Catnip is a spicy-aromatic herbaceous plant originally from Eurasia. widespread. Its varieties can be found on roadsides, wastelands, edges of fields, and streams. produces flowers blue, blue, violet shade. The leaves have a pungent odor, reminiscent of a combination of and. Some varieties of catnip have medicinal properties, and some are pests.

Catnip (catnip)

Cat mint has green or gray-green foliage on straight, branched stems. The light green stems are covered with small hairs.
Mint leaves have rough edges and their front and back surfaces are also covered with fine hairs. In winter, the plant “goes into hibernation”, and already in early spring fresh stems appear. IN ideal conditions, the plant can grow up to 90 cm in height. The cat flower can bloom from late spring to autumn, and in general the flowering period can last from one to two months.

The small flowers are born in densely crowded whorls on spiny terminal racemes.

The two-lipped flowers are white with pale purple or pink spots on the lower lip and are typical of the mint family. The small upper lip has two lobes, while the lower lip includes three: with a larger middle lobe and a frill.
all kinds, as well as flies and many different types butterflies are visited with nectar. Pruning after the initial bloom encourages catnip to bloom again.

Did you know? Catnip gets its name from the intoxicating effect it has on domestic cats.Fragrance oil (nepetalactone), found in catnip leaves (in the sebaceous glands on the undersides of the leaves and on the stems), is a strong cat magnet.Large cats such as lions, tigers, leopards, lynxes and jaguars are also sensitive to nepetalactone.10-30% of cats do not react to catnip, regardless of age.

Cat mint not particularly known for its decorative qualities, so it is grown solely for the purpose of attracting butterflies. In addition, the plant has many benefits for humans, having a beneficial effect on his body.

The grass was once widely used V medicinal purposes , however, today this method of application is not very common.

Scientists have also shown that the active ingredient in mint leaves is an excellent mosquito repellent, although it is not effective when applied to the skin.
The foliage can be used fresh or dried to make herbal tea or used as a culinary herb.

catnip exceptionally easy to grow. Mint blooms profusely in full sun and well-drained, but can survive in partial shade and poor soils.

Soil moisture levels and soil fertility greatly influence plant size. The grass is easily propagated by seeds or by dividing bushes. Best time for harvesting - The end of the summer when the plant is in full bloom.

cut stem and (or whole plants cut off at the base) can be hung to dry in a dark, warm, well-ventilated area. The dried leaves are often used to make herbal tea.

Store dried mint in tightly closed containers. Dried leaves retain their aroma. However, when long-term storage attractiveness to cats decreases as essential oils evaporate from them.
Should be considered that the plant can be damaged by domestic cats who find its storage location. Therefore, some suggest covering mint with a decorative cage, others recommend growing the plant in hanging basket.

a plant common on the dry rocky slopes of the Caucasus. Maximum bush height- 40 cm. Leaves are thin, wrinkled, green or grayish-green.

Purple flowers are collected in a one-sided brush. The grass contains 0.2-0.5% essential oil, in leaves - 0.25%. The oil has a sharp minty-camphor smell.
Reproduce its seeds, the germination of which takes from 18 to 30 days. The plant is planted at the end of summer. The flowering period of the “blue” catnip is quite extended (from March to September).

The grass does not require special care, it is enough to add a little standard to the soil from time to time. It is recommended to prune flowering stems in sunny weather, at the end of the flowering season.

The cut stems and leaves are laid out to dry in a thin layer in special dryers or under a canopy. Dried herbs are stored in paper bags in a dry, ventilated place.

Apply dried catnip moussini as a spice for salting fish. In addition, dry herbs are used as a seasoning for various dishes.

Catnip grandiflora - perennial medicinal plant. The height of the grass can reach 50 cm. The bracts have a blue-violet hue.

The leaves are quite thin. The corolla is fluffy and purple-blue in color. The length of the corolla is about 17 mm. The grass blooms in the second half of June, and the ripening of fruits begins in the first half of July.
The plant grows on forest edges, meadows and grassy slopes. IN natural conditions This catnip is found in Ukraine (Zaporozhye region, Crimea), the Baltic states, the Caucasus, as well as in the European part of the Russian Federation and Siberia. This variety of catnip is also often called Siberian.

