We carry out modern construction of private one-story good prices. We provide 10 years of warranty. The company's professionals perform all stages of construction, starting from design log house, ending with its service. See how our team performs the main stages of construction using the example of a one-story log building.

1. Design stage

We offer a huge selection of modern standard solutions for one-story log cottages. Convenient choice from a large catalog. You also have the opportunity to develop an individual housing project made from logs. Quality guaranteed. Professional experience – over 12 years. All configurations presented on our website will be changed by the chief architect Ivan Yuryevich Smolyaninov to suit your wishes.

2. Laying the foundation

After completing the analysis of the results of the necessary studies at the site, ZakazDomov engineers will correctly perform calculations and justify the choice of foundation. We work on a turnkey basis - from design and calculation work of your foundation to installation. The presence of the necessary special equipment helps specialists “ Modern house» quickly and efficiently carry out work for the construction of log houses, even in difficult areas.

3. Construction of floors and walls from logs

Turnkey work is carried out by specialized teams of employees. Behind them are more than a dozen one-story buildings built from rounded logs.

4. Roof installation

Experienced teams of site installers are constructing a high-strength truss structure. Processed wooden elements certified protective compounds. We carry out installation of absolutely any roofing materials. The most popular choice is metal tiles, ondulin, soft roof, slate, natural tiles.

5. Turnkey communications

Professionals OOO " Modern house» carry out the arrangement of heating systems, electricity supply, water supply, ventilation, sewerage, air conditioning and other systems. You receive a ready-made one-story cottage made of rounded logs for finishing.

6. Finish

For our one-story objects made of rounded logs we need minimal finishing walls Customers initially receive beautiful facade and an interior made of logs. The finishing is provided by the Modern House employees after the communications have been laid.

7. Maintenance

As for cars, good house requires maintenance. It's free. Our advantage is that we give you a 10-year guarantee from the Modern House company for housing made of logs. During this time, ZakazDomov engineers provide you with technical support. It's absolutely free Maintenance houses strictly according to plan.

8. Photos of one-story houses made of rounded logs that we built

Projects are presented in the catalog finished works on this same page. Big choice. Read below why these configurations are popular?

9. Advantages of our projects

  • Durable materials. The Modern House company uses winter forest to harvest wood. This material has the highest strength and durability, and also gives the least shrinkage. 25% stronger than conventional lumber.
  • Full protection tree. Construction technology from ZakazDomov provides for comprehensive protection materials against rot and fire. We process logs by immersing them in impregnations for fire and bioprotection. This ensures that the wood is processed down to the core. 100% protection!
  • Environmental friendliness of materials. All compositions for processing and finishing logs are certified. There are no toxic substances in our buildings. The Modern House company is a leader in the production of its own building materials from natural raw materials.
  • Economical and high quality. A one-story dwelling made of logs is the most convenient option for families with children. The problem of controlling the stairs, which is so attractive to small children, no longer exists. A one-story cottage designed by ZakazDomov is ideal for both young and elderly owners.
  • Original look. Wooden facade– the number one choice for any landscape. The log exterior of the “Modern House” project looks especially beautiful in a forested area.
  • Defects excluded. We guarantee the durability of the structure and the absence of cracks in the frame. This is the result of proper shrinkage.
  • Economical heating. The company "Modern House" offers arrangement stove heating. And the fireplace looks especially beautiful, without which it is impossible to imagine the living room of a log house.

Extraordinary one-story houses made of logs attract with their excellent design and significant practicality: they are comfortable, environmentally friendly, and have a unique microclimate that is beneficial to health. A well-designed project will become the basis for building a dream estate: aesthetic, spacious, comfortable.

The goal for people tired of the city bustle is big house with several bedrooms and its own access to the water. The highlight of the project is attached terrace overlooking the pond

Basic Design Principles

A team led by an experienced architect, takes into account factors together:

    soil specifics at the customer’s site, location features aquifers soil;

    priority foundation type in accordance with the information obtained during the study of the site;

    necessity combination utility networks With utility rooms in such a way as to rationalize the number of branch pipelines for water supply and sewerage;

    placement of living areas from Western or north side- they least of all need natural light, while the kitchen is best equipped in the east or with a view of the southern part of the local area.

Projects must be calculated in such a way that living rooms and premises for household purposes were located in different parts cottage

Regardless of the location, the estate should be of good quality and very warm

Errors often found in typical projects

The main requirements for a log manor are high heat retention rates and structural reliability. If you allow disproportionate subsidence of raw materials during drying, the house will warp, joints and thermal insulation will be damaged.

