Dear friends, welcome to the website Home Family and Me. Tell me, have you ever heard of such indoor flower sorrel? No. Then I’ll introduce you today, show him a photo, tell you what kind of care he should take in order for him to grow and bloom. all year round, and also touch on the topic of its propagation and you will understand how unpretentious this plant is.

This plant has been living in my house for more than ten years, I love it very much for its beauty and unusualness. I especially like that he himself will always tell you when he doesn’t like something, which is why he is so easy to care for. In general, let's get acquainted.

Indoor flower oxalis. Photos, names and signs

What kind of flower is this?

In my life I have never met a plant that had so many names: family happiness, hare cabbage, Good morning, butterfly, triangular oxalis, flower of love, lucky clover. What kind of plant is this and why does it have so many names?

Let's start with the name "Butterfly". Its leaf really resembles this winged beauty, hence, apparently, the association. Why is wood sorrel triangular, and because each of its petals resembles a triangle, “ Good morning"The plant is called for its rare feature: in the evening it folds its leaves, and in the morning, upon waking up, it opens them. By the way, in nature, “Lucky Clover” closes in bad weather.

It is also notable for the fact that it blooms at home almost all year round without interruption. True, flowers lose in their beauty to leaves, but they complement them with their contrast.

Surprisingly, “Hare Cabbage” can grow not only at home, but also in the garden. Even the wild nature suits her quite well, because the homeland of “Family Happiness” is Brazil and Mexico, although some species are found in Europe and Africa. Yes, and in our forests you can also find wood sorrel.

Why does the plant have such a strange name - sorrel, what does it mean? The fact is that the leaves of the flower contain a large amount of vitamin C and oxalic acid, so they taste sour, hence the name. In general, its scientific name is Oxalis, which means hot or sour.

Oxalis. Is it possible to keep a flower at home?

It is traditional to endow all plants magical power both good and bad. Therefore, I hasten to answer the question: “Is it possible to keep an oxalis flower at home?”

The energy of oxalis is considered positive and very useful for the home - this plant is a talisman. It brings good luck to the house, success in business, love, happiness and prosperity in the family, it’s not for nothing that it is called the flower of love and family happiness. If you have problems in personal life, then bring it into the house and everything will work out.

In addition, sorrel is used for food and for treatment. It is used to treat wounds, ulcers and hypertension. Due to the large amount of vitamin C, this plant is used to improve immunity, as a choleretic and diuretic. However, the oxalis flower is poisonous, and therefore is considered dangerous to human health if consumed in large quantities. In small doses it is harmless. At one time my kitten tried to gnaw it, nothing, it still runs around.

What does an oxalis flower look like?

The plant has more than 800 varieties, but I will show you the most popular of them. This is what oxalis looks like.

Trifoliate violet

Four Leaf Deppe





Oxalis flower care at home

At home, oxalis is completely easy to care for. Not only is the plant not picky, but it will also tell you how to create it comfortable conditions, and in order for you to fully understand this issue, I will tell you in detail how to care for it, propagate, protect and cherish it.

What does sorrel like?


Many people write that oxalis is a shade-loving plant, and in some places it is so, but my many years of experience shows that the flower loves light, but does not tolerate direct sun rays. Best place for him an east or west window. With a lack of lighting, the leaves begin to acquire green tint.

If the wood sorrel is exposed to bright sun, it will first fold its leaves and then may droop.

Therefore, always pay attention to the leaves, if they are all well open, if the plant closes them in broad daylight, then something is wrong, look for the reason.


“Butterfly” tolerates overwatering more easily than drying out soil. As soon as the soil dries, the plant will fold its leaves, begging you for water, and then begin to wither. But you shouldn’t get carried away with excessive watering either, everything should be in moderation. Don’t forget about feeding, twice a month complex fertilizer will be quite enough.


