The main attribute of any bedroom is a place to sleep. In most cases, people sleep on beds, less often on sofas, etc. It is much more comfortable and pleasant to sleep on beds, so I want to devote a little more time to its arrangement.

Before starting work on making a soft headboard for a bed, you need to: make a drawing future design, purchase upholstery material, prepare tools.

Appearance and decoration of the headboard

Appearance sleeping place depends entirely on the preferences of the owner of the bed. Most often, beds are purchased ready-made in a store or made to order. But another popular way is the decorating process, where the headboard is decorated and created with your own hands. This method allows you to become the owner of a unique bed that only you have. And the unusual and unique appearance of the headboard will only be advantageous.

There are many known in various ways for decorating the head of the bed. The manufacturing process largely depends on the designer’s imagination and the flight of his ideas. There are cases when the most unexpected materials were used, and there were no restrictions on them - be it metal sheet or an old tree. In good hands, any of them will look their best.

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Materials and tools

Foam rubber for soft headboard cut out in accordance with the plywood profile.

The process of making a backrest is a very difficult task. But if you start work wisely and do it conscientiously, you can achieve very good results. Of course, it will be better if the operations are performed knowledgeable person. But it's never too late to start gaining new experience.

It is important to take care of everything you need before starting work.

So, you will need the following materials:

  1. The headboard is made of plywood with a thickness of approximately 8-12 mm.
  2. Foam rubber (sheet 50 mm thick or more).
  3. Decorative or technical fabric, of appropriate size to cover the entire area of ​​the head of the bed (taking into account allowances for seams and hems).
  4. Decorative elements for decorating the back in the future.

The job won't work without the right tools:

  • electric drill;
  • jigsaw;
  • set of drills;
  • furniture stapler;
  • replacement set of staples for stapler;
  • construction knife;
  • scissors;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • sewing kit to decorate the headboard.

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Creation technology

The plywood sheet is cut around the perimeter, giving it a rectangular or curly shape using a stencil.

All work consists of main stages, the sequence of which must be followed in order to obtain a high-quality result.

Stage 1. Preparatory stage, on which the bed frame is prepared. You will have to seek help from specialists who will help make the frame of the future bed using special machines. These steps cannot be performed at home. But the prepared parts can be easily assembled at home, since the design is quite simple so that you can handle it yourself using a standard set of tools.

Stage 2. The design development of the entire bed and the headboard as a separate part is carried out. This stage requires very careful exploration of the various options. It is necessary to choose the optimal one, taking into account the general situation in the apartment, the style of the room and other points. A soft backrest can be attributed to the classic style of the room, but this option will not be suitable if the room is decorated in an avant-garde or high-tech style.

Stage 3. This involves making a soft headboard directly with your own hands. The main starting point is the dimensions of the bed frame. It is very important that the width of the bed matches the dimensions of the headboard. The main part of the headboard will be a sheet of plywood. The sheet is cut around the perimeter, giving the parts a rectangular shape, one of which is equal to the width of the bed, the other is equal to the height of the headboard.

Drill 4 holes for fasteners, two on each side.

Stage 4. The process of drilling holes for fasteners is carried out, which are placed in the lower part of the backrest in order to further ensure installation of the structure. Most often, 4 holes are made, placing two on each side to ensure reliable rigidity.

Stage 5. The process of giving the final shape of the back by cutting. Templates and various patterns will help you make a headboard; it won’t hurt to use a pre-created project. You need to draw an outline on the headboard and cut along it with a jigsaw.

After cutting, the surface must be sanded with sandpaper until it is completely smooth.

Stage 6. Indicates the initial stage at which the headboard will be upholstered. Decoration is done in two ways. One method involves creating a completely soft headboard, the other allows you to create a headboard with a retained hard edge. Both are interesting in their own way and have their own distinctive features.

  1. If a hard edge remains on the plywood surface, you need to screw the edging using self-tapping screws. The edging should completely replicate the top profile of the plywood, with a thickness twice as thin as the foam rubber used. The result will be a structure resembling a frame into which the prepared softening material will need to be inserted. This approach is effective if there is a beautiful carved frame. The headboard can be made in the shape of a rectangle.
  2. If the headboard is completely soft, the foam rubber is cut to a size equal to the plywood profile.

Using rubber glue, glue the foam rubber to the plywood.

Stage 7. The prepared piece of foam rubber (depending on the chosen decoration method) is glued to the plywood. It must be strengthened along the edges using a furniture stapler. This type of fixation is very reliable, protects the structure from distortions, and when performing the following actions, the foam rubber will remain in the right place.

Stage 8. On at this stage You can proceed directly to the process of covering the headboard with the decorative fabric chosen for the job. When choosing a fabric, you need to focus not only on its appearance, but also take into account consumer properties, taking into account thickness and wear resistance. The fabric must be fixed from the bottom plane. The work is done very carefully, carefully, maintaining parallelism and aligning the fabric. This procedure is very painstaking and important, because the appearance of the headboard will entirely depend on the thoroughness of the execution. Upholstery of the frame with fabric should be done along the entire perimeter, using natural angles to provide additional fastening of the fabric, as well as cutting through the fabric in those places where it is necessary to ultimately obtain a smooth fabric with medium tension. To ensure that the fabric is firmly attached to the plywood, you need to fold the edge of the fabric to get two layers and only then use the staples.

Decorative elements are attached using various methods, in accordance with the general rules of fastening.

Stage 9. Before proceeding with the decorating process, you need to check the tension of the fabric. Decoration can be done using various methods using all kinds of accessories, these can be furniture nails, buttons wrapped in fabric, various upholstery and other elements that match the style of the created headboard.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that various decorative elements must be fastened using different methods. But regardless of the decorative element used, it is important to observe general principles fastenings

  1. Decorative nails are used for nailing along the edges and along the plane in order to obtain an ornament located on the surface. To make nailing easier, the fabric can be attached in advance with a stapler. The type of ornament is chosen depending on personal preferences, the main thing is that it does not overload the surface and is not an unnecessary decoration for the headboard.
  2. The use of buttons is a very private way of decoration. To work, the buttons are wrapped in the fabric used in the work. To attach buttons to the headboard, you need to make small holes in advance with a drill where the hook can fit through. After the holes are ready, the buttons are wrapped in fabric, a nylon thread is inserted, and with a hook (or a long needle) the thread is threaded through the hole, pulling it out from the other side. To provide more reliable fastening, the procedure is repeated several times. The ends of the threads on the other side are secured with staplers.

