Gypsum today is becoming the basis for many building materials. This could be glue or products. These will be discussed in the article. The information presented below will allow you to understand what types of gypsum adhesive exist today, as well as what composition is best to use for laying gypsum tiles. Before starting work, it is also important to find out what technology you need to use.

Types of gypsum glue

Tiles are usually available in dry powder form. This type of mixture is the most successful. To increase adhesion, special substances are added to the ingredients; in addition, they allow you to work with the glue without rushing. If you are wondering what to glue gypsum tiles onto, you should pay attention to another type of such families, which requires the use of quartz sand. It is added to reduce the cost of production. Expensive adhesives either have little or no of this ingredient. Depending on the volume of additives, the characteristics may change.

The main task of the glue is strong adhesion to the surface. Another type of the described composition has an increased volume of gypsum. This also affects adhesion. This quality is also determined by the volume of water that is used to dilute the powder. The amount of liquid is usually indicated on the packaging. If you learned from the instructions that 1 kg of glue will require 300 ml of water, then you can say that there is little gypsum in this composition, while there are a lot of fillers. From this it follows that this type of glue will have reduced adhesive ability. In this case, the glued material may peel off during operation.

Features of choice

When choosing an adhesive, you must remember the ratio of water and gypsum. A rather important indicator is the setting time of the mixture. If the glue is good, then this period should be shorter. Depending on this indicator, the pace of work that you will need to adhere to for gluing the material is determined.

Gypsum tile adhesive usually retains its properties after being diluted for an hour. This does not mean that after application to different materials, the shelf life of the mixture will remain the same. Each manufacturer has its own indicator. As practice shows, the minimum period is 30 minutes, while the maximum is 70 minutes.

Reviews of gypsum adhesives from different manufacturers

If you need gypsum glue for tiles, then you may prefer Volma Montage, which contains chemical impurities and modified additives. Buyers note moisture-retaining characteristics and optimal operating time as the main advantages of this mixture. That is why this mixture is chosen by consumers quite often.

It can be used at temperatures ranging from +5 to +30 °C. At the same time optimal humidity must be preserved. Buyers like that the glue adheres well to plaster, concrete, gypsum products, aerated concrete and foam block, brickwork, gypsum fiber sheets and drywall.

According to buyers, Knauf-Perlfix glue is also quite popular. It is sold in powder form, and as the main binding components in in this case perform additional elements and Buyers emphasize what to use this composition possible when carrying out interior work.

Features of using "Knauf-perlfix"

If you decide to purchase the above-described gypsum tile adhesive, you should familiarize yourself with the features of its use. Before starting work, the base is prepared; to do this, it is cleaned of dirt and protrusions are removed from the surface. If the walls absorb moisture well, as for aerated concrete, silicate, ceramic elements and plaster, then the surface should first be treated with a primer, you can use “Betonkontakt”.

These procedures can improve the adhesive properties of the surface. The base must be left until it dries, only then can you begin further work. It is important to keep the primed surface clean.

Preparation of gypsum glue

To mix the powder with water, you must use a plastic container into which you pour clean water. Glue should be gradually added to the liquid, mixing the composition with a construction mixer. You should end up with a creamy consistency without any lumps. It is not recommended to add other components to the solution. It is important to ensure that the mixing container is clean.

Glue technology

Once you have figured out what adhesive to use for gypsum tiles, you can begin work. The composition is applied to the wall, and then to the surface of the tile. The products will need to be pressed to the surface and the level must be set by tapping. If the base has recesses larger than 2 cm, then they must be covered with plasterboard using the same glue.

When pasting insulation material it must be wiped down with Knauf-Perlfix solution. After completion of work, the tools are washed under running water. Before going to the store, you should definitely calculate how much mixture you will need. When resolving this issue, you must follow the manufacturer's recommendations. From them you can find out that one square meter the surface will need approximately 5 kg of dry powder.

Is it possible to lay tiles on gypsum plaster?

Quite often, home craftsmen wonder whether it is possible to glue tiles on gypsum plaster. The answer is yes, but the foundation must first be prepared. This is due to the fact that the surface needs to be given the quality of increased adhesion and strength, reduce the water permeability of the material, and only then begin to lay the tiles.

It is also important to take care of leveling out defects. Due to the fact that a not too thick layer of glue should be used for installation, chips and potholes should be covered with plaster. You can work with such a surface after it has completely dried. It is recommended to treat the walls with an antifungal compound.

You should not lay tiles if the plaster layer has not been treated with a primer. This stage is the most important to achieve positive result. If you are also faced with the question of whether it is possible to glue tiles to gypsum plaster or not, then you should first become familiar with the functions of the primer. It can not only reduce the porosity of the material, but also increase the safety margin of the coating. The primer will prevent moisture from penetrating inside and will have a positive effect on the quality of adhesion.

Gypsum tile adhesive

You can get lost in the modern variety of building materials. However, the recommendations presented below will allow you to understand which composition is best to use for gypsum tiles. PLUSFIX adhesive is a powder mixture based on quartz sand and gray cement. Among its ingredients there is also cellulose. This mixture is perfect for tiles. small size. Work can be carried out on the following types of surface:

  • brick;
  • cement;
  • concrete.

The characteristics of the adhesive described above and the composition called LITOKOL K 17 are very similar. The latter of them consists of quartz sand and Portland cement, the first of which is presented in granular form. This mixture is used for gluing large format tiles. A mixture of mineral aggregates, gypsum and additives high quality- this is Satyn PKG-28 glue. The ingredients give the composition high plasticity.

Once prepared, the mixture will remain viable for 50 minutes. Another gypsum-based composition is “Gipsolite”. It sets quite quickly, and residues can be removed from the surface with a sponge previously soaked in water. If you cannot find the glue for it, then you should pay attention to the Monte Alba material. It is used exclusively for interior work and is ideal for plaster cladding.

The process of laying gypsum tiles

Before starting work, you must also figure out how to glue gypsum tiles to the wall. You need to apply a thin layer of glue to the surface, the product is then pressed against the wall, and within a few minutes its position can be adjusted. Plastic spacers can be used to align the seams.

Mortar protruding from the joints must be immediately removed with a rubber spatula. Otherwise, it will be impossible to work with the composition. Before starting repairs, you should definitely figure out how to glue gypsum tiles to the wall; tips on this are presented in the article. For example, you should not dilute the solution too much, because if you do not have experience, it will quickly harden, which will cause unnecessary expenses.

The use of gypsum tiles in the interior of a room is universal. decorative solution, with which you can express and realize your design imagination. This material can be easily mounted on walls, corners and ceiling areas, imitating natural stone or brick. The advantages and disadvantages of the material, as well as how to attach it correctly, are discussed later in the article.