The flowers, stems and leaves of grass are endowed with many healing properties , which is explained by the presence of essential oil and iridoids in its composition.

An infusion prepared from large-flowered catnip is recommended to drink as an anti-inflammatory and tonic.

Catnip multicut

Catnip multicut- overgrown with grass perennial. It is found on steppe slopes and open meadows. Geographical range: Mongolia and most regions of the Russian Federation.

The grass stems are simple or have little branching. The height of the plant reaches 50 cm. The leaves are located on short petioles, divided into 3 or 5 parts. Inflorescences are spike-shaped.
The leaves in the inflorescence zone are oval, pointed, shaggy, bluish at the top.

The calyxes have protruding hairs and sessile amber glands. The corollas are twice as long as the calyx, and are colored blue-purple.

Iezk catnip is an aromatic perennial, reaching a height of up to 100 cm. The stems are thick and straight. The leaves are located on petioles up to 2 cm long. The flowers of the Iezk catnip are located in false whorls, at the very top of the shoot.

Umbrella axis - densely hairy. The length of the flowers is up to 30-35 mm. The bracts are narrow-lanceolate-linear, with long pubescent hairs.

The calyx is tubular, bent, with long soft teeth, and has a bluish tint. The corolla is two-lipped, with a thin violet-blue tube.
The outside of the corolla is densely hairy. The fruits are smooth, obovate, pubescent at the apex, about 3 mm long. It blooms in late summer (August) and bears fruit in September.

Important!The Iezk catnip is an endangered species. The plant is on the verge of extinction. Today, the main habitat of this variety is northern Japan.

Low-growing groundcover perennial. This plant differs from other varieties of catnip in having narrower leaves. The clusters of inflorescences are blue or pink. The attractive foliage is greyish-green.

Plant very unpretentious, demonstrates early, abundant and long-lasting flowering (during the entire summer season). Catnip is undemanding to soil composition.
And thanks to its drought resistance, it thrives in sunny places. However, the plant can thrive in light partial shade.

Reaches 40-50 cm in height and all parts of the plant are quite fragrant. This variety is ideal for decorating borders and rockeries.

Since it is rich in aromatic essential oils, its flowers and leaves attract beneficial plants to the garden.
Also recommended for growing in pots and other containers and suitable for roof gardening.

Low growing ground cover plant. The height of the perennial is only 25-30 cm. The leaves are pale green. The flowers have blue tint and collected in inflorescences.
Blooms very abundantly and for a long time(from June to October). In addition, pruning faded parts of the bush enhances further flowering. The perennial propagates well by seeds. The grass is pretty unpretentious, drought-resistant and frost-resistant.

Bushes prefer sunny places and well drained sandy soils. But do not forget to trim the bushes after the flowering period.

A week after pruning, you will again observe abundant flowering. This grass does not suffer from any disease and is very attractive to butterflies.

Did you know?Veined catnip is often called "blue carpet".This really is a very attractive ground cover plant.This catnip decorates the garden with a thick blue carpet and charming grayish-green foliage. Decorative properties are not lost even after the end of the flowering period.

Kokand catnip

Kokand catnip- a variety that grows in alpine meadows at an altitude of 4000 m. The plant can be found in Central Asia and China. Stems are numerous, straight, strongly branched, 10-40 cm tall. Together with the leaves, they are covered with hairs.

Catnip is a perennial herbaceous plant with beautiful flowers, wonderful aroma and many beneficial properties. It belongs to the Lamiaceae (Lamiaceae) family and is widespread throughout the Northern Hemisphere. The aroma of catnip attracts cats, which is why it is also called “catnip.” In addition to this name, in various regions it is called “nepeta”, “field balsam”, “sick grass” or “matoshnik”. IN natural environment Catnip prefers meadows, light forests and mountain slopes. It lends itself well to cultivation and makes an excellent decoration. personal plot.

