Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 8 minutes

A complete arrangement of a loggia or balcony is unthinkable without glazing. Its high-quality execution will make this additional area of ​​the apartment comfortable and functional. But you need to decide which windows are best installed on a loggia or balcony: aluminum or plastic?

Frame material

Double-glazed windows are inserted into frames made:

  • made of wood;
  • made of aluminum;
  • from PVC.

With all the advantages of modern wooden windows they are rarely installed on the balcony. There are 3 main reasons for this:

  • High cost: aluminum or plastic frames will cost much less.
  • Heavy weight: will have to be strengthened bearing structures before installing such frames. And this is a serious alteration of the balcony, which requires effort and expense.
  • Wooden frames must be regularly painted or treated with compounds that prevent them from collapsing under the influence of external environment. And when installing them on a balcony, this can be difficult to do from the outside.

Therefore, loggias and balconies are glazed using aluminum or PVC frames.

Don’t know the difference between a balcony and a loggia? Read.

Aluminum windows on the balcony

They have a lot of positive qualities:

  • Strength. Thanks to this property of aluminum, frame profiles can be made thinner compared to metal-plastic ones. This increases the light flux entering through the window.
  • Lightness: glazing does not require a massive parapet on the balcony; it is possible to move the structural elements beyond it, increasing the usable area.
  • Durability, weather resistance: the service life of windows is 50 years or more.
  • Wide palette of shades. Profiles are painted by spraying or anodizing. Both methods provide a durable and long-lasting coating.
  • Environmental safety: profiles do not emit harmful substances.
  • Great view. Metal frames are indispensable for panoramic glazing; they look beautiful with a large total window area (photo).

The main disadvantage is the high thermal conductivity of the metal. Because of this, aluminum profiles are usually used for cold glazing.

If windows on a loggia are needed for protection from wind, noise and precipitation, aluminum is perfect. In the cold season, with the exception of severe frost, the temperature on the balcony with aluminum frames will remain above zero.

However, this does not mean that when choosing warm glazing from aluminum you will inevitably have to end up. New models of aluminum profiles have thermal inserts that significantly increase thermal insulation. In terms of heat saving indicators, such windows are close to PVC structures. You can choose insulated aluminum profile for balconies of apartments located in warm or temperate climates.

Note! Cold glazing with aluminum and single glass will cost 2 times less than PVC windows. Aluminum structures with a warm profile will cost more than plastic ones.

Read more about warm and cold aluminum profiles.

PVC windows to the balcony (loggia)

Suitable for cases where the loggia needs to be turned into a full-fledged heated living space all year round. To do this, you need to properly glaze it, and then the walls and ceiling. Otherwise, the effect will be minimal: the heat retained by plastic windows will escape through the ceilings.

Advantages of PVC windows:

  • Good thermal insulation, which is provided by a multi-chamber profile and sealed double-glazed windows.
  • Durability and resistance to environmental influences.
  • High noise reduction rates, which is important in urban noise conditions.
  • Affordable price. Plastic windows are cheaper than insulated aluminum and wooden analogues.
  • Many design options, the ability to choose a model for specific conditions.
  • Opportunity self-installation. Installation is relatively simple. With minimal construction skills, you can do it yourself, and this means significant savings on the services of builders.

All selection criteria: when is plastic definitely not suitable?

The choice between aluminum or plastic windows can be made by answering the following questions.

What kind of glazing is planned: cold or warm?

  1. Cold – aluminum windows. They will protect from wind and precipitation and make the balcony (loggia) as illuminated as possible.
  2. Warm - PVC or warm aluminum profile. Retains heat while proper thermal insulation They will turn the loggia into a living room at any time of the year.

Is the house new or old? What load will it withstand? balcony slab?

  1. New. In such houses, you can install PVC windows on the balcony: the slab will support the weight of heavy plastic structures.
  2. Old. It is impossible to install plastic in Stalin, Khrushchev and Brezhnev buildings in 80% of cases. The balconies of those times were designed with light loads in mind. The only option– cold aluminum profile. Warm aluminum frames are potentially acceptable, but calculations will have to be made. Double-glazed windows, insulation for the parapet and floor will significantly add weight.

