Used houses household appliances may become a source of electrical injury if they malfunction or violate the operating rules. Timely first aid will help avoid serious consequences in case of injury. electric shock. In some situations, emergency resuscitation may be required. Compliance with safety rules when working with online mechanisms will prevent most accidents.

Nature of electric shock

Electric shock is a short-term or long-term effect of electricity on the human body, causing pathological changes in functional processes in organs. Electrical injuries are distinguished by the severity of damage and the source of occurrence. Current discharge can be obtained in the following cases:

  • neglect of safety precautions;
  • violation of the integrity of electrical wiring insulation;
  • uncontrolled natural discharge - lightning.

Signs of electric shock

Having discovered a person lying unconscious, a number of signs can be used to determine whether electrical trauma caused this condition or not. So, when injured by an electric discharge, the following characteristic features are revealed:

  • a wound from the entry point of the electric arc is clearly visible on the body;
  • pulse is uneven, breathing is intermittent;
  • bluish skin and lips.

Electric current affects the human body as a whole in a shock type, leading to respiratory and circulatory disorders

Of course, the presence of a bare wire nearby will be a clear sign of electric shock. The electric arc leaves a deep burn at the point of its entry into the body, disrupting the functioning of all organs lying in its path. As a result of such a powerful concentrated effect, the affected person:

  • dizzy;
  • spastic phenomena are observed in the vocal cords;
  • convulsive contraction of limbs;
  • fainting state.

In some cases, short-term cardiac arrest or myocardial infarction is possible.

The first fatal electrical injury occurred in 1879.

First aid: procedure

IN standard conditions from an electric shock under a voltage of 50 V it will be possible to avoid unpleasant consequences, however, in conditions high humidity even such a low voltage of 12 V can become a source of severe damage. Having seen another person being shocked, the first thing to do is to prevent further contact with the source of the current. The victim himself cannot unclench his muscles and let go of the faulty cable or device, so the procedure for disconnecting is as follows:

  1. Unplug the electrical appliance or turn off the power by cutting the cable. Do not touch the power plug with bare hands. This manipulation is carried out using improvised objects made of wood or fabric, or by wearing rubber gloves. To de-energize the wires, use pliers or an ax, trying to break the connection. If a person is struck by the so-called step tension, then carefully place a dry cloth under him. wooden surface, separating it from the ground in this way.
  2. If it is impossible to cut off the source of damage, they try to pull the person by the edge of his clothing. However, under no circumstances should you touch his skin.- an uncontrolled discharge will transfer to the would-be rescuer and they will both need emergency help. This measure is possible at a voltage of less than 400 V; if it is in the range of 400–1000 V, then special objects are used - an insulating rod and tongs.
  3. The state of shock from electrical trauma is accompanied by strong hallucinations, so the victim is not able to adequately assess his condition. The rescuer should do this themselves.

Healthy and physically strong people can more easily withstand the effects of electric current than sick and weakened people

The brain and heart muscle are the most vulnerable parts human body due to electric shock. Therefore, immediately after turning off the power to the victim, you should begin providing emergency care. The procedure for this depends on the general condition of the patient. If the person is conscious, then the following manipulations are sequentially carried out with him until the ambulance team arrives:

  1. Place on a hard surface.
  2. Provide peace.
  3. The areas around the burns are lubricated with a 5% solution of iodine or manganese.
  4. A sterile dry bandage is applied to the wound.
  5. Pain is relieved with aspirin or analgin tablets.
  6. To restore the heartbeat rhythm and relieve panic, dilute 30 drops of valerian tincture in water and give it to the victim to drink.

Electrical injury statistics in the Russian Federation show that fatal electric shocks account for 2.7% of the total number of deaths.

If the victim is unconscious, the procedure will be slightly different:

  1. Remove constrictive clothing.
  2. They are brought to consciousness using cotton wool soaked in ammonia.
  3. They keep you warm.
  4. Treat wounds.
  5. Relieve pain and restore calm.

If the victim is at a height, his release from the current may cause him to fall from the height. Therefore, it is necessary to take preliminary measures to prevent injuries.

