Tomato Ermak F1 was bred by Soviet breeders. The variety has been approved for use in the North Caucasus since 1982. The hybrid is intended for cultivation in open areas. Its fruits can be stored in a cool room for 35-40 days. The tomato tolerates long-term transportation well, so trading companies willingly buy the hybrid crop from the population.

The characteristics and description of the variety are as follows:

  1. The first fruits are obtained 115-120 days after germination.
  2. The height of tomato bushes ranges from 0.35 to 0.55 m. They grow an average number of branches. With moderate or a large number green leaves.
  3. The leaf is of medium size. It is shaped like potato leaves.
  4. The plant has inflorescences of intermediate and simple types. They have a loose consistency. From 4 to 6 flowers appear on each inflorescence. The first inflorescence is formed between 7 and 9 leaves, and all others - after 2-3 leaves. In this hybrid, the stalk has no articulations.
  5. The fruit is shaped like a slightly flattened egg. He has increased strength, and the weight of the berry ranges from 60-75 g. The surface of the tomato is painted in orange and red tones.
  6. A special feature of the Ermak hybrid is its average resistance to diseases such as late blight, root-knot nematode, and septoria.

As practice shows, one m² of bed can produce from 4.5 to 7.5 kg of fruit if all agricultural technology requirements are met. The hybrid is used for preparing salads, consumed in fresh. During industrial processing, high-quality juice, paste, and ketchup are made from tomatoes. Some housewives preserve berries for the winter.

Although the hybrid is intended for open ground, it can be bred in central Russia and northern regions in greenhouses.

Sowing seeds and caring for plantings

IN southern regions countries can be seeded planting material directly onto permanent ground. This is done in March, if there is no danger of a sharp drop in temperature. But farmers point out that with direct sowing, the yield will be less than when using seedlings.

The seed material is treated with hydrogen peroxide and then sown in boxes with soil consisting of peat, sand and soil from the beds. After about 5 days, the first shoots appear. It is recommended to feed them with manure, chicken droppings or nitrogen fertilizers.

Watering the sprouts warm water. At the end of April the seedlings are transferred to permanent soil. It is first loosened and then saturated with complex fertilizers. The planting scheme for hybrid bushes is 0.5x0.5 m.

After transplanting, the seedlings are watered with warm water and then sprayed with preparations that eliminate bacterial or fungal infection. If there is a danger of cold snap, it is recommended to cover the plants with warm material. It is removed approximately 2 weeks after transplanting the seedlings to the beds.

Caring for hybrid bushes

It is recommended to water the plants no more than once a week. If the weather is hot or there is a threat of drought, then during irrigation its frequency is adjusted in accordance with climatic conditions. When it rains, you should water the bushes no more than once in 15 days.

Do not allow moisture to get on the leaves when sunny weather the bushes will receive serious burns. The soil under the tomatoes should be slightly moist, otherwise the roots of the plants will begin to rot. The hybrid should be watered early in the morning before the sun rises. To do this, use warm water that has been left in the sun.

Tomato feeding is done 3 times throughout the entire season. First, seedlings are fed 10 days after transferring the seedlings to permanent soil. This is necessary for plants to gain green mass. To do this, use manure, peat or ammonium nitrate. Other nitrogen mixtures can be used.

After the ovaries appear, the tomato needs to be fed with a mixture of potassium and nitrogen fertilizers. After the formation of the first fruits on the branches, it is recommended to enrich the hybrid with phosphorus and potassium mixtures with a small addition of nitrogen fertilizers.

Loosening the soil is done 2 times a week. This improves ventilation of the root system, allowing the plant to receive the oxygen it needs for development along with useful substances. You can also improve gas exchange by mulching the soil.

It is advisable to weed the garden beds every 2 weeks. This will save the bushes from some diseases transmitted from weeds cultivated plants. This procedure also destroys some garden pests, which first settle on weeds and then move to cultivated vegetables.

TOMATO INDETERMINANT(without growth limitation) hybrid.

IMPORTANT: WHEN WORKING, FOLLOW ALL MEASURES FOR DISINFECTION of containers (boxes, seedling cups and bowls), work with gloves. Wear gloves or wash your hands periodically or wipe them with disinfectant. napkins. There are very frequent cases when the infection gets on the seeds due to insufficiently carefully treated containers. Be sure to wash new containers. Wash used containers and soak them for a day in a DEO CHLOR solution (2 tablets per 10 liters of water), then rinse thoroughly.

DATE for sowing seedlings from March 15 - 20 - March 30 - April 5 45 -55 days (maximum 60 days) before planting the seedlings in the ground (greenhouses). The closer to the bright and warm spring days you sow the seeds, the higher the solar activity. All phases of seedling development pass quickly. IMPORTANT! The later you sow the seedlings, the faster and more actively they will grow. At the time of planting in the ground, seedlings sown from April 1 to April 10 will differ little from seedlings sown on March 15 or more early sowing. PRIMING. 35% peat, 20% purchased quality soil with fertilizers and microelements, 30% non-tomato garden soil steamed to 60°C, 10% homemade or purchased vermicompost, 4% perlite, 1% vermiculite.

Sowing seeds. In seedling containers, at the bottom of which there is drainage from charcoal fine fraction, pour 5 - 7 cm of well-mixed seedling soil. Level the soil. Make grooves 1 cm deep at a distance of 3 centimeters from each other. Moisten the soil with the grooves made from a spray bottle with a weak solution of potassium humate with microelements. Place dry hybrid tomato seeds into the grooves according to variety, lightly pressing them into the soil with a fingertip or a toothpick at a distance of 2 - 2.5 cm from each other. Once again lightly spray with Humate solution (humate + 7 or humate + iodine) from a spray bottle (stimulates and accelerates growth processes). Cover the top with DRY soil in a layer of 0.5 cm. Gently compact the top layer of soil (press it against the base layer). Cover the seedling containers with film to create a greenhouse effect and put them away WARM place with T 28 – 30 ° heat. Hybrid tomato seeds are more demanding of heat during germination, unlike varietal ones. If the temperature regime is not observed, the seeds may rot and not germinate, or they will germinate slowly and for a long time. When shoots appear, after 4 - 7 (maximum 10) days, remove the film and place the tomatoes under round-the-clock lighting for 3-5 days. With the emergence of seedlings, the temperature for the first two to three days is reduced to plus 15-18° during the day and 10-12° at night. This technique protects the seedlings from being pulled out and creates conditions for better development of the root system. Daylight hours for tomatoes are set at least 14 - 16 hours a day under lighting or on a light and warm, draft-free window sill. A week after germination, change temperature regime up to plus 20 -25 ° during the day and 12 - 15 ° at night. After 2 weeks from germination, seedlings are planted in individual seedling containers.