Note! If the house is over 40 years old, permissible load, stated in the documents, can be safely divided by 2. Concrete is destroyed due to temperature changes, crumbles, and becomes covered with microcracks. Under no circumstances should you overload the balcony: it may collapse.

How much money is planned to be invested in the arrangement?

  1. Less is better. The solution is cold aluminum frames.
  2. Average amount. The optimal price-performance ratio is PVC windows.
  3. A lot of. If finances are not limited, you should choose a warm aluminum profile. It will look better than plastic, will last longer, there will be more light on the loggia, and it will retain heat almost as well.


  • Glazing of balconies is one of the most popular construction services, the demand for which does not fall even in times of crisis.
  • Insulating a loggia or balcony using warm frames and double-glazed windows reduces heat loss by at least 15%.
  • It has been proven that residents of apartments with glazed balconies get sick less colds associated with hypothermia and drafts.
  • A glazed loggia increases the value of real estate.

Plastic windows for a balcony or loggia: which are better?

Let's consider the golden mean - PVC balcony windows, which, judging by reviews, owners choose more often than aluminum. City apartments often have modest dimensions, so it is preferable warm glazing, which will turn the loggia into living space. To choose the right window, you need to consider:

  • metal structure plastic profile;
  • type of opening of the valves;
  • glass unit parameters;
  • quality of fittings;
  • dimensions of the structure.

Which profile should I choose?

The structure of the profile determines the strength and durability of the window. The thicker the internal and external walls of its chambers, the stronger the structure will be.

With rare exceptions, all profiles, including well-known foreign brands, are produced in Russia. Moreover, the quality differs depending on the manufacturer.

Based on wall thickness, profiles are divided into classes. Class A - the thickest partitions, which means they are the most durable and retain heat well.

Quantity plays an important role internal chambers in the profile and its thickness, otherwise called installation depth. It is these parameters that determine the thermal conductivity characteristics.

Door opening mechanism: sliding or hinged?

Only some of the windows on the balcony can be opened. This is enough to ventilate and care for them. Two main types of opening are used, which have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Sliding frames

Plus: this design is very convenient on small balconies, as it allows you to make full use of the available space.

  • This type of mechanism does not provide reliable thermal insulation.
  • During the cold season, windows are difficult to open due to icing on the guides.
  • Difficulties arise when washing glass.

Selecting a double-glazed window

Important parameters are the thickness of the glass unit and the number of glasses. A two-chamber package with glass thickness of 4 mm is considered standard. Wider double-glazed windows are too heavy for a balcony, and the width is unlikely to be suitable.

To prevent windows from freezing, the spacers between the panes should be plastic or steel, not aluminum.

For large sashes that are installed on balconies, low-e glass is well suited. It lets you in Sun rays, but delays thermal radiation from the apartment. This achieves savings when heating the balcony. You can choose a smaller glass thickness and even install single-chamber double-glazed window instead of a two-chamber one, reducing the weight of the structure. But such material will cost more.

Quality of fittings

Affects the entire operation of the window. Fittings are constantly exposed to stress, so their choice is extremely important. Well-known and well-established German companies are Roto and Siegenia Aubi.

Pay attention to the quality of the window seal. It must be elastic, otherwise it will quickly deform and crack, and it will have to be replaced.

Manufacturers often save on door handles, putting cheap plastic models. It is recommended to purchase metal ones: they are stronger and more reliable, and do not cost much more.

Dimensions and installation

The frame is made to order: the dimensions of the window opening are taken and the gaps along the edges are taken into account, which are subsequently filled with polyurethane foam. Their size:

  • 20 mm – on the sides.
  • 30 mm – on top of the frame.
  • 20 mm – from below.

This minimum dimensions. In apartment conditions, even seams are rarely obtained. Most likely, their thickness will vary along the length. But in the narrowest place – no less than the specified parameters.