Inexpensive option for decorating walls with stone and gypsum tiles

Decorating with brick or stone is a beautiful, but very expensive activity. However, today there are offers from manufacturers who provide the opportunity to decorate the walls of the room with artificial imitation gypsum stone. Let's look at how to do this below.

Gypsum tiles for brick interior decoration: advantages and disadvantages

Gypsum is a lightweight material that, if necessary, takes on the required shape, structure, and relief. Use of this material in finishing internal space rooms is a simple, financially feasible and physically feasible task.

Advantages of gypsum stone finishing inside a building:

  • A wide range of products differing in texture, price, size and appearance.
  • Relatively low pricing policy.
  • Natural compositions.
  • The ability to customize finished tiles to suit the surface features.
  • Simple design, wall mounting.
  • Light weight of the finished product, which allows it to be used on any surface without the risk of wall deformation.

Disadvantages include such features as moisture absorption, lack of resistance to mechanical damage and crumbling. However, such disadvantages are insignificant, and during operation the material will not require labor-intensive care. If necessary, you can replace damaged burst tiles with new ones without compromising the integrity of the wall.

It is possible to decorate with gypsum tiles both the entire wall and its individual parts, combining with other finishing materials - tiles, paint, wallpaper.

How to properly lay gypsum artificial stone under a brick

Installation gypsum boards glasses on the wall is not a labor-intensive process that will only require time and patience. The main thing is to follow the recommendations for decorating a wall or part of it.

Leveling the base

The first thing you should pay attention to before laying a gypsum wall is the evenness of the surface. Of course, you can put it on uneven walls, filling the holes with an adhesive mixture, but in this case, the consumption of expensive glue increases, and it is also possible that the tile itself may crumble, which bursts when pressed.

Therefore, before laying gypsum bricks, it is worth leveling the wall with putty. After applying the putty and letting it dry, you should sand the surface and apply a primer for better adhesion. After all the work, you can start gluing the gypsum tiles.

The primer should be selected according to the manufacturer’s requirements: for wooden surfaces– separate primers; for cement walls it is better to use acrylic mixtures.

What to glue on: choosing an adhesive mixture, what to glue with

Depending on the area to be treated, the size and color of the gypsum tiles, it is worth choosing a separate version of the adhesive mixture on which the tiles are attached to the base. Today there are several options for fixing gypsum on walls:

  1. Dry semi based on gypsum and cement. If you choose dry mixtures for self-cooking solution for gluing, then you should pay attention to the composition of the material: cement is not recommended for use on light-colored tiles without varnish treatment for the reason that they will absorb moisture, take longer to dry, and possibly become deformed during the work. The gypsum base is safer to use, but will require certain skills on the part of the worker. If the technology is not followed, the tiles will absorb water, becoming soggy over time. Popular manufacturers of dry mixes for gypsum tiles are Perlfix, Litokol K, Satyn PKG-28.
  2. Liquid nails or sealant. It is possible to glue gypsum tiles to sealant or universal glue such as “Dragon”, but the process is unreasonably labor-intensive. In addition to the fact that each tile needs to be sanded to form uneven surfaces for better adhesion to the wall, it also needs to be held for at least 2-3 minutes, which unnecessarily increases the duration of installation of the entire wall.
  3. Ready – best option of all that exist. This glue has the outward consistency of very thick white sour cream, is applied with a special small spatula, adheres to any surface in a few seconds, and dries up to 24 hours. In terms of price, such mixtures are more expensive than all previously mentioned ones, but the advantages of working with them are much greater:
  • quick adhesion to the surface;
  • no need to hold one tile for more than 3 seconds;
  • the seams of light-colored tiles can be sealed without using special grout;
  • powerful adhesion after complete drying;
  • there is time to correct already attached bricks: if within 10-20 minutes after gluing it is necessary to correct a set brick, then this can be done without effort.

Can it be combined with wallpaper?

The advantages of finishing with gypsum bricks are not only the attractive appearance of the room, but also the ability to combine materials for wall decoration. The tile, chosen for combination with wallpaper, emphasizes and shades the walls, complements the room with accents, and, at the same time, is a self-sufficient material that looks on any surface.

You can combine gypsum tiles in one color scheme or in contrasting shades.

How to lay decorative bricks on a flat wall

Smooth ideal wall - best surface for decoration with artificial gypsum stone. The tiles, having an average size of no more than a standard brick, when laid out on the wall, create a holistic image, a single canvas without seams or gaps.

To glue decorative bricks to the wall, you need to:

  • Wipe the inner flat surface tiles with sandpaper to eliminate unevenness, protrusions from hardened plaster. A peculiar relief surface is formed, which is better attached to the wall, holding the glue.
  • Apply a thin layer of glue with a special spatula (which is usually included in the kit). ready mixture inside the jar). Layer adhesive solution on the tile should not exceed 0.2 mm, otherwise it will take a long time to harden.
  • Place the tile against the wall, pressing it slightly with your hands for adhesion, hold for 3-5 seconds and release.
  • Spread the side seam of the tile on the wall for adhesion to the subsequent brick.

Thus, produce from gypsum in the quantity required. Bricks can be cut, combined, matched and broken to create an uneven edge on the wall.

The first 2-3 rows from the bottom should be glued and left for at least a day. Only after complete drying proceed to subsequent installation work. This kind of work is necessary to ensure that the wall holds up and the bricks do not fall off.

Installation of stone: sealing joints

After the wall is completely formed and frozen, you can begin decorative works to give integrity to the canvas. To prevent gaps between the bricks from being visible from different angles, it is worth using grout for the seams. There is a huge amount of colored grout in the store, but if there is any glue left that was used for installation, you can use it. To prevent the adhesive solution from standing out and hardening into white spots, you can add the color of the required shade to it. In this case, it is worth remembering that the color when drying will be several tones lighter than that of the wet mixture.

How to glue gypsum stone: ideas for the interior

Interior design in an apartment using plaster walls allows you to decorate a room without using unnecessary furniture. At the same time, they began to increasingly use stone finishing instead of the previously familiar walls and wardrobes.

How to lay it in the hall

If the room is not spacious enough, then do not clutter it extra furniture. In the hall it is enough to place a large corner sofa, coffee table, and decorate one wall with brick in warm sandy shades.

It looks interesting to decorate with plaster stones on one wall with design elements for the side corners of the hall. You can also decorate the side corners near the entrance by decorating the entrance to the hall with conventional stone columns.

You can also glue a plaster brick onto the wallpaper so as not to peel it off. If the wallpaper is held tightly, then part of the coating can be trimmed with stone, providing only a small place for adhesion on concrete wall no wallpaper. To do this, use a utility knife to cut off a small strip of wallpaper.

Ideas on how to glue stone in the hallway and living room

Decoration with artificial stones is possible not only in the hall, but also in the corridor and living room. You can use individual design elements as several bricks along the edge of the wall at the entrance, and also decorate a small amount above the door. Looks interesting masonry in the form of baseboards near the floor.

