Description of the fruit

There is an opinion that this fruit of the rose family originates from China. It is quite possible, just like the fact that the word “nectarine” itself first appeared at the beginning of the 17th century.

How did nectarine appear in nature? Since it is very similar to a peach, it is worth immediately dismissing the idea that these juicy fruits are peach hybrids. Although there is, of course, a direct relationship, because nectarine is a product of its natural mutation. Delicious “strangers” with juice-filled pulp and smooth, sweet skin attracted the attention of a person who later began breeding a new type of fruit.

Today, the main nectarine plantations are located in Greece, Italy, Tunisia and Cyprus, but if desired, the trees can take root in more northern areas, since frost-resistant varieties of these fruits have been bred using the same selection method.

Useful properties

Nectarine is rich in many biochemical components that have a beneficial effect on human body. Potassium, iron, phosphorus and a high content of ascorbic acid plus a sufficient amount of vitamin A are the main arsenal of this fruit, and if someone has problems digesting fatty foods, as well as weak intestinal function, nectarine is at your service.

Sodium conductor and excess liquid from the human body, nectarine has a preventive effect on the development of atherosclerosis, and the pectins present in it play the role of defensive redoubts for cancer. Fresh juice Nectarine fruit helps with constipation, anemia, cardiac arrhythmia. It is impossible not to note the positive effect of the fruit on our skin, since by retaining moisture in its pores, nectarine prevents the formation of wrinkles and the appearance of sagging.

Harmful properties

You shouldn’t get carried away with this fruit, and people with allergies and those with problems just need to significantly limit their consumption of it. excess weight and those who suffer from diabetes. This warning is based on the abundant sucrose content in nectarine, which may not have the best effect on the well-being of these people. In general, no particularly harmful qualities have been identified in nectarine.


Taking activated carbon, many probably do not realize that the direct component in its production is the shell of nectarine seeds. In addition, some ointments contain fatty oil from the fruit kernel, which dissolves during the preparation of medicinal preparations.

Scientific classification
International scientific name

Prunus persica (Suckow) C.K.Schneid. , 1906

Nectarine- a variety of peach, the fruit of which is characterized by a smooth, plum-like skin.

In English-language sources, the word “nectarine” has been known since 1616. At the end of the 20th century, when large-fruited (up to 200 g) varieties with yellow flesh appeared, nectarines became very popular.

The fruits are eaten fresh, used in desserts and jams, and for the production of canned compotes. In its raw form, it is unstable in storage. Rich in vitamins A and C.

The main producers of nectarine are Mediterranean countries: former Yugoslavia, Italy, Cyprus, Greece, Tunisia.

Nectarine is more resistant to diseases and pests than a regular peach. Withdrawn winter-hardy varieties, which can be grown in the North Caucasus and even in the Volgograd region.

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Excerpt characterizing Nectarine

A joyful, unexpected madness, of which Pierre considered himself incapable, took possession of him. The whole meaning of life, not for him alone, but for the whole world, seemed to him to lie only in his love and in the possibility of her love for him. Sometimes all the people seemed to him to be occupied with only one thing - his future happiness. It sometimes seemed to him that they were all as happy as he was, and were only trying to hide this joy, pretending to be busy with other interests. In every word and movement he saw hints of his happiness. He often surprised people who met him with his significant, happy looks and smiles that expressed secret agreement. But when he realized that people might not know about his happiness, he felt sorry for them with all his heart and felt a desire to somehow explain to them that everything they were doing was complete nonsense and trifles, not worth attention.
When he was offered to serve or when they discussed some general, state affairs and war, assuming that the happiness of all people depended on this or that outcome of such and such an event, he listened with a meek, sympathetic smile and surprised the people who spoke to him with his strange remarks. But both those people who seemed to Pierre to understand the real meaning of life, that is, his feeling, and those unfortunate ones who obviously did not understand this - all people during this period of time seemed to him in such a bright light of the feeling shining in him that without the slightest effort, he immediately, meeting any person, saw in him everything that was good and worthy of love.

By appearance nectarine is similar to regular nectarine, only it has a skin smooth, lint-free. Therefore, its fruits are called holofferous. It is native to China, where it has been cultivated for over 2,000 years, and was only introduced to Europe in the 20th century. There is a version that nectarine is a hybrid of and, but this opinion is erroneous. Experts say that this fruit was obtained by the method of ordinary mutation during self-pollination. and nectarine are very similar in their own way chemical composition and biological characteristics.

