Rimma Zharkova
Lesson notes on ecology in senior group « Medicinal plants our region"


Strengthen children's knowledge about their medicinal properties;

Distinguish medicinal plants by color, appearance;

Introduce children to the rules of collection and drying medicinal plants.

activate dictionary: coltsfoot, dandelion, chamomile, plantain.

Materials and equipment:

illustrations and photographs plants, a herbarium of flowers, pharmaceutical packages with herbal infusions, tea with rose hips in mugs according to the number of children.

Venue classes: kindergarten territory.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, you know a lot about medicinal plants of our region. These plants help us to be treated for various diseases. You just need to know and be able to use them. For many years, people have been passing on to their descendants knowledge about the medicinal properties of different herbs. And you and I will try to make our own "Recipes for diseases".

- Guys, guess the riddle: In a clearing behind the streams the Sun with white rays. In the middle there is a yellow eye, looking at us tenderly!

That's right, it's chamomile. Find it in the illustration.

Chamomile is medicinal plant. Chamomile decoction can be used to gargle and treat sore throat. Chamomile grows in sunny places.

Relaxation exercise.

Now hold your hands and close your eyes. Imagine yourself as chamomile petals. And listen poem: Elegant dresses, Yellow brooches, Not a spot on the beautiful clothes. These daisies are so cheerful - They're about to start playing tag like children. (E. Serova)

And here's another riddle about flower: There is one like that flower: You can’t weave it into a wreath. Blow on it lightly, There was a flower - and there is no flower.

That's right, it's a dandelion. What do you know about this flower?

Dandelion too medicinal plant. It is brewed to improve appetite and treat toothache. And they cook from dandelion flowers delicious jam. Dandelions growing all over our land. And on the territory they also grow in our garden.

Game “One, two, three, run to the dandelion!”

Who can guess this? plant? A thin stem near the path, At the end of it there are earrings. There are leaves on the ground - small burdocks. How is he to us? good friend Treats wounds of legs and arms.

Yes, it's plantain. Find him on the site.

Why do you think this is that's what the plant is called?

Indeed, plantain grows along the roads. He is also called the forest traveler. Because he walks with us along all the forest paths and even on our streets growing along roads and sidewalks. It has very strong roots and elastic leaves with strong veins. People talk about him They say: “Small, yes with cunning: in the summer the sun is hot, but moisture is retained under its leaves.”

Maybe some of you have had to be treated with plantain?

Everyone knows medicinal plant plantain will help stop bleeding if you accidentally hurt your arm or leg and you don’t have a bandage with you. I need to take a piece of this plants, rinse it and apply it to the wound. Plantain has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, and hemostatic properties.

Guys, look at what little modest flowers there are... grow in our kindergarten. What are they like?

Common coltsfoot - perennial herbaceous plant. Growing on coastal cliffs, in ravines. The raw material is leaves. An infusion of coltsfoot leaves is used as an expectorant.

The spring sun warmed up and round gold coins scattered on the thawed patches. “The spring of flowers is opened by the very early firstborn - the coltsfoot. This golden snowdrop growing on sunny clayey ravines and blooms before all the grasses - before the exhibition of hives, the flight of the first bees, before the ice drifts” - This is what phenologist and writer D. Zuev spoke about coltsfoot.

Why did the flower get this name? Yes, because the lower part of the leaf is covered with thick white hairs. If you stroke it with your hand, you will feel softness and warmth. It’s as if an affectionate mother caressed you.

A upper part the leaf is smooth, cold, like the touch of a stern stepmother.

There's a lot more medicinal plants can be found in the surrounding area our city Mariinsk: in forest clearings, meadows, forests, mountains. May is the beginning of rapid development vegetation. People everywhere can find help from nature. You just need to study, love, and protect the nature of your edges. Every disease has its own medicinal plant. The best health resort for humans is nature!

- Plants are our most faithful, but also the most defenseless friends. That's why medicinal plants can harvest and make from them medications for adults only. And children can only help.

Collection rules medicinal plants:

Can't be pulled out plant with roots, since such "chains" lead to complete destruction plants.

You cannot pick or completely cut leaves from one bush.

Medicinal plants should be collected strictly within the specified calendar periods.

Need to know medicinal plant and distinguish it from poisonous plants.

Gather medicinal plant needed in dry weather, in the morning, after the dew has dried.

Gather plants needed in a forest or meadow, where there are no roads nearby, so that plants were not poisoned by gases from vehicle exhaust pipes.

Dry plants need shade.

Don't tear plants, which are listed in the Red Book.

Nature generously gives all its wealth to people. And we need to learn to take care of it!

