Climatic conditions middle zone our country does not allow to grow many ornamental plants on the street in open ground, so it is recommended to plant petunias in flowerpots. Ampelous or cascading, as well as bush ornamental crops in hanging pots V summer period can be grown in the country as a decoration for the garden area.

The best varieties of petunias to grow in the garden

You need to plant petunia in a flower pot in accordance with the technology of growing ornamental, beautifully flowering plants, but it is important to know which petunia can be used to decorate the garden. In the conditions of home garden floriculture, the garden group is grown, but varieties belonging to the floribunda, grandiflora and multiflora groups have also proven themselves well.




Includes nine hybrid forms no more than a quarter of a meter high with flowers with a diameter of 40 mm. The color of the petals can be pink-crimson, red with veins and a white throat, violet-blue, salmon, white, red-raspberry, soft pink with a creamy throat, soft salmon with dark veins

Includes thirteen compact hybrid shapes with double flowers with a diameter of up to 90 mm 6-9 cm and white petals, pink-lilac color with purple veins, Pink colour with dark pink veins, pink with reddish-crimson veins, red with burgundy veins


Varietal series with the formation of bushes no more than 30 cm high. The average flower diameter does not exceed 60-70 mm. In contrast to the main color of the petals, veins of purple-burgundy color appear

Large-flowered species

"Hit parade"

A series of fast-flowering hybrid forms no more than a quarter of a meter high with incredible wide range colors including pink, crimson, white, salmon and bluish purple petals


A varietal series represented by four hybrid forms, characterized by highly corrugated petals edged with white. Average height does not exceed a quarter of a meter, and the flowers can be red, purple, pink, bluish-violet or crimson

"Pearl pirouette"

Violet-purple in color, a popular double hybrid form with a whitish border and fringed edges on ruffled petals


Varietal series, including eleven low-growing hybrids with pink, raspberry, raspberry-pink, raspberry-burgundy and other colored petals

Garden petunias


A popular ampelous varietal series with flowers with a diameter of 50 mm to 90 mm. Petals can have any color except orange and bright yellow color


A varietal series bred by famous Japanese breeders of the Suntory company and characterized by highly decorative double-type flowers


A series of popular hybrid forms with relatively small flowers with a diameter of no more than 45-50 mm and petals of various colors

Making flowerpots for petunia with your own hands

Making something wonderful with your own hands is not at all difficult. To this end can be used various materials:

  • wood is used extremely rarely and requires pre-treatment and careful care;
  • ceramics are most often used to create floral decorative designs different shapes, but is characterized by great weight and fragility;
  • the cheapest material is various plastics, which are light in weight and do not require complex processing;
  • Heavy and fragile glass is most often used as a temporary decorative planter.

To make such a decorative design yourself, you do not need experience or expensive materials:

  • mix gypsum and water in a 2:1 ratio;
  • lubricate inner part container of suitable size with oil;
  • lubricate outside smaller container with oil on the outside;
  • place the smaller container inside the larger container, leaving a gap between the walls and the bottom;
  • slowly pour plaster between the walls;
  • After about a couple of days, the plaster will dry and the containers can be separated.

The white pots obtained as a result of such manipulations can be decorated at your discretion. Some amateur gardeners prefer to do it on the surface regular drawing, but you can also decorate with shells or use modern decoupage for this purpose.

No less popular street version is an original hanging planter made of wood. Depending on how many plants are planned to be planted in such a container, the number of bars may vary, but most often 24 pieces, a quarter of a meter long, are used. The bars or slats are laid in a checkerboard pattern, which allows you to form a square-shaped box with through holes. To connect parts, you can use nails or self-tapping screws. On the bars in the corners of the top edge wooden flowerpot reliable ropes are fixed.

How to transplant petunia into a flowerpot (video)

How to plant petunias in flowerpots

Properly preparing a nutritious planting substrate is not difficult. The soil for growing must have sufficient permeability and be free of pathogenic microflora. Ready-made primers based on coconut fiber, vermicompost and washed coarse sand in a ratio of 3:2:1. Good result provides a hydrogel that improves the moisture content of planting soil.

