Spring primrose (medicinal), primrose - properties, uses, recipes

Other names: primrose officinalis, primrose officinalis, primrose large-cupped, rams, lambs, lady's hands, golden keys, jaundice, copperhead, lat. Primula veris L. and others.

Even the ancient Greeks knew this plant and considered it medicinal flower Olympus. They called the spring primrose "dodecatheon", that is, the flower of the 12 Gods.

Primrose grows in forest and forest-steppe zones of Ukraine, Russia and other countries, between bushes, in forest meadows, forest edges, etc. It is a perennial herbaceous plant of the primrose family, with a succulent short rhizome and many thin long roots. The stem of the primrose is leafless, the leaves are collected in a basal rosette, ovoid in shape, tapering into a winged petiole.

From the rhizome of the plant grows one or several stems with flowers collected in umbrellas and drooping to one side. The flowers of the spring primrose are fragrant, golden-yellow, with a tubular corolla (calyx).

The primrose (primrose) blooms starting in April and ending in May-June. Traditional medicine uses the leaves, flowers and rhizomes of primrose in treatment. The leaves and flowers of the plant are harvested at the beginning of flowering.

Primrose roots dug up in the spring or late autumn, washed in running water and dried. First they tie it on outdoors, and then dried in dryers at no high temperature, 40-50 degrees C, or in the attic, spread in a thin layer on paper. The shelf life of the roots is 2 years.

The leaves are used as a vitamin preparation for the preparation of vitamin C concentrates, which are used in the treatment of hypo- and vitamin deficiencies. Powder from crushed primrose leaves is taken for a lack of vitamins in the body, lethargy, lack of appetite, and gum disease.

spring primrose belongs to valuable vitamin-rich plants; its leaves contain up to 500 mg of vitamin C, as well as carotene, flavonoids, anthocyanins and other beneficial and medicinal substances.

Young leaves are added to soup, borscht, and salads. In some European countries, primrose is cultivated as a salad crop. The leaves have a pleasant spicy smell and sweetish taste. IN folk medicine a decoction of primrose leaves, in the form of lotions and compresses, is used for bruises, and the flowers are used as a diaphoretic and strengthening nervous system remedy and more.

Decoction of primrose leaves : 15 g of dry leaves pour 1 glass of water, boil for 15 minutes, leave until cool. Or, 1 teaspoon of powdered leaves is poured into 1/2 cup of boiling water and left for 20-30 minutes in a closed container. It is taken as an expectorant, diaphoretic and diuretic.

A decoction of spring primrose roots is used for bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, or as an analgesic (for joint pain), headaches, chronic constipation, and many diseases of the genitourinary tract and kidneys.

Primrose root decoction: 1 full tbsp. pour a spoonful of crushed roots into 250 ml of water and boil for 10 minutes, then leave until cool and strain. Drink 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day for respiratory diseases, etc.
There is another recipe: pour 20 g of crushed primrose roots into 400 ml. water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 20-25 minutes, strain. Drink 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day for the above diseases.

A dry extract is made from the roots of the primrose, in the form of tablets - primulene, which is used for dry coughs, as an expectorant. Syrup from primrose rhizomes is also a good expectorant and is used for coughs or severe coughs.

Traditional medicine uses primrose flowers as a diaphoretic for colds, migraines, dizziness, insomnia, fever, heart disease and pulmonary tuberculosis.

Primrose is also used for neuroses and insomnia, in the form of an infusion: pour 10 g of dried flowers with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, drink the entire infusion in several doses throughout the day.

Useful and primrose juice spring. It is prepared as follows: cut off the above-ground part of the plant before flowering, chop it and put it in a glass jar or enamel pan, in layers, sprinkling with sugar. Place the dishes in a cool, dark place and let sit until the juice is released abundantly. Then drain the juice, squeeze out the remainder and store in a dark place.

Primrose juice can be taken as a medicinal and vitamin preparation for adults and children (children - 1 teaspoon, adults - 1 tablespoon) half an hour before meals. It is useful to drink primrose juice as a preventive measure, as a medicinal and vitamin remedy.
In dermatology, spring primrose preparations are prescribed orally for baldness, psoriasis, and lichen planus. Externally, in the form of a decoction, primrose is added to bath water.

Infusion of primrose flowers: Pour 1 teaspoon of flowers into 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 6-7 minutes. Drink 0.5-1 glass, instead of tea, as a preventative and remedy. It acts as a sleeping pill on children.

Tea made from primrose flowers, together with hawthorn flowers, is recommended to be taken when the heart beats frequently. And if this mixture also contains calendula flowers, then this good remedy for insomnia and neuroses.

