Armeria enchants at first sight. There are carnation flowers on a pillow of bright greenery. The plant looks great in bright places and surrounded by stones. The variety of varieties and species makes it possible to use armeria for a variety of landscape purposes.

The homeland of the plant is Western and Eastern Europe. Despite the fact that the army is represented big amount species, they all differ only in the color of the inflorescences and the characteristics of the foliage.

Varietal diversity

The most famous varieties plants: velvicha, seaside armeria, pseudoarmeria, alpine, prickly, soddy, bulbous, Siberian, arctic, beautiful and others.


Alpine Armeria is a miniature perennial. Its height reaches 10 centimeters and its diameter is 30 centimeters. The flowers are small, peduncles 30 centimeters long. Flowering occurs only once a month. The plant has several varieties, they differ in color tone.


The presented variety is least similar to all the others. Its height reaches 40 cm. The rosettes are evergreen, the inflorescences are white or Pink colour. Flowering occurs from early summer until autumn. The most popular types are "Joystick White" and "Bees Ruby". The presented armeria is grown both as an annual and as a perennial.

Armeria seaside

The presented species is the most capricious and famous. Height – up to 20 centimeters. The diameter of the jacket is 15 centimeters. The inflorescences are pinkish-purple, the leaves are narrow and bluish. Flowering continues for 2 months. The best varieties– “Dusseldorf Stolz”, “Rosea Compacta”, “Bloodstone”.


Enough tall view. The leaves are glaucous, 10 cm. The sod reaches 30 cm, with several rosettes.


The highest view. The inflorescences are large, capitate, peduncles reach 35 cm. Flowering occurs from June until frost. The plant is demanding of the soil, or rather, of the calcium concentration in it.


The leaves are needle-shaped, the inflorescences are two centimeters long.


Height - up to 15 cm, diameter of the turf - up to 20 cm. The leaves are somewhat reminiscent of pine branches. The color of the inflorescences ranges from bright pink to red. Decorative form one - Sundermann.


Height – from 20 cm to half a meter. Flowering occurs from May to July. Inflorescences with white or pink flowers.

Armeria arctic

There is a vertical root. The inflorescences are in the form of a ball, reminiscent of decorative onions, there can be up to 10 pieces. The leaves are narrow, five centimeters.

How to plant and properly care for

Seeds are used to plant armeria. There shouldn't be any difficulties, all you need is proper care.

The crop tolerates drought well, and stagnation of moisture is destructive for it. The soil should be loose - rocky or sandy will do. In many ways, the characteristics of cultivation depend on the species. Direct sun rays should be avoided. Armeria feels good both in moderate light and in the shade.

Maintenance involves loosening and watering. Wilted buds must be removed. You can carry out organic fertilizing.

For the first time, fertilizing is done during flowering and after it 2 more times. Diseases and pests appear very rarely, which means chemical treatment not required. Armeria tolerates winter well, but shelter will not be superfluous.

Features of reproduction

You can propagate armeria different ways: seeds, bush division, cuttings. When propagated by seeds, they are planted directly into the ground. Before this, they must be placed in warm water for 8 hours.

Seeds are placed in the ground in early spring or before winter. If you are going to propagate seedlings, you need to do this from the end of winter. The germination rate of the seeds is excellent! Plants grown from seedlings will bloom only in the second year.

When dividing a bush, it is better to choose three-year-old plants. The procedure itself is carried out in autumn or spring after the plant has flowered. The plant can also reproduce by self-sowing.

Features of wintering

Despite the fact that the plant loves heat, it is not afraid of frost. Caring for it involves covering it for the winter with spruce branches, peat and building materials. But this only applies turf armeria, other species do not need to be covered. However, keep an eye on the amount of snow in winter. If there is not enough of it, it is still worth putting some spruce branches.

How to use in landscape design

The flower is suitable for decoration rocky gardens, borders, ridges. Ideal neighbors for him:

  • creeping thyme;
  • saxifrage;
  • low growing phlox;
  • Carpathian bells;
  • splint.

Armeria, which is not difficult to grow, looks great with plants belonging to the group of creeping ground covers, carpet-like perennials, and turf-like bushes. It can contrast with bulbous or decorative onions. Any plant with delicate flowers and the openwork foliage will become a wonderful companion for the Armeria!

