Common mullein - (Verbascum thapsus L.) or scepter-shaped mullein(V. thapsiforme Schr.), bear ear- two-year herbaceous plant from the Norichnikov family - Scrophu1ariaceae. It has a well-developed, erect, simple or with few branches stem from 30 to 150 cm in height. The basal leaves are petiolate, oblong-elliptic, slightly crenate: the upper leaves are on short petioles or sessile, oblong-ovate, pointed. The inflorescence is in the form of a dense, narrow, spike-shaped panicle. The flowers are small, white, with five petals, five stamens and a lower two-lobed ovary.

Fruit- spherical brownish odorous two-seeds. The plant blooms in June-August. The entire plant is covered with a thick, yellowish or gray woolly felt of branched hairs. Grows on sandy soils and rocky outcrops, clearings pine forests, along ravines and river banks in the European part of the country, in the Caucasus, in Siberia.

The corollas of flowers are mainly used for medicinal purposes. IN folk medicine In addition to flowers, leaves, stems (grass) and roots of the common mullein, scepter-shaped, are used. Collect corollas during full bloom plants in dry weather every day, since the blooming flowers last only one day and then fall off. Fallen flowers should not be collected. The collected corollas are scattered in a thin layer in the air and dried thoroughly. The finished raw material should have a bright yellow color, browned flowers - no more than 3%, destroyed and unopened flowers - no more than 4%, organic impurities - no more than 0.25%. Store raw materials in durable tin or glass jars in a warm place. The grass is collected in July-August, the roots are late autumn. Dry and store in a dry, warm place. It has been established that mullein corollas contain up to 2.5% mucus, about 11% sugars, as well as saponins, essential oil, gum, coloring agent alpha-crocetin, coumarin, beta-carotene, vitamin C. From the roots and flowers of this plant, organic acid and flavonoids. Leaves contain: up to 13.1 mg% vitamin C.

Mullein- antique medicinal plant. It was known to Hippocrates under the name Phlomos. Mullein preparations have expectorant, emollient, enveloping and analgesic properties. In this regard, an infusion of flowers, less often leaves, is used as an expectorant for bronchitis, bronchopneumonia and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In folk medicine, an infusion of flowers is used for gastritis, gastroenteritis, diseases of the liver and spleen. For these purposes, prepare an infusion of 5 parts of flowers per glass of boiling water, take 1/3-1/2 cup warm 2-3 times a day. The same infusion is used externally as an emollient in the form of compresses and poultices for rheumatoid arthritis. Mullein flowers are included in breast collections. A popular chest pack consisting of equal parts mullein flowers, mallow and marshmallow flowers. Brew one tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, filter and take 1/2 cup 3 times a day after meals.

Together with herbs, thyme, sage, black currant leaves, pine needles, oak bark and burdock roots, mullein flowers are used for baths for scrofula. Mullein root has diuretic properties. Therefore, it is widely used in folk medicine for urolithiasis and gout. In these cases, it is usually used decoction 1:20 from dried mullein root, 125-225 ml per day: in the morning on an empty stomach and in the afternoon between meals. Fresh leaves This plant, boiled in milk, is recommended for external use as a painkiller for burns and panaritiums. The drug is applied to the affected areas 1-2 times a day. The leafy tops of mullein, collected at the beginning of the flowering of the plant, are recommended for use as an analgesic and anti-swastastic agent for hypertension, atherosclerosis and inflammation of the respiratory organs. (N.G. Kovaleva, 1972).

Whatever people call it: fur leaf, ataman-grass, Peter’s cross, Egor’s spear, and cloth whip. In the Tambov region, mullein has long been called “splinter”, because the dry stems, peeled, were used for splinters. But most often the plant was compared with the ears of various animals: bear ear, wolf ear, deer ear.

Features of growing mullein

This plant is biennial. In the first year it forms a rosette of large, up to 50 cm, light lanceolate leaves, in the second year a flowering stem appears, often up to 2 m in height. Blooms in June-July. The plant can simultaneously have flowers, buds and boxes with green seeds. The seeds are yellowish-brown and ripen in September-October.