And now medicinal the herbs will treat us deliciously and healthy tea. Help yourself to your health! (Children drink tea with rose hips)

Didactic game "Know by smell". (Children are offered bags filled with leaves: currants, mint, lemon balm)

Didactic game "Pharmacy". (One student describes medicinal plant, and the other guesses and names its medicinal properties and hands over the packaging).

Well done, now you know from which diseases and what medicinal You can treat with herbs. And your recipes and tips will help your parents!

Svetlana Eskina
Summary of an integrated lesson in the senior group “Medicinal Plants”

Summary of an integrated lesson in the senior group “Medicinal Plants”.

Target: continue to introduce children to flora immediate environment; expand knowledge about the benefits and use of medicinal herbs; consolidate concepts about the relationship between flora and humans; introduce children to the rules of collecting and drying medicinal plants; activate children's speech with new names: lavender, oregano, sage, St. John's wort, plantain. Develop an interest in understanding the flora of our region.

Equipment: Presentation on the topic, pictures of plants, pharmacy packages with herbal infusions, cut-out pictures on the topic “Medicinal plants”, dandelion leaves, sorrel, salad bowl.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, you and I received a very interesting letter from forest animals. Let's read and find out what they want to tell us.

The forest is like a fairy tale kingdom,

There are medicines growing all around there,

In every grass, in every branch -

And medicine and pills.

Well, what and how to treat,

We can teach you.

What do animals want to teach us? Since ancient times, people have noticed that sick animals leave to find some blades of grass, which they eat to recover. We are surrounded by plants everywhere: every clearing or corner of the forest is a whole green pharmacy. So the forest animals invite you to visit this green pharmacy and get acquainted with medicinal plants.

Look at the pictures, what plants are familiar to you? (Dandelion, coltsfoot, chamomile, plantain). Which of these plants can be called primroses? (Dandelion, coltsfoot). Did you know that dandelion and coltsfoot are also considered medicinal plants!

Dandelion - very useful plant: dandelion is used to make jam! Real, similar to honey. This is why it is called “dandelion honey.” But for such jam you need to collect flowers very far from the city and from roads. Why do you think? Made from dandelion leaves and roots healthy salad, it contains a lot of vitamins. Dandelion can also predict the weather. How can he tell us that it will rain soon? The dandelion cannot speak like a person, but it speaks to us in its own way: it closes its petals and lowers its head. And if the dandelion is already white, then before the rain it folds its parachutes - it hides from future rain. And he tells you and me: it will start raining soon.

And this is a coltsfoot plant. Why is it called that? (it has a warm leaf on one side - the mother, and a cold leaf on the other - the stepmother). That's right, and it also helps with coughs, brew the herb and drink it like tea.

Did you find out what kind of plant this is? (Plantain). Why is it called that? (Grows along the road). Listen to the legend of how people learned about the healing properties of plantain. One day two snakes were basking by the road. Suddenly a cart came around the bend. One snake managed to crawl out of the way, another was run over by a cart wheel. The people sitting in the cart saw that the unharmed snake soon returned with a plantain leaf, with which it healed the victim. This incident prompted people to use plantain to treat wounds. If you wound a leg or arm, wet a piece of paper and apply it to the wound, the bleeding stops and the wound heals.

Everyone also knows chamomile and will never confuse it with other flowers. Chamomile is called medicinal chamomile because it helps against many diseases. Chamomile decoction is used for colds and stomach diseases, as well as for rinsing the mouth with sore throat. And if you wash your blond hair with this decoction, it will acquire a golden hue.

Look - this plant is called St. John's wort. Why do you think? It turns out that if an animal eats this plant, it will get sick. Everyone who has pets knows about this. But this does not concern people's health. So what is the use of St. John's wort? It is not for nothing that in the old days St. John's wort was called a cure for a hundred diseases: ointment with St. John's wort heals wounds, if you drink tea with a decoction of St. John's wort, then your body is reliably protected and strengthened. St. John's wort heals wounds, stops bleeding, and calms the nerves. That's what he is, St. John's wort.

Guys, what plant do they say that it burns? That's right, it's nettle. Nettle leaves are rich in different healthy salts and borscht and salads are prepared from it. Nettle is also a very valuable food for pets. Cows fed nettles produce more milk and best quality. Chickens, geese, ducks, and turkeys lay more eggs. Nettle can stop bleeding and treat some diseases. Nettle is also used in hair shampoos. Hair washed with nettle grows better, shines, and gets rid of dandruff.

Many more medicinal plants can be found in meadows, forests, mountains and even in people’s homes. Such plants are called indoor plants. Many of them also have healing power. Everywhere animals, birds, people can find help from nature. For every disease there is a medicinal plant. The best pharmacy is Nature.

The herbs need to bow

And fall in love with them forever,

Herbal medicinal stock

Helps in difficult times.

