Weedy herbaceous plant blue cornflower is a member of the Asteraceae family and has medicinal properties. It can almost always be found in fields sown with rye, wheat, flax, potatoes and other crops, on roadsides, and along forest belts. In addition to spontaneous spread, cornflowers are also grown specifically for decorative purposes and the manufacture of medicines.

Main vegetable raw materials, used in folk medicine, are blue cornflower flowers. They don't have much large sizes, colored blue or cyan, appear late spring and remain until the end of autumn. For some diseases in medicinal purposes The seeds of the plant, which ripen by the end of summer, are also used.

Botanical description

Blue cornflower flowers as described botanical characteristics the plants are collected in single baskets, the diameter of which does not exceed 3 cm. They have a common involucre formed by membranous brown leaves with a tiled arrangement. Small flowers in a basket are divided into two types: marginal and internal. Flowers located at the edges of the peduncle have blue color, funnel-shaped and asexual. The inner flowers are painted bright and rich blue-violet color, have a tubular shape and are bisexual.

The fruits of blue cornflower are an ash-colored or gray-yellow achene of an obovate shape. She has a smooth shiny surface. At one end there is a red tuft of hard bristly hairs, the length of which is slightly less than the length of the fruit itself (2.5 - 4 mm).

The stem is erect and branched and can reach 1 m, but usually its height is no more than 80 cm. The arrangement of leaves on the stem is sequential. They have a narrow and elongated shape, solid at the top of the stem and lobed at the bottom. The stem and leaves are covered with fine cobwebby hairs. The plant has a very developed root system, represented by a thin taproot.

Healing properties of the plant

Folk recipes based on blue cornflower are effective in treating many diseases, due to wide range pharmacological activity of compounds found in its composition. Among them:

  • glycosides (anthocyanins);
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • vitamins (ascorbic acid, beta-carotene);
  • essential oils;
  • minerals (potassium, magnesium, copper, iron, calcium);
  • alkaloids;
  • organic acids, etc.

Important: The quantitative composition of certain compounds in a plant that have a biological effect may differ depending on the place of its growth.

Folk remedies from blue cornflower have medicinal properties and have the following effects on the body:

  • antipyretic and anti-inflammatory;
  • pain reliever;
  • relaxing and antispasmodic;
  • diaphoretic and diuretic;
  • wound healing and regenerating;
  • antioxidant;
  • choleretic;
  • antimicrobial.

Cornflower blue like medicinal plant taken as part of complex treatment of colds, diseases of the urinary system (cystitis, nephritis, urethritis, urolithiasis), to relieve swelling resulting from work disorders cardiovascular system or kidneys. Taking it helps cleanse the body of harmful and toxic substances, eliminate excess liquid and fat burning.

The choleretic effect of cornflower flowers improves digestion processes and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. They are used for diseases of the biliary tract, liver, jaundice, helminthic infestations, as well as to improve appetite as part of herbal preparations or on their own.

Remedies from the flowers and seeds of the plant are used externally for diseases of the skin, joints and eyes (blepharitis, conjunctivitis, fatigue, impaired twilight vision).

The beneficial properties of blue cornflower are also used for cosmetic purposes. Products based on it improve the condition and appearance skin in the eye area, on the face and neck, strengthen hair and prevent hair loss.

Ways to use cornflower

In folk medicine, marginal flowers or, less commonly, cornflower seeds are used for medicinal purposes. The collection and preparation of raw materials is carried out in the summer. First, the entire flower baskets are cut off, and then only the marginal flowers are carefully pulled out of them by hand. The raw materials obtained in this way are laid out on paper in a layer up to 2 cm in height and dried in a dark, ventilated place. Dried flowers are placed in glass jars or fabric bags and use as needed. The shelf life is a maximum of two years in a dry, dark place.

Important: In case of contact with cornflower flowers during the drying process sun rays they gradually lose their color and a significant part of their healing properties. Such raw materials become unsuitable for use for medicinal purposes.

