To provide quality level life in your country house care must be taken to ensure convenient drainage of used water and waste products. A properly calculated sewer system at the design stage and subsequently installed in a private home is the key to long and trouble-free operation. You can install such a structure yourself, with your own hands, if you approach this issue thoroughly. The design of the house plays a key role in drawing up the internal pipeline diagram, but for laying external sewer networks you need to adhere to several rules.

  • Where to place the sewer system on the site

    The installation of sewerage in a private house must be carried out in accordance with all rules and regulations so that its operation is long and problem-free. Internal - combines all the pipes that are located inside the house and plumbing fixtures. Its main purpose is to remove wastewater generated during human activity. Installation of internal sewer system carried out taking into account SNiP according to a pre-agreed plan. But the main thing in this project is the construction of a cesspool, septic tank or other container for collecting wastewater.

    The main rules for constructing a cesspool:

      The distance to the accommodation facility should be 5-12 meters. If the distance is greater, then difficulties may arise with the outflow of liquid from the pipes.

      Distance between outbuildings and the sump must be at least 1 meter deep.

      The distance from the neighbor's fence is 2-4 meters.

      Distance from decorative and garden plants– 3-4 meters.

      The sedimentation tank with sewage must be located at least 30 meters from wells and boreholes.

      The depth of the pit is determined depending on the level of occurrence groundwater, but not less than three meters.

    The bulk of sewage should be below the freezing point of the soil. The tank can be filled with a gap of 35 cm to the top cover.

    Sewage options

    Which treatment systems install - directly depends on the desires and capabilities of the owner. There are the following types of sewer systems:

      A septic tank allows you to ensure not only the collection of wastewater, but also its processing. In the chambers of such containers, wastewater settles and is processed by special bacteria that feed on organic matter.

      Biological wastewater treatment using a special station. This option is different high degree wastewater treatment and high productivity. However, the station depends on electricity and is quite expensive.

      Dry toilet - like this option will do only for dachas where the owners do not live permanently. A dry toilet is not able to solve the problem of drainage in their kitchen and shower.

      Cesspool - this option was previously used most often. But due to technological progress, against the background of which the number has increased household items interacting with water (dishwasher and washing machine), the amount of wastewater has increased noticeably, and the volume of the cesspool can no longer cope with it. And the risk of soil contamination in this case is much higher.

    You can make a sewer system in a private house with your own hands in all of the above cases, except, perhaps, for installing a treatment station. Here you cannot do without the help of specialists.

    1. cesspool

      To install a cesspool, a long and voluminous hole is dug in the ground, into which wastewater from the toilet, kitchen and bathroom is drained through pipes. In some cases, the pit is lined with bricks. The advantages of this design include low cost and ease of installation. However, the cesspool still has more disadvantages:

      It all depends on which pit the owner chose. A structure with an earthen bottom is more dangerous in an environmental sense and can lead to poisoning of the entire area. A sealed pit is a brick-lined structure with a concrete bottom. This option is safer and requires cleaning 1-2 times a year. Construction from concrete rings also considered a sealed pit.

    2. Sealed tank

      A popular option is a sealed storage tank, which can be metal or plastic. The first option has significant drawbacks - it is susceptible to corrosion and requires replacement over time, especially in such a aggressive environment, like wastewater. Also metal tank requires a waterproofing procedure.

      Sealed tank

      A plastic container is more suitable option, which has many advantages:

      The disadvantages of a plastic container include its rather high cost.

    3. Single chamber septic tank

      This option is suitable for a small family of three people, where the total volume of water for local sewerage does not exceed 1000 liters. The design of a single-chamber septic tank is a sealed container or structure with a filter for discharging water into the soil. The last option is the construction of concrete rings with periodic addition to the container biological drugs to improve cleaning quality.

      Advantages of a single-chamber septic tank:

        Low price and ease of installation;

        The ability to do all the work yourself;

        Safety for environment;

        No unpleasant odor;

        Reinforced concrete septic tank, like plastic container, resistant to aggressive environments;

        Durability of use.