This torch plant can decorate any flower garden. It glows with a golden-yellow flame and is visible from afar from all sides. Mullein flowers are shaped like violets, but are bright yellow in color. The half-fused corolla is five-lobed, inside

Five stamens. The raceme of mullein flowers is powerful, thick, tapering upward into a cone. Perhaps this explains something else popular name plants - royal scepter.

The plant is completely unpretentious, tolerates drought well, its powerful taproot goes deep into the soil. In order for the mullein to show itself in all its glory, give it sunny warm place, the soil should be fairly fertile, but not wet.

The violet mullein is a very decorative species. A cluster of large purple flowers is spectacular against the background of green grass. In horticulture, varieties and forms have been developed with red, white, pink and purple flowers.

Modern man is becoming further and further from nature. And maybe that's why lately Many gardeners try to “invite” interesting wild plants to their plots. Among them is mullein, a heroic plant from the Noricaceae family.

Mullein reproduces only by seeds. Before sowing, it is better to mix them with finely sifted sand (1:10) and sow them without covering them with soil before winter. The plant can only be replanted at a very young age.

Flowers are used for medicinal purposes, namely the corollas of flowers, which are easily pulled out. They contain quite a lot of useful substances, including some essential oil. Flowers are collected during full bloom in dry weather every day, because the blooming flower lives only one day and then falls off (and is not suitable for medicinal purposes).

Place mullein flowers loosely in a basket or cardboard box. They suffocate in a plastic bag, darken when dried and turn into useless raw materials. They must be dried as quickly as possible - in a thin layer on paper or fabric, in attics with good ventilation or in the shade under awnings. Be sure to stir periodically to prevent mold. Usually in good weather they dry in 4-5 days.

Drying is completed when the corollas become brittle, do not lose their yellow color and have a delicate honey smell. When pressed in the palm of your hand, it should not form a lump.

Medicinal use

IN medicinal purposes leaves are also stored at the same time as flowers. Dry in the sun or in a ventilated area. Dry leaves ready for storage crumble easily when squeezed. Raw mullein is very hygroscopic, easily becomes damp and moldy, so it needs to be stored in a dry place in a glass jar with a screw cap. Shelf life - 2 years.

Of the more than forty species of mullein growing in our country, mulleins are officially used for medicinal purposes - hairy or medicinal and scepter-shaped.

There is a lot of confusion in the species names of this plant. Outwardly, they are very similar and can only be distinguished during flowering: by the shape and size of the flower, and the growth of the plant. Mullein with orange pubescent stamens are considered medicinal. Plants with purple pubescent stamens are not suitable for treatment.

The action of mullein preparations is similar to the action of marshmallow root. Infusion of flowers: 1 -2 tbsp. l. pour flower corollas with 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave in a thermos for 2 hours. Strain. Take 1/3 tbsp. (warm) 3 times a day for influenza, acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, whooping cough, bronchial asthma.

It is also prescribed for dyspepsia, gastritis, and colitis. Doctors often recommend taking mullein along with coltsfoot leaves, licorice root, and linden flowers. Mullein flowers are included in many breast teas.

In folk medicine, a decoction of the plant is taken orally when nervous disorders, epilepsy, and the infusion of flowers is drunk as tea for edema, diseases of the liver and spleen, nervous fatigue, and exhaustion.

Mullein is widely used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. It is advised to brew the flowers as tea - the bleeding stops after 2-3 days. Sitz baths are also helpful. For the bath you need to prepare a decoction: 0.5-1 kg of mullein flowers per 10 liters of water (single dose).

Bring to a boil, leave for half an hour and pour into the bath. They accept such medicinal baths(water temperature +37 degrees) for 15-20 minutes. every other day also in the treatment of eczema, psoriasis, diathesis, neurodermatitis, and various allergic skin diseases.

A thick decoction is used to lubricate deep-pigmented spots with vitiligo and rashes with psoriasis. An aqueous extract from flowers has activity against the herpes virus. Externally, an infusion of flowers and leaves is used to rinse the mouth and throat for various inflammations (stomatitis, gingivitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, sore throat).

