Hydrangea, or hydrangea (Hydrangea) is a perennial ornamental plants hydrangea family (Hydrangeaceae). Hydrangeas in natural conditions widespread in East Asia, North and South America. Among them there are shrubs and subshrubs, and there are also vines. Most species are deciduous.

Hydrangea first appeared in Europe in 1820 and was brought from Japan. Then it was grown as a potted plant, since the varieties known at that time were not frost-resistant enough.

IN open ground hydrangea can reach 1-2 m in height. Its leaves are green and ovate. The flowers are collected in large, dense, spherical inflorescences formed at the ends of the shoots. The color of the flowers is white, blue, pink, greenish. Moreover, it is known that on acidic soil the flowers are blue, and on alkaline soil they are pinkish. At home, hydrangea blooms from spring to autumn, during which time it produces 3-5 inflorescences.

How houseplant Large-leaved hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla) is usually grown. It has succulent, dark green, serrated leaves. Inflorescences are formed at the ends of the shoots.

Hydrangea is considered capricious plant, which is difficult to grow indoors. This is not true at all. You just need to know some of the features of caring for hydrangea at home.

Firstly, hydrangea loves moisture, abundant watering (probably why it Latin name Hydrangia), but at the same time it is a plant resistant to overdrying. If it has dried out, then you just need to water it with water, and it is very likely that the hydrangea will come back to life.

Secondly, hydrangea is a deciduous plant; with the arrival of winter, it sheds its leaves, preparing for a period of dormancy, and should not be thrown away - in the spring it will be reborn and bloom again. Many lovers indoor flowers They believe that since the plant has lost all its leaves, it is dead; all that remains is to empty the pot.

Thirdly, indoor hydrangea needs pruning. To ensure that it does not lose its decorative appearance and blooms, it needs to be trimmed on time.

Caring for hydrangea at home

Lighting. Hydrangea does not tolerate the hot sun in summer, so at this time southern windows are not for it. It is better to place this plant in a well-lit room, but in partial shade. But at the end of winter, when the hydrangea comes out of the dormant period and its buds form, on the contrary, it is recommended to place it in the most illuminated, sunny places.

Temperature. Hydrangea prefers cool weather. She grows beautifully on outdoors. In summer it is recommended to take it out fresh air where to put it in a cool, shaded place. Hydrangea is a deciduous plant, so it can overwinter in a dark place, in the basement, for example, at a temperature of 5-8°C. At the end of winter or early spring it is moved into the house, but too high temperature It is not advisable for hydrangea to be kept in a room - it can shed its leaves from the heat.

Hydrangea does not like drafts and sudden temperature changes.

Humidity. Hydrangeas are plants in humid climates, so they prefer high air humidity.

Watering. In spring and summer, hydrangeas need to be watered abundantly. In autumn, watering is gradually reduced. During the winter dormant period, hydrangea sometimes needs to be watered a little to prevent the soil from completely drying out. This is not necessary in the basement. When leaves appear, watering is gradually increased. Water with soft water, preferably rainwater.

Fertilizer. With the appearance of buds, indoor hydrangea begins to be regularly fed complex fertilizer For flowering plants 2 times a month.

Rest period. Like all deciduous plants, hydrangeas have a dormant period in winter. At this time, she sheds her leaves. After flowering, the hydrangea must be trimmed and placed in a cool place. Pots should be stored in dry, cool rooms; light does not matter. The rest period usually lasts 2-2.5 months.

Trimming. After flowering, the hydrangea is pruned, leaving a few of the strongest shoots. When the plant fades, you need to cut the shoots to about half their length. In most varieties of hydrangea, flowers appear on 2-year-old shoots.

In spring, it also needs to be partially pruned and weak and elongated shoots removed.

Transfer. Young indoor hydrangea is replanted annually, it loves fertile land. This is usually done after flowering or early spring. Indoor hydrangea lives in a pot for 3-4 years, and then it needs to be replaced with a young plant.

The pot is chosen to be wide and large enough, because its roots mainly spread out wide. It is believed that the size of the root part of the plant should correspond to the size of the above-ground part. Upon landing root collar hydrangeas should not be covered, they should be at ground level. When growing hydrangea, it is a good idea to mulch the soil in a pot with peat so that the moisture does not evaporate quickly.