The nectarine tree can reach a height of 4 to 7 m, and the crown is 3-4 m in diameter. The leaves have serrate edges. pink and bloom before the leaves.

How to choose seedlings for planting

Necessary choose the right nectarine seedlings since this is important criterion his successful cultivation at my dacha:

  1. You need to buy seedlings from a nursery or specialized store. You also need to ask where they came from and whether they can adapt to the local climate.
  2. U planting material The stem and root systems should be well developed.
  3. The bark should not be damaged.
  4. The junction of the rootstock and scion should be smooth, without growths and sagging, and no plant sap should be released.
  5. The roots should be elastic and have a healthy white color when cut;
  6. The age of the seedling should not exceed 1-2 years. Adults adapt worse.


Planting nectarines is not a difficult task. You need to choose the right place for growing and properly prepare the planting hole.

Growing conditions (choice of location)

Nectarine loves warmth and light. K is less demanding, but grows best in deep and well-aerated areas. Sandstones and loams are considered the best for growing this fruit. These are quite moist, but not prone to waterlogging. This is very important for the tree's root system.

When choosing a location you need to consider:

  • Cold air should not stagnate in the area;
  • the place should not be too much;
  • groundwater should be at a depth of 1.5 m;
  • It is better to select a place on the southwest or south side.

Preparing the planting hole

The hole for planting this tree needs to be 0.7 by 0.7 m in size. Then pour 10 kg, 150 g into it and mix with soil. Make a low mound of soil in the hole.

Planting scheme

  1. Carefully place the tree on the mound and straighten the roots.
  2. The grafting site should be 3-5 cm above the edges of the pit.
  3. You can install a stake and tie the tree to it.
  4. Then fill the planting hole soil mixture and compact the soil a little.
  5. It is advisable to make an earthen ridge along the edges of the hole to make it convenient to water.
  6. Abundantly, using at least 2 buckets of water for each seedling.
  7. Can be mulched trunk circle.

Did you know?Unlike many other fruits, nectarine retains all its beneficial properties when different treatments, even in canned form.

How to grow nectarines

To receive good fruits High-quality care for nectarines is necessary. Such measures are not much different from those that are necessary for other fruit trees.

It’s worth digging up the tree trunk circle and adding it to 1 square meter superphosphate (40 g) and calcium (50 g).

The fertilizers that were put into the ground during planting should be enough for the tree to last 6 years.

Pruning and crown formation

The crown must be shaped like a bowl. This shape gives strength and the branches gain access to light. The trunk should be about 70 cm long.
Create one tier with 4 main branches that extend from the trunk at an angle of 50°. On each of them 3 skeletal branches are left. The seedling must be shortened so that its height is equal to the length of the trunk and crown area. All branches are cut off: the lower ones - up to 10 cm, the upper ones - up to 30. Then the strongest ones are pinched from the growing shoots, and the rest are removed.

On second year cut above the outer side branch. Remove excess shoots. In summer, branches that grow inward, as well as weak ones, are pruned. On third year Vertical branches and those that shade the crown are trimmed. Second-order skeletal branches are also laid and premature and mixed shoots are removed.

Important! To prevent the branches from being overloaded with fruits, the generative buds are thinned, leaving up to 5 fruits on one link. This must be done every year.

Soil care

The soil around the tree needs to be amended with compost or humus every year. You also need to systematically loosen it and free it from weeds.


Nectarines can be propagated in two ways:

  1. Bone. The fruits from which the seed is taken must be large, ripe or even slightly overripe. This type of reproduction has both advantages and disadvantages. Seedlings obtained from seeds have a low fruiting rate. And the fruits are usually small. But such trees tolerate it well and grow longer. Plant the seed in the ground, which will be a permanent place for the tree to grow. The planting site is fertilized with humus. Plants grown this way are demanding.
  2. Vaccination. It is better to graft nectarine cuttings onto rootstocks from, or by budding. The advantage of this method is that the plant will have all the signs mother variety. Cuttings should be taken from young, winter-hardy trees that bear fruit well.