D/ game “Collect a plant”- children make up a medicinal plant from cut-out pictures.

Physical exercise “The flower says to the flower.”

The flower says to the flower:

“Pick up your piece of paper” (children raise and lower their hands)

Get on the track

Yes, stamp your foot (children walk in place, raising their knees high)

Shake your head

Greet the sun in the morning (head rotation)

Tilt the stem slightly

Here is a charger for the flower (tilts)

Now wash yourself with dew,

Shake yourself off and calm down (shaking your hands)

Finally everyone is ready

Celebrate the day in all its glory (hands up through the sides - inhale; hands down - exhale).

Guys, remember what medicinal plants forest animals introduced you to? Eat special rules collection of medicinal herbs. Only adults prepare medicinal plants; children can only help.

Rules for collecting medicinal plants.

1. It is good to know medicinal plants and distinguish them from poisonous ones.

2. Plants are collected in dry weather, better in the morning when the dew dries.

3. You cannot collect plants in the city, near roads. Why?

4. When collecting plants, place them in wide baskets, do not crush them, otherwise the juice will release.

5. Dry plants not in the sun, but in the shade.

6. Do not trample plants when collecting, do not tear them by the roots, do not collect until the last minute.

7. Do not pick plants that are listed in the Red Book. Why?

Nature gives all its treasures to man and for everything asks only one thing: to take care of it!

Productive activities:

Wild animals, they gave you and me dandelion and sorrel leaves. Let's make a vitamin salad out of them. I have already poured boiling water over the dandelion leaves to remove all the bitterness. You will now tear sorrel and dandelion leaves for small pieces in a bowl, and then add a spoonful of honey and season sunflower oil(The children make a salad and everyone treats themselves to a vitamin salad).

Program content:

To develop in children an understanding of what nature is, distinctive features living and non-living nature;

Give an idea of ​​one of the main distinctive qualities plants and animals - way of nutrition;

To form concepts about the diversity of the plant world, distinctive features some plant forms from others;

Expand knowledge about the parts of various plant forms and their functions;

To clarify and expand children’s ideas about medicinal plants, their biological features, and their benefits for humans; teach children to recognize the most common plants and name them correctly;

Summarize children's knowledge about necessary conditions for plant growth and development;

To cultivate in children curiosity, interest in studying nature, love and respect for plants;

Develop the ability to think, draw logical conclusions, establish cause-and-effect relationships in the plant world;

Develop coherent speech and enrich children's vocabulary.



Medicinal plants.

(for the older group of kindergarten)

Program content:

To form in children an understanding of what nature is, the distinctive features of living and non-living nature;

To give an idea of ​​one of the main distinctive qualities of plants and animals - the method of nutrition;

To form concepts about the diversity of the plant world, the distinctive features of some plant forms from others;

Expand knowledge about the parts of various plant forms and their functions;

To clarify and expand children’s understanding of medicinal plants, their biological characteristics, and their benefits to humans; teach children to recognize the most common plants and name them correctly;

Summarize children's knowledge about the necessary conditions for the growth and development of plants;

To cultivate in children curiosity, interest in studying nature, love and respect for plants;

Develop the ability to think, draw logical conclusions, establish cause-and-effect relationships in the plant world;

Develop coherent speech and enrich children's vocabulary.

Preliminary work:Reading stories, poems, looking at illustrations about medicinal plants. Work in a corner of nature, observing the growth and condition of indoor plants and plants on the site, examining diagrams - models, composing stories based on them. Conversations about nature.

Follow up work:Drawing of medicinal plants.

Equipment and materials: illustrations depicting medicinal plants: dandelion, nettle, plantain, coltsfoot, chamomile, fireweed, St. John's wort; illustrations depicting trees, bushes, herbaceous plants; reference pictures “What a plant needs to live”, “Parts of a plant and their functions”, “What living organisms can do”, indoor plants: aloe, crassula, senseevieria, poplar branches with open buds, cards of medicinal plants, cut into pieces, envelopes with assignments.

Educator: Children, we have an incident - a letter has arrived from the forest that all the forest animals have fallen ill:The squirrels have a sore throat, the bear cub has a cold, and the fox severe cough. And they ask us for help. What should we do now? How to help poor animals?The children are talking.

Educator: I came up with an idea, we will ask Nature for help! Children, what is nature?

Children: What surrounds us is not made by human hands.

Educator: Look, what can be called nature in our group?

Children: Flowers, bulbs, poplar branches.

Educator: Can a table and toys be called nature?

Children: No.

Beautiful music sounds.

Educator: Children, do you hear? I know that it is Nature who tells us that she agrees to help, since we know her so well. But for this we will have to work hard - answer her questions.The teacher takes the envelope with the assignment.