PICKING of hybrid tomato. In a 400 ml glass (bag) with drainage holes at the bottom, pour a drainage layer of fine charcoal with a layer of 2 cm. You can grind charcoal for barbecue, which is sold in all stores. Sprinkle NITROGEN-FREE on the bottom of the seedling glass. complex fertilizer BOROPHOSCA 1/5 teaspoon. It is phosphorus, boron and potassium that will participate in the formation of the first brush. Fill the seedling cup halfway with soil. Use a teaspoon to remove the seedling from the container and transfer it to a seedling glass. Cover the roots completely with soil, carefully squeezing the soil to prevent the formation of air pockets without soil. Water the soil with a weak solution of calcium nitrate, ½ teaspoon per 1 liter of warm water. Add soil on top and do not water. Place seedling containers in pallets and place them under lighting. The next watering after picking is carried out after 5 days until the earthen clod is completely wetted. Further watering is carried out only after the earthen clod has completely dried out. If the plants fade a little, it is recommended to spray them with a weak solution of potassium humate or a weak solution (1/3 of the recommended dose) with a complete solution mineral complex for tomato seedlings, but do not water until the earthen ball is completely dry.

During the growth of seedlings, it is recommended to spray it 1-3 times per leaf with calcium nitrate, normally 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of warm water. With the emergence of seedlings, the temperature for the first two to three days is reduced to plus 15-18° during the day and 10-12° at night. This technique protects the seedlings from being pulled out and creates conditions for better development of the root system. Daylight hours for tomatoes are set at least 14 - 16 hours a day under lighting or on a light and warm, draft-free window sill. Before planting, our seedlings must be HARDENED. To do this, for several hours you need to reduce daytime temperatures to + 13° - + 15°, night temperatures to + 6° - +8° degrees. After 50 - 60 days, our seedlings are ready for planting at their PERMANENT PLACE OF RESIDENCE.

AGRICULTURAL TECHNIQUES for planting a hybrid INDERIMANT tomato on permanent place residence. Preparing the beds. In the spring, mineral fertilizer is applied to the ground where hybrid tomatoes are planted. Based on the calculation: PER 1 SQ.M: - add: 60 g of superphosphate, 60 g of potassium SULFATE and 40 g of AMMONIUM SULFATE (which contains sulfur + nitrogen, sulfur protects against ticks and diseases). The applied fertilizers are loosened with the soil. IMPORTANT. It is possible to plant tomatoes in the ground provided that the temperature of the SOIL in the ridges is above plus 12-14 degrees.

1. It is necessary to prepare the planting grooves; this is more convenient than preparing each hole individually. We prepare furrows 20 -25 centimeters wide and 15 - 20 cm deep. If you plant in several lines and your beds are wide, then the distance between the planting furrows should be at least 70 cm.

2. 2-3 days before planting, along the entire length of the planting furrow, we apply nitrogen-free fertilizer BOROFOSKA (long-acting fertilizer slowly dissolves all summer under the influence of soil acids and soil-friendly microorganisms) at the rate of 2 spoons per linear meter of the furrow and mixes with the soil.

3. We shed the grooves with a solution of Trichodermin VERIDE or a solution of BAIKAL or a solution of FITOSPORINA.

4. IMPORTANT. Trichodermin + Baikal = combined complex. FITOSPORIN + BAIKAL = combined complex.

After weeding the furrows, we cover them with suitable material for 2-3 days before planting to preserve moisture. When planting in planting holes 20–30 cm deep, add 2 tablespoons of Borofoski to each hole, mix with soil and spill with Trichodermin + Baikal solution or Fitosporin + Baikal solution. Then the holes are also covered from moisture evaporation. It is better to plant on a cloudy day. It is not recommended to water tomatoes for 2-3 days before planting. BEFORE planting, the grooves (holes) are shed generously with warm water, taking into account that the next watering will only take place in 10 days. Seedlings of indeterminate tomatoes are placed in planting grooves at a distance of 40 -50 cm from each other.

Carefully remove each seedling from the seedling glass. Place in the furrow with the roots facing the SOUTH, the top of the head to the NORTH, preferably at an angle of 45 °, the roots should be located slightly below the top of the head. Part of the excavated soil is used to fill the roots of tomatoes. The soil is pressed very carefully to the roots. Avoiding the formation of air spaces. Once again, water the soil from a watering can through a “shower” nozzle with a solution of calcium nitrate at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of warm water. Cover the watered tomatoes with the remaining dry soil. No more watering from above. Visually, it looks as if the tomatoes were planted in DRY soil. Usually, by the next sunrise, the tomatoes have already raised their tops and taken a horizontal position.

Agricultural care technology hybrid indeterminate tomato in the ground (greenhouse). First watering-fertilizing hybrid tomato after planting in the ground is carried out exactly 10 days after planting. For this purpose, fertilizer AMMONIUM SULPHATE, which contains sulfur as a disease prevention and nitrogen as a source building material to build new plant cells, dilute 1 - 2 tablespoons in 10 liters of water and water the plants CLOSE to the furrow along the entire perimeter of the bed. At the rate of 2 – 4 liters per plant. The amount of watering depends on the air temperature. The hotter it is outside, the greater the consumption of solution when watering - 4 liters.

10 days after planting, the tomato is completely rooted in the soil and the growth of the root system and aerial parts begins. TOMATO must be tied up 10 days after planting in the ridge. 10 days after planting, the formation of the plant begins. To obtain the largest possible fruits, the indeterminate tomato is formed strictly IN ONE STEM, all growing stepsons are removed. A tomato STEPSON is a vegetative (daughter) shoot that grows on a tomato trunk from the place where the tomato leaf attaches to the tomato trunk. The stepsons are broken out early in the morning, when their length reaches 5 cm. From these 5 cm, 2 cm are broken off, and a stump 3 cm in length remains on the tomato trunk. This action is called “breaking the stepson onto a stump” or pinching onto a stump. The stump left does not allow a new stepson to grow from this sinus for a long time. With the CORRECT nutrition of the tomato, its development will be correct. An indeterminate tomato produces 3-4 leaves and a cluster of flowers within ONE week. (all Indians have flower brushes through 3 leaves). IMPORTANT! At proper feeding, already after the color appears on 4-5 brushes, a full 100% ovary of the brush is already formed on the first brush.