Design options for the bedroom and nursery

In the bedroom and nursery, partial decoration of one wall is used to contrast with the main shade of the space. It is important to take into account such features as the predominance of calm, soothing shades for the rest room. It is better to use a combination of light sand stone and yellow shades, light green walls and white bricks with an antique effect.

How to care for stone

Caring for gypsum stone will not require much effort on the part of the housewife. All that is required is to periodically wipe off the dust from the varnish base. It is worth noting that if bricks with an aging effect were used in the interior, then the dust on them is not visible as on dark varnished bricks. The varnish, in turn, protects the plaster from moisture.

Gypsum bricks are the best budget solution. With the help of such inexpensive materials can be created cozy interior in any corner of the house, and all that is required to design an interior solution is imagination, time and compliance with installation technology.

Useful video

Sooner or later, each of us faces the need for repairs. And everyone faces a choice: invite specialists or glue it yourself. Anyone who chose the second option will find useful information on how to choose adhesive for gypsum tiles, prepare the surface, and perform installation.

Choosing adhesive for gypsum tiles

Gypsum decorative tiles are used because of their hygroscopicity indoors. Taking this into account, it is important to correctly decide on the choice of gluing agent and the procedure for carrying out the work and choose the appropriate glue. It is possible that the wall and tiles will first have to be primed with some kind of acrylic impregnation. Moisture resistant highly durable materials are well processed using standard formulations. In other cases, a mixture of gypsum with PVA, polyurethane foam, dry or liquid polymer mixtures, and various putties are suitable.

To ensure strength, when choosing which glue to buy, consider several factors:

  • type of work (internal or external);
  • type of wall (porous or smooth);
  • the composition from which the tile is made;
  • type of masonry.

Technical characteristics of popular adhesives

In the retail chain there are gypsum or cement mixtures, which will need to be diluted before work, in liquid form and reactive ones (suitable for use when mixing two components).

The dry mixture is used on surfaces with cement or gypsum screed and plaster, with brickwork, foam concrete, aerated concrete and other mineral bases. Liquid (dispersion) products are more convenient to glue, but they are less economical. Reactive – indispensable for completing work in a short time.

Dry adhesive mixtures

A dry gypsum-based mixture is preferable to one containing cement because the porous surface of the tiles readily absorbs the moisture necessary for the cement to harden. Because of this, the setting time of such a product increases. When working with such a mixture, pour water at room temperature into a container, add the dry mixture and mix thoroughly with a mixer. The resulting mass hardens quickly, so it must be glued immediately. If you need to glue it on a warm floor, then the latex additive LATEXKOL should be added to the mixture. Pay attention to these environmentally friendly adhesive compositions:

  • PLUSFIX is a powdery mixture based on gray cement and quartz sand with an admixture of cellulose. Used to glue small tiles (no more than 25x25 cm). Work can be carried out on concrete, cement and brick surfaces;
  • LITOKOL K 17 is similar in characteristics to PLUSFIX;
  • LITOKOL X11 consists of Portland cement and quartz sand in granular form. It is convenient to glue large format gypsum tiles;
  • PERLFIX – made of gypsum with polymer additives. It is highly environmentally friendly and economical (consumption per 1);
  • Satyn PKG-28 is a mixture of gypsum, mineral fillers and high quality additives that give the composition good ductility during operation. When mixing per 1 kg of dry mass is spent? l water. Temperature range: from +5 to +30°C. After cooking, it must be worked out in 40 - 50 minutes;
  • Dry gypsum-based composition “Gipsolit”. Sets quickly. Residues are easily removed from the surface with a sponge soaked in water;
  • Glue "Monte alba". Intended for interior use only. Ideal for gypsum cladding.

Adhesive mixture Litokol X11

Adhesive mixture LitoKol K-17

Adhesive for gypsum tiles Monte Alba

Dispersion adhesives and liquid nails

Designed for laying tiles on a pre-primed wall or drywall. Reliable, durable and easy to use. This explains their higher cost compared to dry mixtures.

In great demand they use it from specialists ready-made compositions trademark LITOKOL and some others. (Consumption approximately 1.3 kg per adhesive layer thickness 1 mm). After opening the container, the product retains its properties for no more than 8 hours:

  • LITOACRIL PLUS is a pasty mixture based on acrylic. Differs in versatility, moisture resistance, does not flow from vertical surfaces, quick setting and drying;
  • LITOFLOOR K66 is an adhesive used for interior and external masonry. Characterized by resistance to low temperatures and high humidity. Ensures installation strength even on surfaces with large uneven surfaces;
  • Casco EXTREMFIX in the form of an emulsion is a universal one-component construction adhesive of the “liquid nails” type. Hardens in 2 hours. Convenient for working in hard-to-reach places;
  • Casco FIX-IN is versatile and durable. Hardens when exposed to moisture. Properties do not depend on temperature changes. Does not require preliminary priming. Hardening time – 2 hours;
  • The installation moment is universal (liquid nails type) - rubber. Well compensates for minor surface unevenness.

Dispersion adhesive LITOACRIL PLUS

Mounting adhesive CASCO EXTREMFIX

Adhesive mixture LITOFLOOR K66

Universal installation moment

Reactive glue

Reactive agents are the most convenient to use. They have proven themselves well due to their versatility (suitable for any type of tile and surface on which it is laid). Often used to work with gypsum material. They consist of two components: an adhesive base and a hardener (catalyst). They should be worked quickly and the mixture should be completely used before it hardens. They are characterized by good elasticity, which allows them to be used even for cladding frequently vibrating or deformable substrates.

The most popular:

  • “Lithoelastic” is a composition based on epoxy-polyurethane. The components of which it consists, when mixed, react. Suitable for gluing to any wall: concrete, plaster, cement, metal, plywood, wood and others. After hardening, it does not shrink or crack, so it is suitable for both horizontal and vertical surfaces. It has good resistance to temperature changes and has good grip on bonded surfaces. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use;
  • Epoxystuk lithocol – universal remedy high quality. Reliable in areas with aggressive chemical compounds. Heat and moisture resistant;
  • LITOCHROM STARLIKE is designed for indoor and outdoor use. Resistant to mold, abrasion, sudden temperature changes in the range from -20°C to +100°C, chemical compounds, ultraviolet radiation;
  • "Epoxy Eco" is an Italian high quality product. Apply at temperatures 10 - 35°C. Apply to dry, pre-primed surfaces. Contact with polystyrene, plastics, metal, wood is undesirable;
  • KERAPOXY MAPEI. A two-component, acid-resistant reactive agent for laying all types of tiles and grouting tile joints. It has very low water absorption, so it can be easily washed off with water before it hardens. For good adhesion requires preliminary cleaning of the surface from dust, lubricants, cement, moisture.

