A stately mullein in the garden will not go unnoticed; from June to August, ears with charming flowers. Each of them does not live long individually, but thanks to the alternate opening of the buds, the flowering seems almost continuous.

This plant, which is also called goldenflower, archer and royal scepter, is simply a godsend for the gardener. Mullein looks very impressive and will require minimal care.

Types of mullein

All species of mullein, and there are up to 300 of them in the genus, have enough decorative leaves. However, only some forms are used to decorate the garden. Varieties with impressive flowering were bred by crossing various types. This is how perennials appeared, which belong to the group of hybrid mullein.

Garden forms are larger than specimens growing in the wild; among them there are real giants up to 2 meters tall. True, there are also 50-centimeter babies, for example, purple mullein. This variety with a pubescent lower surface of the leaves blooms in June and is most often grown as a biennial. If you want to decorate your compositions with soft pink flowers, you can choose the Southern Charm variety.

Long-leaved mullein stretches up to 120 centimeters in height, it is quite frost-resistant, the petals are golden in color. Mullein She prefers sunny areas; the flowers on meter-long peduncles are also yellow, but with brown stamens. Silk mullein is a southern guest from Turkey, but it tolerates our winters well. Over the course of a year after planting, a large rosette of delicate pubescent leaves is formed, as if they are covered with frost. In the second year of life, a peduncle will appear (about 180 centimeters in length); the flowers of this variety are light yellow.

The perennial black mullein surprises with its original color; its yellow throat is decorated with brown spots with speckles. The length of the leaves is up to 25 centimeters, and the peduncle is 50-110 centimeters. Olympic mullein is quite tall, up to 2 meters. Blooms in July, yellow petals no larger than 3 centimeters in size. This variety comes from Asia Minor; it does not tolerate temperatures below -18 ° C and needs shelter for the winter.

Mullein - planting and care

This plant will definitely not upset you with its vagaries, but it will please you abundant flowering. The perennial is drought-resistant, since the stem-horse system helps it obtain water from the depths, and the pubescent leaves help reduce moisture evaporation. It loves bright light, but will also tolerate partial shade. It also does not make any special demands on the soil, although you should not plant it in an area with clay or damp loam.

Propagated by seeds. They are sown immediately permanent place in May-June, simply spreading it over the garden bed and sprinkling it with a little soil (the seeds are very small). As soon as the seedlings appear, they need to be thinned out, leaving the strongest specimens at a distance of about 20 centimeters. The seedlings are provided with regular watering and the plants will bloom in the second year. In case of transplantation, the root should not be separated from earthen coma, so the plant adapts better.

In the future, this perennial reproduces well by self-sowing. However, even from seeds collected from one plant, descendants with different colors flowers. If uniformity of flowering is important, propagation by root cuttings is suitable. It is better to start dividing in August or September, after the mother plant has flowered. They dig it up and carefully cut the root into several pieces of about 6 centimeters each. Then the cuttings are placed on the garden bed, covered with a centimeter layer of sand and another 2 centimeter layer of soil on top, but so that the cutting is slightly visible on the surface. Young plants will emerge from adventitious buds.

The plant needs regular moderate watering, water should not stagnate on the site. Most species are grown as biennials, and to extend their lifespan, the stems are cut immediately after the flowering period, without waiting for the fruits to ripen. It is not recommended to be overzealous with fertilizing - it is too fertile soil the plant will not last long. If you remove drying inflorescences in time, the hybrid mullein may bloom again in September, but not so luxuriantly.

Application in garden design

The flowering ears of the plant will certainly be the center of attention. Compact groups are good on the lawn. If you choose varieties that bloom from early June, you will be able to fill the gap between faded bulbous plants and perennials still preparing for a riot of colors. It is very important not to make a mistake with the choice of neighbors; they should hide the voids when the mullein begins to dry out. Successful partners can be plants such as

Scepter-shaped mullein has been used in medical practice for centuries. For a long time traditional healers this plant was used with interesting name for the treatment of various diseases. The scope of use of mullein is almost limitless, given that doctors resort to the help of not only the scepter-shaped plant, but also others: shaggy, Djungarian, cockroach, magnificent.

