By and large, brick can be painted with almost any paint. Here the question is more different - how long will it stay on the walls, especially if we talk about street conditions operation? A good half of all existing paint compositions will not last even six months on the facade of a building. It is for this reason that it is very important to choose the right paint. Not only that, you also need to be able to apply it correctly to the brick. This is what we will talk about in this article, in which, together with the website, we will deal with the questions: which paint for brick is better and how to apply it correctly?

Painting brick photo

Brick paint: what should it be?

The fact that not every paint is suitable for brick is understandable - the reasonable question is, what paint is suitable for it? The question, in principle, is not difficult, and it is quite easy to figure it out on your own - you just need to understand what qualities she needs in order to withstand all natural aggressive factors. And the properties are also simple.

We should not forget about such points as the drying speed of the paint, its consumption and the number of layers applied to obtain a high-quality coating. You should also pay attention to the decorative factor of paint - this is its ability to reflect or not reflect light. By painting with glossy paint, you will ensure less heating of the walls in the summer, and the house will not be so hot - in this regard, you should also pay attention to the color of facade paint on bricks than lighter shade, the less he attracts to himself sun rays. In general, there are quite a lot of points, and most people take them into account on a subconscious level.

What paint to paint a brick wall: two main options

There are two types of coloring compositions that are used in one way or another for decorating surfaces - paints based on organic solvents and so-called water-soluble paints. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, which we will get acquainted with further.

But, as they say, the paints for brick described above are not the same - by and large, you can use any, just remember that it must meet certain requirements set out above. Otherwise, there can be no talk of a long service life. Also, the service life of the painted surface is directly influenced by the paint application technology itself, which will be discussed further.

Painting a brick wall: subtleties of applying the paint composition

In general, it is possible to talk about the subtleties of solving the question of how to paint a brick wall with a stretch or from the design side, since there are practically no subtleties here. Painting is done in the same way as painting any other surface - you can use a brush, etc. It all depends on how you are going to paint - whether you will highlight the seams or they will also be painted to match the color of the brick. If we talk about the features of applying paint to brick, then we can pay attention to only two points.

Basically, that's it. There is nothing more to say about which paint for brick is better and how it is applied. By and large, this issue is quite simple and you can solve it yourself - in the sense that any hardware store salesperson will give you quite adequate advice on this matter.

Brick, according to many experts, is considered one of the most popular and beautiful building materials. It is used not only for the construction of walls and fences, but also for interior decoration. Give uniqueness brick building or brick elements The decoration can include painting bricks. Brick paint will also help increase the durability of this durable material, protecting it from the influence of environmental factors.

Brick is often used outside, and it is laid using a special cement mortar. All this requires choosing paint with extreme care and taking various factors into account.

Here small list requirements to consider when choosing paint for brick:

  • façade paint on bricks must be waterproof in order to reliably protect a brick wall or fence from negative impact rain or snow.
  • paint for sand-lime brick, as well as red, must be resistant to sunlight. This paint does not fade in the sun and does not crack due to overdrying.
  • painted brick must breathe, which means that the paint must be vapor-permeable.

What properties should brick paint have?

The alkali resistance of the paint is also important criterion when choosing paint for brick. This is very important to consider because alkali is contained in cement mortar, holding the brickwork together, and it can negatively affect paints that do not have this property.

In order for painted brick to remain as good as new for a long time, the paint must have good adhesion, that is, its adhesion to the surface of the brick must be at the highest level.

And, of course, durability. After all, you paint walls not for one year, and not for two, but for at least ten. In addition, this is a very labor-intensive and dirty process, although the price of the paint is reasonable, but you don’t want to go back to it every year.

Consumption, drying speed and ease of application - these properties are also worth paying attention to when choosing paint for brick. After all, you want painting sand-lime brick to be a pleasure, not a complete pain.

You should know that when choosing white paint, there is the possibility of tinting it. You may be offered an option such as brick-colored paint if you want to keep special charm brick wall and at the same time protect the brick from the harmful effects of external factors. When choosing what to paint brick with, we advise you to choose matte and completely matte paints, whose reflective ability will make wall unevenness less noticeable, but at the same time preserve natural beauty bricks The best way to paint brick is with acrylic latex paints. They have all of the above properties and have proven to work very well. Experts advise painting a brick wall no earlier than a month after its construction. During this time, the material is leached. But if you have a deadline and the finishing needs to be completed earlier, then you need to prepare the brick for painting by using a special primer.

