When designing a bathroom, trying to take into account everything in the interior that will make it comfortable, aesthetically designed, cozy, they carefully choose tiles and furniture, but the main emphasis is on plumbing. And this is understandable: bathroom plumbing is the most important element, combining design solutions, functionality and convenience.

In this article we will analyze information about production acrylic bathtubs, equipment for it and manufacturing technology.

Plumbing includes a sink, toilet, bidet and, of course, a bathtub. She is given a central place. IN Lately Of all the varieties, buyers prefer acrylic bathtubs. The price of acrylic bathtubs varies. There are quite affordable affordable options. The low price of acrylic bathtubs does not mean their low quality. There is no doubt about it. Cheapness has a completely different explanation: famous manufacturers This type of product makes their products quite affordable, and the quality does not suffer, and the performance properties do not become worse. So the thesis “the more expensive the better” in in this case does not work.

Equipment for the production of

The most important equipment for the manufacture of acrylic bathtubs is a vacuum forming machine (thermoforming).

The cost of such a machine for making bathtubs will start from approximately 2,500,000 rubles.

They are also cheaper, but, unfortunately, due to the smaller molding area, such machines are not suitable. This production requires a machine with a molding area of ​​approximately 2000x2000 mm.

Manufacturing technology

The very name “acrylic bathtubs” speaks about the material from which they are made - acrylic, or acrylan, or, more scientifically, methacrylic. His distinctive characteristics is extraordinary lightness, combined with reliability and strength. Acrylic comes in two varieties: industrial and technical. In the production of technical acrylic, special additives are used to reduce the ability of various harmful microorganisms and bacteria to reproduce on its surface. It is this type of acrylic that is used to make bathtubs, making them more hygienic and safe.

Acrylic bathtubs using casting technology

Acrylic bathtubs, characterized by high quality and reliability, are manufactured using injection molding technology. In this method, the acrylic sheet is heated until it becomes plastic. Once molten, it is placed into a bathtub mold into which the acrylic sheet is literally pressed using a vacuum. Strength, reliability and durability are achieved by applying several layers of fiberglass. The number of layers increases the strength and durability of the sanitary ware. Acrylic bathtubs produced in this way will have improved quality characteristics. They will retain their visual appeal for the entire period of operation and will not create any problems for their owners.

ABS acrylic bathtubs

ABS acrylic bathtubs are another type of bathtub. In their manufacture, the method of combining polymethyl methacrylate with acrylonitrile butadiene styrene was used. In the manufacture of this type of plumbing fixtures, the surface of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene is covered with a layer of molten polymethyl methacrylate. Bathtubs made in this way can only be called acrylic bathtubs conditionally. This type of plumbing is very short-lived - you should keep this in mind. Having a very thin inner layer, they are quite vulnerable to mechanical stress. Their service life is 3-4 years, after which they must be replaced.

Acrylic bathtubs, bidets, toilets, sinks and shower bowls have become very popular. Indeed, cast iron, steel and ceramics are gradually disappearing from specialized stores, giving way to new materials. As one of the key tenets of business says, demand creates supply. And, logically, since the products are on store shelves, it means there is potential buyer ready to purchase them. And since there is a client, that means you can fight for him. Is it worth starting an acrylic bathtub business? What will you need for this? Let's understand the intricacies of organizing a viable “industrial and plumbing” business.

Repair or production?

Before we begin discussing specific business schemes, let’s figure out what exactly you can do: repairing cast iron and steel bowls using liquid acrylic mixtures or manufacturing products? This is fundamentally important, because the essence of the processes is completely different.

Repair is the restoration of coatings of old cast iron and steel baths by pouring acrylic with hardener. The procedure does not require special equipment and is performed on site. And she is in demand. Production – vacuum forming finished product on special equipment.

We repair

The first service belongs to the “economy” segment (both in terms of business costs and target audience). It allows you to do old bath new coating with a service life of more than 10 years. On average, the mixture for one procedure costs about three thousand rubles, the master will charge the same amount for the work. The work takes one and a half hours (or an hour if the specialist is well qualified). With a sufficient number of orders, turnover can reach 15-18 thousand per day (5-6 orders).