How to recognize mullein in the wild: a brief description

All varieties of this grass belong to the Norichinaceae family. Scepter-shaped mullein - wild plant, which has other unofficial names (bear's ear, Mary's candle, royal scepter). The height of the grass can reach two meters. Mullein germinates mainly in sandy soil. Most often found on forest slopes, bathed in sun during most of the daylight hours.

If you look closely at the photo of the scepter-shaped mullein, it is easy to notice that it blooms with yellow one-day flowers.

They are collected in inflorescences and resemble spikelets. During the flowering period, which falls in early June - early September, traditional healers They try to collect the maximum number of flowers. However, nevertheless valuable for use in medicinal purposes Other parts of the plant (foliage, root, trunk) are also considered. They are used in folk medicine. In official pharmacology for production medicines Only flower corollas are used.

Why is this herb used medicinally?

It is not difficult to argue for the need to include mullein in the process of making medicines. The chemical composition of herbal fibers contains many valuable and beneficial substances for the human body:

  • Sahara;
  • flavonoids;
  • gum;
  • saponin;
  • carotene;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • coumarin;
  • essential oils.

In addition, mullein fibers contain a lot of mucus and mineral salts. This complex chemicals participates in most natural physical and biological processes of the human body.

It has been proven that mullein has a number of healing properties, affecting various organs and systems. The plant has the following types of medicinal effects:

  • hemostatic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • astringent;
  • expectorant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • painkillers;
  • diuretic;
  • antiseptic;
  • sedative.

The beneficial effects of mullein decoction on the body

Internal use of mullein in the form of a tincture or decoction can give a strong diuretic effect. Use this plant and for infectious diseases of fungal origin, since its components adversely affect the microbial microflora. The version about the vasoconstrictor properties of mullein has not yet been fully confirmed by researchers. However, this does not in any way prevent the plant from being used to treat peptic ulcers. gastrointestinal tract. Mullein has an enveloping effect on the mucous membrane of the organ and has wound healing effect. Of course, it is hardly possible to heal an ulcer using herbal composition alone, but in combination with conservative methods of traditional treatment, the dynamics of recovery can be accelerated.

Use of the plant for colds

The medicinal properties and contraindications of mullein often become the subject of discussion in narrow circles of homeopaths and representatives official medicine. Some are sure that this herb is absolutely safe and can be used at any age. Others insist on the presence of toxic elements in the stamen and calyxes of the plant.

The only thing that no one doubts today is the content of flavonoids in grass fibers. These trace elements are used to treat diseases respiratory tract, oral cavity, esophagus, nasal mucosa. For dry coughs, flavonoids are indispensable - they help thin out mucus and promote its rapid removal from the body. In turn, due to the liquefaction and discharge of sputum, it is possible to relieve swelling of the throat and eliminate painful spasms in the bronchi.

In most cases, mullein is used for colds accompanied by:

  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • hoarseness of the vocal cords;
  • laryngitis;
  • pleurisy.

The essential oils contained in mullein have a beneficial effect on the tissues and mucous membranes of the respiratory organs, improving the removal of mucus and relieving inflammation. Decoctions are used for tuberculosis and emphysema, whooping cough and shortness of breath caused by an allergic reaction, and bronchial asthma. Exacerbation of chronic sinusitis is an indication for the use of the herb: with its help, the sinuses and nasal passages are washed several times a day. To gargle with laryngitis, sore throat and pharyngitis, use a tincture of flowers and leaves of mullein scepter. The plant eliminates sore throat, sore throat, and swelling.

Treatment of blood vessels with bear's ear grass

Traditional healers are confident that mullein can be used to treat hypertension and atherosclerosis. Allegedly, the herb helps to dilate blood vessels, making their walls more elastic and stronger.

There is no official confirmation of this property of mullein yet, but followers of this version are confident that it will reduce blood pressure You can use the tops of the plant brewed in boiling water. The course of treatment for hypertension and atherosclerosis is 30 days. For prevention, the decoction is taken every 3 months for two weeks.

Mullein for women's health

For many years, women have resorted to using a bear's ear during menopause. Mullein decoctions help reduce the intensity and frequency of hot flashes. In addition, during menopause, the calming properties of the plant eliminate irritability and help normalize sleep. To do this, honey is added to the mullein flower decoction.