Where can I buy it and what does the price of this type of paint depend on?

You need to buy paints only in specialized stores and color studios, because they are stored there in the right conditions, retain all their properties and will instantly be tinted in the color of your choice. If you need high quality paint for bricks, buy You can do this in our color studio, the cost will depend on the color you choose and the area of ​​the surface to be painted. A professional consultant will help you choose everything you need.

We not only have a wide range of Finnish paints, enamels and varnishes for various surfaces, here you can find professional painting tool from England, America and Sweden, the price of which will surprise you with its democratic nature.

Finishing the facade using paint can be carried out not only wooden surfaces or aerated concrete blocks, but also on brick.

This event is significantly different from applying paint and varnish material to other surfaces and has a number of features.

It is very important to take into account all the nuances of the work carried out during finishing brick facade paint, and also know all the requirements for such material.

Initially, it is worth noting that a material such as brick does not require finishing with paints and varnishes. Bricks are produced in sufficient quantities wide range, which allows you to select the required variety With suitable color and textured pattern. Without applying paint and varnish coating on top of the brick, such material has long term exploitation, while maintaining its original appearance.

But, if a decision has been made to paint the facade of a building that is made of brick, then you need to know the following:

  • the painted surface of a brick wall needs regular updating. The duration of the period in which it is necessary to carry out restoration of painted brick walls is 5 years;
  • The process of removing old paint and varnish from the surface of a brick wall is quite difficult and time-consuming. In most cases, clean the outside of the wall from old paint is not completely possible, therefore, choosing specific color material for coloring, you should be prepared to change it in the future appearance It won’t work at home with paintwork;
  • You can paint the brick surface of the house only after a year has passed since construction. It is very important that the drying, leaching and hardening of the wall materials is completely completed. If you carry out the process of painting a new brick surface, there is a risk that you will soon discover defects on the wall that cannot be removed.

Requirements for facade paint for bricks

To obtain a high-quality coating for the facade of a house, you need to choose an exterior paint that will meet certain requirements.

These include:

  • high level of vapor permeability. It allows condensate diffusion processes to occur freely and the material to “breathe”;
  • waterproof properties. The material must provide reliable protection wall from precipitation;
  • UV resistance. The paint should not crack or peel when exposed to sunlight, and also lose its original appearance;
  • degree of durability. The frequency of conduction depends on this characteristic restoration work. If you choose a paint that is not too durable, you will have to repaint the house once every 2-3 years;
  • . This parameter varies for each paint coating individually. It is better to immediately pay attention to this characteristic when purchasing, because the lower the paint consumption, the more surface area you can paint with the volume of composition of one package;
  • drying speed. Basically, this parameter depends on temperature regime, but for different brands it can vary. It is not recommended to choose quick-drying paints and varnishes, since working with them is not very convenient;
  • degree of adhesion. This characteristic is quite important, because painting a wall can be done without prior priming, which means that the paint should adhere to the main surface as well as possible.

Types of paint

Assortment of paints for facades in construction stores quite large, but when choosing, you need to choose the variety that is suitable for working on brick material.

To do this, you need to consider the following points:

  • the best option for painting a brick facade is And type of material. It is characterized by a high degree of vapor permeability, which is necessary for such a facade;
  • latex acrylic paint coating is resistant to alkaline influences chemicals. Using this material, it is possible to carry out work on the facade within a month after the construction of the house;
  • If the facade of a house is characterized by the appearance of stains and streaks of salt, then it is best to use a latex type of material for such a facade. With its help, a reliable film is provided on the wall after the paint has dried. This prevents the formation of salt stains, which deteriorate the appearance of the surface of the house.


If there is a need to paint the house earlier than a month after construction, then Before painting it is necessary to use an alkali-resistant primer.

In some cases, paints based on PVA are used, but given the low resistance to moisture, it is not possible to paint with such material everywhere.

Facade preparation

The main stage in the process of finishing a brick wall is the preparatory. The reliability of further coverage depends on the quality of the work performed at this stage.

