We continue the series of articles on proper organization student's workplace. To understand why this is important to do, just look at the statistics on “popular” school diseases. Among them, the “leaders” are poor posture and myopia. This is due to heavy loads at school during the period of growth and an improperly equipped place for classes. We have already written about how an inclined tabletop helps preserve children's vision. And in this article we will tell you what the height of the desk should be according to SanPin.

Why is this necessary?

Each student spends up to 8 hours a day at his desk. If it does not correspond to height, the child will be forced to slouch. And given the oblique letter adopted at school, he will raise his right shoulder and squint. Ultimately, the situation can lead to the development of a serious illness - scoliosis.

Meanwhile, curvature of the spine can be prevented. To do this, orthopedic doctors recommend adhering to the “three corners” rule when sitting at a table. And choosing the right desk height depending on your height will help you easily follow this simple rule.

Sanitary requirements for school desks: SanPin

The state has developed rules and regulations for kindergartens and schools, which are recorded in the document: “Requirements for the conditions and organization of education in general educational institutions” (SanPin

Clause 5 says the following:

Student furniture must be made from materials that are harmless to children's health, and meet the height and age characteristics of children and ergonomic requirements.

and the table is given:

Height of desk and chair according to GOST 11015-93 and 11016-93

A smart solution: a height-adjustable desk

Children grow up too fast. And so that parents do not have to change furniture every year, manufacturers produce so-called “growing desks” with height adjustment. This is very convenient and allows parents to save money. As the child grows, the tabletop is simply raised to the desired level using special mechanisms, which allows the product to be used throughout the entire period of education: from first grade to graduation.

Our assortment includes transformable desks with various tabletop lifting mechanisms: from simple to super-reliable German gas lifts. detailed information for each item is located in the product description. Some models have an overview video where you can see the use in action and choose one for your child best option.

When preparing a child for school, parents have to think about numerous things, because this stage quite responsible, and also long-lasting. You need to take care not only about the purchase school supplies and new things, but also about the furniture on which the first grader will do his homework.

New workplace The schoolchild should not only please the child in order to stimulate him to study, but also be as comfortable as possible. After all, if a chair or table is chosen incorrectly, the child’s posture will soon be impaired and
Vision will deteriorate significantly.

Therefore, you should approach the choice of furniture very responsibly, choosing the height of the desk and chair depending on the height of the baby.

As practice shows, health problems in first-graders most often occur precisely because of incorrectly selected furniture. If, for example, the high chair is too low, the child’s blood circulation will soon be impaired. And it's too high seat impairs visual acuity.

Recommendations provided by experts will help you choose the right one
furniture accessories:

  1. When choosing a chair, you need to visually determine at what level the baby’s feet are. If the sole is completely on the floor, and a right angle has formed between the thigh and lower leg, you can safely purchase this model.
  2. It is equally important to pay attention to the seat, which should never come into strong contact with the hamstrings.
  3. The back also needs to be given due attention. You need to choose a chair with a back that is securely fixed and has a right angle.
  4. According to experts, a chair equipped with four legs is best suited for a first-grader, that is, it is best to avoid purchasing rotating models.
  5. It is imperative to pay attention to how far away the child’s eyes are relative to the table. Determining the correct distance yourself is quite simple, because this indicator should correspond to the distance from the baby’s elbow to the tip of his fingers.

It happens that relatives give a future first-grader a chair in advance that turns out to be too high. In this case, parents need to build a stand for it from a wooden base, on which the baby should always place his feet.

To facilitate the choice of furniture, the SanPiN table posted on the Internet resource will help, which indicates the approximate height parameters of both the desk and the chair, depending on height.

Height Desk height High chair height
up to 135 cm 52.5 cm 30.5 cm
from 135 to 140 cm 60 cm 35 cm
from 144 to 164 cm 65 cm 43 cm
from 164 to 170 cm 72 cm 45 cm
over 170 cm 75 cm 50 cm

It is equally important to think about good lighting workplace, and place the light source taking into account which hand the baby writes with. That is, if working hand is right, then lighting fixture is installed on the left, respectively, for left-handed people the light should come from the right.