      The operating principle of this design is very simple: wastewater flows through pipes into the septic tank chamber, particulate matter settle to the bottom. From the settling tank, water goes into the soil and ground for purification. The main thing is to choose the right place drainage area, the depth of installation of the septic tank is correctly determined and the volume of the container is calculated.

      The disadvantages of a single-chamber septic tank include the need to install it at great depths in order to prevent sewage from pouring into water resources.

    4. Two-chamber septic tank

      When is it advisable to install a two-chamber septic tank in a private house? The first chamber of this design serves to settle water and purify it. All impurities settle in it, and only water, oil and the remains of household chemicals remain on top. In the second chamber, secondary wastewater treatment takes place. Oil and household chemical products already settle here. Only water remains at the level, which is 65% cleaner than it was before. When the container is full, it is upper layer gets into the soil. But due to the low level of contamination of the liquid, it does not pose a danger to the environment. A two-chamber septic tank for sewage in a private house provides a high level of wastewater treatment and safety. This design is suitable for installation in big house, where 5-8 people live.

      Advantages of a two-chamber septic tank:

        High quality wastewater treatment;

        The container does not rust and lasts up to 50 years;

        You can install a two-chamber septic tank yourself.

      TO weak side Such structures include the need to sometimes clean it of silt. It is worth knowing that this must be done carefully, without completely getting rid of siltation, because microorganisms that feed on organic compounds from the wastewater and live in it participate in the separation.

    5. Septic tank with biofilter

      A biofilter in a septic tank is a container filled with inert material (expanded clay). How does a biofilter work:

        The sewage masses enter the settling tank, are cleaned and enter the biofilter;

        Aerobic bacteria living in the biofilter break down and oxidize organic compounds from wastewater;

        The water is cleared of contaminants and enters the drainage pipe.

  • Going on vacation to the countryside a private house or to the dacha, each owner plans not only to work hard, but also to have a great rest. For good rest to modern man cold and hot water, local sewerage.

    Schematic diagram of local sewerage: 1 - inspection well; 2 — water seal; 3 - pipe; 4 - sewer pit; 5 - settled debris; 6 - cover: 7 - partition; B - filtration system (gravel); 9 - outlet pipe.

    The problem of water extraction and heating is easily solved with the help of pumps, but the solution of wastewater collection is a little more difficult to solve. Sewage can be energy-dependent and gravity-flow. Using a volatile one without forced injection of fecal matter requires special care, although it can be assembled compactly and will work faster. For normal functioning Such a system requires frequent preventive inspections and maintenance.

    Independent sewerage is based on the unauthorized supply of wastewater, takes up more space, and requires more time to purify the water.


    For proper operation The local receiving capacity device is not enough. also plays an important role.

    Laying rules

    1. When laying wastewater, it is necessary to maintain a slope towards the pit - 5-8°.
    2. The pipes should be insulated - clothed in a shell made of foamed Merylon.
    3. When laying, corners and turns should be avoided, but if this cannot be avoided, inspections should be installed in such places - wells for cleaning and inspection.
    4. When pouring the foundation of a house, you should provide a hole of the required diameter for.
    5. When using local sewer, do not throw into the toilet toilet paper, as it can remain on the walls of the pipes and over time will lead to clogging of the system.


    For self-assembly you will need:

    • measuring instruments - rulers, tape measures;
    • tool for earthworks- shovels, crowbars and buckets;
    • water and building level - to determine the degree of slope of the pipe;
    • For concrete works— shovels, trowels and a container for mixing concrete;
    • hacksaw for metal - for sawing plastic pipes and sandpaper to smooth out uneven edges, and a grinder for cutting reinforcement when assembling a metal frame.

    Undoubtedly, the assembly of local sewerage will bring enough comfort, especially in conditions rural areas, A independent decision this problem will save quite a lot a large sum money.