Botanical description

Catnip has a highly branched, woody rhizome. Above the ground there is a tall stem with lateral shoots. The shoots have an erect or lodging shape. The bush can grow 25-100 cm in height. There is dense pubescence on the stem and petioles. The oval leaves are arranged oppositely. They are oval or heart-shaped with a serrated edge.

In mid-June, spike-shaped inflorescences bloom at the ends of the shoots. Asymmetrical buds are colored lilac, violet or White color. Purple and violet dots are present on the throat and lip. After the flowers are pollinated, the fruits, the seed pods, ripen. Each contains round nuts with a smooth brown surface. If you mow the catnip after flowering, then by the end of August a second wave of flowering will occur.

During the growing season and flowering, various essential oils are synthesized in the plant, therefore different time The smell of catnip is different. In spring it smells of geranium or roses, and later a distinct lemon aroma emerges.

Types of catnip

The catnip genus includes more than 250 plant species. All of them are suitable for cultivation, but most often only a few species are found in gardens.

The erect, branched stems of the plant reach a height of 0.4-1 m. They are covered with brownish fleecy bark. The ovoid leaves are 2-8 cm long and are bright green. Racemose loose inflorescences consist of white buds with purple specks. The diameter of the corolla is 0.7-1 cm. The plant has a spicy lemon aroma and is very popular with felines. The variety suffers from severe frosts, but quickly recovers due to abundant self-sowing.

A herbaceous plant up to 30 cm high, covered with light green narrow leaves. It has an unpretentious character. During long flowering(June-September) is covered profusely with off-white flowers.

A low-growing, ground-cover form no more than 20 cm high. The pubescent stems are hidden under wide, bright green leaves. Long lavender inflorescences bloom in June and persist until frost. They exude an intense minty aroma.

The height of the densely leafy subshrub is 40-100 cm. Erect, rigid stems are covered with velvety pubescence. The bluish, heart-shaped leaves grow 2-8 cm in length. The spike-shaped inflorescences contain bluish-lilac, two-lipped flowers, their petals are covered with purple specks.

Catnip grandiflora (Siberian). Erect stems 0.6-1 m high are covered with short pubescence. They bear oblong-lanceolate light green leaves 5-15 cm long. Loose spike-shaped inflorescences consist of purple calyxes with a diameter of 2.5-3.5 cm.

Reproduction methods

Catnip propagation is possible by seed and vegetative methods. Due to low germination, seeds are best sown as seedlings. At the end of March, sandy-peaty soil is prepared in greenhouses or boxes. For sowing, grooves are made 1 cm deep at a distance of 5-8 cm from each other. The first shoots appear 6-7 days after planting, but not uniformly. Until 4-5 true leaves grow, the seedlings develop very slowly. Then the seedlings should be planted in separate peat or plastic pots. By the fiftieth day, the height of the seedlings reaches 10 cm, which means the seedlings are ready for transplanting into open ground. It is necessary to maintain a distance of 60-70 cm between rows, and 20-40 cm between bushes.

Large plants can be divided during spring. To do this, they are completely dug up and the rhizome is carefully freed from the earthen clod. The roots are separated by hand, each division should contain several growth points. The seedlings are immediately planted in a new place. Before planting, dig up the soil well and fertilize it.

Planting and care

The land for catnip begins to be prepared in the fall. It is necessary to choose a place with easy and fertile soil. The designated area is dug up and fertilizer is applied. For every m² of land the following are used:

  • compost (up to 3 kg);
  • ammonium nitrate (15-20 g);
  • superphosphate (20-30 g);
  • potassium sulfate (5-10 g).

After the snow melts, the ground is thoroughly loosened and seedlings are planted. IN southern regions You can sow directly into open ground before winter or in early spring.

Caring for catnip does not require much effort. The unpretentious plant is actively growing, so you will have to make sure that it does not leave the designated area.