Preparation of the wall surface consists of the following points:

  • Initially it is necessary to remove mold and mildew from the walls. For this it is better to use specially designed solutions;
  • salt stains and streaks must also be carefully removed using water and a stiff brush. The use of acid solutions for such purposes is not recommended. After removing efflorescence, it is necessary to allow some time to pass. This will allow you to understand whether it is worth treating the surface again or not;
  • The surface of the walls must be completely dry before painting. Any amount of moisture present in the material can cause cracks and swelling of the paintwork. It is best to carry out painting work on brick walls in summer season when the moisture from all the cracks and pores of the wall evaporates;
  • it is necessary to clean the façade from dirt and dust. This can only be done using soap solution. Other formulations are not suitable for this procedure;
  • all surface defects, e.g. cracks and chips must be puttied and then sanded. If necessary, the masonry joints should be updated;
  • It is recommended to carry out a priming process before starting to paint surfaces, and for this it is best to use a primer that is resistant to alkaline environments. This is explained by the fact that masonry mortars Most of them have an alkaline reaction.

Painting technology

For painting a brick façade, you can use various instruments: brush, roller, spray gun or painting equipment. If there is a need to paint large area, then it is best to use the hardware method or a spray gun. With their help, the work will be done easier and faster. Small areas walls can be painted using a brush or roller.

There is enough convenient device for work that you can do yourself. To do this, turn an old winter mitten or glove with the fur outward and dip such a tool in paint. The process occurs by rubbing paint into the surface of the facade.

The dyeing process itself is quite simple and looks like this:

  • for convenience, it is necessary to prepare a special container into which the paint and varnish material is poured;
  • after that, take a painting tool (if painting is carried out using a roller or brush, then they must have hard bristles, since soft bristles are not suitable for painting brick) and lower it into the composition, removing the excess amount on the side of the bath;
  • The composition is initially applied to the wall, adhering to one direction;
  • With each subsequent approach to painting, you need to apply the paint slightly overlapping. This will create a complete coating without unpainted stripes;
  • in this way the entire surface of the facade is painted, after which it is left until completely dry;
  • as soon as the first layer is completely dry, start painting again;
  • In the process of creating the second layer on the facade, it is necessary to apply paint simultaneously in several directions with a roller or brush. This will ensure a homogeneous, integrity of the layer of material (photo of the process below).

If you use a spray gun or a painting machine for the job, naturally, the process will be easier, but such equipment requires certain operating skills.


Using paint and varnish materials To carry out work on a facade built of brick, it is very important to comply with all the requirements, both for the material itself and for the painting process. This task is quite complex and time-consuming. However, with a competent approach to this process, you will get a high-quality and beautiful result.

Brick is one of the most common building materials. It is used not only for the construction of walls, but also for cladding facades. Therefore, its decorative properties are extremely important in some cases, and in order to improve them, they often resort to painting the brickwork.

However, improving the attractiveness of a material is not the only function of paint. In addition, it protects the walls from destruction, which can occur as a result of negative impacts environment. Next, we will look at the features of brick paint and the technology for its application.

Paint properties

When choosing a coloring composition, you need to pay attention to its properties.

Brick paint for exterior use must have the following characteristics:

  • Alkalinity– is one of the main requirements for the coloring composition for bricks. The fact is that the cement mortar used for masonry contains an alkali, which has a negative effect on paints that do not have this property.
  • Lightfastness– the paint should not fade, peel or crack when exposed to sunlight.
  • Waterproof- thanks to this property, brickwork will be protected from precipitation.
  • Vapor permeability– unlike moisture, steam must pass through the paint freely. This property will allow the brick wall to “breathe”, which will ensure natural moisture exchange in the room.
  • High level of adhesion, i.e. good adhesion to painted surfaces.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage.

To improve paint adhesion, you need to apply an acrylic primer to the surface.

In addition to all the above points, it is also necessary to study technological and decorative properties paints. The latter include the possibility of tinting and reflectivity (creating a glossy, matte or semi-matte surface). Technological properties include the drying speed of the composition, its consumption, as well as the convenience and ease of application.

Paint selection


Knowing the main characteristics that brick paint should have, choose suitable composition won't be difficult. If you study the properties of paints that are presented on the modern construction market, then it turns out that acrylic paintwork is best suited for these purposes. They have all of the above characteristics, including alkalinity and vapor permeability.

These compositions are based on acrylic resins, which create a durable film on the painted surface that can protect the brick from environmental influences. Another advantage is that they are completely affordable price, which is also important when choosing building materials.

For bricks that are difficult to paint, designed special way applying the coloring composition. It consists of mixing acrylic primer with acrylic facade paint for brick.
This mixture fits perfectly and retains its color for 8-10 years.


When executing interior works, allowed to use water-based paint or adhesive-based paint. However, it should be borne in mind that these compounds do not have sufficient water resistance, so they cannot be used for finishing rooms with high level humidity.