Treatment of skin diseases

In fact, it is impossible to list all the diseases in the treatment of which scepter mullein can be used. For example, in France, the plant became most widespread in the treatment of chronic skin diseases. A decoction of mullein is drunk and used externally in the form of compresses and lotions for psoriasis, dermatitis, and eczema. To prepare such a drug you will need 1 tbsp. l. dried flowers and a glass of water. The raw materials are poured with water and sent to the fire, bringing to a boil, after which the contents are infused for an hour. Before use, the product must be strained. Take 3 tbsp infusion. l. morning, afternoon and evening after meals.

If you systematically use the tincture as a compress, it can be used to cure fungus, lichen, mycoses, candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes. Mullein has and cosmetic properties: You regularly rinse your head with its decoction, which helps get rid of seborrhea and dandruff.

External use medicinal herb will benefit patients with purulent wounds, ulcerations, boils. Mullein - great alternative the simplest pharmaceutical antiseptics for any other skin problems:

  • bedsores;
  • burns;
  • bruises;
  • abrasions.

Mullein ointment for cracked nipples

Nursing mothers use the plant to treat nipples that are cracked at the beginning of lactation. I just use it in the form of an ointment, which can be made according to the following recipe:

  1. Grind fresh mullein flowers to a powdery state.
  2. Add pork fat to the resulting mass.
  3. For correct proportion take half as much plant material.
  4. Heat everything together in a steam bath, strain, then send the mixture to harden in the refrigerator.
  5. Lubricate small wounds several times throughout the day, and store the ointment itself at temperatures up to +6 degrees for no more than six months.

Gastrointestinal disorders and the use of mullein

Considered to be an effective adjuvant sceptered mullein and for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. For dyspepsia caused by infection (dysentery, enterocolitis, enterobiasis) or functional disorders, the plant tincture is also taken orally. Mullein is especially useful for diarrhea (it has a binding effect). Using the tincture, wash the eyes for conjunctivitis, wipe diathesis rashes on the cheeks of babies. Due to the diuretic properties of the plant, its use in the treatment of kidney diseases and bladder considered very effective. Its microelements help relieve swelling and pain, and eliminate pain when urinating.

The medicinal properties of scepter-shaped mullein, according to traditional healers, increase if the plant is infused or brewed with milk. Alcohol tinctures from this plant serve as local chondroprotectors, warming joints, relieving pain in arthritis and arthrosis. To combat external hemorrhoids, it is also recommended to make mullein lotions, which relieve inflammation and help reduce knots.

How to properly collect and store medicinal raw materials?

Take advantage healing properties Growing scepter mullein yourself is not as difficult as it might seem. Of course, its preparation is associated with certain difficulties, but the final result in the form of universal medicinal raw materials compensates for any costs. Knowledge about the rules for collecting the plant and drying it will allow you to preserve the maximum of valuable microelements and properties. So, what matters when harvesting scepter-shaped mullein:

  1. It is necessary to collect flowers carefully and carefully, as they quickly lose their natural color.
  2. Raw materials that have acquired a gray-brown tint during the drying process are unsuitable for further use.
  3. The optimal period for collecting mullein is June-July. It is advisable to harvest flowers in the first half of the day, after the dew has dried.
  4. It is advisable to dry it on paper or moisture-absorbing fabric, protecting the raw material from the sun and wind, but providing it with high-quality air circulation.
  5. Dry flowers are stored in a tightly closed jar - mullein is very hygroscopic, therefore it is able to absorb moisture from the air.

Are there any contraindications for mullein?

Despite the fact that the herb itself is not dangerous, there are still some precautions for its use. In particular, before preparing medicines from mullein, it is important to remove all parts of the plant: stamens, petals, leaves, villi, etc.

Before drinking, it is necessary to strain the drink - this will prevent the accumulation of toxic substances and irritation of the mucous membrane of internal organs. Store mullein products prepared according to folk recipes, should stay away from food. Pregnant women should also take Mullein scepter flower with caution. A contraindication to its use is individual intolerance.

Common mullein is beneficial biennial plant. The height of its erect stem can reach one and a half meters. The large, pubescent leaves of mullein have an oblong shape. Pale yellow flowers are collected in a solid spike-shaped inflorescence. The elegant tubular-funnel-shaped corolla has a drooping appearance. Five stamens attached to it give the plant a unique image. Mullein common blooms often at the end of summer - in July and August. This herb can be found in middle lane Russia on forest edges and clearings, in ravines and clearings, as well as along river banks.