For skin rashes, boils and others skin diseases As a good blood purifier, take an infusion of equal parts nettle and primrose leaves.

Spring primrose, contraindications. Preparations, infusions, decoctions, and primrose juice can cause an allergic skin reaction in some people. Therefore, if an inflammatory itchy rash appears, the use of the drugs must be stopped.
It is not recommended to take primrose, in any form, during pregnancy, since it stimulates uterine contractions, as well as in case of individual intolerance.

In this article we talk about spring primrose. You will learn about the medicinal properties of the plant and effective recipes which will help to cope with many diseases and strengthen the immune system.

Spring primrose (Primula veris) is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Primrose family. Other names: primrose officinalis, lambswort, golden keys, jaundice, copperhead. The grass got its name from its bright yellow flowers.

What does it look like

According to botanical description, the primrose rhizome is short, long cord-shaped roots grow from it. In the photo, the spring primrose looks like a low-growing plant, has wide leaves up to 8 cm in length. Appearance(photo) spring primrose During the flowering period, it produces an arrow without leaves, on which bright yellow flowers with a pleasant and sweet aroma grow. Their number can be from 3 to 5. Flowering occurs in late spring and early summer. The fruits ripen in July and look like multi-seeded capsules.

Where does it grow?

Primrose grass prefers shady areas and moist soil, so it can be found in forest-steppe zones, deciduous and coniferous forests. Widely distributed in Europe and some regions of Russia. Grows in shady meadows, among bushes and deep ravines.

Leaves, rhizome and roots

All parts of the plant have medicinal properties equally, but the rhizome, roots and leaves are most often used..

Chemical composition

Due to its rich chemical composition, primrose is widely used in folk recipes, as well as in pharmacology.

The grass contains the following useful elements:

  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids;
  • saponins;
  • carotene;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • glycosides;
  • vitamin E;
  • manganese.

Medicinal properties

The flowers, leaves and roots of primrose have beneficial properties. Primrose leaves can replenish the reserves of vitamins and minerals for vitamin deficiency in spring or winter period. Thanks to the presence of vitamins A and C, vision improves and digestive processes are normalized. Medicines from the rhizome of the plant have a resolving effect on hematomas, bruises, and contusions. Reduce discomfort and painful sensations for rheumatism.

The diuretic properties of primrose are used to treat inflammation Bladder, kidney. The plant has a slight laxative effect, so it is used for constipation. Due to its expectorant properties, medicines with primrose are prescribed for various types cough and more difficult cases such as bronchitis and pneumonia.

Primrose is used as a tonic for general weakness and insomnia. Rinsing the mouth with a decoction of primrose reduces bleeding and inflammation of the gums. It has a cleansing effect on blood vessels, improves blood circulation and the condition of the cardiovascular system.

The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects of the plant are used not only in folk recipes. In the complex treatment of upper respiratory tract They use Gerbion syrup, which contains primrose.

How to collect

Leaves and inflorescences are collected directly at the stage active growth- at the end of spring. Dry in the shade on paper or fabric, so they retain the maximum amount useful elements. When using a dryer, 40 degrees will be enough to achieve the desired effect. Dried leaves are stored in fabric bags in a dark and dry place.

Roots and rhizomes are dug up in early autumn. They are cleaned of soil and washed with cool water. After drying, dry in a ventilated area or in a special dryer at 45 degrees. You need to lay out the roots on paper or natural fabric. The dried root is stored in cardboard boxes for 2 years.

The inflorescences are collected in May and dried in ventilated rooms. Dried flowers are placed in glass containers and tightly closed with a lid. Store in a dark place for 2 years.

How to use

Primrose officinalis is valued for its beneficial properties. It is often prescribed during colds and viral diseases upper respiratory tract.

Cough decoction

Primrose decoction for coughs is used to reduce pain and discomfort in the throat and eliminate pathogens.


  1. Primrose leaves - 15 g.
  2. Water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Grind dry leaves and fill them with water. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 15 minutes.

How to use: Drink 100 ml of medicine after meals three times a day.

Result: Improved expectoration of mucus when coughing, improved well-being.

Infusion for appetite

Drug based medicinal plant has a beneficial effect on the microflora of the stomach and its functioning. Increases the tone of the whole body and normalizes appetite.


  1. Primrose leaves - 100 g.
  2. Water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Grind dry leaves into powder and pour boiling water over them. Infuse the medicine for 1 hour, strain.

How to use: Drink 1 tbsp. before every meal.

Result: Improved performance gastrointestinal tract, increasing appetite and strengthening the body's protective functions.

Infusion for vision

Thanks to carotene and vitamin A, which are part of the primrose, the infusion increases visual acuity. You can not only drink it, but also drop it into your eyes.