Gardeners are mainly attracted by the greenery of the plant, but the inflorescences should not be written off. They resemble cloves, and some resemble decorative onions. Thanks to its inflorescences, the plant is used as a container and cut crop.

Armeria can also be used as a plant that hides the transition from a path or gravel area to other garden objects. Among other things, it will look good as a solo plant and in a group with other flowers of the alpine flora. It can also become a bright spot among the greenery.

With the help of armeria bushes you can build magnificent borders. In appearance they will be similar to aristocratic ones. As a living frame for flower beds, this is the best option, especially for a modern garden.

The plant also looks great in the front garden. There should be in the background conifers. Many people think that a flower is ideal for the foreground. However, if you do not plant it linearly, you can also plant it in the middle zone of the flower garden. If you decide to plant armeria in a group, you must definitely use at least one more decorative foliage plant.

The plant is also used for cutting. In order to make a regular bouquet, it is cut off only after the buds have fully opened. If this is not done, the buds will not open in water. The heads are great for making winter bouquets. Moreover, after cutting, they are placed in a dark and dry room, tied in bunches, until the bouquet is made. Armeria is often used to border larger flowers. It can also be used as a dried flower.

Armeria represents interesting plant, which combines bright greens, and many carnation flowers. There are many types and varieties of flowers, so their care may vary. Armeria propagation occurs by seeds, seedlings, division, and cuttings. Among the features of care, it is worth highlighting loosening the soil, watering and fertilizing. Some species need shelter for the winter. IN landscape design the flower is used to create alpine slide, in borders and borders, for cutting, as a contrasting spot among bright greenery.

Armeria seaside (video)

When creating your own flower garden, few gardeners can pass by the seaside armeria. This is wonderful the plant impresses with its thick, green foliage and bright colors , which will delight the eye for 2-3 months.

Armeria primortica is a herbaceous, perennial plant that is part of the pigweed family. In the wild, such a flower can be found growing on the sea coast. located in northwestern Europe or North America.

Due to its unpretentiousness and high frost resistance, this plant is very popular among flower growers, who have successfully cultivated this species since the 17th century.

By appearance Armeria seaside is a lush and small bush, no more than 15-20 centimeters high and a diameter not exceeding 15 centimeters. The leaves of this plant are linear, long and flat, colored bluish. Usually, they gather in a pineal-shaped rosette.

Globular inflorescences are located on peduncles that rise above the leaves, on average their height is 20 centimeters. The round and lush inflorescences consist of many small flowers, no more than 1.5 centimeters in diameter. Typically, their petals are pink-purple, but the hybrids bred by breeders have a more diverse range of colors.

On average, Armeria primortica begins to bloom in mid-May. The duration of this process is 60-80 days. In the presence of favorable conditions the plant can bloom again in late August - early September.

The most popular varieties of Armeria

Thanks to scientific experiments, there is great amount varieties of Armeria seaside, which most often differ in the color of the petals.


The plant has narrow and lined leaves of a rich green color. A special feature is the snow-white color of the petals., thanks to which the inflorescences become like small clouds.

Rosea Compacta

This shrub grows to average heights, and its flowers, growing against the backdrop of straight, emerald leaves, painted bright pink.

SplendencePerfecta ( Splendens Perfecta)

This variety is the smallest and most compact representative of the seaside Armeria. Its leaves are especially narrow, somewhat reminiscent of arrows. The inflorescences are crimson, very bright and rich.


This armeria differs from its relatives in that it is dark, purple leaves and shoots. The spherical inflorescences are painted in a delicate, lilac color.

Nifty Thrifty

The leaves of this plant are straight and narrow, there is a white border on their edges, while the main part is presented in green. The inflorescences resemble bright, pink balls.


This variety got its name thanks to the dark red, almost burgundy inflorescences, which look very advantageous against the background of rich green linear leaves;


The petals of such flowers are very delicate and beautiful, painted in a pale pink shade. The leaves, like other varieties, are narrow and straight.

Is it possible to grow armeria from seeds?

Armeria maritime, like other species of this group in the wild, reproduces by self-sowing, so it can easily be grown from seeds.

There are two methods of growing this flower from seeds:

Given the good frost resistance of this plant, You can sow seeds in open ground in early March or before the first frost. In this case planting material will be able to undergo natural stratification and the germination percentage will increase greatly.

