Almost every personal plot In spring you can see aerial daffodils. But real connoisseurs and lovers of these beautiful flowers usually plant several varieties of plants on their plots at once so that they can please the eye for as long as possible.

When can daffodils be replanted?

  • Daffodils can be replanted in the last week of September and at the beginning of October. This allows the bulbs to take root before frost sets in and not grow again. Otherwise, the flowers may die. The planting depth primarily depends on the size of the bulb itself and the composition of the soil. Usually it is equal to the height, which is 3 times more height bulbs and ranges from 15 to 30 cm. If the soil is light, then the depth increases by 4 cm, and if it is heavy, it decreases by the same amount. The distance between the bulbs should not be less than 15 cm and more than 20 cm.
  • It is necessary to make holes in fertilized and pre-dug soil. Place a small amount of sand at the bottom to ensure drainage. Then plant the flowers, placing them at the required depth and distance from each other. Then the holes should be watered, but it is not recommended to over-moisten them, as this can cause rotting. To prevent the bulbs from freezing, it is advisable to cover the soil with dry grass or mulch.
  • It is important not only to transplant daffodils, but also to provide them complete care. During growth in the beds, it is recommended to weed the weeds, loosen the soil, fertilize and regular watering. The first application of fertilizer should be done after the snow has melted and the mulch can be removed. Well-rotted compost with humus or light inorganic fertilizers should be added to the soil. After which the rows must be covered with soil.
  • It will not hurt to add complex mineral fertilizers to the soil, which are also advisable to apply during bud setting and especially after flowering. After the daffodils have bloomed complex fertilizers should be added in the following composition: phosphorus, potassium and sodium in a ratio of 1.5 to 1.5 to 1. After flowering, daffodils will need both loosening the soil and watering for 20 days. During the same period, dried flowers should be removed, and in order for the daffodils to bloom next year, the leaves on them should be left until completely dry.
  • Although daffodils are frost-resistant plants, they are too harsh winters they too may suffer from severe frosts. And thaws in winter have a negative impact on them, forcing them to wake up ahead of time. And when the cold weather returns, they suffer from low temperatures. To prevent this from happening, the place where the daffodils are transplanted should be covered with mulch, and when low temperatures established, it is better to cover the plant. When the threat of frost has passed in the spring, the mulch can be removed.

When to dig up daffodils?

It is very important to dig up daffodils after a large nest of bulbs has formed in the old place. It is also necessary when the number flowering shoots decrease significantly. You need to remove the bulbs as soon as the leaves fall down and turn yellow. It is recommended to do this as early as possible, so that late digging does not negatively affect the quality of planting material.

As soon as the leaves turn yellow, but are not completely dry, the daffodil bulbs can also be dug up. This usually happens in June. After this, the bulbs must be dried.

Then it is important to carefully examine them in order to remove those that are affected by diseases or pests. After which it is recommended to burn the bad bulbs. Healthy narcissus bulbs should be cleaned of old roots and soil, washed in water, disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate and dried for outdoors. Then put it in a well-ventilated room, protected from the sun with a temperature of +17 degrees.

When can you plant daffodils?

You can plant daffodils in the fall, especially when they grow. By the 3rd year of life, the young bulb of the plant is filled with vitality and at this moment it can be dug up for subsequent replanting in the fall. On next year from daughter bulbs you can already expect good flowering. Since the plant’s strength is exhausted every year, the quality of flowering gradually begins to weaken.

You can grow daffodils in one place for no more than 5 years.But in order not to dig up daffodils every year, before planting the bulbs you should carefully select a site for planting them. It should be well lit by the sun or in partial shade. The soil is rich in nutrients, be slightly acidic or neutral. When too acidic soil it can be improved by adding ash. But since daffodils are too demanding of moisture, it is best to opt for loamy soils, capable of retaining moisture well.

Full care of daffodils after flowering includes removing dried buds, watering, weeding, loosening and feeding with complex mineral fertilizers within 6 weeks. You can also trim them, leaving leaves 2 cm long at the root. Then they should wither and dry naturally. It is not necessary to dig them up in the first years of life, especially if the soil was well prepared and fertilized before planting the bulbs. But for the winter, daffodils must be covered so that they do not get sick or die from temperature changes. Adhering to such simple rules, You can grow the most daffodils different varieties by improving your garden.