From the fabric used in the work, cut out circles twice as large as buttons, and pass along the edge with a thread and a needle.

Stage 10. On final stage work is carried out on the back side of the head of the bed. It must be covered with technical fabric, secured with a furniture stapler. To give the bed a harmonious look, the bed frame should also be upholstered with fabric. When all the parts are ready, the structure is assembled and bolted into pre-prepared holes.

Stage 11. To make the entire structure reliable, the headboard of the bed is attached not only to the bed frame, but also to the wall (in the place where the bed will be located), fastening is carried out using furniture hinges.

At this point the work is ready. The headboard of the bed is soft and original.

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Second installation method

The soft headboard of the bed gives the room coziness and comfort. You can lean on such a back, because it is pleasant and soft to the touch. And if the back also harmoniously fits into the interior of the room, the work was not done in vain.

Another option is offered for consideration, how you can make the headboard of the bed soft with your own hands. So, first you need to prepare the materials needed for work:

  • sheet of plywood or chipboard;
  • padding polyester (or batting), foam rubber;
  • buttons, thread, needle;
  • drill, nails;
  • jigsaw, furniture stapler.

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Manufacturing process

On a sheet of chipboard you need to draw the shape of the headboard.

  1. On a sheet of chipboard (or plywood) you need to draw the shape of the headboard. The height of the headboard is calculated based on the material used. If the headboard is made of thin plywood, it can be installed on the surface of the bed. If heavy material is used, it is best to install the headboard directly on the floor.
  2. To give the headboard a symmetrical look, you need to make a blank on a sheet of paper and simply transfer the outline onto a sheet of plywood.
  3. The workpiece is cut using a jigsaw.
  4. In the case of organizing the relief of a soft back, it is necessary to drill holes in the workpiece. They should be located symmetrically. Their number is calculated taking into account the selected pattern, but you shouldn’t do a lot of them.
  5. Round parts are cut out of the sheathing material for sheathing the prepared buttons. The diameter of the fabric should be twice the size of the button so that it is enough to turn up. The button is placed in the middle of the fabric, wrapped and the edges are sewn with a simple seam and tightened. The result will be dense bags with buttons inside.

Now you need to prepare the foam rubber. Its size must correspond to the plywood blank. The size is outlined with a marker and the foam is cut along the contour with scissors and a knife.

The plywood is covered with foam rubber, the size of which must correspond to the workpiece.

  1. Foam rubber is applied to the prepared plywood the right size. The padding polyester (or batting) is stretched on top. All parts are assembled together, bent at the edges and fixed with a furniture stapler on the other side of the head of the bed.
  2. Next, the headboard must be covered with thick fabric. Upholstery fabric is suitable for work upholstered furniture(tapestry, corduroy and other high-quality fabric).
  3. The edges of the fabric are folded and secured with staples at the bends. Folds and waves should be smooth and symmetrically located in relation to each other. All of them are fixed with a stapler.
  4. Now, using nylon thread and a needle, you need to sew the prepared covered buttons in the places of the holes that were prepared on initial stage work. The thread is inserted through all layers of fabric, batting, foam rubber, passing through the hole. When sewing buttons, it is important to monitor the tension. It should be the same on each sewn button.
  5. At the final stage, fabric is cut out to a size slightly larger than the resulting headboard. The fabric is applied on the other side, folded along the edges in such a way as to hide all the folds of the batting, fabric and foam rubber. The edges are fixed using a furniture stapler at a distance of 1 mm from the edge.
  6. The finished headboard is attached to the wall or bed (depending on the size of the headboard) using special brackets or bolts.

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Pros of finishing

The headboard for the bed can be made of any shape: rectangular, figured or semicircular.

The appearance of a bed with a soft headboard creates a feeling of not only beauty, but also wealth. It is not necessary to purchase such a bed ready-made in a store. You can easily do it yourself. Of course, this work is not easy, but if you follow the entire sequence of actions, it can be done in a very short period of time.

There are many different designs available to create a comfortable upholstered headboard for your bed. In many ways, it all depends on preferences and imagination. Two ways to create a soft headboard have already been discussed above. Below are two more. One of them is simple, and the second is more complex, it is performed using technology carriage screed.

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Simple option

For work, prepare a sheet of foam rubber, a board of plywood or chipboard and the fabric you like. To connect the parts you will need a construction stapler, which almost everyone has in the house.

The fabric is stretched onto a rectangular sheet of plywood, using a furniture stapler for fastening.

  1. You need to take a piece of rectangular plywood, foam rubber and thick fabric. To make the headboard softer, you can also add padding polyester. But if you use thick soft foam, it will be quite enough.
  2. It won't take much time to work. With active and careful work, 2-3 hours will be enough. And this is with individual work, and working with assistants, you will cope even faster.
  3. Take a sheet of plywood and lay foam rubber on it in two layers.
  4. Using waste regular fabric, cover the back of the headboard using staples.
  5. A good fabric (thick, of the required color) should be covered with a headboard, securing it at the edges.
  6. This completes the work. The bedroom will immediately be transformed thanks to unusual looking and the beauty of the colors of the headboard.

This is a fairly simple method, which is the main one for creating a soft headboard on a bed.

We continue to fill our collection of ideas on the topic of original solutions for the bedroom, namely, unusual decoration of the head of the bed. Some time ago we posted fresh selections from different ways design of this very noticeable element of the bedroom. But from the last collection they decided to split fresh ideas by type of creativity and result.

It’s already out, and this collection is dedicated to volumetric structures - in all their diversity.

What beds are they suitable for? First of all for those modern models, which do not require a factory headboard. But if your bed has one, it is likely that you will have a desire to update it or replace it with a new, unusual one. So by “structures” we mean a rigid element that is attached to the wall or to the bed itself, as well as the design of the wall around the headboard (shelves and niches).

We divided all the collected ideas into 6 parts, focusing on the style of the result. However, in each of them you will find absolutely different options, Although common features are still available (shape, material or type of decoration).

So, in this issue for creative people and their very skillful hands 6 fresh themes for decorating headboards:

  • romance of a French princess;
  • inspiration from the East;
  • strict classic options;
  • natural wood + country;
  • fantasy solutions;
  • discreet lines of modern urban style.

Let creativity bring you pleasure, and the result exceed your expectations!


headboard idea No. 1: a la French princess

The main decoration of this type of headboard is monograms and floral motifs. They may come in the form of a structure (such as cut from plywood) or the result of your painting (or decoupage) on the wood surface of an existing headboard.

