
Over time, convectors that heat poorly and are unpresentable must be replaced with new radiators that have greater heat output. But often apartment owners do not know what type heating devices choose which pipes are needed to supply coolant, and which shut-off valves to install.

Background information

When you need to replace the heating system in your apartment, you need to collect all the information that can influence your choice. The operating pressure in the central heating system does not exceed 5 kgf/cm². According to the provisions of SNiP, the standard temperature of the coolant cannot be above 95 degrees, even under severe frost conditions. In reality, these standards are rarely met by public utilities.

In practice, when there are many complaints from consumers about the cold in apartments and during the period of dismantling the nozzle located in the heating system, coolant is supplied directly from the main heating main, in which in extreme cold the temperature reaches even 140 degrees Celsius. You should also take into account the possibility of water hammer - from quickly opening the valve on the house when starting heating, the pressure at the front of the water flow can reach 25 atmospheres.

A similar effect also occurs from an incorrectly installed screw valve. When the coolant moves from the valve in the direction of the seat, the valve, which is not completely open or is torn off from the stem, will periodically block the water flow, as a result of which a series of water hammers will occur in the riser.

U heating convectors mounted by welding, the center-to-center distance at the liner differs from standard parameters for radiators (500 mm). Therefore, the eyeliner requires partial replacement. If the heating in an apartment is being altered, it is advisable to make do with a set of tools available to each owner.

Replacing radiators

Before replacing the heating system in the apartment, radiators are purchased; bimetallic batteries are considered the best among them today. Why? The fact is that the basis of devices intended for heating homes are collectors and vertically located channels made of steel grades resistant to corrosion processes, in contact with the coolant (more details: " "). Experts warn: you should not give preference to cheaper bimetallic radiators - they only have steel cores on the vertical channels. Such products are similar in strength to aluminum batteries.

As for bimetallic radiators, their outer shell made of cast aluminum has developed fins. The combination of metals allows the production of heating devices with high degree heat dissipation and superior durability. As an example of use latest technologies In heating systems, one can note the bimetallic radiators Monolith from the Rifar company; their appearance can be seen in the photo. For this series working pressure is 100 atmospheres, the products can withstand a test load of 150 atmospheres. The magnitude of the destruction pressure is 210. Read also: " ".

Other parameters include: Replacing the heating system in an apartment differs from the same work in a private house in that autonomous heat supply you can use not so expensive aluminum batteries (read: ""). The reason is that in this case, all parameters of the heating system are stable and can be fully controlled. Individual heating supply designed so that for water hammer and excess operating temperature there are no reasons.
To calculate the number of sections, a simple calculation is used: to heat every 2 “squares” of area, one section must be installed.

But, if one of the apartment owners wants to have a more accurate result, then use the following data:
  • thermal power per cubic meter of room volume - 40 watts;
  • the presence of a window increases the need for heat consumption by 100 watts, and a door leading to the street by 200 watts;
  • if the room is corner or end, or the apartment is located on the extreme floors, a coefficient of 1.2 - 1.3 is applied;
  • depending on the region where the house is located, the thermal power obtained in the calculations is multiplied by 0.7 - 0.9 (warm climate) or 1.2 - 2.0 (cold climate).
The resulting final value is divided by the thermal power of one section, which is indicated in the manufacturers’ documents.

Example of calculations. It is necessary to find out how many sections with a heat output of 180 watts will need to be installed to heat a room measuring 4x5x2.7 meters, located on the first floor of a house in the Komi Republic (read also: " ").

The calculation procedure is as follows:

  • required thermal power - 4x5x2.7x40 = 2160 watts;
  • the presence of a window adds 100 watts - 2160+100= 2260 watts;
  • location on the first floor - 2260x1.3 = 2938 watts;
  • with a regional coefficient of 1.5 it turns out 2938x1.5=4407;
  • since the heat transfer of a section is 180 watts (4407:180=24.48), 25 sections are needed, which can be divided into several batteries.
Replacing the heating system in an apartment, or more precisely in a separate room taken as an example, in order to increase heating, makes sense only with a diagonal connection, since with a one-sided option, the heat transfer from the outer sections will be much less.

Pipe replacement

New connections to heating radiators must be made of a material that is durable and not subject to corrosive processes. It could be a galvanized pipe, but precise fitting will be required, and installation is labor-intensive.

Corrugated stainless pipegreat solution problems, thanks to which replacing the heating system in an apartment is not so difficult. At the same time, it is not inferior in strength to galvanized products and bends at any angle. Fittings for it have simple design made of nuts and high-temperature silicone seals. Another positive point is that installing corrugated stainless steel requires only a few adjustable or gas wrenches. True, when connecting it to old risers, it is necessary to cut a thread (in more detail: ""). You will need a 3/4 inch die or die.

Unfortunately, the cost of such a pipe is not affordable for all consumers. For example, a meter of 20 mm pipe from the South Korean TM Kofulso costs about 200 rubles. European similar products will cost 2-3 times more.