If, after receiving an electrical injury, a person does not regain consciousness, and the pulse ceases to be palpable in the carotid artery, resuscitation procedures begin without waiting for the ambulance team to arrive.


The main resuscitation action is associated with the restoration of the normal rhythm of breathing and heartbeat. To do this, indirect cardiac massage and artificial respiration are performed. Traditionally, for the latter method, the “mouth-to-mouth” option is used, but if the muscles of the mouth are in severe spasm and it is impossible to open it, then the “mouth-to-nose” option is used. The massage is alternated with air inhalation according to the following algorithm:

  1. The victim’s head is tilted back, freeing the mouth from foreign objects, mucus, etc.
  2. The lips are covered with a special nozzle, and the nose is pinched.
  3. The hands are placed in the solar plexus area, placing one palm above the other.
  4. Follow the sequence: 1 deep exhalation per oral cavity person - 5 pushes with straight arms - 1 exhalation - 5 pushes, etc.

If consciousness has not been restored by the time the medical team arrives, then they begin to carry out similar manipulations, using additional equipment if necessary:

  • artificial lung ventilation device;
  • defibrillator for the plant of the heart muscle.

After five minutes, if there is no result, doctors inject a solution of adrenaline, strophanthin and glucose subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously. When consciousness is restored, they are given anti-shock drugs and transported to the hospital.

5% of burn center patients suffer burns from contact with electricity.

Electrical Precautions

The risk of electrical shock and the severity of the consequences increase in a humid environment, during rain or snowfall

Safety rules when working with electrical appliances prohibit:

  • use the device if sparking is observed when it is turned on;
  • approach sagging or broken wires at a distance closer than 10 m;
  • use faulty sockets and switches;
  • touch switched-on devices with wet hands or use them touching metal surfaces;
  • come close to transformers, switchgears, etc.;
  • leave unused appliances plugged in;
  • conduct electrical work under voltage;
  • leave children alone near sockets and switches;
  • extinguish a fire from faulty electrical wiring with water - you can get a discharge transmitted by a stream of water;
  • wipe dust on devices connected to the network.

Electrical appliances around a person can become a source of electric shock. In most cases, they rarely end in death, causing short-term dysfunction of a number of organs. It is enough to provide emergency assistance in time to return a person from a state of imaginary death to consciousness.

Electrical injury is damage resulting from exposure to high-power electric current or a discharge of atmospheric electricity (lightning).

The main cause of accidents caused by electric current is violation of safety rules when working with household electrical appliances and industrial electrical installations. Most injuries are caused by alternating current at industrial frequency (50 Hz). Electrical injury occurs not only during direct contact of the human body with a current source, but also during arc contact when a person is close to an installation with a voltage of more than 1000 V, especially in rooms with high humidity air.

Electric current causes local and general disturbances in the body. Local changes are manifested by tissue burns at the places where the electric current exits and enters. Depending on the condition of the affected person (wet skin, fatigue, exhaustion, etc.), the strength and voltage of the current, different local manifestations– from loss of sensitivity to deep burns. When exposed AC with a force of 15 mA, the victim experiences convulsions (the so-called non-releasing current). In case of electric shock with a force of 25-50 mA, breathing stops. Due to spasm of the vocal cords, the victim cannot scream and call for help. If the current does not stop, within a few minutes cardiac arrest occurs as a result of hypoxia and the death of the victim occurs. The condition of the victim at the time of electrical injury can be so severe that he is outwardly not much different from the deceased: pale skin, wide pupils that do not react to light, lack of breathing and pulse - “imaginary death.” Local damage caused by lightning is similar to damage that occurs when exposed to industrial electricity. Spots often appear on the skin dark blue, resembling the branches of a tree (“lightning signs”), which is due to the dilation of blood vessels. When struck by lightning, the general phenomena are more pronounced. Characterized by the development of paralysis, deafness, muteness and respiratory arrest.

First aid. One of the main points when providing first aid is to immediately stop the electric current. This is achieved by turning off the current (turning the switch, switch, plug, breaking wires), diverting electrical wires from the victim (with a dry rope, stick), by grounding or bypassing wires (connecting two current-carrying wires). Touching a victim with unprotected hands while the electric current is not turned off is dangerous. Separating the victim from the wires ( rice. 9.1.), it must be carefully inspected. Local injuries should be treated and covered with a bandage, as for burns.