If you already have a wrought-iron headboard in french style, - try to approach it creatively, for example, decorate it with a romantic garland.


headboard idea No. 2: The East is a delicate matter

When we think about the East, we most often mean either Arab countries or the Far East. In all these cultures, such an original piece of furniture as a screen was known. It can become the basis for a new headboard. But more about this a little later, and first about Japan.

Light latticework, shelves associated with pagodas, bamboo - all this will add a light touch to the bedroom fashionable style interior The first row of pictures in section 2 is precisely on this topic.

Now let's get back to the screen. bedroom oriental beauty impossible to imagine without a screen, European aristocrats of the 18th century instantly appreciated the grace and intimacy of this compact object. You can see many options in more detail in our galleries on the theme of the screen (,), and here we offer you to see how this accessory becomes a plot for inspiration.

For example, take as a basis the very essence of the screen (partial insulation) and make a “lattice” for the head of the bed. The opposite option is to get a real oriental thing and attach it to the wall. A compromise solution is to create a simple analogue of a screen from scrap materials, fastening the frame parts with furniture hinges.


headboard idea No. 3: the rigor of refined classics

If we abstract from Rococo and Baroque, many will remember that classicism presupposes a certain severity and restraint of lines. In this section we have collected several options for those who like it.

Rigid structures of symmetrical shape - made of plywood and metal, as well as frames made of moldings on the bedside wall, evoking associations with ancient paintings.

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headboard idea #4: eco-friendly country

These stories will likely appeal to fans environmentally friendly materials and simple but charming solutions. Wooden boards, old door leaves or thin trellises imitating a fence - in a word, “life surrounded by nature and strong things a la a rural craftsman.”


headboard idea No. 5: fantasy without boundaries

And here are collected options that can safely be considered isolated. Some of these designs for a headboard can be created instantly, for example, as in photo-2 (from a set of small IKEA mirrors) or in photo-5 (a regular straight headboard made of MDF covered with a patchwork of colorful wallpaper, matching each other in tone.

Other ideas will require more time spent selecting materials, but the result will truly look unique.

The headboard of the bed is business card bedroom, because this attribute always attracts attention. From this article you will learn how to make a headboard with your own hands so that it blends harmoniously with the overall interior of the room.

Ideas and options

First of all, you should decide which option is right for your bedroom. If you like to read books before bed, pay attention to the soft headboard. Similar option ideal for this purpose because it is comfortable to lean on. You should also consider sloping headboard ideas, which many people love.

If your room is decorated in a Country style and there is an emphasis on environmental friendliness, you can resort to a high wood headboard above the bed. For fans French provinces A headboard in the Provence style is suitable.

Young families can make a beautiful headboard from scrap materials. In most cases, this option is the most acceptable, because the newlyweds do not have enough free finances for other ideas (decors with panels, photographs, pillows are suitable).

For this reason, when choosing an idea for a headboard, you should rely on your capabilities, imagination and abilities.

Popular headboard ideas include:

  • decorative panels. They can be made of wood, gypsum, textiles, and plastic. You can also choose soft panels, which are offered by many hardware stores. A wall decorated with panels of several types looks good. Come up with a fancy pattern or puzzle, surprising your guests with your originality;
  • suitable for rooms decorated in Provence and Country style old barn board or carved wooden shutters. You can resort to using it at the head of doors;
  • pillows hanging over the bed will help fill the headboard space. You can use multi-colored or plain elements;
  • quilted headboard always present in hotels high quality. If you want to fill your bedroom with elements of luxury, pay attention to this option. Such a headboard is easy to make with your own hands, spending very little money on its creation.


You can design the headboard yourself using various materials. There are many ideas for decorating it with wood. You can use smooth painted boards or knotty ones with minor processing. The main role is assigned to the harmonious combination with the overall interior of the room.

If you are decorating a room in the Baroque style, a headboard in the form of a fence will not suit you, and every person should understand this. Even if your bedroom has a simple interior, which includes a classic set from a furniture showroom, the picket fence described above will also be inappropriate.

Such accents must be supported by furniture, lamps, accessories and other interior elements so that harmony is present. If you want to make a simple wooden headboard, for example, from plywood, this option does not require special support.

Metal headboards are considered the old-timers of the bed kingdom. They are actively used in various interiors because such the material is suitable for a romantic bedroom, as well as for a strict Scandinavian setting.

Mosaic and stone can be used as an alternative material for the headboard. From them you will make interesting patterns with elements sea ​​pebbles, tiles and even glass pieces.

Textiles, like wood, are often used to decorate beds. The material can bring a cozy atmosphere to the room. A wide selection of materials allows you to realize even your wildest fantasies. For example, heavy velvet will be relevant for Rococo or Baroque, and golden satin will be suitable for an Empire room.

The leather headboard is stylish option. Some people prefer the eco-leather option because it is more budget-friendly. Based on the embossing and coloring of the material, such headboards will harmoniously fit into any interior.

A laminate headboard looks good on the wall. Many people decide to decorate the space above the bed using this material. The headboard is original and stylish.

Subtleties of reupholstery

Many people decide to reupholster their headboard to give it a more attractive appearance. The most popular type is the carriage tie, which has been known since the 18th century. Previously, such trim was featured on carriages, hence the name. Today, this method is used in the design of furniture, as well as other decorative elements. The second name for the upholstery is capitonne.

To make the result of your work look impressive, you need to cover the headboard with expensive and rich material that will look good with a large number folds Such materials include velor and suede. Many people decide to cover their headboard with leather.

You can decorate the screed pattern using squares or diamonds. Buttons are used as rivets, which are covered with similar material. If your headboard will feature beads or crystals, choose elements with a similar color or contrast.

To carry out the reupholstery, you should prepare the following set of tools:

  • furniture board or plywood, which will be used as a base;
  • high quality fabric. You should purchase material with a margin of 30 cm more than the length and width of the plywood;
  • foam rubber, the thickness of which is 5 cm. It should also be adjusted to the parameters of the selected plywood;
  • padding polyester;
  • buttons covered with fabric. They must have an ear;

  • drill;
  • knife;
  • crochet hook;
  • glue;
  • laces. You can use rope or twine. Select the thickness taking into account the diameter of the button eye;
  • stapler for furniture;
  • wall fastenings and screws.