Special attention requires right choice flower pot:

  • Terry and bush type petunias require a pot with a volume of 3.0 liters of soil for each plant;
  • cascade and hanging types you need to provide a volume of 5.0 liters for each plant;
  • some large-flowered varieties need 10 liters of soil per plant.

The seeds of the crop are light sensitive, and their germination is carried out in the presence of light. Seed material must be distributed over moist soil. Plantings must be covered with transparent film or glass. During the week you must adhere to temperature regime within 20-25°C.

After the emergence of mass shoots, the shelter must be gradually removed. During the first month, the growth of the above-ground part of the seedlings is very slow and is accompanied by the active development of the root system. After about a month, it is necessary to plant the plants in separate pots.

How to pinch petunia (video)

Features of caring for flowers in hanging pots

Potted crops need to be properly cared for. Standard petunia care includes the following activities:

  • Periodically it is necessary to remove faded flowers and seed pods;
  • in mid-summer, strongly grown petunia lashes can inhibit flowering, so they need to be trimmed;
  • if the pots with petunia are located on balconies, terraces or closed verandas where rain does not fall, then on hot days irrigation activities are carried out daily;
  • in cloudy weather grown in pot culture Petunias need to be watered as they dry out. earthen coma;

  • It is imperative to maintain the patency of the drainage holes. Otherwise, stagnation of water can cause rotting of the root system and death. beautiful flowering plant;
  • the first fertilizing should be done approximately a couple of weeks after planting, using nitrogen-containing fertilizers for this purpose;
  • at the stage of mass bud formation, it is recommended to feed the plants with fertilizers with sufficient phosphorus and potassium content;
  • common problem potting Such a crop is characterized by iron deficiency, which results in pronounced yellowing of the foliage. In this case, it is necessary to feed the plants with iron chelate. In total, you need to provide the plant with four feedings at intervals of a week.

Since petunias belong to the category of light-loving plants, this popular decorative culture It is recommended to select an open and sunny place.

Options for using ampelous petunia in garden decor

Any varieties and hybrid forms ampelous petunias are most often planted in large flowerpots or used to decorate hanging compositions on verandas or loggias. Such species need to be sown much earlier bush varieties, around February, which will allow you to get high-quality seedlings.

Ampel varieties They look very harmonious on country balconies and in independent compositions in the garden. Pots and flowerpots with ampelous petunias are in perfect harmony with trees, so they are often hung on the branches of garden and ornamental plantings. Bush forms look best in large ground lawns or when decorating flower beds with lawn grasses And ground cover plants.

How to make a pot from plaster (video)

Ampelous petunia is practically no different from cascade varieties, and it is these varieties and hybrids that are best suited for growing in hanging pots. To decorate your garden area, you can complement hanging spectacular flowerpots with decorative ground flowerpots with multi-colored bush petunias.

They look very nice. And how fragrant it begins to smell towards the evening! But few people know that such a miracle can be grown not only on the street, but also at home as a indoor plant. Do you want to decorate your balcony or windows with this beautiful flower? Then our advice will be useful to you.

How to grow petunia in a pot?

Petunia is annual plant, in order for it to please you every year, you will have to work a little. First you need to grow seedlings, and only after that you can plant petunias in pots.

We grow seedlings

The best time to start practicing is February. There will be just the right temperature and lighting, and there will be enough time for the plant to grow.

  1. Sprinkle petunia seeds onto flat, moist ground and sprinkle them a little from a spray bottle or a special small watering can. There is no need to cover them with earth; it will be enough to just put a light plank on them, thus ensuring better contact with the ground.
  2. Seeds require warmth, the most optimal temperature– 22-26°C. Cover your “bed” with film and place it in the sun near the radiator. By the way, experienced flower growers it is recommended to replace the film non-woven material, believing that this creates a more favorable atmosphere for plants. What to choose - decide for yourself.
  3. When the seedlings begin to grow, you can remove their “blanket”. Now you need to make sure that the temperature in the room is no higher than 20°C.
  4. After you notice the first true leaves appearing, you can separate and replant the flowers in disposable cups. Some skip this step, and some plant the seeds right away. disposable tableware. Why is this necessary? If you plant the sprouts in transparent plastic cups, then it will be easier to understand when it is time to plant the petunias in pots. When you see that the earth is all dug up by roots, you know that the time has come.