Useful properties of mullein

Mullein is rich in carotene, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, sugars, tannins and essential oil. This herb is known to be an excellent expectorant with anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant and analgesic effects. Along with this, mullein boasts unique wound-healing capabilities.

Applications of mullein

An infusion of common mullein flowers is often used for severe coughs, whooping cough, bronchitis, as well as pneumonia and hemoptysis. It perfectly removes thick mucus from the bronchi and lungs due to the mucus it contains. Traditional medicine recommends using this herb for severe runny nose, asthma and shortness of breath. Moreover, this wonderful plant copes well with diseases of the spleen and liver, inflammation of the stomach and intestines. To achieve a noticeable effect in treatment, mullein is almost always used in combination with other herbs.

Mullein for hemorrhoids

Common mullein can be called one of the the best means in the treatment of hemorrhoids. This medicinal plant helps normalize the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, and most importantly, it is able to quickly stop bleeding, removing the inflammatory process from hemorrhoids. A decoction of mullein roots is used for sitz baths. You can also make a poultice on the anal area from pre-crushed leaves and flowers of this medicinal herb.

Mullein tincture

Mullein tincture is made from 100 grams of freshly picked flowers and 250 grams of alcohol. It is necessary to infuse the product for at least 20 days and only then strain. This medicine is indispensable as a rub for rheumatic, nervous and arthritic pain.

Mullein leaves

Mullein leaves should be stored along with flowers on sunny days. Well-dried leaves retain a gray-green color for a long time. They taste slightly bitter and have no odor. IN medicinal purposes It is recommended to boil the leaves in milk to relieve pain from burns or hemorrhoids.

Mullein flowers

Healing mullein flowers are used as a relief for coughs and shortness of breath, and they are also included in the well-known chest collection. The collected flowers must be dried well in the fresh air, stirring gently.

If the drying technology is not violated, they will not lose their yellow tint and will have a pleasant honey aroma.

Common mullein

To prevent common mullein from losing its healing qualities and light golden color during the collection and drying process, it is necessary to collect it during the dry time of day. Good raw materials should not have flower calyxes. Drying can be done indoors, but then it must be well ventilated. Immediately after harvesting, it is recommended to place the flowers in a hermetically sealed container or use them as required component as part of various fees. Folk medicine mainly uses the leaves and flowers, which are collected in late summer.

Scepter mullein

It is no secret how widely scepter mullein is used to treat hemorrhoids. Besides this, it is this type included in various medicinal tinctures. This plant has medicinal properties such as expectorant, diuretic, diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory. It is the scepter-shaped mullein that cures pulmonary diseases even in advanced form.

Mullein "royal scepter"

This plant is indeed very similar in shape to the majestic royal scepter. This grass can have impressive dimensions, growing up to 2 m. This species blooms almost all summer long. The blossoming flowers are collected, dried and made into unique tinctures that cure many internal organs person. And most importantly, mullein “royal scepter” perfectly relieves pain of various types.

Bear's ear mullein

Bear's ear mullein differs from other species of similar plants small in size corolla and two lower stamens. This herb, indispensable for traditional medicine, grows on sandy slopes and forest clearings. Flowering continues from July to August.

Purple mullein

Purple mullein is a graceful perennial plant with delicate purple flowers. The erect stem can be either multi-leaved or leafless. The flowers are collected in sparse, simple clusters. The fruit is presented in the form of an egg-shaped capsule, most of which is bare. This grass blooms in June and early July. An infusion of violet mullein perfectly stimulates cardiac activity and motor activity of the human intestine.

Hybrid mullein

Hybrid mullein is an unpretentious biennial plant with erect stems and petiolate basal leaves collected in a rosette. Yellow inflorescences are presented in the form of a panicle or spike. This grass is drought and frost tolerant and also loves light. Hybrid mullein produces abundant self-seeding, often weeding adjacent areas of land.

Paniculata mullein

Paniculata mullein is a special variety of mullein, which is distinguished by its erect stem height of up to 130 cm and the presence of serrated leaves. The flowers of the plant are collected in a kind of raceme, and the fruit is in a box. The panicled mullein is found both in the Urals and in the Volga region, mainly on hillsides and dry meadows. This herb blooms from June to August. It has been established that infusions from it can lower blood pressure.