Look, I found the first task: Nature is alive and not alive. Let each of you name something that belongs to Living and Nonliving nature. Children's answers.

Educator: What distinguishes wildlife from non-living. What can only living beings do?Show reference pictures. Children's answers (they are born, grow, breathe, drink water, eat and die).

Educator: Children, are people, you and I, nature? Can we live without the creations of nature (without water, land, air and sun)?

Children: No.

Educator: That's right, Nature gives us everything for life, and we can call our nature Mother.

For correct answers we receive another hint, and Nature tells us that we need to go to the forest. Then follow me.

Children, what can you call in one word what you see on the board??

Children: Plants.

Educator: What is the most important difference between plants and animals, what can they do that animals and you and I cannot?

Children: Eat sunlight and make oxygen for us.

Educator: Absorb sunlight and release oxygen. Right. They can do this because the leaves contain a substance due to which all plants have green color. Without plants we could not live for a minute. And whatdoes a plant need to live?The teacher shows reference pictures.

Children: Water, earth, sun, warmth, air.

Educator: And now Mother Nature wants to test how you know your green neighbors? What are the names of the plants located on the board in the top row?

Children: Trees.

Educator: What do they all have in common? Let's name the parts of the tree.

Children: Roots, trunk, branches, leaves, fruits.

Educator: Trees with leaves are called...

Children: Deciduous.

Educator: And trees that have needles instead of leaves are called...

Children: Conifers.

Educator: What do you see in the second row?

Children: Shrubs.

Educator: What is their main difference from trees?

Children: The tree has one large trunk, and the bushes have several thin ones. Trees are usually tall and shrubs are low.

Educator: What can you call the plants from the bottom row?

Children: Herbs.

Educator: What parts does a herbaceous plant have?

Children: Roots, stem, leaves, flower.

Educator: Why does the plant need each part?Show reference pictures. Children's answers.Can a plant live without any of its parts: without a root or without leaves and why??

Children: No, he can’t.

Educator: R Asthenia, every part is important, just as you and I need arms, legs, and a head, and we can’t do without them.

Mother Nature brought us to the forest. Guys, they say that the forest is a green pharmacy. Why do they say this? That ointments and pills grow on trees?

Children: No. Plants grow in the forest that can be used to heal.

Educator: What are these plants called?

Children: Medicinal.

Educator: Listen to poems about them.

The forest is like a fairy tale kingdom,

There are medicines growing all around there.

In every grass

In each branch -

Both medicines and pills.

What a great fellow you are, you answered all the questions correctly, and Mother Nature invites you to go to “ Green pharmacy" And now we will learn about how people learned to use medicinal plants.

Treatment with plants originated in ancient times. Not yet thenThere were pills and plasters, but people were sick: they caught colds and were injured, they had headaches and stomach aches. People began to notice that sick animals left to find some kind of grass, which, after eating, they recovered. So man began to seek help from different plants.

Now another task of Nature - you must remember the names of plants and tell everything you know about them. Look at this plant. Who knows what it's called?

Children: Coltsfoot.

Educator: Do you know why it has such a strange name?

Children's answers.

Educator: Right. The lower part of the leaf is covered with dense white hairs. From the inside they are soft, light, velvety. If you stroke it with your hand, you will feel softness and warmth. As if my mother had caressed me. And the upper part of the leaf is hard, smooth, cold. Like the touch of a stern stepmother. This is the very first spring flower. And what appears in front of the coltsfoot - leaves or flowers?

Children: Flowers.

Educator: They say that he is in such a hurry to appear in the light that he does not have time to put out his leaves. Coltsfoot flowers can predict the weather. At night and in bad weather, the flower tightly closes its petals. People prepare decoctions from these flowers and use them to treat coughs.The teacher shows an illustration.
Look at the picture: it’s as if the sun has scattered its little children across the clearing. Let's stand in a circle and read a poem about the sun together, and our fingers will help us.
Finger gymnastics.

Sunshine, sunshine, take a walk by the river,

Sunny, darling, scatter the rings,

We will collect the rings, we will tear off the golden ones,

We'll play, we'll play, and then we'll give it back to you.

Educator: Children, did you find out what kind of plant this is?

Children: Plantain.

Educator: Why is it called that?

Children: Plantain grows near roads.

Educator: It has hard and elastic leaves, so it is not afraid of trampling, which other plants suffer from. Plantain is called a traveler grass. Why did he get such a nickname? What feature does its seeds have? Children's answers. Educator: Tiny plantain seeds become sticky when exposed to rain or dew. Glued to the feet of people or the paws of animals, they travel with us, and the plantaineasily moves to other places. What can plantain help us with?