Now a few words about watering. Do not allow the soil to dry out or over-moisten - this can lead to your pets becoming very ill or simply dying.

How to properly plant petunia in a pot?

The key to success in this matter is a properly selected pot. What kind of pot is needed for petunias? For different varieties and types of flowers, pots of different sizes are needed.

  • The volume of the pot for bush and double petunias is selected at the rate of 3 liters of soil per flower. You should not fit 4 plants into a 10-liter container, they will be cramped;
  • for hanging and cascading petunias 5 liters of soil are required for one flower;
  • some of the most powerful cascade varieties (Typhoon and Tornado) require 15 liters of soil per plant.

The final result depends on what pots and how much you plant your petunia in. You shouldn’t take risks and place the sprouts that are still small in a small container, they will grow and become cramped. Flowers will have to devote all their strength not to blooming and growing, but to fighting for a place in the sun.

A little about caring for petunias

Growing petunias in pots requires some simple care.

And again a little about watering

  1. If the flowers are located where rain cannot reach, then hot weather flowers need to be watered every day.
  2. If the flowers are in open place, then in rainy summer you need to cover them from the rain, because... Excess moisture leads to the death of the flower. Also, do not forget about the drainage holes that should be in each pot.

If you follow these simple rules, then you will have beautiful flower who will delight you with his blooming view all summer and autumn.

Petunia in a flowerpot– what could be more beautiful?

Good afternoon

First of all, I want to congratulate everyone on the May holidays and the opening of the dacha season!

My cozy home– this is not only the design of rooms and various little things, made with your own hands, but also flowers of course. Since I live in my own private house, in addition to indoor flowers, I also grow garden flowers.

In our southern regions gardening work started much earlier. Petunia is already blooming in my flowerbed. This wonderful flower pleases continuous flowering and its beauty all summer until late autumn.

Perhaps many of you grow petunia in your garden or personal plots, or on balconies. But even if you don’t grow garden flowers, it’s always nice to contemplate the beauty.

Especially beautiful petunia in hanging flowerpots, pots and flowerpots.

How to grow petunia in a flower pot

You learned about the rules for growing petunias in pots. Place flowers in and enjoy the beauty!

In conclusion, I suggest you admire various photographs petunias in pots and flowerpots from Russian summer residents to German cities.

Petunia in a flowerpot. Photo

Let’s take a closer look at how to properly care for petunia so that the process is fun and effective.

How to care for petunia planted in a pot

Caring for petunia, of course, depends on where the flower will be planted - in a flowerbed or in a pot. Due to its unpretentiousness, petunia can easily decorate home balconies or windows.

If suddenly a petunia planted in a pot begins to “be capricious”, it is necessary to provide the following possible problems:

The selected pot is too small for the plant;

The soil is lean;

Not in pot drainage hole;

There are fungal diseases;

When planting the flower, the soil was chosen incorrectly.

To prevent the work of growing and caring for petunias from being in vain, you should follow some rules before planting petunias in a pot. You should start with the pot itself - it should be spacious; one plant requires at least 3 liters of soil. The pot should have a drainage hole.

When planning to place pots or vases with petunias, it should be taken into account that they require Fresh air. Plants will tolerate temperatures up to 20 degrees without interference. If large-colored types of petunia are selected, then more is acceptable heat air. North side balcony or window will not allow petunia to give abundant flowering. In addition, it is better to remove plants from open spaces before rain.

