Because of chemical substances, included in modern fragrances, many people prefer to make an air freshener for their home with their own hands, using natural ingredients for this purpose. The reasons why they create their own fragrance that gives the air in their home a unique smell are significant. They are usually driven to such a decision by the need to take care of the health of their family members.


Air fresheners offered on modern market consumers, due to their composition are not suitable for many, since their use causes allergic manifestations. Therefore, housewives come up with various compositions from natural products, allowing you to freshen the air in rooms, but at the same time not causing allergies.

How to make an air freshener at home, everyone decides for themselves. Some housewives come up with recipes for pleasant-smelling compositions on their own, and some of them use the advice of friends who already have ready-made examples their inventions. It is possible for anyone to make a flavoring, as this work is not difficult. All necessary components can be purchased in stores without much difficulty.

Before you make an air freshener with your own hands, you need to choose a container for it. It should not only allow the aromas emanating from it to spread throughout the room, but also have an attractive appearance.

Not all people understand why they should spend their time making an air freshener with their own hands. In the store you can find an air aromatizer with any scent, in packaging of any size. Their cost is low, so purchasing this type of product is affordable even for people with low incomes.

Natural ingredients guarantee the safety of the product and do not harm the inhabitants of the house

Making your own air fresheners is not a way to cut costs. This is both creativity and health care. Not every person is satisfied with the composition of commercially available air fresheners. Therefore, they are looking for an alternative, finding it in using natural ingredients in their own recipes. Having spent a little money and time, they receive the following benefits from their creativity:

▪ natural ingredients guarantee the safety of the product and do not harm the inhabitants of the house;

▪ by choosing the right ingredients, even an allergic person will avoid the manifestations of the disease. Natural fresheners have a mild effect, so they are easier for small children to tolerate;

▪ manufacturing costs own compositions are small, but they last longer;

▪ funds self-made do not contain reagents that provide Negative influence on the state of the ozone layer. Therefore, this air freshener option is optimal for people who care about the ecological state of nature. And there is no need to dispose of used bottles;

▪ smells homemade flavors They are not too harsh and intrusive, their saturation can be corrected.

Such significant advantages of air fresheners made from natural ingredients will convince them useful qualities even the most stubborn skeptics. They can name only one drawback - the time spent on their production. However, it is so insignificant that it is difficult to even call it a disadvantage.


This DIY air freshener made from essential oils and placed in a beautiful glass cup has a magnificent appearance. You can also use a small bowl.

To create your own air freshener you will need essential oils.

To create it you will need:

▪ a small glass cup or bowl;

▪ 200 grams of water;

▪ essential oil with the aroma you like. You can also use a mixture of oils, for example tea tree oil, fir oil, eucalyptus;

▪ cinnamon;

▪ gelatin and glycerin.

To give the composition a freshener beautiful color You can use food coloring. To decorate the container in which the flavor will be placed, you can use a variety of decorative elements.

Having prepared all the components necessary to make the flavor, you can begin to work. The freshener is created in the following order:

1. Pour a glass into a metal bowl hot water. Adding 2 tbsp. gelatin, put it on low heat and stir until the contents are completely dissolved.

2. Add a little cinnamon (which helps improve mood), 1.5 tsp. glycerin (it will prevent water from evaporating quickly), a few drops essential oil. The intensity of the aroma of the freshener will depend on the amount of oil.

3. Fill the prepared containers with the resulting mixture.

After 2-3 hours the air freshener will be ready for use. Beautiful design will allow him to become original decoration any room, filling it with a wonderful aroma. Use of oils in the manufacture of air fresheners coniferous trees will help in the treatment of bronchitis in children. It will be valid for at least 2 weeks.


In the kitchen where food is constantly being prepared, an unpleasant odor often appears. Get rid of him different ways. One of the simplest methods is to use cinnamon or coffee beans heated in a frying pan. A wonderful aroma appears in the kitchen, and the smell from cooking disappears.

Some housewives are preparing to get rid of an unpleasant odor without waiting for it to appear. For this purpose, they place a small bag over the stove, into which they pour a couple of spoons of freshly ground coffee. As soon as the stove heats up, the kitchen is filled with the aroma of coffee.