Replacing shut-off valves

Before changing the heating in the apartment, you need to purchase shut-off valves for each radiator.

You will need:

  • thermostatic head (can be a throttle). With its help, after calibration, you can set the desired air temperature in the room, which will be automatically maintained (read also: " ");
  • shut-off valve. Allows you to completely turn off the heating device.

The following details should not be overlooked:
  • installation of throttling valves requires the battery to be equipped with a jumper. Otherwise, the thermostat will regulate the entire riser from bottom to top, which is unlikely to please the neighbors;
  • valves, when replacing the heating system in an apartment, it is advisable to choose modern ball valves, since they do not leak along the stem.

Features of installation work

Once the materials have been purchased, you can begin replacing the heating.

The order of work is as follows:

Resetting heating risers

In buildings with bottom filling they are discharged in pairs. Which riser is connected to the one that requires replacement, you can find out from the neighbors living in the apartment on top floor, since the jumper is usually located near them (read also: " "). When looking for risers in the basement, experts advise focusing on the entrances. After finding the right one flight of stairs, it is necessary to imagine the location of the room in relation to the entrance and the location of pipes in it. After this, both risers are blocked, the plugs are unscrewed or the vents are opened.

In buildings with a bottom spill, the problem of how to turn off the heating in an apartment or room is easier to solve. The risers are discharged into them one at a time, but you will need to close 2 valves - the one in the attic and in the basement.

Convector dismantling

The old heating device is dismantled in the following sequence:
  • using a turbine or hacksaw above the bend directed towards the convector, to vertical section an incision is made in the riser;wait until the stuck water flows out of the riser;
  • the pipe is cut at the incision site and under the lower outlet to the battery. Convectors are usually mounted using a mounting gun, so you need to cut off the dowel heads and remove the heating device.

Thread cutting

The die holder is placed on the pipe, with the long side - it will ensure that the die is strictly perpendicular to the axis of the riser. Before cutting the thread, you need to clean the paint and ensure that the die has an entry point by chamfering it using a grinder, a file, or crimping gas wrench edge of the pipe.

To make the die go easier and not leave burrs, the pipe prepared for threading should be lubricated with any oil. To insert the die, it is pressed against the end of the riser, applying maximum effort, and then the holder is rotated. After cutting the beginning of the first thread, the riser is fixed with a gas wrench so as to compensate for the torque from the die. Otherwise, you can damage the connection between the water supply and the radiator in the apartments below and above. It is enough to make a thread of a maximum of 5 threads, since it is only needed for mounting the adapter fitting on a corrugated pipe.

Radiator installation

To avoid heat loss, you need to know how to change the heating in an apartment correctly.

Radiators are installed as follows:

  • The device is hung strictly level, and depending on the type of brackets, one or another mounting method is used. If there are no brackets, the wall is drilled to a depth of 8-10 centimeters using a 9.5 mm drill and a dozen reinforcement is hammered into the hole. When the radiator is installed, the fittings are cut in place and bent upward;
  • For bimetallic radiators, the standard cross-section of the plugs is 25 millimeters, so the thermostat and valve are screwed on using adapters. In order to ensure sealing of the joint, flax with sealant or paint is used. The thermostat head is mounted horizontally so that warm air the liner did not pass through it;
  • an adapter is mounted on the pipe from below and above the riser and on the valve with a thermostat;
  • To connect a corrugated pipe to a fitting, it is inserted into the hole and the nut is clamped with an adjustable wrench, at the same time the silicone seal securely compresses the ribbed surface. The liner is also carried out by level, but it should not be positioned strictly horizontally, since it is necessary minimum slope, to prevent the radiator.
Replacing the heating system in an apartment, details in the video:

Starting the heating riser

When starting the risers, you need to screw the plugs onto the winding and fill them with coolant.

At the same time, we should not forget about the following nuances:

  • when screw valves are mounted on the riser, it is necessary that water flows from the spill in accordance with the arrow on the body, otherwise the valve may tear off;
  • First you need to equalize the pressure in the riser and bottling by opening one of the valves and waiting until the noise of the water subsides. Then you need to fully open this and the other valve.

When replacing the radiator during heating season To resume circulation, the main thing is not to forget to bleed the air in the battery on the top floor.

For reference: refusing to heat the apartment and turning off the heating system for other residents in the house can result in undesirable consequences.

Today, more and more often in old Soviet multi-storey buildings Residents are faced with a situation where they need to replace the heating batteries (radiators) in their apartment.

This is due to the fact that the expiration date cast iron radiators(V Soviet era there were no others) reaches 50 years, while most houses are much older.

Therefore, it is not strange that they are either forced to do this, since they are out of order, or they want to give their home a presentable and modern look.

Frequently Asked Questions

Whatever the reason, any action can be taken only after answers to the questions have been received:

  1. How much does it cost to replace heating batteries in an apartment?
  2. What permits are needed for this?
  3. Who has the right to carry out such work?
  4. What should I replace old cast iron batteries with?
  5. Is it possible to replace the heating battery in an apartment for free?
  6. When is it better to change heating batteries in an apartment?
  7. How to change the heating battery in an apartment yourself and is it possible?