Soil. Hydrangea grows well on acidic soils. When growing hydrangeas, it is necessary to use soil rich in fertilizers. The following mixture can be used as soil: 1 part peat soil, 1 part coniferous soil, 1/2 part sand with the addition of humus. Hydrangea prefers clay soil, but does not like sandy soil.

Acidity for blue hydrangeas should be higher than for pink ones.

Reproduction. Hydrangeas are propagated mainly by cuttings, but they can also be propagated by seeds or by dividing bushes.

Green cuttings for propagating hydrangea are prepared in July, using green branches that thicken the crown. Cuttings are cut with 2-3 internodes, the lower oblique cut is 3-4 mm below the node. Leaf blades are shortened by a third or half. They are planted deepening them into light soil by 1.5-2 cm.

The cuttings are usually not covered with film or glass, but they are sprayed several times a day. After 5-6 weeks, well-rooted cuttings with a lump of earth are planted in 7-9 cm pots. In May, cuttings are pinched for bushiness.

Diseases and pests. Hydrangeas are affected by spider mites and aphids. In case of pest damage, the plants must be treated with an insecticide in a timely manner.

False powdery mildew affects the leaves and stems of hydrangeas. If oily spots appear on the leaves, later turning yellow, this is the first sign of infection. The development of the disease is promoted by a temperature of 18-20 ° C and high humidity air. Affected plants are treated with a liquid containing 150 g of green soap, 15 g of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water.

Difficulties in growing.

In case of shortage nutrients Hydrangeas develop poorly in the spring and do not bloom.
In case of excess sunlight Light spots appear on the leaves.
If the air is too dry, the tips of the leaves dry out.

Hydrangea (or indoor hydrangia) - beautiful flower, which fits wonderfully into any landscape design. But hydrangea can also grow on your windowsill in a pot at home. Sphere-like flowers will certainly have an impact beneficial influence on your mood and the situation in the house. Indoor hydrangea is a perennial subshrub with ovoid leaves up to 15 cm. The flowers are large, round, up to 35 cm in diameter. At home it can grow up to a meter. The color of hydrangea can be white, pink, blue, but there are also different hybrid color variations - green, even purple.

This beautiful plant is native to the Azores Islands, so it will require a lot of heat and moisture when growing hydrangia. Indoor hydrangeas are slightly different in size from outdoor ones, but with proper and high-quality care you can get beautiful large spheres of flowers.

Is it possible to grow hydrangea at home?

There is an opinion that it is very difficult to care for and grow hydrangea at home, but this is not so. You just have to stick with it certain rules care for this flower. And no matter how much effort is spent, the way a hydrangea blooms in a pot is worth the effort and skill.

Did you know? The color of a hydrangea depends not only on its type, but also on the acidity of the soil.

What does hydrangea like, lighting and temperature?

Indoor hydrangea is practically no different from its companion, garden hydrangea. No need to be afraid to grow this beautiful plant, it's not difficult at all. Caring for a hydrangea that grows in a pot is almost no different from caring for garden view this plant.

Hydrangea is a big lover of light, but on hot summer days it is better not to overdo it sunbathing, but move the flower to a more shaded place. Illuminated partial shade is perfect for her. But at the end of winter, when the buds begin to set, place the hydrangea in the sunniest place. Hydrangia prefers comfort. Optimal for its growth and development temperature conditions is +20°C.

Hydrangeas have a dormant period when their leaves fall and they begin to recuperate for the next bloom. During this period, you need to place the flower pot in a cool place (+7-10°C) until the first buds appear. Then you need to return it to its usual place. Also, hydrangea categorically does not accept drafts and temperature changes.

Important! If you do not follow the conditions for caring for the hydrangea during its dormancy, it will bloom only after a year.

How to plant and when to transplant a flower

For planting hydrangeas, cuttings are most often used, since propagation by seeds is not very popular (long, difficult), this type of planting can be used if the plant variety is very rare and unique. Cuttings are selected from the root shoots of an adult plant. They should have leaves, but not flowering ones.

Selecting soil, preparing seedlings

When choosing soil for planting hydrangea, you should consider its color. If the plant is blue flowers, then it prefers acidic soil, if with pink or white soil, then you need soil with a low acidity level.

