Program content: expand your understanding of insects, consolidate the concept of the development cycle of butterflies, teach how to solve riddles

Introduce children to some shells (donax), show characteristics their shapes, colors, talk about the method of working with this natural material; to cultivate interest in working with new materials, to create a desire to make toys of the same quality as the sample.

Material: cover with background, donax shells, plasticine, vermicelli, photos of butterflies, boards, cards depicting the life cycle of butterflies, Bibabo Fixiki dolls, screen - workshop, audio recording “Butterfly Dance”, baby dragon toy, poster with a picture of nature.

Progress of the lesson.

Guys, when I was going to work today I saw a little dragon. He sat and cried pitifully. I brought him to our group because I couldn’t leave him alone. It turns out that his friends asked him riddles, but he couldn’t answer them.

Then I suggested that he ask you for the answer. You will surely guess these riddles.

In the morning it crawls

At noon, motionless

And in the evening it flies.

Moved by the flower

All four petals.

I wanted to rip it off -

He took off and flew away

It flutters and dances over the flower,

He waves a patterned fan.

Of course it's a butterfly!

Dino:“Oh, who is this butterfly?”

Children: A butterfly is an insect.

Hang pictures with butterflies.

Vos-l: It’s not for nothing that these insects are called “flying flowers” ​​- they are so beautiful. Painted in bright colors, these creatures flit from flower to flower, feeding on sweet nectar. Unlike other insects that sting and bite us, butterflies do not harm us, but only surprise and delight us with their quivering beauty. The life of a butterfly is full of wonderful transformations. Let’s go with you to a forest clearing and observe what happens to the butterfly...

How many of you can tell what happens to the butterfly?

A butterfly lays eggs. A caterpillar emerges from them. At first she is slender...then she begins to eat leaves intensively. It turns into a thick, huge...then wraps itself in a silk thread - turning into a doll. The threads stick together and form a dense cocoon. Then it bursts and a butterfly appears.

Raises: guys, let's take a closer look at what a butterfly has (torso, head, antennae, wings)

Do you want to be real butterflies? Then I will turn you into caterpillars. Lie down on the carpet...begin to wrap yourself in silk thread. Slowly the cocoon bursts. A butterfly is born. Her movements are careful and only when her wings become stronger does she begin to flutter over the flowers...

Dino: Oh, now I know how butterflies appear. I wish I could make friends with them.

Vos-l: Of course, now we’ll go to the window and be sure to make friends with some beautiful butterfly. Oh, I completely forgot. It's just the beginning of spring...and there are very few butterflies. How can we help the dinosaur?

Children: We can make them!

Vos-l: Let's go to the Fixies' workshop and come up with something together.

And in the workshop today there are only shells, plasticine, vermicelli.

How can we use them?

Let's turn to the Fixies for help. Oh, they've already taken care of everything (looking at the sample)

The body is made of plasticine, the wings are shells. Please note that the butterfly's wings are directed towards different sides. These shells are called donax, which translated from Greek means triangular shell. The color and size of the shell depends on the habitat and its nutrition.

You can also make the length of the antennae at your discretion.

Get started... (TO THE MUSIC “Dance of the Butterflies”)

Let's together make a gift for the dinosaur... A picture of butterflies. Now he will admire the butterflies and remember all of us...

DownloadTo download material or!

Abstract directly educational activities with kids senior group on this topic
« Enchanted butterflies»

Groups in kindergarten:
preparatory group
senior group

Educational area: artistic creativity.

Type of children's activity: productive activity.

Type of direct educational activity: integrated.

Age group: children of senior preschool age.

Program content:

Educational objectives:

Continue to strengthen the ability to make symmetrical parts of a toy according to a pattern;

Continue practicing cutting techniques along the contour;

Strengthen the ability to carefully glue workpieces.

Developmental tasks:

Develop the ability to independently notice and correct shortcomings in your work, complement the image, achieving greater expressiveness.

Educational tasks:

To instill in children a stable positive attitude towards work, perseverance, and diligence;

Cultivate accuracy, develop an eye;

Cultivate a willingness to clean up after yourself.

Vocabulary work: Explain to children the concept of “lonely.”

Methods and techniques according to the structure of the lesson:

Problem situation;


Operational map-scheme;

Instructions and explanations for getting started;

Physical education minute;

Individual instructions and explanations, reminders;

Analysis of children's works;

Praise, encouragement.