    Modern society cannot be imagined without the benefits of civilization - convenient, practical, safe. An integral feature of a developed society is sewerage. It is known from history that all ancient civilizations had sewers: Babylon, Mohenjodaro (5000 BC), Egypt (2500 BC) and Rome - 6th century BC. e.

    This article is intended for developers planning to lay utility networks - external sewerage. Let's look at the types of sewers, their advantages and disadvantages.

    For the convenience of familiarizing yourself with the organization of wastewater, we classify sewerage systems:

    1. Industrial - used for cleaning industrial wastewater.
    2. Storm water - designed to remove wastewater after precipitation.
    3. Household - collection and disposal of wastewater caused by human activity.

    Based on the type of collection and disposal of waste and wastewater, sewage systems are divided into two types:

    1. Centralized - disposal is carried out in existing or designed centralized systems drainage. Connection to it must be agreed upon with the operating organization, the balance holder of the networks. If the cost of connecting and laying networks to a centralized sewer system does not exceed 7% of the cost of the house, it is worth connecting.
    2. Local, or autonomous - is installed when it is impossible or at a significant cost to connect and install networks to a centralized sewerage system.

    Sewage selection

    Choosing a method for disposing of wastewater at home is a rather important moment that determines the quality of life of the entire family. The system, type and method of sewerage must be determined at the design stage of the house. Errors in the design and installation of networks in an already built house are fraught with destruction load-bearing structures, significant funds are required for restoration work.

    Professionals design organization they'll tell you best option water supply and wastewater disposal, will economically justify the need for a local treatment plant or a single cesspool.

    Local sewer

    Centralized sewerage is convenient - you connect, and then it’s a problem for the operating organization. For individual construction most often used local sewerage, which is divided into gravity and pressure. Gravity sewer flows to the collection point under the influence of gravitational forces, along a negative slope of the pipe. In a pressure sewer, the movement of liquid is carried out using a specialized pump.

    Pressure sewerage is quite difficult to implement and requires design work. Allows you to transport wastewater over significant distances, with a positive slope of sewer pipes and their complex configuration. In this article we will not consider this type of wastewater management; it is better to entrust this to professionals.

    Gravity sewerage is affordable at the cost of materials, simple enough for independent implementation. Further we will consider only gravity local sewerage and its various types.


    A cesspool, also known as a drainage pit, is the most accessible and ancient method of waste disposal. IN convenient location site, a hole is dug up to 1 meter in diameter and about 3 m deep, if groundwater allows. If you plan to constantly pump out wastewater, make the walls airtight. If drainage of wastewater into the ground is allowed, we strengthen the walls of the pit. However, pits with drainage also require periodic pumping.

    There are several possible ways to strengthen the soil of a cesspool:

    1. Concrete rings allow for quick and reliable installation with a crane.
    2. Sliding formwork is quite troublesome and time-consuming, but it allows you to form a hole of any size. No crane is needed for installation.
    3. There is a range of specialized plastic containers.
    4. Installation from scrap materials. You can use any available material: solid cinder block and wild stone laid on cement, old tires, etc.

    The fastest and cheapest way is to install a tire pit. We find 10-15 unnecessary large-sized tires: from “ZIL” to “BELARUS”. We lay the wheels flat in the hole, insert them between the bottom three sand-lime brick or cross section of tires. Such inserts will increase the drainage of liquid into the soil.

    Filtration and purification stations

    Often owners modern cottage not satisfied with archaic wastewater collection systems in the form of a cesspool. The stench, the need to periodically use sewage disposal equipment is problematic, and does not add to the friendliness of the neighbors. More progressive types of local sewerage: stations - septic tanks, deep stations biological treatment.

    Small treatment plants - septic tanks

    When the volumes of household waste are significant, and cesspool can't cope, septic tanks come to the rescue. They are a 1, 2 or 3-chamber container made of plastic or concrete for deep wastewater treatment.