Subtleties of constriction:

  • For such activities, you should choose a plywood sheet in the shape of a rectangle. If you wish, you can cut out the original shape that you like best;
  • cutting of foam rubber is carried out based on the dimensions of the plywood itself. You will need to mark the material, indicating the area where the buttons will be attached. Most often, buttons are placed in a checkerboard pattern. Using a sharp knife, make button holes in the foam sheet;
  • It is very convenient to make holes using a metal tube heated over a fire. You need to heat the pipe to gas burner and quickly make holes. In one approach you can get about 2-3 holes. Do not forget to place a piece of board under the material so as not to damage the floor surface;
  • Now you can put the material on the plywood and use a pencil to mark the places for the holes and make them with a drill. Use an 8mm wood drill bit;

  • the next step will be to glue the foam rubber to the plywood, taking into account that the holes for the buttons in both sheets are identical;
  • On top you need to place one layer of padding polyester. Don't forget to leave a 5cm seam allowance for each side. The fabric is placed on the padding polyester, the supply of which is 10 cm on each side. Once you complete these steps, you can turn the future headboard over and secure the fabric to the plywood using a stapler;
  • At this stage you can start preparing the buttons. You can reupholster them with textiles personally or give them to the craftsmen. Thread a string through the eye of each button. Use laces that are at least 15 cm long and tie them in a knot. You will need a crochet hook to thread the lace through the plywood;

  • feel the hook on the fabric side. Use a ruler to measure the distance to a nearby button and make a small hole. You can use nail scissors for this purpose. Using a hook, pick up a button with a lace and thread them through the hole;
  • the lace must be taut and properly attached with staples to the back;
  • last step consists of fastening and mounting the head of the bed to the wall. For this purpose you will need self-tapping screws.

If you are familiar with the basic intricacies of upholstering a headboard, the upholstery you make will be able to compete with the purchased version. Do-it-yourself reupholstery allows you to use your imagination and also create an exclusive option.

Master classes for beginners

Many people prefer to make their own headboard instead of buying a ready-made one. Arranging the space above the bed yourself will cost less than choosing from ready-made options. It is worth noting that your personal idea will be unique, which also has its weight when creating the interior of a bedroom.

Making a headboard is not a complicated procedure. There are ways that allow you to decorate your bed quickly and without unnecessary hassle.

To work you will need to prepare:

  • plywood sheet, the thickness of which is identical to the width of the sleeping bed. You can choose the height as you wish;
  • thick fabric. Buy textiles with a reserve. For these purposes, use padding polyester or batting. You will need 3-4 layers of material of identical size to the plywood sheet. Allow a margin of 10 cm on each edge;
  • universal glue, nails, stapler for furniture.

Step by step guide for making a bed head:

  • You will need to cut a rectangle or any shape from plywood;
  • padding polyester or batting is laid out in layers. You will need to glue each layer separately, securing the first piece to a sheet of plywood;
  • now you should wrap the seam allowance at the back of the future headboard and secure it with a stapler;
  • Now you can turn the workpiece face up. Treat the material with glue and carefully roll the fabric over the surface of the padding polyester. Avoid the appearance of folds and wrinkles - the surface should be smooth;

  • when the fabric is dry, wrap it on the back of the workpiece, stretch it and attach it to the plywood sheet with a stapler;
  • the pattern will be created using nails. You can choose any pattern. Among the most simple options refers to a frame that is located along all edges. To create it, you will need to nail the nails evenly and deeply, maintaining the same distance between them. This rule is present in any pattern;
  • to create a straight line, you will need to place two points at opposite ends of one side. Follow the rule that the dots are placed at the same distance from the edge;
  • Now you can drive nails into the points and stretch the thread between them. Use a pencil to place dots along the thread. Remember that the distance between the points must be the same;
  • V specified places you can hammer in nails that will help create a design in the future;
  • Now you can attach the headboard to the wall.

How to attach it yourself?

You can attach the headboard in several ways:

  • to the wall, which is located above the bed. You will need to screw two hinges with self-tapping screws to the back of the headboard. The element is hung on bolts;
  • to the frame. This method involves drilling a pair of holes on the sides of the outer part of the bed frame. The headboard will be screwed through these holes using screws;
  • You can also make the headboard as a free-standing structure. You can purchase ready-made wooden legs or build them yourself. The legs are screwed to the headboard, and the structure itself is installed between the bed and the wall.

The headboard of the bed is an integral part of bedroom furniture. It not only makes the furniture comfortable, but also plays an important role in the interior of the bedroom.

You can always rely on this detail. After all, we all love to watch TV with a cup of tea before going to bed. It is much more comfortable to do this while sitting.

To do this, you need a support, which is the headboard.

It also protects the wall and wallpaper from rubbing, which will preserve the freshness and beauty of the finish.

You can make a headboard with your own hands for:

  • soft;
  • figured;
  • in the technique of carriage screed;
  • from shreds;
  • from pillows and so on.

Upholstered headboard for bed

Let us present to you the simplest option that any man can do. Even those who do not have construction skills.

In order to make a soft headboard in a rectangular shape you need:

  • a rectangular piece of plywood (can be replaced with any shape, so the head of the bed will have a different shape);
  • thick fabric;
  • foam;
  • padding polyester;
  • construction stapler.

You will spend a maximum of 3 hours on such beauty, and if you do it more than one, then even less.

How to make a soft headboard for a bed

We take a plywood sheet, preferably thicker, and put two layers of foam rubber on it.

We take an unnecessary piece of fabric, put it on plywood and foam rubber so that it extends beyond their edges by about 15-20 centimeters, and fasten it with a stapler.

On top of the fabric we staple a beautiful flap that matches your home interior.

As you can see, the method is quite simple and fast, so in a few hours you will transform your bedroom.

DIY figured headboard

This headboard will also be soft, but will have a special relief that will add chic and richness.

For it we will need:

  • plywood sheet;
  • chalk or soap;
  • foam;
  • stapler;
  • unnecessary material;
  • upholstery fabric;
  • furniture nails.

It is better to choose a universal construction adhesive that can easily glue fabric and foam rubber.

We need chalk or soap to mark the fabric in order to cut out an even piece.

How to make a curved headboard

You need to start with a sketch from which you will make your drawing and markings. It can be of any shape. Usually a light relief is made.

If you have the necessary skills, you can cut out flowers and other patterns, but this is a rather difficult task.

We cut out our drawn blank from plywood, foam rubber and fabric. It’s worth first trying on a paper blank so that it fits into a common room or another room.

We do the same steps with the fabric.

Raise the head of the bed horizontally and start pulling the fabric from the back using staples.

Make cuts in the fabric so that it can perfectly match the relief of the plywood headboard.

Decorate the upholstery with furniture nails, securing them 1 centimeter from the edge of the head of the bed.