Used for washing hair for baldness and seborrhea. Alcohol tincture flowers are used for rubbing in joint pain, as an anesthetic for rheumatism, arthritis, and especially for nerve pain (inflammation of the facial nerve).

Fresh leaves, boiled in water or milk, are applied to wounds and burns. If you apply it to the site of injury fresh flower mullein (or dry, soaked in a minimal amount of water), the pain goes away and a bruise does not form. It still remains inexplicable interesting fact that mullein seeds thrown into water can put fish to sleep.

Scientific study beneficial properties"royal scepter" continues.

In dry steppe and forest meadows, in clearings in light pine and birch forests, tall stems of Mullein, strewn with flowers, can be seen here and there. Mullein Bear's ear- such a noticeable plant, beautiful in bloom, with a pleasant sweetish aroma, and even with many healing properties! There are several types of mullein, we will talk about the most common - Common Mullein or Bear's Ear Mullein.

Names of Mullein

Common mullein is popularly called: Bear's ear mullein, Ataman (stands alone, towering above other herbs), royal candle, fire-grass, torch-grass, golden flower, Mary's candle.

Where does Mullein grow?

You will also find Mullein among bushes, on forest edges, on sunny rocky and sandy slopes, on railway slopes, often on old plowed land, in pastures. Usually these are solitary plants, but sometimes they are found in islands. Mullein has so much unusual look that you can easily recognize him.

What does Mullein look like?

Mullein stands proudly above other herbs. The height of its erect stem can reach one and a half meters. The large, pubescent leaves of Mullein have an oblong shape. Gently- yellow flowers collected in a solid spike-shaped inflorescence.

The stems and leaves of Mullein are pubescent, and the leaves below are grayish-felt.

Mullein flowering time

Mullein common blooms usually in the second half of summer - in July and August.

Collection and preparation of mullein

The corollas (petals) of Mullein flowers are collected during full bloom, when the corolla is easily separated from the calyx. The raw materials can be dried directly in the sun, spread on cloth or paper in a thin layer. Dried petals should be light yellow in color. The browned petals are discarded. Mullein leaves are also collected when the plant is in flower. Dry them under a canopy or in a well-ventilated area.

Features of collection mullein flowers. It is best not to collect flower calyxes, but to separate the corollas with attached stamens. Store dried mullein flowers in glass jars, as they are able to quickly absorb moisture from the air.

Healing properties of mullein

Mullein is rich in carotene, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, sugars, tannins and essential oil. This herb is known to be an excellent expectorant with anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant and analgesic effects. Along with this, mullein boasts unique wound-healing capabilities.

Mullein flowers and leaves ordinary have expectorant, emollient, enveloping, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound-healing properties. The flowers also have anticonvulsant properties. An infusion of mullein flowers is used for coughs, hemoptysis, whooping cough, inflammation of the lungs and bronchi, severe runny nose with lacrimation, shortness of breath, and asthma. Also for liver disease, spleen and inflammation of the stomach and intestines.

Mullein often used as one of the components various medicinal teas from cough, and in addition to its direct effect, we must also recognize the effect of improving the taste of tea.

Application of Mullein

Infusion of mullein flowers. 1 tablespoon of dried flowers per 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 15-20 minutes. Drink 1 tablespoon every 3 hours for respiratory diseases and as an emollient.

Tea with Mullein. Mullein flowers and leaves (usually flowers) are added to tea and herbal infusions.

If you apply a fresh mullein flower (or a dry one, soaked in a minimal amount of water) to the site of the bruise, the pain goes away and a bruise does not form.

Mullein. Interesting facts

This interesting fact still remains inexplicable: mullein seeds thrown into water can put fish to sleep.

Mullein is a useful and medicinal herb, and it also looks beautiful. Thanks to its bright flowers, this plant can become a flowerbed decoration. The genus belongs to the large family Scrophulariaceae, which is known for its medicinal properties. This genus contains about 280 species, which are distributed throughout Eurasia, but their greatest diversity is found in the Mediterranean. Of all the species, the most famous and popular is the common mullein.


Mullein is a grass that easily spreads throughout the area thanks to a huge number seeds carried by the wind. This plant is probably familiar to every person. Mullein can be annual, biennial or perennial.