Rice. Moving the victim away from the source of electric current using a dry stick.

For injuries accompanied by mild general symptoms (fainting, short-term loss of consciousness, dizziness, headache, pain in the heart area), first aid consists of creating peace and transporting the patient to a medical facility. It must be remembered that the general condition of the victim can sharply and suddenly deteriorate in the coming hours after the injury: disturbances in the blood supply to the heart muscle, secondary shock phenomena, etc. occur. Such conditions are sometimes observed even in the affected person with the mildest general manifestations (headache, general weakness); therefore, all persons who have received an electrical injury are subject to hospitalization. As first aid, painkillers (0.25 g amidopyrine, 0.25 g analgin), sedatives (Bechterew's mixture, valerian tincture), cardiac medications (Zelenin drops, etc.) can be given.

In case of severe general phenomena accompanied by respiratory distress or cessation, the development of a state of “imaginary death”, the only effective measure First aid is immediate artificial respiration, sometimes for several hours on end. With the heart beating, artificial respiration quickly improves the patient's condition, the skin acquires a natural color, a pulse appears, and begins to be detected. blood pressure. The most effective artificial respiration is mouth to mouth (16-20 breaths per minute).

After the victim regains consciousness, he must be given something to drink (water, tea, compote, but not alcoholic drinks and coffee), and covered warmly.

In cases where careless contact with an electrical wire occurred in a hard-to-reach place - on a power transmission tower, on a pole - it is necessary to begin providing assistance with artificial respiration, and in case of cardiac arrest, apply 1-2 blows to the sternum in the area of ​​the heart and take measures to lower the victim as soon as possible to the ground where effective resuscitation can be carried out.

First aid for cardiac arrest should be started as early as possible, i.e. in the first 5 minutes, when the cells of the brain and spinal cord are still living. Help consists of simultaneous artificial respiration and external cardiac massage. It is recommended to continue cardiac massage and artificial respiration until their functions are completely restored or obvious signs of death appear. If possible, cardiac massage should be combined with the administration of cardiac drugs.

The victim is transported in a lying position. During transportation, such a patient should be closely monitored, because at any time he may experience respiratory or cardiac arrest, and one must be prepared to provide quick and effective assistance along the way. When transporting victims who are unconscious or have not fully restored spontaneous breathing to a medical facility, artificial respiration cannot be stopped.

It is strictly prohibited to bury someone struck by lightning in the ground! Burying in the ground creates additional unfavorable conditions: worsens the victim’s breathing (if any), causes cooling, impedes blood circulation and, most importantly, delays the time of providing effective assistance.

Victims who do not go into cardiac arrest after being struck by lightning have a good chance of survival. If several people are struck by lightning at the same time, assistance must first be provided to the victims who are in a state of clinical death, and only then to others whose signs of life were preserved.

Prevention of lightning damage: in case of a strong thunderstorm, turn off the TV, radio, stop telephone conversations, close the windows. You can't be on open area or hide under lonely standing trees, stand near masts, pillars.

It is necessary to stop the effect of the burn damage factor as quickly as possible:

· extinguish the flame (water, fire extinguisher, etc.);

· to reduce pain and subsequent tissue damage, cool the burn site in the first 20 minutes after injury, use cold: cool with ice or other means, water with running water cold water or apply a cloth that is moistened with it (it must be remembered that in small children, prolonged cooling can cause life-threatening hypothermia);

· in case of electrical burns, the source must be removed from the victim by a non-conducting object (wood, rubber, etc.);

· in case of chemical damage, the agent must be diluted with abundant and prolonged water irrigation;

· in case of burns with viscous substances (resin, tar, etc.), which are difficult to wash off due to their viscous nature, you must first cool the resin by washing with cold water and bring it to a solid state, then remove the substance itself (carefully so as not to cause secondary mechanical damage ), it is possible using mineral oil and petroleum jelly to partially moisturize and soften the hardened substance (the addition of a sorbitant (polysorbate) can speed up the process of eliminating the viscous substance through an emulsifying effect);

· if injured people, whose clothes have caught fire, are standing or running, put them down, because the flames fan when running, and vertical position body contributes to damage to the face, hair, respiratory organs;

· clothes that have stuck to the burnt skin are not torn off, but, if necessary, are cut around the wounds;

· clothes that are not burnt, are not wet, are not smoldering - it is better not to take them off;

· the burned must be warmed, given something to drink (preferably liquid with table salt and baking soda).