To make the second line of decorative decoration with carnations, mark with chalk, stepping back about 10 centimeters from the first line.

Nail the nails along the marked line.

Cover the back side with an unnecessary piece of fabric, securing it with a stapler.

Attach the headboard to the bed or wall. You can also simply place it on the floor near the edge of the bed, leaning against the wall.

Quilted headboard using carriage screed technique

Such a headboard will be soft and can be found quite often in many stores. This is considered modern and interesting design beds.

We need all the same materials:

  • plywood;
  • foam;
  • stapler with staples;
  • air gun;
  • padding polyester;
  • textile;
  • cord;
  • large buttons with a fabric surface.

We take plywood and coat it with glue. Then we glue foam rubber to it, the thickness of which should be at least 5 centimeters.

We put large leaf paper and draw button holes on it. It is advisable to make them evenly around the entire perimeter.

Cut holes in paper or cardboard.

We apply the sheet to the foam rubber and use a felt-tip pen to outline the holes.

To transfer the holes to the foam rubber, you need to use a drill with an attachment.

You can glue padding polyester onto the foam rubber by making exactly the same holes as we did on the foam rubber.

If desired, you can do without padding polyester. It just makes the headboard softer.

We stretch the upholstery material and use a drill to make holes to the very end, since we will pull the cords on the buttons through the entire layer.

We pull the cord through the buttons and thread them through the hole. For convenience, you can use some kind of hook.

Tighten the cords well so that the buttons fit snugly against the upholstery of the head of the bed. We secure the ropes with a stapler.

Upholstered bed headboard made of rags

If you don't want to spend money on a large piece of upholstery material, you can replace it with various scraps.

This could be old jeans, dresses or any other clothing. Thus, this method It will turn out to be very profitable and economical.

We need:

  • 2 sheets of plywood;
  • saw;
  • scissors;
  • filler for the headboard (foam rubber or synthetic winterizer);
  • scraps of fabric;
  • glue and adhesive tape;
  • stapler;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws

How to make a soft headboard from scraps

We draw a sheet of plywood into squares or rectangles. Next, take a saw or hacksaw and start cutting out these shapes.

We cut the foam rubber or padding polyester into the same shapes, but cut out a piece of fabric a few centimeters larger.

We glue each layer: plywood - foam rubber - fabric. The fabric should be stretched quite tightly so that wrinkles do not form. This can be done in the same way.

Secure the fabric again with a stapler to be secure.

Thus, we make all the shapes, creating elements of a soft headboard for a bed from scraps.

We lay out all the squares on the floor with their front sides, forming the future headboard. We glue them together with adhesive tape.

We take the second plywood and put it on our squares. Using a screwdriver and self-tapping screws, we attach each pad to a plywood sheet.

Select the length of the screw in advance so that it does not go right through and damage the head of the bed.

Everything is ready! You can attach it to the bed or wall, or just prop it nearby.

DIY headboard for a bed made from pillows

For this we will need many small pillows. It depends on their number, size and the desired size of the headboard.

We take pillows, which can be of different colors or plain ones, and sew them to one another at the corners.

You can attach the pillows to the wall using glue or nails. Glue in in this case will the best solution, as the nail may eventually rip through the cushion.

This will damage your headboard and may cause injury. Another great way attach the pillows to the curtain rod.

It can also work as a headboard for a bed. It's just as easy to make and looks gorgeous.

Also great idea may become decorative fence. This option will not appeal to everyone, but rather to those who like to hang things on the head of the bed.

If you are not afraid of rigidity, then build a headboard from regular boards. Paint it or write your names, drawings, etc.

If you can draw beautifully, then you are lucky. You can create a fairy tale in your room.

Draw a fantastic headboard on the wall, wallpaper or graphite board. An unimaginable impression will be created.

Takes the most place of honor in the rest room, and headboard beds serves as its main decoration, which is the first thing people pay attention to. But does it always look exactly the way you would like? If you are disappointed with the choice they provide furniture stores, we suggest you figure out how make a headboard beds with your own hands. This guarantees absolute exclusivity and compliance with your dreams. Moreover, beds with ready-made headboards cost an order of magnitude higher than without them.

1. Which style should you choose for your headboard?

This is the very first thing you should start with design future headboard. In no case should it contradict the style of the bed itself. Let's consider the most popular styles:

  • . This style is preferred by people who want to emphasize their wealth. It includes a lot of gilding, expensive luxurious fabric, and artistic forging. The main atmosphere that this style creates is luxury, wealth, chic and pomp. A soft headboard made of velvet, brocade or other beautiful fabric with gold buttons will fit perfectly into such an interior. Or mirror headboard in a wide beautiful carved frame, painted with gold paint, or a canopy headboard made of heavy, light-proof fabric with gold garters with tassels at the ends. In general, everything that looks expensive, but is not a rectangular wooden headboard.
  • . Very easy and pleasant style originally from France. This beautiful combination classic style with rustic elements. Country houses are often decorated in this style. Characteristic Features are usage warm pastel shades, preference natural materials with their natural texture, specially aged elements wooden furniture and cute floral patterns. Wooden headboards with antique elements or panel headboards made of light light fabrics with an unobtrusive floral pattern are perfect for this style.
  • Vintage. Home feature this styles are well visible and clearly defined antique elements, and not just old things, but those that really belong to past eras, precisely from the materials that were used in those times. Collecting decorative elements for this style is sometimes difficult. Color range neutral and includes “faded” shades. For material headboards wood in its natural form, an old mirror, or a soft headboard made of light linen fabric or specially aged velvet are suitable.
  • Art Deco. This style is very easy to recognize because predominance in it lines, stripes, broken curved lines and trapezoidal objects. It is characterized by natural rough surfaces, mirrors, . For an art deco style bedroom it is preferable to use large mirror, because this style implies many space and light. It can also be used as a headboard. The colors of this style can be colorful, but always muted. Preferred shades brown, white or metallic. The color of the furniture should contrast with the color of the walls, and one of its elements must be of a non-standard shape. In addition to the mirror, a soft rectangular or trapezoidal fabric is well suited as a headboard.
  • . This style is loved by many due to its spaciousness. Integral element this style - the presence of rough, often white. ABOUT main flowers are white, gray, shades of brown. Materials Characteristics of this style are wood, glass, and chrome parts. This style combines rough finishing elements that have an unfinished look with modern technology. Furniture simple, concise and extremely practical. Headboard It is better to make the beds made of wood or make them soft, so it will create the effect of incompleteness, especially against the background of a brick wall.
  • Eco style differs in use natural materials with preserving their textures. Color range as close to natural as possible - shades of green, brown, yellow. Such an interior has a positive effect on human health, not only physical, but also mental, having a calming effect. Furniture- from natural wood. The headboard of the bed can be like wooden, and soft, the main thing is to maintain the overall color scheme.