Blue cornflower flowers have found use in folk medicine as a separate remedy in the form of decoctions, infusions and tinctures, and as part of herbal preparations prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the urinary system, digestive tract, and hypertension.

Infusion of flowers

Cornflower infusion has antibacterial, choleretic and diuretic effects. It is prepared using the following technology:

  1. Flowers in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. place in a small saucepan (enamel) and pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Cover the pan with a lid and place in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes.
  3. The resulting infusion is gradually cooled to room temperature.
  4. The flowers are filtered and squeezed.
  5. Add to the solution boiled water in such quantity that the total volume is 200 ml.

Take the resulting medicinal product 20 ml in the morning, afternoon and evening. It can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

Flower decoction

A decoction of cornflower flowers is used for inflammatory eye diseases and colds accompanied by cough. The saponins contained in the flowers have an expectorant effect, therefore facilitating the passage of sputum.

To obtain a decoction, 1 tsp. carefully crushed flowers, pour 0.25 liters of boiling water and boil for 4–5 minutes. Then the product is infused for 1 hour, filtered and taken for laryngitis, sore throat or bronchitis, 40 ml several times a day.

Alcohol tincture of flowers

  1. Mix the dried raw materials with alcohol or vodka in a ratio of 1 to 10.
  2. Close the container with the resulting mixture tightly and leave for 14 days, shaking daily.
  3. Drink 20-30 drops at a time, washed down with water.

External use

Blue cornflower flowers have been used as an external remedy for irritation. skin, rash, diathesis, allergic dermatosis, boils. The decoction of the plant is used to make compresses, lotions, or simply wipe the affected areas of the skin.

In the form of lotions, cornflower is used for eye diseases. To receive the product 1 tbsp. l. flowers, pour 0.4 liters of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, cool and filter. For conjunctivitis, such lotions are used up to 8 times a day.

Recommendation: To relieve fatigue and improve body tone, you can take a bath with cornflower flowers. First, half a glass of flowers along with the baskets is poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water and the mixture is left to infuse for half an hour. The mixture is then filtered and added to a bath with water temperature of approximately 37 °C.

For baldness, it is recommended to rub a warm, freshly prepared infusion of flowers into the hair roots and scalp. A product made from 1 tbsp has a good effect on this problem. l. flowers of the plant, 250 ml of boiling water and 250 ml of table 9% vinegar. The mixture is infused for half an hour, filtered and rubbed into the hair roots.

If you add 20 ml of alcohol or vodka to the infusion, you will get a lotion that can be used to treat oily facial skin. To prepare the infusion in in this case Both dry and freshly picked flowers are used.

Use of cornflower seeds

Blue cornflower seeds are effective means when fighting warts. They are dried and applied to the tumors. They, together with crushed leaves of the plant, can also be used in the form of compresses to speed up the healing of wounds.

Garden cornflower, beautifully called the blue flower of the centaur (Centaurea cyanus) in Latin, is surrounded by many legends, despite its prevalence. It can be found everywhere in any region of Europe. It is unpretentious in maintenance, but the bright appearance of the blue flower gives flowerbeds and lawns a wonderful look. In the wild, cornflower grows mainly on sandy, semi-sandy and rocky soils. It is believed that its homeland is southern Europe, but over time (and not without the help of people) this flower spread to other regions. People know cornflower both as a weed and as an ornamental and medicinal plant.

A clearing with cornflowers of different varieties.

Bright cornflower petals - in fact individual flowers, collected in a large inflorescence. Each of them consists of only one petal. The color of cornflower is not only blue, but also burgundy, yellow, and white. The flower can grow over a meter in height.

Cornflowers are distinguished by a wide variety of not only appearance, but also life expectancy. Most often this annual flower, but its biennial and perennial forms are found. It grows equally easily both in the wild and on summer cottages. Very often it is a weed growing in rye fields. May be dangerous to horses.