Sometimes a mixture of water and lemon juice, pouring the solution into a spray bottle

Sometimes they use a mixture of water and lemon juice, pouring the solution into a spray bottle. However, you can use a more effective option to make an air freshener with a citrus scent. To do this, you need to prepare the following components:

▪ any citrus fruit;

▪ vodka or alcohol;

▪ bottle equipped with a sprayer.

The flavoring solution is prepared in a very simple way:

1. First of all, you need to prepare one of the main components - the peel of citrus fruits. She is placed in glass jar and pour vodka. You need about 0.5 liters of alcohol. The contents of the tank are covered with a lid and infused for 2-3 days.

2. The finished tincture is poured into a bottle with a sprayer, and then topped up with water until the container is completely filled. Water should be added to reduce the alcoholic odor. To enhance the aroma of citrus fruits, you can use a few drops of oil (lemon, orange, grapefruit).

3. You can add a certain amount of finely chopped citrus peel to the container and mix the contents by shaking. The air freshener is ready to use.

Citrus peels are placed in a glass jar and filled with vodka.

This composition strengthens the immune system and improves mood. Instead of the peel, you can use the essential oil of your favorite citrus fruit by adding it to the water. You will need approximately 15 drops of essential oil. Then a little rubbing alcohol is added to the water to help better combine the oil with the water.

4 Oil-based bathroom freshener

Another original version This air freshener is perfect for the bathroom. To make it you will need:

▪ a small bottle of baby oil (about 200 grams);

▪ vase with a wide neck;

▪ vodka, about 2 tbsp;

wooden sticks;

▪ 4-5 drops aromatic oil. You can use lavender, rosemary or lemon.

Having prepared everything you need, you can begin to assemble all the components:

1. Pour baby oil into a vase and add vodka. The alcohol will make the oil thinner, making it easier for it to soak into the wooden sticks. The composition is mixed and then supplemented with aromatic oil.

2. Now we lower the wooden sticks into the vase and leave them in the mixture for 3-4 hours. Then turn them over and immerse them in the oil mixture again. The intensity of the aroma depends on the number of sticks used.

This air freshener will remain operational for at least 3 weeks. Just remember to systematically turn the sticks over so that their insides are saturated with new portions of the oil mixture.

Housewives come up with many ways to make any room in the apartment not only cozy, but also smell nice. They figured out how to use a hydrogel designed for growing flowers. You need to pour a small spoon of hydrogel into a tall glass, and then fill it with cold water.

A little essential oil is added to the resulting mixture. Initially it will be cloudy, but after some time the gel will swell, turning into a fragrant ball, and the bathroom will be filled with aroma. There are many similar recipes for making flavorings, so every housewife can easily choose the most suitable method for her, and with it the most pleasant aroma.

Good housewives worry about harmony and comfort in the house. To do this, you have to constantly maintain cleanliness, restore order and fill the rooms pleasant smells. Most often we use fragrances and fresheners made by manufacturers household chemicals, but you can try to create . For this purpose, absolutely accessible components are used. Many needlewomen have already tried to make an air freshener with their own hands from essential oils, but there are still many ways to scent and decorate your home.

Why waste your time and come up with fresheners if you can stop by the nearest household chemicals store along the way and choose any bottle from a variety of options? It’s just that most zealous housewives have long noticed several very positive features hand-made fresheners:

  • Harmlessness. These products will be safe for adult apartment residents, children, and pets.
  • You can choose ingredients yourself that will not cause allergies or asthma attacks in anyone.
  • A homemade air freshener made by yourself is much cheaper than store-bought options.
  • This freshener will definitely appeal to people who are trying to support the environment. The product does not contain reagents that damage ozone layer polluting the atmosphere and destroying plants.
  • The smells of a natural air freshener will not irritate with harshness and intrusiveness, because natural components without the addition of chemicals are not as rich as their industrial counterparts.

Let's start production

So how can a person who has never encountered such handicraft before make an air freshener with their own hands? It’s very simple, you don’t need to have any special skills for this. Most often, you don’t even need any tools.