You can prepare the soil yourself or choose it in a specialized store. The simplest and most convenient modern world method - purchase in flower shop ready soil. For example, suitable soils: “Azalea”, “Begonia”, you can ask the seller for advice. To make the soil yourself, you will need turf soil and leaf soil - 3 parts each, sand - 2 parts and peat - 1 part. This will make a wonderful mixture for your hydrangea.

Planting rules, how to choose a flower pot

In order to plant the plant, you will need a cutting, which you can cut from an older bush. It needs to be planted in a pot approximately 10 cm in diameter. You cannot plant the plant immediately in a large pot, as active growth of roots and lush foliage will begin, but flowers will appear quite rarely.

Interesting fact! Unlike garden hydrangea, home blooms only in the second year after planting.

When is a plant transplant needed and how to do it

As a houseplant, hydrangea rarely needs to be replanted. As a rule, hydrangea is replanted every year, since the soil is depleted and does not allow the plant to develop and feed normally. At new transplant for a plant you need to increase the diameter of the pot by 2-3 cm.

Important! When transplanting, do not forget about drainage.

To transplant hydrangeas you will need polyethylene or newspaper. You place a pot with a flower on them and carefully, taking it by the base, tilt the pot and take out the hydrangea with soil. In a new, pre-prepared pot, pour 3-4 cm of drainage, fill halfway with soil, lower the hydrangea and sprinkle the roots with soil.

Important! You cannot fill the transplanted hydrangea above the usual level (as in the previous pot).

After transplanting, spray the hydrangea with water, and full watering can be done the next day. Optimal period Early spring is the time for replanting.

When the plant reaches such a size that you can no longer find a pot for it, then a separation and rejuvenation procedure is carried out.

Watering and fertilizing hydrangia

Nuances of watering

You already know very well that hydrangea is a flower of water. She needs to drink up to a liter a week clean water. In this case, the water should be soft, since lime in the water can lead to chlorosis of the leaves.

Ideal option would be rainwater, but in the city it is difficult to collect the required quantities. Therefore, for irrigation, it is advisable to filter the water or add lemon juice or vinegar.

If you are still afraid of leaf chlorosis in the plant, then add iron salts to the soil; this kind of mixture can be found in any flower shop.

Interesting fact! During growthand floweringplants need abundant watering, but in winter it practically stops.

How to properly fertilize a plant

During the growth period, the plant, and especially when the first buds and flowers appear, needs not only regular watering, but also fertilizer. Every 2 weeks you need to water the hydrangea with complex fertilizer to maintain the strength of the growing flower. Dissolve dry fertilizer in well-settled water (2 g per liter of liquid) and pour this solution under the root, being careful not to get it on the leaves and flowers.

Caring for hydrangea at home, how to prune correctly

Caring for hydrangea is not limited to just watering and fertilizing. You already know how to care for a homemade hydrangea that grows in a pot, but There is another big nuance - pruning the plant. It is important for a flower to grow and rejuvenate. Pruning is the most effective and effective way such rejuvenation. It should become an invariable part of caring not only for hydrangea, but also for other types of plants. Hydrangea pruning is carried out in early spring.

Spring pruning can be considered preventive, as it allows you to remove weak shoots and make way for stronger and more resilient ones. You can also shorten shoots that have become too elongated during the dormant period and are now interfering with the overall growth of the plant. The flowers that hydrangea produces, like the cuttings and leaves, require pruning and they also need to be cared for.

The second pruning of hydrangea is done in the fall, after the last flowering. It is considered the largest, since almost all shoots are cut off, except for the strongest and leading ones. You also need to trim the top of the plant so that additional shoots will grow in the future and form a bush.

When growing a plant, we must think about pests, diseases and other harmful consequences. House plants, unlike garden plants, are not so susceptible to various pathogenic bacteria and organisms, but they can also be affected by them.

Hydrangia is no exception in this case. Various factors can influence her health:

  • the leaves turned yellow– check the acidity of the soil, most likely it has decreased;
  • The tips of the leaves began to dry out– the room is dry and there is not enough moisture for the hydrangea (brown spots may also appear);
  • if light spots appear on the leaves– excess sunlight, needs to be moved to the shade;
  • if you notice that hydrangea stopped growing, then it needs to be fed with minerals and organic fertilizers;
The main pests of hydrangea are spider mites, mealyworms and thrips.