2. Headboard shapes

From the form the headboard itself depends what impression will generally produce a sleeping place. The simplest shapes are rectangular or slightly rounded at the edges. Semicircular shapes are also often used. But why not give the room a more interesting look and make the headboard, for example, in the shape shells or crowns, large flower or rainbows? Children will certainly like such bright headboards and will always cheer them up, even on the coldest and cloudiest day. Even small bends will look more interesting than a regular rectangle. You will need to spend a little more time giving the headboard a custom shape, but the results will be worth it. I think you have already decided on the style in which it is made, if not completely, then in its overwhelming majority, you probably already have an image of a pleasant headboard shape in your head, then it’s time get down to business.

3. Upholstered headboard

This type of headboard is most loved by many designers because it makes the room Very cozy. And if you like to spend a little time reading before bed, then it will be much more pleasant to lean your elbows on a soft, pleasant-to-the-touch headboard made by yourself. For making you will need a few materials, but enough patience and free time.

You will need base, upholstery fabric and buttons with a loop of your choice for the front part and the most ordinary buttons with four holes for fastening on the back side, packaging foam rubber, glue, a furniture stapler, and strong threads with a needle. Base it must be strong and not necessarily beautiful - it will not be visible. Its length can be exactly equal to the width of the bed, or it can go beyond it, it depends on your preferences. You also choose the height based on your desires. Some people like to fill the entire wall behind the bed with a solid low headboard. It looks very cozy and unusual.

You can use what you have in your home as a base. For example, old door, the wall of an old cabinet, a piece of chipboard, several small doors, just wooden boards, in general, everything that would be a shame to throw away, but would be just right here.

Filler We will use packaging foam. Why not furniture? Because it's cheaper. To achieve the required thickness, you can lay it in several layers. The piece of fabric should be 20-30 cm larger than the base along its entire perimeter. Place the base on the floor, apply glue, apply foam rubber and trim off all excess around the edges. You can attach the foam rubber using a stapler, as you wish.

We will make a very fashionable soft headboard that imitates carriage upholstery . To do this, you need to make holes in the foam rubber and the base for future buttons. To do this you need to make markings.
If you want to end up getting squares, then place the holes one below the other if diamonds, then in a checkerboard pattern. At equal distances, mark on the foam rubber the points where the future buttons will be located. Using a sharp knife, make holes at the markings in the foam rubber, then using a drill, drill small holes in the very base.
3-4 mm is enough for a needle with a strong thread to pass through easily. Before you start drilling, place something under the base to avoid making holes in the floor. Now we take the fabric, a stapler, and begin to fit the headboard. Here you can need an assistant to hold the base and hold the fabric while attaching. Fasten the edges well, do not spare the staples, but do not pull too tightly, otherwise it will be difficult to tighten the fabric with buttons and the headboard will not be as voluminous as we need. Now we take an ugly button for fastening on the back side, thread a needle and thread into it and firmly fix it, to do this you can sew it into all the holes, as if you were sewing it, so it will not slip off when tightened. We pass the needle with a button on the end of the thread from the back side and carefully feel its end on the front part. The needle should come out through the hole in the foam. Next, we thread the needle through the loop of a beautiful button, make one turn of the thread around the button and thread it through the loop again, after which we pull the thread well. The button at the back will help hold the thread, and the front button will press the fabric, creating beautiful folds. If the folds appear too shallow when tightening the thread, arrange the fabric as you like. Now cut off the needle, wrap the remaining thread around the button and tie it several times, hide the rest under the hat.

You need to start working from the first hole in the upper corner. Why us use two buttons? Because after some time, the tension will weaken a little and the pattern will become less pronounced. So as not to had to redo all over again, it will be enough to pull the back button, resuming the tension, and secure it a little lower by a piece of the freed thread with a stapler. The back of the headboard can be slightly transform, covered with any fabric or thin plywood. When the headboard is ready, you need to hang it. To do this, you can use special hinges that are attached to screwed into the wall. You can make the headboard an attached one; to do this, at the first stage, you need to attach the legs of the desired height to the base, and then simply lean it against the wall.

Important point– when you tighten the fabric on the base, form small folds with your hands on top of each hole in the first row, otherwise they may not work out, which will slightly spoil the look of the entire product.

4. Wooden headboard

Tree- This universal material that suits any style. It is very easy and pleasant to work with, and it always looks appropriate and natural. Let's make a wooden one antique effect headboard. For this you can use anything - just wooden boards, maybe you have saw cuts of various sizes, maybe an old wooden door or unnecessary ones. We will do burnt wood, you can also paint it, you can simply open it with varnish, you can paint it and then partially sand it with coarse sandpaper, you can draw a pattern or an unobtrusive design, or use a stencil... We let's tell you the theory, and you improve it to suit your version.
Let's take three boards from in good condition. Knots, small cracks or chips are not a hindrance, it’s even more textured, the main thing is that they are even and can fit snugly against the wall. First, let's tidy up the appearance of each board separately. We will need gas burner . With its help, it is necessary to burn the surface of the wood, which will lead to its darkening. You can do it completely, or just the edges, as you like. It should look something like this:

After aging open it boards transparent varnish. Attentively read the composition varnish Not all are suitable for internal use, as they contain resins that emit harmful substances. It is better to give preference to varnish on water based , it takes longer to dry, but is completely safe. Open the boards on all sides in two layers, this will extend the life of your headboard. If you decide to decorate the wood with a pattern, then apply varnish before opening it and make sure that it does not smudge. When boards dried up needs to be fastened them among themselves. For this you can use wooden planks or metal profile. Using small ones, nail the boards to the planks or profile from the back side.
Select nails so long that their points do not go right through and come out on the front side. A wooden headboard will have a fair amount of weight, so regular screws may not hold it. Better suited for this anchor bolts. Before mounting, draw a straight horizontal line on the wall so that the headboard hangs perfectly straight.