Air freshener made from essential oils

Before making an air freshener at home, make sure you have everything you need. You will need: a glass jar with a screw cap, baking soda, essential oil or composition, a piece of thick paper, paint, a hammer and an awl or a thick needle.

First you need to paint the lid any color you like. suitable color, then you need to make holes in it using a hammer and an awl. Pour baking soda into a jar a quarter of the way up and add 10-15 drops of essential oil. Then screw on the lid and place the jar anywhere in the room. To make it more decorative, the outside of the jar can be painted with stained glass paints. If there is no screw cap, cover the top of the jar with a sheet of paper with holes, securing it with any rubber band or perforated foil. As you can see, it is quite easy to make an air freshener using essential oils yourself at home.

If you have a 2-part lid, then instead of its middle part you can also use a decorative paper sheet with holes made in it.

Aroma diffuser

This thing in Lately is becoming very popular, because a good commercial diffuser is quite expensive. The operating principle of this home air freshener is simple and it is very easy to make this device yourself.

To create a diffuser, prepare a glass or ceramic jar, your favorite essential oils, any vegetable oil and sticks.

A small amount of vegetable oil pour into a jar or vase and add aromatic oils to it. The intensity of the smell will depend on the amount of essential oil added. Insert diffuser sticks into the oil mixture. Aroma diffusers are a very fashionable piece of furniture, so they can be decorated with ribbons or artificial flowers.

Note: You can buy special sticks, but if this is not possible, then ordinary twigs, cleared of bark, are quite suitable.

Freshener in a spray bottle

This natural air freshener is also made with essential oils. Its advantage is that you can make a separate scent for each room, because each family member may have their own preferences, and even for different rooms different scents are suitable. In the kitchen you want something tastier, and in the toilet you want something fresher.

For production, stock up on a spray bottle or spray bottle. You can use bottles left over from cosmetics. Pour water into the prepared container (preferably boiled or distilled) and drop essential oil into it. You can control the number of drops yourself; the intensity of the aroma will depend on this, but you should start with 10 drops. That's it, the air freshener is ready. Try to shake it before use.

Preserved petals

This ecological fragrance allows you to use petals of any flowers with a rich scent: roses, lilacs, peonies, jasmine, chrysanthemums. Additionally, you can use fragrant herbs: mint, basil, thyme.

Pour several layers of petal mixture into a clean, dry half-liter jar, alternating them with the same layers of regular table salt. Fill the container a little short of the top. Then you need to pour 50 ml of alcohol into this composition and screw the lid tightly. The jar should be placed in a dark place for two weeks and its contents should be shaken periodically without opening.

After the allotted time has passed, remove the fragrant mixture from the jar and transfer it to a decorative container.

Citrus freshener

This natural flavoring is often made on the eve of New Year's holidays. All you need to make it is oranges and dried cloves. The sharp ends of the cloves are stuck into the peel of the oranges. You can do this in any order, or you can create some kind of pattern. In the end you should end up with an orange “hedgehog” that will exude a very pleasant and tasty aroma.

Tip: Try making this freshener with your children - they will find it very interesting.

Freshener with gelatin

Gelatin is a natural component that will perfectly preserve the flavor. To create a gel air freshener from it with your own hands, you need to take 20-30 g or 2 tbsp. l. dry gelatin, stir it in a glass of water and heat to dissolve. Add 10-15 drops of any essential oil to this liquid. Additionally, you can add a teaspoon of glycerin to prevent drying. To make the freshener look more decorative, you can add food coloring, pebbles, shells, flower petals or orange and lemon peels to the water.

Soda freshener

The soda air freshener option has already been described above. Soda is poured into a jar, into which essential oils are dripped. Holes are made in the lid of the jar through which the smell gradually evaporates into the room. As an alternative to oils, you can use fresh citrus peels and spices (cinnamon or vanilla sticks, cloves, coriander). This method is great for making your own toilet air freshener. It neutralizes very quickly unpleasant odors.

Coffee air freshener

Almost everyone likes the smell of coffee and would really like to fill their home with this invigorating aroma. Nothing could be simpler. From coffee beans you can make many decorative items that not only look beautiful, but also smell simply divine. You can also use ground coffee by placing it in a bag made of natural fabric. This fragrant bag can be hung in the closet, kitchen or bathroom. Candles with added scent also scent the room. coffee beans. When burned, they fill the room with pleasant coffee notes.

