Among the plants for vertical gardening Kirkazon Manchurian is not called only because it is very rare plant. It is listed in the Red Book of Russia and is cultivated mainly in botanical gardens. IN natural conditions this powerful woody vine grows in Primorye, China, Korea in mixed mountain forests, along the coast mountain rivers. It can reach a height of 10-15 m. The support is provided by neighboring trees, under whose crowns the moisture remains, loose soil, rich in humus. This is an ideal environment for the development of Kirkazon. But, as practice has shown, he lives well on open areas, on the walls of the gazebo or veranda.

Manchurian Kirkazon (Aristolochia manshuriensis) in nature reproduces mainly vegetatively. Its seed productivity is low and seed germination is poor. The reduction in numbers was facilitated by the harvesting of young shoots as raw materials for use in folk medicine. They were used for cardiac and renal edema, as well as to reduce temperature.

As one of the ways to support the endangered species, it is proposed to introduce Manchurian kirkazon more widely into culture. IN decoratively this is a very colorful plant. The leaves are bright green, large, rounded-heart-shaped, ranging in size from 10 to 30 cm. The leaves begin to bloom in the second half of April, mass leaf fall occurs in mid-October. Kirkazon flowers are unique: tubular, irregular shape, similar to a steeply curved tube. The color of the perianth is greenish-yellow or light brown. Brown or maroon speckles and stripes are visible inside the tube. Flowering - mid-May - June. The fruits are large, 7-10 cm long, reminiscent of a smooth cucumber. They ripen at the end of September.

The unusual stems of the vine also attract attention. The texture of the bark is raised, with deep longitudinal grooves. Interestingly, the bark is soft, like a cork tree. The diameter of the stems of an adult vine is 5-6 cm. They wrap around each other many times, climbing upward along the support. In combination with large leaves, the impression of a tropical jungle appears, although in Middle lane In Russia, Manchurian Kirkazon does not require shelter for the winter and does not suffer from diseases either. Care consists only of watering.

Kirkazon Manchurian will be grateful for a sunny or partial shade location. In the deep shade, the internodes on the stems stretch out, exposing the wrinkled stem. In the sun, the vine forms a dense wall of leaves. It's dry underneath even when it rains. In autumn, the leaves turn light yellow, adding warm color to the garden. The winter hardiness of Manchurian Kirkazon is high (downy Kirkazon is less resistant).

The easiest way to propagate a vine is by layering. But you can also try cuttings. Best term Preparation of cuttings - June 15. Using heteroauxin, they are planted in sand with humus. Rooting duration is 45 days. Seeds are sown without stratification at the end of October or in April. When sown in spring, germination rates range from 20 to 40%. Plant on permanent place It is advisable to use three-year-old seedlings. Until this moment, it is better to keep them in a greenhouse or in a damp bed in partial shade.

Once the vine adapts, it grows very quickly. This makes it ideal for vertical gardening.

Kirkazon Manchurian is a unique long-lived liana. If you are lucky enough to get planting material, don’t miss the opportunity to plant it in your garden. There are some difficulties with propagation, but then there are no problems with the plant. For many years you will be proud to have a Red Book plant in your garden.

You can find this article in the magazine "Magic Garden" 2008 No. 4.

Kirkazon or aristolochia is a charming vine with large wide leaves in the form of symmetrical hearts, capable of climbing to considerable heights. Kirkazon flowers have a special charm - elongated gramophones hanging on a long stem. Flowers vaguely resemble smoking pipe for tobacco. The stems on which they are held are so thin that it seems as if delicate flowers floating in the air. Kirkazon is excellent for vertical gardening in gardens of natural and romantic style; aristolochium will give a unique look to a classical garden.

Types of Kirkazon

From various types Kirkazon can be composed interesting compositions in the garden, using it for vertical gardening: fluffy, tubular, graceful, clematis, Manchurian. At the same time, do not forget to take into account the winter hardiness of a particular species and provide the vine with appropriate care.

Kirkazon fluffy

Fluffy kirkazon is distinguished by large, slightly rounded leaves, tapering downwards. The value of the species is yellow elongated flowers, slightly pubescent on the outside with a bright red spot around the tube. The length of the flower stem is about 7 cm. When fluffy kirkazon blooms, it feels as if a flock of bright butterflies is hovering around the vine. In the conditions of the Moscow region, you need to cover the root zone in the form of fallen leaves.