    They are divided according to SNiP 2.04.03-85 “External networks and structures” according to the volume of wastewater:

    • Single-chamber septic tanks - with a volume of up to 1 m3/day,
    • Two-chamber - up to 10 m3/day,
    • Three-chamber - over 10 m3/day.

    Ideally, such a station consists of three cameras.

    Chamber No. 1 is the zone of deposition of heavy particles after cooking and human activity. Next, the liquid flows by self-overflow into chamber No. 2.

    Chamber No. 2 is a methane tank aeration reactor. Organic residues decompose in the chamber, detergents, with the help of microorganisms and methanogenic bacteria into simple components - hydrogen, carbon dioxide and methane.

    Chamber No. 3 - through a bypass, the liquid from chamber No. 2 enters post-treatment, where organic compounds, as a result of anaerobic processes, pass from a dissolved state to a suspended one, after which they precipitate. Simply put, under the influence of bacteria in chamber No. 3, all organic and inorganic suspensions fall into sludge.

    After three-stage treatment, the initial wastewater is purified up to 70%. This is enough good cleaning, allowing purified water to be discharged into underground soil. However, according to the specified SNiP, soil purification is required, which is a filter well with a sand area of ​​1.5 m2 per living person.

    Deep biological treatment stations.

    Deep biological treatment stations are improved septic tank stations that allow processing significant volumes. Installation and connection to existing capacities is possible only on the basis design solution. Multi-stage treatment makes it possible to achieve an output wastewater treatment rate of 97-100%.

    The more power density station, the higher its quality indicators. After such waste treatment, purified water can be discharged into reservoirs and soil, after ensuring the quality of the water at the SES. Such stations require electricity for transfer pumps, an area of ​​up to 60 m2, infrequent maintenance and inspection - once a week.

    Filtration and purification stations are the most civilized, environmentally friendly way of waste disposal. Allows you to clean waste from both one house and a group of houses, cottage village. They cope well with agricultural waste.

    The prices are quite reasonable:

    • for one house - $3500,
    • for 5 houses - $10,000,
    • for 30 houses - $32,000 - the most optimal option for the village.

    There are ongoing costs: electricity charges for large stations, Maintenance, pumping out sludge residues depending on the filling, from once a year to once every four years. But a quiet life without stench and overcrowding drain hole expensive.

    Modern plastic-based materials guarantee a service life of cleaning stations of 20 years.

    Intermediate cleaning and disposal methods

    We cannot ignore the achievements of civilization that can significantly reduce maintenance costs. treatment facilities, exclude them.

    Dry toilets- the trend of new recycling technologies. It is a block design for external use, or a variant big pot for indoor use. Successful and economical use for small volumes of waste, does not require installation of networks.

    Grease traps. Fats and oils are difficult to break down and utilize. Accumulating in pipes, fats reduce their working cross-section until they are completely clogged. The solution to the problem is grease traps, from minimal ones - a separator under the sink, to industrial ones - for example, for mass processing of meat.

    The best material for sewer pipes is plastic.

    External laying of sewer pipes should be 0.5 m deeper than the freezing point. If it is not possible to bury it, you need to insulate the pipes or lay a heating cable along the bottom of the pipe. A frozen sewer pipe is a very difficult problem to solve.

    One of the most important parameters gravity sewer - minimum slope, in which wastewater and fractions are reliably removed. According to SNiP 2.04.03-85 “External networks and structures” for apartment building With sewer pipe 110 mm the slope should be 1.4 cm per meter. For private housing construction, special regulatory conditions for drainage of 2 cm have been determined, taking into account the smaller volume of wastewater.

    It would seem that 0.5 cm is an insignificant change in slope. However, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations: with a small slope, the liquid will not wash away waste, accumulating it along the entire length of the pipe. With a large slope, the liquid will not have time to wash away solid residues; they will accumulate, being compressed into a dense, difficult-to-remove fraction, reducing the cross-section of the pipe. Therefore, the golden mean is very important, ensuring guaranteed waste disposal.

    Good luck to your home.

