Indoor flowers add color to our lives, create mood and home comfort. They can bring great benefit their owners. Therefore, you need to choose them correctly, since certain types not only enliven the room, but also improve well-being, warm you up in the cold and are simply pleasing to the eye.

Beneficial properties of house plants

Here are the main ones:

  • Accumulates in poorly ventilated rooms carbon dioxide. Flowers absorb it and saturate the air with oxygen.
  • Medicinal plant species treat cuts, burns, colds and other ailments.
  • In winter, indoor air becomes dry due to the heating system, which affects the condition of the skin and well-being. Flowers help humidify the air.
  • Plants absorb electromagnetic radiation that is created household appliances and home appliances. It can affect a person’s well-being, causing insomnia and headaches.
  • We are surrounded by objects that can release toxic substances. City air contains a lot of dust, exhaust gases, and heavy metals from emissions from factories and enterprises. Plants purify the air, kill microbes with the help of their phytoncides and absorb harmful impurities.
  • Popular beliefs give indoor flowers the properties of bringing happiness, harmony, tranquility, etc. We included in our review some plants that, according to signs, are useful for their owners.

Indoor plants: choose for yourself and your loved ones


This is a well-known home healer. It will help with colds, inflammation, can stop bleeding and heal wounds. Its juice is used to treat throat, heartburn, gastritis, gum inflammation and other diseases. It is often used for cosmetic purposes.


It is also very useful to keep in the house. This is a bushy plant with thin and bendable leaves that have light stripes. It will help get rid of moldy fungi and pathogenic bacteria, cleanse the air of those present in it harmful substances. Chlorophytum will bring peace and comfort to your home.


Great for growing in a pot on a windowsill. It improves appetite and stimulates the digestive process. Its leaves are good to use as a seasoning for various dishes and to brew tea with them.


Many people’s favorite plant will fit perfectly into the kitchen interior and will not take up much space. Violet will purify and humidify the air from carbon monoxide. This flower is a symbol of peace and tranquility in family relationships. It is believed that white flowers help get rid of sadness, fatigue and depression. Blue violets are suitable for creative people. They give peace of mind, stimulate spiritual growth and strengthen character. Flowers of red and pink colors lift the spirits and can protect their owner from diseases.


It does an excellent job of collecting dust that settles on its leathery leaves. They are very easy to wash or wipe with a damp cloth. Ficus will saturate the room with oxygen, purify the air from unpleasant odors. It improves family relationships, calms and relieves anxious thoughts.


A beautiful liana, for example, scindapsus, looks good in hanging planter. It has green, heart-shaped leaves with yellowish spots. It is unpretentious and perfectly purifies the air. Scindapsus transforms lazy energy into activity. It can be placed in the kitchen.

Wax ivy

This climbing flower with hard, oval-shaped leaves. It has white, pink or red umbrella inflorescences. The plant neutralizes negative energy in the house, protects the owner from troubles and cleanses the air of germs.


Lush curly geranium has many healing properties. It repels moths and evil spirits, relieves irritability, normalizes sleep and fights pathogenic bacteria. Her mere presence in the house attracts good luck and fulfillment of desires. The aroma of these flowers relaxes and relieves headaches. If the plant withers, they believe that one of the household members may get sick.


This plant can be squat or tall, with a thick trunk. It is often called money tree. Crassula has small dark green leaves that are arranged symmetrically on the branches. They look like little coins. Therefore, it is believed that the fat woman is capable of attracting material wealth into the house.

Sansevieria (mother-in-law's tongue)

Enough tall plant with massive elongated leaves. They come in one color and are dark green in color. They also have light stripes in the middle or white spots. The flower improves family relationships and brings harmony. Its leaves are antiseptic, which is why they are widely used in folk medicine. Sansevieria juice is used to heal wounds, and the plant can also stop bleeding.


This bushy plant has a purple color. Its leaves resemble a flock of butterflies. During flowering, small white umbrella flowers appear on it. The branches of the flower can intertwine with each other. Oxalis leaves can be used in cooking, for example, added to salads. They taste like sorrel. The plant improves intuition and sharpens the senses. It can be held by those who want to meet their soulmate and attract attention.

Cactus (Echinopsis)

It has a spherical, slightly elongated shape. Its ribbed body is covered with small needles. If you take good care of the cactus, it will bloom towards the end of spring. And every year a shaggy soft arrow will appear on it, from which a bud with a wonderful aroma will then open. It will bloom for up to 3 days. The cactus is placed near the TV or computer and in other places with dangerous radiation.


All citrus fruits calm the nervous system and relieve stress. A tree can be grown from a lemon or tangerine seed. The leaves, just like the fruits, can have beneficial effects. Plants secrete essential oils that help calm, relieve stress and fatigue, and ensure healthy and sound sleep.

Myrtle or eucalyptus

These plants are perfect for the bedroom. Their leaves secrete substances that make breathing easier and relieve bronchospasms. It is very useful for people suffering from asthma and respiratory diseases.

It is customary to give myrtle to newlyweds as it is a symbol of long and happy family relationships. It needs to be carefully looked after so that the plant does not die and take away its well-being.


Thanks to her, the room will be filled with the freshness of a coniferous forest. It is a miniature pyramidal shaped tree with soft needles. The plant perfectly purifies the air.


Many flowers, according to signs, bring harmony and love to the house. For example, spathiphyllum is a symbol of female happiness. He helps the girl in search of her soulmate and saves the relationship of the married woman.


This is a small 30-centimeter plant with heart-shaped leaves that will make its owner happy and bring her good luck in love.

Dwarf pomegranate

It is believed that its fruits can strengthen marital relationships if husband and wife try them together.


It is recommended to place red flowers in the bedroom. They bring harmony and mutual feelings into the life of a married couple. Anthurium has glossy, dark green, heart-shaped leaves. According to legend, this flower will bring good luck to its male owner. Anthurium is a symbol of courage, masculine strength, passion, desire for freedom and love.


It has long leaves and single curled flowers. She protects the home and generates joy and goodness, and also transforms negative energy to the positive.


Red camellia will help refresh your relationship. Its inflorescences look like peonies. The plant brings success in creativity and career.


It has small inflorescences of different colors. This is a real home healer. The flower heals cuts, treats colds, regenerates skin, relieves stomach ulcers and even varicose veins.


An indoor plant with dark matte leaves with white inclusions. Cyclamen inflorescences resemble butterflies; their shade can vary. Most often, one shade smoothly transitions into another. Flowers have strong energy. They help get rid of fears, depression, bad dreams.


This is a flower with large oval leaves on which a grooved pattern is applied. During flowering, small white or yellow flowers appear. The flower purifies the air well and absorbs negative energy. Signs indicate that calathea creates a peaceful atmosphere in the family.

Plant and grow plants and flowers at home, and the atmosphere around you will be filled with positive energy and pleasant aromas!

Unpretentious indoor plants, or home gardening for the lazy

Houseplants that purify the air

Unpretentious indoor plants that bloom all year round

When purchasing another flower, we do not even know about some of the harmful properties of indoor plants, and then suddenly we notice emerging health problems. If they live in the house small child or animals, then you need to pay special attention to the choice indoor flowers and plants to protect their livelihoods. Some plant species contain poison in their sap or release harmful substances into oxygen.

In addition to plants that are not recommended to be kept at home, some flowers have an adverse effect on the human body. In this case, you need to choose the right location for the future green resident, without placing it in the bedroom or, conversely, in the kitchen.

Disputes and disagreements regarding dangerous plants there is a huge amount of work going on in the house. All the sayings are mixed with various signs that can ultimately confuse a novice gardener.
In this article we will look at plants with which you need to be careful and be aware of the likely consequences for the body and for energy.

List of poisonous plants

This group of plants includes those species that should not be kept at home, especially in the presence of animals or children, due to their extremely dangerous properties. A child, like a pet, can be poisoned by such flowers or get burns if handled carelessly.

If there are no children or animals in the house, then take precautions when caring for such plants. Be sure to use gloves when working with these colors and wash your tools thoroughly. Never trim these flowers with a knife meant for eating in your kitchen.

