Every person needs warmth to avoid
hypothermia, which increases the risk of
colds. Quite often systems
central heating systems function poorly and are not capable of
provide comfortable temperature regime indoors.

This circumstance forces the use of additional
heat sources. Today on domestic market present
unique infrared heaters "Almak". They received
mass distribution not so long ago, but rapidly
have gained popularity among consumers.

Operating principle infrared heaters

Everything is extremely simple here - this type heating appliances,
distributes heat in the same way as the sun's rays warm up
earth's surface and air. Energy produced
IR heaters freely penetrate through air currents,
heating the surfaces present in the room: walls,
floor, etc.

The maximum comfortable temperature regime is set
indoors a few hours after turning on the infrared
heater. Even after turning off the heating equipment
and ventilation, the floor, walls and furniture will continue to give off heat.

The only difference in the operation of the heaters in question is
view from the heavenly body is the absence of harmful
ultraviolet radiation! Buyers tend to ask
the question of whether infrared heaters have a negative impact
impact on human body. The answer is obvious and can
be questioned – heating technology is absolutely

Infrared rays are a type of
electromagnetic radiation with a frequency that is less than
than the visible area of ​​red color. If we simplify the scientific
explanation, it turns out that almost all items for
infrared rays are opaque. This allows them to accumulate
and give thermal energy into the environment.

Comprehensive safety of infrared heaters

Safety of infrared rays for the human body
confirmed by numerous scientific research. What already
noted, they do not contain ultraviolet radiation and have nothing
general microwave waves or radiation.

It should be understood that infrared rays are only
an energy form that heats objects. She doesn't apply
no harm to living beings. Upon closer examination
the performance of Almak heaters can only be verified
in the correct choice of heating system.

The main advantage of heaters of this type is
that there is no unreasonable consumption of thermal energy,
and the coefficient useful action equipment is approaching 90%.
Other types heating devices, known today
day are not able to provide a similar result.

Usage heating devices converter type coupled
with a lot of shortcomings. District heating systems
in our country they rarely function properly. It can
form air jams, impeding the influx, and heat,
emanating from conventional radiators makes the air dry.

Classic oil convectors and radiators work
on an identical principle. They not only dry the air in the room,
consume great amount electricity, but also capable
cause burns even in case of accidental contact with heating
surface. However, the main disadvantage of all of these
devices must recognize the upward rush of warm air.

As a result, the room is heated unevenly.
Warm air is located under the flow and in the immediate
proximity to the radiator, but the floor continues to remain cold.
Converter heating involves constant circulation
in the air tiny particles dust that rises to the top
warm air currents.

Allergy sufferers, and ordinary people it won't be easy to be there
in such a harmful environment. Installation of Almak heaters
justifies itself from the point of view that such shortcomings
are absent when using them. Dust is just physical
cannot fly around the room due to sudden temperature
There are no air changes.

When listing the advantages of IR heaters, it is worth mentioning
And fire safety. Due to the fact that the installation of devices
usually carried out on the ceiling, contact with third parties
surfaces and the likelihood of their ignition is minimized.
It’s simply impossible to get burned on the high-hanging heaters,
and they are widely used in social and socially significant
institutions: kindergartens, schools, hospitals, etc.

Considering the fact that the air evenly heats all surfaces,
the floor will also be warm, and the smallest inhabitants of the same
kindergartens have the opportunity to play on the floor without negative
health consequences. You don’t have to worry about drafts either,
and all the heaters work so quietly that no one would ever
will not interfere with buzzing or other extraneous sounds.

Aesthetics and versatility of infrared

Buyers are offered heaters of different sizes,
but significant space savings are achieved by installing
devices on the ceiling. The equipment is used to heat any
premises, including apartments and residential buildings. Constructive
And technical features allow the use of infrared
heating devices in buildings industrial purposes, trading
establishments, etc. It is obvious that Almak infrared heaters
are the most advanced, they have unique characteristics
and functionality.

Among the variety of varieties of comfortable and attractive
of infrared heaters, there is guaranteed to be a model,
satisfying the needs of the most demanding consumers who
will be able to easily heat residential and industrial premises.

Is it any wonder that the number of facilities equipped
systems infrared heating is constantly increasing. Lungs
and compact heaters have proven their worth
everywhere. They effectively improve the microclimate in dachas,
helping to save up to 60% energy, while being easily dismantled
at the end of the spring-autumn season.

Infrared heaters have proven themselves excellent on balconies
and loggias, which with their help can easily be transformed
V living room or winter Garden. Heaters offered
adapted for use in Russian reality
and comply with all necessary standards.