Some tips:

  1. The frame must be made in one piece, without plastic additions. They reduce the rigidity and strength of the structure.
  2. It is better to fasten windows with anchor bolts: they are more reliable than mounting plates.
  3. The installation of frames on the balcony should be entrusted to specialists: compared to installation in a room, this work is more difficult and dangerous.

The glazing of a loggia should be taken very seriously - after all, more than 70% of the heat depends on. It is impossible to give a definite answer as to which double-glazed window is best for a loggia: now you can choose any configuration that suits specific requirements and conditions.

First of all, it is necessary to evaluate the strength of the loggia itself and the strength of the railings on which the double-glazed windows will be installed. The stronger the profile, the more chambers or thicker glass the glass unit contains, the heavier the structure, and the support must be able to withstand the load.

The second decisive factor for choosing glazing will be natural conditions(temperature in winter, light).

The third and last one will be the assessment environment(the need for increased sound insulation, impact resistance of glass, etc.).

Based on these three factors, a double-glazed window is selected from necessary materials. A double-glazed window, contrary to popular interpretation, is not a simple window, but a structure made of aluminum, PVC or wooden profile and several sheets of glass.

Choosing glass in a double glazing unit

The following types of glass can be used in the production of double-glazed windows:

  • Sheet (M1, M2, M7);
  • Impact resistant (A1, A2, A3);
  • Penetration resistant (B1, B2, B3);
  • Safe (SM1, SM2, SM3, ST1, ST2, ST3);
  • (T, S);
  • (K, I).

Sheet glass on the balcony

The thickness of the glass ranges from 6 mm to 8 mm, depending on the customer’s wishes. How colder winter or the more enhanced sound insulation required, the thicker the glass in the package should be.

The name “double” or “triple” glass unit does not indicate the number of sheets of glass, but the number of chambers of the glass unit. So, for example, a package with two glasses is - because there is only one camera between them, with three - double.

Read about the features of double-glazed windows in the article, which talks about its pros and cons.

Sometimes under double glazing is meant where the first glass consists of two sheets glued together with a film - an additional heat insulator.

The thickness of each glass in triplex can be 3 mm (total thickness will be 6 mm) or 4 mm (total glass thickness 8 mm), but air bag in this case there is only one.

Another advantage of triplex is that it doesn’t break easily: the film keeps the glass from falling into fragments under any impact force; it can only crack (like car glass).

The more chambers, the more heat will be saved, because... inside each “pillow” mixing cold and warm air minimized by layers of insulating material (glass).

Sometimes the manufacturer additionally increases thermal insulation properties package, pumping argon gas instead of air, but in this case the soundproofing qualities of the package are reduced. When the loggia faces busy highways, it is not recommended to install such packages. But again, you need to choose such windows taking into account.

The thermal insulation of the package can be increased through the use of special glass - tinted or energy-saving. The surface of these types of glass has the ability to reflect infrared rays, which will be a plus for sunny side– the loggia will not overheat in the summer and will not give off heat in the winter.

But if the loggia faces north side, then the use of such glass is contraindicated, otherwise there will be twilight on the loggia and especially in the adjacent room all the time. At the same time, these two factors, although not by much, make it easier to install the structure.

Profile selection

The glass profile material is traditionally divided into cold () and warm ().

An aluminum profile is suitable only if the loggia is planned to be used as a summer veranda", closed for the winter, because This material retains heat very poorly.

In the cold season, double-glazed windows using aluminum profiles can “cry” - condensation forms on them when a temperature difference occurs. The undeniable advantages of this type of profile include:

  • Cheapness - profiles made of this material are an order of magnitude cheaper than similar in area PVC or wood;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Durability (more than 60 years of service);
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • High fire safety;
  • Aesthetics (designs can be of any color).

PVC profile is more widespread in the world. It can be installed on the loggia if the room is planned to continue there or. This is a good heat insulator that does not require additional insulation.