Nectarine is an amazing and very unusual fruit. There is a version that this fruit is a hybrid of a peach crossed with an apple or apricot. There are claims that the ancestor of this amazing fruit was the plum. Nectarine, however, has a completely different origin. This fruit appeared as a result of a classic mutation when peach trees began to self-pollinate. The consequence of failures in the development of the kidneys was not the fleecy fruit, but the smooth one. Moreover, mutant nectarines could appear on any peach tree. Nature corrected the consequences of its mistakes itself. However, gardeners who appreciated the random fruit began to purposefully plant it. Thus, an unusual mutation became one of

Nectarines - what kind of fruit are they? These are starving peaches that have great demand on the world market. This fruit is valued not only for its beauty, but also for its high taste.

Nectarines contain many useful components. What are these substances? First of all, these include vitamin A. Nectarine contains twice as much vitamin A as peach. This amazing fruit contains a lot of phosphorus and potassium, ascorbic acid and iron. Nectarines contain magnesium and sodium, potassium and silicon, sulfur and apple and lemon sucrose and fructose, as well as glucose.

Comprehensive therapeutic effect Nectarines can have an effect on the human body. What are these healing powers? Thanks to the richest complex of minerals and vitamins, eating fruit is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis and hypertension. This becomes possible due to the ability of nectarine to remove fluids and sodium from the body. The pectin components of this amazing fruit serve as excellent prophylactic from cancer. In addition, the unusual peach can enhance the secretion of glands responsible for digestive function. This increases the body's ability to digest fatty and heavy foods.

Antioxidants that nectarines contain - what are these elements? vitamin A present in the unusual peach has a beneficial effect on skin person. They prevent the appearance of wrinkles and eliminate sagging by retaining a sufficient amount of moisture in the cells of the epidermis. Thanks to the availability large quantity potassium, eating nectarine helps smooth functioning nervous system, normalization metabolic processes and muscle contractions. The pectin components that make up the fruit inhibit the activity of all harmful microorganisms.

Various diseases digestive system Also prevents nectarine thanks to the insoluble fiber it contains.

Nectarines, which taste sweeter than peach, are best eaten fresh. This will not only allow you to enjoy dietary product, but also to cleanse the body. Dried fruit will also be healthy and tasty. Nectarines are prepared similarly to peaches. Jams and preserves are made from these amazing fruits and baked in the oven. Nectarines can be frozen by making a puree from it, or pour sugar syrup over the fruit cut into slices.

Peach- a plant from the Rose family, part of the Almond breed. almond tree differs from peach in the properties and shape of the fruit. This is a heat-loving, low-growing plant with a wide crown and lanceolate leaves with serrated edges. The flowering of the tree begins before the leaves develop.

Ripe peach fruit the taste is very juicy, and in appearance they are spherical, velvety with a groove along one edge. Fruit ripening and growth occurs in July and August. The initial place of peach growth should be considered Northern China. The first country to become interested how do peaches grow, turned out to be Italy.

Where do peaches grow?

Peaches grow in countries with warm climates:

  • China;
  • Syria;
  • India;
  • Afghanistan.

In such areas, peaches grow even without proper care.

In the Caucasus, Asia, Ukraine and Moldova you can see huge plantations of peach lands. Peaches are very heat-loving plant, therefore, to grow such a crop in middle lane Russia is not an easy task.

But the facts show the opposite:

Region Peaches growing experience
Leningrad region, Moscow region and central Russia In the Moscow region, gardener Koretsky grew 20 peach trees grafted onto almonds. I planted seedlings in 2001, and in 2011 I collected 30 kilograms of juicy fruits from each tree.
Crimea The famous Crimean Nikitinsky Garden, which has recently begun its active activity. About 15 varieties of varieties fill not only store shelves, but are also exported to other countries.
Ural and Siberia The experience of Nikolai Sergeev from the city of Yuzhnouralsk shows that with proper cultivation care and frost-resistant varieties, it is possible to obtain juicy fruits, even at the beginning of autumn.

Thus, with proper agricultural technology, peaches grow not only in the South, but also in the North.

Preparing for landing

Selection of seedlings

Tips for choosing seedlings:

When to plant peach?

Many years of experience show that planting not only a peach tree, but all fruit seedlings follows in the fall. For autumn-winter period the plant manages to take root, and in the spring, no matter the weather, it begins to grow.