Growing conditions

Planting and caring for a plant is not a complicated procedure. If you stick to simple rules, you can achieve a long and abundant flowering cornflower, both in house flower beds and summer cottages.


Propagating cornflower by seeds is the most popular method.

Cornflowers can be grown from seeds or cuttings. The first method is suitable for all types of plants, the second - only for biennial and perennial cornflowers. Seeds of annuals are planted in the soil early spring, perennial seeds - in the fall, they winter well under the snow. Separation of roots or cuttings should be carried out in late August - early September. Annual forms of cornflowers do not reproduce by cuttings.

Landing place

Cornflower grows best in a sunny location.

The best place to plant cornflowers is a spacious sunny flowerbed. A small shadow from the trees may fall on it, but not all day. Plant cornflower in a pot as indoor plant irrational, they look much better on the street. Flowers should not be planted too close to each other to ensure that all plants receive enough sunlight.

Watering and soil

Cornflowers need to be watered only in very dry summers. Flowers decreasing in size and drying leaves are a clear signal that there is not enough moisture. If it rains regularly, then the flowers have enough moisture. Its excess in the soil is much more harmful than its deficiency.

Cornflowers do not need abundant watering, best option— automatic sprinkler.

You can install automatic sprayers and turn them on short time every day. If the summer is wet and the soil is constantly waterlogged, it is necessary to ensure drainage by adding a small amount of small pebbles to the soil.

The soil itself should be light enough to chemical reaction– neutral. Sandy loam is ideal. Acidic soils processed with limestone. The procedure is carried out in the fall, and annual cornflowers are planted in the spring. Sand is added to clay soils.


Despite their unpretentiousness, cornflowers still need feeding. A universal fertilizer, which can be purchased at gardening stores, is suitable for this. Feeding is done once or twice a month, for perennial forms - additionally late autumn to make wintering easier for them.

Before sowing seeds, the soil must be fertilized.


Separately, it is worth mentioning about pruning flowers - this procedure allows you to give cornflowers a neat appearance, as well as prevent their uncontrolled reproduction. It is carried out only in perennial species. Top pruning is cutting off faded inflorescences, so that the plant does not scatter seeds around itself, turning into a weed. Does not harm the flower.

Another type - bottom pruning - is pruning at a level of 10 cm from the soil surface. Used for serious plant diseases. This procedure should not be abused - the cut flower may die. Trimming a flower bed in order to trim all the flowers to a certain level may not give the expected result, but will only worsen its appearance. Therefore, you need to trim each plant separately, if necessary, or allow the flowers to grow as they please.

It is better to remove faded buds and dried leaves.

Cornflower as medicine and seasoning

Garden cornflower is attractive not only for its appearance; its leaves are often used in folk medicine and in cooking.

  1. Cornflower leaves can be an excellent seasoning for homemade pickling; they are also used for cooking meat products and some soups. The taste and smell of cornflower leaves resemble a mixture of mint, cloves and lemon, giving dishes a sweetish-spicy taste.
  2. In folk medicine, a decoction of leaves and stems with blue cornflower flowers is widely used. They are used as a diuretic and choleretic agent, as part of medicinal mixtures for the treatment of cough.
  3. Cornflower is included in the stomach mixture and some soothing teas. Sometimes it is used for amenorrhea to normalize the cycle.
  4. Various masks based on cornflower infusions and decoctions have been used in cosmetology. They have a cleansing and rejuvenating effect on the skin of the face, help fight spider veins, and prevent the appearance of acne.
  5. Modern companies producing cosmetic products often use a decoction of blue cornflower flowers as part of facial washes and creams.

In addition, cornflower, both garden and wild, is an excellent honey plant. Cornflower honey has a beneficial effect on the condition of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, has a sedative effect, treats colds.

Diseases and pests

Spider mites settle on back side cornflower leaves.

