If you decide to start a business in the catering industry, first you should purchase an industrial vacuum packaging machine and a set of bags. Use tips to buy the right products.

Features of vacuum packaging

Manufacturers offer many devices with various options. To help you not get lost in the selection process, let's look at some of the nuances of the equipment.

Manual or automatic?

Features of manual control

  • Possibility to set the time for packing and pumping out air by setting a timer.
  • Full control over the amount of air pumped out.
  • Allows you to adjust the results to suit the user's request for different products.

Features of automatic control

  • Only the sealing time can be adjusted.
  • Pumps out air automatically (except when using pulse mode).
  • “Adapts” to the request for ease of use, automatically adjusts the duration of vacuuming.

Vacuum cycle – air extraction.


Carbonation . Chamber-type machines can be equipped with a gas filling function: they remove oxygen, replacing it with a mixture carbon dioxide and nitrogen, which subsequently protects the product from spoilage. It is used, for example, for packaging deli meats.

Pulse mode . Manufacturers call it differently: “pulse” mode, pulsed, pulsating. When using it, the air comes out in separate bursts, which helps maintain the integrity of the product. “Pulse” is suitable for fragile products such as cupcakes and desserts. In normal mode, the air is pumped out for a set time, causing the soft confectionery to become deformed while this mode you manage the process manually. This option is useful when marinating, because... Allows liquid to remain inside.

Sealing string : When the vacuum cycle is complete, the sealing wire heats the bag using two wires (coated with a protective material such as Teflon) to seal it and prevent oxygen from re-entering.

Roll storage/Bag cutter . This option is common on some tubeless machines. It allows you to install the roll in such a way that you can then unwind as much as you need and cut off the package. Seal one edge, place product inside, run normal cycle from open edge. Relevant for businesses that use many bags of different sizes.

Types of Vacuum Machines

How does it work . The package is placed outside. Air is exhausted from the open side. When the cycle is completed, the polyethylene is heated and glued together, and the bag is sealed.

Who is it for? . These devices are typically used in homes or small commercial establishments.

Application. External sealers are not suitable for liquids (soup will spill or leak). A small amount of marinade is acceptable, and the “pulse” option is very useful in this case. But if you plan to make a lot of workpieces every day, then you should consider a chamber vacuum machine. This does not apply to most types of meat, cheeses, and products with a thick consistency - the device will handle such raw materials perfectly.

What to consider when purchasing . Do you want to pack food in special vacuum canisters? Do you need the pulse option for delicate foods and marinating? How about storing it on a roll so you can cut it to fit? Then this equipment- what you need. However, keep in mind that it is designed for light loads.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that although tubeless type packers are cheaper than tubeless ones, vacuum bags they cost more. Therefore, with regular use, a chamber machine will even save you money in the long run.

How it works. The package is placed in a chamber located inside. Air is removed from the chamber to equalize the pressure inside and outside the bag (what allows liquids to be sealed). Then the air is pumped out and the bag is sealed by heating the polyethylene strongly.

For whom is it intended? It is used in catering organizations that use the machine daily under heavy loads or require packaging for liquids. Businesses such as meat processing plants or food preparation sites that use sous-vide technology will benefit from purchasing a chamber-type packer.

Application. No limits! Unlike devices of the previous type, the chamber one easily copes with bags full of liquid, which is indispensable for marinating.

What to consider when purchasing. The most important criterion choice - the purpose of the equipment. If you will be packing large items in large bags, you will need a wide sealing strip. If you plan to handle high volumes, consider purchasing a sealer with two, three, or even four sealing stripes.

Also consider using a carbonation system to help extend the life of your packaged goods even further.

Packages and accessories

They vary in style, size and purpose.

LAVA brand products have the following advantages:

  • do not contain bisphenol A;
  • Suitable for sous vide cooking.

Many bags can also be used for cooking, freezing, and microwave oven. When purchasing, pay attention to the product description and list of restrictions for each type. Consider the fact that most bags are designed for either tube or tubeless packers (not both!).

Bags for chamber type packers are available in two types:

  • Standard. They are usually pre-welded on three sides, leaving the fourth open for final sealing.
  • With zipper on one side. The opposite side is left open to allow the bag to be vacuum sealed but then reopened when needed using the zipper.

Bags for tubeless packers. There are also two types:

  • Structured for packaging various types products. Corrugation allows air to be completely pumped out.
  • High barrier. They have all the features of the previous ones; they also contain a layer of cellular material that enhances density.