Previous work: looking at illustrations, photographs and postcards of butterflies; reading educational literature about insects; learning finger play.

Materials and equipment: scissors, pencils, glue, oilcloth, rag, white paper, butterfly body blank, clearing, sample, letter.

Individual work: help Angelina L. cut along the contour.


1. Komarova T. S. Classes on visual arts in the senior group kindergarten. Lesson notes. - M.: Mosaic-Sintez, 200S-2010.

2. “From birth to school” is an approximate basic general education program preschool education/ ed. N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. - Moscow: “MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS”, 2010. - 263 p.

Integration with educational areas:"Reading fiction"(section "Formation of interest and need for reading"). “Communication” (section “Development of components of oral speech, practical mastery of speech norms”).

Progress of the lesson

(Children with a teacher enter the hall and greet the guests).

Educator: Guys, I suggest you stand in a circle, hold hands and smile at each other. Tell me, what's your mood?

Children: Joyful, cheerful.

Educator: I'm very happy. I think you are ready for new discoveries. (Music sounds.) Please stand up more comfortably. Look at the screen. (Children approach the multimedia screen.) What do you see there?

Children: We see a forest clearing. But it is empty, there are very few flowers and herbs.

Educator: I want to tell you a story that happened in the forest, in a fairy-tale clearing, where many unusual things grew beautiful flowers, and butterflies lived. They flew over the flowers, watered them, drove away the midges, and the flowers treated them to flower juice. The butterflies loved their flowers so much that one day they decided to invite butterflies from another clearing to admire their beauty. When one butterfly flew away to invite them, the Serpent Gorynych suddenly appeared. He burned all the flowers, bewitched the remaining butterflies, and disappeared himself.

The butterfly returned, and instead of a beautiful clearing, only grass and a few flowers remained here and there. The butterfly cried bitterly, flies and does not know what to do without flowers and butterfly friends.

Educator: But that same butterfly flew to us! (takes the butterfly).

Butterfly:"Hello guys. My name is Amelia. I want to play with my friends, but they were bewitched by the evil Serpent Gorynych, and now I’m lonely. Please help me find friends."

Educator: Guys, how do you understand the word “lonely”?

Children: She is alone, she has no friends, she has no one to play with.

Educator: Do you think it's easy to be lonely? Why? (children's answers). Our Amelia dreams of friends. I want to help her, but I don’t think I can do it alone. Maybe you can help me?

Children: Yes, we also want to help her find friends.

Educator: Guys, how do you think we can help her?

Children: Disenchant the butterflies and free them from captivity.

Educator: Yes, well done, I see you have a lot of ideas.

Butterfly: I'm so glad you're willing to help me! So fly after me, I will take you to this clearing (they go to the forest). Here we are at the forest. Oh, the Serpent Gorynych bewitched the forest too...

Educator: Guys, there is some kind of message here! Let's see what is written there. Here the task is to cast a spell on butterflies turned into flowers (the wings of the butterflies lie on the flowers). And in order to disenchant them, I suggest Ksyusha recite a poem about flowers.

Ksyusha: Flowers, like people, are generous with goodness.

And, generously giving tenderness to people,

They bloom, warming hearts,

Like little warm fires...

Butterfly: Guys, look, my girlfriends are almost disenchanted, but not all of them, only parts of them... Guys, fly on, we need to disenchant the rest! I see a path, let’s follow it (they are walking). Wait, and here was the Serpent Gorynych... The road to the clearing is closed.

Educator: And again a hint! Now we will open the hint and take a look. Guys, it says here that the butterflies are entangled in a web. It is necessary to rescue them from there (the wings wrapped in threads are freed).

Butterfly: I'm so glad, my friends! Yes, but that's not all again... Let's move on! And here is our magical clearing!

Educator: She is completely naked, empty... and no clues (looks around). What should we do next? What should we do?

Butterfly: And I know what to do. We have parts of butterflies, and the rest can be drawn.

Educator: Right! How could we not have guessed it ourselves! We don't have much left to do - find a workshop with the necessary materials.

Butterfly: There is such a workshop, and it is located nearby. Let's fly! (go to the workshop).

Educator: Butterfly, you’re probably tired, sit and watch the guys make crafts.

Educator: Sit down at the tables. They sat down nicely, straight. Let's get to work. How many wings should we cut? (shows a sample)

Children: Four!