Otherwise, the instructions for the material will help you make your choice, which usually indicates its scope of application and main characteristics.

Separately, it should be said about mineral facade paint, which is also perfect for painting brick surfaces. This composition is based on cement, due to which it has high degree water resistance and good vapor permeability.

Since this paint coating withstands regular moisture and other atmospheric influences well, it will be the most appropriate.

One of the main advantages of this paint is that it can be restored. For example, if after some time the wall loses its original appearance, then you can use special solution, which will eliminate damage to the coating and restore its natural color.

Pay attention!
You can start painting the brick no earlier than a month after the wall is erected.
During this time, the material is leached.
If finishing needs to be done earlier, then a special primer must be used before painting.

Brick painting technology

Preparing the base

The painting itself brick house from the outside there is nothing complicated or unusual. The coloring composition is applied in the same way as on other types of surfaces.

To do this you can use:

  • Roller;
  • Brush;
  • With a spray gun.

In the photo - cleaning a brick wall

The only thing that deserves special attention- This is the preparation of the surface of the walls. If you don’t want to re-paint in a month, then at this stage needs to be taken very seriously. This applies not only to building facades, but also to any other external brick surfaces that need to be painted.

So, before you paint brick house outside, you must perform the following steps:

  • First of all, you need to make sure that the wall is dry.
  • Then you should clean the surface of all contaminants, if any. This applies to dirt, dust, old finishing coatings, etc.
  • If there are traces of mold or mildew on the surface of the walls, they must be treated with a wire brush or grinder with a special brush attachment. In the same way, you can get rid of efflorescence, which are water-soluble salts.
  • Then the brick should be rinsed well with water, however, without using detergents and other chemical solutions - the water must be clean. Of course, after this, the walls should be allowed to dry thoroughly for at least 24 hours.


The primer must be applied in an even layer using a roller. As a rule, this procedure carry out in two passes - after the first layer of mortar has dried, the walls are treated again.

Painting the walls

After the primer has dried, you can proceed directly to painting the brick walls.

The work is carried out as follows:

  • First of all, you need to stir the paint and, if necessary, add color to it. You can first mix a small amount of paint to determine the proportions.
  • Then the paint is applied using one of the above methods. The most important thing is to make the layer uniform, without drips. To ensure that there are no color differences on one wall, it is necessary to apply the composition from corner to corner in one approach.
  • If after applying the first layer of paint there are still imperfections on the surface or the color of the brick shows through the paint, then the procedure can be repeated.

That, in fact, is the whole painting technology. Now, after finishing the walls, the surface must be protected from precipitation and direct sunlight until the paint is completely dry.


The most difficult thing when painting brick with your own hands is choosing the right one. coloring composition and perform surface preparation efficiently. The recommendations we gave above will help you cope with this task.

Otherwise, the staining process should not cause any difficulties. Additional information on this topic can be gleaned from the video in this article.

Paint for the facade of a house not only performs the functions of external decoration of the home, but also protects it from the effects of adverse natural factors. Moisture, various precipitation, sudden changes in temperature and direct sunlight can destroy the brick walls of a house within short term its operation. Coloring prevents these harmful external factors destroy the structure of a brick wall, forming a certain shield.

What types of facade paints are there?

Facade paint brick varies in its composition and qualities.

Different types of paint exhibit strength and durability to varying degrees. Their price, accordingly, depends on this. There are 3 types of paints most often found in construction stores:

  1. Vinyl. Their main drawback is their unsatisfactory quality. This paint is usually diluted with water and does not respond desired results in strength and durability. It is not resistant to various chemicals and is often subject to rapid mold formation. This paint does not tolerate mechanical damage, and during drying it shrinks significantly. The only advantage of this paint is the price, which is lower than other types of paints.
  2. Acrylic-silicone, or simply acrylic. The most common variety of this group of paints is latex paint on acrylic base. Acrylic resin is the main component present in the composition. Surfaces that have been painted acrylic paints, are less polluted due to the low water absorption coefficient. Other advantages of such paints are high vapor permeability, price, variety color solutions And high stability to abrasion, which significantly increases the service life of the coating.
  3. Silicone. This group includes organosilicon solutions, silane and siloxane. Absolutely do not absorb moisture, protecting walls from fungus and mold long time. The main walls of the home are well protected from destruction and pollution, and high vapor permeability allows the house to “breathe.” The main disadvantage of this group of facade paints is high price which you have to pay for quality.

How to choose the right paint?