Mapei Kerapoxy grout

Grout mixture Litokol Epoxystuk

Adhesive Lithoelastic

Epoxy tile adhesive Epoxy Eco

Work order

The appearance and durability of the laid tiles depends not only on the quality of the materials. The process of work is also important. The variety of forms of decorative styling influences technology finishing works. But general rules are the same.

We prepare working equipment: construction tape, level, hand saw, pencil, ruler 1 m long, brush, sponge, twine, flexible spatula or brush for mortar, sandpaper for processing the edges of cut pieces.

  • make markings;
    • using a ruler, divide the surface into horizontal sections 30 -50 cm high;
    • prepare the tiles for laying in such an area. If necessary, cut using a fine-toothed hacksaw along the marked line (plaster - brittle material, so do not apply pressure).

Preparing gypsum tiles for laying

  • Prime twice with acrylic primer. Dry for 4 hours;
  • clean the surface on which you will lay the tiles;
    • remove loose plaster;
    • smooth out unevenness;
    • wash off the old whitewash.
  • Make sure the surface is dry before applying the solution. It is better to start facing with corner elements. This will allow you to correct differences in height between the laying elements.
  • stick to the wall, start with top corner. If you follow the instructions for using the mixture, there should be no slipping or drips. Laying can be with seams (8 - 10 mm) or seamless;
  • apply glue to reverse side tiles in a thin layer using a spatula;

Applying adhesive to tiles

  • not reaching 1 - 2 rows from the door or window opening, stop. First frame the openings in whole pieces, and then fill in the empty spaces;

The process of laying gypsum tiles under brick

  • Carefully collect the mortar that was squeezed out during installation (preferably with a sponge or wooden spatula) to use for sealing seams;
  • remove excess adhesive with a soft sponge soaked in water;
  • Use a brush or foam rubber to finally smooth out the seams.

After finishing the work, tools, gloves, hands and clothing are thoroughly cleaned with water to remove any remaining solution.

The use of gypsum tiles in the interior of a room is a universal decorative solution with which you can express and realize your design imagination. This material can be easily mounted on walls, corners and ceiling areas, imitating natural stone or brick. The advantages and disadvantages of the material, as well as how to attach it correctly, are discussed later in the article.

Inexpensive option for decorating walls with stone and gypsum tiles

Decorating the walls in a room with brick or stone is a beautiful, but very expensive activity. However, today there are offers from manufacturers that provide the opportunity to decorate the walls of a room with artificial imitation gypsum stone. Let's look at how to do this below.

Gypsum tiles for brick interior decoration: advantages and disadvantages

Gypsum is a lightweight material that, if necessary, takes on the required shape, structure, and relief. The use of this material in decorating the interior space of a room is a simple, financially feasible and physically feasible task.

Advantages of gypsum stone finishing inside a building:

  • A wide range of products differing in texture, price, size and appearance.
  • Relatively low pricing policy.
  • Natural compositions.
  • The ability to customize finished tiles to suit the surface features.
  • Simple design, wall mounting.
  • Light weight of the finished product, which allows it to be used on any surface without the risk of wall deformation.

Disadvantages include such features as moisture absorption, lack of resistance to mechanical damage and crumbling. However, such disadvantages are insignificant, and during operation the material will not require labor-intensive care. If necessary, you can replace damaged burst tiles with new ones without compromising the integrity of the wall.

How to properly lay gypsum artificial stone under a brick

Installing gypsum tiles on the wall is not a labor-intensive process that will only require time and patience. The main thing is to follow the recommendations for decorating a wall or part of it.

Leveling the base

The first thing you should pay attention to before laying a gypsum wall is the evenness of the surface. Of course, you can also lay it on uneven walls, filling the holes with an adhesive mixture, but in this case, the consumption of expensive glue increases, and it is also possible for the tile itself to crumble, which bursts when pressed.

Therefore, before laying gypsum bricks, it is worth leveling the wall with putty. After applying the putty and letting it dry, you should sand the surface and apply a primer for better adhesion. After all the work, you can start gluing the gypsum tiles.

What to glue on: choosing an adhesive mixture, what to glue with

Depending on the area to be treated, the size and color of the gypsum tiles, it is worth choosing a separate version of the adhesive mixture on which the tiles are attached to the base. Today there are several options for fixing gypsum on walls:

  1. Dry semi based on gypsum and cement. If you choose dry mixtures for preparing a solution for gluing yourself, then you should pay attention to the composition of the material: cement is not recommended for use on light-colored tiles without varnish treatment for the reason that they will absorb moisture, take longer to dry, and possibly become deformed during work . The gypsum base is safer to use, but will require certain skills on the part of the worker. If the technology is not followed, the tiles will absorb water, becoming soggy over time. Popular manufacturers of dry mixes for gypsum tiles are Perlfix, Litokol K, Satyn PKG-28.
  2. Liquid nails or sealant. It is possible to glue gypsum tiles to sealant or universal glue such as “Dragon”, but the process is unreasonably labor-intensive. In addition to the fact that each tile needs to be sanded to form uneven surfaces for better adhesion to the wall, it also needs to be held for at least 2-3 minutes, which unnecessarily increases the duration of installation of the entire wall.
  3. Ready-made gypsum-based mixtures are the best option out of all existing ones. This glue has the outward consistency of very thick white sour cream, is applied with a special small spatula, adheres to any surface in a few seconds, and dries up to 24 hours. In terms of price, such mixtures are more expensive than all previously mentioned ones, but the advantages of working with them are much greater:
  • quick adhesion to the surface;
  • no need to hold one tile for more than 3 seconds;
  • the seams of light-colored tiles can be sealed without using special grout;
  • powerful adhesion after complete drying;
  • there is time to correct already attached bricks: if within 10-20 minutes after gluing it is necessary to correct a set brick, then this can be done without effort.

Can it be combined with wallpaper?

The advantages of finishing with gypsum bricks are not only the attractive appearance of the room, but also the ability to combine materials for wall decoration. The tile, chosen for combination with wallpaper, emphasizes and shades the walls, complements the room with accents, and, at the same time, is a self-sufficient material that looks on any surface.

How to lay decorative bricks on a flat wall

A smooth, ideal wall is the best surface for decorating with artificial plaster stone. The tiles, having an average size of no more than a standard brick, when laid out on the wall, create a holistic image, a single canvas without seams or gaps.

To glue decorative bricks to the wall, you need to:

  • Rub the inner smooth surface of the tile with sandpaper to remove irregularities and protrusions from the hardened plaster. A peculiar relief surface is formed, which is better attached to the wall, holding the glue.
  • Apply a thin layer of glue with a special spatula (which usually comes with the finished mixture inside the jar). The layer of adhesive solution on the tile should not exceed 0.2 mm, otherwise it will take a long time to harden.
  • Place the tile against the wall, pressing it slightly with your hands for adhesion, hold for 3-5 seconds and release.
  • Spread the side seam of the tile on the wall for adhesion to the subsequent brick.