If a double-glazed window with a PVC profile is installed on the loggia, then in some cases it is not necessary to transfer heating devices to it. This profile is more reliable than aluminum (for example, it is difficult to press the sash inward from the outside), and it is easy to care for. The price depends on the manufacturer.

But with all our advantages of PVC It also has several significant disadvantages:

  • After a while the plastic turns yellow. Of course, this will not happen a year or two after installing the double-glazed window, but the yellowness that appears will not be removed;
  • Double-glazed windows with PVC profiles are very airtight and do not allow air to pass through. They must either be installed supply valves, or regularly open them for ventilation;
  • at very low temperatures ah, the package may come off polyurethane foam, and then cold air will flow through the freezing slopes into the loggia;
  • in case of incorrect installation, severe frosts or shrinkage of the house, the plastic may crack;
  • PVC contains toxic chlorine, which high temperature(for example, combustion in a fire) turns into poisonous substance dioxin. IN normal conditions from solar heat and dioxin does not appear in the radiator.

Has nothing in common with the old wooden frames that were installed before. environmentally friendly and durable (can last up to 50 years). They are resistant to temperature changes, humidity, and pests.

The advantages include easy care and nice appearance. Double-glazed windows with a wooden profile are suitable for an insulated loggia with year-round access. You can also choose budget options, for example, and expensive ones - from valuable species tree.

Disadvantages include flammability and the presence of defects specific to wood, for example, cracks or resin pockets.

But, despite the disadvantages of materials, when successful combination available good double glazing, suitable for any conditions and pleasing owners for many years.

How convenient it will be to use the glazed space of the balcony very much depends on what balcony windows selected and installed. If before there was nothing to choose from and everyone installed the same wooden frames, now production offers a wide range of options for balcony windows. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, so before making your final decision, think about which balcony windows are best for you.

Types of balcony windows

Windows on a balcony can be divided into groups based on various characteristics.

According to thermal insulation properties:

  • Warm;
  • Cold;
  • Intermediate.

According to the profile material:

  • Tree;
  • Aluminum;
  • Plastic.
Combination options are also possible, when aluminum is combined with wood or plastic.

By sash type:

  • Sliding;
  • Swing.
Each type has its own advantages, but at the same time its weaknesses. This must be taken into account when deciding which balcony windows are best for your balcony.

Types of glass for windows:

  • K-glass, low-emission, energy-saving;
  • I-glass has a lower light absorption coefficient;
  • Triplex glass;
  • Strained glass.

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of balcony windows

Let's take it one by one. Windows designed for warm glazing are multi-chamber double-glazed windows. Their weight and cost will be greater than that of double-glazed windows for cold glazing, which are produced as single units. In this aspect, it is difficult to talk about the advantages and disadvantages, since each type of glazing solves its own problems. Cold glazing will only protect you from natural precipitation. Warm glazing is tasked with creating a certain microclimate.

Important technical characteristics of double-glazed windows

  • Gap between glasses– the more, the less noise will come from the street. In expensive windows, gas, most often argon, is pumped between them to improve thermal insulation.
  • Glass thickness– the more, the less chance there is of a resonance effect and any vibrations.
  • Sealing of chambers- if it is not there, then cold air will enter there and reduce the quality of thermal insulation, and maybe even reduce it to nothing.
The more chambers in a double-glazed window, the higher its thermal insulation properties, but you need to keep in mind that this will not continue indefinitely. Two or three cameras will be enough even for the harshest Siberian winters.

Which is better, wood, metal or plastic?

Benefits plastic double glazed windows are:

The disadvantages of plastic profiles include the fact that the material is not natural. Conditionally, because the plastic used is completely safe for human health.

Benefits wooden double glazed windows are:

Disadvantages include cost. Such profiles will cost you more than plastic ones.

The advantages of aluminum profiles are:

  • Low cost;
  • A light weight;
  • Attractive appearance;
  • Strength;
  • Fewer barriers to natural light;
  • Excellent for large glass areas;
  • Reliable;
  • Durable;
  • Not exposed to aggressive environments;
  • Suitable for both warm and cold glazing.

