Wallpapering walls is the most obvious and widespread way of finishing. But this finishing material has different characteristics and prices. What types of wallpaper are there, how they differ, where which is best to use - we’ll talk about all this further.

Classification by characteristics

In order not to make a mistake when choosing wallpaper, you need to have an idea of ​​what they generally are. Let's start with general classification according to various characteristics and properties.

The first thing you should decide on is how friendly the finish should be with water and how often it will need to be washed. According to this feature they are:

This characteristic is displayed on the label of each roll in the form of a graphic icon - a wavy line (look at the photo).

Next, you need to decide on resistance to fading. It is no secret that some materials and paints change their color on sunlit surfaces. For sunny rooms, it is better to choose fade-resistant wallpaper. In rooms with windows facing west or north, this is not so critical. For those without windows (corridors, bathrooms, toilets, etc.) this does not matter at all. This characteristic is also displayed on the label with a sun pictogram (pictured below).

Resistance of wallpaper to fading - graphic designation

Fitting the pattern may also be important. Some colors do not require pattern selection or offset at all (plain colors). Others require displacement, and by different amounts. The displacement increases the consumption of finishing material. This information is also indicated on the label using pictograms.

All types of wallpaper are equipped with an instruction insert that displays this data. There are also pictures that show how to apply the glue. The method of removal is also shown - they are removed completely or partially. Next, we will consider the types of wallpaper - what they are made of, what advantages, disadvantages they have, and scope of application.


Paper wallpaper is the most common and cheapest. Their popularity is due to their low price, wide range, good performance properties. They are environmentally friendly, permeable to air, but are afraid high humidity, have low mechanical strength and fade quickly. Average term service - 3-5 years. Not much, but this and all other shortcomings are compensated by a very attractive price.

There are paper wallpaper several types:

When choosing, pay attention to such an indicator as density - it greatly influences the strength, but keep in mind that thick paper wallpaper cannot be glued to smooth walls heavier - they are not as elastic as the average ones. Very thin ones are also bad, since they, on the contrary, stretch very much, and in wet They can practically crawl apart in your hands or “roll up”, go in waves, when you try to level them on the wall. All in all, best option- average. They will also cover up any imperfections and are easy to work with. The division is as follows: up to 110 g/m2 - light, 110-140 g/m2 - medium, more than 140 g/m2 - heavy.

If you need an inexpensive “breathable” material for wall decoration, paper wallpaper is practically unrivaled. When gluing, the simplest glue is used, which is applied to both the wall and the canvas (but not always, read the instructions).


Nonwoven is a non-woven fiber that consists of cellulose fibers (sometimes used artificial fibers). This material has high vapor permeability, conducts air and moisture well, and comes in different densities. Thin non-woven fabric is quite elastic material that can be glued to uneven walls. But it stretches too much, which can be a problem. Canvases with medium and high density They are easier to stick, but they have practically no stretch, so the surface must be flat.

Please note that there are wallpapers made from 100% non-woven fabric, and some only based on it. Now we are talking about those that are completely made of non-woven fabric, since otherwise their characteristics depend on the second layer. By the way, when searching in the catalog, write “non-woven wallpaper with non-woven coating”, otherwise most of the results are vinyl wallpaper with a non-woven backing, and they have completely different properties.

Non-woven wallpaper comes in two forms - regular and “paintable”, and is glued with a special glue based on well-purified starch and/or PVA. Can be smooth, textured, embossed or voluminous pattern. They have good performance properties:

  • When wet, non-woven fabric does not swell with glue or water and does not change its shape after drying.
  • The preparation of the walls may not be ideal - due to the density of the material, some unevenness will be hidden, but large depressions and protrusions are unacceptable.
  • Can be used in new houses - it does not tear when new small cracks form.
  • Slightly reduces the thermal conductivity and sound permeability of walls (it is clearly not enough to significantly improve sound insulation, but read how to improve it).

Most non-woven fabrics on sale are imported, but there are also a few Russian ones (for example, Milassa, Loymina). They do not differ in price, so there is little point in choosing based on this criterion. When choosing, pay attention to the fact that the width is 53 cm and 105 cm, the length in a roll is from 10 meters to 25 meters. So the price per roll is far from an indicator. It’s easier to compare if you consider the price per square meter.