Basic principles of providing first aid to those burned at the site of injury (urgent actions by a doctor):

· it is necessary to take into account the extent and depth of the burn, the presence of combined and concomitant lesions, concomitant pathology (first of all, it is necessary to stop external bleeding and stabilize fractures due to mechanical trauma);

· the burn site is covered with an aseptic bandage, and for widespread burns, it is better to wrap the burnt person in a clean sheet;

· administer parenterally (if not possible, per os) painkillers (narcotic analgesics, except for small children and cases of contraindications - acute abdomen clinic, complex diagnostically complex injuries, bleeding, etc.);

· for burns of more than 10% b.t. it is necessary to establish venous access as quickly as possible (catheterize a peripheral or, if necessary, central vein) and begin infusion therapy saline solutions;

· in a state of clinical death as a result of cardiac or respiratory arrest (except for cases where the injury is clearly incompatible with life), it is necessary to carry out resuscitation measures (clear the upper respiratory tract, lay the injured person on the floor, perform closed cardiac massage, mechanical ventilation (using a hardware method, if not possible, using the mouth-to-mouth or mouth-to-nose method of blowing air);

· in case of severe obstruction of the respiratory tract (with TIT with laryngospasm, bronchorrhea, edema), naso- or orotracheal tracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation may be necessary;

· with a rapid pulse of weak filling, low blood pressure, cardiac, inotropic drugs, and glucocorticoids are used;

if carbon monoxide poisoning is suspected:

· Take the victim to fresh air;

· free your neck and chest from clothing;

bring it to your nose ammonia;

· oxygen therapy, and, if necessary, mechanical ventilation, indirect cardiac massage;

· if there are no conditions for starting anti-shock therapy on site, then the victim must be urgently transported to the nearest hospital;

At the scene of injury, it is often necessary to immediately resolve the issue regarding the need for subsequent transportation of victims:

· for small-area superficial burns (up to 10% of the body), if the condition is satisfactory and the injured are able to move independently, they are sent to the nearest trauma center or clinic;

· for burns in adults of more than 10% b.t. or in children and the elderly more than 5% b.t. there is a need for inpatient treatment and transportation to the burn department, where they will be provided with specialized medical care, anti-shock therapy (if impossible or at a long distance - transportation to the surgical department of the nearest hospital);

Indications for inpatient treatment are also:

· burns received at work, during mass injuries and emergency situations;

· burns of the respiratory system, face and neck;

· burns of functionally and cosmetically important areas (hand, foot, large joints, perineum);

· burns that are combined or combined with other types of injuries;

· burns received due to concomitant serious illnesses cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous systems, lungs, liver, kidneys;

Before and during transportation the following must be carried out:

· infusion therapy (saline solutions, 5% glucose, plasma thinners - approximately 1000 ml/hour in adults, 400 ml/hour in children, until more accurate estimates of the area of ​​burns and fluid needs are made);

· to control diuresis - catheterization bladder;

· for gastric decompression - nasogastric tube;

· pain relief;

· warming;

· in the surgical departments of district or city hospitals, complex anti-shock therapy can be carried out in in full with subsequent treatment of those burned with superficial burns on an area of ​​up to 20% of the body;

· victims with more widespread and deeper burns at the end of the acute stage are transported to specialized departments of regional hospitals, to regional or republican burn centers;

· in the presence of a specialized team of the regional emergency medical care center, which includes a combustiologist and a resuscitator of the IT department for severely burned people, early transportation of those burned at the acute stage from local non-core medical institutions to a specialized IT department for severely burned people or to the burn department of the regional burn center is possible.