The workplace should be well lit not only with natural light, but also
additional lighting sources. According to experts, fluorescent lamps should not be used for lighting, as such light causes rapid eye fatigue. It is best to use LED or regular incandescent lamps to illuminate the workplace.

Color scheme used in design working area, also should not tire the eyes with variegated shades. The decoration is best done in two shades, and for variety, add several decorative elements in the color that the baby likes best.

How to fix furniture that is not suitable for a child’s height

There are two fairly simple ways to reduce the height:

  1. Make your own stand from a wooden base on which the baby will rest his feet.
  2. The desired height can also be achieved by cutting the legs. But since children grow very quickly, experts do not recommend stopping at this option, so as not to soon start thinking about how to raise the height of the table.

If the purchased desk, on the contrary, is too low, the following tips will help you change the parameters:

  1. Making a special podium, which must exceed the width of the legs and table top. A table is fixed to the podium, that is, the structure, in addition to its main purpose, will act as an additional fixation.
  2. Having visited a specialized store, it is quite possible to buy supporting furniture legs, without a tabletop, of the appropriate length, and simply replace the unsuitable ones with them.

When choosing furniture for a child, you should choose a reliable manufacturer whose products have a GOST certificate and a special conclusion issued by the sanitary-epidemiological station. It is best to opt for desks and chairs made from a natural wood base, for example, cherry or alder. As practice shows, products provided to customers in accordance with GOST have high quality, simple and easy to use, long time saves external attractive appearance and is practically durable.

School desk– a non-replaceable companion for a schoolchild for several hours, 5 days a week, so her choice directly determines what the child’s posture will be. The workplace should not only be attractive, but also comfortable and functional, and contribute to the normal learning process. When wrong choice

furniture, the consequences can be disastrous - poor posture, problems with the spine, blurred vision. What size school desk is optimal and what are the requirements for it?

Types of school desks Many people mistakenly believe that school desks are practically no different from each other - in fact, each of them is intended for certain activities. There are ordinary and special student tables (for drawing, drafting, foreign languages

  1. , chemistry, etc.).
  2. In stores you can find 2 types of desks: 1-seater and 2-seater. Structurally they are:

With a height-adjustable tabletop that can be adjusted depending on the student’s height. Non-adjustable, in which the inclination of the tabletop and the overall height are unchanged. For primary classes desks are familiar, which are a monoblock structure - a table is combined with a bench.

For young children, this is the best option that helps maintain their health. But

best choice

  • will become an orthopedic modern desk, with which your posture will always be correct, since the tabletop is flexibly adjustable in height, as well as inclination.
  • Requirements for furniture
  • Compliance standards for school tables were developed in the USSR decades ago, however, they cannot be called comfortable. In most cases, it is impossible to adjust the height of the desk and tabletop, which affects the convenience of the lesson - suitable for some children, for others the table is low or high, depending on height. As for the requirements, the furniture must comply with:

In addition, during the manufacture study desks should only be used environmentally friendly materials, they should be easy to clean and simple to use. The main conditions are presented in GOST 22046-02 - furniture in mandatory

undergoes certification, as evidenced by special documents. The service life of the table should not be less than 10 years.

Standard student desk sizes

  1. The height of the desk is selected depending on the height of the child, and research results indicate that a difference of 10–15 cm in sitting children does not in any way affect posture.
  2. For this reason, the tables produced are divided into 5 groups with a difference of 15 cm in height, so that you can choose the best option for each student:
  3. A - table height 53–58 cm, permissible height – up to 130 cm.
  4. B - table height 59–63 cm, permissible height – 130–145 cm.
  5. B - table height 64–69 cm, permissible height – 145–160 cm.

D - table height 70–74 cm, permissible height – 160–175 cm.

D - table height 75–82 cm, permissible height – over 175 cm.