Stock up on aromatic ingredients, use your imagination and create masterpiece home air fresheners!



Every housewife strives to ensure that the air in her apartment is fresh and has a pleasant aroma; for this, air fresheners with different scents are used. As a rule, they are bought in stores, but they are not at all difficult to make at home. For this purpose, different means are used, accessible to absolutely everyone, and a pleasant natural aroma will soar in any room.

DIY natural air freshener - simple recipes

Any room can be filled with wonderful natural aromas; for this you do not need to use any sophisticated means and technologies, everything is much simpler.

DIY orange air freshener

For many of us, New Year is associated with the orange-tangerine aroma. Such a festive aroma can hover in your home every day. All you need for this is oranges and dried cloves (spice). You need to stick several cloves in random order into the peels of oranges, or you can make a real decoration by depicting some kind of pattern. You will get such a cute orange hedgehog.

For a spray bottle, you can infuse orange, lemon or tangerine peels in alcohol, dilute plain water and spray as needed. So you will get not only pleasant citrus aroma, but also air humidification and even disinfection.

DIY gelatin air freshener

Gelatin can be used to make wonderful DIY air freshener, which will also become a nice decoration, it all depends on your imagination. Gelatin is a natural product, you will need very little of it, 20-30 grams or two tablespoons. Dissolve gelatin in a glass of water, heat it to dissolve, add 10-15 drops of pre-selected essential oil. In order to reduce drying of the mixture, add a teaspoon of glycerin. In principle, the air freshener is ready. If you add food coloring and/or lemon peels, flower petals, pebbles or anything else of your choice to the resulting mixture, you will get a stylish, fragrant decoration.

A pine air freshener is easy to make using sprigs of fir, spruce, pine, and juniper. Spices: mint, lemon balm, basil, sage, rosemary, can be used during the season colds, they will fill the air in the room with a healing aroma.

Fresheners for cabinets and refrigerators

If on cotton pad drop a few drops of your favorite essential oil and place it on a shelf in the closet, then the clothes will be saturated with light natural aroma. Such a cotton pad can be placed on the battery during heating season, evaporation will give aroma to the room. Sometimes it happens that an unpleasant odor has settled in the refrigerator. Of course, products must be checked for freshness and spoiled ones must be thrown away promptly, but not always everything works out correctly. If lard smells unpleasant in the refrigerator, then it is advisable to wash it first, and then dissolve a few tablespoons of baking soda in water and leave the open container with the soda solution in the refrigerator for a while, the smell will disappear.

The aroma of coffee is perfect for the kitchen or living room. You need to pour a couple of tablespoons of coffee beans into a cute woven bag, hang it somewhere in the room, the aroma of coffee will delight everyone who is in it.

Such simple recipes will help you do DIY air freshener. It's simple, the ingredients and materials are available to everyone, a little creativity and your home will be filled with a wonderful natural aroma.

Unpleasant odors in the home can arise from various reasons, and sometimes it’s very difficult to fight them. Today provided great amount aerosol air fresheners, but unfortunately they are not safe to use. Ready-made aerosol products contain components harmful to the environment and humans. For example, sodium benzoate, available in most ready-made sprays, can cause cancer, allergies, and inflammatory processes respiratory tract. This is a poison that should be used with great caution. In such a situation there is a great way out - self-production room freshener.

How to make your own air freshener

Natural ingredients and a little imagination - a “delicious” healthy freshener is ready

A homemade spray is necessary for families with children or where people with allergies live. The freshener is made from natural ingredients and contains only safe ingredients. In addition, you can add a scent to the product at your own discretion. The main ingredient in a personally prepared refreshing spray is essential oil. Fans of such technologies claim that a product made from essential oils of lavender, citrus, tea tree or fir will not only allow you to enjoy a fresh aroma, but will also cleanse the air of bacteria and microorganisms.

Natural kitchen freshener made from citrus peels

To prepare the composition yourself you will need:

  • peel of any citrus fruit: you can use oranges alone or in combination with lemon or grapefruit;
  • clean cold water;
  • medical alcohol or vodka;
  • spray container: perfume bottle.