Children: It heals wounds.

Educator: It is used for cuts, abrasions, insect bites, and burns. In the old days they called him “reznik, rannik”. This is a riddle about him:

The doctor grew up near the road, he treats sick legs.

An infusion of plantain leaves is also used as an expectorant for coughs. You can rinse your mouth with the decoction when your teeth and gums hurt.

Children, what is the name of this plant?What plant is said to burn?

Children: Nettle.

Educator: One nettle replaces seven doctors - says popular wisdom.

These lines are about her:

Ah, don't touch me

I will burn without fire.

But why do they say that nettle burns? Children's answers.

Educator: Yes, you are right: The stem and leaves of nettle are lined with stinging hairs, the sharp ends of which are very fragile.Each hair is like a needle on a syringe. There is a caustic liquid inside the hairs. If you touch it, you get injections.

It is used to stop bleeding, used to heal wounds, an infusion of nettle leaves is used to gargle for sore throats, and also to strengthen hair.

Do you know that nettle can not only cure, but also feed. Nettle leaves are edible; cabbage soup and salads are prepared from it.

But look, everyone knows this plant.

Children: Oh dandelion.

Educator: Flowers, like little suns, open in good weather and close when it is cloudy. But the dandelion bloomed and what happens to it? Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, seeds appear attached to fluffy white tufts that are easily blown away by the wind. That's why they called it that - dandelion. Let's imagine that we have white caps in our hands, let's blow on them, first barely, then harder, and then strongly, strongly, until all the parachutes fly away.Breathing exercises.

I'm a fluffy ball
I turn white in a clean field.
And the breeze will blow -
A stalk remains.

Dandelion is also medicinal. It is used as a means to lower fever and to treat many other diseases. Dandelion can be eaten. Soups and salads are made from young leaves, jam is made from flowers, and dandelion coffee is made from roots.Look at this plant. What's it called?

Children: Chamomile.

Educator: Right. The word Ra on foreign language meansSun. Is it true that chamomile looks like the sun?Gargle the throat with a decoction of chamomile flowers. It is used for colds and coughs, and for abdominal pain. If you drink a chamomile decoction at night, you will have a sound and restful sleep.

What other medicinal plants do you know? Who recognized this plant?

Children: St. John's wort.

Educator: That's right, why is it called that?

Children: If an animal eats it, it may be poisoned.

Educator: St. John's wort is a remedy for many diseases. It is used to make ointments that heal wounds and soothe pain.

Did you recognize the next plant?

Children: Ivan-tea.

Educator: Why does it have this name?

Educator: Ivan is a name that is very common in Rus'. You can brew delicious and healthy tea with it..

Educator: Its second name is fireweed. Tea soothes, relieves headaches, improves sleep. Flour is made from its roots and bread is baked, soups and cereals are cooked, and the leaves are used for salad.

Children, tell me, can only herbs be medicinal?

Children: No.

Educator: Who knows this bush?

Children: Raspberry.

Educator: Surely each of you was treated with tea with raspberry jam. It helps cure colds. What trees do you know that have medicinal properties?The teacher shows illustrations.Children name familiar trees: linden, birch, rowan, oak.

Educator: Let's now turn into these trees and stretch our branches towards the sun.Physical education minute.

Morning has come, the sun has woken up,

The sleeping birch trees were stirred by the wind,

They greeted each other, leaning to the sides,

They extended the branches to the sun, rejoicing at the new day.

Educator: That's how many plants we've come across today that can help us cope with diseases, but this is only a small part of all the riches of our Mother Nature! You are great - you know all the plants, and Nature has prepared the next task for us.

The time has come to collect medicinal plants for sick animals ourselves, for this we need to sit down at the tables. Here is our forest clearing, where “green doctors” grew up. You need to assemble a whole plant from parts and name it.(Game “Find out and collect the plant”)

Each child needs to correctly assemble a picture of a medicinal plant cut into pieces and name it.

Educator: Well, we have collected the plants necessary for treatment. Guys, let's remember what medicinal plants we met today? Children's answers.

Educator: Everywhere animals, birds, people can find help from nature. For every disease there is a medicinal plant. The best pharmacy is Nature. She happily gives us all her gifts, and in exchange for everything she asks that we take care of her and not pick a single flower in vain, because it can cure someone! Let's say to our nature - thank you very much! And we ourselves will try to never get sick!

Zheleztsova Lyubov Prokofievna
Educator, highest category MBDOU Astrakhan No. 100 Astrakhan

Types of children's activities: communicative, cognitive-exploratory, perception fiction, motor.
Integration educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Reading fiction”, “Physical education”, “Health”.
The goals of the teacher’s activities are: to continue to acquaint children with the flora of their immediate environment; learn to distinguish and find plants by description, collect them correctly, dry them, know their purpose; develop observation, curiosity, and careful attitude towards your health.