The tomato plant is already big. Part of the nutrition introduced with the first waterings and nutrition from the soil has already evaporated through the leaf apparatus. Since the amount of soil from which we can take food is LIMITED, we will FEED our hybrid tomatoes ourselves to obtain a rich harvest of tasty and sweet fruits.

AGROTECHNIQUES OF FEEDING AND WATERING determinate tomato. It is generally accepted that any vegetable has three periods of development. The period is START (seedling period), the period is DEVELOPMENT (growth and formation) and the Final period (ripening and harvesting). I would like to add one more period, conditional, since during this period we no longer feed or water. The STORAGE period of vegetables (both tomatoes and others), how the vegetables will behave during this period, how long it will last without loss of commercial quality, directly depends on how correctly the vegetables have passed the three previous periods. DEVELOPMENT proceeds in an ascending straight line, which means that nutrition must also proceed in an ascending direction. In a HYBRID tomato you need to feed each bunch with a full mineral nutrition. This means that a hybrid tomato should receive food once a week, unlike varietal tomatoes, which need food once every 10-14 days. Many people are scared by the phrase CALCIUM SALTITERE, but this is just a source of calcium for our plants. Calcium is an important constituent (component) in the skeletal structure of each plant cell and strengthens the walls of plant cells. Strong cell walls of any plant minimize the occurrence of diseases and pest attacks on the plant. The ratio of calcium and potassium in fruits should be 1: 4, which means that for one calcium supplement you need 3 potassium supplements. How to add food? The speed of delivery of nutrition to each plant cell directly depends on the method of introducing nutrition. The most high speed delivery and the most complete assimilation of nutrition, - option NUTRITION according to the LEAF. We stopped with feeding with ammonium sulfate and left the START period behind. Let's move on to the development stage and the first feeding at the DEVELOPMENT stage will be calcium on the leaf. We look at the dosage on the pack of saltpeter, specifically for foliar feeding.

Calcium is absorbed in 2.5 – 3 days. We don’t feed anything these days; if a tomato requires watering, we water it clean water. 3 days after calcium, for the full formation of brush buds, we feed (POTASSIUM MONOPHOSPHATE) phosphorus + potassium. This is both a phosphorus and potassium supplement. Enough ½ - 1 (level) teaspoon per 10 liters of water and spray tomatoes and other vegetables and bushes. We apply fertilizer POTASSIUM MONOPHOSPHATE on the leaf. This is a nitrogen-free fertilizer, and if your soil under your tomatoes is dry, you can apply it with watering. organic fertilizer mullein in the ratio of 1 liter of mullein + 20 liters of water, 2-3 liters for each bush. IMPORTANT! In this option, the combination of liquid nitrogen fertilizer for the root + phosphorus-potassium for the leaves, nitrogen will not push the tomato to fattening, but will be fully used by the plant to build new cells, and most importantly, nitrogen in combination with phosphorus will not turn into nitrate form. This means that your fruits will not accumulate excess nitrates. Phosphorus will not allow them to do this. After 3-4 days, during which nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are absorbed, we feed with MAGBOR, a boron-magnesium complex. It is necessary for all the buds to become an ovary and for the ovary to fully develop. That is, we do not allow the color to fall off and the ovary to dry out. The consumption of the drug is minimal, the benefits are enormous. It is enough to dilute ½ teaspoon in 10 liters of water with slightly acidified whey or citric acid who does not have serum, and spray our plants. All plants in the garden can be sprayed with the food we prepare for tomatoes. After 3-4 days we feed a complete nutritional complex with microelements. You can take any complex, the main thing is that it contains a full range of microelements. These properties have: Zdraven aqua, Agricola, Fertika luxury vegetable, Ideal, BIOhumus aqua. Whey is rich in amino acids. If, when preparing any nutritious mineral or organo-mineral solution for watering or spraying, add only 200 ml of whey to 10 liters of water, you will thereby increase the effect and benefit of using the nutrition.

After fertilizing with a complete complex fertilizer, 4-5 days later we give POTASSIUM fertilizer on the leaf or at the root. You can use such fertilizers for this feeding as: POTASSIUM nitrate, POTASSIUM sulfate, POTASSIUM Kelik, POTASSIUM HUMATE, KALIMAG. Consumption rates of the drug for root and foliar feeding Read the instructions for the drug CAREFULLY... and take half as much. You already know that if you slightly acidify the water, then this half is enough for you. With these feedings in the amount of 5 main feedings, we have already fed 2-3 brushes. Next, you need to start working again according to the feeding scheme, starting again with feeding with calcium nitrate. This is how we work until the FINAL period. The finale means that we will no longer force our tomato to form new buds because we no longer need a new ovary. At the final stage, we completely exclude PHOSPHORUS and BOROMAGNESIUM as independent fertilizers. We replace them with feeding with complete nutritional complexes. 10-15 days before the last harvest of our tomatoes, both red and green, which will go for storage and ripening, you need to do TWO last and very important feedings. Calcium nitrate so that our fruits retain their density during storage and do not wrinkle. After 3 days, POTASSIUM HUMATE or HUMATE + 7 or HUMATE + IODINE and only one leaf at a time. We no longer water tomatoes!!! Watering is stopped 20 days before the end of the season. Calcium supplementation will keep our fruits in perfect shape during storage. Feeding with humate will protect our fruits from diseases and rot during storage. Will make our plants sweet and tasty.

DETERMINANT hybrid TOMATO with growth restriction (“self-cultivating”) AGROTECHNIQUES for growing seedlings.

DATE for sowing seedlings: from April 1 - 15 to April 15, 40 -35 days (maximum 45 days) before planting the seedlings in the ground. The closer to the bright and warm spring days you sow the seeds, the higher the solar activity. All phases of seedling development pass quickly. IMPORTANT! The later you sow the seedlings, the faster and more actively they will grow. As a rule, we prepare determinate varieties for planting in open ground, and it is not advisable to sow them for seedlings early. Otherwise, if the weather fails, the seedlings will simply outgrow and lose their quality.