The plant develops best in well-lit areas or in slight shade. It is not afraid of drafts and daily temperature changes. Watering should be moderate. In severe drought, catnip slows down its growth, although it remains decorative. But with regular flooding of the soil, the roots rot.

In the snow, not too much harsh winters Catnip can be left without shelter. If they are expected very coldy, it is better to cover the thickets with fallen leaves and spruce branches. Vegetation is fertilized in spring mineral compounds with a high nitrogen content. On fertile soils regular feeding Not needed. If necessary, you can fertilize the plant once a month with a small portion of mineral or organic fertilizers.

Catnip is resistant to plant diseases and pests. In rainy weather, powdery mildew may develop. Sometimes cicadas settle on bushes. Insects do not cause much harm to the plant. If you intend to prepare medicinal raw materials, treatment with chemicals should be avoided.

Composition and medicinal properties

The above-ground parts of the catnip contain a large amount of essential oils and bioactive substances. Among them:

  • geraniol;
  • citronellol;
  • citral;
  • limonene;
  • tannins;
  • vitamins;
  • sugar.

The highest concentration of beneficial components is achieved during the flowering period. It is then that the raw materials are procured.

The range of beneficial properties of catnip is very wide. It is used not only in folk, but also in official medicine. Preparations based on catnip have bactericidal, stimulating, restorative, diuretic, and sedative effects. The crushed herb is dried and used to prepare decoctions.

It is important to remember that catnip has not only beneficial features, but also contraindications. It should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding, as well as in the presence of allergies and tachycardia.

Using catnip

  • In the garden. Dense thickets of catnip with blue-violet flowers widely used in landscape design. Low plants form a continuous fragrant carpet. Tall views planted along fences, paths or in combined flower beds. The best neighbors for catnip are lavender, sage, geranium, iris, yarrow, sedum, oregano, decorative onions and others.
  • In the kitchen. Young catnip shoots are eaten as a flavorful seasoning for sauce or salad. The plant is also used in fish marinade, confectionery and homemade alcoholic drinks.
  • In the cosmetics and perfume industry. Catnip essential oil can be found on store shelves in its pure form. It is also added to cosmetical tools for skin and hair care, as well as in eau de toilette.

Surely you have had to stop near someone’s flowerbed and, looking at the clusters of small pinkish or blue-violet flowers, ask the question: “What kind of plant is this that resembles both mint and lemon balm?” This is catnip - herbaceous perennial of the Lamiaceae family, which is indeed the closest relative of the famous fragrant “princesses” of the garden. The name of the cute stranger speaks for itself - the cats have an unprecedented passion for him. The tart, unique aroma of catnip acts on mustachioed tabbys like strong alcohol: even the most quiet pets, after sniffing the plant, begin to misbehave, roll on the ground, purr loudly and “attack” passers-by, and then fall asleep in a heroic sleep. For this amazing ability, people call the “brother” of mint and lemon balm cat drink, catnip and field balm.

Do you want to please the eye? lush flowering, and at the same time amuse the furry fidget? Plant catnip on the plot. It is beautiful, not picky, healthy and is excellent honey plant, which means your garden will not be left without pollinating insects.

Types and varieties

Of the 250 species of catnip in cultivation, the following have proven themselves well:

  • Kokand catnip is an inhabitant of dry high-mountain meadows of Central Asia and China. A perennial compact plant reaching a height of 10-40 cm, with silvery leaves and blue-violet fragrant flowers.
  • Catnip (catnip) is the most famous representative of the genus, preferring to settle along roadsides, wastelands, forest clearings and slopes. Widely distributed in Europe, Siberia, Kazakhstan and the Caucasus. Large bushy perennial 40-100 cm high with straight branched stems and small flowers, collected in brushes. It has a strong lemon aroma, similar to lemon balm. Varieties: Basilio, Kis-kis, Kitty, etc.
  • Fassin's catnip – small-growing (up to 30 cm) unpretentious plant, blooming from early summer to early autumn. The color of the flowers varies from blue-violet to lilac-pink and white. Varieties: Purple Haze, Snowflake, Walker's Low.
  • Veined catnip is a miniature (about 25 cm in height) ground cover plant with silver-green foliage and bright blue flowers collected in dense clusters. Flowering lasts from June to September. The Blue Carpet variety is very popular among gardeners.
  • Catnip Mussini is a low-growing (only 20 cm) perennial that grows in the mountain pastures of the Caucasus and Central Asia. Lavender-blue flowers bloom against a background of wide gray leaves in June and decorate the garden until late autumn.
  • Catnip grandiflora (Siberian) - in nature it settles along river banks, steppe meadows and rocky slopes of Mongolia, Siberia and Central Asia. A tall bush 50-100 cm high with strong straight shoots and oblong-lanceolate leaves. Loose clusters are composed of large purple flowers. The Souvenir d’Andre Chaudron variety is very beautiful.