Hydrangea propagation

Optimal and convenient options propagation of hydrangea involves cuttings and dividing its bush.


Cuttings are the fastest and relatively easy way get a beautiful flowering plant in the future.

Depending on the variety, the flowering period of hydrangeas can last from late spring to early autumn.

Russian gardeners especially fell in love with tree-like, large-leaved, and paniculate varieties of this plant. White, pink and blue inflorescences abundantly covering the hydrangea bush are a real decoration garden plot.

As mentioned above, hydrangea - unpretentious plant. It does not require abundant watering in the summer - it is enough to water the bushes once a week during dry summers, and no more than once a month during the rainy season.

The main steps in caring for hydrangea are: timely pruning bushes, in their feeding and sheltering the plant for the winter.

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Sequence of actions for each shelter option

Take note several simple shelter options for hydrangeas:

  • Hydrangea branches are placed on pre-prepared coniferous spruce branches (spruce or pine) and pressed to the ground using stones or other materials.

    The top of the bush is covered with leaves, after which it is covered with spunbond or burlap.

  • Hydrangea branches are pinned using metal staples along the diameter of the bush, thus forming a pattern in the form of a sun.

    Foliage is first laid on the ground (but not from fruit trees) or spruce branches. A layer of spruce branches is also placed on the branches, covered with burlap and covered with sawdust. From above, the entire structure is protected with roofing felt. This is very reliable option shelter, but it is important to promptly free the bushes from shelter in the spring so that water stagnation does not occur.

  • A shelter option that does not require bending of shoots.

    The bush is covered with spunbond. Then a frame made of metal or plastic mesh, or wooden case. The distance between the frame and the spunbond is filled with dry leaves. From above, the entire structure is covered with roofing felt.

A luxurious bush with large inflorescences is quite often found in garden plots. Only about 35 species of hydrangea are classified, 12 of which are common in natural conditions our country. Active breeding work began more than one and a half hundred years ago. During this time, more than a hundred varieties of hydrangea have been bred, many of which are suitable for home grown.

Indoor hydrangea

Growing this flower at home is quite simple. The plant is unpretentious to lighting, but loves moisture very much. The soil should be sufficiently acidic and also well fertilized. Homemade hydrangea blooms with early spring until autumn, umbrella inflorescences can reach 30 centimeters in diameter.

Most often, the color of the flowers varies from snow-white to bright blue. Occurs pink hydrangea, and also with flowers of an almost burgundy tone. In the warm season, the plant feels good on balconies and verandas, but it needs to be slightly darkened from direct sunlight.

Large leaf hydrangea

One of the most spectacular garden plants, often growing in southern regions. The height of an adult bush can reach two meters, and the size of the inflorescences is simply enormous. The main secret successful cultivation is a good shelter in winter time. Flowers appear on last year's branches, so you need to take care of their safety in advance.

Preparing hydrangea for winter in the fall includes laying branches on the ground and carefully covering them with leaves and plastic film. There are special varieties that bloom on new shoots, but their size is noticeably inferior to this garden beauty.

Tree hydrangea

This species has gained the most popularity for cultivation. Bright large inflorescences are formed from individual flowers 1.5-2 centimeters in diameter. Color varies depending on the acidity of the soil and the plant variety. Used in group and single plantings, not only the inflorescences are beautiful, but also the oval dark green leaves.

In addition to aesthetic beauty, the flowers of this variety smell great and are excellent honey plants. The most famous among these species is the Anabelle hydrangea. Characteristic feature varieties are considered to have large white inflorescences and a noticeable height of up to three meters.

Ash hydrangea

The main advantage of such a plant is its lush inflorescences with unusual small flower stalks. Wide rounded leaves and a rather impressive height of up to two meters make this option very attractive. Flowering continues from July to the end of August; dried inflorescences serve as an excellent basis for dry bouquets.

Paniculata hydrangea

A characteristic feature of this option is its impressive height. The bushes of this plant reach 2.5 meters in height, and some varieties are trees up to 10 meters with a lush, rounded crown. Flowering is also quite unusual: pyramidal inflorescences, pale greenish in early summer, gradually change color to white, pink and pale purple in late August.