Categories 1 and 2 are intended for primary classes; in secondary classes there should be tables from 3 to 5 categories so that children of different heights can study equally comfortably. In this case, the desks are arranged in ascending order - first category 3, then several 4 and finally 5. The most comfortable adjustable furniture can rarely be found in a school, although it is the best option. Regulatory Features The basis for school tables is metal carcass(more often profile pipe 25x25 with wall thickness 1.2 mm). The service life of furniture is significantly extended due to powder painting, which protects it from corrosion. The standard tabletop is made of plywood 6–12 mm thick, chipboard or furniture board. In the latter case, a hypoallergenic colorless varnish is applied to the surface. Table compliance criteria for healthy and

correct location student: You should also make sure that the edge of the desk is flush with the bottom of the child’s chest. In this regard, once again, the advantage of an adjustable table is that it can be adjusted as precisely as possible to the

individual characteristics

schoolchild and change them as he grows up. Correct posture Sedentary activities make up the majority of curriculum at the table. While sitting, the child's body is in an unstable balance, and a less tiring position in which the muscular effort to maintain it is minimal.

This is characteristic of an upright position, when the torso is positioned vertically, since the center of gravity is located above the support points. Greater comfort is achieved by the ability to transfer the center of gravity to a support, for example, to the back. A properly selected desk provides many additional amenities for a schoolchild.

For example, he can comfortably place his forearms on the table and write - without having to lean or lean forward. In this case, the student will practically not get tired, because all efforts will be spent only on writing, since the hands do not perform a supporting function. The direct position of the head is also the least tiring - in the absence of its tilt, the neck and back do not get tired. Sloping tabletops are the most attractive from the point of view of learning effectiveness, since information that is perceived at a right angle is absorbed best.

The abundance of offers on the market makes it possible to choose a desk for a student based on many parameters. In this case, he will not get tired, and classes will be easier for him. In addition, as practice shows, studying at a table in the choice of which the child was directly involved is much more effective. Pocket article - mint.

about the height of the chair. To prevent your child from slouching, when buying a school desk or school table, you need to know how to choose the right chair height

How to determine the correct chair height for a child? The child should sit like this school desk.

so that his feet are level on the floor with the entire sole. There should be a right angle between the child's shin and thigh. If the angle is obtuse - the seat is higher than needed, if the angle is acute - lower, a higher school chair is needed In order for the child to sit comfortably and study school desk

– the distance from the child’s face to the table should be equal to the length from the child’s fingertips to the elbow.

The school chair should not dig into the hamstrings. The back should be leaning against the chair, the lower back should rest on the back..

To understand what the height of the child’s seat should be above the floor, measure the length of the child’s lower leg along with the foot, and add 1-2 cm to the resulting value (this takes into account the approximate height of the heel). The same algorithm applies when measuring chair height for an adult.

The standard requirements for the height of the seat above the floor are as follows: if the child is 150-159 cm tall, this height must be at least 44 cm; if the child is 160-169 cm tall, the seat height above the floor is 46-46.5 cm; for a child 170 cm tall or more, the seat should rise above the floor by approximately 48 cm.

Computer chairs for schoolchildren should follow the child’s anatomy and support correct position back, it should not have armrests, the seat should have a beveled edge.

Formula for calculating chair height

Your height * 75 cm / 175 cm = Table height

School desk for a child, distance from table to eyes

To prevent the child from slouching when writing or reading at the table, it is necessary to adjust the angle of the tabletop, depending on the type of activity. There are certain medical norms: if a child draws - 0-5° approximation, writes - 15° approximation to the table, reads - 30° approximation.

When the child sits correctly, the forearms rest on the tabletop and are relaxed.

What to do if you have already bought a chair, but the height is incorrect

You can place a bench or small stool under your feet. You can place a small pillow or cushion under your lower back for proper support.

If you are tired of sitting, lean on the backrest only in the lower spine and pelvic area so that the natural arch in the lower back is maintained. If you are resting correctly on your ischial tuberosities, you won't need a backrest. (these are two small bones in the lower part of the pelvis, just behind the hips. If you bend your lower back, the support from under the ischial tuberosities goes away, and you immediately begin to be pulled back onto the back of the chair). To be able to sit correctly, choose a fairly hard chair.