When choosing seedling method seeds are planted in containers at the end of February. Transfer young flowers to permanent place It will be possible at the end of May.

Rules for planting flowers in open ground

Seeds for planting armeria can be purchased at a specialized store or collected independently. In the second case gauze is wrapped around fading inflorescences, and then wait until the plant is completely dry.

At the next stage, you need to remove the gauze and select the most large seeds without visible damage. They are thoroughly cleaned of flower residues and further dried.

For armeria, a sunny area with light, acidic soil is best suited. Sandy or rocky soil is usually used for such purposes. You can also use a mixture consisting of the following components:

  • greenhouse land;
  • river sand;
  • turf;
  • chopped dry grass;
  • sawdust or hay.

Before planting the flower, the soil is additionally loosened and organic fertilizers, approximately 5-6 kilograms of peat or humus per 1 square meter.

If the land chosen for planting the plant was previously limed, it will need to be neutralized. This effect can be achieved by digging up the soil and adding ammonium nitrate, or the area can be watered with a weak solution of acetic acid.

To plant seeds in open ground, they are scattered over the surface of the ground and buried with a layer of soil equal to 5 millimeters, after which they are watered with warm water.

Seedlings are planted using the same scheme., only in this case the seeds must undergo artificial stratification. To do this, they are wrapped in a damp cloth and kept in the refrigerator for 7-9 days.

Caring for seedlings involves regularly watering the seedlings. The first shoots should appear in 2-3 weeks. Optimal temperature for seedlings it will be 18-20 degrees.

As soon as the last frost has passed, the armeria can be transferred to open ground. Work is carried out according to the following rules:

  • hole size should be small and correspond to the size of the root system;
  • the seedling is immersed in a hole in such a way that the leaf rosette necessarily remains on the surface;
  • with a successful outcome first flowering will appear next year.

Plant care rules

Since in nature, Armeria primortica grows near water, when growing such a plant, the soil should never be allowed to dry out. Water the flowers regularly using a moderate amount of water.

Armeria is very responsive to fertilization. To make flowering more luxuriant and abundant in spring Complex mineral fertilizers are applied during digging. This procedure can be repeated every month, simply scattering granules with fertilizer before watering.

Also it is necessary to loosen the soil in time, remove weeds and trim dried flowers and flower stalks. Armeria does not require shelter for the winter and tolerates cold very well directly in the open ground.

Every 3-5 years, flowers need to be replanted to maintain their decorative value.


Besides seed propagation Vegetative methods can be used.

Dividing the bush

To carry out such work a plant at the age of 3 years is dug out of the ground and divided into several parts shovel or sharp knife. In this case, each of the divisions must have developed roots. Then the resulting planting material is planted in a new place.

Armeria can be “divided” both in spring and autumn, but many gardeners note that divisions prepared in the autumn have the best survival rate.


Root shoots are used as cuttings, which can be harvested throughout the summer season.

Cut shoots are rooted in a moist substrate consisting of equal parts sand, peat and leaf soil. To create a greenhouse effect, plantings are covered non-woven material. In the first week, in addition to watering, the cuttings must be sprayed daily. With the appearance of 2-3 true leaves, the flowers can be planted in a permanent place.

Diseases and pests

Armeria seaside is not afraid of diseases and pests. When growing it, it is very rare to encounter such a problem as leaf spot. It is extremely easy to detect the disease; in addition to the characteristic spots on the green part of the plant, you will notice that flowering becomes more rare and dull.

The appearance of spotting is caused by excessive watering, so to get rid of the disease, it is necessary to reduce the amount of moisture applied and treat with fungicides.

Another Aphids can be a problem. To avoid its appearance in the spring, plants are treated with special chemicals, such as Intavir, Karbofos, etc. If insects do appear, the treatment should be repeated again, but using a different product.

Application in landscape design

Thrift looks good as a single composition, and as part of various groups of annual and perennial plants. Usually, with the help of bright inflorescences, alpine hills, rocky gardens, rockeries and borders are decorated. Armeria is also used to emphasize tall perennials.

From low-growing species better neighbors are considered:

  • thyme;
  • Lyubelia.

Armeria seaside is just a godsend for a novice gardener. With the help of bright and unusual inflorescences you can decorate any garden plot , and the unpretentiousness of the plant will not leave anyone indifferent.