The famous Russian proverb “You can’t spoil porridge with butter” is not always true. In some cases, too much of something beneficial can be harmful. For example, we can easily be poisoned by harmless and even useful vitamins if we exceed the dosage indicated in the annotation. The same applies to the ubiquitous infrared heating devices– they are beneficial, but they can also cause harm. The harm of an infrared heater is what our review will focus on. In it we will tell you:

  • about the principle of operation of such devices;
  • about ranges infrared radiation;
  • on the operation of infrared heating equipment;
  • about the safety of heaters.

After reviewing the presented material, you will be able to draw conclusions regarding the real safety of infrared heaters.

The principle of operation of infrared rays

Infrared heaters have simple device– special ones are used here heating elements, generating infrared radiation. This type of radiation is thermal, it is emitted by the sun and any other heat sources. Even the most ordinary fire on which we barbecue is a powerful source of infrared radiation. It is this radiation that allows you to warm living spaces and even open and semi-enclosed areas.

IR heaters heat objects and the floor in the room, and they in turn warm the air.

When studying the dangers of infrared heaters for humans, you need to know about the operating principle of these heating devices. It is very simple - IR radiation, leaving the heating device, reaches surrounding objects and begins to warm them. Those, in turn, heat up, beginning to release heat into the atmosphere. This heating method is more effective compared to convection, which heats air masses.

The devices we are considering do not heat the air, since infrared radiation is weakly absorbed by it. Air masses are heated only by surrounding objects. Humans can also feel infrared radiation – they perceive it in the form of directed heat. Remember how warm it is when we approach a fire - this is how its infrared radiation acts. And if we turn our backs to the fire, our face will feel the coolness of the surrounding air.

What are the benefits of infrared heaters? They provide:

  • rapid spread of heat throughout the heated room – infrared radiation travels at the speed of light and over a fairly large distance (hot air from convectors disperses throughout the room tens of times slower);
  • maintaining air humidity - this indicator does not change;
  • maintaining the amount of oxygen in the air - the oxygen needed for breathing is not burned, its percentage remains the same.

IR devices are characterized by high efficiency and fairly good economics.

The most best characteristics Carbon infrared heaters are superior in efficiency and economy to any other heating devices.

How safe are IR heaters?

Options for the location of heating devices in rooms different types and size.

The harm of infrared heaters to humans has been exaggerated. Correct selection of IR equipment and provision correct operation will help neutralize the harm and even reduce it to zero. For example, the same uranium mines, if the strictest operating requirements are met, are practically harmless to the people working there. The same applies to IR radiation.

By the way, the word “radiation” affects people like a loaded pistol - many, having heard this word, perceive it as an element of danger. At the same time, the most ordinary light that a light bulb emits is also radiation. Another type of radiation is radio waves - this electromagnetic radiation causes radios to talk and televisions to show us images.

This is not to say that IR radiation is absolutely harmless. If you wish, you can harm your body using the most harmless things and objects. The same oranges or chicken eggs, if absorbed in unimaginable quantities, can cause a person a lot of suffering and trouble. Therefore, when assessing the harm from infrared heaters, you need to focus on the correct selection of equipment and compliance with operating rules.

Infrared heaters - the harm and benefits of them can be very different. Let's look at how benefits are achieved and under what conditions they become harmful:

Calculation correct location ceiling IR device depending on its power.

  • The correct selection of heaters for the volume of the room will provide benefits and prevent headaches. If there is “overkill” in power, avoid harmful effects will not succeed;
  • correct choice of heaters by wavelength - short-wave models are aimed at outdoor use. Indoors, their exposure leads to a kind of burns, headaches and other troubles. Long-wave heaters should be used to heat rooms (best option for humans);
  • correct operation in time - long work similar devices can cause harm, so you need to know when to stop;
  • location of heaters - in order to neutralize the harm of infrared heaters, it is advisable to position them so that they warm up surrounding objects. You also need to maintain a distance from heaters to people.

One should take into account the fact that IR devices provide protection against many pathogenic bacteria - this is a benefit, not a harm. They also warm the skin well and are used to treat certain diseases.

Nevertheless, prolonged exposure to infrared heaters is harmful - the skin dries out, the head begins to hurt, and discomfort appears.

Possible painful symptoms from IR heaters

What symptoms can people experience when exposed to infrared heaters?

Standing in front of infrared heaters for a long time can cause headaches.