Hydrangea Grandiflora- one of the most attractive varieties of a similar species, with large inflorescences and excellent hardiness in our climate.

Among others popular varieties distinguish: hydrangea lime light(bright greenish color of inflorescences), Phantom(color changes from soft cream to pale pink) and Vanilla Fraze(cream inflorescences changing color to pronounced crimson).

Hydrangea radiata

Unpretentious varieties of this garden beauty They are distinguished by unusual silvery leaves with jagged edges. The inflorescences reach 12 centimeters in diameter, which open from early July to late August. The flowering is very lush, and the plant is unusually undemanding in terms of lighting and feeding. If the shoots freeze in winter, the bush quickly recovers. Can be planted in sunny places, tolerates partial shade.

Petiole hydrangea

The plant is a tree-like vine that grows well in suitable conditions. To do this, she needs partial shade and fairly reliable support for growth. This variety blooms for quite a long time in small inflorescences with a pale white or greenish color. Often used in landscape design for the design of gazebos and decorative arches.

Hydrangea varieties are very numerous and varied. Main value represent large inflorescences, the color of which varies from snow-white to deep purple. Depending on the acidity of the soil, flowers can take on different shades, which is often used by gardeners to create beautiful compositions.

Each of the above types of this garden plant will decorate your site, and in order for the flowering to please with its splendor, and the shrub to enjoy its longevity, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic secrets of successful cultivation.

How to care for hydrangea outdoors

Many gardeners consider this plant too capricious, not knowing the basic secrets of successful cultivation. The literal translation of the name of this flower sounds like “a vessel with water”, so the main requirement for growth is abundant watering. The root system is very well developed, so there is no need to worry about waterlogging the soil.

The plant does not like wetlands, preferring loose soil with high acidity. This, by the way, is the second secret to success, so be sure to apply a sufficient amount of fertilizer before planting.

Choosing a location and lighting

Many hydrangea varieties tolerate partial shade, but you usually need to choose a space that is well-lit. At the same time sun rays can damage sensitive leaves and flowers, so a wise choice is well-lit areas without direct hit rays.

Soil selection: soil, humus, peat

As mentioned earlier, the acidity of the soil should be quite high. To do this, humus and peat are used in sufficient quantities. Before planting, leaf soil, mulched bark and needles are also added. coniferous species trees. This will help organize good drainage and also provide the necessary growing conditions.

Feeding and watering, fertilizer application scheme

The plant really needs regular feeding. To do this, use the following scheme.

Approximate fertilizer application schedule:

  • At the first signs of growth in early spring, fertilize mineral fertilizers(only not nitrogen species).
  • It is advisable to fertilize the plant twice a month in small portions.
  • During the formation of buds, it is necessary to add potassium nitrate, superphosphate or urea to the soil. Watering with the addition of potassium permanganate, as well as spraying the inflorescences with slightly acidified water, works well at this time.
  • After flowering has finished, you can feed the plant by spreading compost or rotted manure around the roots.

Watering hydrangeas should be plentiful, always with warm water free of salts and heavy metals. Depending on the type of soil, it is necessary to provide good drainage to avoid root rot.

Planting garden hydrangea

All types of hydrangeas can be used to decorate your garden plot. To do this, you need to choose a well-lit place and dig holes up to half a meter deep. It is necessary to lay out a nutrient mixture of leaf soil, peat and humus on the bottom and sides. If necessary, drainage from bark and expanded clay is introduced, and the soil is mulched.

The optimal distance between plants is from a meter to two, depending on the height of the adult bushes.

Immediately after planting, young plants must be well watered and fed regularly. During the first two to three months, suitable minerals should be applied once every two weeks, gradually reducing the amount to one.

As a rule, subject to necessary conditions care, the plant takes root well in its new location. Some varieties of garden hydrangea bloom in the first year, but you can usually see flowers the following year.

Propagation of hydrangea by cuttings

It is quite easy to grow this plant in your area. To do this, use the method of dividing the bush with spring transplant. Propagation of hydrangea by cuttings is also a popular method. To do this, take new shoots from the bush, planting them separately from the mother plant.