Armeria - perennial herbaceous plant from the Svinchataceae family. It forms amazingly thick grassy turf, above which balls of dense, bright inflorescences rise on thin peduncles. In nature, the plant most often lives on mountain slopes near the sea, in the Mediterranean, North America, Mongolia and Eastern Europe. Dense green pillows can be used for landscaping the garden and decorating the flower bed. Even in temperate climate Armeria feels great and tolerates wintering in open ground. Caring for it does not require much effort.

Botanical description

Armeria - clan perennial herbs. The height of the turf is about 15-20 cm, and during the flowering period it can reach 60 cm. The plant has a shortened taproot. A dense rosette of narrow linear leaves is located above the soil surface. They are painted bright green or gray and form a dense cushion under which it is difficult to discern the ground.

Armeria begins to bloom in May and delights gardeners with fragrant bright inflorescences until the end of summer. A long, erect stem grows from the center of the leaf rosette. Its smooth, bare or slightly pubescent surface is dark green. Flowers on short stalks are located close to each other, so the inflorescence resembles a perfect ball. Bisexual buds are colored purple, pink, lilac or white colors. The bracts of the corolla grow together into a small tube, and in the center there are 5 stamens. After pollination, the fruits ripen - dry single-seeded capsules.

Types of Armeria

Botanists have recorded about 90 species of Armeria. The most popular is. It forms thick dark green turf. The height of the plant does not exceed 20 cm. The linear, slightly flattened foliage is colored blue-green color. The capitate inflorescences, rising on pubescent peduncles, have a pink-purple hue. Flowering begins in late May and may repeat in September. Popular varieties:

  • Vindictive - blooms with large blood-red flowers;
  • Louisiana - blooms with pink inflorescences;
  • Alba – variety with snow-white inflorescences;
  • Solendens Perfecta - blooms miniature light lilac flowers.

Armeria seaside

The species lives on mountain slopes and is compact in size. The height of the turf does not exceed 10 cm, and the diameter reaches 30 cm. Many narrow bright green leaves are preserved even in frosty winter. In early June, a smooth peduncle 30 cm long grows from the center of the rosette. It bears a capitate inflorescence no more than 3 cm in diameter. Small bells in it are painted in light pink tones. Popular varieties:

  • Rosea – the turf is covered with many bright pink inflorescences;
  • Laucheana – blooms with carmine flowers;
  • Alba - with snow-white buds.

The plant is found in high mountain areas. It forms a dense clump less than 15 cm in height. But the width of the bush can be 20 cm. Narrow dark green foliage is collected in dense rosettes. Above it rise inflorescences on short (about 6 cm) stems. This species blooms in July and pleases with flowers for up to 50 days. The flowering is so profuse that under the many inflorescences it is difficult to distinguish the leaves. The variety has the most capricious character. For normal development she needs partial shade and shelter for the winter, since very coldy may destroy this plant. Varieties:

  • Biven's Veraiety - white and pink double flowers;
  • Brno - double flowers of a lilac hue.

Growing from seeds

Armeria from seeds can be grown through seedlings or sown directly into the ground. The latter is only possible in southern regions, since the seeds germinate with the first warm days, but may subsequently suffer from return frosts. Sowing in open ground is carried out in November, so the seeds will undergo natural stratification and seedlings will appear in March.

Growing seedlings begins in mid-February. The seeds must first be stratified for a week at a temperature of +2…+8°C. Then they are soaked for a day in warm water and sown in a container with a sand-peat mixture to a depth of 5 mm. Germinate at a temperature of +16…+20°C. Shoots appear within 2-3 weeks. In greenhouses, seedlings continue to be grown until mid-May, when the plants are sufficiently strong and the likelihood of frost disappears.

Vegetative propagation

Every year, shrubs form many basal shoots. Dense turf can be divided into several parts and planted in different parts of the garden. The first division occurs at the age of 3 years. The procedure is carried out at the end of summer, after flowering has completed. The bush is completely dug up and divided into several parts. All divisions should consist of plants with a strong root system. The distance between new plantings should be at least 20 cm.

Throughout the summer, you can propagate Armeria by cuttings. This implies separation from the turf of a young rosette without roots or with an underdeveloped rhizome. Rooting is done in open ground. Having planted the cuttings in loose, well-drained soil, it is covered with a cap for 1-2 weeks, but ventilated daily and watered as needed. Rooting occurs quite quickly.