5. Hanging headboard

Very unusual solution which you can easily implement. Idea is in fastening various elements to the frame located above the bed. As a frame, you can use a piece of chrome pipe or a wooden plank, or you can even pen from an old wooden mops, the main thing is that its length is enough to cover the entire width of the bed. As hanging elements you can use anything, for example, small pillows in beautiful pillowcases or one pancake pillow. For such a headboard nice to lean on. And the pillowcases are easy to remove or wash. These could be small wooden circles with pictures painted on them, metal disks with various emblems, or your collection of favorite items. More comfortable total the pillows look on beautiful strings. To make a headboard like this we will need: pipe, chrome-plated or blown powder paint, end caps in the color of the pipe 2 pieces, wall mount 2 pieces, pillowcases and small pillows.
To reduce the cost of the process Instead of buying ready-made pillowcases and pillows, you can buy pieces of fabric and sew everything yourself. You can also make your own pillows. To do this you need to buy a white one bed fabric and filler. In any sewing store, padding polyester or holofiber is sold by weight.

Let's imagine that we decided sew by yourself. It is necessary to make a pattern for the future pillow with a margin of a couple of centimeters on each side for the seam. Fold a piece of white fabric in half, attach the pattern, trace the contours and cut it out. Before you start scribbling, baste the workpiece, this will protect you from uneven edges and distortions during sewing. Leave one edge not sewn to the end by approximately 10 cm. Turn the finished pocket inside out and stuff it with filling through the hole left. Choose the desired volume yourself. At the end, you need to sew the pillow up to the end using a linen seam or by hand. Our pillow is ready.

Now let's sew pillowcases from selected fabric. The principle is the same, only on one side you need to add loops or ties to which the pillows will be attached to the pipe. To do this, sew not very wide strips of fabric from the inside out, folding them in half. Turn out the resulting tubes and iron them, giving them a rectangular shape.
Do pillowcase pattern, using the existing pattern for the pillow, adding another 2-3 cm around the perimeter. When you sew the pillowcase, don’t forget to insert our ribbons folded in half at one end, these will be the future loops. For convenience further use, You can sew a hidden zipper into the edge opposite the loops. This will make it easy to remove the pillows. Choose the number of pillows, their size and colors according to your own imagination. Ready pillowcases can be decorated embroidery or buttons, rhinestones, sequins or various stripes.

When all the sewing work is done, do on the wall markings, which you will be guided by when attaching the pipe. Screw one mount to the wall, thread a pipe through it, and close the edge with a plug. After this, put the cushions on the pipe and only after that screw on the second fastener and insert the edge of the pipe there. This only applies to pillows with loops. You can tie pillows with ties at any time. Enjoy the look of the work done.

6. Headboard – mosaic

This colorful headboard will give your bedroom freshness and enliven the entire interior. Two main questions questions that arise in your mind now are what to make it from and what to attach it to. We suggest using a wooden frame and plywood sheets as a base, and using tiles, which you probably still have after the renovation.

At first we will make the base. This will require flat boards. Our frame will have three windows for subsequent placement of plywood with mosaics laid on it. If you don’t have any suitable boards, buy already sawn boards at a hardware store. You will also need window beads or thin corners. You need two long boards, this is our top and bottom, and four cross boards. Calculate the width and height of the future headboard yourself. Boards and glazing beads you can simply open colorless varnish, you can cover it with stain of the required color, you can paint it.

Lay your boards on the floor, measuring the same distance between the transverse partitions. Mark with a marker where you need to do. Nail the frame together with long nails, pre-drilling small holes to make the process easier. After the frame is ready, take a measurement the resulting windows will be the dimensions of plywood with mosaics. Saw off the plywood using a hacksaw.

Now let's get started To mosaic. Place it on a cloth and beat it into small pieces with a hammer.
It would be good if there were several types of tiles different colors. Now get started lay out pieces onto the plywood, leaving 5 mm free along the contour. This can be a random arrangement, or a design you come up with in the form of lines, curls or flowers. When the drawing turned out and you are satisfied with the result, carefully take one piece at a time and apply glue to it. You can use this way, you have to glue all the pieces. You must there will be gaps between mosaic elements. They can fill out for tiles. Once everything is dry, gently wipe your artwork with a damp cloth and then a dry cloth.
Now it's time to connect frame and mosaic. This can be done very simply using window beads. On the front side of the headboard, fill a frame of glazing beads around the perimeter of each window so that they protrude 5 mm inside the windows. This will be the support for the plywood. WITH inside Apply a little glue to the glazing beads and attach the plywood with the mosaic. Once you have glued all three pieces, lay the frame face down to let the glue dry. Your headboard is ready. Installation can be done in the same way as with a wooden headboard.

7. Drawing the headboard

Why not? This the cheapest way execution of the headboard. If you do not have the talent of an artist, you should not immediately discard this method. Now you can buy all kinds stencils any size and any pattern. All you need to do is transfer the drawing to the wall. Stencil required fasten securely on the wall so that it does not come off during the process. This can be done using tape. The drawing should be placed evenly on the wall. For the case with a stencil, they are ideal in cylinders. To avoid paint getting in, cover it with a special film.

After filling all parts of the stencil, let the paint dry a little and carefully peel it off the wall. Such unusual way will allow you to show your imagination and individuality to the maximum, both in the choice of colors and in the choice of the design itself. This can be anything from a castle in the air to a simple repeating pattern. In any case, it will be very unusual and original.

8. Headboard - photo frame

You have many family photos, which capture the happiest moments of your life? So why do they need to gather dust in an album, let's we use them in as a headboard your bed. Eat several ways how to frame a photo. You can buy the required quantity of ready-made wooden frames the same or different sizes, and then glue them together and glue them onto a plywood base, or you can make a wooden frame with required quantity windows of any size. Or you can use the old one as a frame, just modifying it a little. Let's let's look at the most difficult one method - with a frame made of boards. There is no need to use thick and massive boards for the entire base. We suggest using larger boards around the perimeter, making one large frame, as for a mosaic headboard, and making the windows from thinner boards. At the first stage you will succeed wooden rectangle.

Now you need to decide on the size of the photo, it is better to choose a larger one, it will be less cluttered and it will be more clear what is shown. Let's assume that we have chosen the format A4. Now you need to turn your rectangle face down and fill it with first transverse and then longitudinal strips in increments equal to the size of the photo. You will succeed windows, in which we will then put photos. To keep them on something, you need to nail a sheet of thin plywood to the last planks.

The frame is ready, we turn it over and use glue to attach our photos in the windows to the plywood. You can leave the headboard open, or you can close unbreakable glass. This way, less dust will accumulate and you won’t ruin the photo. Looking at such a headboard, you will always fall asleep and wake up in a good mood.