Thus, make the design brick wall from gypsum in the quantity required. Bricks can be cut, combined, matched and broken to create an uneven edge on the wall.

Installation of stone: sealing joints

After the wall is completely decorated and frozen, you can begin decorative work to give integrity to the canvas. To prevent gaps between the bricks from being visible from different angles, it is worth using grout for the seams.

There is a huge amount of colored grout in the store, but if there is any glue left that was used for installation, you can use it. To prevent the adhesive solution from standing out and hardening into white spots, you can add the color of the required shade to it.

In this case, it is worth remembering that the color when drying will be several tones lighter than that of the wet mixture.

How to glue gypsum stone: ideas for the interior

Interior design in an apartment using plaster walls allows you to decorate a room without using unnecessary furniture. At the same time, they began to increasingly use stone finishing instead of the previously familiar walls and wardrobes.

How to lay it in the hall

If the room is not spacious enough, then you should not clutter it with unnecessary furniture. In the living room it is enough to place a large corner sofa, a coffee table, and decorate one wall with brick in warm sandy shades.

It looks interesting to decorate with plaster stones on one wall with design elements for the side corners of the hall. You can also decorate the side corners near the entrance by decorating the entrance to the hall with conventional stone columns.

Ideas on how to glue stone in the hallway and living room

Decoration with artificial stones is possible not only in the hall, but also in the corridor and living room. You can use individual design elements as several bricks along the edge of the wall at the entrance, and also decorate a small amount above the door. The stonework looks interesting in the form of baseboards near the floor.

Design options for the bedroom and nursery

In the bedroom and nursery, partial decoration of one wall is used to contrast with the main shade of the space. It is important to take into account such features as the predominance of calm, soothing shades for the rest room. It is better to use a combination of light sand stone and yellow shades, light green walls and white bricks with an antique effect.

How to care for stone

Caring for gypsum stone will not require much effort on the part of the housewife. All that is required is to periodically wipe off the dust from the varnish base. It is worth noting that if bricks with an aging effect were used in the interior, then the dust on them is not visible as on dark varnished bricks. The varnish, in turn, protects the plaster from moisture.

Gypsum bricks for decorating a room are the best budget solution. With the help of such inexpensive materials, you can create a cozy interior in any corner of the house, and all that is required to design an interior solution is imagination, time and compliance with installation technology.


Decorative brick began to gain popularity not so long ago. More and more people are turning to this type cladding. Brick suits any interior, you can choose any color.

Its finishing depends on the material. We will look at what decorative bricks are made of and how to install them in this article.

Material for decorative bricks

Nowadays there are many materials for cladding. It can sometimes be very difficult to choose just one thing. Even if you settled on decorative bricks, you still have to choose the material from which they are made:

  • Clinker;
  • Gypsum;
  • Polyurethane;
  • Foam plastic.


component - clay. It is pressed and fired. Such cladding will not be afraid of any conditions. Clinker bricks are used for both interior and exterior work. Brick is durable and not easy to damage.

It is not affected by ultraviolet rays and chemicals. Not afraid of water. Not only does it practically not absorb moisture, but it can also be for a long time in contact with water without losing its appearance.

It is not susceptible to cold temperatures, and this is important for our climate zone.

The coloring pigment is added to the brick at the clay mixing stage. This way the paint lasts much longer and does not fade or fade. There are many colors on the market, you can choose the right one for every taste. Clinker is harmless.

component - clay, natural material.
One of the disadvantages is the price. This is an expensive cladding option that will cost you a large amount. But the brick is durable, it will serve you for many years, you will forget about the cladding for a long time.

There is practically no need to care for it.

Another drawback is the adhesive mixture. Laying clinker is not so easy. It is heavy and puts stress on the building. Not every master makes a special composition for styling. They may refuse you or increase the price.


Gypsum is widely used for all types of repair work. It is easy to work with and easy to install. No one will have any problems here. The material is very light. All work can be done independently. Laying is possible on gypsum board sheets.

You can even make gypsum bricks yourself. The price of gypsum is one of the cheapest among other materials for manufacturing decorative brick.
Gypsum is easy to process, so the color spectrum is much wider than that of other materials.

Gypsum is safe, does not contain toxic substances, it is a natural material.

Plus it has thermal insulation and sound insulation properties.
However, despite strengths, gypsum is afraid of water and cold.

Use it in unheated rooms or in rooms with high humidity it is impossible. The surface needs to be cleaned; it will collect dust and become dirty.

Typically, gypsum bricks are varnished to prevent dust from accumulating. Gypsum is easy to fake, so check quality certificates with sellers.


Budget cladding option. Most often it is used for finishing public places. In residential premises it is used much less frequently due to its appearance. Upon closer inspection, the polyurethane reveals itself; it does not look like stone if you look closely. In addition, he is afraid of the sun, the paint fades.

Foam plastic

It will cost pennies, but does not have high performance. He won't live long, he's very fragile. It can be easily damaged.

Once you have chosen the material, you should not relax. After all, for quality repairs Not only the type of cladding is important, but also the adhesive composition on which it will be applied. The choice of construction adhesives is large and you need to choose the right one.

What compositions are suitable for installation:

  • Cement composition;
  • Plaster;
  • Silicone.

Cement-based adhesive adheres well to concrete or brick surface. The plastered wall is not a hindrance to him either. Cement is not afraid of moisture. Its use is suitable for both heated and cold rooms. Gypsum and clinker bricks are glued onto it.

The cement composition is used most often because of its high adhesive properties. Gypsum-based putty is suitable for interior finishing. If you plan to create a decorative seam, then you should use this particular composition.

The gypsum composition will withstand clinker bricks and is also suitable for gypsum and foam products.

Silicone is suitable for all materials. It is widely used for finishing rooms with high humidity, since silicone glue is not afraid of moisture and temperature changes.

Types of installation

  • Block;
  • Gothic;
  • Cross.

Working with bricks involves not only the choice of material, but also a certain type of installation. Now there are many ways, but we will analyze the most common ones.
Block masonry is the easiest way.

The bricks are laid evenly without a pattern. This is the fastest way to lay the elements, but make sure you watch the seams so that the blocks do not move to the sides. Gothic masonry places a solid brick first, and then a small element. The next row is located slightly to the right of the previous one.

The seams are at a short distance.

Cross laying is complex. The bricks are located different sides alternately, while the seam of the new row moves slightly.

Required tools and materials

In the process of laying decorative bricks, you do not need specific tools. You most likely have everything you need at home, and if not, purchasing it will not cost much.