But it’s better to choose right away correct furniture for sitting, comfortable and convenient, the required size and height.

V. Requirements for premises and equipment educational institutions

5.1. The number of workplaces for students should not exceed the capacity of the educational institution provided for by the project for which the building was built (reconstructed).

Each student is provided with a workplace (at a desk or table, game modules and others) in accordance with his height.

5.2. Depending on the purpose of the classrooms, they can be used different kinds student furniture: school desk, student tables (single and double), classroom, drawing or laboratory tables complete with chairs, desks and others. Stools or benches are not used instead of chairs.

Student furniture must be made from materials that are harmless to the health of children and meet the height and age characteristics of children and ergonomic requirements.

5.3. The main type of student furniture for students of the first stage of education should be a school desk, equipped with a tilt regulator for the surface of the working plane. When learning to write and read, tilt work surface the plane of the school desk should be 7 - 15. The front edge of the seat surface should extend beyond the front edge of the working plane of the desk by 4 cm for desks number 1, by 5 - 6 cm for desks number 2 and 3, and by 7 - 8 cm for desks number 4.

The dimensions of educational furniture, depending on the height of students, must correspond to the values ​​​​given in Table 1.

Table 1

Furniture dimensions and markings

Furniture numbers according to GOST standards



Growth group

(in mm)

Height above the floor of the table edge facing the student according to GOST 11015-93 (in mm)

Marking color

Height above the floor of the front edge of the seat according to GOST 11016-93 (in mm)

1000 -1150




1150 - 1300




1300 - 1450




1450 - 1600




1600 - 1750




Over 1750




Combined use is allowed different types student furniture (desks, desks).

Depending on the height group, the height above the floor of the front edge of the desk top facing the student should have the following values: for a body length of 1150 - 1300 mm - 750 mm, 1300 - 1450 mm - 850 mm and 1450 - 1600 mm - 950 mm. The angle of inclination of the tabletop is 15 - 17.

The duration of continuous work at the desk for students of the 1st stage of education should not exceed 7 - 10 minutes, and for students of the 2nd - 3rd stage of education - 15 minutes.

5.4. To select educational furniture according to the growth of students, it is made color coding, which is applied to the visible side outer surface of the table and chair in the form of a circle or stripes.

5.5. Desks (tables) are arranged in classrooms by numbers: smaller ones are closer to the board, larger ones are further away. For children with hearing impairment, desks should be placed in the first row.

Children who often suffer from acute respiratory infections, sore throats, colds, should be seated further away from outer wall.

At least twice during the academic year, students sitting in the outer rows, rows 1 and 3 (with a three-row arrangement of desks), are changed places without disturbing the furniture’s suitability for their height.

In order to prevent postural disorders, it is necessary to cultivate the correct working posture in students from the first days of attending classes in accordance with the recommendations of Appendix 1 of these sanitary rules.

5.6. When equipping classrooms, the following passage dimensions and distances in centimeters are observed:

Between rows of double tables - at least 60;

Between a row of tables and the outer longitudinal wall - at least 50 - 70;

Between a row of tables and the internal longitudinal wall (partition) or cabinets standing along this wall - at least 50;

From the last tables to the wall (partition) opposite the blackboard - at least 70, from back wall, which is external, - 100;

From the demonstration table to the training board - at least 100;

From the first desk to the blackboard - at least 240;

The greatest distance from the student's last place from the blackboard is 860;

The height of the lower edge of the teaching board above the floor is 70 - 90;

The distance from the chalkboard to the first row of tables in offices with a square or transverse configuration with a four-row arrangement of furniture is at least 300.

The visibility angle of the board from the edge of the board, 3.0 m long, to the middle of the student’s extreme seat at the front table must be at least 35 degrees for students of the 2nd - 3rd stages of education and at least 45 degrees for students of the 1st stage of education.

The place of study furthest from windows should not be further than 6.0 m.

In general educational institutions of the first climatic region the distance of tables (desks) from the outer wall must be at least 1.0 m.