Removing flowers and leaves

Oxalis always blooms profusely, but each flower does not last long, so quite often you can see an unattractive picture of hanging dead flowers and leaves. They need to be removed promptly.

Winter care

It is believed that the dormant period for indoor sorrel is December-February. However, over all the years I have not noticed any shedding of leaves; at most, the plant did not bloom during this period. I did not reduce watering, reduced fertilizing and moved the pot to sunny side, our winters are usually cloudy, so I did this to avoid green on the leaves.

Purple sorrel. Diseases

Like any plant, sorrel is also susceptible to attack by various insects - aphids, whiteflies, spider mite, mealybug, scale insect. You need to make sure that this brethren does not appear on the flower and, if necessary, treat with Aktara or Actellik.

Diseases also do not bypass him. The cause is most often improper care.

  • The plant has stopped growing - he may be hot, move him to a cool room.
  • Appeared gray rot or fusarium - the cause is excessive watering, reduce it and spray the plant with foundationazole.
  • The leaves closed in broad daylight - dry soil or exposed to direct sunlight. You need to water the bush and move the pot to another place.
  • The oxalis flower disappears - perhaps there is overflow and rotting. Empty the plant from the pot, select undamaged tubers and plant them in new soil.
  • Spots on leaves- most likely these are burns. Move the oxalis to another location.
  • A green tint has appeared on the leaves - lack of light, find a more illuminated window sill for the flowerpot, but not in the sun.
  • Oxalis stopped blooming- either a dormant period has begun or the soil is completely depleted. In the first case, we do nothing, just let the plant rest, in the second case, we need to transplant it into a new one. nutritious soil. But a third option is also possible - too much nutrition, then the leaves become fatty and there will be no color.

Home flower oxalis. Reproduction

How does it reproduce

There is a lot written on the Internet about how this home plant reproduces. There are many options - nodules, cuttings, and seeds. I have never tried the latter methods, but using tubers is easy.

And you can try to propagate the flower by cuttings, this is done as usual. We put the cuttings in water, and after the first roots appear, transplant them into soil or sand, where further rooting will take place.

Each tuber may have one or two leaves, but don’t worry if they broke off or the tuber was left without small roots. Plant it in the ground, it will definitely take root, sprout leaves and flowers, and new nodules will grow around it very quickly.

How to replant

When transplanting oxalis, it is better to plant it out, since it grows quite quickly. You can place five or ten nodules in one pot, maintaining a distance of up to 10 cm between them, although sometimes I place them thicker. You don’t need to pour a lot of soil on top, just a little bit, about 0.5-1 cm.

When to replant

As for anyone house plant best time transplants are in the spring, and when asked how often this should be done, I will say that once every two to three years. Although you will see for yourself when the oxalis needs a transplant. Instead of a beautiful lush bush, there will be sparse single leaves, flowering will stop, it’s clear to the naked eye that the flower is not feeling well.

In which pot to plant the oxalis flower?

Let's start with what pot to plant the oxalis flower in. It should not be very deep, since the plant’s root system is weak and goes shallow into the ground, but on the other hand, the pot should be chosen at such a height that the hanging leaves do not lie on the windowsill.

Oxalis looks very beautiful not only in round pots, but also in long rectangular or oval ones. Several nodules are planted in them in one row. After the bushes grow, the view is simply mesmerizing.

What soil to use

For the umpteenth time I say that the plant is not capricious, therefore soil will do and universal, the main thing is that it is not too nutritious, otherwise there will be a lot of leaves and no flowers. Be sure to make a drainage layer of expanded clay.

This is what an indoor flower, oxalis, is like. The photo showed you what kind of care he needs and told you about reproduction too. I wish you good luck with this wonderful plant, may he please you with his beautiful view and flowering.

I wish everyone happiness, Natalia Murga

The modern range of indoor crops is quite diverse and rich. For amateur gardeners, the temptation to collect this or that group of plants is very great! But among indoor flowers There is a conditional group of species that are rarely grown, and usually only one or two species are the so-called fun plants. Among them, I especially want to note those plants that can move, that is, fold their leaves in one way or another.