  1. Roulette;
  2. Ruler;
  3. Pencil;
  4. Brush;
  5. Staple;
  6. Level;
  7. Rope;
  8. Glue;
  9. Hand saw.

It is easy to calculate the required amount of material. Measure the walls length and width. Multiply the total by each other and divide by the size of one brick. Buy some in reserve in case the material gets damaged. To make it easier to work with seams, you can buy special crosses.

After purchasing the material, it is best to make a drawing of the future installation on paper. This is especially true if you are doing this kind of work for the first time. Draw a diagram of your wall on paper. If you have a hard time with drawings, special programs on your computer can help, they will not only show the location of the bricks, but also calculate the number the required material and choose the color.

Apply markings to the wall. Don't forget that seams also take up space. You need to mark the walls completely, if you have not encountered any installation, this way your walls will be even. But if you are an experienced master, there are enough small marks at the beginning of installation.

How to prepare walls

Any kind facing works assumes preparatory work with the surface. The elements must be glued onto a flat and clean surface. If you are using cement composition, then the walls will need to be reinforced with reinforcing mesh.

Remove all old trim from the wall. Check the surface for cracks and crumbling. Correct them if any. The installation allows for minor unevenness, but if the walls are curved, they will first have to be leveled. For leveling, you can use plaster and then cover it with plasterboard.

Laying bricks is not a complicated procedure, but it must be done carefully, otherwise the entire structure may turn out uneven.
First, prepare the glue. Most often it is sold in powder form, so it must be diluted according to the instructions on the package.

Pour water into the powder and stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The glue is applied with a spatula to the wall and then to the brick in a thin, even layer. It is better to smooth the layer notched trowel, and apply as usual. Laying begins from the bottom.

The very first row is the foundation of the structure, so it is this that must be laid especially carefully. While working, check the evenness using a level.

Press the brick against the wall, but do not press too hard. The glue should not come out from behind the surface. Use special plastic crosses at the joints. Fill the entire wall like this. If you need to cut a brick, use a hacksaw.

After complete installation, you need to sand the seams. This can be done using grout. If you have plaster elements, you can cover the wall special composition repels water.


Laying decorative bricks on the wall with your own hands

For several years now, decorative stone, namely brick, has been used in the interiors of apartments and country houses for wall cladding.

This material is sold in any hardware store. Customers have access to tiles of any color and size, which allows them to decorate the walls in the room. The main advantage is that the material can adhere to any wall made of any material, and the result will be similar to real brick.

The artificial material contains perlite, sand and expanded clay, although there are other types. Before you start decorating the walls in your house, you need to know what to glue gypsum bricks to and how to glue decorative bricks correctly.

Features of the material

Decorative masonry material is in great demand, because it has many advantages over natural brick. An artificial brick is created from different materials that are presented in the table:

Material: Description:
Clinker: The clinker material is durable and the surface is wear-resistant. Sold in different colors. Can be used as a finishing material for interior and exterior work.
Gypsum: Gypsum bricks are fragile, but their weight is small, which makes it possible to stick the material on plasterboard sheets, plywood and other non-durable materials. The blanks are made white, but during production they are painted or the person himself will paint the brick in the desired color.
Polyurethane: This brick is lightweight and is often used to decorate walls in a house or apartment. Often sold in white, but pigmented materials are also available.
Foam: Foam materials are intended only for cladding inside buildings. The material is very light and fragile.

To decorate the walls inside, it is recommended to choose the best option - gypsum brick. It will be cheaper than clinker and even more so than porcelain stoneware. Gypsum is stronger than others polymer materials, but natural. Gypsum tiles are easy to make with your own hands by mixing water, gypsum and PVA glue. After pouring into the mold, facing material should dry and it can be used for work.

Tools and material calculations

Before gluing gypsum bricks to walls, you need to prepare tools and calculate the amount of material. To calculate, you need to measure the length and height of the walls on which the installation will be carried out and multiply the resulting values.

Door and window openings are removed from the resulting number in order to reduce costs. After calculation, about 10% is added to overall value for stock.

Knowing how much material is needed, it is necessary to take into account that it is flat and angular, which is used at the corner of the room.

Tools for laying decorative stone

To work you will need:

  1. Roulette.
  2. Pencil.
  3. Ruler.
  4. Level.
  5. Glue.
  6. Spatula.

Perhaps we should hand tool in the form of a saw for cutting bricks. Adhesive composition They are sold differently, depending on where the brick walls are finished: inside, outside. The glue can be dry or liquid, in the form of a paste. Additionally, crosses are purchased so that the seam is even everywhere.

Choosing adhesive for gypsum tiles

Plaster bricks should be laid with the correct glue; there are several options for this:

  1. Cement tile adhesive. Used for tiles. Used to glue any cladding.
  2. Plaster based on gypsum. Excellent for interior work. The mixture is white and will not be noticeable under the brick.
  3. Silicone sealant. The method is unusual, but effective. Allows you to place the brick tightly against the wall.

When using glue for external masonry, frost-resistant compounds should be selected, otherwise the mixture will crumble and fall off with the brick. Only fresh glue is used and prepared according to the instructions on the package.

Types of decorative brick masonry

Options for laying artificial bricks

Cladding with artificial brick is not complicated, brick material made in the form of a panel, it can be laid out on the walls in different ways. The technology depends on the type of brick used:

  1. The long edge is spoon.
  2. End - butting.

Spoon laying includes 4 rows of spoons and 1 row. When using the bonding method, the entire masonry will be made only from bonded parts. Types of masonry can be different, the most common are:

  1. Gothic - work is carried out using long and short rows of bricks, alternately. An offset is made between the rows by half a brick.
  2. Brandenburg - made from a pair of long rows and one short one. Glue the brick so that the butt side is a couple of rows above each other. Each row will be mixed by half a brick.
  3. Cross – complex type masonry Decorative brick It is glued to the walls alternately with different sides. Between the rows there is an offset of half a brick.

In general, there are quite a few options for laying decorative bricks; it is recommended to look at photos on the Internet and decide on the desired type that will suit the specific decor of the house. After that, you can lay out everything yourself.

Laying decorative bricks on the wall

Applying glue

Those who know how to install regular floor or wall tiles can easily lay decorative bricks on the walls. Initially, you need to draw a guide strip on the wall using a level. The work must be done along this line, otherwise the walls will be visually uneven, because the brick will float to the sides.

Work begins from the bottom point. It is better to lay out the tiles on the floor in order to select a diagram of all the parts. The laying is carried out initially in even pieces, and then you can glue the trim.

The adhesive must be applied in a thin layer, both on the wall and on decorative material. It is best to apply the glue using a notched trowel. The excess is immediately removed from the front part with a rubber spatula.

If the glue dries, removing it from the surface will be a difficult process.