Among the pests, cornflowers can be attacked by aphids and spider mite. Insecticidal preparations are used for extermination. It is advisable to treat not only cornflowers with them, but also neighboring flower beds, since insects can attack healthy plants.

To combat fungi, fungicidal preparations are used - a solution is prepared and the plant is sprayed with it. Be sure to drain the soil to reduce its moisture. It is sometimes recommended to use ash or cow dung as a treatment for cornflowers, but decorative flower bed such medications are not always appropriate.

Perennial cornflowers that are damaged by pests, dried out or diseased are usually not treated, but the affected area is cut off and burned. On next year The plant looks quite healthy and is blooming.

(Centaurea) is a colorful annual with pink, red, purple, white or blue flowers and grayish-green leaves.

Perhaps everyone knows this flower.

Just think: cornflower, and a field involuntarily appears before your eyes, on it, among the ears of wheat, simple flowers are blue, which many of us drew back in kindergarten.

For a rural agronomist, cornflowers are a weed, but for a florist they are cute village flora. And in our time - not only with blue, but also with white, pink and purple flowers.

Cornflower is an unpretentious and cold-resistant, sun-loving and drought-resistant plant. And if he creates comfortable conditions- the distance between plants is 20-30 cm, regular watering and fertilizing - you will definitely get abundant and satisfied long flowering. Tie it up high grades and cut off regularly wilted flowers.

Cornflowers also stand up well when cut, except that once they bloom in the water, they look a little paler. With short stems, they look great both in a transparent glass and in a small plain vase.

After flowering in the garden, cornflower produces seeds with bristly flakes that are carried by the wind. Having successfully landed, the seed germinates. In the south, unlike middle zone Russia, further events may develop differently.

If the seed sprouted immediately, then the cornflower has the opportunity to bloom that same fall (late wave of cornflower flowering). But another option is also possible: the young plant will survive a mild winter well, continue growing in the spring and bloom in early summer (an early wave of cornflowers). This is how an annual plant sometimes turns into a biennial plant.

Perennial cornflowers have large flowers and are great for bouquets. Particularly noteworthy is the tall (more than a meter) large-headed cornflower, which is distinguished by large yellow inflorescences. This plant is native to the Caucasus, so it requires sunny areas.

Cutting flowers from perennial cornflower is not only a way to decorate your home, timely pruning inflorescences help the plant retain more strength for next year.

The main flowering of perennial cornflowers occurs in the summer, and a second wave may occur in the fall. Every 3-4 years, perennial cornflowers need to be dug up and divided.

Varieties of annual cornflower

Tall group blue cornflower(Centaurea cyanus) reaches 65-80 cm. Good choice are Blue Diadem, Blue Ball and Red Ball.

Varieties of the dwarf group grow to only 20-30 cm - these are Polka Dot and blue Jubilee Gem.

Sweet Sultan variety from cornflower musk(Centaurea moschata) blooms with small puffball-like flowers of various colors, including yellow.

Varieties of perennial cornflower

U white cornflower(Centaurea dealbata) there are two excellent varieties that grow to approximately 60 cm tall and bloom in June-July: the Steenbergii variety has large crimson flowers with a white center, and pink ones with yellow center John Coutts flowers are even larger.

Less common, but just as attractive is the taller species - large-headed cornflower Centaurea macrocephala ( correct name- Grossheimia macrocephala - large-headed grossheimia) (80-150 cm), in which yellow “balls” bloom on thick stems.

Rhizomatous mountain cornflower(Centaurea montana) (40-60 cm, blooms May-July) produces profuse feathery white, pink or purple flowers.

Place and soil for cornflower

Any well-drained soil is suitable for cornflower. garden soil in warm sunny areas or light partial shade.

Boarding information

Height 20-80 cm. Plant every 15-50 cm - depending on height. Cornflower blooms from late June until frost.

Cornflower propagation

Sow annual cornflowers in April permanent place.

Perennial cornflowers are similarly propagated by seeds or by dividing bushes in spring or autumn.