  1. Dry primrose leaves - 2 tbsp.
  2. Water - 500 ml.

How to cook: To make the infusion, take a small thermos. Pour the crushed leaves into it and pour boiling water over them. Close the lid tightly and leave for 2-3 hours. Strain the finished infusion.

How to use: Take the finished medicine 1 glass three times a day after meals. Place 2 drops of the infusion into your eyes before going to bed.

Result: Improved vision in short time, filling the body with vitamins and nutrients.

Tincture for potency

A tincture of primrose rhizome will help improve sexual function in men and improve health.


  1. Dry primrose root - 2 tbsp.
  2. Wine - 500 ml.

How to cook: Grind the primrose root and add wine. Infuse the mixture for 2 months. After time, strain the tincture.

How to use: Take 20 drops three times daily.

Result: Elimination of inflammatory processes, improvement of sexual function in men.

Before using the medicine, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Drink for immunity

The rich composition of primrose combats vitamin deficiency spring period, and also helps improve health after illnesses. Is prophylactic and restores the body's protective functions.


  1. Primrose inflorescences - 250 g.
  2. Water - 1 l.
  3. Honey or sugar - to taste.

How to cook: Pour dried primrose flowers cold water. Infuse the drink before fermentation begins, add honey or sugar to taste. Store in a dark place.

How to use: Drink half a glass of the drink after meals three times a day.

Result: Supports immunity to resist various diseases.

Forms of application

Decoctions, infusions, tinctures, syrup and oil are made from primroses. Due to the fact that each part of the plant has medicinal properties, there are a number of preparation options medicines very large. Each prescription is effective, but must be taken according to the instructions.


Decoctions are effective in treating inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia).


  1. Dried primrose root - 20 g.
  2. Water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Grind the primrose root and add cold water. Bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Leave to cool and then strain.

How to use: Take 1 tbsp. three times a day.

Result: Well helps to cope with the manifestations of bronchitis, pneumonia, promotes the removal of sputum.


An infusion made from the leaves of a medicinal plant improves metabolism and digestion.


  1. Primrose leaves - 25 g.
  2. Water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over dry leaves and leave for half an hour. Strain the cooled infusion.

How to use: Drink 1 glass of the resulting drug half an hour before meals.

Result: Discomfort and pain in the stomach go away, metabolism improves.


Medicinal tincture of primrose relieves stress, fights insomnia and weakness. For rheumatic pain, rubbing is used. You can replace primrose roots with leaves.


  1. Primrose root - 2 tbsp.
  2. Alcohol 70% - 200 ml.

How to cook: Required amount pour crushed primrose with alcohol. Infuse the mixture for 2 weeks in a dark place, stirring occasionally. After the time has passed, pour the alcohol into a separate container and strain several times. Squeeze out the cake.

How to use: Rub the tincture on joints and bruises. At internal use— Dilute 15 drops of tincture in 50 ml of water and drink twice a day.

Result: Elimination of pain in joints and muscles due to various injuries. Calming effect on the nervous system.


Traditional medicine uses primrose oil to improve immunity, cleanse blood vessels and improve heart function.


  1. Primrose flowers - 100 g.
  2. Vegetable oil - 100 g.

How to cook: To the bottom is small glass jar arrange the primrose flowers. Fill them with vegetable oil and place the container in a bright place, preferably in direct sunlight, for 2 weeks. Finished product strain. Pour the resulting oil over the new flowers and leave to infuse for another 2 weeks. Pour the finished oil into a dry, clean jar.

How to use: Take 1 ml of oil in the morning and afternoon on an empty stomach.

Result: Thanks to vegetable fats, the beneficial substances in primrose inflorescences are better absorbed, strengthen and cleanse blood vessels, and improve heart function.


Herbion syrup with primrose contains only natural ingredients and effectively fights cough. Affects sputum, dilutes it and helps it exit the respiratory tract, reduces the number of pathogens at the site of the disease. Has a calming effect on irritated mucous membranes.

According to the instructions for use of primrose, the dosage is 15 ml for adult patients and 10 ml for children over 14 years old, for children from 5-14 years old - 5 ml. For children under 5 years of age, syrup is prescribed in a dose of up to 2.5 ml. The medicine is diluted in warm water. Treatment lasts 1 week.

The syrup is used as a stand-alone drug or in combination with additional medications for the treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia, and tracheitis. It is permissible to use "Gerbion" when colds and cough, which is caused by external irritants (for example, smoking).


Spring primrose is contraindicated in several cases:

  • Allergy to plant components.
  • Pregnancy. The use of medications affects the tone of the uterine muscles, which can cause miscarriage.
  • Stomach ulcer.