  • A headache is a clear sign that it’s time to temporarily turn off the heater or sit away from it.
  • A numb or cottony feeling in the head is another sign of adverse effects. Perhaps you incorrectly calculated the power of the equipment you are using or did not ensure that recommendations for its placement in the rooms are followed.
  • A feeling of dry skin – a similar sensation occurs after sitting near a fire for a long time. The skin seems to dry out, tighten, and feels overheated. If you feel this effect, sit away from heaters.

Thus, all harm is associated only with improper operation - being close to people, incorrect selection of power, staying in front of the heater for too long, incorrect selection of wavelength. If you follow the rules of operation of such devices, then you will receive only benefit from them, but not harm.

Infrared heaters are harmful to health due to the presence in their radiation spectrum of a large proportion of waves that penetrate deeply into the human body. The harm of an infrared heater is determined by the distribution of radiation power over the entire spectral range. Although all artificial heat sources, such as oil or water radiators, emit infrared rays, they do so at different infrared wavelengths and have different effects on human health.

What can thermal radiation do?

Infrared rays are divided into 3 main subranges:

  1. 0.75-1.48 microns - ensure the penetration of infrared radiation 4 cm under the human skin.
  2. 1.49-2.9 microns - such waves penetrate the middle layers of the skin.
  3. More than 3 microns are completely absorbed by the upper skin layers of the human body.

Human thermal radiation is 9.5 microns. Infrared heating using a ceramic heater has a wavelength of 3.5 microns. The sun also has a thermal component in its spectrum, but it emits infrared radiation at a wavelength of 0.48 microns. The benefits and harms of any source of such radiation are assessed by the radiation power at a certain temperature and wavelength. For example, if the heat source is heated to 256°C, then the emitted wavelength will be about 6.7 microns, and the radiation power will reach 148 W/m². If the object is heated to 606°C, then the wave will be 3.5 microns, and the power flow will increase to 748 W/m².

IR heaters have great benefits before traditional sources heat in the short-wave and mid-infrared sub-range. In this case, their efficiency increases significantly due to the low scattering of emitted waves in the air and the direct transfer of energy to the irradiated object. But you can also get severe overheating, which will negatively affect people’s health.

What damage can an infrared heater cause?

Harm from infrared heaters can be quite significant. For example, a quartz heater often used by people in various devices can act in this way:

  1. Its effect causes the skin to dry out due to the intense release of moisture from the side where the infrared rays come from.
  2. A quartz heater can cause burns. This often happens in infrared saunas.
  3. Heat flow has a biochemical effect on people due to its effect on protein skin. It changes the permeability of the blood cell membrane.
  4. With prolonged exposure, the heater can cause damage to the eyes: the retina and lens suffer. This often causes the occurrence and development of cataracts.

Infrared heating installed in an apartment can have exactly the same effect on people’s skin. Large doses of infrared radiation are harmful to health. Workers in workshops where glass or metal processing is carried out by an infrared apparatus were examined. It was recognized that the skin of workers in such industries loses its protective qualities due to the high intensity of heat.

Many people ask whether a quartz heater, which is used in physiotherapeutic procedures, is harmful or not. From such a device great danger no, since in medical institutions all radiation parameters are strictly regulated, and such an infrared heater affects patients for a very short time, so it cannot cause any damage to the patients’ skin.

There are established sanitary standards for a long stay of a person in a room where an infrared heater is located. In infrared saunas, the effect of heat on people is short-term, so it is possible to use intense irradiation with a power of up to 450-490 W/m², but the technology must be strictly adhered to, otherwise a burn is possible. Scientists consider such saunas useless, since they have no advantages over traditional stoves.

How to avoid dangers from using IR heaters?

The harm from heating houses with a ceiling-type IR emitter will be maximum if it is installed so low that it constantly warms the owner’s head. Therefore it is recommended ceiling heaters mount on comparatively high altitude in such a way that the radiation, if possible, is not directed directly at people.

Infrared heaters are harmful to children. Therefore, they cannot be installed in a children's room. They can cause harm in the bedroom, so if you want to install them, you must use this equipment very carefully. In any case, the heat should not be directed towards sleeping people.

The ideal option is to install heaters in such a way that the heat flow goes to the floor, walls and furniture. Such devices should not have very high power.

IR heating devices can be used effectively when it is necessary to heat sheds, gazebos, balconies, and hallways.

In this case, their energy potential will be used most fully, since by heating nearby surfaces (walls, etc.), they help keep the room warm for a long time even when jets of cold air enter it, for example, during ventilation.