Vinyl wallpapers They are paper or non-woven based. A layer of polyvinyl chloride (PVC, PVC or, more simply, vinyl) is applied to the base. This film is less than a millimeter thick, but it gives the finishing material strength (can be washed with a brush), water-repellent properties, and high resistance to fading. Exactly vinyl sheets can be washed, and many are abrasion-resistant and allow the use of a brush.

This set of properties allows you to use this type of wallpaper in rooms with high humidity, in particular in the kitchen or bathroom, but not in close proximity to water sources. It also works well where high durability of the finish is required (corridor, hallway) - you have to try hard to scratch it.

Another type of wallpaper with special properties is vinyl.

Their main drawback is that they do not allow air to pass through, so they try not to use them in residential premises or compensate by having a good ventilation system.

Types and varieties

Which vinyl wallpaper is better - paper-backed or non-woven? It is easier to glue on non-woven fabric, but only on a well-prepared base. The fact is that thin non-woven fabric is used as a base, and since the vinyl film is also thin, the overall thickness of the coating is small, they are simply not able to hide unevenness - all errors are visible. Another nuance - if the vinyl wallpaper is light, then the base should be a single color, otherwise the uneven color may show through.

If we compare vinyl and other types of wallpaper, they are the best in terms of strength and are easily glued to a relatively flat (maybe not ideal) surface. But, with significant unevenness, difficulties may arise - the dry fabric is glued and it is completely inelastic.

Vinyl wallpaper comes in a wide variety of colors. The surface can be smooth or textured. The design can be simply applied or can have volume (embossed wallpaper). There is also one for painting.

One of the types of vinyl wallpaper is hot stamping (silk screen printing)

Separately, it is worth mentioning vinyl wallpaper, which is produced by hot stamping using silk or artificial threads. They are called silk-screen printing for their characteristic shine. They look very formal, which is why they are often used in living rooms. Some types of silk-screen printing can be seen on the walls in the hallway - they make the room larger with their matte shine.

Vinyl wallpaper is sold in rolls 53 cm, 70 cm and 105 cm wide, the length of the roll is usually 10 meters (more precisely 10.05 m), they are glued with a special glue, as they have quite a lot of weight.

Read how to properly glue wallpaper.

Acrylic wallpaper

To be precise, this is paper wallpaper with acrylic coating. The polymer is applied pointwise, without completely covering the base, so it only comes with a textured surface. This has practically no effect on the number of colors, but on the weight - quite strongly. Acrylic sheets are not as heavy as vinyl sheets, which is why the glue used is not as thick. Thanks to the spot application of the polymer (it is itself airtight), this type of finish can be classified as breathable, which is why this type of wallpaper is often used in residential premises.

Acrylic wallpaper is paper base(usually colored), on which acrylic is dotted

Partial coating of paper with acrylic slightly increases its resistance to washing - they are classified as waterproof, fade resistance is average, as price category. They are glued according to the same principle as paper ones - glue is applied to both the wallpaper and the wall; difficulty of gluing is average. Problems may arise if acrylic coating too soft - you press a little harder and it comes off. Then they behave the same way in operation - the coating can be removed by accidentally touching it with something hard. Even with a fingernail. This does not apply to all types of acrylic wallpaper, but there are such examples. Overall, a good option, but not great.

The width of rolls of acrylic wallpaper is most often 53 cm, but there are 70 cm, and you can also find meter-long ones. The standard length is 10 meters. The price range here is greater than that of other types of wallpaper: there are very inexpensive ones made in Russia and Ukraine (cost from $3-5 per roll), there are imported ones - 8-15 times more expensive. It is worth noting that the quality and appearance, differs significantly.

Textile (fabric)

Textile wallpaper is made from paper and non-woven fabric. A woven or braided material made of linen, cotton, viscose, jute, polyester, silk, etc. is glued onto this base. The texture can be smooth, silky, velvety. It depends on the material used and weaving technique. In addition, relief designs can be woven onto the fabric.

Textile wallpaper - looks great, but is expensive

Fabric wallpaper is another type of “breathable” wall decoration, therefore it can be used in living rooms. This is a very beautiful finishing material, but expensive. Even if we compare such not very cheap types of wallpaper as silk-screen printing or natural ones. At the same time, it is demanding in terms of operating conditions - it is afraid of high humidity, fades, and can only be cleaned dry, occasionally using a damp sponge.