By observing the dosage of the drug and strictly following the instructions, primrose will only bring health benefits. Neglecting contraindications can cause harm and aggravate the disease.


Spring primrose is a perennial medicinal plant belonging to the Primrose family. There are more than 500 species.

Taxonomic position:

  • Department - Flowers.
  • Class - Magnoliopsids (dicots).
  • Order: Ericaceae.
  • Family - Primroses.
  • Genus - Primrose.
  • Type - Spring primrose.


Science knows a large number of primroses, but only a few of them have medicinal properties:

  • Large-cupped primrose.
  • Tall primrose.
  • Primrose mealy.

Primrose spring infographics

Photo of spring primrose, its beneficial properties and uses:
Infographics on spring primrose

What to remember

  1. Due to its composition, the herb is often used in traditional medicine and pharmacology recipes.
  2. Has a wide spectrum medicinal properties, helps fight inflammation, colds, coughs, nervous stress, headaches and joint pain.
  3. The vitamin composition of primrose improves the body's protective functions and replenishes the lack of nutrients.

This fragile and beautiful plant can be called differently! Spring primrose, medicinal primrose, primrose, jaundice, golden keys, rams, lady's hands, lambs. The plant is in demand not only for its decorative value, but above all for its healing properties, which makes it in demand in the pharmaceutical industry.


According to one legend, spring, with the help of the spring primrose, opens the doors to summer with flowery keys.

As the following legend says, Saint Peter dropped the keys to heaven. And it was in that place that the spring primrose began to grow.

Place of growth

IN natural environment primrose grows:

  • In Asia;
  • In the Himalayas;
  • In Western China;
  • In Europe;
  • In America;
  • In Africa;
  • In the European part of Russia.

a brief description of

Spring type of primrose - herbaceous perennial from the Primrose family.

The flower arrow grows up to 15 -20 centimeters. The flowering period lasts from April to May. The plant has an oblique and relatively short rhizome. A rosette of leaves is located at the base of the plant. The leaves are egg-shaped and have jagged edges. The plant produces one or more leafless flower shoots. Yellow-golden flowers with orange spot at the base of the corolla lobes. Collected in a simple umbrella, where there are from 10 to 30 flowers. The umbrella is tilted to one side. The fruit of the plant is an egg-shaped capsule with many round seeds 1-1.5 mm long. The seed capsule ripens at the end of June-July and bursts in dry, warm weather.

Chemical composition of primrose

The plant contains:

  • Flavonoids – help strengthen blood vessels;
  • Essential oils;
  • Vitamin A is the key to healthy skin;
  • Vitamins C – strengthens the immune system;
  • Vitamin E – improvement of the reproductive system;
  • Ascorbic acid is a general strengthening agent;
  • Polysaccharides are a source of energy;
  • Tannins – astringent property;
  • Silicic acid – normalization of metabolism;
  • Salicylic acid is an antiseptic;
  • Microelements – improvement of metabolic processes;
  • Macroelements are necessary for the proper functioning of all organs and systems of the body.

What are the healing properties of spring primrose?

ABOUT medicinal properties The plant was known to the ancient Greeks. The flower had the name dodecatheon, which meant the flower of the 12 Gods, and it was considered healing plant Olympus.

Nowadays, primrose officinalis is widely used in traditional and folk medicine. Medicines made from all parts of the plant have the following properties:

  • General strengthening;
  • Diuretic;
  • Sweatshop;
  • Expectorant;
  • Vitamin;
  • Antispasmodic;
  • Sedative;
  • Tonic;
  • Wound healing;
  • Painkillers.

Area of ​​application of primrose

Primrose officinalis is used:

  • In cooking. Salads are prepared from the leaves of the plant and added to first courses.

To replenish daily norm Vitamin C is enough to eat 2-3 healing leaves per day;

  • Beekeeping. The flower is an early honey plant;

  • Farming. The plant is food for rabbits;
  • In floriculture and landscape design%

  • In traditional and folk medicine.

Use of primrose in folk medicine

All parts of the plant are used to prepare traditional medicine recipes.

Tinctures and syrups are made from the roots of the primrose officinalis. Helps well with wet coughs, improves sputum discharge. A decoction of the roots of the plant is used to gargle a sore throat, and for bronchitis, the decoction is taken orally.

A decoction of primrose leaves is used as a compress for bruises. Kidney and bladder diseases can be cured by an infusion of the leaves of the plant. For skin diseases, an infusion of primrose and nettle leaves, prepared in equal proportions, will help.

To relieve insomnia, headaches and nervous overexcitation, you should make alcohol tincture from the flowers of the plant. And the decoctions are useful for neuralgia, colds and coughs.