Painting brick is a responsible matter, and the choice of paint should be no less scrupulous. Coatings for stone and brick facades are selected according to several criteria:


The main types of paints according to their composition have already been described above; this classification should be used as a starting point when choosing a material based on its binder. However, sometimes other binders in the composition, such as cement or lime, are indicated on the packaging. But the composition of the binder is not as important as its quantity.

Water permeability

Since painting brick is not only an aesthetic matter, but also a preventive measure against premature destruction, the level of water permeability of a certain type of material must be high. Of course, what attracts many consumers most often is low price, and they do not pay attention to the quality of the material. Price matters! High water permeability will contribute to the appearance of cracks, peeling and salt deposits on the wall. In addition, the development of fungus and mold is inevitable, which not only spoils the structure of a brick or stone house, but also affects the health of others.

Resistance to sunlight

Painting a brick wall performs one of the functions of protecting the facade from exposure to solar radiation. Excessive solar radiation causes paint to fade, cracks and blisters to appear.

The most resistant substance for painting is acrylic; therefore, it is better to choose acrylic or acrylic-silicone paint.

Ability to pass steam

Allows excess moisture from evaporation to be removed outside. Facade paints for bricks, as mentioned above, also have protective functions. One of them is to prevent the formation of mold and mildew not only outside the house, but also from the inside. When the material allows excess moisture to escape, there will be nothing for mold and mildew to form on.

Wear resistance

The paint is subject to the greatest abrasion when washing the facade and in places where a person comes into contact with it greatest number times (for example, near doorways). The paint packaging usually indicates the number of dry and wet washes that it will withstand before it is completely abraded.

Flow level

There are facade paints for bricks, the price of which is quite low, and the quality meets all needs. However, not everything is so smooth: before choosing a jar that comes into your hands, you should first carefully study its consumption per 1 m².

Time it takes for the paint to dry completely

Painting a house is usually done in 2 stages, 2 layers. On packaging with façade paint, 2 time parameters are usually indicated. The first time indicates how long you should wait after applying the bottom coat before applying the second, and the next number indicates how long it takes for both layers to dry completely.

Comparison of facade paint with the addition of silicone with facade paint without its addition.

How is the facade painted?

Important! If a brick house has just been built, you need to wait at least 1 year before painting its facade. This is due to shrinkage that occurs during the annual cycle under the influence of different weather conditions.

Before you start working with paint, you need to cover all the cracks and holes in the wall with cement mortar; small cracks are sealed with plaster. Then you should carry out the so-called cleaning of the facade from contamination, especially if the house is not a new building, but has been serving its owners for many years. The walls are cleaned of numerous layers of dust and soot, and if necessary, then of old paint. Cleaning is carried out using the “rough” method using a hard spatula or iron brush. In this way, cement cones and salt build-ups are removed from the wall. At the end of the rough cleaning, all walls of the house should be rinsed clean water from a hose. The remaining dust and dirt are finally swept off the walls with a regular brush.

Walls that are wet after watering with a hose are treated with a special one and repeated after 5 minutes. full cycle cleaning. After which you need to prime the entire facade, which will be painted.

Also, when preparing a brick wall for painting, a series of compulsory work by removal excess moisture, eliminating leaks. Moss, if any, is removed from the walls, and the wetted surface must be treated with herbicide, after which it is washed. If there is mold, the walls are treated with a solution of bleach and water.

This concludes preparatory stage and the actual painting of the facade begins.

Experts and those who have at least once encountered painting the facade of a house say that the best tool in this case is common paint brush. Painting the facade with a brush allows you to paint over all the seams.

To prevent façade paint from getting where it shouldn’t (for example, on window frame), jambs in doorways and other elements should be taped with tape or masking tape before painting. When painting, it is recommended to lay film, fabric or old newspapers on the floor. This will protect the floor from dripping paint.

The wall is painted in 2 layers. After applying the first layer, wait the time indicated on the paint packaging.

Painting the facade of a brick house should be dry, warm and not too sunny weather. It is advisable to calculate the time so that the weather favorable for work does not change for the next 2-3 days.

Caring for painted facades

Of all known methods Transforming a brick house facade by painting is the most unpretentious. A painted wall requires washing with soap and water 2 times a year. In order to correct defects that appear during the operation of the house, it is enough to tint required areas suitable color.

A brick house is one of the warmest and most practical; it looks beautiful and not too pretentious, and painting its facade gives the building individuality and adds strength.

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