Consider this group of plants:

  1. Dieffenbachia.

    A popular indoor plant that attracts gardeners with its huge yellow-green leaves that form a fluffy crown. The flower is dangerous because of its juice, which is released when the leaves or stem are cut. If a pet or child decides to chew any part of this flower, the juice that enters the body will cause severe poisoning. In addition, Dieffenbachia juice causes burns and irritation to the skin.
  2. Oleander (Nerium oleander).

    Popular for its bright crimson flowers. Ingestion of oleander juice into the body causes blindness. The smell of a flowering plant contributes to dizziness and poor health.
  3. Euphorbia (Euphorbia).

    This plant is represented by a huge number of species and various forms, so it cannot be described unambiguously. Many representatives are similar in appearance to cacti and have spines, the injection of which is also dangerous for a living organism. Euphorbia contains in its stem and leaves white juice, which leads to burns and skin irritation. If it enters the body it causes poisoning.

    By the way, on our website there is a large article about caring for this plant, so we recommend that you read it!

  4. Croton.

    If we talk about this plant, which belongs to the euphorbia family, then it looks like a small tree with variegated leaves that have an elongated shape. Its flowers are inconspicuous, and it rarely blooms at home. The juice of this plant causes burns on the skin. If the juice gets into the bloodstream through a cut or ingestion, the matter may result in death or intensive care.
  5. Azalea.

    A common plant among flower lovers. It is famous for its lush and attractive flowering. Azalea flowers come in a wide variety of colors: white, pink, red, yellow. It is Azalea Simsa (Indian Azalea) that is considered dangerous. Ingestion of the leaves of this flower causes intestinal colic and cramps.
  6. Mimosa pudica.

    A bizarre plant, which is externally represented by thin stems and small leaves. The leaves look fragile and delicate, and when they come into contact with an object, they curl into a tube. Prolonged human contact with these flowers leads to hair loss and hair loss. Sometimes it even comes to complete baldness. The fact is that this plant releases harmful and toxic substances that poison the human body.
  7. Evergreen ivy (Hedera).

    This plant belongs to the Araliaceae family. It is a shrub in the form of vines. Cats are very attracted to the bright green color of the leaves of this plant, but ivy leaves and berries are poisonous, so the animal can die or be seriously poisoned.
  8. Adenium.

    A very beautiful plant, which is represented by a thick, plump stem in the form of a small tree trunk. At the top there are sparse leaves and a large number of medium-sized pink flowers. The plant is very toxic, adenium juice is especially dangerous. Upon contact with the body it causes poisoning and burns.
  9. Monstera.

    Monsterra is not a very dangerous plant, but it’s still better not to have one at home

    A spectacular plant with huge leaves and growing to an impressive size. Usually, monstera can be found in public places or botanical gardens. Monstera juice can cause burns on the skin, disorder digestive system, and if it gets into your eyes, it can damage them.

  10. Philodendron.

    Belongs to the aroid family. The plant is represented by bushes, vines and lush greenery. Philodendron juice is poisonous. In contact with skin and eyes, it causes irritation and burns.
  11. Primula (Primula).

    The flower has gained such popularity due to beautiful flowering various shades, small size and velvety leaves. During flowering, the plant releases toxic substances that cause nausea and dizziness. The velvety leaves are covered with small villi, contact with which leads to burning and allergies.
  12. Dwarf Stellera (Stellera chamaejasme).

    The photo shows Steller in his natural habitat. This plant is known for its medicinal properties, but it can only be used for such purposes under the supervision of a doctor. The flower itself has a tall stem on which the inflorescences are located. They consist of 20-30 small white flowers. If the leaves of the plant enter the body raw, it can cause swelling of the vocal cords and even numbness.
  13. Nightshade (Solanum).

    This flower attracts attention with its bright orange fruits, which adorn the evergreen shrub. These fruits are very poisonous and dangerous. May cause poisoning. The bright color of the berries attracts children and animals, so you should not keep such a flower at home.
  14. Gesner tulip (Tulipa gesneriana).

    This plant blooms very impressively. It has a medium-sized stem on which a large flower is located. The color is varied - from yellow to red. But staying indoors with this flower for a long time leads to hair loss and baldness.
  15. Trichocereus.

    This plant is a type of cactus. It has long and large needles and blooms with large white flowers that have a pleasant aroma. The plant contains hallucinogens and toxins that cause paralysis of the nervous system.

By family

The list of poisonous plants seems much longer, so when buying a flower, ask what family it belongs to. There are 4 main families of the most poisonous plants, namely:

  • Euphorbiaceae family. The juice of many representatives of this class is poisonous and causes burns to the skin.
  • Family Araceae. Most representatives of this group are toxic plants. Their juice is especially dangerous.
  • Kurt family. This class includes the most dangerous plants for human and animal life. They attract with their bright and colorful appearance. Wear gloves when working with flowers from this family.
  • Solanaceae family. In this class, not all plants are poisonous, because the well-known potatoes and tomatoes belong to this family. But home flowers are most often toxic, and especially their fruits. Berries cause indigestion, nausea, and vomiting.

Watch the video for details:

Sometimes indoor plants bring not only beauty, but also danger. For this reason, be sure to use protective equipment when working with flowers. If, no matter what, you decide to acquire such flowers, then try to protect them from possible contact with animals and children.

List of plants that need to be treated with caution

There are a number of indoor flowers that can cause harm to the human body only if they are placed incorrectly in the house. In addition, some plant varieties cause allergies or minor illnesses. The list of these plants is as follows:

All flowers with strong aroma, should be placed in thoroughly ventilated areas. Then problems with poor health will not arise.

Folk signs: what is possible, what is not?

To trust folk signs or not is a personal matter for everyone. It is worth remembering that most often signs arise on the basis of many years of observations of ancestors. Let's consider what the appearance of some indoor plants in the house entails:

Video on the topic:

When organizing a flower corner in your apartment or landscaping your home, choose flowers that best suit you based on your lifestyle, the appearance of the flower and its properties.

Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, it is important to pay attention not only to the type of flower, but also to the state in which it is. There are several basic rules for keeping flowers and plants in the house according to Feng Shui:

  • You should not keep dried flowers in your apartment.
  • All old plants that no longer bloom or produce new shoots should be thrown out.
  • Sick flowers should not be kept in the house, as they will take away your health.
  • A flower that you have been caring for for a long time, but all your actions are of no use and it fades, should also be removed from the house. The plant spreads negative energy.
  • It is worth choosing those flowers whose leaves are directed upward. According to Feng Shui, such plants carry positive energy to the house. Plants with leaves that stretch downwards, on the contrary, ground it.
  • It is better to choose flowers with rounded leaves.
  • You should not place a large number of plants in the bedroom or next to the bed.
  • According to Feng Shui, all plants are divided into female and male (Yin and Yang). Women's plants include begonia, violet, crassula, and cyclamen. Citrus fruits, dracaena, chlorophytum and others are considered male plants.
  • For the most favorable energy field, it is necessary to keep Yin and Yang plants in the house.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, there are no favorable or unfavorable types of flowers, but some are still not worth buying for keeping in your home. Among the plants with bad energy include all that have sharp leaves. It is believed that such flowers bring quarrels and discord to the family. Needles and thorns also provoke scandals, so you should choose plants with soft needles. The main plant that is not recommended to be grown according to Feng Shui at home is bonsai.

It represents bonsai, whose growth was stopped artificially. Such a tree will stop the development of its owner and will negatively affect career success and overall well-being.

Video about plants and Feng Shui:


In conclusion, I would like to say that the choice of indoor plants largely depends on your personal preferences. Follow safety precautions when handling poisonous flowers. Do not forget about their danger to children and animals.

Which flower to choose for growing at home without harming your health? This material talks about which flowers to choose for certain rooms, taking into account the botanical characteristics of the crops. Before choosing indoor flowers, it would be a good idea to make sure that all family members are not allergic to them. For more information about which flowers to choose for your home, you can read the tips on this page further. Perhaps the information provided will help answer the question of which indoor flowers to choose for interior design. There are also some tips on how to choose indoor flower according to his group affiliation.

Houseplants can be purchased at any time of the year, but in winter you should take care of them. Avoid purchasing tender plants that have been sitting outdoors as “discount” deals.

If you choose bulbs, make sure they are firm and have no holes or sprouts. When purchasing indoor plants, pay attention to any dangerous symptoms- roots sticking out of drainage holes, empty space between the compost and the inside of the pot, soft leaves, etc.