Planned results of the development of integrative qualities: the child is interested in the new, unknown in the world around him, asks questions to an adult; speaks dialogically and in constructive ways interactions with children and adults; knows the rules of behavior in nature; has formed ideas about healthy way life.
Materials and equipment: herbarium, bunches of medicinal herbs, illustrations depicting them.
Contents of children's organized activities.
Introductory word from the teacher.
If suddenly you get sick,
Don't rush with the pills
Invite your friends
With green branches.
They are both more beautiful and also healing,
There are also bitter ones, but very useful.
You can’t drink too much of them either,
These friends can be dangerous.
(M. Kiseleva)
- What friends are the poem talking about?
Children. About medicinal herbs.
Educator. Today we will talk about them. Which of you, when you were sick, did your mother treat with herbs?
Children's answers.
Educator. Herbal treatment has been known since ancient times. People have noticed that the plants they eat can also have healing properties. There are a lot of such plants in our forests.
Working with the herbarium.
- Look at the herbarium, name the plants that you know.
Children look at the herbarium. The teacher draws their attention to illustrations depicting medicinal herbs, asks them to name them, find similar samples in the herbarium, and compare.
Children perform a search task.
Educator. Whom does mom often treat with herbs and use them as a health drink? Children's answers.
Educator. Name and show herbs that are used to treat colds.
Children. Mint, sage, coltsfoot, plantain.
Educator. Well done! But these people drink for diseases in the stomach.
Shows plantain, tansy, chamomile, yarrow.
Educator. We must not forget that herbs, like pills, can be harmful if used unnecessarily and in large quantities. Let's talk about how to properly collect, dry and store herbs.
Teacher's story.
Educator. Many types of herbs are listed in the Red Book, so they must be collected with care, try not to damage the roots, take as much as you use during the winter. In a word, do not harm nature.
Physical education minute
We twist our neck carefully -
Your head may feel dizzy.
We look to the left - one, two, three!
And look to the right.
(Rotate your head right and left.)
Let's stretch up, let's walk,
(Stretching - arms up, walking in place.)
And we will return to the place again.
(Children sit down.)
Educator. Herbs can be perennial, biennial or annual. They should be dried in a dark place, hanging, in a draft. When storing, do not wrinkle, pack in cotton or paper bags, which must be signed. Some herbs, such as celandine, are poisonous.
A) Ask questions based on pictures that depict plants and their places of growth, for example, a road - plantain, a meadow - chamomile.
B) We learn to recognize medicinal plants by smell. Children are asked to smell the leaves of mint, chamomile, bird cherry, sage, strawberry and guess the names of the herbs.
The result of the activity.
- Medicinal plants must be collected correctly, without harming nature.
- Use medicinal plants with caution.
- Eat poisonous plants, you need to know them.


In this methodological development contains specific materials on organizing and conducting the “Medicinal Plants” class in the form of a phyto-lounge in the association “Floriculture” of the MBOU DOD DDT in Sobinki for children of middle and high school age, boys and girls.

Methodological materials can be used by teachers of additional education of associations of scientific and natural orientation of institutions of additional education and biology teachers of public education.


Among the various forms of classes with students of the Floriculture association, a special place is occupied by the phytolounge, which is conducted as a general lesson on the topic “Medicinal Plants.” The logic of this form is built on the basis of a simple and clear delineation of the lexical meaning of the word “phyto-living room”: this is a room that resembles a small corner of nature where guests are received and, at the same time, this is the very process of receiving guests for free communication based on their interested, caring and responsible attitude towards the surrounding nature and its diverse flora. Guests tell stories, bring interesting facts, organize games, quizzes, and all participants in communication strive for self-expression and creativity.

Guests are sometimes treated to food, so the herbal lounge includes a herbal bar with various medicinal mixtures, cups and a samovar. In the summer the boys collect medicinal herbs and berries, dry them. And in winter period exacerbations of various viral diseases are brewed herbal teas and cocktails. “Expert bartenders” show how to do it and treat all guests to pre-prepared and infused aromatic herbal tea.

Main part

Purpose of the lesson: develop interest and love, a responsible and caring attitude towards the environment.


Summarize knowledge on the topic “Medicinal plants”;

Teach students to carefully communicate with nature;

To introduce the life credo of a worthy person in relation to nature;

Stimulate the cognitive activity of students;

Develop the ability to independently collect information and highlight the most important things.

Materials: multimedia equipment, medicinal plants, a folder of materials about medicinal plants, herbal teas, instructions for students on collecting plants, student messages, costumes for staging a fairy tale.