Black mullein

Black mullein is characterized by a spindle-shaped root and an erect stem not exceeding 1 m in height. This plant has alternate leaves, and mullein flowers are collected in unusual bunches. This grass blooms all summer, from June to the end of August. As a rule, only black mullein flowers, which have a sweetish odor even when dried, are used in medicine to treat the upper respiratory tract.

Mullein densely flowered

The two-year-old densely flowered mullein in the second year of life has a flowering stem, average height which is about 70–80 cm. This plant is covered with tomentose pubescence, and the basal leaves are striking in their oblong shape. Dense apical racemes form inflorescences. The fruit is an elliptical capsule, the size of which does not exceed 1 cm. This plant blooms all summer, and the seeds ripen in early autumn.

Olympic mullein

Olympic mullein is a large perennial plant that reaches 2 m in height. This grass has large elongated leaves of a grayish tint. The flowers do not exceed 3 cm in diameter and are collected in a simple paniculate inflorescence. Olympic mullein blooms in July.

Contraindications to the use of mullein

There are no serious contraindications to the use of mullein in medicine. But it is worth taking into account the individual intolerance of each individual person.

Mullein has been known since ancient times as medicinal plant, used in folk and traditional medicine. It is also known as verbascum or royal scepter.

The plant was first mentioned in medical works the ancient Greek scientist and physician Hippocrates; later the medicinal properties of mullein were studied by Avicenna and Simon Sirensky. Ancient healers used the plant to combat many ailments, such as toothache, tumors, coughs, colds, conjunctivitis and whooping cough.

The plant belongs to the Norichnikov family, which has more than 100 species. Verbascum is widespread throughout Asia and Europe, but feels best in the mild maritime climate of the Black Sea coast and Mediterranean seas. This is a biennial herbaceous plant, less often perennial or annual, up to 3 m high and higher.

Mounted on a strong rod-shaped stem wide leaves covered with villi. Mullein in appearance resembles a spruce, that is, the structure of the plant is pyramidal, with a brush-shaped inflorescence on the top of the head. Blooms from May to August. The flowers are yellow, orange, purple, blue, red and white.

Many types of verbascum are common in temperate climate on the territory of Europe. The plant prefers to settle on rocky or sandy slopes of mountains and hills, next to the road, in the steppes or in dry meadows. Finding it is quite simple, since mullein is unpretentious to conditions and climate changes. In our country you can find the following types of mullein:

  • Scepter-shaped;
  • Black;
  • Paniculate;
  • Olympic;
  • Violet;
  • Drug;
  • Bear ear.

They all have a similar chemical composition and beneficial properties.

Medicinal properties

First of all, you should pay attention to the rich chemical composition plants, which include:

The composition determines many medicinal properties of the plant:

  • diaphoretic;
  • wound healing;
  • diuretic;
  • astringent;
  • painkiller;
  • soothing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • hypotensive (lowers blood pressure);
  • anticonvulsant;
  • expectorant;
  • antitumor;
  • immunomodulating;
  • choleretic.

Indications for use

Medicines based on mullein are indicated for the following diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • angina;
  • whooping cough;
  • cold;
  • bronchitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • convulsions;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • asthma;
  • headaches.

The plant strengthens the immune system well, which is a means of preventing any infectious diseases. In addition, it is used to disinfect and accelerate wound healing. It is especially worth highlighting the expectorant abilities of mullein, which helps with any type of cough. It has also been noted that this plant has antioxidant properties, that is, it prevents the formation of malignant tumors and helps in the treatment of oncology in the early stages.

Harm and contraindications

On at the moment There are no known contraindications or possible harm from consuming the plant. It is allowed for use even by pregnant and nursing mothers, as well as young children. The only thing that may occur is an allergic reaction to one of the components in the composition in individual cases. You should also follow the recommended dosage and courses of treatment with verbascum-based drugs.

Important! The leaves, stem and flowers of the plant are absolutely harmless, but the seeds contain a lot toxic substances, therefore their internal use is strictly prohibited!