You can try to get a new bush using layering. To do this, a branch with new buds is bent to the ground and rooted. It is necessary to ensure that part of the shoot with buds is in the ground, after which the new bush is watered abundantly and also fed. Usually, after a year, you can safely replant a new plant, separating it from the mother bush.

There are methods of propagating hydrangea by seeds and grafting, but this is a very lengthy and troublesome process.

Want something interesting?

The easiest way to grow a new bush is by dividing the root system, making sure that new buds remain on all parts.

How to cover a hydrangea for the winter

An important part necessary care considered high-quality shelter for shoots and preparation for wintering. Despite the fact that most varieties tolerate freezing temperatures well, it is necessary to take care of the safety of the bush in the fall.

It is imperative to cover the hydrangea for the winter using the following technology.

Algorithm of actions:

  • Remove leaves and faded inflorescences.
  • Branches of bush-like varieties must be pulled to the ground, covered with polyethylene and sprinkled with leaves and grass on top. There should be no old leaves left on the ground where pests can overwinter.
  • Tree hydrangea needs root cover. Dry leaves, grass and peat are suitable for this. It is necessary to fix polyethylene of sufficient thickness and size on top.

It is necessary to prepare hydrangea for the winter with the correct watering regime. To do this, it is gradually reduced and gradually eliminated. There is also no need to feed the plant in winter. The first feeding should be done after the shoots have fully opened, when the risk of spring frosts has passed.

It is very important to properly organize shelter for the winter, as well as take care of the necessary support for some varieties of this beautiful flower.

Sheltering hydrangeas for the winter will ensure the safety of the shoots, while it is also necessary to trim old branches to form the required configuration and size of the bush. This aspect is discussed in more detail below.

Do I need to prune hydrangeas for the winter?

The opinions of gardeners on this issue are divided into diametrically opposed ones. Typically, it is recommended to prune such plants exclusively in early spring in order to provide and stimulate good growth. Pruning hydrangeas makes it possible to form beautiful bush, which is also important.

For summer period It is necessary to remove old inflorescences and monitor the condition of the branches. If some have begun to dry out and have lost their attractive appearance, they are also removed from the bush.

How to prune hydrangea correctly:

  • The first pruning is carried out in late March - early April. Its goal is to remove shoots damaged during hibernation and renew branches.
  • The second pruning is done when the leaf buds open. Minor shortcomings of the first procedure are corrected.
  • After the formation of inflorescences, the removal of branches is temporarily stopped so as not to disrupt the flowering process.
  • If necessary, old flowers and leaves are removed, and branches are regularly pruned to form a beautiful bush.

Pruning hydrangea in the fall is justified for fast-growing species of this plant, as well as during preparation for the winter period. The bush is inspected, old unnecessary branches are removed, and their length is adjusted. Tree varieties do not need autumn pruning; it is better to carry out these manipulations in early spring.

Caring for hydrangea at home

Indoor varieties of this plant are compact and can bloom for a long time. The choice of soil and placement is fully consistent with the “tastes” of garden flowers. Hydrangea in a pot feels great on southern and eastern windowsills; in summer it can be taken out to the balcony.

The only thing this plant is afraid of is drafts and strong temperature changes.

Watering abundantly, it is very important to regularly spray this moisture-loving plant. After flowering, the pot does not need to be moved to a cool place; the plant’s dormant period passes in normal conditions. Feeding and watering in winter are reduced, and with the onset of spring, the formation of buds can be stimulated with mineral fertilizers.

Hydrangea is replanted every two years, using a larger diameter pot. With proper care, this flower can live up to ten years, regularly delighting its owners with lush blooms.

Hydrangea flowers are quite attractive and also quite varied. In addition to its spectacular appearance, it is easy to maintain.

Hydrangea care comes down to: abundant watering, mandatory acidification of the soil, regular pruning.

Hydrangea can also be grown at home, and you can also form dry winter bouquets from dried inflorescences. Basic rules for successfully growing this non-capricious plant, as well as visual photos with a description of popular types are presented in the information in our article.

Luxurious indoor hydrangea that attracts attention bright inflorescences, can bloom in any apartment. However for proper care flower growers will need to create all the necessary conditions for the beauty.

Description of the plant

Hydrangea grows naturally in Southeast Asia and the North American continent.