Do not put too much faith in the beliefs of manufacturers and sellers about the complete safety of such equipment. It only works well if all safety precautions are followed by the consumer. It is recommended to install heaters as far as possible from where people gather (for example, they should not be installed next to the sofa where the family watches TV). It is not recommended to send heat flows on living beings. It is best to install heaters near walls, for example, in the corners of a room or under a windowsill. As already mentioned, ceiling IR heaters should be installed at maximum heights so that their heat flow is dissipated and cannot heat people's skin.

Infrared heaters, which are Lately began to rapidly displace oil radiators and other alternative devices from our homes are good for everyone - they are economical, have high performance and do not burn oxygen. In addition, according to the manufacturers, there is no harm to humans from them. Moreover, according to advertising, infrared rays can disinfect rooms, killing bacteria and other harmful microorganisms.

At the same time, there is an opinion about the harmfulness of infrared rays, which has recently been actively exaggerated by means mass media. To understand what is true and what is false, you should not only understand in detail what advantages the use of infrared heaters promises, but also find out the mechanism of the effect of infrared radiation on living organisms.

The main advantage of IR heaters is the transfer of thermal energy with virtually no loss. This is possible thanks to infrared rays, which are nothing more than electromagnetic waves of a certain length. In the spectral region, this type of radiation lies between visible light from the red rays and rays with a wavelength of 1-2 mm (microwaves).

Our luminary is a natural source of infrared rays. The share of infrared rays in the solar spectrum is more than 50%. Equipment manufacturers often talk about this, citing the beneficial effects of sunlight on all living organisms, including humans.

However, let's remember the burns from a long stay in the open sun. After all, such an impact cannot be called harmless. Obviously, the degree of influence of any radiation on our body depends on the depth to which electromagnetic waves can penetrate into the subcutaneous layers.

Depending on the wavelength, three subranges are distinguished in the IR spectrum:

  • from 0.760 to 1.500 µm – IR-A subrange;
  • from 1,500 µm to 3,000 µm – IR-B subrange;
  • from 3,000 µm – IR-C subrange.

Waves of the IR-A type can penetrate the deepest into the human body - up to 4 cm. Waves of the IR-B sub-range can only heat the thickness of the skin, and IR-C rays are completely absorbed by the epidermis.

Analyzing this type radiation, it is necessary to take into account the energy distribution depending on in which part of the spectrum it occurs. Thus, with increasing degree of heating of the source, the maximum radiation shifts towards the short-wave region. For example, our body normal temperature emits maximum radiation energy in waves with a length of 9.6 microns, and the ceramic IR heater (temperature 500-650°C) has a radiation peak in the 3.6 micron range. That is why the equipment that produces IR radiation with a wavelength of more than 9.6 microns (IR-C subrange) is the most gentle for humans.

The efficiency of infrared heaters is explained by the fact that they operate in the microwave part of the spectrum. When irradiating objects, there is practically no loss due to energy dissipation in the air, so the use of such devices is possible even in open space. Often owners small cafes and restaurants are replacing conventional heating with infrared fireplaces, installing the devices on open terraces on cool spring and autumn days.

A thin line between benefit and harm

An ordinary fire will help to clearly demonstrate the process of heating surfaces with infrared rays. Those who have ever spent time near it know that an open fire has not only numerous advantages, but also certain disadvantages. Despite all its primitive power, a fire can warm you regardless of your proximity to it, but at the same time, if you get too close to the fire, you can get burned.

The same thing happens when using infrared heaters. When properly dosed, radiation is completely harmless to health, as it penetrates just a couple of centimeters under the skin, locally warming up areas of the body, bringing pleasant warmth and relaxation. Remember how beneficial it is to sunbathe under moderate sunlight.

Infrared heat not only relaxes, but also enhances metabolic processes in the body, promoting the removal of waste and toxins. It’s not for nothing that doctors use IR lamps in their procedures to stimulate tissue regeneration during the recovery period. Unlike ultraviolet radiation, which kills all living things, infrared rays contribute not only to tissue restoration and relaxation nervous system, but also strengthen the immune system.

Of course, all the benefits of using infrared rays are possible only if their effect on the body is moderate. If this influence is intense, then unpleasant disadvantages may be observed. When you are close to the radiation source, intense evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin occurs, while the subcutaneous tissues heat up slowly, which means that the body does not react to heat, so no sweat is released. As a result, the skin dries out and gets burned. The “baking” effect is well known to fans of infrared saunas and solariums.

Another negative factor of exposure to high-intensity infrared rays is damage to the retina and lens, which can ultimately contribute to the development of cataracts. That is why it is not recommended to look at the operating device.