Plants should be wrapped or in plastic packaging that can protect them during the winter. The dangers of cold air when traveling home are obvious. Less obvious is the damage that can be done to plants in the trunk of a car at the height of summer. If possible, transport the plant in a box in the back seat.

Try to provide the new plant with an acclimatization period. Keep it out of the straight sun rays and drafts for several weeks, and be careful when watering. Don't move it from one place to another trying to find the "proper" position. Just leave it alone in a moderately warm place away from the sun. Losing one or two leaves during this period is normal for a new plant.

The situation is different with flowering potted plants, such as azaleas, chrysanthemums and cyclamens, which bloom in winter. Place them immediately in permanent places and provide as much light as possible.

What flowers and plants can and should be kept at home

There is a certain standard for which flowers can be kept at home without danger to health. There are also beliefs and scientific conclusions about which plant should be kept at home for the well-being and good health of the whole family. There are six main forms into which almost all indoor plants fit. There are also intermediate cases, and some plants change shape from one to another with age. Size is another important factor when purchasing a plant. Low-growing varieties can get lost against the background of a large bare wall, and tall ones tree plant not suitable for a narrow window sill. Remember that you can buy young plants that can grow to the size of a child within a few years.

What flowers and plants should I plant and grow at home?

Before you decide which flower to plant at home, you need to decide where it will stand and what function it will perform. Everyone chooses for themselves which plants to plant at home; for example, erect flowers have a distinctly vertical growth pattern. Among them there are both low and tallest indoor plants. Medium-sized vertical plants are an integral part of a potted group, providing a sense of height and compensating for horizontal effect, created by rosette and ampelous plants. Tall, upright varieties are often used as single plants.

Some knowledge will help determine which flowers to grow at home, for example, columnar plants have thick vertical stems, either leafless or bearing leaves, which do not interfere with the columnar effect. Many cacti and some succulents have this growth pattern.


Cleistocactus Strauss

Notocactus Leninghaus

Peruvian cereus.

Trees are used in large rooms as single plants and in many compositions as a central element. Trees have a central branched or unbranched stem and leaves with small petioles. Some are quite small, such as miniature succulent "trees"; others are capable of growing to the ceiling.



Ficus Benjamin,

Ficus rubbery



False palms have stems that, while the plants are young, are completely covered by elongated leaf bases. In an adult plant, usually only upper part The trunk is covered with leaves and a characteristic “false palm” effect occurs.




What flowers to have at home

Before deciding what flowers to have at home, it is worth learning about bush-like plants - these are varieties that do not fit into other groups. They usually have multiple stems growing straight out of the compost, with a growth pattern that is neither discreetly vertical nor horizontal. They can be small and compact, like peperomia, or tall and bushy, like aucuba. Some plants are naturally bushy, others need to be pinched regularly to encourage tillering.

Examples of what flower to have at home:


Begonia royal


Which indoor plant to choose from cereals

Grass-like plants have long, narrow leaves and a growth habit similar to that of cereals. Very few true grasses are grown as houseplants. If desired, you can grow an open ground cereal plant in the room. For example, you can use calamus, arundinaria, sedge and ophiopogon. Which indoor plant to choose from cereals largely depends on the overall interior design.

Broad-leaved grass-like plants are much more popular - Chlorophytum crested is widely grown.

Some flowering plants also have grass-like leaves, for example:

Billbergia drooping

And Tillandsia Linden.

Globular plants

Globular plants are leafless and spherical in shape. Almost all of them are cacti. The surface of the stem may be smooth or covered with hairs and thorns.



Euphorbia obese


Rebutia is tiny


Rosette plants

Rosette plants bear leaves arranged in a circle around a central growing point.

Most rosette plants are low growing and pair well with bushy and upright plants in potted groups and indoor gardens.

Flat rosette plants

Flat rosette plants have large leaves that lie almost horizontally, forming a loose rosette. A number of attractive flowering plants have this growth habit.




Succulent rosette plants have fleshy leaves arranged in several layers and often tightly adjacent to each other. This arrangement helps retain moisture in their natural habitat.


Aloe squat

Roofing rejuvenated

Aeonium discalis

Echeveria bristles.

Funnel-shaped rosette plants are widespread among bromeliads. The wide, strap-shaped leaves form a “funnel” that traps rainwater in their natural tropical habitat.




Lianas and hanging plants: which ones to choose

Curly and hanging plants have stems that are either tied to a support so they grow upward or left to hang down the outside of the container. Many varieties can be used both ways. As climbers, they are formed on pegs, cords, trellises, wire hoops, vertical poles, in wall-mounted pots to frame a window, or on a support serving as a partition. As ampelous plants, they can be used to grow along a horizontal surface or go down the sides of the pot.

Lianas are always grown as vertical plants. Climbing varieties curl around the supports provided. Clinging varieties that have tendrils must be attached to supports at regular intervals; if left to grow unattended, the stems will soon tangle together. Varieties with aerial roots are best grown on a moss stick.




Philodendron spear-shaped.

Lianas/creepers are extremely useful indoor plants. When growing them as vines, it is generally not recommended to tie all the stems to one stake - they look more attractive when the stems are spread out on a trellis or on several stakes inserted into a pot. When growing them as hanging plants, it is sometimes necessary to pinch out the growing points.



Philodendron climbing.

Hanging plants are always grown as hanging plants with stems pointing downwards, or as creeping plants with stems growing along the surface of the soil. Many hanging plants have colorful foliage or attractive flowers. They are best grown in hanging baskets or placed on tall stands.


Begonia drooping

Campanula equifolia


Morgana sedum



Flowers for dark corners

It's tempting to liven up a dark corner with indoor plants. But for plants to survive, they need light. Flowers for dark corners should have a high level of shade tolerance and not need a lot of ultraviolet light to grow.

Here's a test to tell if there's enough light: It should be possible to read a newspaper in the darkest part of the corner at the end of the morning or early afternoon, and the plants should cast at least vague shadows on a sunny day.

It is good if the surfaces of the corner are pasted over or painted white or light color. The mirror surface is even more useful. You can use light-loving species for a few weeks and then move them to a brightly lit area for a week or two to recuperate. Alternative way- buy pots of brightly colored flowering species and treat them as temporary arrangements the same way you would treat cut flowers in a vase.

Unpretentious plants

There is a group of plants that can tolerate various conditions- dark and cold corners, bright and stuffy rooms, periods of oblivion, and so on. Grow some low-maintenance plants if you are convinced that everything you touch will die. These plants will survive as long as you don't keep the compost moist and you don't burn them in the summer on an unshaded, south-facing windowsill. Typically, you can water them once a week during the growing season and once every two weeks during the winter.

Creating comfort in own home, it is very difficult to choose the right wallpaper, carpets, furniture and other items. It is no less difficult to choose the right indoor plants that will not only please the eye, but also provide benefits for one reason or another. We bring to your attention a selection of 25 indoor flowers with photos and names that must grow in the house.

Colorful ornamental shrub heather family. The flower comes from India, China, the mountains of Siberia and the Caucasus. The leaves of the flower are small, symmetrical on long stalks. The flowers are large, multi-colored, curly. Azalea has many interpretations about growing it at home. Many sources say that a lush and blooming azalea in the house will bring good luck to household members in the business sphere.

A shrubby plant with dense and fleshy arrow-shaped leaves. The ends of the leaves are covered with spines. The plant may be light green or have small white speckles. Aloe can be called a “house doctor”; it is an indispensable plant in the house. Helps with colds, headaches, gastrointestinal diseases, throat and nose diseases, diseases oral cavity, boils and ulcers. An excellent product for home cosmetology. Effectively stops bleeding.

A lush houseplant with shiny, dark green, heart-shaped leaves. The flowers are large, spadix-shaped, with a single petal around them. The flowers are most often shiny red. The flower is native to South America. It is generally accepted that Anthurium brings happiness to its male owner. The flower symbolizes courage, passion, strength, freedom, love.

An evergreen coniferous plant in the form of a miniature tree with a pyramidal crown. Instead of leaves, the plant has soft green-yellow needles. Araucaria in the house will fill the home with freshness and pine aroma. Serves as an excellent air purifier.