Kirkazon tubular

Tubular kirkazon is valued for its huge, regular heart-shaped leaves, for which it is also called large-leaved kirkazon. The flowers of this species are the most inconspicuous, dark in color. The species is winter-hardy, but for the first 2 years a light cover of the seedling will not hurt.

Kirkazon clematis (common)

The most winter-hardy in the Moscow region is clematis or common. Liana is not distinguished by the most rapid growth up to two meters and small yellow flowers. The leaves are beautiful, they are not as large as those of Aristolochia tubularis, but keep the same heart-shaped shape.

Kirkazon graceful

Kirkazon graceful fully lives up to its name. It has the most showy flowers, each reaching 12cm in length. The flowers are covered on the inside with symmetrical brown specks, and the pharynx is of a light light green tone, which creates spectacular contrast. Unfortunately, the liana is not able to withstand the harsh winter of the Moscow region.

To preserve the plant, it is cut in August into separate containers and placed in the cellar. This type of vine has a weak root system and moderate growth, so sometimes it is grown in tubs, which are also stored in the cellar for the winter.

Kirkazon Manchurian

Kirkazon Manchurian has the fastest growth, capable of braiding a support 15 m in height. The heart-shaped leaves are also beautiful, located so close to each other that they create a dense cascade, completely masking the support. The flowers of the vine are large and combine yellow and brown tones. The fruits are also interesting: they resemble cucumbers up to 10 cm long. Manchurian Kirkazon demonstrates excellent winter hardiness in the conditions of the Moscow region, provided that there is no flooding with melt water in the spring.

Planting Kirkazon

When planting kirkazona, you need to choose a good place and properly prepare the soil. The main thing is that there is a support along which the vine will curl freely. Such plants are very successfully used to camouflage unsightly buildings. Or, conversely, to create shade and a romantic atmosphere in the gazebo. An arch or pergola in the garden, entwined with kirkazon, will attract well-deserved attention and become bright accent in site design.

Planting dates for Kirkazon

The most suitable month for planting Kirkazon is May. At autumn planting the vine will not have time to take root properly.

Place for planting Kirkazon

The liana prefers loose soil with the addition of sand; adding compost would also be useful. If groundwater close, drainage is placed at the bottom of the planting hole. The place is chosen in the shade or in light partial shade next to a suitable support.

An unusual vine needs high support, two-meter arches will be small for him. Kirkazon looks most impressive on tall columns or trees with tall and even trunks. When you need to cover up the boring trunks of centuries-old pine trees, Kirkazon is the ideal solution. Its shoots will quickly entwine the trunk, completely decorating it, and large leaves heart-shaped will create a dreamy mood.

Lianas are often used for vertical gardening in landscape design:

Kirkazon can be used along with other vines and for decorating hedges:

Kirkazon care

In the first weeks after planting, the plant needs to be shaded and watered regularly.

In the conditions of the Moscow region, Kirkazon can freeze slightly. The part of the vine that is above the snow level suffers. This is not scary for an adult plant; literally within a month the vine recovers and gains its previous height.

Kirkazon shelter for the winter

In the first 2 years after planting, the Kirkazon needs to be covered. In October, if possible, shoots are removed from the support and placed in a ring, covered with non-fabric on top. If it is difficult to remove the shoots, the root zone is covered with a bucket of dry soil and covered with fallen leaves.

In the spring, the cover is removed in mid-April, the soil is raked away, and the stems are raised onto a support after the threat of frost has passed.

Reproduction of Kirkazon

Like other plants, kirkazon can be propagated in several ways: seeds, cuttings, layering. Seed propagation is considered the most labor-intensive and time-consuming. And the success of this enterprise will depend on many factors. The most reliable method is propagation by layering. It's not difficult, and the result is decent.

Growing aristolochia from seeds

Due to the structure of the flower stalks, insects fly around the plant without risking getting into the deep tube of the flower, so Aristolochia rarely sets viable seeds. In addition, Kirkazon seeds do not have very good germination. You need to sow the seeds in the year they were collected; the next season they will completely lose their ability to germinate.

In the conditions of the Moscow region, Kirkazon seeds are sown before winter. Natural stratification – best conditions for their germination. Seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place only in the third year. Kirkazon does not favor transplantation, so the plants must be properly strengthened in order to endure the relocation painlessly.

Kirkazon, grown from seeds in the Moscow region, blooms in the eighth year.

Propagation of kirkazona by cuttings

Aristolochia propagates well from cuttings. Cuttings are carried out in early May. For cuttings, you need woody stems from last year, on which the buds have not yet bloomed. I make the lower cut along an oblique line, the upper cut in a straight line.