Heating system multi-storey building- that's pretty complex design, in which many elements must be taken into account. If during the repair or replacement of radiators in one apartment malfunctions occur, the entire riser may suffer.

Replacing heating batteries in an apartment: when is it necessary?

As often happens, a person is not always ready for change, even when it rings at his door. According to apartment owners, most often heating batteries are replaced in winter in an apartment building, which entails a change in the entire heating system. This is not surprising, since during the non-heating season the pipes do not show their shortcomings.

When do you need to replace the heating in your apartment?

Most often, replacement of the heating system in an apartment building is required if:

  1. Depressurization has occurred in pipes or radiators.
  2. Heat transfer has become worse.
  3. The system is clogged.
  4. Changes are required in the interior of the apartment.

The heating system with all its elements and devices belongs to the public utility, therefore, without permission from the law, altering the heating in the apartment and any other actions are illegal.

As a rule, a representative of the housing office gives an assessment of the condition of the old heating and permission to install a new one. Only after the go-ahead for dismantling has been received and a work plan has been drawn up, can you think about how to change the heating battery in the apartment.

Battery selection

When choosing any type of radiator, you need to focus not on their aesthetic appearance, but on quality. So, for a system that will be equipped with a pump, batteries made of any material are suitable, even cast iron, but of a new type, the main thing is that they are compatible with the pipes and the boiler.

If the circulation in the system is natural, then you should pay attention to the fact that they have low hydraulic resistance.

Also, in a situation where it is necessary to replace the heating system in an apartment, it is necessary to take into account a number of important factors:

The average indicator for determining power is 100 W/m2. If you compare it with the area of ​​the room, you can find out how much power one radiator section should have. At the same time, we must not forget that it must occupy at least 70% of the wall under the window sill, so it makes no sense to focus on systems with high performance, but shorter ones, since the cold air from the window, without receiving obstacles in the form of heat from the battery, will be freely reach the floor.

Only after all parameters have been taken into account can you obtain permission from utility companies to alter the system and begin purchasing radiators.

Dismantling the old system

To remove old pipes and radiators, you should agree with the neighbors above and below to replace them. If this was not possible, then the question of how to change a heating radiator in an apartment becomes exclusively personal.

How to replace a heating radiator in an apartment? Dismantling the old system begins with draining it. Housing office workers must do this, since a pump will be required to completely pump out the coolant, after which they shut off the water at the level of the radiators that need to be replaced.

How to change heating batteries in an apartment? It will be necessary to cut off the old pipes at the floor and ceiling level and weld new ones, it is better if they are aluminum-propylene.

If you are replacing heating radiators (batteries) in an apartment with your own hands, then you will need to prepare in advance additional elements that are not included with them:

The tools you need to have are:

  • grinder;
  • drill;
  • adjustable wrench;
  • level;
  • gas soldering iron.

After that. Once the level marks the place where the old batteries are cut, you can begin dismantling them, leaving at least 1 cm of thread for connecting the new system.

Only after identifying the places (taking into account all the parameters) where the new radiators will be located can you begin to install them.

Radiator installation

Replacing cast iron heating radiators in an apartment begins with removing all old fasteners, since they may not fit modern models heating systems. Having previously made marks on the wall, new mounts are installed on which the radiators are hung, with the obligatory check of them horizontally using a level.

After this, you can use special metal-plastic connections to connect the battery to the new riser. If the system uses single-pipe wiring, then a bypass is installed between the connections.

If there were no jumpers in the old system, this does not mean that they do not need to be installed on the new one. Convectors of modern radiators differ from Soviet ones and have higher resistance, so a bypass is required.

How to replace a heating battery in an apartment?

If you are replacing heating batteries (radiators) in an apartment in winter, you need to consider:

  1. Firstly, disconnecting the riser must be agreed upon with representatives of the housing office(ideally, so that they carry out all the work) about turning off the water.
  2. Secondly, only After pumping out all the coolant, you can begin dismantling and installing new radiators.
  3. Thirdly, it should be taken into account that All work is given only 3-4 hours, since the entire riser remains without heat.

Work during the heating season to change the riser or batteries is carried out only when the air temperature outside the window is not lower than -10 degrees. Otherwise, you will have to sit without heat, waiting for more favorable conditions.

Activities of the housing office when changing radiators

When residents decide that their heating system is outdated, they ask a fair question: who should change the heating radiators in the apartment.

In this matter, you need to rely on the following facts:

  1. The change was caused by a failure (depressurization or other reason) of the system, which means all work must be carried out by utility workers.
  2. Old radiators heat, albeit poorly, but if there is a desire to decorate the apartment with more modern analogues, then this “whim” will fall on the shoulders of the user himself.

In any case, the heating batteries in the apartment are replaced through the housing office, even if all expenses are borne by the residents. Without permits, any work is considered illegal. Sometimes consumers ignore such a requirement, wanting to draw up documentation after the fact of the work performed. This can only happen if the housing office workers consider the new heating system safe for the entire structure.