Progress of the lesson

A gentle melody sounds.

Teacher. Friends! Today we have an unusual activity, today we met in the phyto-living room, where we will talk about nature and its role in our lives, about our friends - medicinal plants. A lot of unusual things await you in our living room. When organizing it, we showed creativity and imagination to make it interesting for everyone. Sit back and listen to this story first.

On the screen are slide illustrations for the following narrative, which students voice out by role:

Beyond the mountains, beyond the forests, beyond the wide seas,
Not in heaven, but on earth there lived a king in one country.
The king's daughter, the red maiden, was completely miserable.
The Tsar Father convened a council: like the princess, white light,
Get rid of this disease, put you firmly on your feet?
And the answer was given to him: to go to the “Kingdom of a Thousand Years”,
In the neighborhood of a mountain washed by water called living water.

Immediately they gave a cry to the people: whoever goes on the road,
Will bring living water from the Kurdyumochka River,
He will certainly take the princess and half the kingdom as his wife!
Ivan heard this cry, thought about it, thought about it
And I decided to try my luck in about five minutes.
Ivan had a friend called the Little Humpbacked Horse.
- Hey, Little Humpbacked Horse, get ready to hit the road, my friend!
We will go to the capital city to get living water,
To heal the princess and receive half the kingdom.

He took a bottle for water, a loaf for food,
I dressed warmly and sat down on my skate.
I drove for a long time through the mountains, through valleys and forests.
Here is a horse climbing up a mountain along a slope -
On that mountain there is a city with blue domes,
Five-domed churches. I met the elder at the gate...
Our Ivan came down from his skate and bowed low to the Elder.
And he asked a question: where should I go to get living water?
And then the Elder answers: at the foot of the mountain that river flows.
Having said goodbye as best he could, Ivan sat down on his skate
And he immediately descended from the mountain and found himself at Kurdyumka.

Desolation reigned there... The view was sad all around:
Stunted plants died, and scrap metal rusted,
They came across untidy piles of rubbish everywhere,
Suspicious spots spread across the water.
- What, Ivanushka, are you not happy that you hung your head? -
The Horse tells him. - I doubt it, my friend.
Will it really heal the wounds, will it reward you with a long life?
This muddy water? Does it contain such resin?
But he did what he was told; he filled the bottle with water.
He whistled like a noble knight and set off on the return journey.

So, on the eighth day he comes home.
The king runs towards him from the porch, all worried and trembling.
And Ivan gets off his skate and answers with dignity:
- Here's some water for you that will heal the Tsar Maiden.
The daughter took the cup in her hands and brought it to her scarlet lips,
She just sipped a little and closed her eyes,
And she immediately fell unconscious onto the silk bedspreads.
Oh, what a fuss there was, because the advice didn’t come true!
Ivanushka was instantly captured and imprisoned.
Ivan started to grieve, but then the Elder showed up.

He went straight to the king and made a speech like this:
- You let Ivan go, and then forgive him.
He did not want to do evil; without him, trouble would come.
That river was completely littered and the water was poisoned.
But Ivan didn’t know about it, so he had nothing to do with it.
But you shouldn’t be sad, you can wake up the princess.
There is a remedy - the herb oregano, St. John's wort and lungwort,
Strawberries and blueberries, and calendula, lingonberries,
Celandine, wormwood, viburnum, fireweed, thyme, nettle.
Young boys know where to find these herbs.
And they will tell us a story about that now.

Teacher. From what the guys said, we can make the following

Instructions for collecting herbs.

Text of students' speech - Appendix 2

  • You need to collect only those plants that you know well and distinguish them from other, related species.
  • Collection of medicinal plants should be done only in good dry weather.
  • You cannot put several types of plants in one container at the same time.
  • Most medicinal plants cannot be dried in the sun, as this destroys some biologically active substances.
  • Collections must not be contaminated with mechanical impurities: earth, sand, etc., and non-medicinal parts of collected plants.
  • You should not fill baskets or bags tightly, since the raw materials self-heat and the active principles in the plant partially decompose; for the same reason, you should not leave the collected plants undecayed in bunches overnight.

(memo – handout for students)

The speakers take their places.

Teacher. Now let's finish our story.

The final slides are on the screen.

Here's a bouquet medicinal herbs our Ivan brought it to his face
Girls. ABOUT! The old man is right: his cheeks are steel rose colors,
The eyelids trembled, sighed, became more beautiful than she was,
Opening her eyes, she smiled: “I slept for so long!”

Teacher. This is the happy ending to our story. Yes, in fact, medicinal plants work wonders.

And there is a new guest in our phyto-living room!

Doctor Nekhvoraikin appears.

Doctor. Good health to everyone!

Doctor. The forest is like a fairy tale kingdom: medicines grow there all around.