Planted seedlings produce white roots that cannot be damaged or replanted. When planting for the winter, the soil has time to compact around the seedling, thanks to which the roots and buds begin to grow and develop normally.

Choosing a landing site

It is better to choose a place for planting that is well lit, not shaded by mature trees and sheltered from the wind. On summer cottage it is advisable to choose a place with south side , as the peach is one of the first fruit trees to begin to bloom.

In lowlands, waterlogged and swampy areas, cold air stagnates, which prevents the development and growth of the future peach. In such places, the buds do not form and ultimately do not ripen in time. fruit trees grow poorly and die.

For 2-3 years, you cannot plant on soil that was previously used to grow crops such as:

  • melons;
  • clover;
  • alfalfa.

It's not scary if they grow next to a peach fruit crops, at a distance of 3-5 meters from each other, the main thing is that they do not shade or interfere with growth and fruiting.

Soil preparation

Suitable for growing peach various types soil, the main thing is to create good drainage. Fill the planting hole with stones, broken bricks and rusty iron.

To begin with, the soil is freed from weeds and carefully dug up. IN good soil You can simply add any fertilizer, and the depleted one must be fed generously with mineral fertilizers.

To plant one seedling you will need:

  1. Organic humus or compost - 7 kg.
  2. Wood 250 grams.
  3. Mineral superphosphate fertilizers-200 gamma.
  4. Mineral potassium or nitrogen fertilizers - 100 grams.

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive big harvest With large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to obtain the desired result.

Plants often lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase productivity by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get a good one harvest even on low-fertility soils and in unfavorable climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

How to grow peaches on the plot?

The survival rate and growth of peach depends on various factors. Peaches grow in warm regions, but despite this, they are frost-resistant. In order for the plant to begin to grow and bear fruit after 3 years, it is necessary to cover the fragile seedling for the winter.

This method applies to columnar, dwarf varieties. When planting, it is advisable to fix the seedling at an angle for convenient shelter for the winter. Let's get acquainted with step by step guide on spring and autumn planting of peach.

Spring planting of peach

With early spring planting, the soil should be dug up in the spring. If the climate is warm, planting is already carried out at the end of February. The size of the pit should be one meter wide and at least 60 cm deep.

Steps to take when landing:

Autumn planting

Planting in winter is more suitable for southern regions, since winters are not too severe. The root will grow over the winter and adapt to new conditions. Gardeners advise planting a seedling on permanent place. It is better to choose such a place where peaches grow well: on the south, well-lit side, closer to the edge of the fence.

Step-by-step technology autumn planting peach:

  1. Prepare a hole for planting. The width of the pit is 70 cm, the depth is 70 cm.
  2. Attach a peg to the bottom of the hole to tie the seedling.
  3. Cover the bottom with manure, ash or humus mixed with soil.
  4. The roots will grow well if you carefully straighten them and fix them in landing pit so that root collar rose slightly above the surface of the earth.
  5. Cover the seedling with soil and tie it to a stake.
  6. Water generously; this will require 4 buckets of water.
  7. You can sprinkle humus with leaves or sawdust on top.

How to care for a peach tree?

Caring for young peach

After planting a peach, it is important to ensure that the soil around it is not too wet or dry. It is in this soil that peach crops grow.

For admission required air and moisture to the roots, you need to regularly plow the soil around the tree. In loose and oxygen-rich soil, grass does not grow and erosion does not occur. And in cold weather, the plant is covered with special insulated bags.

Water is the most important factor in which all fruit crops grow and bear fruit, but the norm is also needed here. Both a lack and an excess of moisture leads to a deterioration in the fertility and vital activity of the entire plant.

Top dressing

Especially in the spring fruit trees need nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, which can be added in the form of fertilizers. An important factor, in which buds, flowers and fruits successfully grow and develop, is phosphorus. helps plants absorb carbon dioxide and nitrogen, and also helps the tree resist frost and drought.

To feed the seedling, the soil around it is loosened and a furrow is made into which diluted ammonium nitrate is poured. Before flowering, treat the leaves and crown with a phosphorus solution.

Organic manure or vitamin slurry play a very important role. Depleted soil should be enriched once a year with organic or chemical fertilizers, and in subsequent years, one feeding every 2-3 years is enough. It should be applied early in the spring or when digging in the fall.