PRIMING. 35% peat, 20% purchased high-quality soil with fertilizers and microelements, 30% non-tomato garden soil steamed to 60°C, 10% homemade or purchased vermicompost, 4% perlite, 1% vermiculite. In soil prepared independently with the addition of no more than 20% of purchased soil, hybrids grow better, as well as non-hybrids. Sowing seeds. Pour 5–7 cm of well-mixed seedling soil into seedling containers with fine-grained charcoal drainage at the bottom. Level the soil. Make grooves 1 cm deep at a distance of 3 centimeters from each other. Moisten the soil with the grooves using a spray bottle with a weak solution of potassium humate with microelements. Place dry hybrid tomato seeds into the grooves according to variety, lightly pressing them into the soil with a fingertip or a toothpick at a distance of 2 - 2.5 cm from each other. Once again lightly spray with Humate solution (humate + 7 or humate + iodine) from a spray bottle (stimulates and accelerates growth processes). Cover the top with DRY soil in a layer of 0.5 cm. Gently compact the top layer of soil (press it against the base layer).

Cover the seedling containers with film to create a greenhouse effect and put them in a WARM place with a temperature of 28 - 30 ° C. Hybrid tomato seeds are more demanding of heat during germination, unlike varietal ones. If the temperature regime is not observed, the seeds may rot and not germinate, or they will germinate slowly and for a long time. When shoots appear, after 4 - 7 days, remove the film and place the tomatoes under round-the-clock lighting for 3 -5 days. With the emergence of seedlings, the temperature for the first two to three days is reduced to plus 15-18° during the day and 10-12° at night. This technique protects the seedlings from being pulled out and creates conditions for better development of the root system. Daylight hours for tomatoes are set at least 14 - 16 hours a day under lighting or on a light and warm, draft-free window sill. A week after germination, the temperature regime is changed to plus 20 -25 ° during the day and 12 - 15 ° at night. After 2 weeks from germination, seedlings are planted in individual seedling containers.

PICKING of hybrid tomato. In a 400 ml glass (bag) with drainage holes at the bottom, pour a drainage layer of fine charcoal with a layer of 2 cm. You can grind charcoal for barbecue, which is sold in all stores. Sprinkle 1/5 teaspoon of NITROGEN-free complex fertilizer BOROPHOSKA onto the bottom of the seedling glass. It is phosphorus, boron and potassium that will participate in the formation of the first brush. Fill the seedling cup halfway with soil. Use a teaspoon to remove the seedling from the container and transfer it to a seedling glass. Cover the roots completely with soil, carefully squeezing the soil to prevent the formation of air pockets without soil. Water the soil with a weak solution of calcium nitrate, ½ teaspoon per 1 liter of warm water. Add soil on top and do not water. Place seedling containers in pallets and place them under lighting. The next watering after picking is carried out after 5 days until the earthen clod is completely wetted. Further watering is carried out only after the earthen clod has completely dried out. If the plants are slightly withering, it is recommended to spray them with a weak solution of potassium humate or a weak solution (1/3 of the recommended dose) of a complete mineral complex for tomato seedlings, but do not water until the earthen ball has completely dried. During the growth of DETERMINATE tomato seedlings, it is recommended to spray it once per leaf with calcium nitrate, normally 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of warm water. Before planting, our seedlings must be HARDENED. To do this, for several hours you need to reduce daytime temperatures to + 13° - + 15°, night temperatures to + 6° - +8° degrees. After 35 -45 days, DETERMINANT tomato seedlings can be planted for permanent residence. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the T of the soil in the ridges, it should be higher than + 12 °, as well as the likelihood of return frosts. Therefore, the timing of disembarkation varies by region. For some it is May 10th, for others it is only June 10th.

A QUICK WAY to obtain high-quality DETERMINATE tomato seedlings WITHOUT PICKING. Fill the disinfected boxes with soil, the height of the soil is 10 cm. Make rows at a distance of 10 cm from each other, moisten the soil from a spray bottle with a solution of any HUMATE. Place the seeds in rows at a distance of 10 cm from each other. Spray lightly with HUMATE again. Cover the boxes with film and take them out to a glassed-in loggia or greenhouse. Make a cover on top of non-woven covering material. When shoots appear, remove the film. To protect against night frosts and bright daytime sun, leave the seedlings under a cover. UNDER NO EVENT USE POLYETHYLENE FILM as a covering material for the day. In case of frost, it is recommended to throw the film over the covering non-woven material overnight. Feeding and watering in the same mode as in the variant with picking. If planting outside is planned from June 1 to June 10, sowing in this way can be done from April 20 to April 25. IMPORTANT: Sowing DETERMINANT hybrid tomato seeds is always done based on the timing of the intended planting of seedlings for permanent residence.

AGRICULTURAL TECHNIQUES for planting a hybrid DETERMINANT tomato for permanent residence. Preparation of planting furrows or holes is the same as for INDEREMINANT tomatoes. The agricultural technology for planting determinate tomatoes directly depends on what kind of determinate tomato you have.


SUPERdeterminate tomatoes(the shortest 25-40 cm). Superdeterminate tomatoes produce a low, compact bush with 2-3 inflorescences on the main and side shoots. The development of the vegetative part of the plant does not require much time, the ovaries begin to form early, so these tomatoes are the fastest ripening and produce their harvest in unison. Fruit size is 30 -50 grams. The height of such bushes is usually 25–40 cm. Ultra-early ripening tomatoes take 80–85 days (the earliest are 75–79 days).

Superdeterminate tomatoes are tomatoes with small and not very sweet fruits. The low sugar content in the pulp is due to the fact that these tomatoes grow under short-term conditions. daylight hours and still cold nights. There is no SUPPORT for such children; the bush supports itself perfectly. These kind of children DO NOT CARE. They can be used as decoration for flower beds and borders. These tomatoes are ideal for those who want to get a harvest quickly and without any hassle. They are planted at a distance of 30 -35 cm from each other in a row and 45 - 50 cm between rows.

Determinate tomatoes– from 40 cm to 100 cm. The growth of these tomatoes is limited to 4-6 clusters. The bush of this variety will be slightly larger in size than that of superdeterminate tomatoes. The second wave of flowering begins with the formation of fruits on the first ovaries. The fruits of this group of tomatoes ripen 5-7 days later than those of superdeterminant tomatoes - they belong to mid-ripening tomatoes. Their yield and duration of fruiting are higher than those of early varieties. Before planting in planting holes or furrows, it is recommended to immediately place a support to which the plant will be tied in the future. These tomatoes already need pinching. How to step them? It is necessary to remove all stepsons and leaves up to the first fruit cluster. Above the fetal brush, all stepsons are not removed as in indets, but their number is regulated. In addition to the main trunk, it is recommended to leave 2-3 more of the strongest stepsons; it is on them that the main crop of tomatoes will be formed. It is recommended to plant them for uniform illumination and ventilation of the bush, at a distance of at least 40 cm in a row from each other and the distance between rows is at least 60 -70 cm row from row.