There are two forms of release: standard - rolls 10 meters long (width 70-80 cm). Some textile wallpaper(more expensive) sell at linear meters. Their width is usually 105-120, but there are also wider canvases.

The rules for combining wallpaper are described.

Glass wallpaper

Fiberglass wallpaper is special type finishing materials for painting. They are good because they are not afraid of moisture and can be glued in damp rooms. You just need to choose the right paint. The second positive point is that they can withstand repeated repainting (the highest quality - up to 20 times) and their service life is 20-30 years. Other types of wallpaper are much inferior to them in this parameter.

Due to the interweaving of fiberglass, wallpaper is vapor-, air- and water-permeable. However, it is worth remembering that the properties of the surface being glued depend on the properties of the paint with which they will be coated.

If you need durable wallpaper that can be painted, choose one made from fiberglass

The disadvantage is that there is not a very large assortment, a somewhat “office” appearance, and also the fact that before painting they get into the air tiny particles glass It is also worth wearing protective clothing when working. Glue fiberglass wallpaper using a special glue that is applied to the wall

A very interesting coating, which is rather one of the subtypes of plaster mixtures. Sold in powder form or ready-to-use formulation. It consists of astringent components (glue), textile fibers, cellulose, mineral and decorative additives. How putty is applied to walls with a spatula or something resembling this tool.

An important property of liquid wallpaper is its undemanding nature on the base. All other types of wallpaper require flat surface. Some are more even, some less. Liquid wallpaper itself can level the wall it is applied to. But, in order to save composition, significant recesses should first be sealed with suitable putty.

Liquid wallpaper is suitable for heated and unheated rooms, but requires normal humidity. Another advantage of this type of coating is its high maintainability. The damaged area is cleaned off, the resulting recess is filled with the same composition. Once dry, the repaired area is almost impossible to find. Therefore, some of the composition is stored “until required”.

Other types of wallpaper

The above describes those finishing materials that are presented in any hardware store. But there are types of wallpaper that are rarely used, but have good performance properties and look very unusual. This may be why they are not so widespread.

Now you know all types of wallpaper - both widespread and not so widespread. Knowing their main characteristics, you can choose the finishing material to suit the requirements of a specific room and your desires.

Pasting wallpaper in Russian houses is still a hassle, especially if you pay close attention to the surface being pasted. The walls in our standard apartments very rarely they have a small number of defects and have a smooth surface; more often than not, everything is quite the opposite.

If you approach repair work with the proper degree of seriousness and start major renovation, then you need to take care of the alignment of the walls. This work will entail large financial and time expenses, which do not always suit us. In addition, it is almost impossible to independently correct the geometry of the walls.

Wallpaper with dark geometric shapes

Wallpaper manufacturers have known about this problem for a long time and are ready to offer their solutions; some types of wallpaper can actually be glued to a surface with some defects, and the wallpaper will cover them.

Let's take a look at the most popular types of wallpaper intended for gluing to uneven walls.

Duplex - thick paper

If you undertake to glue simple paper wallpaper, then all the defects will be immediately clearly visible, but there are special kind paper wallpaper, called duplex.

Duplex wallpaper consists of two dense layers of paper, pressed together. They have nice embossing and designs.

In addition to being environmentally friendly, thick paper wallpaper with a frequently repeating pattern disguises wall unevenness

To the touch, the wallpaper resembles a sheet of thick cardboard.

Wallpaper of this type adheres well to uneven wall surfaces, since they are not able to completely adhere to it. The wallpaper always keeps its shape, which hides potholes and bumps on the wall.

The cost of such paper wallpapers is low; any ordinary person can afford them. But if you are not satisfied with the decorative side of this option, then you should pay attention to vinyl samples.

Vinyl - durable and bright

Vinyl wallpaper belongs to the more expensive segment of the wallpaper market. They are executed in several versions, which to one degree or another satisfy the requirements various rooms in an apartment or house.

Surface irregularities are not so noticeable on bright wallpaper

The thick structure and deep texture of vinyl allows you to hide more defects on the wall. In addition, vinyl is able to imitate the texture of natural finishing materials, which are not always available to us.

If we consider the huge group of wallpapers recommended for hanging on poor quality walls, then three areas stand out.

Foamed vinyl is the cheapest and easiest option produced big amount domestic and foreign wallpaper factories. Due to the thickness of the canvas, the wallpaper will perfectly hide defects on the surface, but decorative coating not the strongest and most durable.