Roll bags. These are rolls from which fragments of a given size are cut. Used only for tubeless devices.


Containers. Great for pickling, storing liquid foods such as soups, and for delicate items that would risk getting crushed if sealed in a regular bag. Be sure to ensure that your bagger is equipped with the appropriate accessory port and suitable hose to connect the container to the machine to evacuate the air.

Puncture resistant seal. Used where particularly tough or sharp objects, capable of piercing the package. Simply place the seal in the "hazardous" area before running the vacuum cycle and it will provide an extra layer of protection.

Cooking using sous vide technology

Another plus of vacuum packaging. Sous vide is a process in which vacuum-sealed foods are cooked in a bath of water at relatively low temperatures.

This cooking method, first practiced in Europe, is gaining popularity in North America and Russia. Compared to traditional methods, sous vide has several key advantages:

  • Good results with minimum costs for staff training; The dishes are cooked in a water bath for a set time, then removed and re-cooked if necessary. You only have to monitor time and water temperature.
  • Low temperatures significantly reduce the risk of drying out or overcooking and virtually eliminate weight loss.
  • Food saves nutritional value, aroma and texture.
  • Since the natural qualities of the products remain unchanged, you can do without oil, salt and spices.
  • Since the products are immersed in the circulating hot water, they heat up evenly. A medium cooked steak will be uniform in the middle and around the edges.
  • Vacuum-sealed prepared meals are easy to reheat later.

And the most best news: sous vide technology is remarkably simple! Invest in a vacuum sealer that suits your needs, a sous vide thermostat circulator, and your facility is equipped to produce culinary masterpieces.

Mandatory requirement for high quality of a product is to preserve its freshness. The desire to preserve perishable food products in fresh unites everyone for as long as possible: producers of this product, sellers selling it, and, of course, buyers. Today we are helping to resolve this issue special devicesvacuum packers. However, before how to choose a vacuum sealer, you should carefully study its features.

Advantages of a vacuum sealer

A significant extension of the shelf life of products is perhaps the main advantage of vacuum packaging compared to other types of storage. In this way, you can preserve the freshness of many perishable products: chilled meat and fish delicacies, almost all types of cheese, confectionery, baked goods, frozen berries and vegetables. Compare: sausages and smoked meats are kept fresh by the vacuum for about a month instead of the usual 1-2 weeks (when packaged in a different way); meat products when refrigerated, vacuum-packed, they are stored for longer than a week (while in regular packaging - no more than four days).

If your company is interested in selling chopped and peeled vegetables, completely ready for use in cooking, then you should also think about how to choose the right vacuum sealer. The benefits of purchasing it are obvious: vegetables retain their freshness for 2 weeks, do not darken or spoil, and buyers (not only housewives, but also catering establishments) significantly save their time by purchasing a quality product.

So let's call key advantages Using a vacuum sealer:

  • Keeping it fresh and attractive appearance product for significantly more long term(in comparison with other types of packaging);
  • The vacuum prevents the spread of odors from the product and isolates the product from germs and pests;
  • Vacuum packaging increases product sales, because through the transparent film the buyer can see the product much better;
  • Lightweight and small volume of the packaging itself;
  • The ability to easily vary the size and shape of packaging depending on the needs of the manufacturer and the specifics of the product.

Choosing a Vacuum Sealer

Let's look at what types of vacuum sealers there are and how they differ from each other:

  1. Tubeless devices, experts believe, do not remove air from packaging effectively enough, so these devices are more often used at home or in large enterprises for packaging of non-standard dimensions. The principle of their operation is simple: the product is placed in a bag, from which the air is pumped out, and then the edges of the package are carefully sealed.
  2. Chamber-type devices They work differently: the finished product in a bag is first placed inside a special container, from where the air is removed. Single-chamber vacuum sealers are more popular: they are purchased for large supermarkets and industries with small volumes of products. Large enterprises, saving resources and time, as a rule, use two-chamber devices.

Vacuum packers are also divided into floor models and tabletop and, in addition, can fill the package with the product with inert gas - the so-called. function aeration. All of the above devices operate automatically. The body of the device can be painted or made of stainless steel.

Which vacuum sealer is best for your production conditions is ultimately up to you to decide. One thing remains indisputable: Using a vacuum to preserve the freshness of a wide variety of foods is an effective and cost-effective business move that has already been adopted by many large stores and catering establishments.