We are used to plants being motionless. At least that's what we think. Although plants are constantly moving: they grow, increase in height, turn towards the sun, open their buds... They just do it so slowly that the human eye does not notice it.

But individual plants are able to quickly move leaves for several minutes and even seconds, and some instantly!

The mechanism of folding leaves and the reasons for their folding are very diverse, and have always deserved special attention. It is very interesting to observe such plants!

There are plants that fold their leaves at night. For example, Maranta raises its leaves at night or in low light. These are Maranta whiteveined, M. tricolor, M. massanja and others.

With sufficient lighting, its leaves take on horizontal position and reveal all the beauty of their unusual coloring (photo 3).

For this feature, Maranta received its second name “prayer plant”. As they rise, the leaves come closer to each other, like the palms of a person during prayer.

In the evening you come home from work arrowroot with open leaves, and while you’re away in the kitchen, you look, the flower is already “praying” before going to bed (photo 5).

Arrowroots are often grown in apartments; they are easy to propagate by division, and they pass from hand to hand. Caring for them is not very difficult. They need a loose nutrient substrate, as well as quite high humidity air. At low humidity, the tips of the leaves dry out. In this case, the flower is placed on a tray with water and expanded clay.

According to Wikipedia, the Venus flytrap closes its leaf valves in 100 milliseconds!

Plants from the genus Oxalis are also frequent guests on windowsills. All of them have trifoliate leaves, and some are even pinnate. These plants also know how to move. In the evening, in cloudy weather or when mechanical irritation occurs, their flowers slowly close and the leaves fold and droop.

Triangular oxalis is one of the most beautiful and desirable plants in the home collection. She's purple and pretty large leaves on long petioles. For this reason, the wood sorrel was nicknamed “a flock of butterflies” (photo 6). The triangular lobes of the leaf are indeed like the wings of a butterfly. In the evening these are “butterflies” with folded wings (photo 7), and during the day with spread wings, fluttering over the pot.

Oxalis reproduce by seeds or underground nodules. Before dividing, it is advisable to reduce watering and then stop completely. After drying for 11.5 months, the nodules are removed from the pot, shaken off the soil, disassembled and planted several at a time. new pot, in good, nutritious soil.

Oxalis grows well on ordinary windowsills. Loves high humidity and regular watering. If the root ball accidentally dries out, it goes back into a dormant state, but quickly wakes up if watering is resumed.

With all the ability of these flowers to move, they will never catch up with plants like Mimosa pudica and Venus flytrap in the speed of movement! Both Arrowroot and Oxalis fold their leaves quite slowly: both with mechanical stimulation and in the evening as the light decreases, this is actually imperceptible to the eye.

But the shy Mimosa (Mimosa pudica) quickly closes its leaves. She folds them along the central vein and also lowers the branches down, parallel to the trunk, at the slightest touch to them, with a gust of wind or during rain. She does it almost instantly! The leaves also fold at night, although not so quickly (photo 8, 9).

The plant acquired this mechanism to protect tender leaves from being eaten by animals and from being torn off by strong winds.

Animals see the delicate greenery of mimosa leaves and dream of eating them, but at the first touch the leaves instantly fold, and juicy greens“disappears” somewhere. Having lost interest in the “bare” bushes, the animals leave.

In bad weather, the leaf folding effect is also very useful. The windage of the leaves becomes smaller, and they are not blown off by the wind.

It is not difficult to grow Mimosa pudica from seeds, which are often sold in garden centers. They need to be sown in February, and after sprouting, plant them in separate pots in nutritious soil.

In hot weather, the pot with the plant should be placed on a tray of water to increase air humidity. It is better not to spray, as this leads to mechanical irritation and folding of the leaves, and this should be avoided and not disturb the plant again!