Despite long list advantages, aluminum is still rarely used for glazing in residential premises, especially for warm version. This is due to the high cost warm profiles. Aluminum is used for cold glazing, but this option cannot be called the most comfortable possible.

Sliding or hinged?

The main advantage of sliding doors is their ability to save space. But this option is not used for warm glazing, usually only for cold glazing and for aluminum profiles. Therefore, another drawback appears - at subzero temperatures, the sashes can freeze to each other and create problems with opening windows.

Hinged or pivoting sashes are most common. They are convenient to use, but when open the window takes up a lot of space. The most a good option today it can be considered combined option, when the swing doors are supplemented with a folding mechanism.

How to install windows on a balcony

The installation of balcony windows is most often trusted to specialists. Many companies offer free installation when you purchase double-glazed windows from them, so there is no point in wasting your own time on installation. Also, the warranty on double-glazed windows only applies if the installation was carried out by the company’s specialists.

Let's summarize. It is impossible to give a definite answer which balcony windows are better. There are many factors to consider. What type of glazing do you want, warm or cold? What is important to you in window profiles? Write down your own criteria and wishes, and this will help you make your choice.

This article will help resolve the issue of which windows to install on the balcony. Modern market building materials offers a wide selection of windows various designs. Before you begin, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what requirements must be met. glass fencing. Let's consider various options installation of glazing on loggias and balconies.

Frame configuration

Configurations window frames

Standard form window frames – rectangular. Along with this, the frames can be arched, figured and of the most unusual configuration.

You should know that if the owner of the home is in apartment building wants to put frames on the loggia unusual shape, then the management company may contact him with a claim.

Objections will be based on violation general view facade of the house.

Therefore, we will also consider loggias made from standard rectangular frames.

Cold and warm glazing

If indoor balcony plan to use it as a summer veranda, the fencing is made of single glazed frames.

When the goal is to “transform” a balcony or loggia into a full-fledged living space, warm glazing is installed. Multi-chamber double-glazed windows installed in frames of various designs provide excellent protection against the effects of external low temperatures and reliably retain heat indoors.

Types of window frames

Window frames are made from various materials, such as:

  • aluminum bindings;
  • metal-plastic frame;
  • panoramic glazing.

Wooden frames

The traditional material for making window frames has always been wood. Wooden structures have high heat-shielding properties, aesthetically pleasing beautiful view and environmentally friendly. Wooden glazed frames coated with furniture varnish decorate the interior of a balcony or loggia.

Wooden windows with built-in double-glazed windows are an ideal fence for loggias. Such windows have the only drawback - the high cost of wooden structures.

Aluminum bindings

Aluminum frames are light, beautiful and durable

Aluminum frames are light, beautiful and durable. Frame structures from this metal are made for single glazing. Fences made of aluminum frames are installed in cold rooms. Balconies and loggias glazed in this way are used as summer verandas.

Metal-plastic frame

The most popular and most common window railing is one installed on a balcony or loggia. window unit made of metal plastic frames with multi-chamber double-glazed windows.

Install fencing for the premises metal-plastic windows Only qualified workers can. The manufacture of frames and their installation are ordered only from specialized companies.

Multi-chamber double-glazed window

The owner of the home can determine which windows are best made of plastic frames on his loggia based on his own preferences. These can be single-chamber or multi-chamber double-glazed windows with frosted or transparent glazing. The number of opening sashes and their opening mechanisms are determined on the basis of consultation received from the company performing the work.

Panoramic glazing

Fences from panoramic glazing As a rule, they are done on all balconies or loggias of the house at the stage of its construction. Happens individual solution, make such glazing.

Panoramic windows are made sliding or fixed

Panoramic glass usually takes large area Therefore, it is made from a special alloy of glass with polymer additives. Panoramic windows are made sliding or fixed. The doors are moved using a special roller system.

Since the glazing is single, it can only be installed in rooms with unheated operation.