If residents have a question about whether it is worth changing the heating batteries in the apartment, then the answer is a definite “yes” if they have become unusable or are simply old. The replacement procedure is not that complicated, even taking into account the paperwork. Choosing a team suitable for this work will also not be difficult, but know that for the next 25-30 years the apartment will be heated by beautiful and modern radiators, it's worth it.

Sometimes there come times when the thought of replacing the heating batteries in the apartment comes to mind. But is it really worth changing them? In principle, this phenomenon is not new for the CIS countries. You can see batteries being replaced with new ones anywhere and everywhere. However, the question immediately arises: why do they need to be changed at all?

It will not be a secret to anyone if we say that the heating batteries that are installed in apartment buildings residential buildings Since Soviet times they have been heating very poorly, and their appearance is not very beautiful. Based on these thoughts, two reasons immediately appear why it is worth changing the heating radiators in the apartment.

True, there is also a third option that may appear, or rather the reason for replacing radiators: in particular, customers justify replacing radiators by their service life, they say, they are many years old, so that they do not leak. If such thoughts arise, then it is worth thinking about this information. The coolant in central system heating there is a special additive, it is added there. This additive can be seen when water is drained from the radiator, distinctive feature is black water and its specific smell.

So, these additives are added specifically so that corrosion does not occur in the pipes. Just thanks to such specific additives steel pipes and the radiators will work forever and nothing will spoil them. But this does not mean that you can compare and say the same thing about water pipes, because there is nothing equal between them and heating pipes. Since in usual running water Such additives are not added, or rather there is no way to do this. Therefore, water pipes have more possibilities fail. For example, if you take and cut a heating pipe, the cut will show everything: the thickness of the pipe walls will not change in any way, the pipe is completely intact. This can be seen in most cases, but there are exceptions.

Replacing the batteries can help in the winter if it is very cold, but only if they are really the cause. After all, this may not be the only way out. To begin with, you should pay attention to the windows and external wall insulation, if this has not already been done. There are also cases that after manipulations have been made with windows and walls, replacing the batteries does not occur on its own. But if you replace the heating radiators, then most likely the heating issue will be completely resolved. And it also happens that batteries have to be changed due to their unattractive appearance. After all, if the apartment is undergoing renovation, so as not to spoil exterior design I immediately want to change the batteries.


When is it better to change heating batteries: in summer or winter? | Heat monster

It's not often that you have to deal with heating system repairs. This usually comes down to replacing radiators in Soviet-era buildings: cast iron appliances gradually become unusable over several decades of use. Therefore, their timely replacement leads to an improvement in the microclimate in the apartment and to lower heating costs if the renovation is carried out in a private house. A property owner often has to install new batteries once in his life; Therefore, when is it better to change heating batteries, how to choose and install them, you have to decide on your own.

Usually, there are no problems with the number of heating devices: they are installed in place of the old ones, most often under the windows, to prevent the appearance of condensation. However, if the room is large enough or non-standard, then the number of radiators is better calculated using the simplified formula: N=S*100 W/∆T, in which:

  • N - number of radiators;
  • S - total area of ​​the room;
  • ∆T is the heat transfer value of one heating battery (this parameter can be found from technical passport products).

This formula is valid when the ceiling height does not exceed 3 m. In other cases, it is necessary to replace 100 W with 40*h (the last symbol means the ceiling height in meters). If the region is constantly below 30 degrees below zero in winter, then the number of radiators needs to be increased by 15-20%.

Types of radiators and their choice

Before choosing heating batteries in point of sale, it is advisable to know the composition of the coolant.

Heating battery connection diagram.

If the house is private, then everything is clear, but apartment owners will have to obtain the necessary information from the management organization. The quality of the coolant can be indirectly judged by the material used to make the radiators. For example, cast iron radiators indicate that the quality of the coolant is most likely not up to par. In this case, you should be careful when choosing a heating battery and take into account that aluminum and steel products are quite capricious to “extra” impurities in the coolant.

On the other hand, you also need to take into account the temperature to which the radiators heat up in winter period. If the heating radiators are constantly “fiery”, then the choice can be made on steel, aluminum, or bimetallic radiators. In the opposite situation, when heating devices are constantly barely warm, it is more advisable to use cast iron batteries: due to their inertia, they will maintain heat for a long time. Below are 4 types of radiators that a modern manufacturer offers depending on the material of manufacture:

Battery connection diagram.