Another representative of mobile plants is Dionea, or Venus Flytrap. In the previous issue of the magazine there was material about predator plants, including Dionea.

This is truly a ruthless predator! Its deadly leaves instantly slam shut if an insect gets there in search of sweet juice. The trap then releases digestive enzymes and digests the insect. This “nutrient broth” is then absorbed by the leaf. In this way, Dionea replenishes the supply of nutrients that it lacks due to growing in very poor soils.

Planting and caring for oxalis (in brief)

  • Bloom: from late May or early June until winter.
  • Lighting: bright diffused light.
  • Temperature: during the growing season – 20-25 ˚C, during the dormant period – 12-18 ˚C.
  • Watering: abundant in summer, moderate to scanty in autumn and winter.
  • Humidity: common for residential premises, but in extreme heat it is advisable to spray the plant from time to time.
  • Feeding: during the period active growth once every 2-3 weeks complex mineral fertilizers at half the dosage indicated in the instructions.
  • Rest period: one to one and a half months after flowering.
  • Transfer: young plants are replanted annually, adults - once every 2-3 years.
  • Reproduction: daughter bulbs or nodules, less often – seeds.
  • Pests: scale insects, aphids, spider mites.
  • Diseases: gray rot, fusarium.
  • Properties: A medicinal plant with a high content of vitamin C in its leaves.

Read more about growing sorrel below.

Oxalis flower - description

Oxalis are represented by many species, including annual, perennial, tuberous and bulbous plants. Oxalis leaves are palmate or trifoliate, petiolate, with a complex bend, folding in the evening and opening in the morning. Leaves also react to too bright light and mechanical irritation. The color of the leaves, depending on the type of sorrel, can be green, purple or burgundy. Oxalis flowers are medium-sized, regular, the color of the petals can be white, pink, lilac or yellow. The flowers, like the leaves of the plant, close at night or before bad weather. Oxalis seeds ripen in a shell that easily explodes when touched when the seeds are ripe. Oxalis at home is most often represented by two types - four-leaf sorrel and triangular sorrel. Indoor oxalis is a popular Christmas tree gift in Europe, since there is a sign that the plant brings happiness and prosperity to the house if it settles in it the day before the New Year.

Caring for oxalis at home

How to care for sorrel.

The indoor flower oxalis has the same requirements for growing conditions as its wild relative. She needs intense but diffused light with shading from the direct rays of the sun. Temperature in summer time homemade sorrel prefers temperatures within 20-25 ºC, which, however, is quite natural for this time of year. In winter, it is advisable to lower the temperature slightly - to 12-18 ºC, otherwise the plant will not bloom. Watering in the summer should be plentiful, but water should not stagnate in the roots. With the onset of autumn, watering is reduced, and in winter, moistening the soil in a pot with sorrel should be symbolic, so that the soil is barely moist. The houseplant oxalis does not need to spray the leaves, although if the house is too hot and stuffy, you can spray the plant boiled water. IN winter time Spraying sorrel is contraindicated.

Some species of wood sorrel rest in winter. The rest period lasts a month and a half. If you notice that the plant begins to lose leaves after flowering, reduce watering and move the flower to a cool place where it will rest. Sometimes the leaves from the sorrel tree do not fall, it simply stops growing, as if frozen - this is a sign that it is time to move it to " winter apartment"to restore strength. At this time, watering should be minimal. But as soon as you discover that the plant has begun to appear new shoots, transplant it into fresh substrate, return it to its usual place, and resume watering and fertilizing.

Oxalis fertilizer.

Caring for homemade sorrel requires timely feeding of the plant with complex mineral fertilizers. They are applied during the period of active growth and flowering every 2-3 weeks, and the concentration of the solution should be half that recommended by the manufacturer.

Oxalis transplantation.