When installing desks in addition to the main student furniture, they are located behind last row tables or the first row from the wall opposite the light-carrying one, in compliance with the requirements for the size of passages and distances between equipment.

This furniture arrangement does not apply to classrooms equipped with interactive whiteboards.

In newly constructed and reconstructed buildings of general education institutions, it is necessary to provide a rectangular configuration of classrooms and classrooms with the location student desks along the windows and left-side natural lighting.

5.7. Blackboards (using chalk) must be made of materials that have high adhesion to materials used for writing, can be easily cleaned with a damp sponge, be wear-resistant, have dark green color and anti-reflective coating.

Chalkboards should have trays for retaining chalk dust, storing chalk, rags, and a holder for drawing supplies.

When using a marker board, the color of the marker should be contrasting (black, red, brown, dark colors blue and green).

It is allowed to equip classrooms and classrooms with interactive whiteboards that meet hygienic requirements. When using the interactive whiteboard and projection screen it is necessary to ensure its uniform illumination and the absence of light spots of increased brightness.

5.8. Physics and chemistry classrooms must be equipped with special demonstration tables. To ensure better visibility of educational visual aids, the demonstration table is installed on the podium. Student and demonstration tables must be resistant to aggressive chemical substances covering and protective edges along the outer edge of the table.

The chemistry room and laboratory are equipped with fume hoods. 5.9. The equipment of computer science classrooms must meet the hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and work organization.

5.10. Workshops for labor training must have an area of ​​6.0 m2 per 1 workplace. The placement of equipment in workshops is carried out taking into account the creation favorable conditions for visual work and maintaining correct working posture.

Carpentry workshops are equipped with workbenches placed either at an angle of 45 to the window, or in 3 rows perpendicular to the light-carrying wall so that the light falls from the left. The distance between workbenches must be at least 0.8 m in the front-to-back direction.

In metalworking workshops, both left- and right-side lighting is allowed with workbenches perpendicular to the light-carrying wall. The distance between the rows of single workbenches must be at least 1.0 m, double ones - 1.5 m. The vice is attached to the workbenches at a distance of 0.9 m between their axes. Mechanical workbenches must be equipped with a safety net with a height of 0.65 - 0.7 m.

Drilling, grinding and other machines must be installed on a special foundation and equipped with safety nets, glass and local lighting.

Carpentry and plumbing workbenches must match the height of students and be equipped with footrests.

The sizes of tools used for carpentry and plumbing work must correspond to the age and height of the students (Appendix 2 of these sanitary rules).

Metalworking and carpentry workshops and service labor rooms are equipped with washbasins with cold and hot water, electric towels or paper towels.

5.11. In newly constructed and reconstructed buildings of general education institutions, it is necessary to provide at least two rooms in home economics classrooms: for teaching cooking skills and for cutting and sewing.

5.12. In the home economics classroom, used for teaching cooking skills, provision is made for the installation of double-sink sinks with cold and hot water supply and a mixer, at least 2 tables with hygienic covering, a refrigerator, an electric stove and a cabinet for storing dishes. Approved detergents for washing tableware must be provided near the sinks.

5.13. The housekeeping room, used for cutting and sewing, is equipped with tables for drawing patterns and cutting, and sewing machines.

Sewing machines are installed along the windows to provide left-side natural light on the work surface sewing machine or opposite a window for direct (front) natural lighting of the work surface.

5.14. In existing buildings of general education institutions, if there is one home economics classroom, a separate place is provided for placing an electric stove, cutting tables, a dishwasher and a washbasin.

5.15. Labor training workshops and home economics classrooms, gyms must be equipped with first aid kits for first aid.

5.16. Equipment of classrooms intended for classes artistic creativity, choreography and music, must comply with sanitary and epidemiological requirements for institutions of additional education for children.

5.17. IN game rooms furniture, playground and sports equipment must correspond to the height of the students. Furniture should be placed around the perimeter of the playroom, thereby freeing up the maximum part of the area for outdoor games.