Planting in open ground

Armeria is a light-loving plant, so open, well-lit areas of the garden are selected for planting it. It is recommended to immediately take care of protection from drafts and strong gusts of wind. The soil for armeria should have a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. The presence of lime in the soil is undesirable. To prepare alkaline soil, ammonium nitrate and acetic acid are added to it. Sandy loamy rocky soils are most suitable for growing armeria. If there are none on the site, a layer about 20 cm thick can be created independently from the mixture river sand, turf and greenhouse soil.

A few days before planting, the soil is well loosened and a complex of organic fertilizers (crushed sawdust, hay, pine needles and humus) is applied. To obtain isolated armeria sods, the distance between seedlings should be about 40 cm. To form a continuous carpet, it is reduced by half. The holes for planting are made shallow so that root collar located above the ground surface. The soil is compacted and watered moderately. You can scatter pebbles on the surface or make masonry.

Plant care

If the location for the armeria is chosen correctly and the planting conditions are met, caring for the armeria in the garden will be easy. She needs moderate watering. In rainy weather, natural precipitation is enough, but in summer heat and drought it is recommended to irrigate the bushes using sprinkling. The soil should dry out between waterings.

Armeria is fertilized every 1-1.5 months mineral supplements For flowering plants. The fertilizer solution is poured into the soil instead of watering. Thanks to this, the leaves will be especially bright and the flowering will be abundant. On peat and loamy soils the need for fertilizing is not so great, because the plants get everything they need from nutritious soil.

After flowering has finished, you should immediately cut off the fading inflorescences. This can not only increase the attractiveness of the green cover in the garden, but also achieve reappearance Armeria flowers in August or early September.

Armeria winters in central Russia and more southern regions under the snow, without additional shelter. For armeria turf, cover with spruce branches or non-woven material is provided. They will also protect other varieties in severe frosts. It is advisable to prevent the accumulation of moisture near plants, since during the dormant period Armeria does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil.

Armeria in the garden

Armeria is beautiful with its dense, colorful vegetation. It is used in mixborders, ridges, rock gardens and rock gardens. Plants also look good on rocky areas or natural mountain slopes. Dense foliage retains its beauty all year round, forming a continuous green carpet. In summer, a pattern of bright, fragrant inflorescences of unusual shape blooms on it.

In the flower garden, Armeria goes well with low-growing flora (phlox, thyme, saxifrage, bells). You can also create a composition exclusively from armeria various types and varieties. The inflorescences are well preserved after drying, so they are used in dry compositions. To do this, they are cut at the peak of flowering and dried, hanging with their heads down.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

According to one version, the name of the flower “armeria” is formed from two words and is translated as “growing near the sea.” There is also an assumption that “armeria” has a common root with “armoires” (the name given to some varieties of bearded carnations, similar to armeria). The distribution area of ​​the plant in nature is unusually wide - from Mongolia and Mediterranean countries to Siberia.

Armeria belongs to the herbaceous, perennial, flowering plants of the Vinaceae family.

Different varieties of Armeria grow in height from 15 to 60 cm. The stem is erect and may have slight pubescence. The flower has a shortened taproot and sessile linear lanceolate leaves collected in a basal rosette. During the flowering period, capitate inflorescences consisting of small flowers appear on the armeria. The color of the petals can be of various shades of purple, pink, and white.

The plant produces single-seeded fruits. Flowering begins in late spring and continues throughout the summer. Most often in gardens you can find Armeria maritima. Caring for it is almost no different from caring for other varieties of plants, with one difference - this species feels best when planted near a pond.

Types and varieties

About 50 species of Armeria have been described, growing in the wild, where it grows on rocky sea ​​coasts and in the highlands. We list the most famous and popular varieties that are grown in culture.


The largest-flowered species, the flowers reach 4 cm in diameter. The bushes grow up to 20 cm in height. The plant can tolerate frost, but does not like excess moisture. Rosettes consist of narrow leaves dark green. Armeria grows very quickly over the soil surface, filling everything free space. Inflorescences are spherical, on long peduncles, different colors. Flowering continues throughout the summer.