The amount per month is quite acceptable, and considering that you are not investing in either equipment or consumables, the business is turning out to be quite good. Many entrepreneurs even work independently, optimizing costs and offering services at an affordable price.

We produce

With the production of bathtubs everything is more complicated. First, you will need equipment (a vacuum forming machine with a heater), tooling (molds), etc. In addition, you will need to resolve the issue of raw materials. This can be a sheet of technical methacrylic or a composite sheet of ABS plastic, coated with technical methacrylic.

The baths are produced using almost identical technology: the material is heated to a plastic state and pressed into a mold using the vacuum method. Methacrylic products are durable, but less easy to mold. ABS bathtubs can be made into almost any design, but their service life is only three to five years.

Production costs are quite significant. You will need a room where the equipment will be located; the price of a vacuum forming machine starts from 2.5 million rubles. Here we also write down the costs of molds and raw materials. The price of the form varies from several tens to several hundred thousand rubles. It all depends on the shape and material of manufacture. A sheet of technical methacrylic will cost 10-20 thousand rubles, depending on the manufacturer. Composite is cheaper. Its sheet costs from 3 thousand rubles. Don’t forget about the fittings for the bathroom and other “little things”. They also cost money. The costs are approximately clear. Budget for organizing production with a small inventory will be close to 4 million rubles.

Who wants an acrylic bath?

Before planning the organization of production, you must first study possible distribution channels. If you don’t own your own stores or don’t have a friendly network, you’ll have to seriously rack your brains.

The fact is that the production of acrylic bathtubs has existed in Russia for quite a long time. Many companies that started working with the material ten years ago already have production facilities, are working to reduce costs and have a stable sales market. It is difficult to beat them with price, but with quality it may turn out to be unprofitable.

To illustrate this idea, let's look at a simple example. Let's compare two enterprises: one of them produces 1000 units of product per shift, and the second - only 100. The first one operates modern and powerful equipment, which is serviced by 3 people. The second one is also installed modern equipment, but less powerful, which also serves three people. Yes, yes, don't be surprised. Modern technologies This situation is entirely acceptable.

The first purchases raw materials in the amount of 100 tons per month, and the second - 10 tons. The first enterprise is a strategic partner for the supplier, and the second is just an ordinary client. The former receive a 30% discount, while the latter do not. The logistics of the first allows the use of cheap railway transport, while the second must use expensive road transport. The first has its own laboratory and quality control, while the second cannot afford this due to economic circumstances.

No matter how sad it is for a novice entrepreneur, the products of a large enterprise will always be more competitive in the mass segment than the products of a small workshop. This is the law of economics, and you cannot escape it. That is why it will be difficult to offer products retail stores, if there are already products from a large manufacturer on their shelves. Explore companies in your and neighboring regions. If they have a large plant, then think about it: isn’t it better to become its distributor than to invest in your own production?

Features of conquering the market

No? Have you definitely decided to devote yourself to competition? Well, on this field there are several tricks that can work in your favor.

  1. Get out of the mass segment and start producing an exclusive product. Baths to order. With Gzhel-like painting or with the bottom of the Adriatic Sea. Whatever the client wants. And for his money, of course. The market niche will be narrower, but this will give a chance to differentiate itself from a competitor. The disadvantage of large-scale production is its inertia. It takes months and years to rebuild a factory process. And your production is still flexible.
  2. Additional services. Create your own online retail store and, at the same price, offer free shipping and installation. Of course, this step must be calculated economically and not cause losses.
  3. Focus on the quality of your production. Oddly enough, many customers still believe that small enterprise products are more reliable than large factories. We can assume that this is a relic of our Soviet past. Or offer a lifetime warranty. For some clients (especially those who don't trust acrylic, of which there are many), this may be a deciding factor.
  4. At the start, try to cut the margin so as to bring the wholesale price closer to the prices of competitors ( large enterprises). You should not be greedy, especially at the stage of business formation.