In landscape design, catnip plants are usually used in the design of rock gardens, borders and Moorish lawns. Growing in a dense clump lush bushes They also look very elegant. Echinaceas, santolins, salvias and geraniums are suitable as companion plants for catnips.

When to plant

Catnip seeds are sown immediately in open ground in the spring, in April-May, or before winter, in September-October. Plants autumn sowing develop better and bloom profusely already in the first season.

Sowing in the ground

To grow catnip, it is recommended to choose a sunny or slightly shaded place with loose, fertile, moderately moist soil with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction. On alkaline or marshy soils, the bushes develop poorly and look unattractive. It is not advisable to plant catnip next to cabbage or beet beds. The proximity of these vegetable crops can cause dark spots to appear on the leaves of this fragrant beauty.

Shortly before sowing, clear the area of weed and before digging, fill the soil with humus (3 kg/m²), superphosphate (15 g/m²), ammonium nitrate, potassium chloride and wood ash(2 tablespoons/m²). Be sure to dig metal or slate barriers around the perimeter of the site, otherwise lush thickets of catnip will “crawl” throughout the garden. Scatter small catnip seeds over the soil, cover with a rake and water the crops with warm water.

Friendly green shoots usually appear after 2-3 weeks. When the seedlings get stronger and form 3-4 leaves, they are planted according to a 30 x 30 cm pattern. About 85-115 days pass from the moment of sowing to the start of flowering.

Agricultural technology

Catnip grows well on its own, without requiring special attention. Planting care is minimal:

  • Plants should only be watered during severe drought. The crop does not tolerate waterlogging and acidification of the soil.
  • In mid-summer, after the first flowering, it is advisable to shorten the catnip shoots by half, then the bushes will grow more compactly and bloom again.
  • After pruning, complex mineral fertilizer for flowering crops is applied to the plantings.
  • In one place, catnip grows well for 4 years, after which it is advisable to rejuvenate the bushes by dividing and replanting.

That's probably all there is to worry about. Unless sometimes you have to shoo the neighbor's cats away from the property, attracted by the wonderful aroma of blooming flowers.

Diseases and pests

When plants are damaged by pests (sometimes weevils and aphids still attack catnip), it is recommended to use garlic infusion or a decoction of onion peels.


Catnip overwinters in open ground without any shelter. There is no need to trim it. In the snowless frosty winters the bushes may freeze slightly, but after spring cosmetic pruning they quickly recover.

Collection and storage of raw materials

Catnip grass is harvested during the period of mass flowering (June-July). The greens are cut in clear weather, tied into bunches or laid out in a thin layer on a flat surface and dried in the shade at a temperature not exceeding +35 °C. The finished raw materials are packaged in hermetically sealed glass jars or linen bags and put away for storage in a clean, cool place.

Catnip decoctions are recommended for gastritis, neurasthenia, gallbladder diseases, constipation and intestinal atony. In addition, harvested herbs can be added for flavoring to compotes, liqueurs, jams and some fish dishes. How good is tea with catnip! After a cup of this warming fragrant drink on a winter night, you will definitely dream of a summer scattering of charming pink and purple flowers.