Texture of foamed vinyl in detail

When choosing wallpaper for uneven walls, you can start with this type, try to choose the color, and only then move on to more expensive options. From an aesthetic point of view, it is much prettier and more pleasant.

Washable vinyl - a thick and soft layer of vinyl can hide small defects in the walls in the kitchen, and the surface of this wallpaper is easy to clean. The only “but” is that large bulges in the wall are visible on the glossy surface of the wallpaper, so before gluing, try to get rid of them; it’s better to have depressions or dents.

Decorative vinyl for the kitchen, washable

Hot stamped vinyl is the thickest type of wallpaper available. The wallpaper fabric is very durable and massive, has a deep texture that can completely hide uneven walls. Vinyl wallpaper produced by hot stamping is not afraid of moisture and can withstand regular wet cleaning.

An important point when choosing a pattern is to try to avoid gloss, since when the wallpaper is bent it shimmers in places of bulge or depression.

The cost of a roll of such wallpaper is already significant, since, firstly, they have a large standard length, and, secondly, they belong to the more expensive quality segment of the wallpaper market.

Durable and textured imported wallpaper perfectly masks wall defects

Hot stamping vinyl is the flagship wallpaper production of many factories, so in the vast majority it has impeccable quality. The non-woven backing, which is capable of holding a heavy and massive canvas on the wall, also contributed to this quality.

Non-woven fabric - modern material, combining fabric fibers and cellulose, wallpaper is also produced from it.

Paintable non-woven wallpaper

The combination of the paper and fabric components allows you to create a unique material, durable, tough and of high quality. In the case of adding a decorative vinyl backing to it, we get full-fledged wallpaper, but even without the decorative component, the non-woven material is ready for use.

Entirely non-woven wallpaper is available for painting. Since the material holds its shape well, such wallpaper is suitable for uneven walls. In addition, after gluing, a layer of dye is applied to the wallpaper before painting, which further hides all defects.

Non-woven wallpaper for painting is sold in large rolls of a meter wide and 25 meters long, they have White color and some ornament.

Texture of wallpaper for painting

Non-woven wallpaper is painted with water- and acrylic-based paints; solvent-based enamels are not suitable as they can corrode the surface. Paints are tinted in desired color, in this case, in any case, the painted surface will be matte, which means it will not concentrate attention on the unevenness of the wall.

The cost of a roll of non-woven wallpaper for painting is approximately comparable to a meter-wide roll of foam vinyl.

If you don't want to glue wallpaper, but give the wall decorative look necessary, then liquid wallpaper will help you out.

Liquid wallpaper - decorative plaster

On a large area of ​​the wall, the use of liquid wallpaper is justified if there is a whole cloud of small defects. The liquid mixture will fill all cavities and slightly level out small bulges, but with big problems She's unlikely to make it.

Liquid wallpaper is wear-resistant and durable; in large, dirty rooms it will be an excellent wall covering.

Decorative plaster Green colour

These are the options for choosing wallpaper for uneven walls, and finally we would publish a small set of rules for choosing a pattern and color.

Rules for choosing colors and patterns

You should not choose designs with geometric shapes or stripes, since there will be obvious distortions in places where the walls are defective, which will inevitably attract the attention of others.

You need to choose patterns with a high coverage density, plain wallpaper, wallpaper with prints scattered in random order.

An excellent ornament for hiding the maximum number of wall defects

It is best to look for a rich, perhaps even bright color; it will be difficult to detect distortions in the canvas.

If you are a supporter of calm colors in the interior, then use bright wallpaper on uneven walls, as if creating an accent. In this case, more attention will be focused on calm wallpaper glued to smooth walls.

To summarize, we can conclude the following: do not worry about your uneven walls, they are also easy to choose beautiful wallpaper, different quality and prices. If you have a very limited budget, choose a duplex; if your needs are a little larger, choose thick and beautiful vinyl, and if you plan to paint the walls one color, then, of course, non-woven fabric. Decorative plaster, also ready to become finishing layer wall decorations.

How to hide uneven walls with the right wallpaper?

Good home renovations and tastefully chosen furniture are every person’s dream. But all this beauty can be destroyed by uneven walls. An uneven wall spoils the appearance of the room, and all the irregularities on it are striking. There are several methods and materials to hide all defects on the surface. And one way to put them in order is vinyl and non-woven wallpaper for uneven walls. In this article I will tell you what kind of wallpaper this is and how to hide uneven walls with the help of properly selected wallpaper.