Evergreen climbing plant family of swallowtails. The plant has heart-shaped or oval leaves of dark green color. An umbrella blooms with inflorescences on a long stalk. The inflorescence can contain up to 25 flowers of white, pink or red. The plant comes from China. It is believed that the plant protects households from various misfortunes and removes negative energy. The plant purifies the air well and kills germs.

Lush indoor plant with curly, light green, basal leaves. The flowers are small, lush, on high stalks, in an umbrella inflorescence. Flowers can be white, pink, red. Geranium is famous for its antiseptic, bactericidal and antiviral effects. Very often, the plant is used in home medicine for the treatment of acute respiratory infections, otitis media, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, headaches, toothaches, normalization of blood pressure, indigestion and wound healing. Geraniums are also credited with the mystical properties of identifying illnesses in the household; the plant begins to wither and disappears when someone gets sick.

A perennial bulbous houseplant of the Liliaceae family. The plant is native to tropical America. The leaves are belt-shaped, dense, dark green, up to 60 centimeters in height. The stem is single, juicy, dense, up to 90 centimeters in height. The flowers are large, lily-shaped, collected in an umbellate inflorescence of 2-6 flowers. The color of flowers can be very diverse. The plant purifies the air well.

The cactus has a spherical, symmetrical body with small needles. The body color of the cactus is dark green, the body is ribbed. Cactus blooms good care, at the end of spring and every year. The cactus throws out a furry soft arrow at the end of which a bud opens. One bud blooms for 1-3 days. Flowers exude a wonderful aroma. You need to place the cactus in places where some kind of radiation is possible (computer, TV and other equipment). Cacti attract money and protect the house from thieves.

A lush indoor plant with heart-shaped leaves speckled with white or plain, dark green. Leaves on long stalks. The flowers are single on long stalks. The flower consists of one colorful folded petal and a spadix center. The color of the flowers can be white, pink, red, beige, yellow. The flower comes from South Africa. Calla has the magical ability to transform aggressive energy into the energy of joy and triumph. Calla lilies are considered to be a talisman for the home, and also a generator of goodness and joy.

A bushy indoor plant covered with large oval leaves with a grooved pattern. The leaves are dark green with light green or burgundy splashes. The leaves are arranged symmetrically on tall, succulent stalks. It blooms with small yellow or white flowers. The flowers are located low on individual stalks. Calathea purifies indoor air well. The flower is considered to be an absorber of negative energy. According to many beliefs, calathea brings peace to the family.

A lush indoor plant with spatulate or oval leaves. The leaves are dark green, shiny, on separate stalks, basal. The flowers are in the inflorescence of an umbrella, small, the color may vary. IN Kalanchoe house It is considered to be a full-fledged “home healer”. The plant can heal wounds, regenerate skin, treat runny nose, treat stomach ulcers, treat varicose veins, etc.

Lush bushy indoor plant. The leaves are oval, shiny, dark green. The flowers are large, red, on separate stalks. Externally, the flower is similar to a peony flower. Camellia in the house means good luck in creative and career endeavors.

Tree-like indoor plant. The tree trunk is thin, single. The crown of a tree is formed from small branches and small frequent leaves. The crown of myrtle is in the form of a ball. Myrtle is considered to be a plant that can give eternal youth. The plant brings family happiness and eternal love to the house.

Bushy plant. The leaves of the plant are purple. Externally, the flower looks like a “flock” purple butterflies" Oxalis blooms with small white flowers in umbrella inflorescences of 5-10 pieces. The flower has the property of weaving. Oxalis can be eaten in salads and as a substitute for sorrel. The flower is recommended for the home of those who want to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Oxalis has the properties of heightening the senses and enhancing intuition.

Indoor rose has many varieties. Shrub rose looks similar to street roses. The climbing rose does not grow in the room. The tree rose or Chinese rose is believed to bring bad luck. A bush rose in the house is an ancient symbol of wealth, love and prosperity.

Bushy massive plant. The leaves are succulent, large, sword-shaped. The leaves can reach 2 meters in height. The leaves of the plant can be a solid dark green color or interspersed with white and even with a light stripe in the middle of the leaf. Sansevieria promotes family well-being and harmony. Traditional medicine has not lost sight of the medicinal antiseptic properties of the leaves of the plant. The juice of the leaves heals wounds and stops bleeding.

Low growing indoor plant. The violet leaves are oval, dense with a rough surface. The color of the leaves is bluish-green. Each leaf is on a separate stem. The leaves are lying, located in the basal part of the plant. The flowers are regular, on separate stalks. Flowers can be pink, red, purple, white, yellow or multi-colored. It all depends on the species. According to popular belief, the violet brings family well-being. The plant is considered a symbol of eternal love.

A lush houseplant with shiny, dark green, heart-shaped or oval leaves. The sheets are corrugated. The flowers are large, spadix-shaped, with a single petal around them. The flowers are white, matte. The flower is native to South America. It is generally accepted that Spathiphyllum brings happiness to its female owner. I will return the flower, tenderness, hope, love.

Climbing indoor vine plant. The leaves are oval or heart-shaped, dark green in color. The leaves may be edged with a yellow stripe or have yellow spots. The plant is in most cases used as an excellent air purifier. The flower is able to transform the energy of laziness into mobility.

Indoor tree plant. The tree trunk is dense, can be either squat or tall (depending on the subspecies of the plant). The leaves are small, oval, juicy, dark green. The leaves are symmetrically arranged along the branches. According to Chinese beliefs, the leaves of the tree resemble coins. It is believed that the plant attracts money into the house.

Tall indoor plant. The stem is dense. single, can be up to 1.5 meters in height. The stem may be brown or burgundy. The leaves are large, oval, juicy, dark green. Ficus maintains an even energy balance in the house. An excellent air purifier.

Bushy indoor plant. The leaves are light green, thin and bendable, sword-shaped. There is a light stripe in the middle of the leaf. There are a lot of leaves on the bush. The plant is native to the subtropics. Chlorophytum is an excellent air purifier. The plant is capable of filling the air with beneficial phytoncides. People call the plant “family happiness.” According to legends, it brings happiness, comfort and peace to the family.

Lush bushy indoor plant. The leaves are dark green. bluish, matte. The leaves have whitish inclusions. The flowers are solitary on their own pedicels. The flowers look like butterflies. The color of flowers can be varied. Most often, flowers have the correct natural gradient. The plant has powerful energy. An excellent antidepressant. Drives away bad dreams and dispels fears.

The citrus tree in the house can be either a lemon or a tangerine. The tree trunk is strong and massive. The leaves are small, dark green, on thin branches. Crown on such indoor trees, often spherical. Most often when proper care Fruits are formed on the tree. A citrus tree is an excellent air purifier in the house. The plant also fills the house with citrus freshness, which improves sleep for household members and improves overall mood.

Bushy indoor plant. The leaves of the plant are small, dark green, symmetrically arranged on separate stalks. Eucalyptus purifies and refreshes the air. Eucalyptus leaves have very beneficial properties for asthmatics. The plant is also very useful for people with bronchial diseases and runny nose.

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Indoor plants are most often placed on window sills because of their beautiful and original appearance. But few people think that home flowers have a beneficial or negative effect on the human body.

Useful indoor plants saturate a closed room with oxygen, they improve a person’s overall well-being, calm the nervous system, absorb harmful radiation and even disinfect the air. But to feel their healing effect, you need to place more than 5 plants in one room.

However, many flowers actively absorb oxygen at night, so many plants in one room can even harm your health. Therefore, before keeping any flower in your office or apartment, you should find out how it affects the human body.

Plants are healers

List of indoor flowers that provide therapeutic effect, quite extensive. The most famous beneficial house plant is called aloe.

Agave juice has regenerating, anti-inflammatory, choleretic and bactericidal properties. This unpretentious flower stimulates the immune system, relieves sinusitis, and helps with gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Dracaena is an excellent antiseptic. It strengthens the skeletal and muscular system, accelerates the healing of abrasions, wounds and relieves dental diseases and tonsillitis.

Kalanchoe also has regenerative and antimicrobial properties. Therefore, it is used to treat gynecological problems, rhinitis and periodontal disease.

Immortelle is another popular medicinal flower. IN alternative medicine it is used for diseases:

  1. skin;
  2. jaundice;
  3. pancreas;
  4. cold;
  5. dropsy;
  6. digestive tract;
  7. bronchitis.