  1. Cast iron. These products have been proving their durability for decades - heating radiators made of cast iron were widely used in cities already in the 19th century. The main advantages include high stability to corrosion and possible water hammer. Among the shortcomings, the most notable are the large mass and some limitations in design. However, today there is already original solutions on the design of cast iron batteries; designers are ready to do it for an appropriate fee decorative radiators, fully consistent with the interior of the room.
  2. Steel. They can be panel or sectional. The last option looks like cast iron batteries. Steel radiators are able to withstand significant pressure (16 atm.) and have long term services. However, due to the fact that their walls are made of relatively thin steel (usually 1.5 mm), there is a risk of damage from external mechanical impact or water hammer.
  3. Aluminum. Among the advantages, consumers note a small weight (such heating batteries can be mounted without outside help, alone), large number product options that differ in form and functionality; batteries respond instantly to changes in water temperature. The “fly in the ointment” lies in the high requirements for the coolant. For example, the acidity level (pH) should not be more than 7-8. Another disadvantage is the need for air removal and the lack of contact through the coolant with other metals. Failure to comply with this rule leads to gradual chemical destruction of the product.
  4. Bimetallic. These are heating batteries that take into account the disadvantages and advantages of radiator designs made of steel, cast iron, and aluminum. Therefore, such radiators are more difficult to manufacture. Structurally, this is a device in which 2 metals work: steel, aluminum. The coolant passes through metal part without touching the capricious aluminum, which already transfers heat into the room. As a result, it was possible to combine the strength and durability of steel with the high heat transfer of aluminum. Another important plus is the ability to build up additional sections if the already installed ones cannot cope with heating.

Connection options for heating radiators

Heating battery installation diagram.

When you have to change radiators, the question inevitably arises about how to connect them. There are 2 options for installing heating batteries: series or parallel. The choice depends on the type of radiator. The best heat transfer for aluminum and bimetallic devices is achieved with a parallel connection. The sequential option is better suited for cast iron, steel radiators. However, if you live in an apartment building where, for example, there is a serial system, then you can connect radiators in parallel in your apartment only after approval and consultation with representatives of the housing office. Another thing - private house. Here you can connect radiators in any way:

Diagram of a horizontal sequential heating system.

  • serial connection. This method involves the direct inclusion of heating devices into the overall system. After installation is completed, the coolant is driven under pressure. Serial connection, incl. and repairs are carried out only in the summer, because... it is necessary to turn off the heating on the riser to which the batteries will be connected;
  • parallel connection. The point is to connect to the general heating system through a separate embedded heat pipe. This option allows you to repair your heating system without shutting down common system. Just install ball valves at the entrance and exit. The downside is poor heating of the radiators due to insufficient pressure in the line. This is due to the fact that the coolant will flow where there is less resistance, i.e. along the main pipeline, and not along a separate branch.

Installation of new heating devices

It is better to change radiators after the end of the heating season, in the summer. If the work is supposed to be carried out in an apartment in a multi-storey building, then you must first obtain consent from the housing office or other service organization. Once the project has been approved and suitable heating batteries have been purchased, installation can begin. You will need appropriate materials, tools, and devices, which are best prepared in advance:

Heating battery replacement diagram.

  • brackets for mounting radiators (depending on the wall material);
  • ball valves (determine their number in advance) and Mayevsky valves;
  • adjustable, wrenches;
  • drill;
  • dowels, self-tapping screws for fastening brackets;
  • building level;
  • silicone sealant;
  • flax fiber;
  • heat reflector panel (optional).

    Scheme of a mixed sequential heating system.

  1. Before changing purchased heating batteries, they must be prepared. Place plugs, Mayevsky taps and adapter threaded couplings on them. To prevent leaks, it is better to wrap all connections with flax (tow) and coat them with sealant.
  2. Next, you can drain the water from the heating system. It is better to be careful when doing this. The coolant will not completely spill out anyway, so prepare a rag and container in advance.
  3. Attach brackets to the radiator installation locations. At the same time, carefully check their horizontalness according to the building level. It must be placed on 2 brackets at once. If you plan to install a heat-reflecting panel, then when purchasing brackets you need to take into account their length. Radiators are installed on brackets in a vertical and horizontal manner. Otherwise, air will accumulate in the heating system.
  4. To ensure air circulation, keep a distance of at least 5 cm from the wall, floor and window sill. After completing the work, you can fill in the coolant (if you plan to use antifreeze, then it is better to fill in water first for testing) and, if necessary, tighten the threaded connections.

Coolant temperature control

The heating temperature of batteries is rarely constant. In addition, it is quite difficult to please everyone: for some, the temperature in the house is just right, but for others it is cold. And the utility companies count the money: at the slightest warming, they reduce the heating. A thermostat will help regulate the temperature of the batteries; in each room you can install separate device. Now it is produced in 2 versions:


Cast iron and steel heating appliances are gradually becoming a thing of the past. They have been replaced by high-tech radiators with a modern appearance and greater heat transfer.
When replacing a heating system, you need to draw up a project for a new one, calculate required quantity radiators and shut-off valves. Next, you need to purchase equipment, including a pipeline. All this is associated with large investments of money and time. Therefore, owners often ask themselves the question: is it necessary to change the heating at all, are such expenses justified or not? Firstly, the service life of cast iron batteries is 30-40 years. They have long served their intended life, and if they are not replaced, then one day they will simply leak at the seams. Secondly, old radiators do not fit into general interior modern apartments and houses. And finally, low system performance. There is reason to think about the ever-increasing energy prices.