Collection and procurement of raw materials

Dried roots, leaves and flowers of primrose are used to make medicine at home.

In early spring, before the growing season begins, the roots of the plant are dug up. Roots can also be harvested in the fall, when the plant is withering. The roots, cleared of soil and washed, are laid out in the fresh air. When the roots wither, they need to be dried in the oven at a temperature of 60 degrees. If the weather is favorable, the roots can be dried in the fresh air without access sun rays. Dried roots have nice smell, but taste bitter.

In April-May you should start harvesting spring primrose flowers. They are collected without cups. Dry outdoors in partial shade. The dried flowers taste sweet and have a faint odor.

The collection of leaves begins with the beginning of flowering of the plant. To cause minimal harm to the plant during flowering, tear off half the leaf. The drying temperature for leaves is 50 degrees. If the weather is favorable, you can dry the raw materials in the fresh air. The faster the leaves dry, the more vitamin C they retain. The dry leaf tastes from sweet to bitter-bitter with a honey smell. Color: grey-green.

Dry raw materials should be stored in a fabric or paper bag. The shelf life of dried flowers and leaves of spring primrose is no more than 1 year, and the roots can be stored for up to 3 years.

Indications for use of spring primrose

Medicines based on Primrose officinalis are used:

  • For eye disease;
  • During inflammation of the upper and lower respiratory tract;
  • In case of acute respiratory viral infection and influenza;
  • For sore throat;
  • For whooping cough;
  • For diseases of the urinary system;
  • For headaches, dizziness and migraines;
  • For heart disease;
  • For neuroses;
  • For vitamin deficiencies.

Contraindications to the use of primrose officinalis

The medicine made from spring primrose is completely non-toxic, but there are still several contraindications.

People with peptic ulcers should not use medicines based on primrose.

Decoctions, infusions and primrose juice are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.

The use of primrose officinalis in any form stimulates uterine contractions.

To avoid miscarriage, it is strictly forbidden for pregnant and lactating women to take the drug.

Side effects

Failure to comply with dosage medicines based on spring primrose can lead to:

  • Skin rash accompanied by severe itching;
  • Stomach upset;
  • Nausea;
  • Vomiting.

After the appearance of the listed side effects you should immediately stop using the drug.

Traditional medicine recipes based on spring primrose

It is not at all difficult to prepare medicine according to traditional medicine recipes. You need to prepare the raw materials yourself in advance or buy them at the pharmacy.


Pour 1 teaspoon of dry primrose leaves into 200 ml of water and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Strain. Used when coughing to expel sputum, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

For diseases of the urinary organs, a decoction of primrose roots will help. To prepare it, take 2 tablespoons of raw materials and 1 glass of water. Boil for 15 minutes over low heat. Leave for half an hour. Take 3 times a day, 100 ml.


Pour boiling water (100 ml) over primrose roots (1 tablespoon). Leave for 20 minutes. Strain. Use 25 ml 4 times a day for insomnia and general weakness. Has a diuretic effect.

Pour boiling water (100 ml) over primrose leaves (1 tablespoon). Leave for 1 hour. Strain. Use 1 tablespoon 4 times a day. Helps with lower respiratory tract diseases and weakness.

Pour boiling water (200 ml) over primrose flowers (1 teaspoon). Leave for 10 minutes. Strain. Drink 100 ml as tea in the morning and evening. Has a calming effect on the body.

Fresh Juice

Before flowering, cut the plant and sprinkle with sugar. Place in a dark place in glassware Strain the extracted juice. Keep refrigerated. Take 1 teaspoon before meals.


Primrose ointment will help get rid of burns, scars on the skin and diaper rash. Melt 250 grams of Vaseline in a water bath until smooth, add 30 grams of dry plant leaves and heat for 2 hours. Strain. Place the ointment in a sterile glass container.

All of the traditional medicine recipes given have been tried for many years. To avoid side effects and individual intolerance, you need to consult a doctor!

Spring primrose is a plant from the roots of which a syrup is made, intended for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract with viscous sputum. The drug has an expectorant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect.

The instructions for use of the syrup contain information about the composition of the product, the beneficial properties of primrose and thyme herb, main indications and contraindications, dosage and analogues.

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    Plant characteristics

    Short description:

    • Spring primrose, true, medicinal, spring primrose belongs to the Primrose family.
    • This is a perennial herbaceous plant, which is also called lambswort, whitecap, lambswort.
    • The flowers are bright yellow with a honey smell, the leaves are oblong, the rhizome is short.

    Primrose herb contains:

    • about 5.9% ascorbic acid;
    • manganese salts;
    • saponins, glycosides;
    • essential oils;
    • carotene.