Educator: But we have two sheets, what should we do?

Children: Fold the paper in half, matching the opposite short sides. We trace the palm and cut it out.

Educator: Yes, right. Get started. Angelina, cut along the contour, rounding the fingers. Now we have all the details. Guys, watch how we will make butterflies.

Educator: There are diagrams in front of you, take them closer. Look at it. We are now starting to glue the palms and wings. First we glue the newly cut palms-wings. Glue them to the upper and lower parts of the body on the sides. How many of our palms did we have?

Children: Four!

Educator: That's right, we glue them first. Next we glue the upper large wings-palms, and the smaller ones below. But before we get to work, let's warm up our fingers:

Our scarlet flowers

Petals open

The breeze breathes a little,

The petals sway -

Our scarlet flowers

The petals close,

They shake their heads,

They fall asleep quietly.

Now get to work, see the sequence according to the diagram.

Butterfly: So the butterflies are ready. How beautiful they turned out! All of you guys are great, you worked diligently and carefully. For your help, we will give you sweet gifts - candies. Thank you! (Addresses the butterflies) Girlfriends, how glad I am to see you! Let's fly to our favorite clearing! (children take butterflies and put them in a clearing).

Lyudmila Negorodova
Lesson on manual labor in the preparatory group “Here is a spider - eight. Or paw? Or hands?

Tasks: 1Introduce the properties of foil.

2Teach children to make a model of insects, while doing a lot

number of operations.

3Cultivate friendly relationships in the process of work,

Positive attitude towards insects.

Materials, tools, equipment:

Food foil;

Colored candy foil;

Web model;

Video material;

Preliminary work :

The children looked at the model spider; observed behavior during the walk,

his work.

Preliminary work with parents:

The teacher posts a notice with a request to collect for classes beautiful

colored foil.

Progress of the lesson.

Children come into group room and sit on chairs in front of the TV.

Listen and guess the riddles.

Eight legs, How eight hands,

Embroider a circle with silk.

The master knows a lot about silk.

Buy silk, flies!


Children's answers

He cooks his nets like a fisherman,

But he never catches fish.


Children's answers.

Right spider, and who is - spider.

Children's answers. (insect). Are you afraid spiders?

Children's answers are listened to. I want to invite you to watch the photo shoot

O spiders. Spiders- these are useful animals that destroy harmful insects.

Poison of the majority spiders harmless to humans. Spiders are predators, they feed

other insects: flies, mosquitoes, bugs and butterflies, which are caught with

using the web.

People noticed that by their behavior spiders you can judge the weather. Before bad weather

spiders They do not spread nets to catch insects. And if he gets to work

over new networks or patches up flaws in the old web - wait for dry sunny

Let's look at what it consists of spider.

Children's answers. A spider consists of a body, head, legs.

Right. What do you think, what is "pair of legs". A pair of legs is two guys

Children's answers.

How much do you have spider legs?

Children's answers. Eight.

How many pairs of legs does he have?

Children's answers. Four pairs of legs.

How many pairs of legs do cats and dogs have?

Children's answers. Two pairs of legs.

What about people?

Children's answers. One pair is two legs.

Today we will do it with you spiders with your own hands from unusual material.

Please take a seat at your desks.

Do you know what this material is called?

Children's answers. Foil.

Foil is amazing stuff, suitable for any fantasies. More

In general, foil is similar to plasticine, but does not get dirty or deteriorate. She is very thin

easily torn and wrinkled. Therefore, you need to work with it very carefully.

First we do the legs. I take the foil in my hand, fold it in half and in half again,

I unfold it and cut along the fold lines.

Why do you think eight legs, and there are four stripes?

Children's answers.

One strip will become two legs. Roll each strip with your fingers

into the flagellum. To begin with, it is better to crush it slightly, and then roll it between the large and

index fingers. We crumple and compress the foil, but do not twist it. Further

I take a large strip of foil, fold it in half lengthwise, then in half again, and

Flagella - legs, I collect them together in the middle, wrap them with a strip of foil. stripe

I roll it up in the center, squeezing it as hard as possible so that the legs are firmly secured.

in the center. When half the strip remains free, you should stop.

a small rectangle of foil and fold it in half and pinch it in the middle,

and roll it between my fingers to make a bow. I put a bow on the second one

the end of the strip, and it also curls towards the body. After that I straighten

legs, our spider is ready.