By growing daffodils at home, you can feel the fresh note of spring even in winter and fill your home with a wonderful, delicate aroma.

Daffodils at home: description

Daffodils at home are increasingly in demand, especially before the holiday of March 8, when you can congratulate your beloved women with fresh flowers grown yourself.

Daffodils are members of the large Amaryllis family, and today more than 12,000 varieties of these flowers are known.

The leaves are dark green and vary in width and length depending on the variety. The roots live for about 10 months, then die. Their most intensive growth is observed in autumn.

The bulbs are elongated, pear-shaped, covered with dense brown skin.

Daffodil flowers are incredibly attractive and varied in their own way. appearance. They can be simple or double, white, yellow, orange or two-color.

The variety of shapes and colors makes daffodils attractive to many gardeners.

Flowers appear on long stalks, without leaves. Thanks to this, when cutting the peduncle, the bulb is not damaged.

The name of the flower is translated from Greek as “to stupefy.” And this is no coincidence: daffodil bulbs contain a sufficient amount of alkaloids that make them poisonous. For this reason, when planting bulbs, be sure to use gloves and handle them carefully.

Another option for flowering spring plants that you can grow yourself at home is indoor primrose, which is different abundant flowering and bright color of the petals.

Features of forcing daffodils

Many are accustomed to seeing daffodils blooming in flower beds in the spring, believing that they are exclusively garden flowers. However, it is quite possible to grow daffodils at home; fortunately, doing this is not particularly difficult.

Timing for forcing daffodils

Early forcing- for the New Year holidays

For early forcing It is necessary to choose healthy and large bulbs with a diameter of at least 4 - 5 centimeters. Before planting, which is carried out in August, the bulbs are subjected to heat treatment according to the following scheme: 4 days at 35°C, 14 days at 30°C and 7 - 14 days at 15°C.

For mid and late forcing smaller bulbs are required, and there is no need to expose them to high temperature. Before planting, they are stored in a fairly cool place (no more than 10 - 15 ° C).

For medium forcing, the bulbs are planted in the prepared substrate in September, and for late forcing - in October.

Rules for planting bulbs

Planting is carried out within the allotted time, choosing moisture- and breathable soil consisting of a mixture of peat and clean sand. About 5 - 6 bulbs can be planted in a pot with a diameter of 15 centimeters.

Before planting the bulbs, it is necessary to lay a layer of drainage on the bottom, and lightly compact and moisten the substrate. The earth mixture is sprinkled on top so that the tops of the bulbs rise halfway above the soil level.

Temperature and feeding

For the first 3 - 4 months, the pot of bulbs should be kept in the lower section of the refrigerator, at a temperature of 5 - 8 ° C. At the same time, there is no need to wrap it in polyethylene, as this promotes the accumulation of excess moisture and pathogenic bacteria, makes it difficult natural circulation air.

With the appearance of the first sprouts, which have reached a height of 5 - 6 centimeters, the pot can be removed from the refrigerator and placed in a cool (about 10 ° C) and bright room, and begin moderate watering(once every two weeks, as the soil dries completely).

Like all bulbous plants, which are winter time are forced out, daffodils at home need additional lighting. Ideally use lamps daylight, which are fixed directly to the window frame.

After a week, the pots with sprouts should be moved to a more warm room and start feeding. It is best to use special fertilizers with pH = 8 - 10, intended for bulbous plants (tulips, lilies, hyacinths, gladioli, etc.). Fertilizers are applied with every second watering, until the buds appear. During the flowering period, fertilizing should be stopped.

Daffodils at home do not require special attention and, subject to simple care rules, can bloom for a long time

After all the flowers have faded and aboveground part daffodils wither, the bulbs should be dug up, dried thoroughly and stored until the time comes for planting in open ground in the garden.

Another way to expel daffodils at home

Transparent glass bowls should be filled with pebbles, put the bulbs on top and carefully cover them with pebbles so as to deepen them only halfway.

The stones need to be moistened, making sure that the water only lightly touches the bottom of the bulbs. It is for these purposes that glass containers are needed.