Cornflower photo gallery

Click on a thumbnail photo of a cornflower in the gallery to view it in full size.

The cornflower flower was widely used in medicine by the ancient Greeks. They called it kentaurion in honor of the legendary centaur Chiron. The creature had great control magical secrets flowers, including cornflowers. There is also a legend about the guy Cianus, who was madly in love blue. When he died, the goddess Flora turned Cianus into a bright blue flower, since during his life he revered her very much. Hence the Latin word Cyanus, literally meaning "blue".

In short, the birthplace of the peduncle is Southern Europe. Cornflowers belong to the Asteraceae family. They feel best at temperatures from +15 to +35. In winter they do not need watering; they love bright sunlight.

Many gardeners love mountain cornflower because it blooms profusely and looks elegant and bright. And the plant does not require any specific care conditions. So if you consider yourself a novice gardener, you can safely grow absolutely any type of cornflowers in your garden.

Cornflower: detailed characteristics

The plant is herbaceous, but in nature there are one- and two-year-old species. The stem can be erect or practically lie on the ground, reaching a height of 120 centimeters. The leaves are entire, and the lush inflorescences form a basket. The flowers are funnel-shaped or tubular, the color is not necessarily blue. There are varieties with flowers of white, pink, yellow, and many other shades. The root system is different: from fairly long ones, resembling branches, to powerful rhizomes.

In total there are about 500 subspecies of cornflowers. They differ in stem height, structure, color and some other characteristics. Below we list the most popular types:

  • Blue cornflower. Description and appearance correspond to the name. It has bright blue flowers, also available in blue. It will delight you until the end of autumn. It is popularly called voloshka, blue flower and blue.
  • White cornflower. Business card are white flowers that are collected in neat inflorescences. Their diameter does not exceed 4 centimeters. It is a perennial and is included in the Red Book of Europe.
  • Mountain cornflower. Perhaps the most famous of the perennial plants. Mountain cornflower is a rhizomatous plant with a 75 cm stem, gray-green leaves, bright blue edge flowers, and purple middle flowers. The diameter of the inflorescence is up to 7 centimeters. Be sure to plant mountain cornflower on your site to transform the area and fill it with heavenly shades.
  • Yellow cornflower. A perennial representative of the flora, it grows up to 1 meter. The flowers are bright yellow, no more than 5 cm in diameter. The leaves are oblong, lanceolate in shape, and the stems are straight.
  • Large-headed cornflower. Quite different from other “relatives” large flowers having a light or bright yellow tint. It begins to bloom in July, the flowering period lasts 1.5 months.
  • Eastern cornflower. It was first discovered back in 1759. Counts wild plant, yellow flowers are collected in a basket, the leaves are pinnately divided.
  • Meadow cornflower. Like many other perennial cornflowers, it has lanceolate leaves and flowers white(basket). The flowers can also be lilac-pink. In Eurasia, this species is considered one of the most common.
  • Field cornflower. Another fairly common type. Relatively small in height - 60 cm. Flower baskets are single. The blue marginal flowers are funnel-shaped, but the middle ones are more like a tube. Blooms all summer.
  • Spreading cornflower. Among my brothers this type is one of the lowest. In nature, there are specimens with a height of 20-30 and even 15 cm. The baskets are very small, no more than 5 mm wide, the flowers are white or pink, appear in June until September.

To summarize, in gardening, annual cornflower does not use this in great demand like perennials. The second option is unpretentious, reproduces very easily, and rarely gets sick. In the same place the garden perennial cornflower grows for 7 or more years.

Cornflower planting

It is best to plant plants in April-May. At this time, the soil warms up superbly. It does not have any special soil requirements - it can even be planted in soil with a high lime content. Placed in the ground root suckers, and seedlings, as well as sections of rhizome with buds.

Maintain a distance - it should be at least 50 centimeters. This will allow the cornflower to form a lush, beautiful bush.