Chop fresh orange peel with a knife, place in a glass jar and fill with alcohol diluted with water. Close the lid tightly and place in a dark place to infuse for several days. Ready product pour into a spray bottle. The refreshing citrus liquid is ready.

Important! If the “sounding” of alcohol is strong, you can add a little more water or add a few drops of orange essential oil to the product. The aroma will become more intense and lasting.

Using this method, you can prepare any natural freshener by replacing citrus peels with oils.

Essential oil freshener

A natural freshener based on baby oil will create an unobtrusive aroma in the room. long time. To prepare an oil freshener you will need:

  • decorative wooden sticks: you can make your own if desired;
  • glass container: a transparent vase with a wide neck is suitable;
  • any essential oil: you can combine several scents to create your own mood in the home;
  • medical alcohol for the base: can be replaced with regular vodka;
  • baby oil: suitable from any manufacturer You can add simple hygiene products to your home air freshener.

Recipe. 150 ml of oil is poured into a glass container where wooden decorative sticks will be located (the amount of oil required to prepare the freshener depends on the size of the container), 10-20 ml of alcohol are added to fix the aroma and 15 drops of aromatic oil. Sticks placed in a reservoir are soaked in the composition and emit a subtle aroma of oil. Lifetime of this composition more than 3 weeks.

DIY gel air freshener to create freshness in the living room

  • Natural oil: fir, tea tree or any other depending on your wishes.
  • Edible gelatin for the base.
  • Hot boiled water for soaking gelatin.
  • Food coloring for decoration.
  • Beautiful little vase made of clear glass.
  • Salt.

The fragrance for the living room is prepared as follows:

  • Boil 150 ml of water and cool to 80 degrees;
  • Add 25 g of gelatin to water and leave until completely dissolved;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt mixed with 3 tbsp. l. cold water: brine add to gelatin - this is a kind of preservative that will not allow the natural freshener to deteriorate;
  • dilute a small amount of dye in water, coloring mixture pour into container;
  • drop 20 drops of your favorite aromatic oil onto the dye: you can use a combination of scents;
  • add prepared gelatin, stir gently until uniform coloring;
  • Place in a cool place for 48 hours until completely set.

Important! The natural air freshener can be decorated with pebbles, beads, and dried flowers. With a little imagination, an individual decorative element is created that fits perfectly into the decor of the room. You can choose the aroma, the color of the filler, the shape of the vase, etc.

DIY toilet air freshener

The toilet is a special room in which unpleasant odors most often arise. You can eliminate them using a natural air freshener prepared in different ways:

  • pour fresh water into a perfume bottle clean water, add 1 tsp. soda and vinegar, 10 drops of aromatic composition. Mix everything until smooth. This mixture is sprayed in the toilet as needed. It can also be used when cleaning the toilet;
  • Gel toilet freshener will help eliminate specific odors from the toilet. To prepare it, you will have to make a thick gelatin mixture with the addition of table salt, vinegar and aromatic oil. The finished frozen jelly is cut into pieces and added directly to the tank as needed. You can prepare the jelly in large batches. This product is stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container.

How to replace air freshener in the toilet

The finished synthetic air freshener can be replaced with any essential oils. They all have rich aroma, which lasts indoors for up to several weeks. The most suitable essential oils for the toilet are lavender or citrus. Fir and spruce sound great.

Important! A natural gel freshener based on gelatin with the addition of essential oil will not only provide freshness in the room, but will also destroy bacteria in the toilet.

Air freshener for refrigerator

The use of essential oils in the refrigerator is unacceptable. To eliminate unpleasant odors in the refrigerator, use:

  • orange peel or lemon, placed in the refrigerator;
  • rye black bread;
  • 2 drops ammonia, dissolved in 100 ml of water: the liquid is placed in the refrigerator in an open container;
  • 5 g of soda diluted in water;
  • 10 tablets of activated carbon.

Natural air fresheners for the refrigerator are used when there is a foreign smell. They can be placed temporarily or kept in the refrigerator permanently, periodically replacing them with new ones. However, we remind you that first you need to eliminate the source of the bad odor.