Care room sorrel requires annual replanting of young plants; adult plants are replanted once every two to three years. If you don't know how to replant sorrel, start by choosing a pot. A pot for oxalis needs to be wide so that you can plant several tubers or bulbs in one container - this way you will get a luxurious flowering bush. A drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the pot so that excess water does not stagnate in the roots of the plant. Any soil is suitable for wood sorrel - buy a universal soil in the store or make a soil mixture yourself from leaf, turf, peat soil and sand in equal parts. Please note that if the soil is too nutritious, the plant will have many leaves and few flowers. Planting sorrel in a new pot is done with great care, together with a lump of earth, if you do not intend to start propagating it this time.

Pests and diseases of wood sorrel.

If you are too zealous with watering and did not bother to place a layer of drainage under the soil, the plant may be affected by gray rot or fusarium. Both diseases in the initial stage can be successfully treated with foundationazole.

House sorrel - reproduction

Growing sorrel from seeds.

IN natural conditions Oxalis reproduce by seeds. TO seed method Oxalis propagation at home is rarely used, since there are more reliable methods of propagation - vegetative. But if it is important for you to grow wood sorrel from seeds, then we wish you success and offer a list of conditions and measures for successful generative propagation of wood sorrel:

  • – composition of the mixture for sowing: four parts each of leaf humus and peat and one part sand;
  • – oxalis seeds early spring scattered over the surface of the soil without covering it, after sowing the container is covered with glass, since germination requires one hundred percent humidity;
  • – for seed germination you also need diffused light, a temperature of 16-18 ºC and constantly moist soil – watering the crops is carried out from a spray bottle;
  • – daily ventilation of crops is necessary.

If all these conditions are met, seedlings, depending on the freshness of the seeds, will appear a week to a month after sowing.

Vegetative methods of propagation of sorrel.

The easiest way is with annual spring transplant Oxalis, separate the daughter bulbs or nodules that have formed around the tap root and plant several of them in one pot, sprinkled with a small amount of soil, placing the container in a cool, shaded place and occasionally moistening the soil. When shoots appear, move the pot closer to the light, and after a month and a half young plant will turn into a lush blooming bush.

After a period of rest, as soon as the first one appears new leaf, the tuber is removed from the ground, cleaned of soil, washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, cut into pieces, and the sections are treated with crushed charcoal and plant the divisions in separate pots. Pots with planted parts of the tuber are placed under diffused light, watered after drying earthen coma and feed twice a month, starting from the second week after planting.

Properties of sorrel

For a long time, oxalis was considered medicinal plant. The above-ground part of the plant was used to treat scurvy, to treat ulcers and wounds, as an antidote for arsenic or mercury poisoning. Traditional medicine has successfully used the anthelmintic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and wound-healing properties of the plant.

Due to the high content of vitamin C in sour leaves, its consumption helped cope with colds and strengthened the immune system. Oxalis is also in demand in cooking: tasty and healthy tea, added to cabbage soup, green borscht or kvass.

Types of oxalis

Triangular sour (Oxalis triangularis),

or purple sorrel, most often grown in other species indoor culture, is low tuberous plant with dark purple spotted trilobed leaves on long petioles. The violet sorrel leaf resembles the fluttering wings of a butterfly, which is why it was called “Madame Butterfly.” The flowers of this species are small, white, light pink or lilac.

Four-leaf sorrel (Oxalis tetraphylla),

or Deppe's wood sorrel (Oxalis deppei) grown both in the garden and at home. Its leaves are four-lobed, light green with a red-brown center. It blooms for a long time with red-crimson flowers forming inflorescences. It is this species that the British call “lucky clover.”

Bowie's wood sorrel (Oxalis bowiei)

- a fragile heat-loving species 20-25 cm high with leathery leaves of light green color and dark pink flowers on long peduncles.

Common sorrel (Oxalis acetosella)

- a rhizomatous plant 8-10 cm high with clover-like leaves and white single flowers on long peduncles.

Oxalis adenophylla

- bushes up to 10 cm tall with gray-green multi-lobed leaves and large light pink flowers with spots and veins.