The leaves are simple, collected in basal rosettes. The buds, depending on the variety, are placed more or less densely on the spike-shaped inflorescence. Mullein flowers look like a five-membered corolla; they are most often colored yellow, but again, depending on the variety, they can be white and even red. A lot of seeds ripen in the boxes. In the wild, they self-seed, forming entire meadows of mullein.

Common mullein

The most common is common mullein. It is also popularly called bear's ear. And this is just the beginning long list different names the same plant. In the nineteenth century, more than forty names of mullein were known. The most memorable are the hare's beard, Adam's rod, and ice sheet. Due to its hairiness, it has also been awarded names such as velvet, hazy, flannel and many others.

This species, unlike the others, has small flowers. This is why the common mullein is called small-flowered. In European directories it is listed as a large mullein, in North America - as an ordinary mullein. This plant is very useful and, one might say, famous. Perhaps this is the reason for such a variety of names.

Description of common mullein

Bear's ear is a biennial herbaceous plant. The mullein stem is erect with alternate large oblong leaves.

Flowers light yellow color collected in a spike-shaped inflorescence 1.6-1.8 cm high. Blooms in June, flowering continues throughout the summer until the end of August. IN natural environment found on forest edges, clearings, clearings, slopes of ravines and near reservoirs.

Growing on site

The common mullein loves the sun and well-permeable soil, so if you decide to “settle” this natural doctor on your site, then choose an appropriate sunny place for it.

Seeds can be sown at three times: early spring, summer and late August. In any of the three options, the mullein will have time to form a rosette before the onset of cold weather. If you plant the plant at the end of summer, the rosette will be small, but this is not an obstacle to normal further development.

Mullein seeds are small, so they need to be sown with minimal embedding in the ground, the recommended depth is 1 cm. There is no need to prepare the seed for planting. In order for the seedlings to sprout faster, the bed must be watered, especially in summer time and in the absence of rain.

During the first thirty days, seedlings develop very slowly. Caring for them involves timely removal of weeds and loosening the soil. It is necessary to ensure that a crust does not form on the surface of the earth. If the seedlings are too dense, then they should be broken through, leaving a row of 14-18 plants per meter.

It is best to locate the mullein near the fence, where it will be protected from gusts of wind.

Application and procurement of medicinal raw materials

Bear ear is considered ornamental plant, which looks great in flower beds, lawns, in single or group plantings. In addition, mullein is an excellent honey plant. But it is most valued for being a medicinal plant. In folk medicine, stems, leaves, flowers and roots are widely used.

Collection medicinal herbs- it’s a necessary and useful thing. It is better to prepare your own natural medicine for yourself and your family. To properly collect and dry mullein, you need to be very careful. When collecting, drying and storing flowers, they may lose their golden color, while acquiring a dirty brown color. But this is not the main problem; what is more important is that, along with beautiful coloring flowers lose a lot of their healing properties.

To avoid this, you need to collect raw materials late in the morning, when the sun dries the dew. At this time, you can easily separate the blossoming buds from the stamens attached to them. If you want to prepare good medicinal raw materials, try not to take flower cups. It is recommended to dry in a ventilated area. Dried flowers are stored in well-closed containers. This is necessary to prevent them from picking up moisture from the air again.

Tips for preparing mullein flowers:

  • Harvesting is carried out during July-August.
  • It is unacceptable to collect flowers that are wilted and wet from rain or dew for harvesting.
  • Mullein is considered dried when the corollas become brittle, golden yellow in color, with a delicate mucous-sweet taste and honey smell.

Leaves and stems are harvested in the same way throughout the summer, but roots need to be stocked in the fall. Mullein and umbellate also have proven themselves to be natural doctors. You cannot use black and cockroach mullein.

Medicinal properties

In ancient times, back in pagan Rus', our ancestors used the medicinal properties of mullein. And today this plant is successfully used by healers in many countries to treat diseases. This plant has antiseptic, softening, enveloping, expectorant, and anti-inflammatory effects. An infusion of mullein flowers is recommended for colds, cough, hoarseness, pneumonia, shortness of breath, and bronchitis. With its help, asthma attacks and seizures are stopped.