The Latin name of hydrangea - hydrangea (Hydrangea) - is translated as “a vessel filled with water.” The plant was named so for its great moisture-loving nature.

In the wild, hydrangea grows as a shrub up to 3 m, or small trees, or vines. These can be evergreen or deciduous plants. Their leaves are large, located oppositely on the stem, oval, with a pointed tip.

The flowering of indoor hydrangea cannot leave you indifferent

Hydrangea blooms in spring, summer and autumn until frost with luxurious spherical inflorescences. The flower is unusual, consists of two parts - small flowers are in the middle, large sterile ones are at the edges. The fruit is a capsule with several chambers and small seeds.

The plant is poisonous; the flower should be inaccessible to children and pets.

Video: features of indoor hydrangea


  1. Hydrangea is ground cover (or mixed-pubescent). Frost-resistant plant. The leaves are smooth with outside and pubescent from the bottom. The inflorescences turn pink towards the end of flowering.
  2. Hydrangea paniculata in nature grows up to 5 m. It is quite resistant to cold, as its stems quickly become woody. At the end of June, buds appear on the plant, which open only in August or even in autumn. Inflorescences pyramidal shape, change color when flowering, becoming pink, red, or greenish.
  3. Hydrangea. Bush reaching 3 m in height. The flowers are initially greenish in color and later become cream or white.
  4. Oakleaf hydrangea. It is afraid of the cold, so garden specimens require thorough insulation for the winter. Valued not only for the beauty of flowers, but also for leaves unusual shape. Flowers change color from white to purple.
  5. Large-leaved (or garden) hydrangea. The leaves are dense, bright green, the shape of the inflorescences is umbrella-shaped (similar to viburnum).

Large-leaved hydrangea is the most common type for growing at home. Tree and paniculata are also suitable for this, but cultivating them will require considerable effort. But in gardens they are often found.

Photo: variety of varieties

Oakleaf hydrangea requires good insulation for the winter
Shoots of paniculata hydrangea quickly become woody
In the garden, tree hydrangea can grow up to 3 m in height
Hydrangea ground cover is quite frost-resistant
Large-leaved hydrangea is the most popular species for home cultivation.

Table: conditions depending on the season

Spring/summerSufficient lighting, but with shading from direct rays. West/east windows. Leaves should not be allowed to touch the window glass.19–22 o N. Protect from drafts. Avoid temperature fluctuations. In summer you can take it out onto the balcony or into the garden.60–70%. Constant spraying is recommended, especially in hot weather. You can place a tray with wet expanded clay next to it.
Autumn/winterShade or partial shade.9–12 o C. Basement or an insulated loggia, the temperature should not fall below 5 o C.After the leaves fall off, spraying stops.

Hydrangea needs a bright place and high humidity

Features of transplantation

After purchasing, the hydrangea needs to be replanted, since the soil used in pots for sale is not the best best option. Because root system superficial, you will need a wide shallow pot, a little larger size(about 1.5 times) than the previous one. A layer of drainage (expanded clay, pebbles) must be poured onto the bottom.

When too spacious pot the plant will begin to grow green mass, but will not bloom.


For hydrangea, purchased soils for begonias and azaleas are suitable. If the mixture is prepared independently, then it is necessary to mix turf and leaf soil, sand and peat in a ratio of 2:1:1:0.5.

The process of transplanting into soil

  1. Tilt the container and carefully remove the flower.
  2. Inspect the roots and trim dry ones if necessary.
  3. Transfer the hydrangea to a new container, cover it with soil without covering the root collar.
  4. Spray warm water, start watering the next day.

In the future, hydrangeas are replanted every year after flowering or in early spring. Flower growers advise replacing the plant with a younger one every 4 years.

Flower growers advise renewing hydrangea every 4 years

Home care

Proper watering, timely and balanced fertilizing, maintaining the required humidity and temperature will keep the hydrangea healthy.

Watering and fertilizing

Hydrangea loves water very much and summer time Requires regular generous watering. Rainwater is suitable for this, or, in the absence of it, settled water. Sometimes you can add 5 drops to it lemon juice per 1 liter - this measure prevents the appearance of yellowness on the leaves.

In winter, watering is more moderate; it is necessary that the lump of earth dries out, but does not dry out. Excess moisture in the cold season can lead to rotting of the roots.