Vinyl and non-woven lining will help hide crooked walls

It’s hard to believe that wallpaper for uneven walls can give not only beauty, but also the appearance of a completely flat surface. Often and densely, people try to cover uneven walls with furniture so that they do not catch the eye. But this is just not right.

Unevenness on the wall should be masked not with furniture, but with vinyl and non-woven materials. wall coverings. And, of course, everyone agrees that a large number of The furniture in the room makes it feel cramped, but I would like space.

Wallpaper is the best option for creating unique interior in the house, and for covering uneven walls.

Vinyl is a type of paper covering upper layer which is covered polymer material or polyvinyl chloride. They consist of two layers: a paper or non-woven layer and a layer of polyvinyl chloride. It is this top layer that not only creates unique designs, but can also hide all defects.

Types of vinyl:

  • Compact - vinyl. Such trellises have a pronounced surface in the form of heavy materials: textured plaster, stone, textile. Quite durable and resistant to mechanical impact. Due to the fact that they have a textured top layer, they are great for hiding all the unevenness;
  • Silkscreen printing. The most extensive view of vinyl wall materials. Having a huge range and unique design, the look has gained immense popularity among consumers. Its texture is subtle; the silk effect on the wallpaper is created using smoothed vinyl;
  • Thick vinyl trellises. They have excellent resistance to mechanical stress and do not fade when exposed to direct sun rays. They are not afraid of moisture and can be washed.

Non-woven coverings are a material based on textile and cellulose fibers. This material perfectly covers all cracks and irregularities on the wall.

They can be glued to different types finishing materials. plaster, concrete, drywall, paper, wood. They do not need to be lubricated with glue and wait until they are soaked. For high-quality service, it is enough to apply glue to the surface of the wall itself.

Types of non-woven fabrics:

  • The first type consists of one non-woven fabric. There is no relief on such trellises. The drawing is applied using printing;
  • The second type is a material in which non-woven fabric is the primary base, and a pattern is applied to it. They are often called vinyl with a non-woven backing.

Selecting a pattern texture

Much when choosing leveling wallpaper depends on the texture of the pattern and its color. These factors, in literally words can give big changes all surfaces in the house, as well as correct all unevenness.

Large patterns visually reduce space. In the case when it is necessary to visually enlarge the space, you need to use drawings with small and sparse patterns. If part of the house is large (spacious), but it seems that it is not cozy, you can use striped wallpaper.

A vertical stripe and any other vertical pattern visually reduces the room, but at the same time creates the appearance high ceiling. Using horizontal stripes we get low ceiling, and visually wider than the wall.

Checkered patterns are used in those rare cases when you need to make a heavy ceiling. At the same time, the height of the room decreases. To increase small space You can use a little trick - a pattern in the form of diamonds.

Spotted patterns, like spray paint, will make uneven walls unnoticeable. Also, as a leveling material, you can use wallpaper with a variegated pattern, but only in cases where there are ledges and beams in the room.

The color of the pattern on the wallpaper also has a leveling effect on the walls and the atmosphere in general. So, if the windows face south, then to create some coolness you need to use blue, green, blue colors. And what to create warm atmosphere- use warmer colors. Sunny shades will replace the lack of ordinary light.

Deep, rich tones are great for large rooms, but in small rooms it is not advisable to use them - they visually narrow the space. The color red in the bedroom will give you vigor, and in the office it will charge you with energy. It is recommended to use orange and yellow colors in the nursery.

It is easy to hide existing defects and the room turns into an ideal one when properly selected wallpaper is applied to the walls. Their choice is the hard half of all the work to achieve good repair. To do this you need to have patience and strength.

“Wallpapering. Trimming in the corner"

A practicing wallpaper gluer explains how to properly glue wallpaper, and especially focuses on gluing the corners correctly so that the seams do not come apart.


Often found on the surface of walls in a house or apartment various defects. There may not be enough time or financial resources to eliminate them, and repairs must continue. In this case, wallpaper for uneven walls will help resolve the issue. The wallpaper will hide the depressions and bulges on the base. Disguising significant deviations will be completed by the correct arrangement of furniture, the use of relief decorative trim, and familiarization with additional design nuances will allow you to create a stylish, sophisticated interior that emphasizes individuality.