What is the advantage of the new heating system?

An alternative to a central heating system is an autonomous system that allows you to take into account heat consumption apartment by apartment. The heating market offers huge amount heating devices made of high-strength and environmentally friendly pure materials. Radiators are distinguished by material: - aluminum; - bimetallic; - steel panel, cast iron, copper; - tubular. You can buy reliable and durable appliances of economy, middle and premium classes. New system heating system consists of several elements. Increasingly, heated floors are being used to insulate houses, especially in houses with ceiling heights of more than 2.5 meters. If the house is still functioning old system heating, then the likelihood of emergency situations is high. In the absence of control and shut-off valves, it is impossible to control the temperature in individual rooms, not to mention the fact that unaesthetic pipes and rusty radiators do not decorate the rooms at all. Thanks to modern technologies, it became possible to use hidden installation heating devices. Comfort, optimal fuel consumption, and high performance are guaranteed only by modern efficient systems heating. Separately, it should be noted the quality and reliability of bimetallic radiators. These devices are able to withstand high operating pressure in the network. True, the price of bimetallic radiators is higher than aluminum ones. Service life and heat transfer rate are the main parameters by which you need to select heating elements. It is very important to choose the right pipes and risers. The durability of the system directly depends on the quality of the pipes. Ability to withstand water hammer and high temperatures inherent in plastic and metal-plastic products.

Also in autonomous system heating includes heating boilers. Modern boiler equipment equipped with a regulation and control system - thanks to which the occurrence of an emergency situation is excluded.

Is it worth changing the heating in the apartment?

This article is devoted to materials and methods used to replace heating appliances in a city apartment. We will touch upon the problem of choosing the batteries themselves and all additional elements their strapping necessary for maximum comfortable operation. In addition, we will highlight some organizational issues— in particular, the areas of responsibility of the owner and housing organization.

Legal standards

First, it’s worth mentioning a couple of points that are not related to the technical side of the problem.

Often in printed publications and on legal forums the question is asked: “Who changes heating radiators in an apartment?”

We hasten to answer it:

  • If the apartment is municipally owned, all responsibility for the condition of the heating system (including indoor appliances) falls on the management organization. At the same time, she has the right to independently decide on the degree of wear and the need to replace it.

Useful: as a rule, batteries are replaced during a major renovation of a house in all apartments at once.
Minor faults are eliminated without replacement: intersection leaks are treated by replacing gaskets; cold sections become hot after flushing the heating device.

  • IN privatized apartment the owner is responsible for the condition of all its property. In an emergency, a team (local housing organization or city emergency service) will eliminate the leak by plugging the connections, but will not replace the device or repair it.

Can the owner change heating radiators on his own without coordinating the replacement with managing organization? Yes, there are no restrictions here.

This work can be performed by a hired team or by the owner himself - with two caveats:

  1. Responsibility for damage caused to neighbors when their apartments are flooded also falls entirely on the homeowner. That is why after any operations related to the violation of the tightness of the heating system, pressure testing is mandatory.
  2. The power of the new heating device cannot exceed the power provided by the project by more than 15%. Otherwise, your apartment will heat up at the expense of its neighbors: the heat flow passed through the riser is limited.

Why is this necessary?

But really, why change heating appliances?

This is practiced in the following cases:

  • If the heat output of the old appliance is not sufficient to maintain the normal temperature at the peak of cold weather. Temperature in different rooms apartments are regulated by current SNiP and must be at least:
  • If corrosion or erosion by suspended matter contained in the coolant makes further operation of the device impossible. The most typical in this regard are Soviet-style plate radiators: after 7-10 years of operation in the heating circuit, they begin to leak en masse.
  • If the appearance of old batteries does not fit into the design of the room.

Let us clarify: the problem of appearance is solved by installing various boxes and screens. However, they significantly reduce the heat transfer of batteries, limiting the movement of convection currents.


So what are we going to change it for? old battery, and what additional materials will we need?


The best choice for a central heating system will be bimetallic radiators with a maximum operating pressure of 25 kgf/cm2.

Please note: for the sake of cost reduction, bimetallic sections are often equipped only with steel cores in vertical channels; the manifolds remain entirely aluminum.
Our choice is cores that completely eliminate contact of the coolant with the aluminum shell.

Why bimetal?

There are two reasons for this.

  1. High probability of water hammer. A torn valve of a screw valve, a fallen valve cheek, or simply excessively rapid filling of the circuit can, under certain circumstances, lead to a short-term pressure surge to values ​​of 20-25 kgf/cm at a standard pressure of no more than 5. What happens in such conditions to devices designed for more gentle operating mode - it’s not difficult to guess.
  2. In addition, the steel core eliminates electrochemical corrosion of aluminum. The fact is that this metal forms a galvanic couple with copper: when aluminum and copper electrodes are placed in an electrolyte, a constant weak current arises between them.