Bark grafting is a very simple and common method for growing peaches. This type of cultivation is suitable for young shoots of cherry plum, plum or peach. Spring time is suitable for this, in the morning or evening.

Instructions for vaccination:

Wintering peach

Preparing trees for winter takes place in the fall. To begin with, cut off diseased, dry, broken branches. The last time, water generously.

Just before frost, the roots are sprinkled with mulch to protect them from freezing. If possible, cover and tie with burlap or natural material(needles, spruce branches or leaves).

Stories from our readers!
"I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together and yielded more than usual. And they didn’t suffer from late blight, that’s the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Nowadays you can’t grow a normal harvest without fertilizer, and this fertilizing increases the amount of vegetables, so I’m very pleased with the result.”

Peaches propagation

Seedlings grow well and bear fruit thanks to certain types of propagation: seed method, grafting and cuttings.

Reproduction by bone

For propagation, it is better to take fruits that grow in the northern regions, or ask for seeds from a local gardener. Fruits purchased at the market grow in the southern regions, and as a result turn out to be barren flowers.

It is possible to plant seeds directly into the ground. Or early spring, in March, plant as seedlings in a greenhouse or in a pot at home.

Some seeds may die in the ground, so it is recommended to sow a lot of seeds at once. With the seedling method, in early spring, gardeners recommend sowing kernels (seeds) separated from the seeds for quick germination.

And in mid-May, seedlings from the greenhouse are planted in a permanent place in the ground, where they then grow. For summer period can reach one meter.

Reproduction by grafting cuttings

Rootstock fruit trees are suitable for grafting cuttings:

  • wild peach;
  • felt;
  • turn

Cuttings must be prepared in advance, before the first frost, and stored covered in basement. And in early spring, graft it onto the rootstock and wrap it tightly with thick fabric. When the branch grows 25 cm, remove the bandage and treat with garden varnish.

Planting cuttings in the ground

You can plant cuttings cut in the fall in pots at home, where they grow on the windowsill. Over the winter the cutting will produce roots and leaves, and in the spring it will be planted in open ground to the selected location.

The same method can be done, but just stick the cutting into a medium potato and plant it in a pot. With this convenient way The potatoes grow and help the peaches grow.

Cuttings can be done in the spring. Place the cut twig (25-30 cm) in good soil, water it generously and put it on it plastic bottle. When the first leaves appear, remove the bottle.

Trimming and shaping

It is important to remember that peach is painful when cut. The cut is made at one time, using a tool treated with alcohol, and then the cut itself is treated with a garden varnish.

The optimal time for spring pruning must be chosen between swelling and flowering of the buds. Spring pruning does not have such a detrimental effect on the plant as pruning for the winter. Because in warm time year, the plant has a greater ability to fight disease and injury.

Shortening is carried out in order to form beautiful crown, convenient for care and harvesting. Thinning is suitable for mature trees with dense branches.

Principles of pruning:

  1. It is important to remember the first rule: Those branches that gained growth last year will be fruitful.
  2. The principle of substitution works here: a twig with two shoots, the first shoot should bear fruit this year, it is preserved, and the second shoot, which will bear fruit in next year, it is removed.

This method of pruning gives good harvest and inhibits the excessive growth of young branches.

If you can’t see which branch to remove before flowering, you can use this option during flowering. A branch on which too many flowers grow will, accordingly, bring small fruits. This branch is removed and the cut is processed.

Today, Free Spindle type formation has become widespread. In the fifth year, the height of the seedling reaches 3 meters, and a tree grows in the shape of a Christmas tree.

The work sequence diagram looks like this:

  1. In the lower tier of branches, 4 main frame branches are left.
  2. 5 branches are left in the second tier.
  3. All branches are cut by one third. They remove all the frozen and sick ones.

Pruning in autumn

Autumn pruning of peach is done after harvesting, but before the arrival of the first frost.

The scheme is like this:

  1. The number of branches on a tree should not be more than 80.
  2. All fruit-bearing branches are pruned.
  3. Remove dry and bacteria-affected branches.
  4. If winters are harsh, fragile branches should be removed.