For cuttings, you need parts of the stem about 10-12 cm with one pair of leaves. The leaf plates are shortened by half so that valuable moisture does not evaporate.

  • A separate bed is prepared for planting cuttings.
  • The soil should be loose, top layer– sand approximately 5-7 cm.
  • Water the bed, place the cuttings at an angle so that sheet plates were at soil level, covered with halves of plastic bottles on top.
  • To protect from the sun, you can place arcs over bottles with cuttings and cover them with non-fabric.

Rooted cuttings are transplanted no earlier than after two years. In the first two winters, cover with dry leaves.

Reproduction of Kirkazon by layering

Most effective way Kirkazon propagation is by layering. IN favorable conditions Liana gives large number shoots, which are dug up with a clod of earth and replanted.

The best time for propagation by layering is May.

Read more about the technique of green cuttings and propagation by layering in the article:

How to get rid of Kirkazon

If you create necessary conditions and prepare nutritious soil before planting, the kirkazon may like it so much that it will begin to produce abundant growth. Usually it is mowed several times a season with a lawn mower.

For more information on ways to destroy unnecessary growth on a site, read the article:

If you need to get rid of the vine completely, the plant is cut off at soil level and watered with a weed killer, without diluting, trying to get it on the cut stems. To remove Kirkazon completely from the site, the planting site is covered with plywood or roofing felt for the summer to block access of light to the plant.

Svetlana Samoilova, amateur gardener, collector of rare plants

Read about the cultivation and use of other liana-like plants in garden design:

Another name of the plant is Aristolochia Manchurian (the vine contains a significant amount of aristolochic acids). Also, people often call this vine “camphor tree,” which is due to the specific smell of camphor emanating from all parts of the plant.

The population of the Manchurian Kirkazon liana is small, which is explained by the low ability to resist negative natural influences and uncontrolled cutting down for cooking purposes. medicines, a difficult cultivation process and a small growing area in the natural environment.

There really aren’t that many places where Kirkazon Manchurian is distributed in the world. Thickets of this woody vine can be found in Korea and China, and in Russia, Manchurian kirkazon grows only in the Far East, in forests and in mountainous area Primorsky Krai. Territories located along the rivers and streams of Primorye are the plant’s favorite habitats. Kirkazon Manchurian is based in places where it grows not alone, but in the form of small thickets. Using trees as support, the vine climbs up them and can reach a height of up to 20 meters. Kirkazon Manchurian is currently under serious threat of extinction, as is the caterpillar of the rare alkin butterfly, for which the leaves of this plant are the only source of food.

Due to the specific location of the Manchurian Kirkazon thickets, collecting plants in natural natural conditions is difficult to access. Therefore, the liana is cultivated in Russian botanical gardens. But the process of growing vines in an artificial, unusual environment for this species is also very difficult. The seeds of Manchurian kirkazona are characterized by low germination and problems with ripening, therefore in practice the method of propagation by layering is most often used, although it is theoretically possible to propagate the plant by seeds. Liana Kirkazon Manchurian is a very moisture-loving plant, because it is not without reason that it often grows along river banks. Shaded and humid areas are excellent for the favorable existence of the species, while excessively active sun and dry air are contraindicated for the plant. Therefore, the Primorsky Territory is the main habitat of lianas in Russia. When artificially breeding a plant, the negative effects of dry air and solar activity can be neutralized by regular watering and irrigation. A garter is also required, because in nature, kirkazon grows tall, using trees as a support.

In the first year after planting, Manchurian kirkazon slowly grows in height, because during this period the growth and strengthening of vines occurs. In subsequent years, the vine actively grows in height, and large leaves grow on its branches.

In folk medicine, the use of lianas and leaves of kirkazon is common. For medicinal preparations Kirkazon roots are dug up in the fall, washed and dried. Further, the vines are stored in a dry place, but not more than 3 years, after which they lose their healing properties. During the flowering period, preparations are made from Kirkazon leaves, which are also dried and stored in a dry room. Harvested roots and herb kirkazona have healing properties and are used to prepare infusions and decoctions, compresses and lotions that can become an indispensable assistant in the treatment and prevention of diseases of all body systems. The most well-known healing properties of Kirkazon: antipyretic, analgesic, vasodilator.