Applying adhesive solution to the wall

  1. You need to insert crosses or a nail between the tiles so that the seam is the same throughout the entire wall.
  2. At the end of the work, the seams should be rubbed down. A special grout or plaster is used for this. Grout correctly - using a rubber spatula.
  3. To preserve the coating so that it is not dark, if the material is glued in the corridor, it is necessary to apply a layer of varnish, which is used for wood.
  4. You can create a living room interior using paint, which is easily applied to the material.
  5. Artificial material can be glued to wallpaper, making the lower part of the hallway made of stone and the top of wallpaper.
  6. Before carrying out work, it is better to level the walls using plaster or gypsum board.

Laying decorative bricks on the wall

When the material is laid on the walls, grouting and finishing can be done within a day so that the glue dries. The grout can be applied not only with a spatula, but also with a syringe, or from a bag, like a pastry bag. All excess grout is removed immediately. After the glue and grout have completely dried, the material is painted or varnished to make the interior look beautiful.

Layer paint coating should be at least 2, with a gap of 2 hours between layers. Imitation of natural stone looks good in the kitchen, hallway or living room. Good master class You can see in the video, and also follow the video of laying decorative bricks on the wall:


How to lay decorative gypsum tiles under brick: features and installation technology

To create an aesthetic surface both outside and inside a building, the technique of laying decorative tiles under brick is widely used. This type of cladding can be made from different materials. The simplest and most affordable is gypsum. Let's take a closer look at how to lay such a coating with your own hands.

Brick-like gypsum tiles are often used for interior decoration.

Types of materials

On modern construction market you can find a wide variety of decorative finishing materials. Elements that imitate brick or stone are in great demand. They can be made from different materials, the most popular products are:

  • Clinker. A very durable and wear-resistant material, can be of completely different colors, used for any type of surface both outside and inside buildings.
  • Gypsum. Quite fragile, but lightweight material, used mainly for interior work. Initially white, can be painted both in a liquid state and after manufacturing or installation of the element.
  • Polyurethane. A very lightweight material widely used in interior work, mostly white in color but may contain pigments.
  • Foam plastic. Lightweight and fragile material, used for interior decoration. White.

For interior decoration work the best option There will be brick tiles made from gypsum. It costs less than clinker, but is much stronger than its polymer counterparts and looks more natural.

Varieties of finishing materials for interior and exterior work

You can make decorative gypsum tiles yourself. To do this, you need to mix water, gypsum powder and a plasticizer in the form of PVA glue. Pour the mixture into the prepared form and wait until it dries. You can add pigment to color the mass or apply paint to the bottom of the mold before pouring.

Glue used

To lay gypsum tiles with your own hands, you need to choose the right glue. So, let's look at what you can glue gypsum tiles to. There are several options here:

  • Regular cement tile adhesive. It is used for laying tiles. This is a standard option for laying almost any facing covering.
  • Gypsum plaster. A more preferable option for interior decoration. The mixture has a white tint, so it is practically invisible under the tiles.
  • Silicone sealant. Quite an unusual, but very effective solution. Provides strong adhesion to the surface.

Adhesive options for laying gypsum tiles

When using cladding on the outside of a building, it is important to choose a frost-resistant adhesive mixture, otherwise after a few cycles the solution will begin to crumble and crumble along with the tiles.

Adhesive for decorative gypsum tiles must be fresh. If a bag of mixture has already been left open for several months, it will most likely harden quickly or clump together. This will make it much more difficult to work with the mixture and will also worsen the quality of adhesion of the materials.

Surface preparation

Before you start laying decorative tiles with your own hands, regardless of their type, it is important to prepare the surface intended for cladding. The requirements for this stage of work are standard. First of all, it is important to remove the old coating, if any. Old glue and the solution must be rinsed off thoroughly.

After this, you need to plaster the walls to get rid of all the unevenness on the surface. It is important to remove all sagging and pits, since glue is unlikely to cover them. If there are significant differences, plasterboard is used; it can be fixed to a metal frame or glued directly to the wall.

All dust and dirt must be removed. In order for the tile to adhere better and the glue to adhere well to the surface, it is necessary to prime work area. Laying gypsum tiles should be done only after the mixture has completely dried.

Laying process

Laying gypsum tiles made to resemble bricks begins with diluting the mortar and choosing a layout for the elements. The principle of staggered installation is often used. Pay attention to the back side of the plaster; if its surface is embossed, the glue can be applied with a straight spatula, but if it is smooth, only with a serrated spatula.

How to properly glue decorative tiles with your own hands:

  1. Apply a thin layer of glue to the wall. It should be enough to lay 4-5 elements.
  2. Also apply some mortar to the back of the tile.
  3. Press the plaster against the wall and adjust its position. Use plastic spacers to align the seams.
  4. Each row should be placed offset by half an element.
  5. The mortar that appears in the seams must be immediately removed with a rubber spatula and its remains washed off with a brush dipped in clean water.

There is no need to dilute a lot of solution; if you overexpose it, it will begin to set and it will become impossible to work with it.

If the adhesive is applied correctly, the tiles will hold up well for years.

Decorative processing

Last stage - decorative processing. First of all, you should clean off the adhesive if it appears above the tiles. Be sure to seal the seams between the plaster elements. You can do this yourself in two ways:

  • Glue solution. Allows you to create an imitation of real brickwork. To do this, you need to seal the plaster with masking tape along the joints and use a spatula to fill the seams with mortar. After it dries, you can remove the protective strips.
  • Grout. This is the preferred option. To work with plaster, you will need a pastry bag or a construction syringe. Fill it with diluted mastic and carefully work all the seams. They need to be filled to about half full.

Grouting the joints after laying the tiles is the final stage of work

Additionally, you can coat the gypsum tiles with paint. This is done if white elements were used, and you want to increase their resemblance to brick or stone. It is best to use a spray gun for this purpose.

To protect the tiles from moisture and dirt, they must be treated with a special solution. It will create a water-repellent film and enhance the color intensity of the coating. It must be sprayed evenly over the tiled surface after the grout and paint have completely dried.

After this, you can safely wipe the plaster with a damp cloth and wash it in case of severe contamination.

This processing is easy to do with your own hands and is prerequisite when using gypsum tiles outdoors, for example, to decorate a veranda or balcony.

Now you know how to tile walls with your own hands decorative tiles. In addition to gypsum, other materials can be used; the technology for working with them is not much different from that presented.

Drywall is used to make beautiful decorative panels With textured surface, which are used to line the walls of interior spaces. To attach the finishing material, you will need a special binder - adhesive for gypsum tiles.

The scope of application of gypsum is wide. There are 3 types of it:

  • building;
  • polymeric;
  • sculptural.

The technical characteristics of this powdered binder make it possible to make from it wide range construction and finishing materials that have long been used for cladding the walls of residential and public premises. These include plasterboard tiles. It can be decorated to look like natural stone, which allows you to create spectacular and original interiors.