Dry air freshener

Dry fragrant components are placed in decorative bags - here is a ready-made freshener with your own hands

It’s not difficult to prepare at all: coffee beans poured into a beautiful bag will eliminate unpleasant odors in the kitchen. You can make various crafts with coffee, for example, a basket decorated with coffee beans with citrus fruits will remind you of the New Year. You can decorate the composition with a spruce or pine tree.

Colored sand with the addition of 10 drops of essential oil will not only flavor the air, but also decorate the room. Essential oil can be dropped onto dried flowers or flower petals in a vase.

What essential oils can you use to make an air freshener at home?

  • Orange oil is bright and rich. This is a scent of great mood and a remedy for combating depression. It helps you relax, eliminates insomnia and improves performance.
  • Coniferous oil fills the room with freshness, eliminates depression, and gives a great mood. Besides, it's wonderful disinfectant, which removes bacteria from the air.
  • Jasmine oil will surprise you with its tenderness and subtlety of aroma. Essential oil is ideal for creative personalities. With its help, fatigue and anxiety go away.
  • Rosemary oil has a sweetish sound, slightly reminiscent of pine. It can increase attentiveness and concentration. Suitable for creating a car freshener.

Natural essential oils can be used separately. With their help you can create your own fragrant compositions. They have a beneficial effect on human body, eliminate unpleasant odors for a long time without masking them.

Who doesn't love it when there is a pleasant aroma in the house? There is scientific evidence that environment, which smells nice, has a positive effect on mood and performance. There are quite a lot of air fresheners on the market for household chemical products. different types, but it’s always nice to do something for the home with your own hands. In addition, handmade products contain only natural, safe ingredients and are much cheaper. Another nice bonus: you can use it as a great gift for your loved ones or work colleagues.

Read in this article:

DIY home fresheners: Scented wooden balls

Making these flavored balls is very simple. Anything you need:

  • Wooden balls or large beads (can be purchased at a craft store). The balls should not be coated with varnish or paint; it is even better if they are not sanded.
  • Aromatic essences.
  • A small brush, you can use an old toothbrush.


Use a brush to apply the essence to wooden surface. Untreated wood perfectly absorbs and retains odors. Place the balls in a glass or tin can so as to fill it as tightly as possible. The less space left in the jar, the better. The air dries out the wood. Close the container tightly with a lid, make several holes in it through which the aroma will escape.

From time to time, add oil to the jar and shake the balls.

If you find a jar beautiful shape and decorate it, it will make an excellent souvenir.

How to make home fresheners with your own hands: Fragrant flowers

Solid air fresheners are perfect for toilets and bathrooms. Made from baking soda, they perfectly absorb odors, so they are also suitable for a shoe cabinet.

For fragrant flowers you will need:

  • baking soda,
  • water (boiled),
  • essential oil.

All these ingredients can be easily transformed into fragrant flowers. Just mix baking soda with essential oil. For 100 grams of soda you need 15 drops of essence and a little water. Add water drop by drop until a very thick mass forms.

Another interesting master class:

Then pour into molds, ideally silicone, and let dry for a day or two. Once the scents have completely hardened, you can spread them out, but never place them on wood or other sensitive surfaces! It is best to leave them on porcelain or glass plates.

To enhance the scent, you can add a few drops directly to the surface.

DIY natural air freshener: Gel air freshener

Air fresheners based on natural gel can have a smell no less bright and pleasant than chemical ones. You can form your own compositions and create the color you want. if you love strong smell, but do not want to use candles or light incense lamps due to open flame, this recipe is for you!

The instructions are for 0.5 liters of fragrant gel, which can be roughly divided into 4 parts, and each can smell differently.

You will need:

  • 4 small glass jars (suitable for baby food)
  • gelatin packet,
  • food coloring,
  • salt,
  • essential oils.

Clean and prepare the jar.

Add a few drops of dye and about 30 drops of essential oil to each. If you want more strong aroma, add more.

Boil 0.25 liters of water, add a sufficient amount of gelatin and mix well, avoiding the formation of lumps.

Once the gelatin has dissolved, add another 0.25 liters of cold water and one teaspoon of salt. Mix everything thoroughly.

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