Perennial with beautiful, soft pink flowers. Flowering is abundant. The height of the plant can be from 30 cm to 1.5 m. Narrow linear leaves are characterized by a bluish tint. Peduncles are solitary, unbranched, and have no leaves. This type of armeria is frost-resistant and does not require shelter for the winter. The color of the inflorescences is pink or white; flowering lasts for three summer months. The variety does not require special care and has many subspecies.


Perennial from the mountainous regions of Spain and Portugal. As the bushes grow, they form a cushion 5-15 cm high. Single flower stalks with capitate inflorescences grow from a leaf rosette. The flowers are pink or scarlet, completely hiding the greenery. Armeria juniper leaves begin to bloom in July. Flowering ends in last days August. The plant does not like stagnant water in the soil and easily tolerates wintering.


This variety has a maximum bush height of 35 cm. The gracefully shaped inflorescences of coral color give the impression of weightless, loose balls. Narrow green leaves act as a frame, remaining below the inflorescences. The plant loves the sun very much. warm places, where it continues to bloom all summer. Red armeria is often used as a dried flower to decorate the interior in winter.


The variety was received in 2009 gold medal at a botanical exhibition. The plant blooms in the first year after planting. Great for rock garden or container growing, as it grows in low bushes. Armeria begins to bloom in late spring, and may re-bloom at the end of summer or early autumn. The inflorescences look like elegant snow-white balls.


A miniature variety, ideal for planting in rock gardens. Can be used for borders, ridges, and creating a flower carpet. The leaf rosette grows up to 15 cm in height, the inflorescences reach a length of up to 30 cm. There are forms with pink, red and white flowers. Flowering is long - from May to September. Goes well in plantings with other low-growing plants.

Anna Maria

Perennial growing up to 30 cm in height. Inflorescences can be white, carmine, pink, capitate in shape. Flowering begins at the end of May and lasts 2.5 months. At certain conditions May rebloom in autumn. Can reproduce by self-sowing.


Relatively low ornamental shrub perennial species. Does not like lime in the soil, prefers abundant watering. Flowering begins in late spring and continues into early summer. May rebloom in autumn. The caps of the inflorescences can be white, purple, pink, caramine, depending on the variety. "Joystick White" is a varietal variety with white spherical inflorescences. "Bees Ruby" - grows to an average height of 50 cm, the flowers are bright pink.


Compact shrub with an abundance of green mass forming dense cushions. Leaves are basal, rosette. Forms multiple, erect peduncles up to 50 cm high. The flowers are large - white, or different shades pink in color, collected in capitate inflorescences. Abundant flowering occurs in June-July. Winters well in well-drained soil.


The most demanding species in terms of maintenance conditions. Difficulties of care are compensated abundant flowering. Bushes must be protected from bright sun and covered for the winter. The flowering period lasts about 2 months, during which time red or pink inflorescences appear on the plant.

There are two ways to grow armeria from seeds - sowing in open ground and growing seedlings. It also reproduces well by self-sowing. Seed material is sown directly into the ground in late autumn or early spring. Seedlings are sown in February or early March. The seeds have excellent germination; when planting, they should not be buried too deep - just sprinkle a 5 mm thick layer of soil on top.

  1. In order for the seedlings to be friendly, it is advisable to subject the seed material to stratification. To do this, the seeds are placed in the refrigerator for 7-8 days.
  2. Before planting, they are soaked in warm water with Zircon for 6-7 hours.
  3. The seeds are buried no more than 2 cm.
  4. After sowing, the boxes are placed in a warm, bright place.
  5. Seedlings must be moistened in a timely manner.
  6. The top of the plantings is covered with film, which helps maintain the desired microclimate.
  7. After the seedlings grow a few centimeters, the shelter is removed.
  8. Picking is done after the first pair of true leaves appear.

Grown, strong seedlings are transplanted into open ground in the second half of May, when the threat of frost has disappeared.

Planting in open ground

Armeria does not like alkaline soil. In such soil, the plant begins to get sick and loses its attractiveness.

Helpful advice! If the site has calcareous soil, it must be neutralized with a vinegar solution before planting the armeria. The problem can be solved in another way - by adding ammonium nitrate.

Determine in advance a place in the garden to plant perennials. Ideally, if there is a lot of sand and stones in the soil, Armeria loves drainage. Plant it in a sunny area near a pond. But, at the same time, the scorching rays should not burn the army.