    How to make a sewer system in a country house and country house

    Installation of sewerage for a country house

    Sewerage in a country house

    The most convenient option sewerage devices in a private house are connected to central networks.

    If there are city streets near your house sewer networks, then the most convenient option would be to simply crash into them. With this solution you will get a number of advantages:

    • Significant savings on the local sewerage system and its installation and maintenance.
    • There is no need to monitor the degree of wastewater treatment or call sewer trucks.
    • You will need to connect once, then you will be serviced constantly, you will only be required to pay your bills on time.
    • Familiar amenities without any restrictions.
    • For those who don't like paper stages registration, going through the authorities and obtaining permits, you have the opportunity to seek help from a special company that will solve all your questions.

    The advantages of this system are obvious, but not every private house is connected to the city sewerage network; for those for whom this is not available, you will have to think about installing autonomous system. There are three types of such stations: storage, non-volatile and volatile, in order to make a choice, it is worth studying all three options.

    Storage septic tanks

    This is the simplest and cheap option sewage system for a dacha, in principle it is the same cesspool, only more advanced modern type. Today, such septic tanks are made completely sealed, they do not harm the environment, and they can be installed in any conditions. If you have small plot or a place on the bank of a river, near a reservoir, perhaps the groundwater level is very high, then storage septic tank the most suitable choice for you.

    Sewerage accumulative type lightweight and easy to install, but it has a significant disadvantage, since the drains are sealed closed space, they need to be pumped out periodically, therefore, the longer you live in the country, the more often you will have to call a sewer truck.

    Today, plastic, metal or fiberglass is used in the production of these systems; the most popular models are FloTenk-EN, Baikal-EN, Triton-N, Bars-N. If you want to save money, you can make your own storage-type sewer system from concrete rings.


    Aquahold produces septic tanks different types about what it is cumulative option says the letter H in the name, then it already differs in models H2, H3, H4, respectively, by 2.3 or 4 thousand liters. All models have a wall thickness of 12.5 centimeters, so it will withstand the pressure of any soil.


    All containers of this system differ only in volume, otherwise they are absolutely identical. Volumes range from 2,000 to 150,000 liters. It is possible to supplement the design with a liquid level sensor, which will allow you not to climb into the system to control filling; the sensor itself will provide light and sound signal that a sewer truck is needed again.

    ModelNumber of usersDimensions (LxW), mmWeight, kgProductivity, l/dayLink to reviews
    STA-1.53 1000x210089 750
    STA-24 1000x2700100 1000
    STA-36 1200x2900149 1500
    STA-47 1200x3800183 2000
    STA-59 1600x2700266 2500


    This manufacturer changes not only the volume different models, but for strength and safety, with an increase in the number of liters, the wall thickness also increases. Models are numbered from 2 to 20, depending on volume and thickness increases from 1000 to 1800 millimeters. What gives maximum protection septic tank from compression by soil.

    Here, like the previous manufacturer, it is possible to install an alarm using a water level sensor. There is a big plus that the signal can be set not only when it is completely full, but also several days before, which will allow drainage to be pumped out of the system in a timely manner.


    The Septic Tank, produced under the name Alta, is made according to the same principle. There is a model range, with a difference in cubic meters, you can distinguish them by marking models from 1 to 10, the walls also grow with the volume and range from 1300 to 1500 mm, stiffening ribs are also added, so there is no doubt about the long-term service of this sewer.

    Alta tank capacity


    The Onyx company provides a large range of models, from the smallest models of 6 cubic meters to industrial 100 cubic meters who can serve a large number of Human. Additional functions The Onyx Tank model has it, it can be installed in a seismic danger zone, it can also be installed on rocks without burying it in the ground, both horizontally and vertically. There are also differences in the models based on the material of manufacture or any additives to it.

    Non-volatile septic tanks

    This type of local sewerage for a private house is already suitable for both seasonal and permanent residence. It has its pros and cons. Unlike the previous option, there is no need to pump out wastewater; it goes into the ground on its own. They are purified in the system up to 50%, so they cannot be directly discharged into the soil or water bodies. It is necessary to create a second level of wastewater treatment, filtration well or filter fields.