9. Headboard - panel

This type of headboard will not only make your bed more cozy and comfortable, but also decorate the wall behind her, besides, it will be on him It's nice to lean on your elbows. We offer do with your own hands soft printed panel from multi-colored fabric. The panel will be a square or rectangle, consisting of small squares covered beautiful fabric, to which we will give a little volume using filler.
manufacturing is very simple, Having mastered it, you will be able to use not only squares, but also rhombuses, triangles, hexagons as elements for panels, and make not just a rectangle, but any shape you like. So, we will need two sheets of plywood of the desired length and height - one for the base, the other for cutting. Scraps of fabric different colors, foam rubber for stuffing, glue, furniture stapler, hacksaw.

So that you oriented V sizes, Let's look at the technology for making panels measuring 160x100 cm. Our squares will have a size of 20x20 cm, so we need 8 squares in length and 5 in width, for a total of 40 pieces. Mark one sheet of plywood and cut it into 20x20 cm squares, now cut the foam rubber into 40 pieces of the same size. Using glue, glue the foam rubber onto the plywood squares. After this, cover each square with a piece of fabric and secure the edges with a stapler. The fabric should be 5 cm larger on each side, that is, our flaps have a size of 30x30 cm.
When all the squares are ready, you need secure them on a second, whole sheet of plywood. To speed up and ease this process, you can use liquid nails. Make sure that lines were even, and the sides of the squares were adjacent to each other without gaps. The finished panel can be attached to the wall using hinges and self-tapping screws. By the way, such soft squares can be inserted into old window frames. Maybe you still have old-style frames that are divided into many small rectangles.

10. Lace headboard

Most gentle and openwork type of headboard, which can only be. It will fit very well into . Do such a headboard will be very Just, especially if you yourself know the technique of artistic knitting, and maybe your grandmother or mother can help you with this. We will need knitted lace or lace fabric, fabric for the base and the base itself. If you want a flatter headboard, then a sheet of chipboard or old shelf from the wardrobe, if you want something more voluminous and soft, then you also need foam rubber.

Let's let's make it soft lace panel. We have a door from an old cabinet with a thickness of 12 mm. Glue 5 cm thick foam rubber onto it and trim off the excess along the edges.
Our lace is white, so it stood out better and was more noticeable, you can use it as a fabric for the base linen fabric dark gray color. Just like when making a soft headboard, you need to cover the base with fabric and secure it around the perimeter with a stapler. Now let's carefully secure our lace on top of this. Next you can finalize headboard By to his taste. You can add some rhinestones or bows. You can not use foam rubber, but make the headboard flat, then it will look more like a panel. In any case, there will be lace look Very original.

11. Headboard - canopy

Such a headboard will create more intimate and cozy atmosphere your sleeping place. To make it you will need fabric, a base for attaching it, hooks for holding and decorative ornaments to taste. The fabric can be completely different, both heavy and dense, and light and transparent. Get your bearings depending on the interior of the room. The length of the fabric also depends on your preference. It can reach the floor, or it can barely reach the bed. You have decided on the fabric, its length and width too.
Let's get started manufacturing grounds. You can attach the base to the ceiling, if not, you can attach it to the wall. We will mount it to the wall. As a base, you can use a small pipe, a decorative hook for hanging flowerpots, or you can knock down a square or triangle from small planks. If the fabric is heavy, then the base must be strong. We chose weightless tulle, so the base will be a wooden square that matches the color of the bed. We knocked small wooden planks together on the sides using small nails. We attached one side of the square to the wall using self-tapping screws.

Now we place the fabric on the base, forming beautiful waves. You need to attach decorative hooks for curtains to the sides of the bed, collect the tulle with the help of beautiful garters and secure it to them. This way, there will be a square above your head that can be decorated with beautiful beads or hanging angel figures, and tulle will fall from it in beautiful waves and end on the sides of the bed. Such a headboard will create Very romantic image in your room.

12. Headboard with shelves

Most practical the kind of headboard that is quite easy to do yourself. As a material you can use old wardrobe or old tabletop. If you don’t find anything suitable in your house, you’ll have to spend a little money and buy sheets of laminated chipboard and a special tape that covers the ends. One sheet should be enough for a medium-sized headboard, since chipboard has quite a large size. The main thing is to do it right make markings and cut the sheet with a minimum amount of waste. They can help you with this in the same place where you will make the purchase; they usually have their own small sawmill and cutters.

After the rectangles are cut for you required sizes, you will need to assemble the entire structure together, having previously covered the ends with a special laminated strip. This is done very simply with with help ordinary iron. Heat the iron to maximum temperature, apply the tape to the end of the sheet, you can cover it with a thin cloth on top, and iron it several times until it sticks, trim off the excess. This way you should finish all the edges except those that will be adjacent to the base of your headboard.
Now it is necessary mark the location of the shelves on the base and the distance for the mounting holes. When the work is done, drill small holes in the marked places, attach the shelf and use a marker to mark a dot on its end through the hole in the base, so you will be sure that the holes will line up exactly when assembling. To attach the shelves, you can use self-tapping screws, which must be screwed into the back of the base.

If you don't want to bother with screws, you can use special glue. This will get the job done much faster, but remember not to put too much pressure on it. They should serve as a location for decorative objects or lamps, but not books or massive figurines.

13. Mirrored headboard

Such a headboard will help to cope with the problem, because everyone knows that mirrors visually expand the space and if you choose mirror panels that will reach the very ceiling, then you will do room visually higher. Moreover, the mirror reflects sun rays and additionally fills the room with light. It is preferable to choose a mirror that covers the entire width of the bed and is not too narrow. Can be used for this old dressing table. Remember, there were those with three doors, with a large middle mirror and slightly smaller side mirrors? To revive an old mirror, you need do for him beautiful frame.
To do this, you need to glue the mirror onto a sheet of plywood and leave 10-15 cm of free space around the perimeter. This is where we will attach the elements of our frame. For these purposes, you can use shells, beautiful multi-colored pebbles, large beads, bows, artificial flowers, and you can lay out a mosaic with the same broken tiles.
Use the jewelry that you like and that will complement general interior your room. To make the work go faster, use a hot glue gun or liquid nails for fastening. Remember that mirror, especially large sizes - this is very heavy object therefore and the fastening must be reliable. Use anchor bolts as in the fastening example wooden headboard. Or fix the bottom of the mirror on a special metal frame, which is attached to the wall, and you just need to hang the top by the hinges on the self-tapping screws. To avoid injury, if you have restless sleep, it is better to purchase unbreakable mirror panels and protect yourself, they will weigh less.

We hope this article will help you create the headboard of your dreams and inspire you to new ideas and endeavors.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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