighting dampness

How to fight fungi? First you need to find out why mold appeared on the walls. After all, microorganisms cannot appear just like that. They form only at high humidity in the room. That is why, if you decide to fight mold on the walls, then eliminate excess moisture.

Please note that the fungus first appears in the bathroom (after all, this is where high humidity is constantly observed).

What else can cause fungus on the walls? As a rule, these are: poor ventilation, PVC windows, defects during construction, and so on.

To remove growth, you must use by special means. You can fight the fungus with a solution of formaldehyde and water. In addition, there are also ways to burn out areas affected by microorganisms using tools such as: blowtorch, gas-burner. Of course, it is imperative to follow safety rules. Thanks to such effective methods fungi do not have the opportunity to escape and cause harm to people.

Modern apartments are a new ecological niche for pathogenic fungi. The active development of micromycetes manifests itself in the form of a thin coating of various colors - gray, green, yellow - on the ceiling (walls) of residential premises, causing material damage to owners and posing a potential danger to human health.

Comprehensive information about the toxigenic properties of mycobiota species, the dangers of black mold in the house, and full list The reasons for the appearance of malicious agents are described in the material below.

General information about micromycetes

Pathogenic fungi are widespread in environment. At the base of the vegetative body of microscopic organisms is mycelium, which visually resembles a system of thin branching hyphae (threads).

Spores of dangerous agents are carried by the wind and are invisible to humans. When placed in rooms with favorable conditions, they germinate and form new colonies of fungi. The location of the latter can be identified by the presence of dots on the walls or ceiling various colors, subsequently merging into spots.

The basis of efflorescence is insoluble carbonates, silicates, and sulfates. At running process A plaque appears on the affected surface, the density of which varies.

An overgrown fungus on the wall (ceiling) begins to exhibit destructive activity in relation to building materials. It destroys:

  • plaster;
  • drywall;
  • wood;
  • concrete walls;
  • brick;
  • varnished surfaces.

Later detection of the presence of micromycetes leads to irreversible changes in the structure of the building, which can only be eliminated by dismantling and erecting new partitions (roofing).

The concentration of fungal flora in the air of a residential premises is over 1500 CFU/m3 (5% of the damage to the total area of ​​an apartment or house) - a factor that negatively affects human health.

Types of pathogenic fungi

The color of mold varies depending on the stages of mycobiota development, its variety and the structure of the affected material. The main types of microorganisms dangerous to humans are shown in the table below.

Strains a brief description of
Black mold
Ulocladium It develops on food products and building materials. Belongs to pathogenicity group 4.
Penicillium marneffei Fungi often found in the air of residential premises.
Chaetomium Mycogenic allergen. Causes pathologies upon penetration into the gastrointestinal tract.
Phoma The spores are colorless, the mycelium is black. Representative of microorganisms of the fourth biohazard class.
Alternaria Most often affects vegetables and fruits; can develop in the respiratory tract and on human skin.
Aspergillus A higher mold species of mycobiota that worsens the general condition of people and animals. The mycelium is white, the spores are black. Grows on drywall covered acrylic paints surfaces.
Wallemia Develops with high temperatures and minimal humidity.
Cladosporium Available in both black and other shades. In the initial stage of development it is colorless.
White mold
Mucor The lowest type of mushroom. It grows actively on foods in the form of a fluffy coating.
Green, blue mold
Penicillium spp. Formed on food, present in most residential buildings.
Trichotecium Destroys wood, affects fermented milk and other products.

You can often find indoors gray plaque, the appearance of which is provoked by saprophytic microfungi. This type of mold is considered no less dangerous to the human body than strains of Aspergillus niger, fumigatus, flavus.

It is extremely rare to find mycobiota in apartments, the colonies of which are colored light pink. It occurs due to the growth of trichocetia spores (mainly on food debris) and is a low-toxic microorganism.

Reasons for the development of mycobiota in rooms

Experimental studies made it possible to establish a direct connection between the level of fungal contamination and the composition finishing materials, involved in residential buildings. In rooms where products with polymer additives were used, the rate of presence of mold microorganisms in the air is an order of magnitude higher than in apartments renovated without the use of the mentioned products.

According to experts, the described conditions are especially conducive to the growth of colonies of pathogenic strains of Aspergillus flavus, fumigatus.

In addition, mold appears in the apartment if building regulations and normal. Among the disorders that provoke the appearance of fungi:

  • improper arrangement of the air conditioning system (including its absence in bathrooms and kitchens);
  • lack of necessary heat and waterproofing;
  • poor-quality installation of sewerage and water supply (leaking pipes);
  • unscrupulous work carried out on the installation of double-glazed windows, plastic doors, plasterboard structures;
  • redevelopment of rooms without taking into account existing ventilation.

Often ideal conditions for the development of spores in premises (humidity from 85% and temperature above 20ºC) are created by the apartment owners themselves, who do not carry out timely minor repairs(elimination of leaks, cracks, sealing seams) of roofs and walls.

In addition to the reasons already listed, fungus on the walls inside residential buildings can be called:

  • impaired air circulation due to improperly placed (as close as possible to the partitions) furniture;
  • lack of regular ventilation of premises;
  • frequent drying of linen and wet clothes in the rooms.

Using an air conditioner is not a panacea for solving the problem: equipment filters that are not cleaned in a timely manner and are used for a long time can become an additional source of mold spores.

The influence of the microorganisms in question on well-being

The coefficient of air pollution by fungal spores in an apartment should not exceed 500 CFU/m³. An increase in the indicator signals the activation of pathogenic agents.