Panoramic glazing reliably protects from precipitation and withstands wind loads well. IN summer time staying on a glazed loggia creates a feeling of protection from the external environment, and at the same time there is a feeling of being in an open space.

Window opening systems

Window opening system

Modern windows supplied various systems opening. Such systems may be:

  • tilt and turn mechanisms;
  • folding devices;
  • sliding systems.

Tilt and turn mechanisms

Tilt&Turn Mechanism

Today, almost all windows are equipped with tilt and turn mechanisms. This does not apply to sliding systems.

The tilt-and-turn system allows you not only to open the sash, but also to tilt it back top part, creating a gap around the entire perimeter of the window opening.

The tilting mechanism allows the window sash to occupy two positions: maximum and minimum ventilated gap. This allows you to create the most favorable regime for the movement of air masses in a glassed room.

The mechanism for opening and tilting window sashes has a fairly complex design, therefore requires regular care behind all its moving elements.

Folding devices

Devices of this type can be installed in continuous glazed enclosures (from floor to ceiling). Window small area tilts up and is fixed with stops on both sides. To learn which sash is better to choose, watch this video:

Meet tilt windows on telescopic racks (arranged on the principle of opening the rear door in a car). This system is convenient in that the telescopic pillars serve not only as an opening mechanism, but also at the same time as clamps for the position of the flap. If opened frequently, the racks may lose their performance. After 2–3 years they are replaced with new devices.

Sliding systems

Sliding systems are used for “cold glazing” of premises. The moving parts of the fence are made of glazed aluminum frames or panoramic glass with polymer frame.

Good sliding mechanism is a system of rollers moving along special guides at the top and bottom of the fence. To learn how to properly install a sliding system on a balcony, watch this video:

The disadvantage of such a system is the freezing of the sashes to each other. One can object to this by saying that few people would think of opening the doors in frosty weather.

Installing glazed fencing today is not a problem. Lots of offers on the market window designs allows you to choose the most best option glazing of a balcony or loggia.


Today, we will analyze the features of glazing with aluminum and plastic so that you can choose the material you need.

Let me clarify that in this article we are talking specifically about balconies, which some confuse with loggias. It’s easy to distinguish them from each other - the loggia slab rests on the load-bearing walls, while the balcony slabs hang in the air, protruding from the wall of the house.

PVC balcony glazing

So, you are faced with the question - how to glaze the balcony: aluminum or plastic? Without going into details, I will note that the plastic profile is much more massive than an aluminum profile of the same size. Of course, plastic has its advantages. This good thermal insulation and sound insulation, but you have to pay for this in the total weight of the structure. For old balcony slabs of Khrushchev and Stalin buildings, this may be an unbearable load.

To install plastic, you need not only a strong remote slab, but also a durable parapet, on which I recommend installing a single-chamber double-glazed window with Multifunctional spraying, which will not only retain heat in winter, but also protect from heat in summer. At the same time, I don’t see any point in installing windows with a profile thickness of more than 60 millimeters. You also need to make sure that your parapet has not collapsed due to corrosion. Otherwise, the parapet will need to be strengthened or remounted.

Read more about strengthening parapets

Balcony glazing with aluminum profile

Aluminum, in turn, cannot boast of such good thermal insulation as a plastic profile. Aluminum is, after all, cold glazing for balconies. This sliding windows(rarely swinging), installed on the railing of a metal parapet. With “cold” glazing, there is no point in insulating the parapet; it is best to simply sheathe the outside with siding

And from the inside PVC panels or wooden clapboard.

Lightweight glazing does not create a large load on the external slab. And in the cold season aluminum glazing balconies helps maintain positive temperatures on the balcony. Street noise and precipitation will also be delayed by the glass of the balcony.

Extension plate strength

The cornerstone in choosing between aluminum and plastic is the strength of the extension plate. The fashion for glazing began in the 80s of the last century and the balconies of older houses are simply not designed for high weight loads. For example, in building regulations from 1996, the load limit for new balconies is 200 kg per m2. Heavyweight plastic structures can only be installed if your house is new and the balcony slabs are strong enough!