    IN medical purposes use different parts of the plant. Flowers - for insomnia, headaches, neuroses, loss of strength. The leaves are used as a vitamin remedy, for gum diseases, and to improve appetite. Fresh leaves added to salads and soups as a spice.

    Primrose root is used as a tonic, diaphoretic, and diuretic. Infusion and decoction promote the removal of sputum. Syrup is made from the roots of the primrose.

    Composition and release form

    Herbion primrose syrup is a combined herbal preparation with an expectorant effect.

    ATX code: R05CA10, which means:

    • R - agents that affect the respiratory system;
    • R05 - used for colds and coughs;
    • R05C, R05CA - expectorants;
    • R05CA10 - combinations.

    Manufacturer - Slovenia.

    Syrup composition:

    • The main substances are primrose root extract, common thyme herb.
    • Auxiliary components - sucrose, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, levomenthol.

    The release form is syrup, the color is brown, and has a specific smell. Packaging - dark bottles with a dosed spoon, in cardboard boxes.

    Store for 2 years at temperatures below 25 °C.

    Beneficial features

    Primrose syrup has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, expectorant effect. Facilitates the discharge of sputum and reduces its viscosity. The pharmacological effect of the drug is based on the healing qualities of the main active substances.

    Beneficial features primrose roots are due to the presence of saponins (up to 10%), which have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. The secretion of the glands increases, sputum thins in the bronchi, which simplifies its evacuation. Inflammatory phenomena are relieved.

    Thyme herb contains ursolic acid, carvacrol, pinene, thymol, borneol, which exhibit fungicidal and bactericidal effects. Medicinal qualities plants:

    • has an expectorant, bronchodilator, mucolytic effect;
    • relieves inflammation of the bronchi, reduces swelling;
    • helps activate the immune system.


    Primrose syrup is used:

    1. 1. As an expectorant for bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, tracheitis.
    2. 2. For the treatment of dry cough in acute respiratory infections.

    The drug is used as a complex therapy for respiratory diseases with difficult sputum separation.

    Contraindications and side effects

    There are contraindications for use in children after acute croup (obstructive laryngitis). The drug is not prescribed to children under 2 years of age, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

    It is not advisable to combine Herbion with cough medications that reduce the formation of sputum, in order to avoid difficulty coughing up liquefied contents.

    Allergy manifestations are possible. Rarely, nausea and vomiting and diarrhea may occur. If these symptoms occur, it is recommended to stop taking the drug and visit a doctor.

    Before using the drug, shake the bottle. The drug is taken orally after meals. Drink with plenty of warm water.

    The instructions for use of primrose syrup indicate the following dosage for different age categories:

    Note: 1 measuring spoon contains 5 ml of syrup.

    Duration of treatment: 2–3 weeks. Repeated therapy is possible after consulting a doctor.

    The drug in an open bottle is suitable for use for 10 days. Keep refrigerated.

    The product does not affect the ability to control mechanisms, technical devices and motor transport.


    If it is not possible to purchase primrose syrup, you can use substitutes.

    These may be analogues containing primrose roots or thyme herbs, as well as products containing other active substances with expectorant action.

    Main substitutes:

    Drug name Main active ingredients Dosage form
    Bronchicum TPLiquid extract of primrose roots, thyme herbElixir
    Bronchipret TPDry extract of thyme herb, primrose rootsPills
    Bronchicum SInfusion of thyme herbPastilles, syrup
    BronchoplantLiquid extract of common thyme herb (containing thymol)Syrup
    BronchipretClimbing ivy leaves, thyme herbDrops, syrup
    TussamagLiquid thyme extractSyrup, drops
    Dr. Theiss BronchoseptAnise oil, thyme herb extractDrops
    Stoptussin-phytoTincture of plantain, thyme, thymeSyrup
    EucabalusLiquid extract of thyme, plantainSyrup

    Preparations containing other active substances:

    1. 1. Syrups Amtersol, Bronquinol, Herbion plantain syrup, Cook, Linkas BSS, Suprima-Broncho.
    2. 2. Enteric capsules Gelomirtol and Gelomirtol Forte.
    3. 3. Breast collection No. 1, 2, 3, 4, Breast elixir, Phytopectol collection No. 1, 2.
    4. 4. Doctor Mom syrup and lozenges.
    5. 5. Tablets Codelac Broncho, Thermopsol, Cough tablets.
    6. 6. Elixir Codelac Broncho with thyme.

    And also: Linkas Lor lozenges, ammonia-anise drops, dry cough medicine for adults and children.