Hydrangea is a moisture-loving plant that needs generous watering.

Indoor hydrangea is very good at feeding. Fertilizers should be applied in the summer, when buds appear on the plant. Frequency - once every 2 weeks. It is recommended to use special complex mixtures for ornamental flowering plants, as well as heathers, rhododendrons, and azaleas. When the first flowers appear, a weak solution of manganese can be added to the water for irrigation. In winter, fertilizers are stopped.

Purchased mixtures are suitable for fertilizing hydrangeas.

Care during flowering

The flowering of hydrangea is magnificent - large balls of white, blue, pink inflorescences up to 30 cm in diameter are eye-catching. Flowers appear in spring and the process ends in autumn. One bush can have several inflorescences; the fewer there are, the larger they are.

U large leaf hydrangea The color of flowers depends on the acidity level of the soil: neutral soil will produce beige and cream flowers, alkaline soil will produce pink and lilac flowers, and acidic soil will produce blue flowers. Knowing and taking this into account, you can get different flowers. You can oxidize the soil using sawdust, peat, and pine needles. And for alkalization, ash or lime is suitable.

The peculiarity of the plant is that you should not touch the inflorescences, otherwise they may wilt. Therefore, drying flowers are removed only after the plant has finished flowering. Then the peduncle is cut off.

From blooming hydrangea don't look away


After the bush has flowered, weak stems are removed completely, and healthy stems are cut by 1/3 or half. Pruning is also carried out in the spring - it is preventive, during which branches that have become excessively elongated during the winter. Pruning is carried out so that 4–6 buds remain on healthy shoots, then the bush will form beautifully.

Trimming - important event in plant care

Wintering at home

Indoor hydrangea is a deciduous plant, so it sheds its leaves in winter. For winter period the flower needs special conditions, different from summer ones. Feeding and watering before the onset of cold weather is gradually reduced. It is best to put hydrangea in a dark, cool place (up to 9°C) for the winter, for example, in a cellar or basement. Occasionally you need to water, making sure that earthen lump didn't dry out completely.

The rest period lasts about 2–3 months. By February, the plant is returned back to the room. When the leaves appear, begin to increase watering.

Without lower temperatures during the dormant period, the hydrangea most likely will not bloom the following season.

Diseases and pests

At improper care And unsuitable conditions hydrangea can undergo various unpleasant phenomena.

Table: how to deal with pests and diseases of hydrangea

Pests and diseasesHow to noticePreventionControl measures
Spider miteHydrangea leaves are one of my favorite delicacies spider mite. The insect is not visible naked eye, but traces of its activity are visible on the plant - a thin cobweb and redness on the upper part of the leaf blades.
  1. Support required humidity and temperature.
  2. Select the right soil for the plant.
  3. Do not allow the plant to become waterlogged or the earthen ball to dry out.
  4. Use settled water for irrigation.
  5. Fertilize plants in a timely manner.
  1. Wipe the leaves with soapy water.
  2. Treat with garlic solution (grate 2 heads of garlic, add 1 liter of water, leave for 5 days in a dark container. Before spraying, dilute in half).
  3. Treat the plants with Actellik (according to the instructions).
AphidAphids suck the juice from the leaf, covering the plant with secretions, which become a good breeding ground for sooty fungi. In addition, the insect is a carrier of various viruses.
Stem nematodeappear on the shoots brown spots, covered with scabs. In these places the shoots break easily. Flowers become deformed and turn green. The central veins of the leaves are noticeably thickened.The affected plant will have to be destroyed.
Gray rotA fungal disease in which the affected parts of the plant are covered with a coating in the form of gray wool. The tissue dries out and falls out, leaving holes in the leaves.
  1. Remove affected parts of the plant.
  2. Treat with a solution of Bordeaux mixture.
  3. Treat with Fundazol.
ChlorosisThe leaves lighten, the veins remain dark. The plant weakens and loses its beauty. The disease occurs due to metabolic disorders.Add iron sulfate (10 g per 1 l) to the water for irrigation.
Powdery mildewWhite or gray spots. Reddish clear formations are visible on the upper side of the plate. As the disease develops, the leaves dry out.Dissolve 15 g of copper sulfate and 150 g of green soap, treat the plant with a solution.

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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