So, the pros and cons of organizing the production of acrylic bathtubs are quite clear. If you are determined to take this path, then get ready for serious difficulties. But no one said that the path to business would be easy. Calculate everything again and get down to business. After all, even water does not flow under a lying stone. What can we say about money?

Plumbing means such a set of interior items as a sink, toilet, bidet and bathtub. But it is the bath that takes center stage. Today, of all the available varieties, modern buyers prefer acrylic bathtubs. Their prices vary widely. Moreover, they offer very affordable budget options. However, the low price of acrylic bathtubs does not indicate the low quality of the product. There is no doubt about this parameter. Cheapness is meant for completely different reasons. This is because modern manufacturers of this type of product are doing everything possible to ensure that their products are sold according to affordable prices, and the quality did not suffer, nor did they become worse performance characteristics. Consequently, the well-known thesis “the more expensive the better” does not work in the described version.

Equipment for the production of acrylic bathtubs

The main equipment used in the production technology of acrylic baths is represented by modern foreign-made vacuum forming machines. Such machines are capable of forming any thermoplastic of different configurations and thicknesses. Moreover, processing is carried out on five-axis multi-purpose machines.

Vacuum forming of future acrylic baths is carried out by exposure to vacuum. To do this, the sheet is installed on the equipment frame and then thoroughly heated. Subsequently, the molten material is brought to the form of the bath, or vice versa, the acrylic sheet is formed. Upon completion of the process, the product is removed from the mold. If necessary, trimming and cleaning of parts is carried out.

Video of such a machine in operation:

Prices start at approximately $30,000.

It should be noted that another type of equipment is used for spraying - an installation for spraying resin and chopped glass roving. This installation does the following:

  • prepares the binder (evenly mixes the resin and hardener in a given proportion),
  • grabs a glass thread and chops it into short pieces (chops),
  • adds chops to the binder and sprays this mixture onto the matrix.

Introductory video from MVP, the largest manufacturer:

Modern vacuum forming equipment allows you to create different shapes of acrylic bathtubs and decorative screens of any complexity. In addition to bathtubs, most elements of shower cabins are produced using such vacuum forming equipment, right down to transparent shower doors made of polyethylene terephthalate. Main feature This vacuum forming equipment is capable of positive, negative and combination molding. And due to the presence of double-sided heating of the workpiece, the productivity of the equipment significantly increases.

Acrylic bathtub production technology + video on how to make it

As the name suggests, acrylic, or rather sheets of it, is used as the main raw material for the production of acrylic bathtubs.

  • Polymethacrylate(PMMA, white plexiglass) – highly resistant to abrasion.
  • Acrylonetrile butadiene styrene-polymethyl methacrylate(ABS-PMMA, a mixture of ABS and PMMA) – two-layer material: the bottom layer is acrylic-nitrile butadiene styrene rubber and upper layer– polymethylmethacrylate acrylic. The sheets are produced using the co-extrusion method. Acrylic bathtubs made from it have low abrasion resistance and a short service life. The price is 1.5-2 times cheaper than pure PMMA.

There is also another type of data polymer materials– QUARYL – modern composite material, which contains acrylic, quartz and environmentally friendly polymer additives. Patented by Villeroy & Boch and mainly used by them only in their baths and sanitary ware.

The service life of the bath depends on the thickness of the acrylic sheet used:

  • 4-5 mm – an acrylic bathtub will last 10 years;
  • 5-6.5 – an acrylic bathtub will last 12-15 years.

The production of technical acrylic is based on the use of special additives designed to reduce the ability to reproduce all kinds of harmful microorganisms and bacteria on the surface. Exactly this type acrylic is used in the manufacture of bathtubs, which makes the finished product more hygienic and safe.

The production technology of acrylic bathtubs allows us to obtain products of the highest quality and reliability. In this method, an acrylic sheet is heated until it becomes pliable. When molten, the melt is placed in a special bath mold. This uses a vacuum extrusion process. To achieve sufficient strength, reliability and durability, several layers of fiberglass are applied. The specified parameters depend on the number of layers. In general, acrylic bathtubs produced by this method are endowed with improved quality characteristics. They are able to maintain their appearance and attractiveness throughout the entire period of operation, without creating any problems for the owners.