Most types of perennials are suitable for planting on an alpine hill. The best place for planting there will be the eastern side of the hill or slope. Armeria is not planted in the shade, because in this case the flowering will be very poor.

Before planting, it is necessary to add organic fertilizers to the soil in advance. It is advisable to mark the area with lines to more accurately indicate the landing sites of the armeria. To ensure that the bushes create a continuous carpet, the plants are planted in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other.

If it is necessary for each bush to stand out, increase the gap to 40 cm. When planting plants, you must ensure that the root collar is not buried. Near each bush the soil is compacted and watered.

Important! Until the plants have taken root (the process takes approximately 3 weeks), the soil must be regularly moistened, preventing it from drying out. In this case, the seedlings will take root well and form powerful roots.

In addition to watering, in the care of armeria it is necessary to apply fertilizers and timely pruning. For some species, you will have to take care of winter shelter.

  • The rules for watering armeria are regularity and moderation at the same time. You can’t either overwater the plant or overdry the soil.
  • Mineral and organic fertilizers are used for feeding. On poor soils, Armeria is fed more often. Fertilizer is applied for the first time on the eve of flowering. It must be comprehensive mineral fertilizer for flowering plants. During flowering, fertilizing is done twice more. This helps to extend the flowering period. And the flower stalks will be of better quality when fertilized.
  • Withered inflorescences are removed in a timely manner so that the plant does not waste its energy on them, but quickly produces new flower stalks. After the plant has flowered, all flower stalks are completely removed. After resting, armeria may bloom again closer to autumn.

On a note! Every 4-5 years, overgrown bushes are divided and transplanted to another place.

Plants grown from seedlings will bloom only in the second year; some varieties may produce weak flowering in the fall in the year of planting. Get accelerated flowering You can propagate the bush by divisions. It is more convenient to do this in the spring, combining it with transplanting an overgrown bush. But if desired, separate daughter sockets you can throughout the season.

After this, they are rooted under the film directly in the flowerbed, or in separate containers. You can divide the bush starting from the age of three. After planting, the surface of the ground near young plants is mulched to prevent the soil from drying out and the growth of weeds. If the bush was divided in early spring, young plants may bloom in summer.

Growing Armeria from seeds: video

Diseases and pests rarely plague Armeria. It can get sick during the dormant period; the plant is especially weakened by insufficiently acidic soils. Armeria can be attacked by aphids, and spotting is also possible. A disease prevention measure is radical pruning of armeria. In case of pest infestation, industrial insecticides can be used.

Sometimes root rot may occur; this happens due to excess moisture in the soil. If you suspect root rot The bush is dug up, inspected, all damaged areas are removed and planted in a well-drained place. In the future, water the armeria more moderately.

If the winter in your region is snowy, the perennial does not need to be covered for the winter. Armeria soddy, sensitive to cold, is sprinkled with fallen leaves or peat before wintering and covered with non-woven material. You can also use spruce branches for shelter.

Armeria can be safely classified as a highly decorative plant. It is good both in single plantings and in combination with other plants when filling an alpine hill or rock garden. The clearings, completely planted with armeria and reminiscent of floral carpet.

Low growing varieties perennials are used in the border, combined with other plants. A tall perennial bush can take center stage in a flowerbed composition. Armeria looks harmonious with alliums, echoing them in the shape and color of the inflorescences. It can be planted in company with saxifrage, creeping thyme, and alyssum.

The planting of Armeria is supported by its unpretentiousness, long term blooming and charming appearance. Whatever variety you choose, the plant will please you bright colors throughout the summer. There is a place for this perennial in any garden style.

Armeria is one of the most beautiful and delicate flowers that can delight the gardener’s eye for many years. From Celtic its name can be translated as “close to the sea.” And this is not surprising, because the most common type of armeria is seaside. Another version of the origin of the name of this plant says that, translated from French, “armories” is one of the varieties of cloves that has an external resemblance to armeria.

So, if armeria has settled in your garden, the cultivation, care, propagation of this flower and its characteristics should be well known to you.


Reaches a height of up to 50 centimeters. Has a small root. The stem is straight and may be smooth or pubescent. The flowers are small, collected in rosettes, their shades vary from white to purple, collected in inflorescences. They form round spherical “pillows”. Due to its low growth and brightness, it can act as a plot if the planting is dense enough. Looks good next to creeping plants.