For home use, a vacuum cleaner from a European brand has performed well. Apparatus Leere T-15 Designed for pumping air from both bags and containers. The device comes with 2 special hoses that fit most containers for vacuuming.

Please note that many vacuum sealers only work with one type of product. But the T-15 works equally well with both dry and wet food. This way you can pickle and quickly preserve food. Another advantage of the device is that there are 2 pressure options - high and low. In mode low pressure the device carefully pumps out the air from the bag without damaging even the most fragile products.

This vacuumizer is designed for desktop placement, does not slip on the surface, and has stylish design with an elegant grooved lid.

For as long as humanity can remember, thanks to archives and archeology in general, it has always been looking for new ways to store food. Preservation spices in Ancient India, olive oil in Egypt, then plastic containers, cold, drying... And finally, vacuuming. We'll tell you about it today.

Main problem Most food storage methods are associated with the loss of its original taste properties. After some time, food somehow becomes unusable. To get rid of this problem or at least reduce it to a minimum, the root cause must be determined. It consists in the fact that food is destroyed by all kinds of microorganisms - yeast, fungus, mold. And the main condition for their life is the presence of oxygen.

This leads to a simple but ingenious solution: create packaging in which the product will be stored separately from oxygen. Since then, thousands of people around the world have started using .

This has become almost a panacea for the problem. food storage. Judge for yourself: when picking raspberries in the forest or in the garden, we are already prepared for the fact that they will not last more than two or three days, even in the refrigerator. And having packed it in a vacuum, you can put it aside raspberries for the whole week! Flour, sugar and rice will be stored in a vacuum all year(instead of six months at room temperature). Thanks to the wonderful properties of vacuum packaging, coffee bean lovers can now safely buy whole bags of it two to three years ahead. Yes and usual sunflower oil will not deteriorate even after 12 months. IN vacuum packaging the fish will be stored, neither more nor less, two years!


Storage location

Normal shelf life

How long does it last in a vacuum?

Large cuts of meat: beef, poultry, lamb and pork


6 months

Minced meat: beef, poultry, lamb and pork



6 months

Coffee beans

Room temperature

16 months

Coffee beans


6-9 months

Berries: strawberries, raspberries, blackberries


Berries: cranberries, blueberries, blueberries



1-2 weeks

4-8 months

Cookies, crackers

Room temperature (open the package regularly)

1-2 weeks

3-6 weeks

Flour, sugar, rice

Room temperature

6 months



Room temperature

6 months

Oils without preservatives, such as sunflower, rapeseed, corn oil

Room temperature

5-6 months

Types of vacuum sealers

If you are interested in such a device and want to purchase it, then you should clarify whether it can work with fragile products, or only with hard ones. In general, there are many types of vacuum sealers: some are designed for bottles, others for bags, and others are universal. Some types of vacuum sealers can only be used with dry products, and some can be used with liquid products too. Which vacuum sealer is better to choose? Let's try to understand the essence of the issue, taking into account these and other criteria.

How to choose a vacuum sealer

Horizontal or vertical design

Horizontal vacuum sealers are very stable. On the other hand, a vertical vacuum sealer is more compact and takes up less space on kitchen table, easily placed on a shelf or in a closet. The vertical vacuum cleaner is a little easier to manage. In general, the form factor of a device is more a matter of personal preference and how a particular device will fit into your home interior.

Hand and tabletop packers

– Manual

The productivity of manual vacuum sealers is low, and their design is simple. Made in the form of a pump, they do not take up much space. On the other hand, when using them you always need to hold them in your hands and make some effort. But such a device easily fits into a bag, which allows you to take it with you on the road. In a word, this is an indispensable traveling tool for vacuuming.

– Tabletop

A desktop vacuum sealer is more serious. With a tabletop vacuum sealer, it is possible not only to seal bags, but also to pump air out of bottles and canisters. This device is much easier to use than a manual model. It does not require holding in your hands or making any effort. The vacuum cleaner will do everything itself, you just need to press the necessary buttons and change the bags. There are models designed for purely domestic tasks. But there are also universal ones that will be useful both at home and in the professional kitchen. With such a device, you can vacuum a bag of food to cook it (sous-vide, “under vacuum”, French, - a method of cooking with uniform temperature conditions in vacuum packaging). This method allows you to cook food evenly, without losing its juiciness and taste.