The system of staged treatment of burnt victims of mass injuries implies the following provisions:

· the volume of medical care, the order of evacuation and the choice of treatment measures depend not only on medical indications, but, mainly, on the circumstances that arose as a result of mass trauma (the presence of centers of mass sanitary losses, the adequacy of the number of medical forces and means);

· the construction of a system of medical evacuation measures is implemented with a maximum reduction in the number of stages of medical evacuation;

· clear diagnosis of lesions associated and combined with burns;

· clear organization and consistency in the provision of surgical care for combined lesions;

· objectification of the assessment of the severity of the injury and the condition of the injured is ensured by the introduction of prognosis criteria;

· maintaining a unified approach to the treatment of burn wounds;

· giving priority to medical emergency measures, treatment of acute illness and correction of possible blood loss at all stages of medical evacuation;

· bringing specialized surgical care closer to the advanced stages of evacuation;

· resuscitation and anesthesiological care should play a significant role in the treatment of victims of massive injuries with burns at all stages of evacuation.

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How to provide first aid in case of electric shock?

Release from electric current

If a person comes under voltage, it is necessary to immediately turn off the electrical installation using a switch, switch, fuses, etc.

If this is not possible, then you need to cut or chop the wires (in installations with voltages up to 1000 V), having first reliably insulated yourself. In this case, the power line can be closed by throwing a wire connected to the ground over it.

If the current cannot be turned off, then it is necessary to pull the victim away from the live part. Since it is in the current circuit, you cannot touch it with bare hands. You should first reliably insulate yourself with rubber gloves, dry woolen cloth, etc. In electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V, you should wear dielectric gloves and boots, only then pull the victim with an insulating rod or pliers designed for this voltage. It is unacceptable to use improvised means.

Figure 1. Diagram of blowing air into the victim’s lungs.

After being released from the current, the victim must be given first aid: lay him down, provide rest, warmth, fresh air. In all cases, you must immediately call a doctor.

If, after being released from the current, the victim breathes rarely and convulsively, with sobbing, or there is no breathing or pulse, then it is necessary to immediately begin artificial respiration and closed (indirect) cardiac massage. Both of these measures are absolutely necessary. Even if there are no signs of life, the victim cannot be considered dead. He is in a state of clinical death, when a person can be brought back to life, since the oxygen supply in the body is enough for 4-8 minutes. If the revival procedure is not started during this time, the person will actually die due to irreversible biological death. The effectiveness of the assistance provided largely depends on how quickly first aid is started.

Artificial respiration

Before starting artificial respiration, it is necessary to make the airways passable for air. To do this, open the victim’s mouth, clear it of mucus, and remove the removable dentures. Then they throw their head back as far as possible, placing one hand under the neck and the other, pressing on the forehead. Root of tongue 1 while moving away from back wall larynx 2, allowing free access of air into the lungs 3 (Fig. 1 A, b). If the victim's mouth is clenched, it should be opened. To do this, you either need to push out the lower jaw, or insert a flat object between the molars and use it to open the jaws.

Artificial respiration using the mouth-to-mouth method involves the person providing assistance directly exhaling air (more than 1 liter) from his lungs into the lungs of the victim. This air contains 17% oxygen, which is quite enough to revive.

Artificial respiration is performed in next order. Keeping the head tilted back (the victim’s mouth is open), pinch the nostrils with the thumb and forefinger of the hand that lies on the forehead. Then, taking a deep breath of air, they press their mouth to the victim’s open mouth (this can be done through gauze or a handkerchief) and sharply exhale air into it (Fig. 1 c). At the same time, the victim’s chest should rise.

The victim will exhale due to the collapse of the chest. Make 10-12 such inhalations and exhalations per minute.

During artificial respiration, it is necessary to monitor the victim’s face: if he moves his lips, eyelids, or makes a swallowing movement, you need to check whether he begins to breathe independently and evenly. In this case, artificial respiration should be suspended. If it turns out that the victim is not breathing, then artificial respiration is immediately resumed.

Indirect cardiac massage

Figure 2. Scheme of indirect cardiac massage.