After landing at open ground the soil is compressed slightly to fill the empty cavities in the ground. Thanks to this simple trick, the plants will be able to take root well. Planting and care assume that the rhizomes will grow down and to the sides, and the bud can be buried in the ground no more than 3 centimeters.

When planting cornflowers, the soil can really be any, but it is better to choose a place that is open and well lit by the sun. Partial shade is also allowed, but in this case they will grow a little worse.

How do cornflowers reproduce?

There are several proven methods for propagating flowers. The most convenient way to do this is with root cuttings and seeds. The latter are sown in April, and when the first shoots appear, they are thinned out. In addition, double cornflower and many other species reproduce by self-seeding immediately after flowering.

Now you know that double cornflower propagates by cuttings, but it is also possible to grow it from seeds. But it is best to transplant at the end of August or even the beginning of September. Choose a bush that you think is suitable, dig it up and shake it off the ground. After this, wet the roots and cut off the ground shoots. Cut part of the bush so that it has at least three buds. The delenka is planted in the place designated for planting and watered up to 4 times a week for a month. You can be sure that next year the plant will delight you with magnificent flowers.

Regarding annual plants, they are able to reproduce exclusively by seeds. They are sown in late April-early May, the first shoots become noticeable within a week. We advise you to sow in exactly the place where garden cornflowers will grow all the time. This is due to the fact that most annuals tolerate transplantation very poorly and may simply not take root.

Cornflower from cultivation to care

It is most convenient to grow a plant in soil open type, in a perfectly and regularly illuminated area. It loves the maximum free space, optimal distance between two seedlings - at least fifty centimeters. This will allow representatives of the flora to grow in comfortable environment, without shading each other. We have already said that the choice of soil is not important - cornflower grows almost everywhere. The only exceptions are musk cornflower, Russian and mountain. It is advisable that watering be moderate - it is much easier for cornflowers to survive drought than excessive moisture.

Care comes down to loosening the soil once or twice a month, removing weeds and moderate watering. To stimulate flowering, it is recommended to remove specimens that have already bloomed.

It is interesting that this crop hardly gets sick and is not afraid of pests. In very rare cases, leaves can be affected by spider mites and fusarium. The treatment is quite simple: for mites, you just need to remove the diseased leaves, and for fusarium, sprinkle the diseased plants with ash, spray with foundationazole along with topsin-M.

Cornflowers in folk medicine

Even if you are not planning to grow this plant yet, you definitely need to know what cornflower looks like. The fact is that this peduncle is used in gynecology, folk medicine, and is actively welcomed by cosmetologists. Since ancient times, healers have used it as a diuretic and choleretic agent. Decoctions help with severe cough and nephritis, gastrointestinal diseases and disorders nervous system. Women know that cornflower infusion helps normalize the menstrual cycle and enhances lactation. In cosmetology, a decoction is used internally if the pores of the face are greatly enlarged, in case of swelling of the eyes, and so on.

Blue cornflower is a herbaceous annual or perennial plant species that grows in meadows and belongs to the Asteraceae family. It is distinguished by a rough stem, lanceolate leaves, taproot, flowers can be collected in baskets, which are single and large, up to five pieces. Flowers turn blue or lilac color. The fruit is an achene that has a pappus at the top. It can bloom throughout the summer and bears fruit in August. Blue cornflower is a weed, but most often it is planted in the country and used to decorate flower beds. The plant spreads throughout Europe and can often be found in Transcaucasia, Ukraine, and Russia.

Description of blue cornflower

The plant loves moist soil and is found in potato, wheat, and rye fields. Aristotle in his works says that plants have healing properties. In Old Rus', the plant was endowed with magic; it was often used to remove damage, in arable farming, so that it would be productive.

Cornflower blue is good honey plant, honey from the plant has a pleasant almond aroma and a bitter aftertaste. Sometimes the flowers are used to produce blue and cyan dye, which is used to dye wool.