Infusions from preparations of this plant are widely used to enhance lactation in nursing mothers. In addition, in oriental medicine(in China and Korea) drugs prepared from Kirkazon are considered a very effective anti-cancer agent and are used for treatment and prevention. Due to the pronounced diuretic properties of the plant, the use of a decoction of Kirkazon preparations is very effective for cystitis and difficulty urinating.

Plant preparations prepared in accordance with specific recipes traditional medicine, are used in the treatment of an impressive number of ailments: physical and mental fatigue, gout, renal and cardiac edema, stomatitis and even. Kirkazon, used in the form of compresses and lotions, is also effective in treating a wide range of skin diseases: scabies, furunculosis, dermatoses, skin itching and others. In addition to compresses and infusions, the plant is used for more in unconventional ways. For example, in the treatment of epilepsy, inhaling the smoke of smoldering Kirkazon seeds is considered effective.

Below are the most common and easy-to-prepare recipes for healing potions based on Manchurian kirkazon:

  • Preparation of the infusion: one teaspoon of crushed leaves of Manchurian kirkazona must be poured with boiling water (250 ml) and left for at least one hour, then strained. The prepared infusion is useful to use as an antipyretic, as well as to relieve swelling. It is necessary to take before meals 4 times a day, 50 ml at a time.
  • Preparing the tincture : for 3 gr. crushed herbs, add 100 ml of vodka, leave for a week, then strain. Take 3 times a day, 20 drops, diluted with water.
  • Preparation of the decoction: Pour boiling water over one teaspoon of crushed vines or two tablespoons of Manchurian kirkazona leaves and then cook for 30 minutes, then strain and cool. The finished decoction is very effective as an external remedy in the treatment of mastitis and a number of skin diseases (rashes, ulcers, ulcers, boils, wounds); it must be used in the form of lotions and compresses. This decoction can also be used to wash wounds and abrasions, as an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and wound healing agent.
  • Drugs prepared according to the recipes described above, in addition to a targeted effect on the specific diseases listed above, can generally increase the resistance of the immune system during periods of seasonal viral infections and at negative impact environmental factors. In conditions of everyday stress and overwork, folk remedies from Kirkazon will have a beneficial effect on strengthening nervous system. Will useful application infusion from the leaves of the plant and for digestive problems. Remedies prepared from Manchurian kirkazon strengthen cardiovascular system, promote vasodilation and lower blood pressure, which is confirmed by clinical studies.
  • Kirkazon Manchurian can rightfully be called a “universal healer” in Russia, because the list of diseases for which it has a positive effect is so impressive. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

is one of the plants of the family called Kirkazonaceae; in Latin the name of this plant will be as follows: Aristolochia manshuriensis Kom. As for the name of the Kirkazonaceae family itself, in Latin it will be: Aristolochiaceae Juss.

Description of Manchurian Kirkazon

Kirkazon Manchurian is a fairly large vine, the length of which can reach about ten to fifteen meters. Such a vine will climb up tree trunks. The bark of this plant is soft and endowed with a significant corky layer, and the color of such bark will be dark gray.
The bark of young shoots of Manchurian Kirkazon will be colored brown tones, the young shoots themselves will be bright green and slightly pubescent. The fresh wood of this plant is endowed with a very strong and pungent camphor odor. The leaves of the Manchurian kirkazon are very large, their length will be about ten to thirty centimeters. The shape of such leaves will be rounded-heart-shaped and they are also endowed with a sharp and very characteristic odor. Young leaves of this plant will be slightly pubescent below, and on top they will have short, sparse hairs; adult leaves will also have single short hairs. It is noteworthy that the leaf petiole turns out to be much shorter than the blade. Flowers are present one at a time, rarely two. The flowers are colored yellow tones, they are on stalks, and their length will be about one and a half to three centimeters. The perianth tube will be very large, its length is five to six centimeters, such a tube will be sharply curved upward from the middle, it will be bare, painted greenish on top, and endowed with purple rings and specks inside. The diameter of the perianth limb will be about two centimeters, and this limb will also be endowed with three shallow lobes. Most often, the perianth is colored brownish-yellow, and less often, greenish-yellow.
The fruit of the Manchurian Kirkazon is a hexagonal cylindrical box of green color, and when ripe, such a box will be slightly brown. The seeds can be either gray or slightly brownish, their length in diameter will be about six to seven millimeters, and their shape will be almost triangular.
Under natural conditions, Manchurian kirkazon is found in the south and Primorye Far East. As for the general distribution, this plant can be found in China and North Korea. For growth, the plant prefers places along the edges and streams, in mountain forests and near rocks in small dense thickets.