The absence of ventilation holes in the foundation is fraught with serious troubles in the form of putrefactive processes, wood damage by fungus and mold. Vents should be placed above the standard snow level for this area, and they are additionally reinforced with gratings.

In projects one-story houses The logs must contain pine or larch backing boards. They prevent getting wet bottom row, facilitate the procedure for replacing it.

If you want to introduce large windows, you will have to add additional thermal insulation measures to your plan and choose the most reinforced double-glazed windows

Signs of a well-designed project

Professional calculations allow you to end up with a house that embodies closed systemrational use resources and energy for heating and maintenance of the entire complex. Experts implement the most simple, effective system engineering networks with a lightweight configuration of water supply and sewerage elements.

When drawing up the project, we take into account strengths material: the log is used in such a way that the structure will last for more than half a century without significant repairs - adjusting the frame, installing a new lower crown, raising the frame. In addition, the building plan is drawn up in such a way as to minimize the use of finishing from other materials - there is a goal to preserve the beauty and texture of wood in the exterior and interior as much as possible.

The memorable appearance of the hut, stylized as antique, is explained by the color of the wood and the specific design of the entrance area

What is better: build it yourself or order it from professionals

Self-construction, at first glance, seems to be a rational solution: you do not need to pay for the services of third parties, you can complete the work slowly, and purchase materials yourself at a discount. But such savings will clearly backfire - projects that are in the public domain are characterized by inaccurate details, and the lack of skills will negatively affect the quality and safety of operation. Even a hired team cannot guarantee compliance technological standards and ease of living in the future.

The only correct approach if you have a limited budget is to contact a company that carries out turnkey construction. If standard projects are not satisfied, the client will be offered individual planning taking into account the given financial framework.

Video description

Video with a 3D project of a house made of rounded logs

On our website you can get acquainted with the most construction companies, presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

A small family of 3-4 people will be comfortable in a compact home with an area of ​​65-70 m². Such projects include a spacious living room, often together with a full hall, 2 bedrooms, a bathroom and a toilet, comfortable kitchen. IN modern solutions A terrace is considered an integral component; if desired, it can be replaced with a practical veranda or open patio.

Families with children and elderly parents choose one-story log buildings not only for the sake of the natural material: safety and convenience come to the fore due to the absence of stairs. In this case, priority is given to houses with an area of ​​at least 100-150 m². Projects with an attic significantly increase the potential of the estate; the area can be divided into 2-3 bedrooms, a dining room combined with a kitchen, an office, a living room, and a bathroom.

One-story buildings are causing a great stir Finnish houses made of logs - they are maximally adapted to persistently cold Russian climate. A special frame assembly scheme becomes the key to comprehensive thermal insulation; masking the technical components of the structure ensures a neat, aesthetic appearance.

An authentic building, the design of which is based on Finnish construction principles - minimalism, practicality, protection from the cold

Technology of building houses from rounded logs

The calculations are based on technical specifications material – diameter, period and geographical area of ​​the workpiece, geometry, presence of cracks and inclusions. Specialists must take into account the surface quality and color of the log, the degree of processing, profile and storage conditions.

Construction is carried out in several stages:

    Laying the foundation. Usually a tape is used, its height should be at least 40-50 cm to protect lower crown(the encircling row of logs that makes up the perimeter of the building) from contact with melt water and atmospheric manifestations. Install a low tide that protects from water.

    Laying crowns. Installation work preceded by thorough treatment of raw materials with an antiseptic. Material used for the first row high density, for example, larch, followed by base wood. The connection can be longitudinal or angular. Additional fastening elements - dowels - are wooden blanks; they are installed in holes drilled in the logs.

    Installation of vertical structures- columns, pillars.

    Insulation of a log house.

How more complex project, the more it will cause financial and labor costs. This solution with an attached recreation area requires the installation of additional roofing structures

    Roof formation on the base rafter system.

    Installation of blocks for openings- doors and windows. This stage begins after the house has settled.

Specialists in mandatory control the shrinkage of the structure - regulate vertical structures, slowly warm up the building to ensure uniformity of the process, caulk the cracks. Next in turnkey projects comes the stage interior work– polish surfaces, lay communications. The final stage is façade and interior finishing.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Review of original projects

Small dacha - good decision for seasonal holidays in a country area

An extensive estate with many rooms and combined utility rooms

Economical solution - a house with 2 living rooms with a terrace

Spacious home for big family with a comfortable summer terrace

One-story house with an asymmetric roof and a narrow porch

Miniature cottage, made in the style of a forest hut

Solid country house with a full living room at the front

Magnificent project of a log house with large windows, two entrances and descent to the river bank

Video description

See the video for a few more projects of houses made of rounded logs:

Pricing horizons

Price wooden house“turnkey” is determined not only by the area of ​​the home, but also specific features project implementation - the technologies involved, finishing materials, number of functional premises.