Now it's time to take care of the right soil. Petunias are preferred loose soil, therefore to ready soil You can add a little washed sand (in the proportion of 1 part sand to 5 parts soil). You can use lime instead of sand.

Fertilizers need to play a separate role when caring for petunias. You can use ready-made complexes that are sold in stores. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers should be added a couple of weeks after planting. For more later it is necessary to use fertilizers with high level potassium and phosphorus. To get abundant flowering of petunia, it is important to observe the frequency of feeding. During active growth You need to “feed” the plant at least once a week.

Petunias should be watered only at the root, avoiding water getting on the leaves or flowers. Insufficient watering Petunia will show yellowing leaves. Dried flowers and leaves must be peeled off - this will give the plant more strength to grow and bloom. If you want to give your petunia greater bushiness and splendor, you need to pinch (mechanically remove) the tops in the area of ​​4-5 leaves.

Planting plants in pots:

1. Line the inside of the liner plastic film so that its top edge is below the edge of the basket.

2. Place a saucer (tray) at the bottom to retain and preserve moisture.

3. Fill the basket halfway wet soil mixture, compact the soil.

4. Make 3-5 holes in the wall of the basket above the soil surface.

5. Carefully insert seedlings of hanging plants into the holes so that the roots lie on the surface of the soil,
and the plant itself was outside. To avoid damaging the roots and shoots, you can wrap the seedlings in film.

6. Fill the basket with soil 1-2 cm below the top edge of the liner, lightly compact it again and begin planting the rest
plants: plant upright growing ones in the center, and hanging ones closer to the edge.

After planting, the plants need to be watered well, and the basket should be left on the veranda, loggia or in the greenhouse for several days, and only when the plants have taken root can it be taken out into the garden.

From 7 to 15 plants are planted in one hanging basket (this depends on the size of the basket). Of course, for them to thrive in such a small volume of soil, they need ongoing care. Watered hanging baskets depending on the weather and location 1-2 times a day. Even in rainy weather, carefully monitor the moisture content of the substrate in the baskets: rainwater may roll down the leaves and not reach the soil.

In addition to watering, plants need frequent feeding. complex fertilizers. They are carried out weekly, watering the plants with a fertilizer solution at a concentration of 1 g/l of water, if possible at the root. If the solution gets on the leaves, it needs to be washed off clean water. Foliar feeding is very useful - spraying the leaves with a solution of complex fertilizers with microelements. In this case, the concentration of fertilizers is made significantly less, approximately 3-5 g per 10 liters of water. It is necessary to periodically remove wilted leaves and flowers, as well as pinch the ends of overgrown shoots. Then the basket with plants will look beautiful and neat all season long.

But sometimes plants in containers turn out to be not very decorative. The cause usually lies in insufficient nutrition. If you want to get the most developed plants in a cramped pot, you need to feed them at least once every 5-7 days. It is better to use ready-made complex fertilizers in liquid form. The content of macroelements should be approximately the same (NPK 1:1:1); for decorative deciduous crops, it is advisable to choose fertilizers with a predominance of nitrogen, for flowering crops - phosphorus and potassium.

Slow for the lazy active fertilizers. You add them to the substrate once - when planting, and then only water the plants; the shells of the granules gradually dissolve, and nutrients evenly flow to the roots. True, the fertilizer begins to act no earlier than 2-3 weeks after application. At this time, plants need to be fed once a week with complex fertilizers. The concentration of fertilizers should be small (usually 5-7 g per 10 liters of water); a highly concentrated solution can burn the roots. Fertilizing is carried out only with a moist substrate.

The ampelous petunia flower is not inferior in its beauty to the queen of the garden rose, for example floribunda. You can find many of the most various varieties plants, but the most popular and unusual is considered to be, namely, ampelous petunia. It is endowed with hanging stems on which gorgeous flowers are located. The never-ending multi-colored garlands descending will also captivate the eyes of those around you. flower waterfall from hanging pots.

Anyone who has seen this flower at least once will forever remember the blooming ampelous petunia and will want to grow this plant at home. This type of plant is not only beautiful, but also unpretentious, which is why it is loved by both professional gardeners and beginners.