Oxalis versicolor

- an amazingly beautiful plant with white flowers with red stripes. The open flower is white on the inside with a red border around the edge.

In addition to these species, Oxalis Obtusa, Oca Oxalis, or tuberous sorrel, carob sorrel, nine-leaved, poor, milky white, nasturtium, succulent, articulated, appressed, triangular and many others are known in culture. But all these beautiful plants grown in the garden, and this, as they say, is a completely different story...

Purple sorrel is one of the popular indoor plants, which, due to its unpretentiousness and beautiful appearance widespread throughout the world. In total, more than eight hundred species of this plant are known.

Oxalis (oxalis triangularis) is a beautiful lush bush of beautiful triangular leaves of lilac-burgundy color. Because of the shape of its leaves, oxalis is also called triangular sorrel. This indoor plant is a low-growing one; the height of the bush does not exceed twenty-five centimeters. The shape of the leaves is tripartite (if simple, then triangular). The shade of the leaves depends not only on the variety, but also on the growing conditions. At good lighting triangular oxalis has a rich purple tint, with a lack of light, the leaves acquire more faded tones.

Triangularis blooms throughout summer months. Its flowers, original shape and unique structure, in dark time days they fold and resemble a butterfly with folded wings, they come in white, pink and even purple shades.

In our region, purple sorrel is most often grown. This plant has pleasant aroma And sour taste leaves, hence the name. Often, a houseplant, in addition to its direct purpose - interior decoration, is also used in cooking. Its leaves are an excellent substitute for green sorrel. Oxalis is also used to prepare various salads.

Caring for violet sorrel or oxalis will not be burdensome even for a completely inexperienced gardener.

Growing at home

Caring for oxalis at home must first begin with creating the conditions. Purple oxalis belongs to heat-loving plants, because its homeland is hot countries. Therefore, in order for this beautiful plant pleased with its decorative qualities, it is necessary to create for him certain conditions. At indoor growing sorrel needs:

  • in good lighting;
  • constant air temperature and humidity;
  • timely watering;
  • regular feeding;
  • periodic transplants.

If you follow the rules, which will be discussed a little below, the purple sorrel will develop well and delight with lush foliage and delicate flowers.

Correct lighting. Having brought a pot with the most delicate indoor flower into the house, he needs to choose correct location, taking into account his preferences. Oxalis is a plant that loves light, but is afraid of direct sunlight and drafts. Therefore, when choosing a place for it, we take these features into account. In the summer, the flower must be positioned so that the light falling on it is diffused and soft, otherwise the leaves of the sorrel will get burned. In winter, the sun's rays are not so aggressive, so the flower can be safely placed on windowsills. This way the plant will receive enough light for its development. The main thing to remember is that drafts are strictly contraindicated for him, so if the windows are opened for ventilation, then at this time flower pot you need to remove it from the window and put it in another place protected from drafts.

Optimal growing temperature. Oxalis triangularis needs constant and warm temperature air in the room where it is located. IN warm time of the year, during the period of active growing and flowering, the room should be at least twenty and maximum twenty-five degrees Celsius.

With the coming winter cold, the plant needs a period of “rest”. Now the flower needs to be kept at a temperature of fourteen to eighteen degrees.


Caring for oxalis at home consists of simple steps. This is watering, fertilizing, replanting. Triangular oxalis is a delicate plant, so it is necessary to care for it regularly, although there is nothing complicated about it.

Let's start with watering. The flower loves moisture, but is afraid of stagnation of water in the soil. Therefore, water it when it dries completely. top layer soil. During the growing season and flowering, sorrel is watered frequently and abundantly. And with the onset of cold weather, their number is gradually reduced, and then stopped altogether. Home care for flowering plant, also involves providing him with a period of rest. It varies slightly in time frame for each variety of sorrel. Some flowers rest from December to January, others from October to November, and there are varieties, for example, “Orgtisa” - it remains dormant all winter. During the rest period, oxalis are not watered at all.