Description of the medicinal properties of Manchurian kirkazon

Kirkazon Manchurian is endowed with very valuable healing properties, while therapeutic purpose It is recommended to use the roots and wood of this plant. The presence of such valuable healing properties should be explained by the content of aristocholic acids and polynuclear aromatic compounds in this plant.
This plant is endowed with antipyretic and diuretic effects, and will also help increase lactation.
A decoction prepared from the stems of Manchurian kirkazona is recommended for use for stomatitis, cystitis, lack of milk in nursing mothers, as well as for difficult and painful urination. A decoction prepared from the roots of Kirkazon Manchurian should be used as an external remedy for snake bites, and also as a pain reliever.
It should be noted that due to insufficient knowledge of the composition of this plant, new ways of using the healing properties of Manchurian kirkazon are possible.

Among the most exotic shrub vines special place occupies kirkazon (another name is aristolochia). Lush heart-shaped leaves with sharp tips create a thick green tent, and with the appearance of fancy tubular flowers it is simply impossible to take your eyes off the plant. There is a desire to find original solution for vertical gardening? Pay attention to Kirkazon; planting and care will be successful even in regions with harsh winters.

Perennial aristolochia is native to Brazil. Unlike many vines, it will delight you with its endurance and active growth. Domestic flower growers are well familiar with two types - large-leaved and Manchurian. The first reaches a length of 10 meters. Bark gray shade covered with cracks and wrinkles, the foliage is large. Manchurian view grows approximately 4 meters taller. Its flowers are creamy brown. The huge leaves are covered with delicate light hairs and smell like camphor. Closer to August they turn lemon yellow, then turn brown and gradually begin to fall off in September.

Aristolochia will bloom for the first time no earlier than five years of age. But in terms of exotic flowers, other plantings on the site certainly cannot compete with it. Hidden behind the leaves are large inflorescences-traps, covered inside with fine hairs. The seeds ripen in hexagonal fruit capsules.

How to plant Kirkazon

Perennials are planted in spring or autumn. The place should be slightly shady and protected from the winds; it is important to avoid stagnant water. A mixture of garden soil, sand and humus in equal proportions, but clay is added for moisture retention. If the soil is too heavy, it is important to provide drainage - a 15-centimeter layer of crushed stone or broken brick, add sand or gravel on top.

You can propagate the plant by cuttings or seeds, but these methods are unproductive. It is much easier to buy seedlings aged 2-3 years - they take root well. Before planting, the roots are trimmed a little. Root collar seedling placed in landing hole, must be at ground level. Leave about 1 meter of space between the vines. In addition, you need any support approximately 8 meters in height, around which the aristolochia will wrap itself. As soon as the Kirkazon is planted in a permanent place, the soil is covered with a 5-centimeter layer of rotted leaves.

Kirkazon care

Lianas need regular watering; the top layer of soil should not dry out. Moreover, the perennial “drinks” a lot. Each adult plant will need at least 10 liters of water. In the summer heat, it is advisable to spray the leaves. It is necessary to remove weeds and loosen the soil shallowly so as not to damage the superficial root system.

The shoots will be intricately intertwined and covered with rough bark. Aristolochia branches that are too tall, which stretch above the support, are cut off, and dried ones are removed. The perennial is fed twice a season; you can use mullein infusion at a concentration of 1:10. One adult vine requires 5 liters of solution.

Leaves are most often damaged spider mite. To combat this pest, creeping mustard is suitable. The decoction of dry raw materials is infused for at least 6 hours and diluted with water 1:2. In order not to start the disease, it is worth carrying out preventive examinations from time to time.

Despite its exoticism and southern origin, even harsh winters. Of course, during the frosty period you will need shelter to protect the roots from freezing. How older plant, the better it tolerates cold. Young vines can be removed from the supports and carefully laid on the ground in the form of a ring, covered with a layer of dry foliage and non-woven fabric, and covered with snow on top.

Kirkazon in landscape design

Among climbing plants, it is difficult to find a crop with such whole and bright leaves. Kirkazon blooms from May to September, depending on the species. The thick crown, which forms a dense tent, always remains a chic decoration. They can remain on it until spring unusual fruits, shaped like cucumbers.

The plant will become ideal solution for vertical gardening. Using the ability of the southern beauty to weave all kinds of supports, you can decorate gazebos, balconies, buildings, columns and trees, create natural partitions with an even texture, very beautiful arches and tunnels.

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