The bowls are placed in a cool place with an air temperature of about 10°C. When the sprouts hatch, they are transferred to a warm room and provided with additional lighting.

After flowering ends, the bulbs are thrown away.

Caring for daffodils at home

Growing daffodils in an apartment is not at all difficult, because these flowers are hardy and easy to care for. The only thing they don’t like is too dry air, so flower pots must be placed away from radiators central heating or place next to a vessel with water for additional air humidification.

When the buds begin to bloom, to ensure more long period flowering, pots with daffodils are placed in a cool room, perhaps on a loggia. In such conditions, flowering can be extended to 2–3 weeks.

When all the flowers have faded, you can continue care: water little by little and occasionally feed the plants. After waiting until the leaves have completely withered, the bulbs should be removed from the pot and planted in the garden in the fall.

Such bulbs are no longer suitable for re-forcing at home, but they can still please you with flowering in conditions natural environment habitat.

Diseases of narcissists

Most often, daffodils are exposed to viral and fungal diseases. Fusarium and gray rot may appear together with low-quality planting material.

When purchasing bulbs, it is very important to carefully inspect them, choosing only the healthiest and strongest.

For preventive purposes, before storing the bulbs, it is recommended to treat them with fungicides.

Growing daffodils at home is not difficult and pleasant, because these spring flowers fill the room pleasant aroma and freshness.

Which delight the gardener’s eye from year to year. This flower can survive the winter and bloom with renewed vigor in the spring. But when the daffodils have bloomed, what to do next?

It is also equally important to rid the area of. It is advisable to fertilize the soil well with organic matter, for example, use a lot of rotted soil. After fertilizing the area, keeping the depth to the bayonet.

Did you know?Narcissus essential oil has been used in perfumery since ancient times. Its popularity was based on its delicate and intoxicating aroma. Since the advent of synthetic and cheaper flavors, narcissus is practically not used.

Planting scheme

To plant daffodil bulbs, you need to dig holes, the depth of each of them should be three times the diameter of the bulb itself. Compost is poured into the bottom of the hole, after which the bulb is placed.
The sharp tip of the onion should always point upward. After this, the hole is filled with earth and watered abundantly.

In the case when daffodils are planted in order to get many children, it is recommended to plant them in an ordinary way, keeping a distance between holes of 15-20 cm. If the distance is less (10-12 cm), fewer children will be formed, but the bulbs will be larger ones.

This option is suitable for elite varieties daffodils that are replanted every year. Also good option group planting of plants is a “dense circle”. This way you can create a composition that looks like a beautiful blooming bouquet.


Since caring for daffodils, especially at first, is very important, there are some important points to keep in mind.
The soil needs to be regularly moistened and loosened. Mulch (peat or) or a layer can be used as top dressing. You can also cover the area with a layer of dry foliage, this works especially well in snowless winters. In spring, foliage is removed from the site.

Separating bulbs after flowering

Over several years, the bulbs grow and become crowded. The mother bulb multiplies, creating a cluster of small bulbs around itself, which are called babies. In this regard, the number and size of flowers may decrease, because nutrients go into the bulbs, which is why division and replanting are so important.

When drawing an image of spring in one’s imagination, such an integral detail as the blooming of daffodils always pops up. Its fragile appearance and delicate aroma will captivate the hearts of flower connoisseurs. And simple planting and caring for daffodils in open ground made it a favorite among all summer residents who want to decorate spring garden elegance and bright colors.

Planting daffodils in open ground

These flowers appear among the first in the front garden, like crocuses and tulips, and are considered the most unpretentious bulbous plants. However, in order to grow a daffodil bright and attractive, you should even approach it wisely. initial stage- landing.

Place and soil

An important point is the choice of area for planting bulbs, taking into account the soil composition. Ideal option There will be a well-lit area with neutral loamy soil, where nitroammophoska is additionally added at the rate of 60 g per 1 m2, compost or humus. Excess alkali in the soil is neutralized dolomite flour at the rate of 200 g per 1 m2, and increased level acidity is reduced by adding one glass of wood flour to the same area.

Advice! You should not place daffodils after other bulbous crops - tulips, lilies. The optimal predecessors are cereals, legumes and nightshade representatives.