Ampelous petunia serves as an excellent decoration for balconies, loggias and vertical flower beds. This plant variety also serves as an excellent decoration for alpine slides.

By placing a flower pot on a hill, you can enjoy the branches growing over it, decorated with bright beautiful flowers, which are ideally combined with any other plants, be it viola or begonia. they calmly coexist with them even in the same pot.

Petunia planting and care: description

The long work of breeders has led to the fact that there are currently about 70 varieties of petunia. More recently, coal-black, blueberry, and pungent green shades of plants have appeared that will appeal to even the most capricious gardeners. Beginning gardeners who have not yet encountered petunia will have a hard time deciding which type is right for them to decorate their garden or balcony.

Before purchasing petunia, carefully study the conditions in which the flower will grow. This will help you choose a plant that will certainly serve as an excellent decoration for a particular place. So, if you want to decorate a balcony, then the varieties that are grown in hanging pots will suit you, but for decorating gazebos and arches, the most suitable ones will be climbing varieties petunias.

What varieties and types of petunias exist

Of course, you can find out numerous reviews that will tell you which varieties were used for what purposes. But in order to grow healthy and beautiful plant you should independently study all the nuances of correct selection, care and cultivation of unforgettable petunia.

Bush species

There are many different varieties found in this group. They include small bushes with a complex subgroup of Multiflora flowers; the circumference of the flower reaches up to 5 cm.

Also among various types There are also large plants from the Grandiflora subgroup with flowers reaching up to 16 cm in diameter.

Perennial plant species have lush inflorescences, making them ideal in flower beds and borders. Small bushes are usually planted in pots.

If you want to make the flower more magnificent, then you need to pinch the top, from where young shoots will soon appear, creating a beautiful decorative form.

Petunia grandiflora:

  1. Dreams
  2. Aladdin blue, blue, white, red and burgundy
  3. Bravo
  4. Picoti
  5. Limbo White and Red
  6. African Sunset
  7. Burgundy
  8. Prism
  9. Daddy
  10. Ultra blue, red, white
Some of the most gigantic inflorescences grow in grandiflora.

Petunia floribunda

Flowers that are included in this group, according to the circumference of the flower, occupy a place between the Grandiflora and Multiflora subgroups. As with any form, they have their disadvantages and advantages. These varieties include 14 subgroups that can survive in adverse weather conditions. In addition, they feel comfortable both in drought and on rainy days. Basically, these varieties are planted in large quantities.

Most high demand in a group of hybrid varieties Sonya and Madness

  1. SonyaOrchid
  2. Celebrity
  3. Brilliant Rose
  4. Sonya F1 Burgundy Star
  5. Madness F1 Series


These petunias are multi-flowered. All species and hybrids are endowed with rich and abundant medium-sized flowers. Able to endure any vagaries of nature. Can be planted either alone or close to other plants. Individually they look like blooming multi-colored balls, and in group plantings they turn into a blooming and fragrant carpet of plants.

Known varieties

  1. Merlin blue
  2. Multiflora Mambo
  3. Merlin pink color


These plant varieties should be planted in large pots. The fact is that over a short period of time, cascades begin to scatter shoots wide and they need a place where the branches will be located.

They differ from other species in their long side shoots, so it is unlikely to be possible to plant more than 3 plants in one container.

  1. Petunia cascade Mona Lisa
  2. Bicolor Cabernet
  3. Burgundy f1
  4. Bunch of grapes
  5. Petunia blue Cascade
  6. Double Cascade
  7. purple Aelita
  8. creeping Gioconda
  9. Terry Waterfall Pink soft
  10. Typhoon

Even if you do not pinch the shoots, the lashes can reach up to 1.5 meters. Thanks to their branches, these types of petunias decorate gazebos, terraces and loggias.