Let's get to work.

Once again I remind you of the progress of work.

And now I suggest you remember what a house looks like spiders.

Children's answers.

House spiders are webs. In our group, in the corner of wildlife there is also

such a house. There they will live all winter, and in the wild the spiders take

into the cracks of the bark, crevices of old stumps and fall asleep until spring. I offer it to everyone

put in our house.

Scenario multimedia development GCD

Teacher of Nefteyugansk district municipal

Preschool budgetary institution

"Development Center child - children's garden "Smile" Salym village

Usoltseva Olga Petrovna

GCD theme: "Insects"

Type of direct educational activity- integrated

activity (cognitive, productive, play)

Integrated areas- “Artistic creativity” + “Cognition” +


Chapter: Construction

Form of activity- productive, joint activities of an adult and


Location- game room

Target : Making insects using quilling method


  • Improve children's ability to create crafts using the quilling technique.
  • Practice performing basic forms: “drop”, “eye”, “tight spiral”, “loose spiral”.
  • Strengthen the ability to use transaction cards.
  • Strengthen children's knowledge about insects, their distinctive features, structure, benefits
  • Cultivate a kind attitude towards our little neighbors around the planet

Methods and techniques:

  • Visual: slide presentation, demonstration and individual operational cards, panel "Glade"
  • Verbal: conversation, guessing riddles, clarifying techniques,


  • Game: exercise “Cross steps”, physical exercise “Centipede”, relaxation exercise “Butterfly fluttering”
  • Practical: making insects from paper strips

Equipment and inventory:

  • Multimedia presentation "Insects",
  • multimedia board,
  • letter,
  • demonstration and individual operational cards,
  • musical accompaniment,
  • blanks of paper strips,
  • quilling tools,
  • glue,
  • napkins,
  • brushes,
  • silhouettes of butterflies, dragonflies, ants, bees, ladybugs,
  • partially made quilling forms,
  • panel "Polyanka"

Preliminary work:

  • looking at albums about insects,
  • conversations about the life of insects.

Predicted results:

Know: technology for making insects using the quilling method

Have: an idea of ​​insects, their varieties, structure, benefits.

Be able to: make insects using the quilling technique

Introductory part 4 minutes

Organizing time:

The teacher reports that today they are going to visit the little inhabitants of the forest clearing - insects.

He offers to prepare for the trip, conducts the exercise “Cross Steps” “We went out to the forest clearing, raising our legs higher, Through the bushes and hummocks, through the branches of the stump. Who walked so deftly without tripping or falling?”

Main part 20 minutes

Arriving at the clearing, he notices that there is no one there, not a single insect. There’s just a letter lying there, wondering who it’s from? Offers to read.

Reads a letter from insects:

“Dear guys, we are in trouble, an evil spider has bewitched us, please help us!”

Reports that a problem has happened to six-legged babies, asks whether the children are ready to help them in difficult times?

But to help the six-legged babies, they too must turn into insects. He asks you to close your eyes and repeat the magic words:

One, two, three, turn into insects.

Now you and I have turned into insects. And here is the first task from the spider: “You need to solve riddles and find pictures - answers.”

She is bright, beautiful,

Graceful, light-winged.

She looks like a flower

And loves to drink flower juice.


She has four wings

The body is thin, like an arrow.

And big, big eyes

They call it...(dragonfly).

Drinks the juice of fragrant flowers,

Gives us both wax and honey.

She's nice to everyone

And her name is... (bee).

She is dearer than all the bugs,

The back is scarlet.

And there are circles on it

Little black dots.


He is a real worker

Very, very hard working.

Under a pine tree in a dense forest

He builds a house from needles.


He asks how you can call in one word those who are depicted in the pictures?

What is the main characteristic of all insects? (All insects have 6 legs.)

Asks to name insects that are classified as predatory (dragonfly, ladybug).

Clarifies why they are called predators? (Because they hunt other insects.

Asks to name beneficial insects.

(butterfly, bee, ant.).

Clarifies the benefits of beneficial insects

(Bees pollinate flowers, give us honey and wax. Ants carry the seeds of many plants throughout the forest. Butterflies pollinate flowers.)