What types of wallpaper can be pasted on uneven walls?

Ideally, it is better to hang wallpaper on flat walls, because the work process is greatly simplified: the canvases fit comfortably, there are no problems with corners, but bringing the base surface to an almost ideal plane will require additional costs. For self-leveling you will also need certain knowledge, construction skills and abilities.

A good result can be obtained by using thick wallpaper. Options suitable for gluing are described in the table below.

Types of wallpaper used on uneven substrates, their characteristics

Type of wallpaper materialsDescription
1 paperdue to their thickness, the glued fragments do not stretch much, which reduces the likelihood of base unevenness appearing on their surface after drying
2 liquidThey can be used to fill small cracks
3 vinylSuch products do not hide irregularities well, because they glossy surface visually highlights problem areas
4 non-wovendense, embossed - they mask small and medium-sized surface imperfections well

The table shows which wallpaper is best for gluing on uneven walls. Glued non-woven fabrics (shown in the photo) or vinyl sheets will best help mask existing defects. This is durable, durable wallpaper.

The materials discussed in the table are represented by a wide range of products. The models differ in color, relief, thickness, and pattern. Simple recommendations will tell you which wallpaper to choose for uneven walls. The rules are as follows:

  • choose wallpaper without clearly defined patterns with divergent different directions lines, chaotic patterns;
  • It is preferable for selected rolls to have bright colors(such fragments can be glued to problem areas);
  • the color palette chosen for decorating the room should create a “game of contrasts” or be completely monochromatic;
  • canvases containing geometric figures(stripes), it is not recommended to pick it up in the room;
  • for the selected rolls, it is desirable to be rich in frequently repeating patterns (patterns) arranged randomly;
  • The use of liquid wallpaper on uneven walls can be done either by completely decorating the room with their help, or by finishing individual areas.

The design example shown in the photo hides the existing ones well. problem areas.

When choosing wallpaper for uneven walls, their thickness is constantly taken into account. Naturally, the larger it is, the better the canvas will mask the problem on the surface of the base. But you will need to glue the measured strips special composition, applied with a “solid” layer. By using vinyl products get a beautiful decorative finishing, bringing various designers’ ideas to life, and non-woven ones are often used for further painting.

Technology of working with wallpaper: preparation of the base and gluing

For curved walls, they will need to be prepared accordingly.

This simple procedure is easy to do yourself. All actions consist of the following manipulations:

  • remove existing old coatings from the surface of the work area: whitewash, paint, wallpaper (in some cases it is possible);
  • if there is no finishing and you just need to stick it on the plaster, then check it for the presence of peelings, and if they are detected, remove the pieces down to the rough base;
  • in all cases, cracks (holes even more so) must be sealed with mortar;
  • the base prepared in this way is cleaned of dirt and dust;
  • you can apply a kind of fine corrugation on it with a metal brush to improve adhesion;
  • the wall is primed to reduce the ability of its outer layer to absorb glue;
  • after the first one dries, the second one is formed.

The work will require the use of the following set of tools:

  • roller:
  • containers for glue and water;
  • several spatulas: plastic and metal;
  • building level, tape measure, knife and pencil, rag.
  • devices for working at height.

IN difficult cases a hammer may be required.

When the base is completely prepared, proceed to gluing the strips. Actions are carried out in this order:

  • Level markings are made on the wall surface so that the first strip covers the corner;
  • the working area is covered with glue, creating a base that must dry;
  • the cut piece is coated with the prepared composition and glued in the corner with an overlap on another partition (5 cm is enough);
  • the second fragment is adjusted in a similar way;
  • use a knife to make a cut along the entire corner;
  • the cut pieces are thrown away, and the joining edges of the canvases are coated with glue;
  • the following strips are applied exactly along the joints so that the seams are not visible;
  • The entire room is covered in this way (the next photo shows the work process);
  • Depending on the material of the selected models, glue is used for either vinyl or paper wallpaper.

It is preferable to use the primer until the applied solution stops absorbing into the coating. The gluing of the selected type of material must be carried out with a composition specially designed for it, capable of supporting the weight of the applied strips.