Selection and preparation of planting material

IN flower shops presented wide range daffodil bulbs different varieties, which in spring period often sold at large discounts due to the staleness of the goods.

  • integrity and absence of rotten areas;
  • size - if the diameter is less than 5 cm, the bulb must be grown, which will slow down germination;
  • hardness.

Before planting, a thorough inspection is carried out and damaged, rotten material is rejected. Healthy bulbs are disinfected with a fungicidal agent or potassium permanganate solution with a concentration of 1%

Advice! It is better to purchase planting material three months after the flowers have finished blooming.

When and how to plant daffodils?

Daffodils are planted depending on the climate of the region. The basic rule is a soil temperature of 8 to 10°C, maintained for three weeks while the flower takes root.

Since the elegance and irresistibility of daffodils was recognized, they began to be grown in almost every garden, front garden, and city flower bed. They look good cut and combine with other plants. The narcissist is not only garden flower. It can also be grown at home in a pot.

Growing daffodils.

The plant can be planted in spring and autumn.
Autumn planting. Autumn is the most good time for landing. The bulbs should be planted in September, then they will have time to take root before frost. The soil must be prepared 30 days before planting. It needs to be dug up, loosened and fertilized with humus.

Spring planting. In regions with cold climates, bulbs are planted in the spring, but they do not have time to ripen, flowering is delayed and occurs only in April. Landing is possible after the snow melts.

For normal growth and flowering of daffodils, you need to choose the right place. It must have good lighting and protection from the wind, as well as soil with neutral acidity, which allows air and water to pass through.

Daffodils grow in one place for about 5 years, then flowering becomes scarce. In order to solve this problem, the flower garden just needs to be moved to another place.

Planting daffodils in open ground.

The most best soil for daffodils - loam. To maintain acidity, wood ash is added to the soil annually.

Soil preparation

The earth is prepared in several stages.

  • a year before planting, the soil is limed;
  • In summer, a nutrient layer is prepared. It consists of peat, humus, sand.
  • The area prepared in this way awaits planting until the fall. During this time, the soil will have time to absorb all the fertilizers.

Selection of bulbs.

Planting material must be chosen carefully; further flowering depends on this. Healthy people are suitable bulbs measuring 5 centimeters.

After the material is selected, it is placed in a bag and filled with perlite. If sealed, it will keep at room temperature for 10 days. You can replace perlite with a solution of potassium permanganate (1%).

The most best bulbs can be bought in August and September, and when buying in the spring, there is a risk of purchasing poor quality product. In stores planting material They are sold in bags, so you can evaluate it by touch. It shouldn't be soft.

Planting bulbs.

If the bulbs are planted in heavy soil, then the planting depth should be twelve centimeters, if light, then seventeen. Large bulbs are buried twenty-five cm, and the distance between them should be seventy. To get more children, the depth and distance between plantings is reduced by ten to twelve cm.

Narcissus bulbs are planted in holes with sand poured into the bottom. Then peat is placed on the soil, and with the onset of frost the area is covered with straw. When the snow melts, protective layer they remove it and leave the peat.

Caring for daffodils.

The plant does not require special care. Enough properly water, loosen and fertilize.

Watering and loosening.

Lack of moisture has a bad effect on flowering. When the first shoots appear, you need to water twice a week. After flowering, watering does not stop so that the bulb can receive the necessary nutrients.
Periodically, the flower garden is weeded and loosened, and faded flowers are promptly removed.


Throughout the entire growth period, daffodils are fed 4 times:

  • mineral fertilizers are used for sprouts;
  • at the stage of the appearance of the peduncle, a solution is prepared, which consists of potassium sulfate, superphosphate and urea;
  • when the bud has formed, phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen are used;
  • During the flowering period, phosphorus and potassium are used (small dosage).

Fertilizers are always applied after weeding. In drought it is better to use solutions, and in rainy weather - powders.

Propagation of daffodils.

There are two methods of propagation - seed and vegetative.
Propagation by seeds most long way, the plants will bloom only after 6–7 years. Dried seeds are planted in boxes with soil and cared for as seedlings. During the first years, the sprouts are not touched; the bulb is allowed to grow stronger and form roots. Then they are transplanted to a permanent place.