Spring primrose is widely used both in traditional medicine, and in folk. Primrose is a small plant that attracts attention with its bright yellow flowers. The plant belongs to the Primrose family. The herb has many medicinal properties. IN chemical composition primrose contains many substances that are necessary for normal functioning human body.

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    According to the description, spring primrose (Primula veris cabrillo yellow) is a perennial herbaceous plant, which reaches a height of 20 cm. Spring primrose also has many other names. People call it primrose officinalis, primrose officinalis, heavenly keys, golden keys, flowers of St. Peter, rams, lambs, white letter, lady's hand. Primrose sprouts in the spring, when the snow melts. Wide use this plant received in the European part Russian Federation. Favorable areas for flower growth are deciduous and mixed forests.

    As for the root system of the spring primrose, the roots of the flower are oblique, not branched, short, they have a cord-like appearance and are white in color.

    The structure of the root system and flowers of the plant

    The leaves of the spring primrose form a rosette at the very roots. They are oval in shape and look like an inverted elongated egg. The surface of the leaves is wrinkled, covered with light fluff on top and bottom, with numerous denticles along the edges.

    Spring primrose leaves

    The plant may produce one or more flower shoots. The type of inflorescence is a simple one-sided umbrella. Spring primrose flowers are large in size and bright yellow in color; at the base of the corolla lobes there is an orange spot.

    Spring primrose flowers

    The fruit of the plant is a polyspermous, ovoid brown capsule. The seeds have the shape of a ball, their length is 1 mm. Primrose flowering begins in April-May, depending on when the last snow melts. The flower ripening period is June. The seed pod begins to crack only in favorable weather; if the weather is bad, the seed pod will not open.

    Spring primrose fruit

    Beneficial features

    In folk medicine, leaves, stems, flowers and primrose roots are used to prepare various medicinal preparations. To prepare the root for further use as the main ingredient in a medicine, you need to dig up its underground part, this should be done in the fall. Next, you need to peel the root, wilt it and then dry it in natural conditions or using an electric dryer. The temperature in the electric dryer should not be high.

    To prepare primrose leaves, they should be cut before the flowering period. Next, they need to be dried in the same way as the root of the plant. It is important to remember that the parts of the flower need to be laid out for drying in a thin layer so that they dry well and they need to be tossed periodically. To prevent the plant from losing vitamin C, it is recommended to use an electric dryer to dry the leaves.

    To prepare flowers for preparing decoctions and infusions, they must be collected throughout the entire flowering period. After collecting flowers, they need to be laid out for drying in attics or dry verandas where there is access fresh air. Dried parts of the plant can be stored for 2 years. Raw materials must be protected from sunlight and dampness, since spring primrose is a vulnerable plant.

    The flower in some regions of the Russian Federation is rare species and is listed in the Red Book. Primrose is prohibited from being picked in such regions of Russia as Rostov, Ivanovo, Moscow, Kostroma, Arkhangelsk, Chuvashia, Udmurtia and Tatarstan.

    Spring primrose has the following beneficial properties:

    • antispasmodic;
    • expectorant;
    • diuretic;
    • laxative;
    • softening;
    • carminative;
    • sedative;
    • sweatshop;
    • painkillers;
    • antirheumatic;
    • anti-inflammatory;
    • vitamin.

    The medicinal properties of the plant are determined by the components of the primrose:

    • flavonoids;
    • saponins;
    • silicic acid;
    • glycosides;
    • vitamin A, C;
    • tannins;
    • essential oil.

    It is important to note that the rhizome and roots of primrose contain large quantity nutrients than in flowers and leaves.


    The main purpose of primrose is to treat cough. The plant helps stimulate the secretory activity of the bronchi and upper respiratory tract. The flower most effectively fights dry coughs and also helps remove phlegm. It is recommended to use spring primrose for:

    • tracheitis;
    • bronchitis;
    • bronchopneumonia;
    • pneumonia;
    • emphysema;
    • pulmonary tuberculosis;
    • attacks of whooping cough.

    According to the instructions for use, primrose is recommended for use by elderly people who suffer from impaired contraction of the heart muscle and impaired blood supply to the lungs. As a result of these age-related changes, a chronic cough may appear. Primrose has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and removes excess phlegm from the bronchi in older people.

    Spring primrose effectively fights colds, flu, and ARVI thanks to its diaphoretic and antipyretic effects. You can drink grass if the first signs of a cold are detected. The plant helps relieve swelling and eliminates sinusitis.

    In addition, the flower helps improve appetite, relieves spasms, and acts as a laxative and carminative. Decoctions of spring primrose should be drunk for constipation and stomach inflammation.