Video of how to make acrylic bathtubs using the method vacuum forming:

At each stage of production, all products undergo thorough quality control and compliance with technical regulations.

The body of the manufactured acrylic bathtub is necessarily reinforced with glass fiber and/or polyurethane. Latest material It has a very low thermal conductivity coefficient and makes it possible to further increase the service life of such a bath. Polyurethane is endowed with excellent adhesive properties, which is why the material can be easily sprayed onto almost any surface, even the ceiling. One of important properties polyurethane is environmentally safe, therefore it can be used for the production of products used for food products.

The cheapest variety is acrylic bathtubs made from two-layer ABS/PMMA sheets. For their manufacture, sheets of polymethyl methacrylate with acrylonitrile butadiene styrene are used. Such bathtubs are called “acrylic” only conditionally. Hence the low durability of the product. This is explained by the fact that the inner layer of the bathtub is very thin and therefore very vulnerable to mechanical stress. The service life of the products in this case is 3-4 years, after which replacement is required.

The approach to bathroom design is always careful. The smallest nuances in the interior are taken into account, sometimes non-standard design decisions are made - all this is aimed at creating convenience, aesthetic superiority of the bathroom, and coziness. The choice of plumbing fixtures is decisive in determining the interior, because it is the main component of the bathroom. Plumbing should be comfortable, well-designed, and functional.

The production of acrylic bathtubs is becoming a popular trend in the sanitary equipment market. Due to their affordable price, durability of the material, long service life and variety of design, acrylic bathtubs are loved by Russian consumers. Prices for acrylic bathtubs vary, but in this case it is impossible to correlate the price with quality indicators.

Acrylic bathtubs are very beautiful and relatively inexpensive

A low price does not mean a bad product, because in the production of bathtubs the principle of setting prices for finished products has other bases. Popular manufacturers of acrylic bathtubs are trying to make them accessible to consumers, but strength and durability do not depend on this. There is no doubt - acrylic bathtubs for everyone price category will last long service and maintain a decent appearance.

Basic equipment for the production of acrylic bathtubs

The main unit for the manufacture of acrylic bathtubs is considered to be a machine for molding the finished product from flat sheets of acrylic, which is heated and, under the influence of a vacuum, takes the required shape, the excess material is cut off. In other words, it is a vacuum molding machine, thermoforming.

On the Russian market there are offers of vacuum forming machines costing from 2.7 million rubles, with a molding area of ​​up to 1000×700 mm. They look like this:

Equipment for the production of acrylic bathtubs will cost an entrepreneur over 2.5 million rubles. Some manufacturers offer cheaper options, but such machines have small size to create a form. For successful production, you should buy vacuum forming units with a sufficient molding area.

Types of acrylic:

  • Industrial;
  • Technical.

Technical acrylic is created by combining liquid acrylic with special components, the task of which is to eliminate the growth of bacteria and keep the surface of the bathtub hygienic for use. Acrylic or acrylan (scientific methacrylic) is a lightweight and highly durable material. Thanks to your chemical characteristics is considered successful for giving any shape to finished products. Acrilan has excellent technical characteristics. It is this quality that ensures long-term operation and unchanged appearance of the material.

Molding manufacturing technology

Molding manufacturing technology provides finished products reliability, strength and high quality characteristics. Before creating the mold, the acrylic sheet is moderately melted and then placed in thermoforming car. Using a vacuum, the acrylic sheet is given the required shape. Then acrylic surface must be covered with several layers of fiberglass. It is worth noting that the number of layers of fiberglass determines the strength and longevity of operation. This method of making acrylic bathtubs is highly functional in its technical features finished product. Durable material ensures immutability appearance baths under various influences under normal use conditions. This saves owners from problems for the entire life of their service.

The production process is captured on video:

ABS acrylic bathtubs

ABS acrylic bathtubs - this type of acrylic bathtubs is made by combining acrylonetrile butadiene styrene and polymethyl methacrylate, where the surface acrylonetrile butadiene styrene coated with polymethyl methacrylate heated to a plastic state in one layer. The name “acrylic” for these types of bathtubs can be used conditionally. This plumbing equipment short-lived, which is due to the creation of a thin base layer that is sensitive to mechanical stress. An ABS bathtub will last up to 4 years. After this period, the plumbing product should be replaced with a new one.