In every weed, in every branch there is a mixture and pills.

Well, I can teach you what and how to treat.

Ask, I will answer all your questions.

1 student. Doctor, I have a bad appetite, what should I do?

Doctor. This riddle will help answer this question.

He is famous, golden,
He grew old and gray-haired.
And as soon as I turned gray,
He flew away with the wind.

Children guess and a dandelion appears on the screen.

Yes, that's right, it's a dandelion. The roots of this plant stimulate the appetite.

2 student. Doctor, I often get a sore throat. Are there any plants that will help me?

Golden mean
And the rays go around.
Could this be a painting?
Sun in the blue sky?

Children guess, and medicinal chamomile appears on the screen.

That's right, it's chamomile . And remember:

If you happen to catch a cold,
A cough will develop, a fever will rise,
Pull the steaming mug closer to you
Slightly bitter fragrant decoction.

And the already familiar calendula will also help you, which is good for gargling with a sore throat.

3 student. What plant will help with stomach disease?

Yarrow appears on the screen.

Doctor. Yarrow will help you.

Each leaf is divided into slices.
Calculate how many lobes there are?
10, 20 or thirty?..
It's easy to lose count here.
Who has the desire
Count the slices again?

4 student. What plant will help with abrasions and cuts?

Doctor. Of course, plantain!

A plantain appears on the screen.

The traveler's friend is the plantain,
A modest, inconspicuous leaf,
You're on a cut finger
Lay down like a damp patch.
Many of us are unaware
That a cure has been found
Right there, on the path, at your feet.

By the way, remember, friends, that plantain infusion is good for coughs.

And the series will soothe irritated skin.

On the screen there is an image of a sequence.

5 student. Doctor, if your heart hurts, how can you treat it?

A lily of the valley appears on the screen.

Doctor. Lily of the valley drops help with heart disease. You can also prepare a collection of lily of the valley, valerian, hawthorn...

I give you this book, from which you will learn many more useful things about medicinal plants. Well, I have to go. I was glad to meet you. (Leaves).

Magic music sounds. The Forest Fairy appears.

Forest Fairy.

I am the Forest Fairy, and my forest
Full of joyful miracles.

But he reveals his secrets, his beauty and healing power not to everyone, but to the most sensitive, kind, attentive people.

And, unfortunately, it often happens that after a group of vacationers we can’t come to our senses for a long time: cans, glass bottles, plastic bags are lying under ripening blueberries, a strawberry meadow has been trampled, St. John’s wort has been crushed, heaps of garbage where there was fresh medicinal moss sphagnum, which sometimes replaces cotton wool for people, the bark of trees was damaged, the anthill was burned...

Guys! Remember!

  • The paper you throw in the forest will last for 2 years.
  • Tin– 30 years!
  • Plastic bag– 200 years!
  • Glass – 1000 years!

And not a single medicinal plant will grow in this place! Therefore, let's behave carefully when visiting nature, and believe me, she will give you something to drink, and feed, and give you strength, and heal.

Let's follow the following rules. Let's try to formulate them together.

  • Do not break......... (branches of trees and bushes).
  • Do not damage........ (tree bark).
  • You can’t pick......... (flowers in nature) without doing anything.
  • You cannot trample......... (medicinal herbs).
  • You can’t knock down......... (mushrooms).
  • You can’t destroy........ (anthill, bird’s nests).

Teacher. Today, guys, we will get acquainted with the life credo worthy person respecting nature. A life credo is a person’s beliefs that he follows. Here it is:


  • I love the sky, stars, earth and sea;
  • I enjoy the sun, rain, snow and wind;
  • I don’t trample grass, I don’t pick flowers, I don’t scare birds, I don’t offend animals;
  • I know how to hear the voices of nature, I know how to communicate with nature, I worry about the state of nature on our Earth;
  • I accept the gifts of nature as the most precious, I value them and use them for the benefit of man;
  • To the best of my ability, I contribute to its increase;
  • I bear responsibility for the state of nature together with all humanity.

Let this become our life credo from now on, guys! Do you agree?

Reflection(what was successful during such a lesson, what problems were revealed, what new students learned, what they learned and where it will be useful to them).

Teacher. And now we invite everyone to taste the herbal tea we have prepared.

Guests are offered different infusions and given recipes for their preparation.


Tips for teachers:

* A lesson in the form of a phyto-lounge of the “Floriculture” association can be held jointly with associations of different directions, for example, “Book Lovers”. “Cooking”, “Acting”.

* The teacher should prepare in advance slides about the variety of medicinal products

plants, fairy-tale heroes, herbal teas according to recipes.

* Important: develop students’ abilities to independently search for information and public speaking.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):