Decoctions and infusions based on immortelle have an antiseptic and diuretic effect, so they are prescribed for diseases of the genitourinary tract. Dried flowers are used by women for fungal diseases. And for men, the plant will be useful for cystitis, prostate tumors and other disorders in the genitourinary system.

Indoor plants useful for the home, such as white oleander, cleanse the bronchi and lungs. The flower improves immunity, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and normalizes blood pressure.

Many housewives prefer to grow ornamental plants at home. lemon tree. It not only emits a pleasant citrus scent, but also releases oils that have a bactericidal, immunostimulating and antiseptic effect.

Some housewives like to grow herbs in the kitchen, such as rosemary. In addition to the pleasant aroma, the plant has a healing effect. It contains phytoncides that alleviate asthma, colds, bronchitis and other respiratory disorders.

Noble laurel can also be kept on the kitchen windowsill. The spice is especially useful for diseases of the digestive system.

The queen of flowers, the indoor rose, is not only a beauty, but also a healer. The essential oils contained in its petals stimulate the immune system, calm the nervous system, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and rejuvenate the body's cells.

Useful flowers for the home that bring health are Lamiaceae. A bright representative family of plants is coleus. Thanks to its unique composition, especially forskolin, it is an indispensable component of various drugs and dietary supplements.

Coleus improves metabolic processes and promotes the absorption of nutrients and vitamins. It also normalizes intestinal function and strengthens the body as a whole.

Another useful aromatic herb that can be grown as an ornamental house plant- this is mint. Its leaves have sedative, analgesic and antispasmodic effects.

Mint improves digestion and freshens breath. Other amazing properties of menthol are that it repels insects (spiders), which most housewives are afraid of.

Flowers that purify the air

Indoor plants can be beneficial because they are good at cleaning the air from a number of harmful substances, including toxins and allergens. One of the best natural filters is chlorophytum.

Plant Description: It has long, linear leaves with a light center and richer green edges. Chlorophytum can bloom with small white flowers located on a thin stalk.

In addition to its external beauty, the herbaceous plant has a unique quality of purifying indoor air. Moreover, it neutralizes formaldehyde, eliminates the harmful effects of cigarette smoke, carbon monoxide and allergens.

Other useful houseplants that can purify the air:

  • codiaum;
  • chamedorea;
  • cypress;
  • aglaonema;
  • begonia;
  • anthuriums;
  • citrus;
  • Dieffenbachia;
  • scindapsus;
  • Cissus.

Ficus also purifies oxygen from pentachlorophenol, trichloroethane and benzene. And dracaena removes pathogenic microorganisms and toxic impurities from the air, including formaldehyde, xylene and ammonia.

Pet owners should get a hedera. English ivy, in addition to formaldehyde and harmful fumes, removes allergens released along with animal fur from oxygen.

Gerbera helps disinfect the air. The plant also removes trichlorethylene from oxygen, which appears during dry harvesting.

Plants that improve indoor energy

In addition to their healing and cleansing properties, many flowering plants have an energetic effect on the room and the people in it. According to the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui, some plants are talismans that attract love and good luck.

Fern is considered one of these magical flowers. It gives success and helps to find a common language with people.

Most a strong talisman considered to be a fat woman. This is a symbol of prosperity and monetary well-being. And to attract finance to the pot with miniature tree you need to bury the coin.

Only experienced gardeners grow orchids at home, as they are a beautiful but demanding plant. According to astrologers, the Yartyshnikovs are able to improve the atmosphere in the house. The flower helps to cope with depression and nervous disorders, and creative people find inspiration with its help.

List of other plants that bring good luck and improve energy in the house:

  1. Poinsettia brings success and gives inspiration.
  2. Yucca – has strong energy and attracts money.
  3. Camellia - helps creative people to open up.
  4. Zamioculcas - brings financial well-being.
  5. Asparagus - attracts money.

The plant of female happiness, giving love and harmony, is spathiphyllum. Single girls should get this flower to quickly find their other half.

Other plants that promote family well-being - dwarf pomegranate and Aichrizon. The first makes the marriage stronger, and the second has heart-shaped leaves that can attract love.

Placing plants in rooms

The kitchen will be decorated with pepper, lemon, pomegranate and mint. These plants improve appetite, digestion and neutralize unpleasant odors.

To clear the room of carbon monoxide and humidify the air, you should place an Uzumbara violet on the windowsill. And to absorb excess dust in the kitchen, you can place a pot of ficus.

Golden vine will also be an ideal solution for the room where food is prepared. Its advantages are unpretentiousness, air purification and attractive appearance.

The hardiest flower in the kitchen will be mother-in-law's tongue. Sansevieria is very unpretentious, so it can be placed next to the stove and in a dark place.

In the nursery, it is best to place flowers that relieve stress and calm the nervous system. These types include citrus fruits, which, in addition to their sedative effect, improve sleep and invigorate.

The money tree will purify the air in the nursery and increase efficiency. Cyclamen and hippeastrum reveal creative potential and destroy pathogenic bacteria.

In order not to injure the child or cause him an allergy, you should not place in his room:

  • ivy;
  • cactus;
  • philodendron;
  • ficus;
  • Dieffenbachia.

The best flowers for the bedroom are eucalyptus and myrtle. Their leaves can ease breathing and relieve spasms, which is especially important for asthmatics. You can also place a pot of araucaria in the rest room, which will fill the room with a pine aroma.

According to Feng Shui, in order for happiness to reign in the family and love to be mutual, it is better to place red flowers in the bedroom. For example, spathiphyllum, camellia or anthurium.

It's worth remembering that thorny plants cause irritation and quarrels. And scindapsus, tradescantia, hoya and ivy drive men out of the house.

Dangerous indoor plants

Not all flowers grown indoors are healthy. There are a number of dangerous plants that negatively affect health.

One of these is poinsettia. It has bright and showy red flowers, but they should not be touched with hands as they are poisonous.

Dieffenbachia is no less dangerous; upon contact with it, a person can become poisoned. The sap of the plant is especially toxic, which is often inadvertently enjoyed by small children and pets.

Because of its bright and rich flowers, primrose is often placed in a children's room. But all parts of the plant are poisonous; contact with them may cause burning and itching on the skin. And during the flowering period, primrose releases alkaloids that cause dizziness and nausea.

Other harmful indoor plants:

  1. evergreen ivy;
  2. cyclamen (roots are especially toxic);
  3. monstera (the juice of the flower is dangerous, it causes burns);
  4. azalea (has poisonous leaves, where the glycoside is contained);
  5. trichocereus (the cactus contains alkaloids and hallucinogens that provoke central nervous system paralysis);
  6. spurge (has poisonous seeds and milky juice);
  7. clivia ( hazardous substances found in roots and leaves);
  8. ficus (the sap of the plant is very toxic when it gets on the skin - it causes irritation or even a burn);
  9. gloriosis (all parts of the plant are poisonous, with internal intoxication vomiting occurs, kidney function is disrupted and hair loss);
  10. aglaonema (the juice of the flower is toxic).

Araceae, nightshade, kutra and euphorbia are contraindicated for people prone to allergies. Even with constant contact with these plants, a runny nose may occur, headache, photophobia. In case of severe intoxication, attacks of asthma and bronchitis occur.

There are indoor plants that cannot be kept at home - I would like to mention the photos and names of these flowers in this article. We all subconsciously strive for unity with nature, some have a summer cottage, and others, in the absence of it, strive to create a green corner in their apartment. Sometimes we are impressed by the beauty and bright colors of another flower, and we strive to purchase it as soon as possible in order to decorate our home.

When buying a flower, we don’t always think about the consequences and sometimes we start to feel unwell or our pets suddenly get sick. Among the inhabitants of the green world there are a lot of poisonous representatives, and sometimes the most beautiful of them turn out to be absolutely unsuitable for home keeping.

What indoor plants should you not keep at home? Of course, it is not possible to describe them all here, but I would like to focus on the most common ones - those whose attractive appearance we admire in shop windows flower shops. Some varieties contain toxic compounds and release poisons and harmful pollen into the atmosphere. Some flowers are not recommended to be planted where you sleep. If you have small children or inquisitive four-legged pets who want to try everything, you should be doubly careful and attentive when choosing home flowers.

What indoor plants should you not keep at home?