Purchasing an acrylic bathtub is, frankly speaking, not a cheap pleasure. Therefore, if you really buy this item plumbing, then the products must best meet all your requirements and requests. To select high-quality plumbing equipment, you need to know who makes it. It is for this purpose that a wide variety of rating lists of manufacturers are compiled. Russian market plumbing equipment is simply overflowing with bathtubs, both European and domestic production.

When choosing a bathtub, you should focus primarily on the manufacturer, since the cost of plumbing equipment does not yet indicate its high quality, practicality, reliability and durability.

And now we will look at European manufacturers of acrylic bathtubs.

TM Riho

The production technology is based on the use of thick acrylic sheets, their thickness reaches 8 mm. But, despite its “fatness,” the acrylic bathtub weighs a little. It is quite difficult to say which manufacturer takes better care of the environmental friendliness of its products. All sanitary furniture items from this European company are absolutely environmentally friendly and do not have any negative impact on human health. Moreover, the product has a special protective layer, preventing the appearance of mold, mildew and bactericidal microorganisms.

TM Ravak

The Ravak company ranks second place of honor in the rating and produces high-quality acrylic bathtubs. The best in Europe has won the highest consumer ratings, since the Ravak equipment embodies in an optimal ratio many years of experience company, compliance with international quality standards and premium materials. "Ravak" bathtubs are heavy-duty sanitary equipment, the production of which used innovative technologies.

One of these technologies and a means of achieving first-class products is the differentiation of heating of a sheet of special sanitary acrylic in order to create a bathtub with the same thickness of all its wall surfaces, which have increased thermal insulation.

Acrylic bathtubs are characterized by a 5-6 mm coating. The best manufacturer fills the backing of the plumbing element with specially treated fiberglass. This gives special strength and the rigidity of the structure as a whole. It is thanks to the above-mentioned production technology that the amazing durability results of the Ravak acrylic bathtub are achieved.

The assortment of bathtubs from the Czech manufacturer is wide and multifaceted - you can find a wide variety of models both in terms of design features, design method and price parameters. Among the shortcomings it is noted that budget models are not equipped with accessories, but this problem can be quickly solved, isn’t it?

TM Cersanit

Cersanit is the best manufacturer of sanitary equipment in Poland both in terms of quality characteristics and price. These Polish baths are characterized increased level comfortable and delicious classical forms, impeccable soft lines and excellent spaciousness. The collection of acrylic bathtubs "Cersanite" is systematically updated, this indicates that the company keeps up with the times and uses only the latest technologies and techniques in the production of sanitary equipment. Absolutely all products of TM Cersanit are certified, have quality marks and a 7-year guarantee period impeccable service. They have and The best manufacturer uses ultra-thin antibacterial acrylic sheets, which does not allow the installation of a hydromassage.

TM Kolo

Kolo is a leader among manufacturers of sanitary equipment in terms of cost and design, which takes into account the latest interior design trends. All Kolo products, in particular acrylic bathtubs, demonstrate German and Dutch quality standards. The best manufacturer confirms the quality of its products with certificates of compliance with ISO 9002. Pros are pros, but there are also cons, and one of these is the insufficient level of rigidity of the wall surfaces of the bathtub for the installation of hydromassage equipment.

TM Pool Spa

If you are used to always getting only the best of the best, then Pool Spa - acrylic bathtubs - are created just for you. The best European manufacturers from other positions in the ranking consider this Spanish company to be their strongest competitor. In fact, the Pool Spa bathtub is the epitome of perfect comfort.

The design features of the bathroom require the installation of hydromassage equipment, additional lighting systems and other auxiliary innovative details. This product is different increased strength, which is achieved through the use of special acrylic coating Lucit, and ensures safety and durability. All models of the brand’s bathtubs are made taking into account the latest style innovations, and are “stuffed” with all kinds of accessories. The presence of certain accessories is determined specific model baths.