Traditional medicine recipes

In folk medicine there are many recipes using mullein; with their help you can get rid of many diseases. Let's look at some of them.

  1. Pour 5 g of raw material into one glass of boiling water and leave to steep for 2-3 hours, then strain. It is recommended to take the infusion warm half an hour before meals 3 times a day, 1/3 cup
  2. Pour one tablespoon of raw material into one glass of boiling water. Leave to steep for 20 minutes, then strain. Take one tablespoon 30 minutes before meals three times a day.
  3. Pour one tablespoon of raw material into one glass of 40% alcohol or vodka, leave to infuse in a dark place for two weeks, then strain. The prepared tincture is used for radiculitis, rheumatism and joint diseases.
  4. Flowering shoots of bear's ear are mixed with string, calamus, willow, sage, thyme and used for baths for rickets in children.
  5. Flower powder is used to heal wounds and nipples female breast. Pre-affected areas are lubricated with carrot juice.
  6. An ointment made from mullein flower powder is used for ulcers.
  7. An ointment from mullein seed powder is prepared as follows. Mix 5 parts of seed powder and 10 parts of butter. Used to treat ulcers and putrefactive wounds.
  8. You can also make a poultice. Pour boiling water over 4 tablespoons of leaves or flowers and apply to problem areas, pre-wrapped in gauze.
  9. Fresh leaves are applied to wounds, boils and ulcers, and dry leaves, ground into powder, are sprinkled on wounds.


Common mullein is a very valuable medicinal plant. Each medicine has its own contraindications, but as for bear ear, no contraindications for use have been found. When taking mullein infusions, you only need to take into account personal intolerance and ensure that there is no allergic reaction.

  • Residents of the western United States call mullein because of its hairiness" toilet paper cowboy."
  • Since ancient times, mullein has been considered a magical plant.
  • According to legends, witches used mullein to prepare a witchcraft potion.

  • Some peoples believe that mullein wards off curses and drives away evil spirits.
  • Our distant ancestors, dipping a mullein stem in resin, made a torch out of it, which burned for quite a long time. Translated from German, Koenigskerze means “royal candle.”
  • Mullein was used to dye fabrics, and sometimes even to dye hair. Bear's ear flowers produced a bright yellow or green color.

Nature presents us with many gifts. One of them is mullein, or verbascum. This plant has many varieties. The most common flowers are: common mullein, densely flowered, black, Olympic, purple, scepter-shaped, hybrid, paniculate, bear's ear, royal scepter, which will be discussed in this article. Sometimes mullein species are completely different from each other, you can see this by looking at the photo. But each flower is unique in its own way, has medicinal properties and is widely used in official and folk medicine. Depending on the variety, mullein can be two years old or perennial plant. These flowers grow in wild environments: fields, meadows, and are also domesticated and planted by gardeners for later use.

Growing the royal scepter mullein plant

Royal scepter mullein is a biennial plant that grows up to 2 m in height and has a shape similar to a scepter. Small yellow flowers, about 1.5 cm in diameter, are placed densely on the upper half of the stem. They bloom alternately, starting approximately from the middle of the stem. Thus, mullein flowering occurs throughout almost the entire warm period.

Verbascum leaves are located horizontally above the ground, they are quite wide and pubescent. He has a powerful root system, this is especially true for perennial species.

Flowering variety of the Royal Scepter

Most often this plant can be seen on roadsides, in yards, gardens and parks, in fields and forest areas. It also grows on personal plots, where it receives proper care and is subsequently used as a medicine.

Attention! Mullein grows best on sandy soil, although black soil is also suitable for him. You cannot sow royal scepter mullein in clay soil.