Catnip is a perennial herbaceous plant with blue or blue-violet inflorescences and an original complex aroma. Belongs to the Lamiaceae family. Depending on the type, it can reach a height of 20-30 cm to 1 m. In landscape design it is used as an unpretentious and fast growing plant with a long flowering period. Based on species such as Siberian catnip, Transcaucasian catnip, Fassin's catnip, large-flowered catnip, Mussini's catnip, lemon catnip (catnip), breeders have developed many varieties that differ not only in the color of the inflorescences and the architecture of the bush, but also in the growing conditions. In addition to its decorative properties, catnip is valued for wide range medicinal properties. Let's look at how to properly grow catnip, planting and care in the garden.

Reproduction: dividing the bush, cuttings, sowing seeds

The easiest way to propagate catnip is to divide the mother bush in early May. The division technique is not distinguished by wisdom and tricks. Young cuttings are planted in prepared planting holes and watered. Catnip quickly takes root in a new place and blooms in the first year. For such propagation it is necessary to have mature bushes with well-developed rhizomes.

Cuttings are best done in mid-May. Cuttings are taken from young shoots of new growth. This method is used to propagate rare varieties. Age doesn't matter here. The prepared cuttings are planted in a greenhouse for rooting and covered with film. They quickly produce roots and are suitable for transplanting to permanent place.

At seed propagation preferable to use seedling method. Catnip seeds ripen towards the end of summer. It is advisable to identify the seed bush in advance and take more careful care of it.

Drying inflorescences are cut off for ripening and hung in a ventilated area. After a week, the seeds are threshed. The germination rate of catnip seeds is low, the seedlings are unfriendly, and the seedlings grow slowly. Sowing in boxes begins in March or April, preparing the nutrient substrate in advance. Seeds are planted in strips with a distance between rows of about 5 cm, not deepened, but lightly sprinkled with a damp substrate. Plant in open ground when the third pair of true leaves appears. With this technology, seedlings planted in open ground bloom in the first year.

Also, seeds can be sown in spring or before winter directly in open ground. It is important to prevent the formation of a soil crust that impedes the emergence of seedlings. To do this, it is enough to cover the sown area with a layer of light mulch.

Nepeta nervosa ‘Blue Moon’

Planting: choosing a location, preparing the soil

To plant catnip, you need areas with good lighting. It does not tolerate lack of moisture, but prefers light soils. To avoid stagnation of water, it is better to choose level places in the garden located on a hill. Undemanding to fertility, but responds to fertilization abundant flowering and an increase in vegetative mass. Very hardy and winter-hardy. It tolerates harsh Russian winters well with sufficient snow cover. Only those plants that are often cut for green mass or kept without proper watering freeze out.

The area for planting catnip is dug up using a spade, clearing it of the rhizomes of perennial weeds. When digging, add humus or compost. Immediately after planting, moderate watering is required, and after one day, carefully loosen the soil around the seedlings. Loosening stimulates the formation of green mass, making the bushes more lush.

When creating a continuous flower carpet, the holes for the bushes are placed at a distance of 25-30 cm. When the bushes close together, the impression of one common carpet will appear. Catnips are also actively used in single plantings and compositions with geranium, lavender and sage. Dwarf varieties Well suited for borders and garden paths.

Caring for catnip during cultivation

Except moderate watering and complex feeding mineral fertilizers, which can be done once or twice a season, catnip does not require more attention.

To harvest fragrant greens, it is recommended to cut the shoots during the flowering period. This procedure is tolerated by the plant painlessly, the catnip quickly grows back and blooms again. After cutting, it is advisable to fertilize with universal mineral fertilizers and loosen the soil at the roots. This type of care contributes to more rapid recovery bushes

At ornamental cultivation cutting is also required, but it must be done immediately after flowering, removing half the entire length of the shoots.

Catnip tolerates winter well, but if the plant looks sickly or has produced little growth during the growing season, it is better to play it safe and cover the plant with a layer of compost and peat or spruce branches.