An increased concentration of mycelium elements poses a significant danger to persons living in a house (apartment) affected by mold: penetrating into human body, mycobiota provokes the development of a number of diseases. At risk are children, people with weakened immune systems, women and men over 60 years of age.

Fungus in an apartment can cause the development of:

  • general exhaustion;
  • headaches;
  • nosebleeds;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract (attacks of nausea, vomiting);
  • respiratory tract diseases (bronchial asthma, pneumonia, sinusitis, rhinosinusitis);
  • allergies;
  • skin lesions (dermatoses);
  • rheumatic ailments.

Experts identify 3 ways for spores to enter the body: airborne, through the skin, and the mouth (by consuming contaminated products).

Learn more about diseases caused by individual strains

In addition to the level of air pollution, the extent of exposure to microorganisms on humans also has a significant impact on the occurrence of pathologies. Prolonged stay in a contaminated room can lead to emphysema, impaired functioning of the kidneys, liver, the appearance of malignant neoplasms, and death.

Aspergillus is especially dangerous to health, producing organic compound aflatoxin. Penetrating into the internal organs of animals or people, the fungus also causes aspergillosis, a disease that affects the visual, bronchopulmonary and central nervous systems.

Penicillium strains can provoke the development of otomycosis - pathological conditions of the eardrums and skin of the ear canals.

Mold of the listed types is also harmful to nails: by penetrating into the structures of the latter, pathogens cause the appearance of onycholysis - an ailment accompanied by detachment of the plates from the tissues of the fingers.

Alternaria spp. spores landing on skin- a factor that causes phaeohyphomycosis (especially in patients with HIV infection). With constant inhalation of the mycelial elements of this mold, a person can develop allergic rhinitis, a potentially fatal severe form of bronchial asthma.

In children who are long time in contaminated premises, the following are detected: exacerbation allergic reactions, general weakening of the body, deviation from the norm of lg (immunoglobulin) E.

They will help to assess the microbiological composition of the air in the apartment special devices. If the presence of harmful spores is detected, mold-affected objects should be immediately cleaned and potential sources of danger eliminated.

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Mold is everywhere. Mold has always been there, is there, and most likely will never go away. In most cities in the world, the concentration of mold is several times higher than the maximum acceptable standards. And no matter what a person does, no matter how he removes traces of mold, it will certainly appear again.
Maybe everything is not so scary and the proximity of humans and mold does not cause any harm? Alas, the harm of mold to our body is very significant, but we often do not feel it and, therefore, do not think about it. And, as a result, we do not try to get rid of it, exposing ourselves and our loved ones to the risk of cancer.

What is mold?

Mold is a tiny fungus. Mold spores (this tiny fungus) live everywhere: in the air, on furniture, in food, on walls and floors. Mold spores exist both in places where wet cleaning is carried out frequently, and in places where they are rarely cleaned. Therefore, the proximity of a person to mold is inherently common. At the same time, mold is so tiny that we don’t even notice how we exhale it.

Why does mold appear?

As we have already written, mold, or rather mold spores, are present almost everywhere. However, visible mold growth begins only when the environmental conditions where the mold spores are located become suitable for its growth.
The ideal conditions for mold to appear are conditions of high humidity ( relative humidity above 95%) and a temperature of 20° C. When such conditions occur, mold spores begin to develop rapidly, contributing to the appearance of visible mold.

Why is mold dangerous?

The main harm of mold is that mold is allergenic and toxic. Colonies molds produce so-called Aflatoxins are poisonous toxins that, when ingested, can accumulate in the body, causing liver cancer over time. Our body (namely the liver) is able to process a certain amount of aflatoxins without harm to itself, but when the number of mold colonies exceeds the normal amount, the body can no longer cope, and slow poisoning of the body begins.
In addition to liver cancer, mold, when inhaled with air, can settle on the lungs and bronchi, causing diseases in the body such as: runny nose, bronchitis, cough, sore throat, acute respiratory infections, flu, headaches, and various allergies. When ingested through food, mold can cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) various types and heaviness.

Mold in the bathroom, kitchen and flowers

It is these three places - the bathroom, kitchen and flower pots - that are the main centers for the development of mold. And, of course, there are explanations for this.

  • Mold in the bathroom.

The bathroom is the very first place where mold will form. It is almost always humid, warm and, importantly, little fresh air. Just perfect conditions for mold to grow.
Typically in the bathroom, mold fungus affects: tiles and tile joints, seams along the bathtub and sink, and washcloths.

  • Mold in the kitchen.

In the kitchen, mold primarily affects: cutting boards, knives with wooden handles, refrigerator, bread bin. Despite the fact that mold is more present in the bathroom, its presence in the kitchen is especially dangerous, because... can easily enter the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) along with food.

  • Mold on flowers.

Strange as it may seem, flowers are also a zone increased development mold. Its development occurs mainly if the flowers are flooded big amount water (high humidity is formed), and the temperature in the room is comfortable for the development of mold.

How to get rid of mold

Getting rid of mold, or rather mold spores, is almost impossible. They will always exist next to us. However, you can prevent mold from growing and developing. In this case, it will not be able to harm the body.
In general, the following steps are necessary to reduce the risk of mold growth:

  1. Try to keep rooms, especially the bathroom, dry. Remember that mold loves moisture. Ventilate the premises as often as possible.
  2. When removing mold, use antiseptic agents, clean surfaces and wipe dry.
  3. When you wipe away dust, you also remove mold spores. Wet cleaning rooms and furniture from dust (and mold), finish with dry wiping.
  4. Don't flood the flowers. Remember that mold forms even here with excess humidity and comfortable temperatures.

We rarely think about the harm that mold can cause us. However, we need to be aware of the danger it poses and use the listed remedies to get rid of it.

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