Recommendations for hiding significant surface defects

Quite significant depressions and bulges may remain noticeable even after pasting. How to hide uneven walls in this case? To do this, just use a number of tips:

  • the area with the existing flaw is covered with a picture, mirror or bookshelf, TV, or any decorative elements;
  • arrange furniture taking into account existing problem areas;
  • select and apply wallpaper in such a way that visual effects are created throughout the entire coating, hiding actual unevenness.

The photo below is an example correct design premises.

Several nuances regarding pasting boil down to the following points:

  • Before placing the wallpaper fragment treated with adhesive against the wall base, allow the applied composition to dry;
  • the glue that appears after smoothing the canvas over the surface is removed with a clean rag;
  • if further coloring is performed, the dye is applied in the minimum possible quantity so as not to greatly moisten the glued strips.

By observing nuances and using additional tricks, you can achieve complete visual harmony. The created decorative coating will help hide all crooked areas from the eyes, and beautiful design will last for many years.

What wallpaper to glue on uneven walls depends on individual preferences and personal financial capabilities. Decorating rooms with this material allows you to achieve visually impressive results. Compliance with the technology and nuances of gluing allows you to hide the entire curvature with minor deviations from the norm. Medium-sized defects will allow you to smooth out additional interior design tricks, but if you first plaster the working surfaces level, it will be easier to carry out pasting.

Recommendations for leveling walls with wallpaper are contained in the video below.

Many people who started renovations in own home, are faced with the problem of uneven walls. This is real headache, because leveling walls requires a lot of effort, money, time, and most importantly, special skills that owners often do not possess. Therefore, there is a desire to simply hide the defects.

What wallpaper is better to choose? in this case– thick or thin? Which one is the right one to use on uneven walls in a room or kitchen? This article will discuss various options wallpaper suitable for uneven walls, their properties and features.

Paper wallpaper duplex (two-layer)

Double paper wallpaper - great option at a favorable price

If the budget allocated for renovation work, is very limited, then you can use the cheapest option - two-layer wallpaper. They are denser than single-layer ones, and often also have embossing. Due to the density of the material, it is convenient to work with wallpaper.

Once on the surface, the paper does not stretch so much, which reduces the risk of wall defects appearing on the surface of the wallpaper after drying.

The cost of one roll fluctuates around 150-200 rubles.

Vinyl wallpapers

The properties and quality of this wallpaper are noticeably different from the paper version. In addition, there are several different types, which allows you to make the most accurate choice for a particular case.

  • Foamed. They have a fairly decent thickness, allowing you to successfully hide problem areas of the walls, hiding them from prying eyes. Foamed vinyl provides aesthetic beauty due to not only various color solutions and ornaments, but also texture. When choosing wallpaper for uneven walls, we recommend paying close attention to the option with a 3D effect. The cost of one roll is about 750 rubles.
  • Hot stamping. In addition to the thickness of the sheet, vinyl made by hot stamping has good mechanical strength. Such wallpaper can be washed, but when choosing wallpaper for uneven walls, it is important to pay attention to the lack of shine, because on walls with uneven surfaces, gloss will enhance the visibility of defects. The market offers a wide selection of wallpapers with a matte top layer. The price of one roll is from 750 rubles.
  • Washable. Use not recommended of this type for masking uneven walls due to the glossy surface, visually highlighting problem areas of the walls.

Non-woven wallpaper

The density of the fibers, as well as the relief surface, hides the unevenness of the walls quite well, masking their imperfections. Often non-woven and intended for painting. Painted wallpaper has a strong top layer. Solvent-based compositions are not suitable for non-woven fabrics, so you should choose water-based paints (dispersion, acrylic, latex) with a minimum content of binder.

When applying paint from the back side of the wallpaper, it will appear on the front side and after drying it will take on a matte appearance. Therefore, for uneven walls, it is recommended to use this type of painting.

The cost of one roll is from 800 rubles.

Advice: When selecting wallpaper for uneven walls, avoid clear patterns (stripes in different directions) as this will only draw attention to the defect. It is better to opt for chaotic prints. Bright pictures are also suitable. For supporters of a calm interior, you can resort to design technique and stick bright wallpaper only on bad areas of the wall. To do this, you should choose a print that contrasts with the main design of the room, which will allow you to achieve harmonious combination colors.

Liquid wallpaper

And finally - . Due to their ability to fill small cracks and damage, they are also suitable for such tasks. However, liquid wallpaper will not be able to correct the situation in cases of large curvature or deep damage to the walls.

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