Vegetative method includes two options:

  1. separation of children from mother. They are seated in separate holes. Care for them in the same way as for adult bulbs.
  2. reproduction using scales. To do this, take the largest onions and dry them for a week. Then the top is cut off and divided into eight parts. Each lobe should have two scales. They are put in a bag and kept in closed 3-4 months, during which time small bulbs should form, which are planted in boxes with peat and sand.

Why don't daffodils bloom?

The plant may not bloom if it is not cared for properly.
There may be several options here:

  • the bulbs are too close to each other;
  • acidic soil;
  • little light;
  • water stagnation
  • lack of moisture.

Diseases and pests.

Daffodils are susceptible to the following diseases - fusarium, nematode and stripe. Treating the planting material before planting will get rid of the fungus. If a plant is infected with a virus, it should be destroyed immediately. A healthy bulbs lower into hot water for several hours.

Hoverflies, mites, and flies harm daffodils. An insecticide will help against them.

Diseases most often occur due to violations of agricultural technology - poor lighting, too much nitrogen, unsuitable humidity and temperature.

What to do after flowering.

When flowering is over, the leaves should not be cut off; they should dry out.
After the leaves have dried, you don’t have to dig up the bulbs, but remove the above-ground parts, weed the flower garden, loosen it and water it until autumn.
You can store bulbs intended for planting:

  1. in the cellar (they are planted in boxes);
  2. in the refrigerator (store in a paper bag, checking for rot).

Growing daffodils at home.

Daffodils grow well at home in pots and bloom from December to March. In order for them to take root well, it is important to choose bulbs that are large and without damage (holes, scratches, areas of rotting). After the planting material has been purchased, it needs to be planted in pots as soon as possible. Until then, it should be stored in a dry, cool place.

In order for the plant to take root, you need to follow some rules.

Planting in pots

The pot for planting is not very tall, but medium in width. You can plant from 2 to 4 bulbs in one pot (the number depends on the size). A container made of clay or ceramics is best suited. If the pot is chosen incorrectly, the plant will not bloom. There should be holes at the bottom of the pot to drain water. They are necessary so that the water does not stagnate and the bulbs do not rot.

Land for planting can be purchased at any specialty store. This can be soil for daffodils, universal, or you can take soil from the garden. Whatever the soil, you need to add sawdust, sand or clay to it. The soil must be crumbly. If there are lumps in it, then much less oxygen will enter the soil and this will lead to fungal infection.

Once the pot and soil have been selected, planting begins. Place drainage 3 centimeters thick at the bottom of the pot and cover it with soil. The bulbs are lightly pressed into the soil, their upper part should remain on the surface. Then the pot is placed in a dark and cool place for 3 months. After this period, the plant is transferred to the room.

In order for daffodils to bloom by December, planting must be done in September. If flowering is planned for spring, then in November or December.

Daffodils should not be placed next to other plants on the windowsill, as they contain toxic substances and can harm home flowers.

Caring for flowers at home

It is important to water the plant correctly. The first watering is carried out immediately after planting the bulbs. While the rooting process is underway, it should be moderate - once every 14 days. Then water it into the pan as the soil dries. The water should be at room temperature. After the leaves turn yellow, watering should be stopped.

Fertilizing of domestic daffodils is carried out 2 times: the first, when sprouts appear; the second, when the buds began to form. Nitrogen and potassium are used for fertilizing.

After the plant has bloomed, the dried flowers are cut off and the leaves are left. As soon as they have completely withered, cut them off and put the pot in a cool place. You can also remove the bulbs from the pot and wrap them in paper.

At home, narcissus is most often affected by a fungus. This happens due to improper watering. The plant should not be flooded. Before planting, all planting material must be treated with a fungicide.

Pests include mites, nematodes and flies. To prevent the plant from becoming infected, you need to promptly remove its wilted parts, loosen the soil and inject an insecticide into it.

Using daffodils in garden design.

These flowers can be used in various flower beds. They look best in the garden in large arrays of the same type. They can be combined with goose onions, scylas, corydalis, hyacinths, tulips, crocuses,

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