If the victim does not have a pulse, closed (indirect) heart massage must be performed simultaneously with artificial respiration. The essence of this method is that through rhythmic (1 time per 1 s) compression of the heart 1 between the sternum 2 and spine 3 it is possible to push blood into large vessels and thereby restore blood circulation (Fig. 2 A). When the pressure on the sternum stops and it straightens, the heart fills with blood again. Rhythmic compression stimulates the heart to work independently. In a state of shock, the body muscles are relaxed, as a result of which the sternum may shift by 4-5 cm towards the spine. This cannot be done in a healthy person.

Closed (indirect) cardiac massage is performed in the following sequence. The victim is placed on a hard surface, as the soft one absorbs shocks. It is very important to correctly determine the place where you need to press: 2 fingers above the end of the sternum (Fig. 2 b). Having placed the lower part of the palm of one hand in this place, the second should be placed on it at a right angle (Fig. 2 A). Fingers do not touch the chest. You should press on the sternum with a quick push of such force as to displace it by 4-5 cm. After each pressure, you should remove your hands from the chest so as not to interfere with its free straightening. This promotes blood flow from the veins to the heart. You can't put pressure on top part sternum, ribs, soft fabrics(liver), as they can be damaged. The frequency of pressure is 1 time per second. If the person providing assistance does not have an assistant, then he makes 15 pressures and then 2-3 deep breaths.

To check the stability of the pulse, the massage is interrupted for 2-3 seconds. If the pulse remains, it means cardiac activity has been restored. The disappearance of the pulse indicates the presence of cardiac fibrillation. In this case, cardiac massage is immediately resumed and continues to be performed until the doctor arrives or the victim is delivered to a medical facility (they continue to provide assistance to the victim continuously along the way).

The doctor stops the fibrillation using a defibrillator. A current pulse with a voltage of 5-6 kV is passed through the chest for a short time (0.01 s). This current is passed through 2 electrodes, one of which is placed on the chest in the heart area, and the second on the back under the left shoulder blade. A short-term current pulse interrupts the chaotic twitching of the cardiac muscle fibers, and the heart begins to contract rhythmically.

If assistance is provided in a timely manner (i.e. immediately) and correctly, then the victim’s pupils constrict (the most effective indicator of revival), the skin turns slightly pink, and with each pressure on the chest, the pulse in the carotid artery is felt.

Every electrician is simply obliged to know safety precautions when electrical installation work, as well as instructions for providing first aid in case of electric shock. Since our information portal more relevant for beginners, then we will tell readers of the site in detail measures to provide first aid to the affected person.

What could cause trouble?

The main cause of electric shock to a person is, of course, non-compliance with safety precautions and neglect of the basic rules of electrical installation work. You must clearly understand that any work with electrical wiring must be carried out with the network de-energized (even if you decide) and wearing protective equipment.

Another reason - poor condition wiring, which again occurs due to the fact that inspection and timely replacement of damaged elements is not carried out. Of course, accidents cannot be ruled out when a person is unaware of the danger and simply becomes a victim (for example, a cable interruption occurs that he accidentally touched). In any case, the trouble has already occurred and it is necessary to immediately proceed to providing pre-medical first aid to the victim.

What actions need to be taken?

If, in your presence, a person suffers an electric shock, it is necessary to immediately take a sequence of actions, which we will discuss in more detail. The first aid algorithm will be presented step by step in pictures and with brief description all rescue measures.

Prevent direct contact with conductor

If possible, you should turn off either the switch if the device is nearby. If there is no switch nearby, do not waste time looking for it. Take any handy object that does not conduct current and throw the cable to the side, as shown in the photo.

If there is an ax with an insulated handle nearby, then cut the conductor, because sometimes the hand tightly grips the cable as a result of injury, and you simply cannot break the contact.

Another way to rescue someone who is electrocuted is to grab them by the clothes and pull them to the side. IN in this case you need to act carefully so that when providing assistance you do not touch the body, because it will act as a guide, and you too can become a victim.

Move the person to safety

After the contact is broken, you need to remove the victim from danger zone, at least 10 meters further. You must place the person on the floor and ensure peace.

To prevent the victim from catching a cold, lay some kind of bedding on the surface in advance.