If we consider standard positions for Moscow, log buildings with an area of ​​40 m² or more cost from 420 thousand rubles. Full-fledged estates from 110 m² are sold with a price tag of 1,400,000 rubles. A large one-story log house with an area of ​​250 m² will cost almost 3 million rubles.

Buildings occupying no more than 70 m² are in steady demand: here prices vary between 500-650 thousand rubles.


A one-story log house is practical solution for country living. With proper design, such a building will turn into cozy home for a large family that values ​​convenience and closeness to nature.

All photos from the article

Wood is the most affordable and inexpensive material, which is used in the construction of suburban and country houses, as well as baths and other types of buildings. Assembly of a log house is possible within one season, and you can move into such a house within a year. However, during preparation you will need to make correct calculations when planning rooms and other technical premises, therefore requires compliance with certain rules.

Single-story log cabins: finding out - good or bad

Popularity of the tree building material due to its availability. There are especially many such houses in regions adjacent to forest areas. Therefore, one-story wooden log houses have been used in Russia for many centuries. The building material is not only environmentally friendly, but buildings made from it do not require interior finishing.


  1. One-story houses made from rounded logs do not require the installation of stairs, which significantly saves free space. Its presence is especially thoughtless for families that include small children and elderly people. No matter how convenient it may be, you will have to constantly monitor the strength of the steps, since their breakage can lead to various injuries.
  2. If the area of ​​the house is not very large, its construction will cost much less. A one-story log house allows you to save on the materials required for the construction of the foundation, since it puts less load on it. But such a construction will take large area plot, and the roof will be wider.

  1. Finishing one-story houses requires lower costs for both materials and labor. If the house has only one floor, it is much easier to imagine how it should ultimately turn out from a design point of view. In such a building there is no need to install an additional bathroom, which greatly simplifies the task of installing sewerage and heating systems.
  2. The psychological atmosphere is also much more comfortable - the whole family is not on different floors, but together.

Since the house occupies a large area of ​​the site, it is not recommended to install one-story houses made of large logs on it, the area of ​​which exceeds 100 m². It is this that will allow you to organize the space in such a way as to not only obtain a comfortable area of ​​the premises, but also leave room for a vegetable garden and flower beds.

In the photo - inside a log house


Despite all the advantages of one-story log houses, they still have disadvantages. One of them is that when organizing space with big amount premises, both residential and technical, some of them have to be made passable.

Advice: pay close attention to the layout internal space at home, so that bedrooms do not serve as passage rooms.

Should be considered autonomous systems sewerage systems that require special premises are:

  • water pipes;
  • sewerage;
  • heating.

Make a technical floor in the basement for them in the house, otherwise this issue will require careful consideration.

Advice: Don't build one-story log house, the area of ​​which exceeds 150 m², since this is not practical.

Project development

Any construction begins with design, during which the customer determines how the house should turn out in the end:

  1. The design of a one-story house made of rounded logs can be either individual or standard. The latter is offered by almost all developers; it is intended to purchase ready-made log houses, which have already proven themselves in practice and suit the majority of buyers.

Advice: even when purchasing a finished log house, the customer should agree with the seller on the main key parameters.

  1. Despite the fact that the house design is standard, during its construction can be used different materials: timber - regular, profiled or glued, as well as logs. The material used to build a house has a direct impact not only on its appearance and cost, but also on the methods of finishing and insulation.

  1. Assembling a house from ready-made elements is not so difficult and, if you have certain skills, can be done with your own hands.
  2. The most difficult part of the preliminary stage is designing the foundation.

You will need:

  • take into account the slope of the site;
  • soil features;
  • proximity to groundwater.

Advice: as a rule, developers working in a particular region know all these features and are able to offer the most best option type of foundation.

When designing one-story houses made of rounded logs, do not forget to take into account many details, which include:

  • shape of window and door openings;
  • location of rooms and bathrooms.

Even if the project is standard, the customer has the opportunity to make changes taking into account his wishes. The issue of internal and exterior finishing. At the same time, in order to maintain an environmentally friendly home, they often rely on natural materials.