From all of the above, one conclusion can be drawn - the disadvantages of using IR heaters arise only when they are installed in close proximity to people or are used incorrectly. At the same time it is correct installed device will be able to fill your home with safe warmth and will be healthy.

Rules for using infrared heaters

When arranging heating using an IR heater, follow a few simple rules when choosing and placing the device:

    • A feature of devices emitting infrared rays is the powerful heating of surfaces that are in their zone of action. That is why there is no need to chase kilowatts. Even the device medium power is able to replace traditional heating, effectively heating the floor, ceiling and walls in the room.

When using infrared heating, the heat is distributed evenly
  • When choosing a heater, pay attention to the models famous manufacturers. When looking at cheap devices, do not forget that the price is reduced due to the use of low-quality components and materials. Considering that the device heats up during operation, think about how much harmful substances will be released into the air you breathe.
  • Do not install an infrared fireplace in a child's room or bedroom. If there is a need for this, direct it to the side.
  • Place the device as far away from people as possible, under the ceiling or in the far corner of the room.

The infrared heater is a great alternative other heating devices. Its proper use will bring you only benefits without causing harm.

In almost every home today you can see some kind of heater. This blessing of civilization helps us survive the off-season period, when they don’t heat it yet, but it’s already cold, and very coldy when they heat it up, but it’s still cold. Modern market offers many options, including heaters for every taste and budget. But infrared heaters enjoy the most controversial reputation. Are they harmful or is it a myth?

Any average person who sees this invention on the shelves involuntarily has a question about its safety. Are infrared heaters harmful? The very word “infrared” sounds somehow too frightening, and is immediately associated with radiation or ultraviolet. But in reality there is nothing like that here. And, as it turned out, even the opposite. Infrared waves have long been used in medicine to treat certain diseases. They are well accepted by the human body, and therefore are very effective in helping to overcome ailments. The same principle underlies the heater. Infrared waves are transmitted human body, similar sun rays, and very effectively, and most importantly, they warm it up quickly.

Do not confuse infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) radiation. UV is really harmful. IR – considered harmless. The sun gives us both types of radiation. And the heater is like the same sun, only without ultraviolet radiation. At least that's what the manufacturers convince us.

Advantages of IR heaters

If we compare this type of heaters with others, we can name a number of advantages. Heaters emitting infrared waves warm all objects around (at which it is directed). Which is a big plus. After all, even when the device is turned off, the heated walls, floor and ceiling continue to give off their heat, and the room remains comfortable temperature for quite some time yet.

Oil or convector heaters can only heat air. Moreover, it takes them some time to heat the room, and in order to retain the heat, they need to be kept on almost constantly, which negatively affects electricity bills.

In addition, when using an infrared heater, there is no need to additionally use various heaters, which inevitably follows when other thermal devices are connected to the network. The air does not dry out during operation of such a heater. And this technique can even destroy dampness and mold, which cannot be said about its competitors. It seems that the harm of infrared heaters can be questioned.

It can even be used to warm a person outdoors(on the veranda, balcony), by pointing it directly at the object, it will not work uselessly, warming the street.

Harm from infrared heaters

However, infrared heaters can still cause some harm.

Firstly, this concerns proper operation. Once upon a time, the very first models were considered quite fire hazardous. It only took one fall to start a fire. Modern devices equipped with a bunch of sensors that should turn off the power if the heater accidentally falls. But still, in this world everything can misfire, including some sensor, it may simply not work on time. So you need to choose first wall models, and watch the floor ones carefully and keep them away from children.

Secondly, when purchasing, carefully study the composition and manufacturer. There are many counterfeits of infrared heaters, which, when heated, release various harmful compounds into the air along with the heat.

From personal experience: It’s very uncomfortable to spend a day at work under an infrared heater. I don't know if infrared heaters are harmful or not, but at the end of the day I get a headache. Feels like you've spent a day in the microwave. The heating is uneven - the part of the face turned towards the heater “burns”, the second part is cold. It can be compared to being near a fire: if you turn your face towards the fire, you feel the heat; if you turn away, it feels cold. I don't know how harmless it is. Maybe you are right. But I don’t want to experience this every day.

To summarize, we can say that infrared heaters are the climate technology of the future. They are already an order of magnitude superior to their predecessors, they are economical and easy to operate. Surely, over time, this direction of technical thought will only improve and questions about the dangers of infrared heaters will no longer arise. However, we do not yet have total confidence in this type of heaters.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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