He suggests looking carefully at the pictures and saying what forms of quilling we need to make insects.


wing - 4 stripes different color in the form of a “drop” or “eye”,

body - twist 6-8 strips into a “spiral”,

head - 1 "tight spiral"

eyes - 2 “spirals” or “drops”

laid out on the workpiece and glued.


Wing - twist 4 strips of different colors in the shape of a “drop”;

Body - 1 stripe in the shape of an “eye”

spread on the workpiece, glue the antennae.


stick alternately on the yellow body, black stripes

head - 2 strips of any color twisted into a “slice” shape,

eyes - 0.5 strips twisted in the shape of “slices”,

wings - 3 strips twisted in the shape of an “eye”


head - twist 3 black strips in the shape of a “slice”

body - 4 strips of red color twisted in the shape of “slices” and unraveled,

insert 3 black “spirals” between them

lay out on the workpiece, glue the paws and antennae.


body - 3 “spirals” of black color, different in size

lay out on the workpiece, glue the paws and antennae.

Offers a little rest and a walk

Physical exercise “Centipede”

He says that in order to revive insects, you need to make them

(children independently select colored stripes for work)

Children twist various shapes quilling

Apply and glue to the base, decorate the craft.

Final part 6 minutes

He reports that the journey has come to an end, praises the children for helping the insects and freeing the evil spider from the spell. He suggests taking insects and placing them in a flower meadow.

(Children take their crafts and place them in the clearing)

He invites you to admire how beautiful the clearing has become. asks questions about appearance crafts, about design methods. What happened? What didn't work? What were the difficulties?

Let ants and beetles crawl on the ground, let butterflies and dragonflies fly, and let the world we live in always remain blue and green!

He informs them that it is time for them to return to kindergarten. But first we need to turn into children again. He asks you to close your eyes and repeat:

One, two, three, turn around and turn into children!

Does he like being an insect?

And if there was such an opportunity to turn into insects again, who would they want to turn into and why?

Relaxation. "The Flutter of a Butterfly"

He says that they traveled a lot today, they are tired and suggests they rest.

Invites you to lie down on the rug, close your eyes and remember how they were insects.

"Imagine a beautiful summer day. You are lying on a green meadow. Everything around is calm and quiet. You are warm and comfortable, you breathe easily and calmly. Imagine that you are light butterflies with large and beautiful wings. Your hands are light, light - these are the wings of a butterfly. And your body also became light, light, flapped its wings and flew. With each inhalation and exhalation, you soar higher and higher in the air. A light breeze gently strokes your wings... (pause - stroking the children). , gently touches... (name). You feel good and pleased. But now it’s time to return home. Stretch and, on the count of three, open your eyes.”

  • Loginova I.V. Babaeva T. I. Program “Childhood” Childhood - Press, 2003.
  • Helen Walter. “Patterns from paper ribbons.” From: “Nicole – press” 2008
  • D. Ciotti. “ Original crafts from paper". From "Mir" 2008
  • A. Bystritskaya. “Paper filigree” From: “Iris – press” 2011

Summary of an integrated (familiarization with the environment, ecology, speech development, design) classes in the senior group.

Topic: “In the land of insects.”

Purpose of the lesson:

Expand children's knowledge about insects (diversity, features, nutrition, movement, benefits); introduce the peculiarities of life of natural bees and bees that are cared for by humans; teach children to purposefully join new material to existing knowledge.

Develop phrasal speech phonemic awareness; continue to teach children to give reasoned answers to questions.

Develop critical thinking, activate children's cognitive abilities.

Strengthen the skills and abilities of paper design.

Cultivate curiosity and interest in living nature.

Vocabulary work: beehive, nectar, pollination, honeycomb, apiary, beekeeper, smoker.

Bilingual component: ara - bee, kobelek - butterfly, saratan konyz - chafer, gulder - flowers.

Equipment: a flowering meadow (flowers made of paper), pictures of insects, beehives, honeycombs, honey, clothes for a beekeeper, “insect” costumes for children, a disk with recordings of the sounds of bees, a mosquito, a beetle, blanks for making a “bee,” material for paper design.

Preliminary work. Learning poems about insects.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator. Have you guys noticed that our group room has become somehow unusual: on the walls, tables you see pictures of insects, it is decorated and beautiful flowers. The room has turned into a flowering meadow, and you have turned into “insects”. Children, we are in the land of insects.

Let's take a walk

Hello, let's say, to every flower.