Dosage forms

During production medicines All parts of the plant are used: stem, leaves, flowers and roots. The following dosage forms are prepared from them:

  • infusion;
  • decoction;
  • alcohol tincture;
  • oil;
  • ointment;
  • pills.

Pharmacies usually sell the dried plant, sometimes tablets, so you will have to prepare the medicine yourself at home.

Instructions for use

Let's look at the basic recipes and methods for preparing mullein-based medicines:

Interesting! In the US, mullein is called "cowboy toilet paper" due to the abrasive effect of the plant's fuzzy leaves.

Mullein is a very useful medicinal plant against many ailments. The main thing is to follow the dosage and course of treatment. Verbascum will relieve colds, stop bleeding, cure infections and improve digestion. This good remedy strengthening the immune system and preventing malignant tumors.

Science uses mullein as part of antitussive preparations, because the special softening effect of the plant can eliminate barking cough and tracheitis. Traditional medicine has long used mullein for all bronchopulmonary diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, skin ailments, and also to eliminate inflammation of the genitourinary tract.

Plant characteristics

People know many types of mullein. Their similar chemical composition suggests similar therapeutic effects, which is why the species names have become confused. Common mullein or bear's ear, royal scepter, scepter-shaped mullein are similar in appearance, and therefore can be harvested at the same time. Only the purple mullein has obvious morphological differences. They consist in the bright color of the flowers and their sparser arrangement on the peduncle. Most often, traditional medicine uses similar in appearance types of mullein: ordinary, medicinal, royal scepter, about which we're talking about below.


The mullein plant is considered especially common. The reason for this is the rapid adaptation of the plant to various climatic conditions and also attractive appearance, allowing you to grow mullein to decorate estates, flower beds, and parks. Mullein is found:

  • in Australia;
  • in New Zealand;
  • in North America;
  • in South America;
  • on the European continent.

On the territory of the Russian Federation it is found in the Altai Territory, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and also in the East of Siberia. Most common in the eastern part of the state. Favorite places for mullein to grow wild are roadsides, sandy slopes and beaches, meadows, and along cliffs.

Botanical description

Almost all mullein species are biennial herbaceous plants, having a basal rosette of large leaves, as well as long peduncles, densely covered yellow flowers. You can distinguish a plant from others by focusing on morphological characteristics.

  • Roots. They form a tap root system that penetrates quite deeply into the soil.
  • Leaves. They have the shape of an ellipse. The length reaches 30 cm, width - 10 cm. The edge of the leaf can be solid or finely crenate. End sheet plate It can be short pointed or blunt – oval. The placement of leaves is the next step.
  • Stems. They reach one and a half meters high. Erect, pubescent.
  • Flowers. The corolla is bright yellow or golden yellow. Its shape is wrong. The diameter of one flower can reach about 2 cm. They are collected in dense spike-shaped inflorescences located at the top of the stems. In the species royal scepter, the flowers cover the stem almost the entire length. The peak of mullein flowering occurs at the beginning of August.
  • Fetus. An elliptical-shaped capsule filled with black-brown, shiny seeds. The entire surface of the fruit is densely pubescent.

A characteristic feature of mullein is the dense pubescence of almost all parts of the plant, which gives it a characteristic bluish-green color.

Procurement process

Mullein's flowers are used as a medicinal plant material. It is worth noting that each flower blooms on the inflorescence only once. By evening, the corolla fades, loses color and falls off the inflorescence. The procurement process consists of several stages.

  • Collection of flowers. They start it late in the morning, on a good day, sunny weather. The plant begins to bloom in June, so you can collect flowers on one individual all summer – until September. The flowers are removed from the inflorescences carefully so as not to damage the petals. The quality of the raw material increases if sepals are not included in it.
  • Preparation. Transport collected flowers better in a wide container, without a lid. It is advisable not to allow the raw material to be pressed down to avoid loss of its beneficial properties. In preparation for drying, the flowers are sorted for wilted, damaged, or discolored flowers.
  • Drying. To dry completely, the flowers are laid out in a thin layer on wide pallet, lining it with paper or cotton cloth. You can dry it on outdoors, slightly shading the place where the pallet stands. In the room - ensuring good ventilation, in dryers - at a temperature not exceeding 50 ° C.
  • Storage. Dried raw materials are fragile. When ground, it turns into powder without special effort. Dried flowers are characterized by hygroscopicity, so they are stored in glass jars, hermetically sealed containers.