Ampelous petunias

These plants are characterized by long branches that reach down to the ground. Typically grown for hanging planters. But some gardeners use varieties to decorate flower beds. Thanks to the side branches that cover the flower beds and fill them with bright flowers, flower beds look very beautiful and impressive. Sufrinia is a plant variety that includes greatest number bright colors various colors. Also, these species have won the attention of gardeners due to their resistance to bad weather conditions

  1. , relatively rapid seed germination and flowering, which begins quite early.
  2. Petunia ampelous Black Velvet
  3. Amore mio orange
  4. Harlequin
  5. Easy Wave
  6. Explorer
  7. Shock Wave
  8. Tidal
  9. Silver
  10. Ramblin' Neon Rose
  11. Typhoon
  12. Tornado
  13. Petunia Snow Queen
  14. Mashenka
  15. Surfinia
  16. Svetlana



Plants that have a lot of similarities with petunia and have been classified as its varieties for a long time.

  1. Differences between Calibrachoa and petunia:
  2. Foliage and flowers are much smaller. The shoot becomes lignified much more strongly and has more branches. petals of this plant
  3. smooth.

The leaves and shoots are covered with elastic hairs.

More recently, new hybrids of these plants have appeared, which very quickly gained the attention of flower growers. A multiple winner of international competitions is a species called Millionbells. Noah, a hybrid of Cabaret and Superbels, is not far behind.

Dwarf petunia Specimens with a maximum height of 25-30 cm are classified as stunted. Low growing petunias

  1. can produce both double and cascading flowers.
  2. Terry Valentine
  3. Pirouette
  4. Espresso Frappe
  5. Duvet
  6. Papaya


Miniature flowers are charming in themselves, and when they are full of all sorts of colors, it is simply impossible to take your eyes off them, such a picture emerges.

Ampelous and cascading petunia, is there a difference or not?

Ampel and cascade varieties, even though they are classified into different subgroups, are one and the same plant. Although they are often called, sometimes by different names. And when asked what kind of petunia to plant in a pot? The answer is clear – one of these subspecies.

How to properly care for ampelous petunias

Everyone who once saw a blooming petunia was fascinated by its unusual and fascinating flowering. It is customary to distinguish two types of these plants: bush and hanging. As a rule, bush representatives are grown for decorations garden plots , while hanging plants

Having chosen any of these species, you definitely need to learn how to properly care for plants that will delight you for a long time.

Regardless of which one you choose, petunia will delight you with beautiful inflorescences.

How to grow petunia from seeds

Most beginning gardeners do not have the necessary knowledge and begin to re-read any information about the plant available on the Internet. But the most important thing and the first thing you need to know before you start buying seeds is what you need to sow them correctly, how many pieces to plant in a pot. And also in what sequence this procedure should be carried out.

If you have artificial lighting, then you can start sowing seeds in February. If there are no lamps, then they need to be sown at the moment when the daylight hours last, and this happens around mid-March. The soil should be light, loose and rich nutrients.

To provide seeds with all necessary components you'll need:

  • 2 measures of peat
  • 2 measures of sheet soil
  • 2 measures of turf soil
  • 2 measures of humus
  • 1 measure of sand

Before you start sowing, mix the seeds with dry sand in a ratio of 1 to 5. This will make them easier to see. In a container where the soil prepared in advance has already been poured, it is necessary to place the seeds, which can be either clean or with a protective shell.

If you plant clean seeds, they will sprout much faster than protected ones. Those seeds that are enclosed in a shell, of course, cost a little more and take longer to germinate, but they are protected from disease and any damage.

If you want the seeds to germinate much faster, then cover the container where they were planted with film or glass. Transfer the container to a room where the air temperature is about 22 degrees.

As soon as you see sprouts appear, be sure to remove the glass and reduce watering, since excessive soil moisture can be detrimental to young petunia seedlings. Don't forget about complex feeding, which the flower needs. For this you will need nitrogen fertilizers, which are paid 2 times a month.