Advantages and disadvantages

Products made from gypsum have many advantages, including:

  1. light weight;
  2. ease of installation;
  3. strength;
  4. possibility of painting and varnishing;
  5. durability.

But this finishing material also has its drawbacks. The main one is hygroscopicity. For this reason, products, adhesives, and gypsum-based plasters can only be used for interior work and in rooms with normal humidity levels. Another drawback is that it is not strong enough. Such facing material is easily damaged by an accidental impact.

Scope of application

Plasterboard tiles have long been recognized by consumers. It is easy and simple to line walls with it or make it from beautiful panel.

To perform these works you will not need any special skills: all stages of the process are intuitive. What is attractive about this finishing material is its ability to self-decoration using paints and varnishes.

When making tiles yourself, you can give any texture to its surface. Finishing materials made of gypsum are malleable in processing. To create the desired relief, it is enough to remove the layers to the desired depth using a spatula with a narrow metal blade. The cut areas are sanded with sandpaper or an abrasive stone.

Laying tiles under brick is a simple process that anyone can do. Fixation to the walls is carried out using special gypsum-based adhesives. Manufacturers of construction and finishing materials offer a wide range of these compounds, from which you need to choose the most reliable one.

If during repairs the sticker is not properly applied artificial stone on the wall, soon the tiles will begin to fall and break on the floor. Therefore, you need to know the technology of finishing work using gypsum-based materials and choose the right glue for their installation.

How to glue gypsum tiles

One side of the tile is decorative, and the other is smooth. This facing material is glued to the wall with its smooth back side. That's why it's so important quality training surfaces for finishing. If this requirement is ignored, the adhesion to the base will be less strong, which can lead to the collapse of the cladding.

Laying gypsum tiles is possible on any surface:

  • concrete;
  • brick;
  • plastered;
  • from foam or gas block.

Thanks to the property of gypsum to absorb and release moisture in the room, the microclimate is regulated. This property of the tiles must be taken into account and the transfer of water to the walls must be prevented. For this purpose, they are coated 1-2 times with moisture-resistant primers. Only after this can you safely glue gypsum tiles.

Tools and materials

To mark and level the walls, prepare the mixture and apply it, you will need the following tools:

  1. roulette;
  2. marking lace;
  3. bubble level;
  4. thin marker or simple pencil;
  5. fine tooth saw;
  6. roller or paint brush;
  7. spatula;
  8. abrasive material: sandpaper, stone;
  9. wooden die for grouting joints.

Gluing gypsum boards to the wall can be done in two ways:

  • suture;
  • seamless.

Before gluing the tiles, you need to choose a method for laying them. The most commonly chosen pattern is brickwork. But the rows can also be laid out with an offset of 1/2 or 1/3 of the tile. If they want to get original look walls, lay elements in a spiral or diagonal.

Installation on painted surfaces is not permitted, even though the paint may adhere firmly to the wall. Over time, under the weight of the tiles, they will begin to peel off, which will lead to the finishing material falling off, even if high-quality plasterboard adhesive is used.

Marking the wall surface

Gypsum tiles have one peculiarity: the elements often have an irregular geometric shape. Thanks to the decorative surface, this small flaw is invisible after covering the wall. But if you lay gypsum tiles in a seamless manner, you must carefully select each next “brick”.

The marking of the wall is carried out after its preparation, which consists of several stages:

  1. checking for strength and, if necessary, sealing cracks and cracks;
  2. alignment;
  3. priming.

It is important to correctly determine the location of the first row. This is easiest to do with laser level. If such a tool is not available, use a marking cord and a bubble level. The tiles under the brick are laid from bottom to top. The thickness of the seams must be calculated so that at least ½ the width of the element remains in the upper part of the wall. In order to correctly maintain all the lines of a row, it is recommended to make markings on the wall indicating the beginning of each.

Laying and what kind of glue is needed

To lay decorative stone you need gypsum glue. Manufacturers offer mixtures with different properties. The main selection criterion is the speed of solidification. A novice master needs to choose the right suitable composition. If you do not have the skill to perform finishing work, it is advisable to prepare a small amount of the mixture. Therefore, it is recommended to buy gypsum-based glue, which hardens quickly, but prepare it in small quantities.

High-quality mixtures contain additives that increase their adhesive properties. Unscrupulous manufacturers introduce a large amount of quartz sand into the composition, which reduces the adhesion to surfaces. You can detect such adhesives by reading the instructions for use.

If to prepare glue it is necessary to mix more than 300 ml of water per 1 kg of dry powder, then the product contains a large amount of quartz sand. After laying the tiles with such adhesive, they may peel off. The quality of the mixture is also indicated by its setting period. Optimal time plasticity - from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Laying occurs as follows:

  • the glue is applied in a thin layer (2-3 mm) on the flat side of the “brick”;
  • The tile is pressed tightly against the wall and, if necessary, its location is adjusted.

The adhesive used to glue the tiles will protrude beyond its boundaries. Its remains are removed with the tip of a spatula.

Cutting off the unnecessary

Installation of gypsum tiles is impossible without trimming them. There is no difficulty in this, since this finishing material is easy to saw with a hacksaw. If you don’t have it on hand, you can trim off the excess with a chisel. A more difficult task is cutting holes for sockets and switches.

Most convenient way is to apply hand router. You can also use drill bits to drill holes in the tiles. To work with them you will need a drill, which must be turned on at low speeds.

Grouting joints

The seams between the tiles are filled with the same substance to which it was glued. When decorating walls with natural stone, there is often a need for colored joints. Therefore, color is added to the grout mixture and the required shade is achieved.

The gaps between the tiles can be filled using a spatula, but this method is less convenient. This may cause contamination of the decorative surface. Therefore, in most cases, the joints between the tiles are filled using a syringe through which the mixture is squeezed out. You can also use a plastic bag, the corner of which is cut off with scissors.


For self-made First of all, you will need forms. The mixture will be poured into them, which, after hardening, will become a full-fledged element of the decoration of the room.

In order to make plaster tiles with wood imitation, you will need a wooden die processed by brushing. Soft fibers are burned out in such wood, causing the surface to acquire a pronounced relief. After filling the die with silicone, the mold will follow the texture of the wood.

In a similar way, tiles with imitation underlay are made. wild stone. In this case, fill in any stone you like. To produce slabs in large quantities, several molds will be required. To attach self-made finishing material, use the same glue for gypsum boards as when laying store-bought products. The criteria for choosing a mixture are the same:

  1. sufficient period of mobility;
  2. minimum amount of quartz sand;
  3. presence of modifying additives.

It’s easy to make gypsum tiles with your own hands. All necessary funds for installing gypsum tiles are inexpensive and almost every owner has them. The main thing in this process is to make beautiful shapes for pouring the mixture. If the installation technology requirements are met, the wall finishing will be of high quality and durable.

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