Standard tomatoes are determinate tomatoes. STANDARD determinate hybrid tomatoes form a bush on a thick short stem, and they do not need pinching and bush formation. Their leaves are located close to each other, the distance between the ovaries is compact. Such tomatoes always produce a good harvest. The very concept of standard means that the crown of the plants is very spreading and literally hung with fruits, on short and strong thick peduncles. And they need to be planted very widely from each other, at a distance of at least 1 meter between the plants themselves and 1.2 - 1.5 s between the rows, since the feeding area required for each bush is about 0.5 - 0.7 square meters. m for each plant. The entire feeding scheme during growth and development is the same as for INDNTNRMINATED hybrid tomatoes.

AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY of semi-determinate tomatoes is the same as that of indeterminate tomatoes. There is only one difference. HALF CHILDREN bear fruit well if they are kept in TWO trunks. Semi-determinate are tall tomatoes up to 2 meters or more. Their inflorescences are formed every 2-3 leaves, usually every 2 leaves. The fruits ripen uniformly and evenly throughout the entire growing season. Their internodes are shorter than those of INDETS, and the distances between leaves and ovaries are shorter.

HYBRID Beef tomatoes are tomatoes with large fruits. The plants are powerful, 80–120 cm high. The planting pattern is the same as for standard tomatoes. The root system of Beef tomatoes is very powerful and spreading. Feeding according to the scheme of hybrid tomatoes indets. A special feature of beef tomatoes is that the amount of ovary in the bunches needs to be REGULATED. In total, you need to leave 3-4 fruits in the brush, pinch off the remaining flowers. Then your BIF tomato will be really large.

The climatic conditions of the Urals are quite capricious. The danger of return frosts in our region remains until the beginning of June, and cool morning fogs begin in August. Therefore, if you want to reap a rich harvest of tomatoes, you should plant varieties of this delicate vegetable suitable for growing in the Urals.

Each tomato variety has its own personality. Behind each new hybrid there are years of breeding work and popular selection. The beauty of the best modern varieties tomatoes are in their diversity. But even an experienced gardener can easily get lost among the huge assortment. Therefore, we have selected the most worthy representatives of the tomato family, both in the opinion of breeders and in the reviews of gardeners.

In this section we present not just large, but extra-large-fruited tomatoes with fruits weighing 400 g and above. Every gardener dreams of such giants. Through the efforts of breeders, new unusual delicious varieties and hybrids with fruits of the correct beautiful shape and high productivity. Together, all these qualities are extremely rare in tomatoes. We bring to your attention rare exceptions - the pride of the latest generation of selection.


Tomato is a giant. Fleshy, multi-chambered, strongly ribbed and dense fruits with a diameter of up to 20 cm! The color is bright, deep red, without a spot on the stalk. Excellent taste and high sugar content make this variety best choice for preparing salads and juice. Grown in closed ground. The variety is of indeterminate type, formed into one stem. Due to the significant mass of the fruit, gartering is required. Vigorous, medium early. The weight of one fruit is up to 1 kg, the yield per bush is up to 10 kg.

Bugai F1

This is a giant tomato, bursting with power, strength and health. This has two varieties characteristic features: It is very large and very productive. The most powerful bush has truly unbridled productivity. Place him on the very the best garden bed- you can't go wrong. He will thank you with a myriad of kilogram-sized, embossed, very bright red-orange fruits. Its pulp is juicy, tender, very good taste. This is one of the most successful hybrids in our collection - be sure to give it place of honor on your site.

Bull heart giant F1

The size of the fruits of this tomato is so large that they evoke associations with melons. With high agricultural technology, an experienced gardener can grow tomatoes weighing over 2 kg, and these will not be isolated specimens. The fruits are bright pink, have a clearly defined heart shape, and hide a delicate sugar pulp inside.

Voivode F1

This is a most valuable hybrid with very special advantages. He is unpretentious, but very responsive to care. If you managed to provide him with good nutrition, he will thank you with an unprecedented harvest of tomatoes, each of which weighs at least 1 kg. Your friends and neighbors in the garden will gasp and be amazed at such a miracle of nature for a long time. Be sure to put “The Voivode” at the head of your small but tasteful collection.

Leader F1

If you like especially large and tasty tomatoes, then you will like the Leader hybrid. Each cluster bears 4-5 fiery red fruits weighing up to 1 kg each. Don't forget to tie this brush so it doesn't break off. The broken fruits are grainy, sweet, with few seeds, ideal for salads - a real delicacy for gourmets. Stable high yield. We form it into one stem and plant it as usual.

Main caliber F1

Main Caliber f1 is a tomato that belongs to the super-large hybrids. Belongs to the determinant type. The hybrid was bred for cultivation in open ground, as well as in greenhouses or film shelters.

The bushes are strong, powerful, of medium height (about 1.5 m). The shoots are strong, well leafy, the foliage is average size, typically tomato, dark green in color. This hybrid requires formation into one stem.

Ripe fruits are round in shape, fleshy, the pulp is sugary, fine-grained. The skin is smooth and quite dense. The color of ripe tomatoes is deep crimson. Although some summer residents note that the color of the ripe fruits of this tomato can be bright scarlet. Ripe tomatoes You don’t even have to cut them – they break easily by hand. A ripe tomato can reach a weight of 0.5 to 2.0 kg!

The yield of the variety is quite high - up to 5-7 kg per bush; in greenhouse conditions, higher yields can be harvested.

Main Caliber is intended for fresh consumption. The fruits can also be used to prepare tomato puree and tomato juice.

Globe F1

Early ripening determinate variety. The leaf is small, dark green. Inflorescence of intermediate type. Pedicel with articulation. The fruit is flat-round, smooth, fleshy, weighing 500-600 g. The fruits ripen early and very quickly. The color of the unripe fruit is light green, the mature one is red. The bush of this tomato is very powerful. The yield of the variety is high, up to 10 kg per plant.

Yenisei F1

During the growing season, a slender beautiful bush up to 120 cm high. Tomatoes "Yenisei f1" belong to the group of large cluster tomatoes, the weight of which reaches 400-500 g. There is no significant difference in weight and size between the first ripening fruits and subsequent tomatoes. At the ripe stage, the fruits acquire an intense red color. The tomato pulp is fine-grained and delicate in taste.


This is a heavyweight tomato - the pride of the Ural tomato collection. The fruits are smooth, unusually elegant, like huge pink balls, fleshy and juicy, with fine-grained, delicately tasty pulp and a weighty, pleasant heaviness.