I have to bend over the flowers

Not for tearing or cutting.

And to see their kind faces

And show them a kind face.

Let's bend down and smile at the flowers. In the land of insects there is a mistress. Guess who she is?


I've been buzzing since morning

I wake up flowers

And I carry honey.

That's right, kids, it's a bee. Try to find her. Where do you think she might be? Children's answers (on flowers, plants, meadow grass). A bee flies into the group room and its song sounds (zh-zh-zh-zh).

Maya the Bee.(the role is played by the teacher) Hello, children. My name is Maya the bee. I want to invite you to the land of insects, where we will travel together. Fly with me...

Conversation on the topic: “What do you know about insects?”

Maya the Bee(addressing the children). I want to ask you next questions:

What insects do you know? The children name them, and I arrange them around the flower (they call them in Kazakh).

How are all insects alike? Children's answers: there is a head, chest, abdomen, eyes on the head (for some they occupy most of the head), antennae, wings, thanks to which they fly. Insects have six legs (counting in Kazakh). I complement the children's answers.

D/i “Name the insect affectionately.” Mosquito - mosquito. Beetle - bug. Dragonfly - dragonfly, dragonfly. Butterfly - butterfly. Bee - bee, little bee.

D/i “Who lives where?”

Bee (in the hive), beetles (in the bark of trees), butterflies (in flowers), grasshoppers (in the grass).

Maya the Bee. I'm a natural bee, guys. I work from early morning until late evening, getting nectar myself, preparing for the winter. Would you like me to show you my house? Fly with me... Look what interesting tree. There is a large hollow in the trunk. Whose house do you think this is? (proteins). And next to my house, there’s this small hollow.

P./i "The Bear and the Bees".

Maya the Bee. Guys, do you know which wild animal really loves honey? That's right, bear. Forest bees no one makes hive houses, so they are located in hollow trees. Here we will have a hollow. The bear wants to take honey from the hollow, but the wild forest bees do not let him in, they drive him away, buzzing: “w-w-w-w-w” (children repeat). Let's choose a bear with a counting rhyme: “One, two, three, you will be the bear.” (I put on my bear hat). The bear moves aside.

Maya the Bee: The bees flew to collect nectar and pollen from the flowers. (Children - bees run, waving their arms, squatting) Here comes the bear, (A bear child comes out with a bear gait and heads to the hollow) He will take the honey from the hollow. The bees go home! (Children-bees run up to the hollow) Words of the children-bees: This hollow is our house, Leave the bear from us: “w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w !” (The bee children flap their wings and drive the bear away.)

Children, hear, someone is flying into our clearing. The beetle flies, spreading its wings (the “song” of the May beetle sounds).

Chafer.(the role is played by a child) I am a cheerful cockchafer. I know all the gardens around. I circle over the lawns, And my name is Zhu-zhu. Why do they call me Zhu-zhu, Because I zhu-zhu.

Maya the Bee. May beetles are large. They live in trees. May beetles dangerous pests, they feed on tree leaves. Their larvae, which live in the soil and feed on plant roots, cause particular harm. U May beetles There are enemies in nature: the bats and owls catch them, and crows, starlings and rooks destroy the larvae in the soil. Foxes, bears, hedgehogs help the forests in the fight against pests - all of them are not averse to eating fatty larvae and beetles.

Guys, guess the riddle. “You can’t see it yourself, but you can hear the song.” A mosquito is flying (the “mosquito song” sounds: z-z-z-z-z-z-z)

Komarik(the role is played by a child) I am a mosquito, I am a prankster. I deftly saved Tsokotukha. I flew to you for a holiday, But I will not bite you.

Maya the Bee. The mosquito has a thin body, weak legs and two abdomens. On the head of the mosquito there is a proboscis, with which it pierces the body of the victim and sucks blood, as well as a pair of small antennae. The mosquito has ears that are located in the antennae. Mosquitoes are harmful insects because they spread dangerous diseases. Frogs and toads help defeat bloodthirsty insects; dragonflies and birds feed on mosquitoes.

Guys, look carefully at the meadow. What insect do people refer to as “fluttering flower?” (butterfly). In the world great amount butterflies. They are bright, beautiful, and are an adornment of nature. There are butterflies different sizes. I want to introduce you to the smallest butterfly. Her name is Lelya. She lives here in a meadow surrounded by flowers. Let's look for her.