In addition, it should be taken into account that the balcony slab deteriorates over time. And if the house is 40-60 years old, then the indicators can be divided by two. During the day, concrete heats up and expands from heat; at night, it contracts under the influence of cold. This causes many microcracks to appear in the concrete. If water gets into these microcracks and freezes overnight, the concrete simply breaks. As a result, the balcony slab crumbles and falls apart.

Of course, it is possible to carry out work to strengthen the balcony, but this is not always a panacea. To strengthen you can do metal carcass and secure its supports to load-bearing wall in several places. But it’s better not to tempt fate and not to overload the balcony unless absolutely necessary, otherwise the remote slab risks collapsing. And one fine morning you wake up, and the balcony is no longer there.

It is worth noting that glazing balconies with aluminum or plastic reduces the rate of destruction of the slab.

What is cheaper: aluminum or plastic windows?

In the vast majority of cases, aluminum balcony windows are 2 times cheaper than similar-sized plastic ones. This is due to the fact that double-glazed windows are not installed on the aluminum profile, limiting themselves to only single glass. The profile itself weighs much less than metal-reinforced plastic. Aviation aluminum alloy makes this type windows are incredibly light and durable. If the price factor is significant for you, then I recommend that you pay attention to aluminum glazing.

On top of that, the aluminum glazing on the balcony comes in a sliding version, which completely preserves usable space balcony and does not take up space when opening the doors. On a balcony with a width of 80 cm -90 cm, any swing door is a real obstacle! And you can’t hang everyone’s favorite clothes dryer. And you won’t be able to open the window all the way.

Having been involved in glazing since 2008, I determined for myself that it is better to glaze balconies with light aluminum. It saves you from rain and wind, but I wouldn’t make a “birdhouse” out of it, on which there will be no room to turn around, and it’s scary to go out again.

Which sliding windows are better to put on the balcony?

The most popular are the two-runner designs of the Provedal system. It should be noted that this is just a system, and the labels on the windows may have a different name. They are all about the same quality. Why them? Sliding double-slide aluminum windows can be opened very wide by bending the sashes in any direction. If you need to wash a window, all sashes can be easily and quickly removed and then put back in place. However, not all windows are created equal. During my practice, I have seen many aluminum windows. We work with 3 leading factories and each of them makes windows from a two-slide aluminum system, but the quality is different for everyone, as are the prices)). The main difference between them is the fittings (latch rollers, etc.), that is, those things that directly affect the durable and successful work window. It is difficult for a non-professional to judge the quality, especially if it is his first time glazing his balcony. Therefore, you have to be guided only by price. Therefore, I advise you to contact professionals who will help you avoid mistakes and choose a quality product, since they guarantee what they deliver to their clients.

Temperature difference between plastic and aluminum glazing

To begin with, it is worth noting that, having installed plastic windows to the balcony, you will not make it as warm as living room. The finished glazed room will need to be additionally heated. Heating a balcony comes down to installing a battery, or (which happens more often) installing electric heater or warm floor. If you don't heat plastic balcony, then the difference between balcony and outdoor temperature will only slightly exceed aluminum glazing and amount to 5-7 degrees. PVC windows also provide parapet insulation, without which “warm” glazing loses all meaning. From the outside, the insulation is covered with siding.

Siding is vinyl cladding. The material protects from wind and precipitation, making the façade more attractive. Vinyl siding weighs less than metal, but metal is more fireproof. The choice here is entirely yours.


In 80% of cases, double-slide aluminum is used for glazing balconies. It is inexpensive, fireproof and attractive appearance. The most important advantage of the material is its low mass. This The best decision for glazing of old houses built under Stalin, Khrushchev and Brezhnev. Only in the remaining 20% ​​can the balcony be glazed with plastic.

We talked more about glazing balconies with aluminum in this article

I hope this article will help you make the right choice.

Thank you for your attention!
The article was written by Zabaluev S.A.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):