The transfer of ions leads to accelerated destruction of aluminum. If one of your housemates has installed a copper connection, this will greatly reduce the life of the aluminum battery in your home.

Copper and aluminum in the same heating circuit are a dangerous combination.

Compared to traditional cast iron and bimetallic ones, they stand out primarily due to their high heat transfer per section, amounting to up to 205 watts. Price of devices domestic production starts from about 500 rubles per section.


The same applies here main criterion choice - strength.

The following can be used in conjunction with bimetallic batteries:

  • Black steel pipes with welded joints.

  • Galvanized pipes with threads. In this case, welding is not used because it destroys the protective zinc coating in the seam area, destroying the main advantage of galvanizing - corrosion resistance.
  • Stainless corrugated pipes. Their advantages compared to competitors are extremely simple installation using cheap hand tools and flexibility, allowing for very rough sizing. Corrugated stainless steel bends with a turning radius equal to its diameter.

An important point: if you install a bimetallic radiator instead of a cast iron one that has the same center-to-center distance between the collectors (500 mm), the connections do not need to be changed. Of course, if they are not damaged by corrosion.

Shut-off and control valves, fittings

Battery wiring may include:

  • A pair of ball valves for complete disconnection from the circuit.
  • Valve and throttle. This kit allows you to manually adjust the heat output of the device.
  • Valve and thermal head. The latter makes the heat transfer adjustment automatic: a constant temperature will be maintained in the room.

To connect bimetallic batteries It is most convenient to use American ones for the new liner - fittings with union nuts. They greatly simplify the installation and dismantling of devices, reducing the time required for these operations to one or two minutes.

Removing the old battery

Cast iron radiator

Dismantling instructions cast iron battery looks like this:

  1. We reset the riser or close the valves on the connections.
  2. We unscrew both locknuts with a gas wrench No. 1 or an adjustable wrench. The thread on the eyeliners is right-handed. We drive the nuts to the end of the thread and clear it of winding.
  3. We give and drive both radiator plugs. To do this, you will need keys No. 2 - No. 4, depending on how stuck the plugs are.

Advice: if the force turns out to be insurmountable, pre-heat the end section collectors with a hair dryer or blowtorch.
Her thermal expansion will serve you well: the cork will come out with minimal effort.

  1. Remove the radiator from the old brackets.
  2. Inspect the connections for corrosion. If they are in good condition, new battery you can connect directly to them. If necessary, you can shorten the thread with a hacksaw or grinder and increase the liner using a couple of taps and bends.


  1. Dry the eyeliners.
  2. Cut them in a convenient way for installation threaded connection place with a grinder or with your own hands using a hacksaw.

  1. Using a chisel, pry the convector mount, remove the construction nails from the wall and remove the device.

Installing a new radiator

No replacement or extension of eyeliners

It’s not hard to guess how to change a radiator without replacing the hoses: all the operations we performed earlier are performed in reverse order. New plugs and locknuts are used; To seal the plugs, standard gaskets are used, for locknuts - flax with paint or a polymer thread-sealant.

With replacement or extension of eyeliners

Let's analyze this operation using the example of installing a battery on corrugated stainless steel.

  1. We remove the outer chamfer on the sections of the eyeliners and cut short (5 threads) threads on them.
  2. We mark the mounting points of the brackets at the rate of one point per three sections. We mount the brackets and hang up the new battery.
  3. Having wound up the new threads on the liner, we screw fittings onto them - adapters.
  4. We screw the second pair of adapters into taps or American ones.

Attention: if there are shut-off valves or throttles on the supply lines, it is necessary to install a jumper to ensure constant circulation in the riser.

  1. We cut the pipe to size and crimp it into the fittings. When the hoses span more than half a meter, they are attached to the wall with clamps.
  2. We check the device under pressure.


We hope that our material will help the reader in home repairs. heating equipment. Of course, something fell out of our area of ​​attention: in a short article it is impossible to touch on all possible problems and nuances of the work. For more information, see the video in this article. Good luck!

Elements of the heating system, radiators, may require replacement (due to wear, leakage). Apartment owners can also change them to improve heating performance and increase heat transfer. The dismantling of outdated equipment and the installation of new equipment is carried out by professionals, because any errors during replacement will damage the system.

Batteries are changed after the heating season, and only in emergency situations. emergency repair winter, autumn.

It's important to know who carries out the replacement heating batteries in the apartment, where to go if the heating system leaks.

Information on these issues will allow you to quickly complete renovation work, without disturbing the comfort in the entire apartment building.

Whose property are the heating radiators within the apartment, who is responsible for their operation - the homeowners or the housing and communal services?

Are batteries a common property of the house or is it private property for which the owner is responsible?

Government approved Resolution No. 491 of 08/13/06, which provides a list of property common to residents apartment building. In this list:

  • risers;
  • shut-off and control valves;
  • collective metering devices, heating elements.

According to this decree, radiator designs can officially be considered property public use, common property.

But management companies and housing office companies servicing the house prefer to hide this information. And as a result, residents and apartment owners, when the battery leaks, try to repair it themselves.