Butterfly(the role is played by a child)

Men ademikobelekpin

On aytamyn, ushamyn

S_zderdi kopten kormedіm

Barshanyzdy zhaksy koremin.

Mayan bee. Butterflies, flying from flower to flower, collect nectar and pollinate plants. Lyolya is so small, but she loves to work. Small butterflies are called moths. Butterflies have enemies - birds and spiders. A ladybug flies into the meadow.

Ladybug(the role is played by a child) I can fly deftly. A motley ladybug. The wings are red with dots. As if in black circles.

Paya the Bee. Look how beautiful this insect is. The ladybug has an oval body, a bright red back, decorated with black dots. The ladybug crawls and flies, even over long distances. She has small wings, and under them there are hard brown translucent wings. The coloring of the ladybug is warning. Birds know that insects with this color are inedible. Ladybugs are called orderlies. They save gardens from aphids and small harmful insects.

Children sing the song "Ladybug".

Guys, what do you think is the most hardworking insect? (bee). The bee works from early morning until late evening. Do you like to work? Now let's each of you make one bee.

Paper construction "Bee".

Children draw stripes with a marker on the belly of a “bee” cut out of cardboard, and glue on the wings (I distribute bee blanks to children with a thread).

Breathing exercise“Send the bee to fly for nectar.” Children hold the bee by the string and blow on it. I use words to correct the force with which the children blow.

So the bee timidly flew out of the hive. She saw the flowers and hurried to them. The bee collected a lot of honey and leisurely flies home. How quickly it gets dark, hurry to the hive, little bee!

And now, guys, hold your bees and fly after me. I want to show you one thing interesting place in the meadow. “Insects” fly to the apiary and get acquainted with the beekeeper.

Warm-up “Hardworking Bee”.

The bee works all day (draw a circle in front of you with your hands)

And she is not too lazy to work. (shaking her index finger as a sign of denial)

Flies from flower to flower (rhythmic waves of arms)

Glues pollen to the abdomen (circular movements of the palm on the abdomen)

The proboscis sucks nectar (stretch your arm forward, then down, bend over)

He will collect a lot in a day (open all your fingers in front of you)

It will carry the nectar to the hive (depict flight)

And it will come back like a bullet. (sharply throw your hand with your index finger extended forward)

The honey is compacted in the honeycombs (stomping feet)

Difficult times will come. (shiver)

The bees will have something to eat (imitation of moving a spoon)

We have to try really hard. (imitation of putting honey into honeycombs)

A beekeeper's story about bees and his work.

Guys, now we will talk about the inhabitants of the apiary. What is an apiary? In the old days, an apiary was called a “bee house.” An apiary is a place where bee houses hives. And I am a person who takes care of bees in an apiary, and they call me a beekeeper. Repeat these words “apiary” and “beekeeper” and remember them. Look at the hives of different colors in my apiary. Which one? Each bee knows its home. Today I will tell you about bees. Do you think this is a bee? beneficial insect? (yes) Although they sting painfully, we are satisfied with their work. Bees live big family. They collect pollen from flowers in special bags that are located in their legs. She flew to the apiary, drank some water and sat down to rest, then flew into the hive through the circle. There are frames inside the hive. (show). There are many cells here. Bees fill the cells with honey. This frame is half filled with honey. I want to show you this item, it’s called a smoker. I put dry twigs into the smoker, set it on fire and fumigate the hive. The smoke scares the bees and they crawl out. Only then do I take frames full of honey out of the hives and carry them into a special tin apparatus. The machine rotates the frame, the liquid honey cannot be contained, splashes from the honeycomb onto the walls of the tank and then flows into a wooden tub. The air around is filled with a honey aroma. Children, do you like honey? That's right, because it is very useful. Now I will treat you to honey. (The children thank the beekeeper and say goodbye to him.)

Maya the Bee (addressing the children) Our journey has come to an end. Did you like it? What did you especially like? (children's answers) Well done, children, you talked about insects, played, did physical exercise, recited poems, sang a song. I was interested in you. And now it’s time to fly to beautiful meadows, full of flowers, to collect honey, tasty and beneficial for human health, together with your bees - sisters. There are also many flowers on the territory of the kindergarten. And among them you can see bees collecting honey. Don't pick flowers, don't disturb the bees, save amazing beauty nature! Goodbye guys, see you again!

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):