Quickly analyze your condition

The sooner you report the condition, the sooner you can move on to further first aid measures for electrical shock. If there are no visible injuries and the victim is conscious, it is necessary to provide him with rest, give him 20-25 drops of valerian and, if possible, give him warm tea. Calling an ambulance is mandatory in any case, because... Sometimes the consequences do not occur immediately and can affect health over time. If a person loses consciousness due to electric shock, things are much worse. First, check your breathing and pulse, then your pupils (if they are narrow, then the condition is not critical). You have 15-20 seconds to do everything, each of which is very important.

When providing assistance, pay attention to the teeth; if they are closed, they must be carefully opened as follows:

Be sure to unbutton your shirt and belt so that they do not impede breathing. If the victim has no signs of life, you need to urgently proceed to artificial respiration and chest compressions. Without wasting time, also call an ambulance.

Treat wounds

Electric shock to a person can lead to various types of damage: wounds, burns, charring of parts of the body. While the doctors are traveling to the scene, you can use the first aid kit and carry out the following first aid measures:

  • treat the wound with iodine, potassium permanganate solution or alcohol;
  • apply a bandage moistened with furatsilin solution (0.01%) to the damaged area;
  • Give the victim a pain reliever (for example, aspirin).

Other treatment measures: injections and rubbing should not be done if you do not have special skills, because Improper self-medication can only cause harm and aggravate the situation.

That's all the instructions for providing first aid in case of electric shock to a person. We hope that this leaflet served you for informational purposes only! Finally, we present to your attention a visual video lesson:

Rules for rescuing a victim from an electric shock

Personal protective equipment

So that you personally do not encounter an electric shock during electrical installation work, you must take care of your safety in advance and purchase individual means protection.

The minimum should include:

  • and boots;
  • tool with insulated handle;
  • measuring instruments;
  • electrically insulating helmet.

Electric current is an integral part of every person’s life at home, at work and at play. But what to do if an accident occurs? How to behave to others in different situations? Knowledge of basic safety rules and the algorithm for providing medical care to a victim will help not only avoid irreversible injuries, but also save his life.

This is how electric current is transmitted

Where can you get an electric shock?

Electricity is the main engine of modern times. These are electrical appliances, lighting, electric vehicles. You can get injured anywhere you go electrical circuits: at home, in basements, in cafes, on the streets, in city electric transport, at work. Incidents occurring at home are most often associated with breakdowns in the insulation of electrical cables and wires.

IN living conditions the cause of an accident may be a faulty old electrical wiring, faulty electrical appliances, violations of the parameters of the power supply network, malfunction circuit breakers, RCDs and differential circuit breakers. And also, less often, trivial situations associated with non-compliance with the usual electrical safety rules: screwing in light bulbs, replacing lamps or sockets with wet hands, washing kitchen appliances (multi-cookers, pressure cookers, steamers, etc.) with the cord connected to the network, touching exposed live wires parts electrical devices, do-it-yourself repair live equipment, etc.

Electricians and electricians are the most frequently injured in non-domestic situations. This happens due to non-compliance with safety regulations at work: during maintenance and construction work on power lines, in distribution devices etc.

Providing medical assistance to an electrician

The body's response to injury

Injuries associated with electric shock often have irreversible negative effects on the human body:

  • burns of varying degrees of severity;
  • defeat cardiovascular system;
  • damage to the nervous system;
  • negative effect on the digestive and musculoskeletal system.

The severity of the injury depends on the nature of the injury and the path the current takes through the body.

Disruption of the cardiovascular system can be visible or invisible, i.e. negative consequences often do not appear immediately. When a high current passes through the vessels, the stability of the natural heartbeat is disrupted.

After any degree of severity, the victim in mandatory hospitalization is needed for a thorough examination of the heart muscle and blood vessels, even if he feels quite normal. Precautionary measures will help avoid possible death from a heart attack or cardiovascular failure.

The degree of damage depends on the voltage class and individual characteristics human body. The greater the body weight and better health, the greater your chances of surviving an electrical accident.

If a person loses consciousness, then it is necessary to call a medical service. Before the doctors arrive, he must be laid on a flat, flat surface. If a wound or burns occur, treat them with medications. If breathing or heartbeat is disrupted, provide appropriate medical assistance. If the degree of injury is high, then assistance must begin at the scene of the incident.