Armeria blooms from May to August. There are more than 60 species of this plant, the most common are turf, alpine, prickly and seaside.

Growing from seeds

A well-groomed armeria can be a decoration for any garden. Planting, care, and cultivation features must be studied by the gardener before he decides to acquire a blooming beauty. For those who don't want to buy ready seedlings, it is possible to grow armeria from seeds yourself.

Seed propagation can be carried out by seedlings and in seedless ways. Seeds are planted in open ground before winter or in early March. If seedlings are to be grown in greenhouses, the seeds are sown at the end of February.

Flower seeds are planted in wooden or plastic containers. Keep in a dry, warm place. After the seeds have sprouted a little, they are covered with film or gauze, creating And only after this the sprouts can be transplanted into open ground.

Armeria is propagated by seeds or by division in spring or early autumn, placed in water and waiting for sprouts to appear, and then planted in the ground. It is best to divide each bush into small parts that can take root easily and quickly.

Landing Features

What kind of soil does Armeria like? Planting and caring for this flower should be done in areas with moist, light, not very alkaline soil. The location should be open and sunny, with only slight darkness possible. The soil should be kept loose and moist at all times, preferably in sandy and rocky areas.

Some plant species require calcium-rich soil. When preparing a site for planting armeria, much attention is paid to drainage, since the flower does not tolerate moisture accumulation at the roots.

The Armeria plant is considered unpretentious. Growing and caring for it can be carried out both during periods of drought and frost. However, despite this, in hot, dry weather the flower must be watered regularly.

What more could Army ask for? Planting and caring for a flower also includes the application of fertilizers. Fertilizing is carried out before flowering begins. During the season they are organic and are applied about 2-3 times. Much attention must be paid to feeding if armeria grows on peat, clay and loamy soils.

Plant care

If you have an armeria on your site, planting and caring for it will not take much effort and time, since this flower is quite unpretentious. In order for the plant to distribute all its forces to the formation of new buds and enjoy long flowering, it is necessary to promptly remove wilted flowers, as well as flower stalks on which new buds will no longer form.

When the armeria reaches five years of age, it must be dug up, divided into several small parts and planted. In the future, this procedure must be carried out every 2-3 years, otherwise the plant will overgrow.

Since Armeria is frost-resistant, it does not require special shelter for the winter. But the plant does not tolerate winters with little snow, ice crusts, or long wet periods. Therefore, it would be correct to plant the flower on hills, and in snowless winters to cover it with leaves or spruce paws.

There is an opinion that armeria should not be grown in one place for more than 7-8 years. So after this period it is better to replant the plant.

Armeria: planting and care in open ground

The seeds of the plant are planted in open ground in late autumn or early spring. Lightly sprinkle earth on top. It is very important to keep the beds constantly moist, but you need to water them very carefully so as not to wash out the seeds or bury them far into the soil. Before sowing, the seeds are kept in the refrigerator for about a week. After this, they are soaked in water for 6-7 hours and then planted.

If planting in open ground is carried out not with seeds, but with seedlings, then the armeria are placed at a distance of 20 centimeters from each other to create a dense flower carpet. Planting is done in rows, in shallow trenches.

In the first weeks after planting, regular, abundant watering is necessary. However, waterlogging of the soil should be avoided.

Armerias are used for planting in borders, rockeries, in wall crevices and between path slabs.

Diseases and pests

Armeria is not at all afraid of diseases or pests. Planting and caring for it only acidic soils with stagnation of moisture in winter period can cause the flower to become weak and vulnerable to aphids. This pest can be controlled by completely pruning the plant. It also helps a lot preventative treatment flower in early spring.

Armeria seaside

Marvelous beautiful view is the seaside armeria. Planting and caring for it do not require knowledge of special agrotechnical rules. This plant is quite unpretentious and frost-resistant. IN natural conditions grows in Europe and North America on sea dunes and coasts. The height does not exceed 20 centimeters, the flowers are pinkish-purple. Flowering continues almost all summer.

So, there are many varieties of armeria. All of them are distinguished by their unpretentious disposition and resistance to various weather conditions. The plant has taken root well in our climate and is able to bloom throughout the summer; it coexists well with other flowers. At minimal care these the most delicate flowers will serve as a real decoration for any garden and will delight you for many years.

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