Catnip is practically not affected by diseases and pests. In some years, outbreaks may appear powdery mildew, but when consuming the plant for food or medicinal purposes, it is better to avoid processing. Cicadas may appear among the pests, but they will not cause noticeable harm if agrotechnical care rules are followed.

Lemon catnip or catnip: growing features

Lemon catnip is the most common in Russia. The species, up to 1 m high, forms white or pinkish inflorescences. Straight stems with sharp leaves look very majestic. In addition to medicinal and decorative properties, is an excellent honey plant, attracting bees with a subtle lemon aroma mixed with geranium.

Seed germination is very low, so it is better to use the seedling method. For direct sowing in the ground for a long time you need to keep the area clean from weeds until the seedlings get stronger.
The species is very hardy. It grows in one place for many years without transplanting.

In landscape design, lemon catnip is used like other species, but it is often valued more for its high content of essential oils than for its decorative properties.

Catnip belongs to the Lamiaceae family and is a perennial herbaceous plant with erect stems. The leaves are egg-shaped and have denticles at the end. Racemose inflorescences consist of large quantity flowers of various shades: blue, pink, purple, white and lilac. In nature, catnip grows in European, Asian and African countries, and is also found in America.

Types of catnip with photographs

Catnip (catnip) is one of the most popular varieties. Reaches a height of one meter; in Russia it blooms in early or mid-summer. The “Citriodora” variety is used to obtain high-value essential oil.

The following are popular with gardeners:

  • - a species that is a hybrid and is used to create landscape design compositions. It reaches a height of forty centimeters. There are varieties with flowers of different colors. They come in white, cream and purple.
  • Catnip Mussini grows on Caucasian rocky slopes. It is a plant with the finest roots, grayish stems, thin leaves with a wrinkled structure and lilac petals.
  • Catnip Iezksky- an endangered species that is a perennial with pleasant aroma. It reaches a height of a meter and is characterized by straight and thick stems.
  • Catnip multicut grows naturally in Siberia, on Far East and Altai. The grass reaches a height of fifteen to fifty centimeters. It is a bush with stems on which leaves with jagged edges and inflorescences in the form of ears grow.
  • Catnip semi-sedentary especially different big flowers, reaching a diameter of three to four centimeters . Inflorescences ten centimeters long are formed from seventy flowers.
  • Catnip grandiflora (Siberian) grows up to one and a half meters in height and has thick branched stems on which there are large leaves and racemose inflorescences. The petals are colored violet-blue or lilac.
  • Veined catnip refers to short-growing varieties (about twenty-five centimeters). It blooms with bluish or blue inflorescences. Small sizes allow the species to be used as a ground cover plant.
  • Kokand catnip grows in Central Asia on the banks of streams and rivers. He is low-growing variety, therefore often used in landscape design. In August it blooms purple flowers.

Features of growing plants in open ground

Planting and care in open ground require compliance certain conditions. Catnip is planted in a well-lit area with light and fertile soil. A slightly darkened location would also be suitable. The catnip root system does not tolerate excessive soil moisture, so it is recommended to select a site on a hill where moisture will not stagnate.

Soil preparation begins in the autumn.

The earth is dug up to the depth of a shovel and mixed with three kilograms of compost, twenty grams of ammonium nitrate, thirty grams of superphosphate and ten grams of potassium sulfate. In the spring, after the snow has melted, the soil is thoroughly loosened, and then catnip seedlings are planted. After planting, the young plants are watered, and a day later the soil is carefully loosened.

When grown in southern regions Grass seeds can be sown in autumn or early spring directly into open ground. Perennial grass can grow in one place for a long time. If the task is to create a continuous carpet of catnip, holes for each bush are dug at a distance of thirty centimeters. After the plants grow abundantly, they unite and form a single carpet.

Catnip loves well-lit places and fertile soils

Reproduction methods

Catnip propagates by seeds, dividing the bush and cuttings. The most in a simple way The division of the bush is considered. The mother plant is divided into parts in early May using sterile instruments. The cuttings are placed in the soil and watered.