Important stages of construction

The instructions look like this:

Marking and foundation work
  1. Single storey wooden frame does not exert too much pressure on the foundation, since its weight is small and it is evenly distributed.
  2. Use a columnar foundation - the house is installed on brick or concrete pillars placed at the corners and in places of the greatest expected load.
  3. Be sure to lay a layer of waterproofing between the foundation and the log house, for example, two layers of roofing felt.
Assembly type The most commonly used cutting is “into the bowl”. With this type of assembly, a recess was made on each log, with the help of which the logs were connected to each other, preventing moisture from entering. Other options that are also popular today are Norwegian and Canadian cutting, which involve cutting complex shapes into castle logs.
Installation of rafters
  1. The choice of the type of rafter system, which can be either hanging or inclined, depends on the type of roof.
  2. When installing hanging system Almost the entire load is on external walls at home, the upper and lower trims are used to connect them to each other.
  3. If the system is inclined, the load from the rafters falls on ridge beam, installed using supports on an internal wall.
Caulk It is carried out only after shrinkage of the building after 8-12 months. Only after this we recommend proceeding with the installation of the roofing system and wiring of communications.

If all the rules are followed during the construction of the foundation and the assembly of the building, you can end up with a warm and comfortable home, capable of serving for many years.

Log baths: no flaws found

Logs are a natural material that is particularly environmentally friendly and natural. That's why log baths not only visually attractive, but also allow you to create a healthy microclimate indoors.

And here a completely logical question arises: “does such a bath have any disadvantages?”

  1. Log walls promote unhindered air circulation, which allows you to maintain the required temperature in the bathhouse.
  2. The material has a subcortical layer, which serves as additional protection against rotting processes, fungal proliferation and damage by insects.
  3. The building is quickly heated, ideally retaining heat, requiring less energy consumption.
  4. After correct processing, the logs will last for many decades.
  5. Wood perfectly insulates sounds, keeping rooms quiet and calm.
  6. When building log baths, a wide variety of designs can be used.

In principle, a log bathhouse does not have any significant disadvantages. However, if the wrong wood was used for its construction, or the process itself was accompanied by numerous violations, they will not take long to wait.

Building material: features of choice

Before starting construction, you need to properly prepare the material.

But this must be done in advance so that it can dry before the main stage begins:

  1. The most optimal building material that does not require significant financial costs, is a pine. It should be harvested in winter, preferably in very coldy, then the wood is different increased stability to moisture.
  2. The diameter of the logs is from 180 to 250 mm, and it is advisable to use the same blanks, or select them in such a way that the size range is no more than 30 mm. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to achieve a tight fit of the logs to each other.
  3. Density of wood of the same tree species, but grown in different climatic zones, is different, and this fact must be taken into account when choosing material. Ideal choice for a bathhouse, wood grown in northern latitudes will be suitable, since its density does not change when exposed to unfavorable factors, in in this case temperature changes and high humidity. And this, in turn, affects the service life of the building.

The construction of a bathhouse is actually no different from.


The use of wood as a building material has shown over hundreds of years that it can be used to build houses and outbuildings of varying heights and complexity. In the same time one-story options more attractive because they do not require much labor.

Often, log houses and bathhouses are built independently, even without the help of assistants. The video in this article will give you the opportunity to find additional information on the above topic.

Functional one-story houses made of rounded logs from the Ruklad company combine comfortable planning solutions, durability and excellent performance characteristics. We build cottages of any complexity and configuration in Moscow and other localities.

Prices for one-story house projects

The cost of building a cottage depends on the following criteria:

  • design project;
  • log diameter;
  • selected equipment (type of roof, foundation and other parameters);
  • interior finishing option.

The absence of intermediary markups allows us to offer clients affordable design solutions. On average, a one-story house made from cylinders costs customers 10-20 percent less than one made from timber.

Turnkey one-story houses made of rounded logs

Construction country house turnkey is carried out in a short time thanks to the use unique technologies, high-tech equipment, the presence of its own logging base and qualified construction teams.

We select only high quality wood from coniferous species winter forest. Processing of raw materials is carried out on the basis of GOST.

Special impregnation of lumber with protective compounds and polishing are added to finished buildings beautiful texture, an elegant and complete appearance that lasts for decades. In terms of thermal conductivity, a house made of rounded logs corresponds to brick buildings with walls 1 meter thick.

This guarantees comfortable living in the cottage and an optimal indoor microclimate for the owners at any time of the year, and makes it possible to save on resources spent on heating the building.

Projects for low-rise construction

In our catalog you can buy projects of one-story houses made of rounded logs of various sizes, configurations and configurations. We develop solutions with a garage, bathhouse, bay window, attic and others architectural elements.

IN one-story house may be provided open veranda or a terrace, which will allow you to relax comfortably with family and friends on fresh air and have a barbecue.

Houses from the manufacturer without intermediaries

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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