Availability of different operating modes

There are vacuum sealers various modes works: gentle/normal vacuuming, for wet/dry products. Some models also provide additional mode- for marinating. All modes are controlled by buttons located on the device.


Some types of vacuum sealers can only work with bottles or, let's say, only with packages. But there are also universal species vacuum sealers designed for both. They are capable of:

pump out air from bottles and special containers;

vacuum packages;

seal bags;

marinate foods.


To more accurately determine which vacuum sealer is best to choose for household use, you need to know the power of the device. Pay attention not only to the peak power, measured in watts, but also to the air intake rate per minute. Example: capable of pumping out a 20-liter canister in less than two minutes. And all thanks to the power of 120 W.

The best vacuum sealers for home

Let's take a closer look at several models of vacuum degassers.Let's start with Rawmid Dream Pro.

Rawmid Dream Pro

The device is ready for use from the very beginning. All that remains is to find the products for vacuum sealing and the bag the right size. If we vacuum a container, then we will need a special hose, and if a bottle, then a hose and a special stopper.

Thanks to the availability drain container, You can confidently use the vacuumizer with moisture-containing products - for example, berries and fruits. When pumping out air, moisture will enter a sealed container with rubber seals. Device power deserves special mention. With this vacuumizer you can pump out air from a two-liter container in 10 seconds. And he can handle a small package (with fish, vegetables, mushrooms) almost instantly!

Cutter made of stainless steel , very easy to use and makes cutting easy required quantity film packaging. The blade can be sharpened or replaced if the need arises. The device is also convenient because it allows you to put the power cord away in a special compartment with latches.

Automation is one of the main criteria that determines how to choose a vacuum sealer. In case with, you will need to perform only a couple of steps for the mode you need (Canister for containers, Vacuum/Seal for bags, Pickling for pickling). Control method: mechanical (buttons). The device is equipped with a sensor that determines the amount of vacuum in the container you need.

With this device you can vacuum seal a two-liter jar of raspberry jam in a matter of seconds. And its shelf life will extend for seven days at once. Rawmid Dream Pro is good for its versatility: it is used both professional kitchens, and in everyday life. Let's imagine you have prepared a 5-liter container of fresh fruit, but suddenly I had to postpone it until later. Armed with a vacuum sealer, you can make a couple of movements, wait half a minute and provide the fruit with an additional week of safe storage. Even ready meals can be sealed in a container and vacuum sealed, thereby increasing their shelf life by 8 days. The consumables needed for this can be purchased in the accessories section.

Rawmid Dream Modern

Feature of this model - touch controls. Of course, this is a matter of personal preference: for some it will be more convenient mechanical control, for some - sensory. IN in this case The touch buttons are protected by transparent plastic, which protects the system from moisture and dirt. Additional lighting for the Canister, Seal and Vac Seal buttons allows you to understand how the vacuum cleaner is configured in at the moment.

You can vacuum seal 200 grams of potatoes in half a minute. It’s convenient to take potatoes in a vacuum with you on a hike - we put them in a backpack and don’t worry about them spoiling in the next 24 hours. If you picked mushrooms during your hike, we strongly recommend cooking them using sous-vide technology. We put the mushrooms in a suitable vacuum packaging, place them in a container and cook.

Ever tried sous vide salmon steak? The good thing about sous-vide technology is that the product will never dry out or overheat. The texture of the salmon will be tender, the taste will be as rich as possible (vacuum packaging will not allow the taste to escape into the broth). As a final touch, you can fry the finished fish in a frying pan until golden brown (literally two to three minutes). In a word, we cook in a modern way: this is what distinguishes Rawmid Dream Modern from other models.

A zip bag with a valve will ensure ideal storage of cut vegetables in a vacuum. If desired, it opens very easily, and at the same time is completely sealed. Special containers and caps with a valve are suitable for storing soups in a vacuum. All this and much more can be found on the accessories page on our website.

The package, in addition to the device itself and a hose for pumping out air, includes five bags for vacuuming, as well as instructions for use in Russian. If desired, you can purchase an additional 1 or 2 liter container.

A few more words

To decide which vacuum sealer to choose, you should consider what products it will be used with. It is best if it is designed to work with liquid products - for this it must be equipped with a special drain container. Availability is also important different modes work: for fragile products, for pickling... It is also desirable that the kit includes special packaging bags, a hose for pumping out air - in a word, a complete set for vacuuming products.