The bush is powerful, well-leafed, and with sufficient nutrition it produces rich harvests. It responds well to soil fertility and is moderately demanding of moisture. It is photophilous and thermophilic, but is easily affected by frost.

Golden bull heart F1

The fruits of the "Golden Bull's Heart" are shaped like the "Bull's Heart" variety (see above). There is another similarity between this famous hybrid and our new hybrid: both are very tasty. But “Bull's Heart” is famous not only for its delicious taste, but also for its rather low yield. And “Golden Bull's Heart”, as befits hybrids, is not just productive, but super productive, yielding one and a half buckets per bush! And the tomatoes are all beautiful: even, smooth, heavy, weighing up to 1 kg 300 g.

Prince silver F1

Determinate hybrid. The fruits are deep red, smooth, with fine-grained tender pulp, weighing 400 g and easily poured in any weather. The bush is powerful, well-leafed, and with sufficient nutrition it produces rich harvests. Requires garter (under the weight of large, weighty tomatoes, the “Prince Silver” bush without supports can simply collapse).

King Penguin F1

This large-fruited variety has extremely rare fruits that are elongated in height. They hang in heavy bundles on the bush. Tomatoes weigh 450-500 g. They are characterized not only by an extremely beautiful, memorable shape, but also excellent taste. The massive tall fruits are cut into salads and salted whole. The taste of salted tomatoes of this variety is simply magnificent.

Red buffalo F1

Tomatoes Red buffalo F1 are large-fruited early varieties, with fruits of flat-round shape, weighing from 500 g and above. Tomatoes are grown both in open and closed ground. The variety is indeterminate, its growth does not stop throughout the growing season, so the bush needs staking. When the plant reaches the required height, it must be pinched. The yield of this variety is very high; per season you can harvest up to 10 kg from 1 bush.

Favorite Coral F1

In the tomato row, this hybrid always stands apart. It is beautiful, even, smooth, without wrinkles. Abundant Harvest fruits weighing up to 700 g. Amazing, rich taste. And yet this is not the main thing. The unique, glowing soft coral color of large, beautiful tomatoes is what makes it stand out from the crowd.

Maestro f1

Tomato "Maestro f1" – hybrid variety large-fruited tomatoes. Presented by Ural breeders. Despite their size, tomatoes are not subject to cracking and are stored for a long time. Recommended for greenhouse cultivation.

The variety is early ripening; harvesting begins 90 days after germination. The bushes are indeterminate, of unlimited growth type. The stems are densely leafy and powerful. Plants require good nutrition and care. Sensitive to frost, does not tolerate shading. In general, they are quite resistant to adverse weather conditions.

Shoots appear en masse. In the future, they need to support the main stem, clusters with fruits and pinching. Formation of the variety is recommended in one stem.

Ripe fruits have a rich crimson color, they are of the correct spherical shape, the pulp is juicy, high taste characteristics, the weight of one tomato is about 500 g.

The variety is resistant to major diseases: TMV, any rot, necrosis, late blight. Responds well to fertilization and watering. For salad purposes, used for making juice and preservation.

Fire Avalanche F1

Indeterminate variety of tomatoes. The bush is powerful, well leafy. It begins to bear fruit somewhat later than the earliest greenhouse hybrids. But he is beautiful. The spectacle is simply mesmerizing. A falling cascade of smooth, large fruits weighing up to 1 kg. Their color is red-red and really kind of fiery. The yield is excellent. The cous is formed into two stems and planted as usual.

Orlets F1

“Orlets” is one of the record-breaking new hybrids. Its fruits are smooth, round, beautiful, rich red in color, and begin to ripen very early. They hang from the bushes in bright garlands and ripen very amicably, en masse. Thus, having planted “Orlets”, you can early dates get a very decent harvest of large and tasty tomatoes.

Special F1

The fruits of this variety are bright, red-red, even, neat and very large - weighing up to 900 g. The bush of impressive size is densely hung with these fleshy and very delicious tomatoes. They ripen together and at a fairly early date.


This variety really closely resembles fresh peaches just picked from the branch, only five times larger. The fruits of “Peach” are perfectly regular, round in shape, and have a bright orange-peach color. A very beautiful tomato. But, as they say, they are greeted by their clothes, but they are seen off... And here we have no doubt that you will not want to see off the “Peach” at all, because each of them reaches a weight of 500-600 g, smooth beautiful clusters of tomatoes hang abundantly from powerful branches. And the taste is reminiscent of peach, melon and tomato at the same time. Form into two stems and plant as usual.

Early giant F1

Early giant tomatoes are distinguished by very large fruits of a pale pink color. Their shape resembles a giant cone with a narrowed part downwards. These tomatoes are very early and are the first to please gardeners with their fruits. One ripe tomato can weigh up to 500 g.

Pink treasure F1

There are very few deep pink tomato hybrids. But this is not the quality that distinguishes the “Pink Treasure” from the huge mass of hybrids. The stormy productivity allows it to compete even with the “Bugai” itself. The bushes loaded with fruits from top to bottom look friendly and smart. See for yourself: the gardener’s soul sings from such a magnificent spectacle. The fruits are large and very even. If you break them, the delicious crumbly raspberry pulp begins to sparkle in the sunlight.

Matchmaker F1

Determinate hybrid. The bush is powerful, well-leafed, and with sufficient nutrition it produces rich harvests. The fruits are pink, flat-round, fleshy, with fine-grained pulp. They are impressive and authoritative. The weight of individual fruits exceeds 800 g.

Harvest paradox F1

The seeds of this tomato germinate quickly and en masse, without causing any problems to the gardener. An unpretentious plant produces a beautiful fruit, which is distinguished by a high content of valuable microelements and exhibits excellent taste and culinary dishes, and in home canned food.

The plant got its name for the paradoxical nature of spring: the fragile bush produces an abundance of very large, beautiful tomatoes. Neither large leaves, no powerful stem, and when harvesting, you can’t get by with a bucket; you need an impressively sized cart.

The variety, bred by experienced breeders, is resistant to common diseases and is not afraid of cold and drought. It actively grows and bears fruit in low light conditions.

Chelyabinsk eggplant F1

A traditional large-fruited tomato variety with an elliptical fruit shape with a pointed nose, weighing 600 g. An armada of giant “ships” of fiery color. A very impressive variety, a decoration for any collection. The large size of the fruit, reminiscent of eggplants, is admirable. This is a real breeding breakthrough in the varietal diversity of tomatoes.