Mullein reproduces in several ways:

  1. Division of rhizomes. Since the royal scepter mullein is a biennial plant, by the end of the first year’s flowering last days September - early October, gardeners dig up rhizomes and separate shoots. They are treated with disinfectants and planted in the soil. In this way, mullein reproduces, and a person can control where the flowers grow so that they are not placed too close to each other. Even before the onset of frost, the divided rhizomes will produce small sprouts.
  2. Self-seeding Upon completion of flowering, seeds are formed in place of the flower, which, after drying under the influence of wind or rain, leave the mother plant and fall into the ground. This type of propagation does not require effort, but has a number of disadvantages: the impossibility of growing in rows; if there are several species in one area, self-seeding will lead to the degeneration of some of them.
  3. Growing the royal scepter mullein plant from seeds. This is the most suitable option. It is less energy intensive than dividing rhizomes and more human-controlled than self-seeding. The seeds are collected from the largest inflorescences and dried. In May they are sown in prepared soil and watered. After a few weeks, seedlings appear that need to be thinned out, leaving only the most strong plants at a distance of at least 30-40 cm from one another. Mullein flowers grown from seeds will bloom in the second year. After which it will be necessary to collect and sow the seeds again.

Attention! Don't bury the seeds too much. It is best to scatter them over the soil and then sprinkle them with a small amount of soil. As the root system grows, it will position itself at the required depth.

Mullein royal scepter is easy to care for

Like any plant, verbascum needs care. But gardeners don’t have to spend a lot of time on it.

  • Fertilizer. Even before sowing, a small amount of mineral fertilizer is applied to the ground, and the soil is loosened with a hoe. Mature plants love feeding with organic or mineral fertilizers, which should be applied to the root zone.

Seeds of the Royal Scepter variety

  • Weeding. The plant will feel better in loosened soil. Weeds make things worse appearance plot, take nutrients from the ground, and also create shade, which can damage young mullein shoots. Therefore, weeds must be removed regularly.
  • Mulching. Royal scepter mullein responds well to mulching. Sprinkling the soil with sawdust, bark, wood chips or other substances reduces the number of weeds, saturates the soil with useful substances and simply looks aesthetically pleasing.
  • Collection of seeds. Having selected several flowers on the stem, they are not removed until the seeds are completely ripe. After the petals have completely dried, the seeds are collected, the remains of the flower are removed and dried in the sun - most often on a windowsill inside the house. Seeds should be stored in a paper bag in a room with low air humidity.
  • Removing flowers. Since flowering of verbascum occurs in stages, you need to ensure that you remove it in time. wilted flowers. Otherwise, they will draw on the strength of the plant, slowing down the flowering process of the remaining buds, and after some time they will dump the resulting seeds into the ground.
  • Removing the stem. After the end of the mullein flowering period, it is necessary to completely cut off all the stems, which, after removal, can be put into compost.
  • Preparing for winter. Due to low temperatures In winter, even before the onset of cold weather, care must be taken to ensure that the royal scepter survives the frost. To do this, the rhizomes are sprinkled with ash, sawdust, peat, fallen leaves and even branches.

Medicinal properties of mullein

The mullein royal scepter has healing properties with its help you can prevent diseases or alleviate their course.

Verbascum is used:

  • at skin diseases, lichen;
  • for problems with the stomach and intestines;
  • for hemorrhoids;
  • for diseases of the oral cavity;
  • for asthma and throat problems;
  • for cardiovascular diseases.

Mullein in nature

Royal scepter mullein has a soothing, expectorant, wound-healing, diuretic effect, will relieve swelling and puffiness. Therefore, it is included in many medicines.
In folk medicine, mullein tincture, decoction, oil and ointment are used.

Attention! When preparing products from mullein, it is necessary to carefully remove the stamens. They cause irritation to the skin and mucous membranes.

Contraindications to treatment with mullein

Verbascum - very useful plant, but there are still a few caveats.

  1. It is very rare that a person is intolerant to this flower. Before use, do a test: spread a small amount of ointment or mullein decoction on a healthy area of ​​skin. If after several hours redness, burning or other signs of rejection do not appear, you can safely use mullein as a medicine.
  2. During pregnancy and lactation, this plant should be used carefully. It’s better to completely eliminate it at this time.

Traditional medicine is designed to help people. But only in moderation and in sensible ways. Serious diseases can only be diagnosed and treated by a highly specialized specialist - a doctor, who should be contacted immediately. The mullein royal scepter has wide range medicinal properties and can prevent many diseases. But the main gift a person can give to their health is proper nutrition, mode and regular physical activity. In combination with verbascum products, they will bring health and longevity to the whole family.

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