The signal to resume watering is the appearance of young shoots. As soon as young thin stems appear in the flower pot, the flower should immediately be moved to a warmer place (twenty to twenty-five degrees) and begin to water it regularly.

Oxalis leaves respond favorably to spraying. In the summer heat it is recommended this procedure carried out twice a week. By moistening the leaves acquire a more saturated shade and look more decorative.

During the dormant period, foliar spraying is also stopped.

Home care should also include feeding flowers. Indoor plants for your good development and maintaining a decorative form require additional nutrients Oh.

Oxalis is fed during the growing season and flowering. A houseplant responds best to complex mineral and organic fertilizers(they can be purchased at flower shops). Feeding is carried out every two weeks during spring and summer. At the end of August they carry out last feeding in this season. Then comes the period of preparation of the sorrel for the rest period.

Replanting an indoor flower. An overgrown and luxurious sorrel, its care must necessarily include replanting, otherwise the bush will have little space in the pot and the once lush and beautiful flower will begin to lose its decorative qualities. To avoid such consequences, it is necessary to replant the bushes annually. It’s worth starting the process with preparation:

  • new pot;
  • drainage layer;
  • nutritious soil.

The pot for sorrel is taken a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one (this is if the bush is not divided during the replanting process, and if this action is expected, then the pot can be left the same). It provides a hole for drainage of liquid.

Drainage is prepared from small pebbles and river sand.

Soil for wood sorrel can be bought or prepared independently from turf soil, peat, sand and soil from under deciduous trees.

A drainage layer up to two centimeters thick is laid out in the prepared pot and the prepared soil is filled. Then the sorrel is planted directly.

Transplantation must be carried out carefully so as not to damage root system. Before removing the plant from the flower pot, water the soil generously and then carefully remove the flower. Do not remove all the soil from the roots; let a small layer remain. This will speed up the process of adaptation to new conditions.


Oxalis triangularis perfectly amenable to propagation at home. Knowledge of the features of this process will make it easy to obtain new specimens of wood sorrel.

An indoor flower can be propagated in the following ways:

  • bulbs;
  • tubers;
  • cuttings;
  • leaves.

Seeds indoor varieties Oxalis do not reproduce.

Growing new specimens is not special labor. Oxalis forms numerous bulbs and tubers, which, when the plant is transplanted, are easily separated and immediately planted in new flower pots. In order to new bush It turned out lush, it is recommended to plant several bulbs in one pot at once. The planting technique is the same as when transplanting an adult plant. Bulbs planted in the ground must be placed in a cool place (fifteen to eighteen degrees) and dark room. Plantings need to be watered regularly. When the first shoots appear, the pot is transferred to a warm and bright room. In a month you will be able to enjoy the young and lush oxalis bush.

Propagation by cuttings and leaves is also easy. After being separated from the mother bush, they are placed in a glass of water. Within two weeks, root shoots will appear on them. When they grow a little, up to about one and a half centimeters, they are planted in individual pots.

Diseases and methods of combating them

Oxalis, like many others indoor plants susceptible to attacks by insect pests and various diseases.

Most often, the flower is harmed by whiteflies, mites, aphids, chervenets, and scale insects. If they are detected, treat the sorrel with special preparations. They can be purchased at flower shops.

Improper care can lead to other painful oxalis lesions.

Exposure to direct sunlight causes leaf burn. If they appeared yellow spots, the flower must be immediately moved into the shade, given a little time to recover and only sprayed with a spray bottle the next day. In the future, the flower pot should be placed in light partial shade until it is completely restored.

When moisture accumulates in the soil, rot may appear on the roots. The leaves will begin to lose color and wither. First of all, you need to reduce watering, loosen the soil a little and, if possible, replace the top layer. As a last resort, the bush should be replanted.

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