The set of Pool Spa bathtubs is inspiring. As a rule, the standard set includes chrome handles, headrests, and shower curtains. “Pool Spa” is an ultra-modern, most sophisticated and most expensive acrylic bathtub. Which manufacturer is better at “stuffing” and designing its products, and at the same time asking for the highest possible price? The latter, by the way, is the only thing that can be attributed to the shortcomings of the Pool Spa plumbing equipment. Well, you yourself understand that not everyone will notice this minus, so its objectivity is in great doubt.

We have described acrylic bathtubs, the best manufacturers of which are included in rating list world level. Products of the Riho, Ravak, Cersanit, Kolo, Pool Spa brands are manufactured in accordance with international quality standards, have appropriate certificates, as well as numerous medals and awards. European manufacturer is the key to product quality and long term services.

The best manufacturers of acrylic bathtubs in Russia

Acrylic bathtubs are in great demand not only abroad, but also among domestic consumers. They are compact, easy to transport, easy to install, place minimal load on the floor, retain heat excellently for a fairly long period of time, and are shock-resistant. All of the above contributed to obtaining “popular approval” in Russia.

If we consider domestically produced sanitary equipment, then Bas, Triton, Aquatek, Aquanet, Alpen are the best manufacturers of acrylic bathtubs. The rating of the most famous Russian brands, under which thousands of pieces of sanitary furniture are released, includes these trade marks. The quality characteristics of domestic products are no worse than those of European companies, but the prices are definitely more acceptable. This is explained by the fact that the price of the goods does not include customs duties, duties, etc. Plus, the federal program to support domestic producers helps reduce prices.

The best Russian manufacturers of acrylic bathtubs: rating

It's time to find out which bathtub manufacturers occupy places from 1st to 5th in the product quality ranking.

1. TM Bas

Bas is the best manufacturer of acrylic bathtubs in the Russian Federation. High quality characteristics of the product and its durability are ensured by excellent technical indicators, which were achieved through the use of equipment of Italian and American origin in the production process. Let us emphasize that Bas bathtubs are manufactured using two technologies. The first is to reinforce the bathtubs with glass fiber and the second is to reinforce them with two-component polyurethane foam, which is absolutely safe from an environmental point of view. Thanks to latest technology the strength and lightness of the structure as a whole is achieved.

2. TM "Aquatek"

Aquatek is another best Russian manufacturer of acrylic bathtubs. They are made from 5mm cast acrylic, which is the key to strength and increased wear resistance of the bathroom. The coating of the product is easy to clean and for a long time does not lose its presentable appearance. Almost all representatives model range have as standard metal carcass and can realize themselves as “hydromassage monsters” when connecting the appropriate accessories. Baths "Aquatek" - perfect ratio prices and quality.

3. TM Triton

These are the so-called “bronze” acrylic bathtubs. Rating Russian manufacturers in third place he placed Triton products, which are known for having a fairly good reputation in the country’s domestic plumbing market. In the production of bathtubs, materials of imported origin are used. At the core production process- technology of reinforcing products with glass fiber and polyester resin.

4. TM Aquanet

Aquanet acrylic bathtubs have a stunning assortment, among which you can find products from the most different forms and sizes. The highlight of this brand's products is maximum gain comfort when taking a bath. Most models are characterized by anatomical curves and the ability to connect hydromassage equipment. Bathtubs are made from acrylic sheets 5 mm thick.

5. TM Alpen

TM Alpen is included in the list of “Best Manufacturers of Acrylic Bathtubs”, the reviews of which are the most positive. And this despite the fact that the company is still young domestic market plumbers. Consumers note the high quality of the products, as well as the presence of heat-insulating and noise-insulating properties, which are stated in the technical characteristics of the products by the manufacturer. The company has made every effort to combine in these products all the best that other manufacturers offer. And it should be noted that this goal was achieved almost in full.

The list of companies that specialize in producing high-quality acrylic bathtubs goes on and on. Thus, bathtubs from TM Vagnerplast, “1Marka”, Bellrado are quite popular. The choice is yours. Enjoy the shopping!

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):