Replace with a similar or more advanced, improved design. Management companies save on repair work by shifting their responsibilities to consumers.

Replacing a radiator in a council house

In a non-privatized apartment, batteries should be replaced due to leakage, poor heat transfer or wear and tear. owner of the premises. Residents should know who owns the house and who maintains it.

The tenant, who is living in a municipal apartment, should not spend his savings on repair work, this is established by law.

If craftsmen from the housing office demand money for installing new batteries, this can be considered extortion, violation of Government Decree No. 491 of August 13, 2006.

Another document - Housing Code of the Russian Federation. According to Article 65, the landlord of residential premises providing apartments under a social tenancy agreement must ensure proper maintenance and repair of common property.

Who carries out the replacement?

If pipes leak or they provide little heat and require modernization, the question arises - who should change the batteries in a privatized apartment?

In law heating devices are common property of the house. But there is a nuance to this issue.

IMPORTANT! If a valve is installed before the entrance of the heating system to the apartment, thanks to which it is possible to turn off the supply of the heat source, the battery will be considered the property of the homeowner.

In this case, it is rarely possible to resolve the issue of reinstalling radiators through the housing office or management company. To save your home from cold and flooding, you will need carry out repairs at your own expense.

If there is no tap that turns off the water supply through the heating pipes to the apartment, the replacement should be handled by the management company.

Despite the fact that the heating radiator in the apartment is the responsibility of the management company, it is not always possible to get help from its specialists.

When calling for a leaking battery, management company employees sometimes simply put a plug on it and suggest waiting a while before replacing the equipment.

If the accident happened during the cold season, then there is no way to wait. As a result, the homeowner independently buys and replaces the battery, providing heat in the house.

ATTENTION! If the apartment owner independently repairs the heating system, he may demand compensation in the amount of the cost of the radiator.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to achieve this compensation even through the court; the management company finds arguments in its defense. That's why It is better to first consult with an experienced lawyer when you can present an invoice to the Criminal Code before starting a controversial case.

Main features of the process

Batteries wear out during use, so better work heating system requires replacement. But radiators, as common property, are to be replaced in the apartment at whose expense.

ATTENTION! If you need to change the heating elements in your apartment yourself or equip it with improved batteries, this can only be done with the consent of all owners of the apartment building.

Now apartment owners are carrying out large-scale work to improve their homes, changing the layout, location of the plumbing and heating systems in the room.

Installation of new radiators without the consent of other residents multi-story building is considered arbitrary. The violator may even be held accountable, especially if the heating operation is disrupted or its quality has decreased.

In case of pipe or battery leakage the change is carried out by the management company in mandatory . Also, at the expense of the management company, the heating system is modernized if its service life has expired.

How to get permission?

Older models of heating devices may not meet quality requirements. If you want to replace outdated equipment with new one, you should contact the management company or another authority that is responsible for heating systems in apartments.

  • If the replacement is carried out with similar designs, it is enough to simply provide information about the upcoming installation work Oh.
  • Will radiators of a different model be installed, which could lead to an increase in the heating area? Representatives of the management company will perform an examination to determine the possibility of changes in heat balance buildings. The technician will inspect the area of ​​the house, new batteries, and study their technical data.
  • The examination is also carried out in the case when major renovation apartments involves changing the pipeline configuration.

IMPORTANT! The work must be carried out taking into account all the requirements of municipal legislation. In this case, they will not be considered a violation.

Often, apartment owners think about choosing craftsmen to carry out installation work. You can call specialists from a private company who will carry out the work quickly, using professional equipment.

But it is better to use the help of specialists from the housing office or management company, they know the gasket features better engineering communications in the house, the location of the taps, they know how to change the heating without problems for other residents.

In the event of a leak in the heating system, the owner of the apartment will not have any claims. It is also beneficial to contact “local” plumbers if the heat meter is broken; they will carry out the work professionally.

The management company refuses to change radiators - what should residents do?

Dealing with issues of repairing the municipal heating system and replacing its elements within the house management company servicing an apartment building.

She must monitor the condition of the risers in the apartment building, heating pipes, carry out repair work if necessary.

Batteries are being replaced for free. If there are shut-off valves in front of the apartment, you usually pay for replacing radiators home owner.

If the management company repairs the risers unconditionally, then the management company often refuses to change the equipment in the apartment for free.

ATTENTION! In this case, you should write an application for a replacement officially and register it. It is recommended that you consult with a lawyer experienced in utility law on this issue.

If the management company ignores consumers and does not mind its direct business, a written appeal will also become the basis for going to court.

  • Heating system – common house property, the repair and maintenance of which must be carried out service company.
  • If you wish to replace the batteries yourself, you should apply to the Criminal Code and order its craftsmen to do the work.
  • You should be prepared for the fact that the utility company will refuse to change the batteries for free if shut-off valves are installed in the heating system before the pipes enter the apartment.
  • All requests to the management company must be register, this may come in handy if there is a need for litigation.

Useful video

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):