The choice of control (touch or mechanical) is a matter of personal preference. It’s good if the device provides several modes - for cans and bottles, bags, dry and wet products. When working with such a vacuum cleaner, you will be ready to work with any product. We hope that this article will be useful to you and help you make the right choice.

Vacuum packaging of products has long crossed the line industrial production and firmly established itself in the kitchens of ordinary citizens. Why not? Such devices are inexpensive and useful in everyday life. of products packaged in this way increases by 2 times. Attractive when it comes to naughty berries or greens, isn't it? Over time, the practical benefits of such a device make up for every minute greed and reluctance to spend money. And this is not an unfounded statement, but the words of those people who bought a vacuum sealer for food. Reviews make it clear that this is an excellent investment of money - try to calculate how much money you throw away every day because of cheeses, herbs, sausages, etc. that have died untimely in the refrigerator.

We will tell you more about the models and areas of application of packers in this article.


From the name, in principle, the main function of the device is clear - it packs some objects by creating a vacuum in a confined space. They are distinguished by purpose. The following variations are possible:

  • Bank vacuum sealer. Each bank branch is required to have a machine approved Central Bank RF. It is used for packaging banknotes.
  • The principle of operation is the same; it differs from the previous device in that during the process of creating a vacuum, objects do not heat up. Banknotes don't care in principle, whereas not all food products will survive such heating without loss.

The principle of operation is as follows: the device creates a vacuum in the bag, which it processes, and then seals it using heating element. This article will discuss the latest type of devices. They are used for packaging products, which is designed to either extend shelf life or help in the cooking process (more on this below in the paragraph on molecular gastronomy).

Main characteristics and operating features

Vacuum packers are characterized by the following indicators:

  • presence/absence of a camera;
  • power;
  • length of the heating element;
  • body material;
  • type of control;
  • duration of the processing cycle;
  • presence/absence of a display.

A homemade vacuum packer for food (the reviews won’t let you lie) does not cause any special problems in operation. The only thing is that when changing the type of bags, you will have to adjust the sealing temperature on the heating element, because if it is too high, the bag will melt along the seam, but if, on the contrary, it is too low, then it will not stick together. These manipulations are one-time in nature and do not cause any particular inconvenience.

Types of vacuum sealers

It was previously announced that a vacuum packer for products can be either with or without a camera. Let's take a closer look at what this entails.

1. Tubeless devices - they are cheaper. Most household models does not have a chamber, pumping air directly from the bag. Also, the absence of a camera allows you to pack items of any size (within reason, of course). This is where the advantages end if we're talking about about the degree of load above "I operate on home kitchen", because a device without a chamber uses only special corrugated bags, has lower productivity and provides a low degree of vacuum compared to its “chamber” counterparts - 89% versus 99%.

2. Vacuum packer for products with a chamber - has greater productivity and degree of vacuumization. Packaging takes place directly inside the chamber, which imposes restrictions on the size of the product.

Packer from CASO, China

According to consumer reviews, the CASO vacuum sealer fully complies with everything specified in technical description characteristics, simple and reliable in operation. Among everything model range distinguished by CASO VC 10, which combines a low (5,500 rubles) price and excellent quality:

  • power - 0.11 kW;
  • heating element length - 28 cm;
  • vacuum degree - 0.8 Bar;
  • case material - plastic;
  • productivity - 9 l/minute;
  • the control panel allows you to adjust the temperature depending on the thickness of the package;
  • complete set - 10 packages, instructions;
  • dimensions (LxWxH, mm) - 370x110x210;
  • connection type - 220 V.

Packer from Bork, Korea

Bork equipment, although considered household, is close to industrial in quality of materials, assembly and performance. Small cafes and restaurants can easily get by with such a device without overpaying for the “professional” label. If you believe the reviews of chefs, many do just that.

Consider the AU501 model:

  • type - tubeless vacuum sealer;
  • power - 0.13 kW;
  • case material - plastic;
  • operating modes - automatic/manual;
  • the presence of clips for reliable fixation of the package;
  • complete set - bags 200x300 mm (10 pcs.), bags 280x330 mm (10 pcs.), instructions;
  • dimensions (LxWxH, mm) - 80x425x190;
  • connection type - 220 V.

Current price for tubeless packer Bork- 15,000 rubles.