Watering and fertilizers

If you do not water a growing petunia well, it may get sick, and you can determine this by some signs. In order to avoid various ailments, be sure to provide the flowers with all the necessary nutrients. Each time you water the plant, add it to the water. special composition, which can be purchased at a specialty store. In order for feeding petunia to give desired result necessary:

  • In the first 7 days, water the sprouts with water and humates.
  • For the next week, water with water and potassium sulfate.

Petunia on the balcony video:

How to plant correctly

After the petunia seedlings have become strong enough, they need to be transplanted to a place where they will constantly grow. To avoid any problems, follow these rules:

Where to plant on the street and in the apartment

It is worth planting a flower in well-lit areas. open areas because he loves it very much Sun rays. The most suitable would be South side with maximum quantity sunlight. If you want to plant petunia in the ground, then before carrying out the procedure, make sure that the threat of frost has passed.

Most the right time The date for planting in open ground is mid-May. The procedure is carried out in the evening on cloudy days.

If the plant is to be planted in an apartment, it also needs a south-facing window sill. If this is not the case, then use artificial lighting, which will help extend daylight hours and provide the petunia with sufficient light.

How to plant petunia in a flowerpot

Ampelous petunia is usually planted in hanging planters, because in them she looks beautiful and bewitching. Hanging flowers you can decorate balconies, terraces, arches and gazebos. In order to plant one bush you will need a 3-5 liter pot.

You can make the soil yourself:

  • to do this, take 3 parts of soil
  • mix it with 3 parts peat and
  • half a piece of baking powder.

If you don’t want to work on the soil, then purchase ready-made ones from a specialized store. Petunia that was planted in a flower pot needs morning and evening watering. After the sun disappears below the horizon, it is necessary to spray the plant to avoid attacks spider mite. All flowers that have wilted must be removed, which will allow the bush to always look beautiful and bloom much longer. If there is heavy, continuous rain outside, then it is worth bringing the plant under a canopy, since ampelous petunia does not like waterlogging.

As soon as it gets cold outside, the pots where the petunia was planted must be brought into warm room. This will help it continue to grow and produce new buds. Also, with the onset of winter, there is no need to fertilize the bushes.

What soil is suitable for petunias?

The most important thing in planting petunias is the soil, which must be saturated with all the necessary substances. For lush flowering you need fertile, sufficiently moist soil. That is why you should opt for loamy, sandy or sandy soil. Before planting, it is recommended to dig up the soil with rotted manure or leaf humus. You should not fertilize it with fresh organic matter, because it is an activator of fungal diseases.

Beautiful formation of ampelous petunia

If you want your plant to take on a beautiful decorative shape, then you need to pinch it twice. When the top of the plant reaches 10 cm, and the shoots become strong and begin to stretch into different sides, remove the top of the bush. After this procedure, the stems may begin to grow much more slowly, and the first lateral branches will appear.

If you pinch a bush, it will not only form beautiful shape, but will also delight you with plenty, lush flowering, as well as bright big flowers. After the stems reach 15 cm, you should pinch the plant again.

The twigs that have been removed can serve as good cuttings for propagation. To do this, place them in water and wait for the roots to appear. Make sure that the soil completely fills the pot in which the plants are planted, this will help the shoots to be strong and not brittle.

How to properly collect seeds

If you want petunia to bloom much longer, then all flowers that have wilted must be removed. But what about the seeds that form in the flowers? As soon as your plant begins to bloom, take a good look at it and select the most suitable lower flowers. Also, buds that have not had time to bloom are suitable for collecting seeds, which serves as a good guarantee that you will definitely get seeds from this bush. It will take about 2.5 months for the seeds to ripen.

How many seeds you get, as well as how high quality they are, will depend on the plant you choose. Terry petunia is poorly suited for this purpose, since it does not transfer its properties to the seeds, which means that by collecting them, you may not get a similar variety of petunia.

Also, after the seeds sprout, you can become the owner of not only flowers that differ in shape and size, but also buds painted in different shades.

Helpful tips for growing petunias in pots:

Long flowering of petunia and surfinia super video:

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area
    I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet.