When arranging a roof, it is important not only to choose the right roofing material, but also additional elements that allow you to design roof joints, edges and kinks, and organize proper drainage of rain and snow flows. It is thanks to these additional products that the functionality of the roof significantly increases. They make the roof complete, individual, protect it from any negative influence from the outside, give it solidity and attractiveness. There are a lot of additional elements used, one of them is a cornice strip for a galvanized metal profiled sheet.

Purpose of the cornice additional element

The roofing product is indispensable for protecting the roof from the penetration of various insects and precipitation. Without this element, the roof looks unfinished and defective. Initially, the lathing is carried out, and then it is time to install the eaves strip, the functions of which are concentrated in the following:

  • During heavy rainfalls or heavy melting of snow masses, the frontal board may become wet. To prevent this from happening, this element is fairly well protected from moisture damage;
  • The roof truss system and the under-roof space also need serious protection from getting wet and moisture accumulation, which is why an additional eaves element is needed;
  • diverts water flow into the gutter from the roofing slopes;
  • reliably hides waterproofing, unattractive places rafter system, giving the roof an attractive appearance. Therefore, the eaves strip is also a roofing accessory.

According to their geometric design, additional cornice elements are divided into straight and figured. Products of the first type are ordinary planks made in the form of a corner. Elements of the second type, as a rule, are equipped with several stiffening ribs, which makes it possible to strengthen the edging of the roof, as well as increase its decorative effect.

Additional cornice products are represented by narrow sheets of metal having one or several longitudinal ribs. Thanks to the eaves strips for profiled sheets, it is possible to create a reinforced roof overhang that is sufficiently protected and perfectly resistant to corrosion. These products are fastened to the sheathing outlets.

Installation of additional eaves for corrugated sheets

The planks are made from similar materials as corrugated sheets and have the most similar color scheme, anti-corrosion coating. They are fastened using self-tapping screws. They also have this color shade, which most closely matches the roofing and lath. The products are also coated with anti-corrosion coating and are ready for long-term use.

Roofers never forget that they work at height, so they prepare the necessary equipment, bags for tools, and take all necessary safety precautions in advance. To install the additional strip, they will need a hammer, a construction level, a screwdriver, metal scissors, a tape measure with a pencil, and galvanized self-tapping screws.

Before installing the additional cornice element, it is necessary to install drainage system. When everything is ready, the planks are attached to the front board. They are always mounted with an overlap. It is not allowed to place the products end-to-end, and there should not be even the slightest distance between them. This product ensures that the roof turns out to be very beautiful, as well as durable, reliably protected from any adverse external influences. More details - .

When constructing roofs made of corrugated sheets, a huge role is played by the so-called additional elements, which occupy a negligibly small place in the total roof area (up to 3% in the most complex roofs). But the service life of the roof as a whole largely depends on them.

It is clear that not all of the additional profiles presented in the photo affect the service life of the roof, but the eaves and wind strips discussed in this article, along with the ridge, are the main additional elements of any roof made of corrugated sheets.

Why these? Yes, because most roofs made of professional metal have the simplest configuration, because... using it for complex broken roofs, taking into account the large amount of waste in these cases, is at least unprofitable, and taking into account all the components of the characteristics and cost of a particular type of coating, it is hardly justified. Of course, there are exceptions, but they rather only confirm the rule.

Functions of wind and cornice strips, materials

All roofs, in most cases, are sheathed along the contour with front and end boards. This is done both to form a single roofing pie, and to prevent moisture from getting under the finishing roof covering, wind blowing, which can tear it off the sheathing during large gusts, and even preventing birds from nesting and the colonization of the under-roof space by animals such as martens.
The wind and cornice strips, in turn, protect these boards from moisture flowing under them and water drainage on their surfaces, which radically increases their service life. Sometimes, along with the windshield and cornice, they also install the so-called frontal strip so that the board is completely protected by metal.

A wind strip for corrugated sheeting is often also called an end strip, based on the location where it is attached to the roof. The eaves and wind strips have a slightly different configuration from each other, but are usually made of the same material as the roof deck. Most manufacturers initially have standard additional elements in their product range, at least for the main colors roofing sheets. Or if you choose a custom color, they can custom make them for you. The same applies to cases with non-standard sizes these planks.
Also most large construction stores sell bent metal profile basic color range, which can be used as wind and cornice strips.

Most types of corrugated sheeting for roofs and additional elements for them are made of galvanized metal and covered with a polyester or plastisol coating. Sometimes with the addition of basalt chips or stone powder.

Installation of cornice strips

Installation of the eaves strip in most cases is carried out after installing the drainage system, if provided, and before installing the roofing material. This is done in this sequence because ideally the bottom edge of the eaves strip should be pressed against inner surface drainage system gutters. If this is not the case, then in some cases a separate drip is installed, the upper edge of which must be covered by a cornice strip. The standard dimensions of the cornice strip 100 x 69 x 2000 mm are not always suitable for solving this problem, so they are often made to individual sizes.
The hydrobarrier film required for a metal roof on the outer board, to which the eaves strip is attached, is removed from under the sheathing and laid on top of the strip. Thus, the moisture condensed under the surface of the corrugated sheet will flow down the eaves strip directly into the gutter of the drainage system, or will fall off the drip line in its absence and is guaranteed not to fall on wooden structures roofs.

fasten cornice strip follows either nails or self-tapping screws with a cone-shaped head, pressing them so that the top edge is flush with the metal of the strip. The overlap when joining two elements should be at least 50 mm.

Installing a wind strip for corrugated sheets

Wind bar is mounted on the roof of one of the last. Later, only ridge profiles are installed. The plank must completely overlap the two waves of the roof covering profile and either completely cover the end board, or have a capino on the lower edge to drain water from the surface of the board. Her standard sizes have a length of 2000 mm, and dimensions top shelf can be 135 or 145 mm, depending on the profile roofing sheet and an end shelf from 800 to 100 mm with a capinosal of 15 - 20 mm. The top shelf can also have a slight bend of 15 - 20 mm with rolling.

The element is not difficult to manufacture and can be bent at almost any sheet bending machine, in the same place where ebbs are bent; any company that installs windows will tell you the addresses.
The plank is fastened in two planes using the same self-tapping screws with a rubber (or better yet, polyurethane) washer that were used when installing the entire roof with a pitch of 300 - 500 mm. In the plane of the roof, the plank is screwed through the second wave from the edge. It is advisable to attach to the end board center line shelf adjacent to it, although the latter is purely for aesthetic reasons. The overlap of two elements must also be made at least 50 mm, and it is imperative that the element located above covers the one located below. Installing fasteners at the junction between two metals is desirable. Upper joint of end strips gable roof covered with a ridge element. Sometimes, for greater joint tightness, they use double sided tape or other sealing elements.

Often, if the wind and cornice strips meet at corners at different angles, the gap between them is closed either by cutting out and bending one of them, or by inserting an easy-to-manufacture corner element from the same metal. Make sure that there are scraps of it when ordering all the material and additional elements for the roof.

Sometimes used as end strips plastic corners appropriate sizes, but personally I doubt the feasibility of this.

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The main task of additional roofing elements is to protect the places most vulnerable to moisture and wind penetration. These include:

  • joints of roof slopes;
  • junction of roofing materials to walls, chimneys;
  • ends, roof overhangs.

In addition to the protective function, the finishing elements are designed to strengthen the structure and decorate the joints. And if previously additional elements had to be made during the roofing process (often painted to match the roof), today they have been replaced finished goods factory production.

Features and purpose of finishing elements

Skate bar. It is mounted on the upper joints of roofing slopes covering the ridge girder. The cross section is angular (flat ridge) or radial (round ridge). To prevent blowing in and moisture from entering from the gables or overhangs (for a hipped roof), the round strip is closed with a ridge cap: simple or conical.

Valley planks. They are mounted on the internal joints of roof slopes of complex configuration: the lower strip is under the roofing material, the upper (decorative) is on top of it. Designed to seal and increase the efficiency of drainage of rain and melt water.

End strips. Prevents the wind from tearing off the roofing material fasteners from the side of the gables. They protect the under-roof space from precipitation and hypothermia, and prevent weathering of the insulation.

Cornice strips. They protect eaves overhangs from wind, slanting rain, and rising liquid in the gutters of the drainage system.

Adjunctions. They are used for sealing and decorating joints between roofing and walls, and for organizing an apron around chimneys. They include lower and upper strips, which are installed before and after installation of the roofing, respectively.

Internal and external corners. Corner strips are used as auxiliary elements when filing pediments and eaves overhangs, organizing corner connections wall panels with spotlights, etc.

Snow guards. Planks mounted on top of the roofing material and designed to prevent avalanche-like snow masses. Reduce the likelihood of damage to gutters, minimize the risk of injury and damage to property from falling snow and ice.

Additional items For metal roofs, whose shapes and sizes differ from standard ones, can be made independently. To do this, the manufacturer suggests purchasing a flat steel sheet with polymer coating, the color of which matches the shade of the roof and standard additional elements.

Installation subtleties

  • Under ridge strips It is recommended to install a seal: universal or matching the shape of the roof covering. The planks themselves are mounted with an overlap of 10 cm.
  • The installation of the end strips is preceded by the installation of the gutter holders.
  • The sheathing under the valley must be continuous. Additional waterproofing will not be superfluous. The planks are mounted overlapping, the joints are sealed.
  • The lower strips of junctions are installed in grooves, pre-organized in the walls and chimneys, and sealed. Under the lower apron, drainage sheets with sides are installed, directed towards the valleys or overhangs. The upper strips are mounted to the walls, the upper apron - to the pipes.
  • Snow retention strips are installed above the eaves overhangs. Planks over skylights will significantly reduce snow load on translucent structures.

Assortment of standard finishing elements in Moscow

Standard finishing elements of the Metal Profile Company are complete set sheet steel products needed to put the final touch on roofing work. High dimensional accuracy makes it much easier installation work. A variety of available shades - a roofing solution in a single color scheme.

Mounting roof covering, give the structure proper tightness, reliability and harmonious appearance with the help of finishing elements. Standard finishing elements for roofing from the Metal Profile Company: worthy companions to the best roofs.

The cornice strip is made of galvanized steel and has a polyester coating. This is an additional roofing element that is attached to the sheathing before laying sheets of corrugated sheets or metal tiles. The planks are overlapped over the underlayment and secured with roofing nails. The color of the strip is identical color palette RAL catalogue.


Protects roof overhangs from moisture and directs rainwater into the gutter. Prevents moisture from penetrating into attic space in heavy sideways rain and snow.


  • prevents the process of roof rotting in the eaves area;
  • protected from corrosion;
  • has climate resistance;
  • has a color-resistant coating;
  • protects metal tiles from wind loads;
  • durable;
  • gives the roof an aesthetic appearance.

Packaging and storage

The product is supplied in factory film. It is recommended to store the end strips in a closed warehouse. When storing products on open construction sites, it is necessary to place the slats at an angle to allow free flow of rainwater.

The eaves strip will reliably protect the roof from atmospheric influences and significantly extend its service life. You can purchase a curtain rod brown on our website..

Metal eaves strip is one of the important components of the roof, which is made from steel sheets up to 2 meters long and attached to the edge of the eaves (ramp). Its main purpose is to provide a holistic view of the entire roof and its reliable protection from damage.

Despite small area installation of the strip, it performs a number of important functions:

  • Protection of the frontal board of the cornice from exposure to precipitation and moisture ingress interior space roofs (under tile sheets). Thus, the floor materials are maintained in a dry state: seals, insulation materials, etc.
  • The direction of water flows after rain and melting snow directly into the drainage system along the bend of several sides of the eaves plank, excluding getting into the rear, that is, the front eaves board of the roof. That is why this bar is additionally called a dropper.

Features of the design of metal cornice strips

This element is usually made in a standard design, which differs only in the angle at which its shelf is located. The exact dimensions of the cornice strip, including the width of its vertical plane, directly depend on the design of the rafter system.

From us you can buy eaves strips for roofing made from galvanized corrugated sheets, onto which protective layer polyester in the desired color. Such products are not subject to the destructive effects of corrosion and precipitation, and they are also quite lightweight and durable, which simplifies the installation process.

The length of this additional element is usually from 1.5 to 2.5 meters, and the width of the fastening shelves is from 15 to 30 cm. The thickness of the sheets is from 0.4 to 0.5 mm. But if necessary, you can increase or decrease the edges of the planks. We are ready to produce additional elements to order according to the customer’s dimensions. The cost of the cornice strip depends on the selected parameters.

Such steel elements have a number of advantages:

  • high degree of rigidity and strength;
  • resistance to harmful effects weather conditions and temperature changes;
  • the average service life of steel slats is from 15 to 25 years, that is, approximately the same as that of metal roofing tiles;
  • attractive appearance of the planks and the roof as a whole;
  • eaves strip for metal tiles is sold at an affordable price.

The importance of using curtain rods

Installing a roof without eaves and windshields leads to exposure to rafter frame moisture and wind and, as a result, accelerated wear of roofing materials. Despite the fact that additional elements in the roof make up 2–5% of the total area, they perform important functions:

  • 01


    The main task of the eaves strip is to prevent moisture from precipitation and cold wind from getting under the roofing material. Because of high humidity the wooden frame can become damp and rot, which reduces the lifespan of the roof. Also in attic room can blow in cold air, which increases the cost of heating the building.

  • 02


    Installation of planks allows you to sheathe aesthetically and neatly front board and thus hide the “filling” of the rafter system from view. At the same time, the additional elements are matched to match the color of the metal tiles, so outwardly the slopes have a holistic and harmonious appearance.

How to install a metal curtain rod

The planks are mounted on the cornice board before coating begins. roofing material. Before installing the slats, brackets for the gutter are driven into the eaves. After that, the cornice strip is overlapped by 10–15 cm and secured to the cornice board using self-tapping screws or nails in increments of 30–50 cm. It is important that the joints between the strips are airtight and do not allow water to pass through. To do this, they need to be treated with a silicone-based sealant.

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):