Packer from Bartscher, Germany

This German brand produces mainly professional kitchen equipment, but it also offers relatively compact models, one of which we will now consider. So, the vacuum packaging machine 300P/MSD Bartscher:

  • type - tubeless vacuum sealer;
  • power - 0.49 kW;
  • heating element length - 320 mm;
  • pump capacity - 0.9 m 3 /hour;
  • case material - plastic;
  • electronic control system;
  • dimensions (LxWxH, mm) - 390x310x140;
  • connection type - 220 V.

The price for it now averages 40,000 rubles. A very expensive vacuum sealer. Reviews say that in conditions of operation with an intensity above average, such a price is justified even at the current exchange rate. No complaints.

Industrial vacuum packer for products. Differences from home

The industrial vacuum sealer is used for the following purposes:

  1. Packaging of finished semi-finished products with their subsequent sale.
  2. Packaging of high-value food items before storage (refrigeration or freezing). In case of freezing, such packaging helps to avoid frost, which affects taste qualities product.
  3. Packaging of dishes with their subsequent preparation (still the same molecular cuisine). However, due to light load Here you can also use high-quality vacuum packers for household products.

First of all, this device is distinguished by its performance. An industrial packer, unlike a home packer, can work at least 3-4 hours per shift, with a cycle duration of 15 to 30 seconds, depending on the size of the vacuum object. Plus the material and build quality (a household vacuum sealer for food cannot boast of so much metal).

Industrial vacuum packers also come with a gas filling option. In practice, this means that a cylinder with a gas cocktail is connected to the device, which enters the chamber during the process of creating a vacuum. This method is used for packaging semi-finished products in order to extend the shelf life - depending on the product, the storage period increases by 1.5-2 times without loss of taste and nutritional qualities.

Vacuum food packer and molecular gastronomy

Fashionable in lately The “molecular” direction, despite all its exoticism, pursues praiseworthy goals: ensuring the true taste of products plus an unusual presentation. One of the cooking methods is sous vide, which involves cooking food for a long time at a low temperature. The products are in vacuum packaging. Sous vide consists of 4 stages:

  1. Primary preparation of products. It consists of adding seasonings and marinades.
  2. Vacuum packaging. This is where you will need a vacuum packer for products (home or industrial).
  3. Cooking in strictly temperature controlled water.
  4. Innings. It is recommended to do it right away.

Previously, vacuum sealers could only be found in stores or factories. Today, more and more household models of vacuumizers for home use. This device allows you to hermetically package products, significantly extending their shelf life. Our experts have prepared for you a rating of the best vacuum sealers for the home in 2018.

If you intend to purchase such a useful device, be sure to take a closer look at the packagers that are presented in the Top. These models have excellent characteristics and have proven themselves with positive reviews.

The stylish vacuum sealer is made in black. It is quite compact and can easily fit even on a small table. Big advantage the model is that in included a hose that allows you to vacuum canisters and barrels. The degree of vacuumization can be adjusted. The device works with packages different sizes and seals their edges in an instant. The model is made in the USA and has a 12 month warranty. If you don’t know which vacuum sealer is best to buy for your home so that it is reliable, then this device is worth your attention. With careful home use it can serve for many years.

Another worthy model of a household vacuumizer from Redmond. The device is made in silver color and has touch control. Packer has powerful force suction and consumes only 250 W. You can select packages of various sizes from large to small. You can create airtight packaging for any products and semi-finished products. The manufacturer provides a 2-year warranty on this packer.

Our rating of the best vacuum sealers 2018 continues with the model from SOLIS, made in white. The controls are located on the top of the body. The device works not only with roll bags, but also various containers, containers. A hose is included for this purpose. You can manually select the degree of sealing. The country of production is Switzerland, which is already an indicator of quality and reliability.

This model can be used not only in everyday life, but also in catering places, retail outlets. The device can be adjusted temperature regime When sealing the edges of bags, choose the degree of sealing. The GASTRORAG TVS-HW-450 vacuum sealer works with bags of different widths and lengths, and when connected to a hose, it can seal large containers. Budget price combined with quality and functionality, make this model in demand.

This small-looking vacuum cleaner has a very high speed pumping out air. The entire operating process of the device is automated; all you have to do is put the product in the bag and press the start button while holding the lid of the packer. The model has a reinforced sealing function that seals even thick bags. This is one of the best-selling vacuum sealers in 2018 and has the best reviews.

This concludes our Top 5. We hope that the review will help you choose the best device for your home, which will not disappoint in quality. With a vacuum sealer, you can seal any product, from cereals and meat products to berries and even juices. The shelf life of any hermetically packaged product increases by 3-4 times. Happy shopping!

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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