Masterpiece F1

Late-ripening, indeterminate, large-fruited, productive tomato hybrid for greenhouses. The bush is tall and requires reliable tying to a support and pinching. The best results are obtained when the plant is formed into 1 stem with the timely removal of all side shoots (stepchildren).

The fruits are flat-round, large, red in color at maturity, with an average weight of 500 grams (maximum 1.3 kg!), fleshy, excellent taste. Let these tomatoes ripen on the bush and you will understand that hybrids can be tasty. These tomatoes are good for fresh consumption and also for making juice.

Productivity - up to 6 kg per plant (with regular fertilizing).

Hi all! Large-fruited tomatoes(tomatoes) in a greenhouse. The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground. Not a single summer resident will miss the opportunity to boast about how beautiful and large tomatoes he grew on his plot. There is no doubt that it is always pleasant when so much work is rewarded with a harvest that pleases both the eye and the heart.

Previously, we looked at when to plant tomatoes for seedlings in a greenhouse, and also showed the best greenhouse varieties. Also, we were talking about tomatoes for open ground in Siberia. Be sure to read it if you missed it.

What you will learn from this material:

But tomato is different from tomato. And it’s not always possible to get huge, beautiful ones for one simple reason - you chose the wrong type of seed. And really, look at beautiful pictures and it seems that this is it – my future treasure!

But in reality, everything turns out to be not so simple - the variety was specially bred for open ground, and in Siberia you can only wait for the harvest in a greenhouse. Or in the photograph the tomato looks enormous in size, but in fact only an average pickled version grows.

To avoid such an unpleasant result, it is best to try to figure out which varieties are truly large-fruited and for which specific case they are best suited.

  • Large-fruited tomatoes (tomatoes) in a greenhouse.
  • The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground.
  • The best sweet varieties of large-fruited tomatoes (including those from Gavrish).
  • Tomato varieties for polycarbonate or glass greenhouses.
  • Early large varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses in Siberia.
  • Large-fruited tomatoes for greenhouses in the Urals.
  • Low-growing large-fruited tomatoes for Siberia for open ground.
  • Which large-fruited tomatoes are the most productive (ultra-early ripening)?

The best sweet varieties of large-fruited tomatoes (including those from Gavrish):

Most sweet large-fruited varieties bred using special selective methods and are hybrids. There is nothing wrong! On the contrary, it’s good, because such tomatoes are more adapted to climatic conditions a certain region of the country, are resistant to viral pathogens and have excellent taste and size qualities.

One of the most famous breeders is the Gavrish company, whose specialists strive to develop the most tasty and sweet varieties that can grow even in Siberian conditions.

Typically, large hybrid varieties produce tomatoes weighing from 300 grams to half a kilogram.

However, there are also giant non-hybrid large-fruited tomatoes (tomatoes) in the greenhouse, the weight of which can reach a kilogram.

Perhaps the most famous large sweet fruits, time-tested, are the following varieties:

"Bull's Heart"– this is the name of the tomato for good reason, because it actually reaches the size of the heart of a large large-horned domestic animal. Not only does a large tomato weigh about 600 grams on average, but it is also distinguished by its excellent taste, juicy pulp and original decorative appearance, reminiscent of a heart. .

Usually one tomato is enough to chop a whole cup of aromatic and very delicious salad. These giants grow on almost one and a half meter spreading bushes with a powerful upright crown, and at almost all latitudes of the Russian Federation.

"Russian size F1"- a late-ripening hybrid variety of flat-round, smooth tomatoes, the average weight of which is 600 grams. There are often cases when, in Siberian greenhouse conditions or on open ground in the southern zone of Russia, the maximum weight of one giant tomato can reach almost 3 kilograms.

It is distinguished by its extraordinary meatiness, aroma and sweet taste. One of its features is indeterminateness, i.e. plant growth is unlimited. Be sure to plant seedlings, pinching and pinching so that the fruits are large.

Since this is a hybrid, the Gavrish company guarantees that the plant will be resistant to tobacco mosaic, will not be subject to cladosporiosis and fusarium.

"Sibiryak F1" also a late-ripening hybrid tomato, somewhat similar in appearance and characteristics to “Russian size”, but brighter in color and juicier in taste.

For this variety, it is best to form a single-stem trunk so that the inflorescences are formed above every third leaf. Its entire weight varies from 400 grams to 2.5 kilograms.

It is impossible not to mention mid-early variety "Pudovik", which is widespread throughout Russia. Summer residents love it for the abundance of beautiful clusters with two-hundred-gram tomatoes. Very often, large-fruited tomatoes (tomatoes) in a greenhouse grow up to 1 kilogram.

Although the bush turns out to be quite tall - more than one and a half meters, if properly tied, on the contrary, it will be very convenient to care for and water. The minimum yield from one bush is usually 5 kilograms. The only disadvantage of this variety is the very delicate peel, which can crack due to excess moisture.

No less popular is the variety "Tolstoy", which summer residents have been using for planting in open ground for more than a quarter of a century. The high-yielding meter-long bush copes well with the attack of powdery mildew and fusarium.

Another advantage is that there is no need to carry out stepsoning. The fruits weigh on average 250 grams and with proper care you can harvest up to 12 kilograms from one bush.

When buying seeds, you should definitely pay attention to one very important point, which must be indicated on the packaging - under what growing conditions they are most suitable.

After all, if the manufacturer says that they are best suited greenhouse conditions, then, undoubtedly, this is so, especially for Siberia.

Tomato varieties for polycarbonate or glass greenhouses

To get the first harvest as quickly as possible, which will last for a long time, greenhouses made of glass or polycarbonate are most often used.

Such structures that protect against various climatic anomalies are much more reliable than the same film shelters, but they do not create the effect of a constantly heating greenhouse, which is very harmful to tomatoes in hot weather.

Growing indoors is possible for both low-growing varieties, and for indeterminate ones, but it is still believed that tall tomatoes allow you to achieve the most rational redistribution of space and high yield thanks to long-term stage-by-stage fruiting and fruit ripening.

Setting up trellises and periodically tying growing bushes to them will not be particularly difficult in a polycarbonate greenhouse.

The following varieties, specially bred for cultivation in polycarbonate greenhouses, have won their love among gardeners:

"Major"– mid-early tomatoes, one and a half meters high with good long-term storage ripe harvest. The rich pink color beckons you to bite into a large, juicy, rather dense fruit. The average weight of one such handsome man rich in vitamins is about 300 grams. You can easily harvest more than 10 kilograms of crop from one bush.