    Popular models in this category are “Breeze”, “Bars bio”, “Cedar”, “Triton”, “Aspen”. Many also make such septic tanks themselves from concrete rings.
    Let's take a closer look at the most commonly used options, sewerage systems made of concrete rings and septic tank Tank.

    Septic tank made of concrete rings

    This is the most economical option, if you do not take into account the cheap but unreliable Eurocubes and the environmentally unsafe design made from car tires. Eurocubes are produced in small volumes, with very thin walls, and are often simply crushed by soil. Car tires may at some point leak and contaminate the soil and nearby bodies of water with wastewater.

    Sewerage from concrete rings will cost you only 15-25 thousand rubles, depending on who will install it, you yourself or a company.

    If you decide to install a septic tank yourself, then you will be interested in reading.

    The advantages of this sewer:

    • Low price;
    • Easy to install, you can do it yourself;
    • Easy maintenance.
    • Installation must be done professionally and errors must be avoided so that unpleasant odors there was no soil contamination with wastewater on the site;
    • Low purification of wastewater, which is why it cannot be discharged into a drainage ditch or reservoir;
    • There are many restrictions on the installation of this sewer system.

    Septic tank "Tank"

    This sewer option is best ratio price quality. It also has the ability to be installed when high level groundwater, for this you will have to purchase additional equipment: drainage pump and infiltrator. However, it is worth noting that at the same time it is equal in price to the Topas system, which purifies wastewater by 98%, and perhaps you will choose it for your private home.

    Advantages of local sewage system "Tank":

    • Independent of energy sources, wastewater is purified mechanically and biologically, using special microorganisms;
    • Reliable molded plastic case with stiffening ribs;
    • Good value for money;
    • Large selection of models; to increase the volume, it is possible to install several modules.

    Disadvantages of the system:

    • There is no anchoring system; during installation, it is necessary to correctly install the septic tank in the sand-cement mixture to protect it from floating when groundwater approaches it, when it itself is not in use;
    • Incomplete wastewater treatment, maximum 75%, which is not enough to discharge into drainage ditches;
    • If the groundwater level is high, additional equipment will be required, which will greatly increase the price.
    ModelNumber of usersDimensions
    (LxWxH), mm
    Productivity, l/dayLink to reviews
    1 1-3 1200x1000x17001200 600
    2 3-4 1800x1200x17002000 800
    2.5 4-5 2030x1200x18502500 1000
    3 5-6 2200x1200x20003000 1200
    4 7-9 3600x1000x17003600 1800

    Volatile local sewerage systems

    Stations powered by electricity: Topas, Unilos, Eurobion and many others. This category of sewerage system has the most important advantage: they purify wastewater up to 98%, which allows it to be discharged into reservoirs, drainage ditches, or used for irrigation on the site.

    Topas station

    The first such system in Russian market, produced since 2001 and combines 2 wastewater treatment systems, biological and fine-bubble aeration. Organic waste is broken down by bacteria, and household wastewater is cleaned by artificial air supply. The lineup This septic tank is very wide and allows you to choose the most suitable option for your private home.

    Models vary:

    1. By the number of people living in the house. From 4 to 10 or more;
    2. According to the depth of sewer pipes on the site;
    3. Two or one compressor;
    4. The presence of a drainage pump.

    Additionally, Topol-Eco offers local sewerage systems for servicing several private houses or small villages with a population of 50 to 150 people.

    Pros of Topas:

    • Large selection of models;
    • High strength;
    • Quiet operation;
    • Easy to maintain;
    • Water purification 98%.

    ModelNumber of usersDimensions (LxWxH), mmElectrical energy consumptionProductivity, l/dayLink to reviews
    4 4 950x970x25001.5 kW*day800
    5 5 1150x1170x25001.5 kW*day1000
    6 6 1150x1170x25501.5 kW*day1150

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