The simplest safety rules are to use gardening or regular latex gloves when in contact with green inhabitants. If you are pruning or removing branches and foliage, use a special knife. The tools you use in the kitchen should not come into contact with plants. Hands, as well as all cutting or auxiliary objects, should be thoroughly washed upon completion of maintenance work. Remember that individual flowers can actively release toxic substances during irrigation or watering.

Indoor poisonous plants - photos and names

Oleander is very beautiful when in flower, but its aroma can cause dizziness, nausea or even fainting. The juice of leaves and stems can cause allergies or burns to the skin. Do not allow oleander juice to come into contact with your eyes - the consequences can be very dire, including loss of vision.

Potted spurge looks very exotic thanks to its large, rich green leaves. In fact, the Euphorbiaceae family has many varieties: some resemble cacti, others resemble miniature palms. Selected species milkweed have spines, the prick of which poses a threat to the body, as they are very poisonous. The foliage and stems of milkweed contain juice, which, if it enters the esophagus, causes severe poisoning, and if it comes into contact with the skin or mucous membranes, leads to burns and irritation.


Dieffenbachia attracts the eye with its large decorative leaves with a variegated pattern. Its milky juice is very dangerous for the eyes; upon contact with the skin it causes burns, redness, and itching. If it gets into the mouth or esophagus, it causes severe burns of the mucous membranes and poisoning. If you have small children or animals at home, it is better not to get this plant!

Dieffenbachia, photo:


Alocasia is an ornamental foliage plant that is very poisonous. Any work with it should be carried out wearing protective gloves, and not only the juice, but even the fumes from the roots are poisonous. On all thematic forums, experienced flower growers strongly recommend using protection when transplanting alocasia. If you disturb the root (for example, cut it), you can smell a distinct cyanide odor, which is not recommended for even long inhalation. If it comes into contact with the eyes, alocasia juice can cause loss of vision, even if a child or animal inadvertently licks a small drop of juice, long-term illness is guaranteed. All parts of alocasia are poisonous: they contain hydrocyanic acid, mercury, and sublimate.


Croton has very beautiful densely growing leaves; in appearance it resembles a small tree. It blooms very rarely at home, but is often purchased precisely because of its attractive foliage. Croton is also very poisonous; if under some circumstances its juice gets into the blood (through a wound or cut when working with it), then even death is possible. In case of contact with skin, immediately wash the area with soap and water several times.


Azalea is very loved by many gardeners, it is simply luxurious, the flowers have a wide palette of shades, it is often used to create bonsai. It is poisonous, its foliage contains glycoside and andromedotoxin, which, when ingested by a person or animal, cause poisoning, nausea, and convulsions. The most poisonous is the Sims or Indian Azalea.


Evergreen ivy from the Araliaceae family is poisonous in its entirety - the berries, foliage, and stems can be fatal to humans and animals. This vine-like plant is very attractive to cats, and they suffer from it more than others. It also poses a serious danger to people.

Evergreen ivy, photo:

Ivy evergreen

Cyclamen is another one pet with decorative flowers unusual shape. Its leaves look very attractive, but are also toxic. Particularly dangerous are cyclamen tubers, which contain a strong poison, similar in strength to the poison of curare. When ingested, it causes a sharp deterioration in health, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, and loss of consciousness.


Adenium attracts flower growers with its exotic appearance, which is given to it by thick aerial roots. On top it is decorated with numerous flowers of bright colors and different shapes. Adenium is very poisonous, its juice provokes poisoning and causes burns upon contact with the skin. It should be borne in mind that all its parts contain toxins; this plant is especially harmful for asthmatics. The milky juice of adenium is capable of penetrating into the blood through the skin, so think more than once before bringing it into your home.


Monstera can most often be found in offices and public institutions, but flower growers often place it in their homes. It looks very impressive, grows to impressive sizes, and has large carved leaves. Monstera juice is very toxic; if it comes into contact with the skin, it causes a burn and severe itching. If it gets into your eyes, it can significantly damage your vision. If a child or animal eats even a small part of the leaf, poisoning or inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract is inevitable.


Brovallia is very attractive, it is not without reason that its full name is Brovallia the Beautiful. This small bush produces flowers of all shades of blue, lilac, and white. Alas, all parts of Brovallia are poisonous, so its contact with the skin or mucous membranes must be avoided. This flower attracts pets, but its juice is very dangerous for them.

Browallia, photo:


Aglaonema amazes with the beauty of its leaves; they are large, dense, with an incredible pattern of diversity. Despite the fact that it has a positive effect on the air in the apartment, cleans and disinfects it, it is still poisonous. The juice is the main danger to people and animals, although the berries are also toxic. If the flower is even slightly damaged (for example, a leaf is broken off or scratched during replanting), the juice will be released immediately. When performing any planting or care work with aglaonema, you should wear protective gloves.

Aglaonema, photo:


Primrose flowers have a wide range of shades, and the leaves also look cute - round, textured, covered with small fibers. Contact with these villi can cause a severe allergic reaction (burning, itching), and when primrose flowers bloom, dizziness and nausea can occur even in healthy, strong people (it secretes alkaloids). You should know that bright decorative primrose is poisonous, all its parts are toxic and pose a threat to your health.


Gloriosa is an exotic, truly luxurious specimen. Its unusual flowers are able to change their shade during flowering. This attractive representative is one of the most toxic among house plants; all its parts contain poison. If you have children or animals at home, you will have to give up having gloriosa. If it enters the body, it causes severe poisoning, including kidney failure.


Can indoor plants cause allergies? The answer will be positive - yes, they can. Representatives of the family Euphorbiaceae, Solanaceae, Aroidaceae, and Cutroaceae pose a particular threat. You should handle them very carefully and think more than once before bringing them into your home. Kutrovye are the most dangerous; the especially revered adenium, plumeria, carissa, dipladenia can cause significant harm to the health of your loved ones, as well as pets.


Remember that even pollen flying in the air can trigger an allergic attack. Almost all domestic flowers emit spores, essential oils, and pollen during flowering, and in particularly toxic varieties, all the released elements will also be by no means useful. Severe allergies can cause geranium and fern crops.

Don’t forget about protection if you decide to house one of them. Representatives of the aroid family also require increased attention and isolation from children and pets. Syngonium, a favorite of many, philodendron, contains poisonous components in its juice.


Be careful with euphorbia plants, each of them contains the toxin euphorin, which can cause allergies, skin inflammation, itching, and burns. Wash your hands with soap, use gloves, or better yet, replace them with safer green ones. The world of flowers is diverse and amazing; among the many options, you can always choose a favorite that will not only be safe for health, but also useful.

What indoor plants are good for the home?

Some of them have been known to many since childhood, such as aloe and Kalanchoe, which our mothers and grandmothers used to treat us for runny noses or colds. The plants listed below are home healers: they purify the air, they can be used for traditional medicine recipes, and they release components into the atmosphere that normalize the emotional background.

Indoor plants useful for the home

Lemon is very decorative - a small tree with bright fruits looks simply charming, plus it is very useful. I think everyone knows about the healing properties of lemon fruits, but its leaves are capable of releasing beneficial phytoncides and volatile essential oils. Where there is a lemon tree, you can breathe easier, your mood improves, and your brain activity is activated.

Lemon with fruits

The well-known aloe is incredibly useful, has wide range use for medicinal purposes. Aloe is undemanding to care, easily tolerates long breaks between waterings, and grows quickly. The juice and pulp of its leaves are a real immunomodulator for our body. Aloe has a powerful bactericidal, healing effect, is able to suppress the growth of cancer cells, and activates the vital forces of the body. The most common “medicinal” variety is tree aloe, but striped aloe and fearsome aloe are poisonous. Plants that are already 3 years old contain the most useful components.

Tree aloe (Aloe arborescens Miller) or agave
Aloe vera (A. vera L)

Pelargonium – close relative geraniums, they are often confused, although geranium is more related to garden representatives, and pelargonium is closer to domestic ones. One way or another, most often all types of pelargonium are called geranium. This flower is very popular, which encourages breeders to develop many new varieties. You should be aware that some varieties of pelargonium can be poisonous! Therefore, for home breeding, choose safe varieties (hybrids, zonal pelargonium, large-flowered), which refresh, cleanse the atmosphere, and destroy pathogenic bacteria. Moths, mosquitoes, and flies really don’t like pelargonium and “flee” from the room where it is located. If we consider indoor plants and the signs associated with them, then pink pelargonium can be considered a magnet for love relationships. White pelargonium is recommended for those who dream of a child.