The main thing is to ensure proper watering, because too much can lead to cracking. The main advantage is that there is no need to treat it with chemicals due to its excellent immunity.

"Miracle of the Earth"- an early-ripening, very tall standard bush with a strong trunk up to two meters high. At the same time, the pink, heart-shaped, tasty fruits are very elastic and gain weight when ripe, reaching almost a kilogram in size. From one bush you can harvest up to 20 kilograms of crop, which is very well preserved during transportation and storage.

We cannot ignore the mid-early "Budenovka", bred by Russian breeders specifically for protected soil. Tomatoes grow red heart-shaped on average about 350 grams.

Thanks to its indeterminate nature, it can bear fruit for quite a long time and delight summer residents with a total weight of over 10 kilograms of harvest per bush.

"Mikado pink" although it is not as high-yielding as its previous brothers in the greenhouse, everyone really likes it for its unique juicy-sweet taste and round two hundred and sixty grams round tomatoes, ideal for salads.

Although it can reach almost two meters in height, its yield reaches a little more than 6 kilograms per bush. Usually it is grown in one stem, but if it is planted in two or three branches, then the yield will not decrease.

Although “Monomakh’s Cap”, “Orange Miracle”, “Queen of the Market”, “Biysky Rozan” and “Canadian Giant” can be grown in open ground in the southern part of Russia, still in Siberian conditions these stunning large varieties will grow better in greenhouses .

Early large varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses in Siberia

No matter how cold the summer may be in Siberia, there are more and more people who like to dig in the garden and grow vegetables with their own hands every year.

Almost every plot has a greenhouse, and in it cucumbers, tomatoes and other delicious healthy vegetables delight the eye.

For lovers of early large varieties of tomatoes, we can recommend hybrids bred specifically for Siberian greenhouses:

Half a kilo of raspberry-pink, fleshy tomatoes with a minimal amount of seeds inside the heart-shaped tomatoes look very dignified and noble. No wonder they got such a chic name - "Nobleman".

The taste fully corresponds to the name - very juicy and rich. The great advantage is that these early giants can be used for winter seaming, either cut into pieces, or in the form of a magnificent thick juice. Individual tomatoes reach up to a kilogram in size. In greenhouses, the growing season of this variety is almost just 3 months.

The earliest ripening greenhouse variety of large tomatoes can rightfully be called "Great Warrior". In terms of its taste characteristics, it is very similar to nobleman, only it is distinguished by its bright crimson color and even greater meatiness.

On average, one tomato stretches half a kilogram. Like a real warrior, the tomato has a very strong, powerful and fairly tall stem. Resistant to many nightshade diseases.

A little smaller in size, but no less tasty, a hybrid from Russian breeders called "Titanic F1". Although the average weight is only 380 grams, the bush forms powerful ovaries and clusters, which ripen alternately for quite a long time. From germination to the first harvest, only 110 days pass.

Practically does not require pinching and is disease-resistant. The main advantages include the ability of a tomato to accumulate, even in a greenhouse, 6% sugar in its pulp. Smooth, as if matched to one another, red tomatoes enchant upon closer inspection with a slight pink tint.

A fairly tall bush hybrid can be called a record holder for maturation. "Kohava F1", the first tomatoes of which can already be tasted just 85 days after the first shoot. Although the fruits weigh on average just under 350 grams, there are such a large number of them that with proper care, almost 30 kg of harvest can be harvested from the bush.

Round-flat in shape, skin pink shade and quite dense. They fit well and are transportable. A huge advantage can be considered almost complete immunity to most viral infections, fungal spores and nematodes.

Slightly ribbed, pink-raspberry, very sweet, flat-round tomatoes are ideal for canning. "Crimson Giant", whose weight is almost always over 400 grams. Despite its “smoothed” appearance, the variety is incredibly fleshy inside and looks like a sugar watermelon in the light.

All of the above seeds can be grown in other regions of Russia, but it is still best to look and select those varieties that have been bred or improved by local breeders, because a lot depends on the soil and the pests common in the region - those tomatoes that have special immunity.

Large-fruited tomatoes (tomatoes) in a greenhouse in the Urals

Although Siberian varieties can essentially be grown in almost any climate zone and in any type of fertile soil, special varieties have been bred for the Urals.

Tall "Mazarin" You will like it as the main ingredient in various salads. On average, a six-hundred-gram raspberry tomato will captivate with its meaty, delicate and aromatic taste. Shaped like a heart, it looks very beautiful both whole and cut into slices.

Very similar in taste, but almost one and a half times the weight of the tomato "Mazarin" "Cardinal". The fleshy fruit reaches an average size of nine hundred grams. Incredibly sweet and ideal for canning and eating fresh.

Large-fruited crimson or pink "Scorpion" ideal for Ural greenhouses. On average, its weight is 800 grams. Main feature tomato is its ability to ripen quickly in filmed form. practically not subject to cracking.

Tall mid-early variety "Bear Paw" competes worthy with its previous greenhouse brothers. The bright red, round, slightly flattened fruit weighs on average 800 grams. The only drawback is that it requires mandatory pinning and gartering.

It is safe to say that the most gigantic large-fruited tomatoes (tomatoes) in the greenhouse have been bred for the Urals.

Low-growing large-fruited tomatoes for Siberia for open ground

It's no secret that for open ground it is best to choose low-growing, compact, bush, high-yielding varieties of tomatoes, preferably early ripening, since in Siberia summer can “end unexpectedly quickly.”

Weakly ribbed, round, large, low-growing tomatoes "Gina". From germination to harvest, barely 100 days have passed, and they will already delight you with their delicate, pleasant taste.

Stunning almost kilogram light yellow tomatoes "King of Siberia" will delight you two and a half months after planting in the ground with thin-skinned and at the same time unusual fleshy fruits. The bushes are low growing. But still, pinching and tying are required, otherwise heavy ripening tomatoes can simply fall over and break the bush.

Bright red, slightly flattened on the sides "Monomakh's Cap" will delight you with half a kilogram tomatoes, which require a mandatory garter, otherwise the branches may break under the weight of the fruit. Ideally combining acids with sugar, the tomato is perfect for preparing juices for the winter, as well as homemade tomato paste.

Just a meter high, “Biysky Rozan” is not only suitable for greenhouses - it bears fruit and ripens beautifully in open ground. It is advisable not to miss the time of pinching and gartering branches so that the half-kilogram beauties do not break the bush. The bush itself is best formed into 2-3 stems. The sugary pulp has captivated summer residents throughout the Altai Territory.

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