When excess moisture gets into the flowers, they quickly become damp, become affected by mold and fungi, and change color. Naturally, medicinal properties The mullein are immediately lost.

Mullein seeds also have medicinal properties. They are collected in October, dried, and stored whole in a hermetically sealed container. Mullein leaves are collected in May-June, before the plant actively blooms. They are cut from the rosette and then used to prepare tinctures. You can prepare mullein leaves for future use by drying them outdoors in the shade.

Biologically active composition

The main effect of mullein is due to the content of high concentrations of iridoids. They are represented by the following compounds:

  • harpagide and its acetate;
  • aucubin;
  • catalpol.

These substances act as active antioxidants that slow down the aging process of body cells. Thanks to their antimutagenic effect, iridoids are able to preserve genetic material and the integrity of DNA chains. The anti-inflammatory effect, intertwined with the immunostimulating effect, activates the body's defenses to eliminate inflammatory processes accompanied by swelling, hyperemia, and pain. In addition, iridoids have been assigned an antihypertensive effect, as well as the ability to stimulate bile production.

In addition to iridoids, mullein flowers also contain other beneficial substances.

  • Slime. Solutions of mucopolysaccharides provide an enveloping, softening, protective effect of mullein on the mucous membranes. Under the influence of mucus, there is an acceleration of healing of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as an improvement in the discharge of sputum from the bronchi.
  • Sahara. Breaking down into glucose, they act as a source of energy for the body. In addition, plant sugars regulate metabolism, normalizing tissue trophism and providing cells with energy.
  • Saponins. High active substances of a chemical nature, ensuring cleansing of the lungs, normalization of urine production and discharge. They also have an anti-sclerotic effect, as well as the ability to inhibit the development and growth of tumor structures.
  • Flavonoids. Stabilize work nervous system, providing the ability to concentrate. They improve the elasticity of vascular walls, which prevents their fragility. Prevents capillary sclerosis and improves peripheral blood flow. They have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Essential oil. Stimulates peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, as well as bile ducts. Has sedative properties. Improves the removal of mucus accumulated in the lungs. In addition, for essential oil mullein is characterized by a bactericidal effect.
  • Gum. Once in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, it acts as an adsorbent - absorbs toxins of internal and external origin. Envelops the mucous membrane. Regulates appetite. Normalizes the ratio of beneficial and opportunistic bacteria in the intestines. Has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Coumarins. They have antiseptic and astringent properties, due to which they stimulate wound healing. These compounds are characterized by a moderate diuretic effect, as well as the ability to prevent the formation of blood clots and regulate the rheological properties of blood.
  • Organic acids. Includes phenolcarbolic acids, as well as plant polyunsaturated acids - linoleic and linolenic. Acids have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antifungal and astringent properties.
  • Tannin. Tannin that has astringent, anti-inflammatory, anti-exudative, regenerating effects. In small concentrations, it heals the gastrointestinal mucosa, strengthens the stool, in large concentrations it has irritating properties, causing increased peristalsis.
  • Minerals. Mullein flowers contain potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, lithium, strontium, magnesium, copper, molybdenum and other minerals that are actively involved in metabolic transformation chains.
  • Vitamins. Vitamin C in combination with vitamins A and E stimulates tissue regeneration. These nutrients also have antioxidant activity and the ability to maintain the body's health at a high level.

Plant ash found in mullein flowers has anti-inflammatory properties, as well as the ability to thin the blood.

Mullein: medicinal properties

Even in ancient times, it was noticed that applying a mullein flower to the site of a bruise can prevent the appearance of a bruise. If you are late with prophylaxis, wrapped flowers will speed up the resorption of the hematoma up to three to four hours. Such observations became the reason for the use of mullein in dermatology:

  • for burns;
  • frostbite;
  • festering wounds;
  • seborrhea;
  • allergic rashes;
  • acne;
  • eczema;
  • furunculosis;
  • alopecia.

The mechanism for eliminating all these ailments is based on improving peripheral blood flow and normalizing the supply of skin lesions with a sufficient amount of useful substances.