Pelargonium, photo:

Pelargonium (geranium)

Spathiphyllum - elegant, sophisticated flower, who brings happiness and helps women meet their love, is popularly called “ women's happiness" It purifies the air at home, suppresses harmful bacteria, and has a detrimental effect on mold spores, if such a problem exists. Spathiphyllum actively releases oxygen with the arrival of night. The genus Spathiphyllum is an indoor plant that brings love and family happiness.

Spathiphyllum, photo:


Nephrolepis is one of the most attractive house ferns; it also has air-purifying properties and “absorbs” radiation from a TV or computer. Nephrolepis releases oxygen and biologically active compounds, making it easier to breathe indoors and elevating your mood.

Nephrolepis, photo:


Kalanchoe is another home healer called indoor ginseng or the tree of life. It is unpretentious, with the onset of summer it is recommended to take it outside more often. fresh air. The scope of application (medicines based on it) of Kalanchoe is incredibly wide - dentistry, surgery, gynecology, etc. Kalanchoe has a hemostatic, wound-healing, anti-burn, antimicrobial, and antiviral effect.


Begonia is useful, namely a decorative leafy group of plants that saturate the atmosphere with phytoncides, moisturize the air, and protect it from dust. Please note that the Begonia Everbloom variety is toxic, as are its hybrids. Rest indoor begonias capable of suppressing staphylococcus and streptococcus bacilli, various chemical components of the air. Decorative foliage begonia species are indoor plants that purify the air.


Chlorophytum is unpretentious, grows and develops in any light, loves moisture. It also has powerful air-purifying properties, and if, when replanting, you add activated carbon to its soil mixture, then useful qualities this green resident will only become stronger. This home flower is able to stop toxic emissions of combustion products. Types of chlorophytum, such as indoor cape, crested, variety "Bonnie", winged - these are the best air-purifying indoor flowers.

Chlorophytum, photo:


In addition to their medicinal decorative qualities Many indoor flowers carry a certain energetic message, at least that’s what many people think. Numerous signs have come to us from time immemorial; believing them or not is our personal choice, but it’s worth paying attention to.

What indoor plants can be kept in the bedroom or nursery?

Your sleep, well-being and, finally, family relationships depend on the atmosphere in your bedroom. You should not place poisonous representatives in the bedroom - those that emit toxic spores into the air or provoke allergies.

Opt for chlorophytum, laurel, potted rosemary or lavender.

Geranium, camellias, spathiphyllum, begonia, Kalanchoe, aloe, and Uzambara violets purify the air and release oxygen. These indoor plants for the bedroom can really relieve stress after a hard day, relieve insomnia, and calm the nervous system.

But monstera, ferns, ficuses, strong-smelling lilies, gardenias, and oleanders should not be planted where you sleep.

have too much flower pots It is also not recommended in one room - in a humid environment (soil) all kinds of fungi grow faster.

If people suffer from asthma or allergies, then, of course, it is better not to place flowers in the bedroom at all.

Indoor plants for a children's room are the same phytoncides that release useful components, purify the air, and have a detrimental effect on bacteria and viruses. For a nursery, it is better to choose unpretentious flowers that are resistant to “trauma” (tearing off leaves, breaking stems). Children, as you know, are fidgety creatures, so some complex or capricious flower is unlikely to take root if it becomes the object of close attention of young researchers.

Hibiscus, lemon, myrtle, chlorophyllum, mandarin, balsam, hippeastrum, eucalyptus, phalaenopsis are perfect for a children's room. These green inhabitants perfectly purify the air, produce oxygen, and fight toxins and all kinds of bacteria.

Waler's balsam Myrtle

Houseplants and signs associated with them

For some, green residents are a favorite hobby or just interior decor. However, along with this, many flower growers pay attention to signs and study the influence of flowers on our lives. A pet can easily become a kind of talisman, a guardian of happiness, a magnet for positive events. For example, you only have to look at oxalis to notice its incredible resemblance to four-leaf clover, an ancient, powerful symbol that attracts good luck.

Oxalis (Oxalis)

The same chlorophytum mentioned above is considered the patron of a happy family life.

Strict calathea has long been considered the guardian of family relationships and contributed to a long, happy family life. By the way, if you provide her with comfortable conditions, she will live an incredibly long time, decades.


Aichrizon, whose leaves are somewhat similar to hearts, is considered the “tree of love.”

Aichrizon - tree of love

The money tree (crassula) is a favorite “amulet” that promotes the accumulation of material wealth.

Crassula or money tree

Fragrant myrtle is often given as a wedding gift because it promotes family happiness, mutual understanding between spouses.

Incredibly beautiful hoya, which blooms with snow-white or pinkish “balls”, is recommended for placement in matrimonial bedrooms. This flower is the patron of lovers, helps to maintain fidelity, and gives mutual understanding to couples.


Beloved by many, violets are a symbol of comfort and home.


And spathiphyllum is generally the “happiest” flower (according to the majority). It is called “women’s happiness”, it helps single people to meet their happy destiny, married people - to strengthen existing relationships, the childless it gives the joy of motherhood, and those with many children - harmony, peace in the house, mutual understanding between loved ones. If spathiphyllum has bloomed in your home, then rest assured that happiness is already on the doorstep!

Spathiphyllum blooms

There are also indoor plants and the signs associated with them are not very positive - here it is definitely worth giving primacy to vines. If you keep climbing vines at home, the male sex will avoid the women or girls living in it.

Ivy, tradescantia, roisissus (birch), hanging zebra, campelia are the most active “husband-growers”.

Donated palm trees should also not be placed in an apartment.

The poor cacti got it - according to popular belief, they push the residents of the house to drunkenness. It is also not recommended for unmarried virgins to get involved in growing cacti.

Ferns, philodendrons, along with monstera, are considered absorbers of positive energy and vitality.

Geranium, yucca, neoregelia, sansevieria are also considered energy “vampires”.

Be that as it may, practice shows that those who take all negative prophecies to heart attract problems to themselves. He who seeks finds, says ancient wisdom. There are many happy families and successful destinies of people who keep ferns, ivy, and cacti in their homes. So grow your favorite flowers at home, enjoy life, but be on the lookout for poisonous representatives!

The choice of green pets directly depends on your preferences; follow safety measures when caring for them, protect any flowers from contact with animals or small children. Be careful about your choice; if you are in doubt, you can always consult an experienced florist or address your question to the appropriate flower forum.

In addition to external beauty, there are indoor plants that cannot be kept at home - I described the photos and names of the most frequently purchased representatives in this article. Hope, this information will help you make the right choice, create a cozy interior that will be aesthetically attractive and safe for you and your loved ones.

Indoor flowers add color to our lives, create mood and homeliness. They can bring great benefits to their owners. Therefore, you need to choose them correctly, since certain types not only enliven the room, but also improve well-being, warm you up in the cold and are simply pleasing to the eye. What indoor flowers are the best to grow at home?

Beneficial properties of house plants

Here are the main ones:

  • Carbon dioxide accumulates in poorly ventilated rooms. Flowers absorb it and saturate the air with oxygen.
  • Medicinal plant species treat cuts, burns, colds and other ailments.
  • In winter, indoor air becomes dry due to the heating system, which affects the condition of the skin and well-being. Flowers help humidify the air.
  • Plants absorb electromagnetic radiation that is created by household appliances and home appliances. It can affect a person’s well-being, causing insomnia and headaches.
  • We are surrounded by objects that can release toxic substances. City air contains a lot of dust, exhaust gases, and heavy metals from emissions from factories and enterprises. Plants purify the air, kill microbes with the help of their phytoncides and absorb harmful impurities.

What are good indoor flowers?

Popular beliefs give indoor flowers the properties of bringing happiness, harmony, tranquility, etc. We included in our review some plants that, according to signs, are useful for their owners.

The best indoor aloe flower

People often call it agave. This flower is simply a storehouse of useful properties. It is difficult to name all the diseases and injuries for which it is used, but most often it saves from colds, intestinal disorders, stomach pain, and also promotes rapid healing of wounds and cuts.