    Primrose is good at removing excess fluid from the human body, so it is recommended to be taken by people who have kidney and bladder diseases; it has a mild diuretic effect. The plant is used as a sedative, as it has sedative properties. If a person is worried about insomnia, overexcitation or neuroses, then at night it is necessary to take a decoction of the leaves of the flower. The plant also helps eliminate severe headaches and migraines.

    Infusions and decoctions of spring primrose are anti-sclerotic agents. They are often used to treat gout and rheumatism. A tincture based on the plant is used as a rub. The product helps in the fight against sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis, as well as inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Loose and bleeding gums are treated with infusions. Wide Application Preparations from spring primrose have been found in cosmetology:

    • an infusion based on primrose is used to eliminate age spots, freckles, acne, and various skin irritations on the facial skin;
    • infusions of leaves and roots are used to rinse hair; for this you need to take 4 tbsp. spoons of dried plant and 2 tbsp. spoons of roots, all this should be poured with half a liter of boiling water and left to infuse for 3 hours;
    • if there is baldness, then every day you need to rub a decoction prepared from the roots of the grass into your head;
    • An infusion of primrose flowers should be used to wipe oily facial skin.

    At home, you can prepare an oil extract from spring primrose. To do this, it is necessary to take as a basis not alcohol, but vegetable oil, for best effect you need to use olive oil. This hood can be used for local treatment, and for internal use. Indications for use of the product are joint diseases, weakened immunity, poor metabolism. The hood is especially useful for women's health. It can eliminate hormonal imbalances, help normalize the menstrual cycle, and relieve PMS symptoms.

    Chest tea (for tracheitis, chronic bronchitis, cough)

    In order to prepare breast tea, you will need crushed roots of spring primrose, elecampane, and coltsfoot leaves. All ingredients must be mixed in equal proportions.

    Next, pour 200 ml of boiling water into 2 teaspoons of the mixture and put on low heat. The mixture should be boiled for 5 minutes, after which it should be left for 10 minutes and strained. The prepared tea should be drunk in small sips throughout the day.

    Decoction (for bronchial asthma)

    To prepare the decoction, you need to mix the following ingredients: caraway fruits, primrose flowers, sundew herb, fragrant violet herb, crushed dried licorice root in a ratio of 4:1:1:1:1. The next step is to add 200 ml of boiling water to 4 teaspoons of the mixture.

    The product should infuse for 2 hours, then you need to put the broth on the fire and boil for 15 minutes, strain. The decoction should be consumed three times a day.

    Tea from the corollas of young flowers

    This tea helps eliminate severe headaches, migraines, heart disease, joint pain, and normalize cerebral circulation. Preparing tea does not take much time, as it is prepared in 5 minutes.

    To prepare a healing drink you need to take 200 ml hot water and pour half a glass of flower corollas with it. The course of treatment is 5 days.

    Infusion of primrose herb (for inflammation of the prostate gland)

    To treat the prostate gland, you need to take an infusion made from spring primrose. To prepare such an infusion, you need to pour half a glass of boiling water and 2 tablespoons of herbs and leave to infuse overnight, then strain.

    You need to take 200 ml of the medicine every morning. The course of treatment is 30 days.

    Decoction for pneumonia

    First you need to prepare an expectorant collection, which consists of ingredients such as primrose flowers, horsetail flowers, plantain leaves, coltsfoot leaves. All ingredients must be mixed in a ratio of 4:3:2:1. Next, you need to pour it all with a glass of hot water and put it to boil over low heat for 5 minutes. After this, the product should be cooled to room temperature and strained.

    You need to drink the decoction in small sips. The duration of treatment is 3 weeks. It is also important to note that the decoction must be consumed together with antibiotics.

    What can you buy at the pharmacy?

    At the pharmacy you can buy Primrose syrup and breast milk. Syrup is one of the most effective medicines, which is based on components exclusively plant origin. This syrup effectively fights coughs and can relieve a person of discomfort in a short period of time. Today there is great amount syrups containing the plant. The herb is recommended to be used in combination with other drugs; it goes well with thyme.

    Spring primrose is often included in various herbal preparations intended to treat coughs. Along with primrose, herbal teas include coltsfoot, plantain, oregano, licorice, linden, anise, chamomile and other herbs. However, it is important to note that primrose is not included in the classic chest cough mixtures No. 1-4.


    Like almost any medicinal plant, spring primrose has certain contraindications, which include:

    • individual intolerance to the plant;
    • allergic reactions;
    • peptic ulcers;
    • diseases of the central nervous system;
    • period of pregnancy and lactation.

    Before using primrose-based products, older people and children should consult their doctor. In case of overdose, the patient may experience dizziness, nausea, and severe headaches. If such symptoms occur, then mandatory You must stop taking the medications and consult a doctor.

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