If you plan to propagate catnip by seeds, you need to grow seedlings

To propagate grass in this way, you need to have mature plants with a strong root system in the garden. Cuttings are cut in mid-May using young shoots. They are planted in a greenhouse, which is covered with film to create a greenhouse effect. The cuttings quickly acquire their own root system, after which they are planted in a permanent place of growth.

If catnip is propagated by growing from seeds, grow seedlings first. In March or April planting material sown in containers with nutritious soil. Seeds are planted in rows with a distance of five centimeters. They are not buried, but sprinkled with moistened soil on top. After the first three pairs of true leaves appear, the grass is planted in open ground. Plants grown in this way begin to bloom in the first year of planting.

Necessary plant care

The plant can tolerate a dry period, but it has a negative attitude towards excessive soil moisture: root system is rotting. For this reason, catnip is watered moderately, about twice a month, provided there is no rain.

After flowering ends, it is necessary to trim the shoots, cutting off exactly half of the entire length.

The procedure should be approached with caution because the grass is very sensitive to pruning. You cannot shorten shoots beyond the recommended length. If you leave stems ten to fifteen centimeters long, the chance of survival during winter will be only forty percent.

If shoots of forty to fifty centimeters long are left above the ground, the chance will increase to eighty percent. After thirty days, the catnip will have grown noticeably and will begin to bloom again in September. Feed the grass in spring nitrogen fertilizers, and in the fall organic fertilizers are added to the soil.

After the end of flowering, the catnip must be pruned.

Periodically, catnip plantings are freed from weeds by weeding and loosened. Loosening promotes the lushness of shrubs and the active formation of green mass. If the winter is predicted to be warm and snowy, the plant does not need to be covered. However, in order to survive the harsh winter period, catnip requires mulching with pine spruce branches.

Pests and diseases

The herbaceous plant has remarkable immunity, which protects it from attack by pests and diseases. The catnip flower repels some insects, for example, bugs and aphids are afraid of it. With the help of grass, nearby crops can also be protected from pests.

Despite being quite simple appearance a plant consisting of small inflorescences and fluffy leaves, with correct location Catnip looks very impressive. The variety of varieties allows you to create different compositions. Catnips are used to create alpine slides, rockeries and mixborders.

Catnip goes well with many plants

It is placed in the center of the flowerbed as the dominant shrub. Not too much tall plants used to create ridges and decorate borders. Low varieties of flowers in purple and blue colors, as well as red and yellow shades, are planted nearby. Catnip looks great in compositions with phlox, meadow geranium, anafalis, santolina.

Use of catnip in medicine, perfumery and cooking

Catnip is widely used in folk medicine. It is known that it relieves inflammation, soothes, relieves heat and pain, fights germs, removes worms, and also has a diaphoretic, choleretic and antispasmodic effect. The herb stimulates appetite, normalizes the digestion process, helps with coughs, migraines, shortness of breath and other diseases. The plant is used externally and taken internally.

To get rid of depression, crushed dry herbs are added to boiling water and infused for an hour (a tablespoon per 300 ml of water). The infusion is taken three times a day, drinking half a glass. The infusion is effective for diseases gastrointestinal tract and headaches. Add a small spoon of herb to 200 ml of boiling water, take a tablespoon of the liquid three times a day.

Catnip is used for veterinary purposes to calm a cat. The plant has a magical effect on representatives of the cat family: the animals become kind, friendly and calm down. Fragrance companies use the herb's essential oil as a lemon balm substitute.

Catnip is used in veterinary medicine: it calms cats well

In European countries, catnip is actively used for culinary purposes. As a spice, the plant is added to preserves and marinades. Fish and meat dishes, sauces and even drinks are flavored with herbs. In Europe, you can try tea brewed from catnip and a dessert masterpiece with the addition of catnip essential oil.

With proper care, catnip will delight the gardener for a long time. Besides the role decorative decoration he will play the role of a garden orderly, scaring away pests from other crops.

Catnip is quite often confused with lemon balm - the plants are quite similar. With the differences of these aromatic herbs you can find out from the video clip. Enjoy watching!

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