Cooking uses the flowers to prepare cornflower vinegar; small amounts can be added to food. In winemaking, this type of plant is used to color champagne and vermouth, and the drinks have pink. IN medical purposes Blue cornflower flowers are also often used.

Useful properties of blue cornflower

This plant is slightly poisonous because it contains a cyanogen component. The marginal flowers contain anthocyanin, tannin, glycoside centaurine, quinic and caffeic acid. Flowers are rich in calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium. The fruits contain some alkaloids. Blue cornflower seeds contain fatty oil.

With the help of this type of plant, you can increase diuresis, reduce the concentration of substances in the blood such as calcium, phosphorus, which play an important role in the formation of kidney stones, in this way they are eliminated faster in the urine. Blue cornflower has a bactericidal and antitumor effect, and also has a choleretic and antispasmodic effect.

Official medicine places blue cornflower flowers in factory packaging; they are also included in appetite and diuretic preparations. In pharmacies and at home, infusions based on blue cornflower are prepared; with their help you can get rid of cardiac and kidney edema. These infusions are one of the best anti-inflammatory and choleretic agents that help cure hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia, and cholecystitis.

Lotions from the plant are used externally; with their help you can cure conjunctivitis, hemeralopia and also relieve eye strain.

Use of blue cornflower

Traditional medicine advises taking cornflower-based medicines for hypertension, colds, urolithiasis, ascites and. Cornflower blue is one with the best means for appetite, they have a laxative effect.

Not only blue cornflower flowers are used, but also the essence of the stems; it is used in the form of bandages for various wounds and fractures; warts can be cauterized using the seeds of the plant; they must first be thoroughly crushed.

Contraindications for blue cornflower

Pregnant women or those with illnesses should not use preparations based on this type of plant. female organs, at which there is uterine bleeding. It is imperative not to forget about the dosage, because the plant is toxic due to the fact that it contains cyanogen.

With the help of flowers you can relieve spasms, cure eczema and furunculosis.

Medicinal recipes based on blue cornflower

1. To prepare an infusion that has a diuretic, antimicrobial and choleretic effect, you need to take dried flowers, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for up to two hours.

2. In order to get rid of redness and fatigue from the eyes, you need to brew three tablespoons of cornflower flowers in a glass of boiling water. Let it sit, wait until it cools down, then take it cotton pad and apply them to your eyes.

3. To cure skin diseases and rashes, you need to take a tablespoon of blue cornflower, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for up to 30 minutes. You need to wipe your skin 3 times a day.

4. In order to increase your appetite, you need to cook this medicine, it will require a teaspoon of the plant, 250 ml of boiling water, drink and only after 30 minutes you can eat.

5. Wounds can be healed faster with cornflower seed powder; they should be applied to the problem area.

6. This recipe will help cure urethritis, prostatitis, relieve pain, for this you need to take two teaspoons of blue cornflower flowers, 250 ml of boiling water, leave for one hour.

7. For dermatoses, allergic diathesis, furunculosis, neurodermatitis, an infusion based on blue cornflower is used externally.

8. To cure seborrhea and baldness, you need to brew a tablespoon in a glass of boiling water, wait until the broth cools down, then wipe problem areas gauze.

9. To get rid of abscesses, boils, you need to take marigold flowers, nettles, horsetail, leaves walnut, blue cornflower, string grass, pansy. Brew in one liter of water, leave everything overnight.

10. If you have a problem with urination, you need to use the following mixture - hernia herb, elderberry root, bearberry, birch buds, horsetail, blue cornflower.

11. For heart diseases, use a decoction based on beans, birch buds, corn silk and horsetail, add one liter of water.

12. To overcome hypertension, you need to take fruits, hawthorn, blue cornflower flowers, yarrow, valerian root, mistletoe, everything needs to be brewed in a glass of boiling water. Drink 70 ml after meals.

Thus, blue cornflower is not only beautiful plant, but also useful.

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