The algorithm for providing medical care consists of several actions:

  • removing the victim from the scene of the incident;
  • ensuring security;
  • wound treatment

First aid for electric shock is to disconnect electrical diagram– it is necessary to remove the current source or free the person.

It is impossible to do this without the proper means - you cannot touch the patient with your bare hands. It is necessary to use materials that do not conduct electrical current - rubber gloves, for example. In case of an incident on the street, push the victim back with a dry wooden stick and use insulated wire in order to pull it away from the current source.

Evacuation of the victim from the danger zone

If an injury occurs at home, in the office or at work, it is necessary to de-energize the room - turn off the machines, unscrew the plugs. Only after this provide medical assistance.


After the victim has been removed from the power source, he must be moved to a safe place. quiet place. In the absence of other injuries (fractures, open wounds), you can drag without a stretcher to a sparsely populated, well-ventilated area. If possible, ensure complete peace and quiet to avoid excitement.

If there are injuries of varying degrees of severity, it is necessary to use stretchers, boards, or any flat, dense, even materials. If the spine is damaged, the patient must not be moved. It is necessary to support his vital functions until the medical staff arrives.

Treatment of wounds

After transferring the patient to safe place, careful treatment of wounds is necessary. To treat burns, iodine, alcohol, furatsilin solution, and potassium permanganate are used. Always use sterile dressings.

After all procedures, the victim must be given warm drinks and painkillers. If necessary, sedatives - valerian, etc. It is necessary to talk with the patient and reassure him. It is important to maintain dialogue and distract from the incident.

Strike by lightning

A lightning strike is one of the most dangerous natural phenomena; it is a powerful electric shock. The main injuries sustained were burns, damage to the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Human body is a good conductor, so during an impact, current passes through the body, causing tissues to heat up to critical temperatures.

The limbs are considered the most susceptible to injury, because electric current goes to ground. In most cases, death occurs. If an incident occurs and the victim is alive, then, as a rule, he is not able to take any action on his own. Paralysis, speech impairment, deafness, loss of consciousness, respiratory arrest, etc. may occur. Those around you need to support the life of the victims until specialists arrive.

Lightning is a powerful electrical discharge that poses a great danger to humans.

A person has multiple burns and charring skin partially or completely. First aid for electric shock from lightning depends on the injuries sustained. If there is no pulse or breathing, the victim must receive emergency medical care:

  • artificial respiration together with chest compressions;
  • upon regaining consciousness and the ability to swallow, it is necessary to give the person painkillers and sedatives (not alcohol).

The consequences of a lightning strike are much more serious than ordinary electric shock.

If you manage to bring a person back to consciousness, you need to give him something to drink - water, tea at room temperature. Alcohol and coffee are strictly forbidden to be consumed in case of electric shock.

Artificial respiration and defibrillation

Once it has become clear that the patient cannot breathe on his own, it is necessary to call an ambulance and perform a number of actions independently:

  • turn him over on his back;
  • open the airways (hold your chin);
  • cover the victim's nose;
  • Inhale air into the lungs through an open mouth and check the movement of the chest (rising or not);
  • after the first two attempts it is necessary to observe the reaction;
  • If the procedure is successful, the manipulations should be repeated until specialists arrive.

Defibrillation is the most effective resuscitation measure. The procedure is the same in all cases:

  • make sure that the device has the required level of charge;
  • disconnect all devices, if any, from the victim (cardiographs, ventilators, etc.);
  • apply a discharge to the body (the electrodes should be positioned diagonally so that the heart is on the line - one electrode at the top right, the other at the bottom left;
  • discharges must begin at 4000V;
  • when the first attempts do not bring results, it is necessary to increase the force of the discharge. The maximum value is 7000V.

It is important to familiarize yourself with the rules for using all household electrical appliances and follow fire and electrical safety rules. It is necessary to ensure that the wiring at home and at work is in good working order. If a malfunction of the device or a problem with the electrical cords is detected, you should not use them until inspected by a specialist and properly repaired. During bad weather, it is recommended to close the windows and not leave the room. You should not buy umbrellas with metal tips.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):