Indications for the use of the herb include any bronchopulmonary diseases, including obstructive types of bronchitis, laryngitis, whooping cough, and pneumonia. In addition to eliminating cough, mullein activates the body's defenses and promotes its rapid recovery after colds. The plant is effective against shortness of breath caused by bronchial asthma. Mullein eliminates dry barking cough, turning it into a wet one, and also relieves inflammatory processes in the oral cavity: stomatitis, sore throat, gingivitis, periodontal disease.

Thanks to its vitamin-rich composition, mullein is able to eliminate excess salt deposits, remove accumulated fluid from the body, and remove acute inflammation in the joints. Mullein is useful for:

  • rheumatism;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • gout;
  • neuralgia;
  • myalgia.

A large amount of mucus and tannins makes it possible to use mullein for gastritis, colitis of various origins, for a lack of pancreatic enzymes or reduced bile production. The plant is also actively used for the quick treatment of hemorrhoids.

The beneficial properties of mullein herb include a sedative effect. Mullein normalizes brain function, promoting stability and stress resistance of the nervous system, as well as improved concentration.

Preparation of medicines

In homeopathy, mullein is actively used in fresh. In folk medicine, it is common to prepare extracts from the plant - infusions, tinctures, decoctions.


Peculiarities. It is used for the treatment and prevention of hypertension, atherosclerosis, cystitis, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. You can rinse with the product prepared according to this recipe. oral cavity for sore throat and stomatitis, wash wounds.

Preparation and use

  1. A tablespoon of dried and crushed mullein leaves is poured into a glass of boiling water.
  2. Place the mixture on low heat, bring to a boil, and simmer for two minutes.
  3. After infusing for half an hour, the product is filtered through cheesecloth.
  4. Take a tablespoon orally three times a day. Store the decoction in the refrigerator.


Peculiarities. Used for the treatment of pulmonary diseases, including asthma, pneumonia, and pulmonary obstruction. The product also helps well with cystitis and colds.

Preparation and use

  1. To prepare mullein infusion at home, pour a dessert spoon of dried flowers into a glass of boiling water.
  2. Strain through cheesecloth after 15 minutes of infusion.
  3. Drink ¾ cup infusion three times a day before meals.


Peculiarities. Relieves joint, muscle, and gouty pain. Used externally, for rubbing and compresses.

Preparation and use

  1. A tablespoon of dried mullein flowers is mixed with ten tablespoons of pure vodka.
  2. The mixture is infused for three days in a dark place, shaking it regularly.
  3. After straining, the tincture is ready for use.


Peculiarities. People say that mullein oil is taken orally for urinary incontinence. In fact, the product prepared according to this recipe is used externally - for ear pain, drop it into the ear, for joint pain, rub it. The oil is also used to make compresses for dry skin and dry eczema.

Preparation and use

  1. Three tablespoons of freshly picked mullein flowers are placed in a glass container.
  2. Pour 100 g of olive oil over the flowers.
  3. Infuse the mixture under the sun, shaking it daily.
  4. After a month of infusion, the product can be used externally.


Peculiarities. The ointment is prepared for the treatment of long-term non-healing, festering, weeping wounds and trophic ulcers.

Preparation and use

  1. Dried mullein seeds are ground to form a powder.
  2. Mix the powder with butter, keeping the proportion 1:2.
  3. Apply the product to the affected areas of the skin under a bandage, twice a day.

Some people are looking for recipes for using mullein in gardening, as a fertilizer. According to reviews experienced gardeners, such recipes do not exist. Fertilizer is considered to be “mullein” of animal origin – cow dung, which has nothing to do with medicinal herbs.

Safety rules

Despite the fact that the use of mullein in folk medicine is very common, it is contraindicated in some conditions:

  • during pregnancy;
  • during lactation;
  • with individual sensitivity to the plant.

Contraindications for mullein include cancer, since some biologically active substances in the plant can cause accelerated tumor growth and the development of metastases.

Mullein may be harmful to health if villi from flowers, which have irritating properties, enter the body. To prevent side effects It is advisable to remove villi at the stage of preparing raw materials or carefully strain the prepared preparations before ingestion or external use.

Treatment with mullein herb does not involve complex manipulations with vegetable raw materials. Prepared extracts from leaves and flowers have beneficial properties that help with many ailments. Using the products externally almost never causes allergies, but gives amazing results in terms of restoring the skin.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):