The best indoor flower chlorophytum

This plant absorbs carbon monoxide and many other toxic substances from the air. It ranks first in eliminating formaldehyde from the environment and producing oxygen. An original flowerpot or an unusual support on which you can place a flowerpot will help add elegance and beauty to chlorophytum.

The best indoor flower is peppermint.

A popular plant for preparing herbal medicines, peppermint has medicinal properties. Peppermint is known to many pharmacists. It has a strong smell and pronounced medicinal properties. Mint is a genus of plants that is united by similar appearance and composition.

The best indoor flower violet

According to an old belief, it is better for young girls to stay away from small flowers - either they will drive away suitors, or they will promote marriage out of necessity, but not out of love.

The best indoor ficus flower

Ficus benjamina is one of the best cleaners air after chlorophytum. The plant absorbs dust and toxic substances that evaporate from furniture and plastic objects. The plant is interesting because as it grows, its roots take on different configurations.

The best indoor Kalanchoe flower

Another one of the beautifully blooming succulents, ready to grow in “Spartan” conditions, without being left to the owners. Calmly tolerates low humidity rooms are not demanding on the composition of the soil; short-term drying is easier for them than heavy watering.

It is advisable, of course, to adhere to the frequency of watering, feeding the Kalanchoe 1 or 2 times a month complex fertilizers to provide it with the opportunity to bloom abundantly.

This is important! Kalanchoe will suffer from an overabundance of fertilizer, especially in the cold months of the year; when fertilizing, it is worth following the principle: it is better to undersupply than to oversupply.

The best indoor flower geranium

There is no better cure for depression than having this flower in the house. This natural antidepressant will improve sleep and normalize the nervous system.

The best indoor flower Crassula

If you are looking for an answer to the question of what flowers must be in the house for money, then the name of this plant speaks for itself. And spur flowers or citrus trees - orange, lemon, kumquat - will help enhance its effect.

The best indoor cactus flower

This is the most famous and popular type. Their stems are covered in thorns and hairs. Sometimes cacti also have common leaves. Many of the cacti may bloom. They are long-lived and quite unpretentious.

The best indoor flower Decembrist

A fast-growing flower, it is not capricious at slightly inappropriate temperatures. Flower growers love this unpretentious, beautifully flowering plant, and breeders actively work for them, annually breeding new hybrids of Decembrist, blooming in orange, coral, lilac shades, so that the plant blooms two or three times a year, it is enough to provide it with a room with diffused light and watering as the top layer of soil dries.

Indoor flowers for the kitchen

The kitchen is not an ideal place to grow indoor plants. Due to temperature changes and high humidity, many flowers suffer and get sick.

But there are several specimens that will not only take root well surrounded by slabs and various household appliances, but will also relieve its negative effects and become an excellent air filter. In addition, an oasis in the kitchen will improve digestion and perfectly complement the interior:

  • Chlorophytum;
  • Kalanchoe;
  • Decorative pepper;
  • Geranium;
  • Orchid.

What indoor plants should you not keep at home?

The simplest safety rules are to use gardening or regular latex gloves when in contact with green inhabitants. If you are pruning or removing branches and foliage, use a special knife. The tools you use in the kitchen should not come into contact with plants. Hands, as well as all cutting or auxiliary objects, should be thoroughly washed upon completion of maintenance work. Remember that individual flowers can actively release toxic substances during irrigation or watering.

  • Dieffenbachia;
  • Oleander;
  • Spurge;
  • Croton;
  • Azalea;
  • Ivy evergreen;
  • Adenium;
  • Philodendron.

This does not mean that these flowers cannot be kept in the house at all, but when growing such indoor flowers you need to follow the rules of care.

The choice of a houseplant should not necessarily be based on the external beauty or rarity of the flower. One of the most important properties of the plant is also its effect on health. The right choice home flower will allow a person not only to enjoy the beauty of the plant, but also to maintain / improve their health.

Since ancient times, man has felt his inextricable connection with nature. He not only enjoyed inhaling the smell of leaves and the aroma of flowers, but also felt a surge of vigor and strength. Since ancient times, people have known that many plants can heal, and they turned to them for help. Therefore, man intuitively sought to bring a piece of living nature into his home. And in our time, scientists have found that many indoor plants that decorate apartments and offices serve as air “cleaners.” They not only saturate the room atmosphere with oxygen, but also get rid of many pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, the volatile substances they release have beneficial influence on the human body, and some of them are capable of neutralizing harmful substances and radiation. One of the most useful indoor plants is chlorophytum. To purify the air in a room of about 20 square meters 6 plant specimens are enough. Chlorophytum leaves have the ability to absorb toxic substances released by synthetic finishing materials, as well as those contained in gas combustion products - formaldehyde, sulfur and nitrogen compounds. Therefore, this plant will be very appropriate both in the kitchen with a gas stove and in the living room. Ability to absorb formaldehyde and other toxic substances Common ivy, spathiphyllium, dracaena, and chamedorea are also found. Chamaedorea is especially recommended for houses located near highways, as it neutralizes the fumes of harmful substances contained in exhaust gases - benzene, trichlorethylene.
Ficus also performs the same function. In addition to saturating the air with oxygen, moisturizing and removing toxins, it releases phytoncides that suppress the activity of microorganisms. The gloss of its leaves traps a lot of dust, and when washing or wiping the leaves it is easily removed. Since ficus produces oxygen during the daytime and absorbs it at night, it is not recommended to place a pot with this plant in the bedroom, and especially in the nursery. Its ideal habitat is a kitchen or rooms with windows overlooking an industrial area or highway.
The unpretentious plant Sansevieria, popularly called “mother-in-law’s tongue” or “snake skin”, can rightfully be considered an oxygen generator. Sansevieria helps the human body adapt to changing conditions, increasing its immunity. Thus, it protects against colds and reduces the harmful effects of changes atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity. It also protects against toxins released by synthetics and linoleum. Geranium (Pelargonium), or pelargonium, acts as a “house doctor” for functional disorders of the nervous system. The aroma of geranium relieves nervous tension, helps with insomnia, neuroses, stress, and also with oncology. The substance geraniol released by it has an antiviral and antibacterial effect, kills staphylococcal and streptococcal viruses. Pelargonium also seems to “suck out” carbon monoxide and dampness, repels flies, and refreshes stagnant air. Therefore, in addition to the bedroom, it is well suited for the kitchen.
It's not just the fruit that makes indoor lemons (Citrus × limon) valuable. Its leaves, which are a source of 85 healing substances, sterilize the air. In the room where lemon grows, pathogenic organisms stop multiplying. Essential oils of leaves of lemon, orange, grapefruit, muraya, orange and other citrus fruits can lower high blood pressure, give a feeling of vigor and improve general condition, increase brain activity.
The well-known aloe (Aloe) among many peoples is famous for its healing properties, such as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, wound healing, and as a remedy for burns. Its juice also helps improve appetite, enhance secretion of the digestive tract and normalize digestion, increase the body’s protective functions, and accelerate recovery processes in case of tissue damage. It turns out that it releases oxygen at night, so it belongs in the bedroom.
In the presence of chronic diseases, asparagus (Asparagus) is indispensable. By its presence, it helps accelerate the healing of bone fractures and injuries skin, improving skin elasticity. It is useful for various pulmonary diseases, as it strengthens the lungs. Asparagus is destructive to many pathogenic bacteria. In addition, it absorbs heavy metals from the air.
For people suffering chronic bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema, bronchial asthma, upper catarrh respiratory tract, you just need to plant medicinal rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) in your home, the phytoncides of which are a therapeutic therapy for these diseases.
Myrtle and euonymus, eucalyptus and Kalanchoe, due to their antibacterial properties, help improve immunity and prevent the development of colds. Groups of 4-5 of these plants have an effective effect even at a distance of about 1.5 - 2 meters from them. Conifers, philodendron, syngonium, peperomia, evergreen begonia, epipremnum pinnate, nephrolepis, and tradescantia have cleansing properties. Scientists have found that some strains of bacteria die faster from phytoncides secreted by dracaena, amaryllis, hipeastrum agapanthus, and ziferanthes than from garlic. Experts recommend chlorophytum, ivy, aloe and sansevieria as effective air purifiers, and for one person they recommend having 10 plants of chlorophytum crested, 4 geraniums, one each of lemon, philodendron or other vines, and several cacti.

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