Peach pruning scheme by year

Peach diseases and pests

The main enemies of peach:

Disease or pest Description and treatment
Clusterosporiasis It appears as spots on fruits and leaves of a reddish-orange color, with a convex, ugly shape.

The fight begins in the fall, after harvesting:

  • Remove and burn the affected branches and disinfect the cuts lime mortar, with the addition of 2% copper sulfate.
  • In the spring, when the buds are swelling, the trees are treated with 90% copper oxychloride and 70% meteor.
Leaf curl It affects barely emerging leaves and shoots. The leaves begin to take on an uneven amber-pink color. After two weeks, a white coating appears, a sign of fungal development. The affected areas do not grow and die.

Infected areas should be cut and burned, and then sprayed generously with one of the following products:

  • copper oxychloride 9%;
  • copper 1%, 2 times every 5 days;
  • special preparation for plant diseases DNOC, 100g per 10l of water.
Powdery mildew It affects everything: leaves, shoots and fruits. Signs appear as white plaque and leads to the death of the affected areas.

If found, you must:

  • Immediately collect and destroy the affected leaves, and dig up the soil around the tree.
  • At the end of flowering, treatment is carried out with Topaz, Bordeaux solution 3% or copper sulfate.
Sadovaya Often appears in July in the form of small light-colored insects. The leaves become deformed and curl into a tube.

A simple way to fight:

  • Soak 1 piece laundry soap in a bucket of water and spray the affected trees with this solution.
  • To spray peach, you can use karbofos.
Shchitovka Cortex-affecting peach tree.

Insect control is carried out in early spring, before the first leaves appear, using emulsions of mineral oils. And during the growing season, treatment is carried out with karbofos.

How do peaches grow in a greenhouse?

There are many benefits to growing peaches in greenhouse conditions all year round.

Gardener Evgeny Fedotov from the Moscow region shared this:

  1. The greenhouse protects the plant from diaper rash at the root collar, in which many plants die.
  2. Constant temperature: no burns or frostbite. The film scatters the sun's rays well.
  3. When peaches are grown in a greenhouse, they are not susceptible to disease. leaf curl, which can destroy the crop.
  4. Very high yield peaches
  5. No intensive watering required, because the peach roots grow quite deep, beyond the greenhouse.
  6. You don’t even need to install a special heater in the greenhouse for peaches., the temperature in the greenhouse is enough.

But, among the difficulties in caring for the gardener noted:

  1. Constant tree pruning throughout the year. The branches grow and push against the walls and ceiling and this should not be allowed.
  2. The bloom is so abundant that you have to remove a good half of the flowering branches, otherwise the fruits will grow small.
  3. During flowering, it is necessary to constantly open the windows in the greenhouse., for access to pollination by insects. Otherwise, you will need to pollinate each flower manually.

Learn more about how peaches grow in a greenhouse from the video:

Peach fruits are divided according to growth intensity, early ripening and harvest volume. Peach fruits ripen after cherries, apricots, quinces and plums, and complete their ripening before harvesting. late varieties apple trees

Delica variety

Collins variety

Variety Moretini Favorite

Variety Cardinal

Variety Fairy Tale

Variety Golden Moscow

Subspecies of peaches:

  1. Common peach. Tree height from 5 to 8 meters. The fruit is semicircular in shape, ranging in size from 3.5 to 12 cm. The skin is rough, yellow-orange in color, powdered with blush.
  2. Nectarine. Distinctive Features Nectarine - in its smooth skin. This mutation occurs when a normal peach tree self-pollinates. The color of the fruit varies from orange to bright burgundy.
  3. Potatina. The Potatin peach tree does not grow even two meters high. The fruits are semicircular, yellow-orange in color. Nutritional value is not in demand, therefore it is not widely used in retail chains.
  4. Fig. An unusual, flat-shaped peach with a small seed. The color, taste and smell are the same as a regular peach.

Varieties for cultivation in the southern regions

Varieties for the northern regions

Cultivating peach crops in northern and central Russia is not an easy task. Varieties suitable for cultivation in this region are limited, so new ones that have proven themselves in frosty conditions are being developed.

Frost-resistant varieties:


At favorable conditions, peaches grow on average 20-25 years, and the fertility is 30-40 kg of fruit per tree. To achieve such results and be happy the harvest, it’s worth trying, making an effort and knowing how peaches grow and how to properly care for them.

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