Using upholstered furniture must have removable covers(at least two), with mandatory replacement at least once a month and whenever they become dirty. Special cabinets are installed to store toys and manuals.

TVs are installed on special stands at a height of 1.0 - 1.3 m from the floor. When watching television programs, the placement of spectator seats should provide a distance of at least 2 m from the screen to the eyes of students.

5.18. Bedrooms for first-graders attending the group extended day, should be separate for boys and girls. They are equipped with teenage (size 1600 x 700 mm) or built-in single-tier beds. Beds in bedrooms are placed in compliance with minimum gaps: from external walls - at least 0.6 m, from heating devices- 0.2 m, the width of the passage between the beds is at least 1.1 m, between the headboards of two beds - 0.3 - 0.4 m.

VI. Requirements for air-thermal conditions

6.1. Buildings of educational institutions are equipped with centralized heating and ventilation systems, which must comply with the standards for the design and construction of residential and public buildings and provide optimal parameters microclimate and air environment.

Steam heating is not used in institutions. When installing heating device enclosures, the materials used must be harmless to the health of children.

Fencing made of particle boards and others polymer materials not allowed.

The use of portable heating devices, as well as heaters with infrared radiation, is not allowed.

6.2. Air temperature depending on climatic conditions in classrooms and offices, psychologist and speech therapist offices, laboratories, assembly hall, dining room, recreation, library, lobby, wardrobe should be 18 - 24 C; in the gym and rooms for sectional classes, workshops - 17 - 20 C; bedroom, playrooms, department premises preschool education and school boarding school - 20 - 24 C; medical offices, changing rooms of the gym - 20 - 22 C, showers - 25 C.

For control temperature regime classrooms and classrooms must be equipped with household thermometers.

6.3. During non-school hours, in the absence of children, the temperature in the premises of a general education institution must be maintained at least 15 C.

6.4. In the premises of educational institutions relative humidity air should be 40 - 60%, air speed no more than 0.1 m/sec.

6.5. If there is stove heating in existing buildings of educational institutions, the firebox is installed in the corridor. To avoid indoor air pollution from carbon monoxide chimneys They close no earlier than complete combustion of the fuel and no later than two hours before the arrival of students.

For newly constructed and reconstructed buildings of educational institutions stove heating not allowed.

6.6. Educational areas are ventilated during breaks, and recreational areas during lessons. Before classes start and after they end, it is necessary to carry out cross-ventilation of classrooms. The duration of through ventilation is determined weather conditions, wind direction and speed, efficiency heating system. The recommended duration of through ventilation is given in Table 2.

Outside temperature From 0

Duration of room ventilation (min)

In small changes

IN big changes and between shifts

From + 10 to +6



From +5 to 0



From 0 to -5



-5 to -10



Below - 10



6.7. Physical education lessons and sports sections should be conducted in well-aerated gyms.

During classes in the hall, it is necessary to open one or two windows on the leeward side when the outside air temperature is above plus 5 C and the wind speed is no more than 2 m/s. At lower temperatures and higher air speeds, classes in the hall are conducted with one to three transoms open. When the outside air temperature is below minus 10 C and the air speed is more than 7 m/s, through ventilation of the hall is carried out in the absence of students for 1 - 1.5 minutes; during big breaks and between shifts - 5 - 10 minutes.

When the air temperature reaches plus 14 C, ventilation in the gym should be stopped.

6.8. Windows must be equipped with folding transoms with lever devices or vents. The area of ​​transoms and vents used for ventilation in classrooms must be at least 1/50 of the floor area. Transoms and vents must function at any time of the year.

6.9. When replacing window units, the glazing area must be maintained or increased.

The opening plane of the windows should provide ventilation.

6.10. Window glazing must be made of solid glass. Broken glass must be replaced immediately.

6.11. Individual systems exhaust ventilation should be provided for the following premises: educational premises and offices, assembly halls, swimming pools, shooting ranges, a canteen, a medical center, a cinema equipment room, sanitary facilities, premises for the processing and storage of cleaning equipment, carpentry and plumbing workshops.

Mechanical exhaust ventilation is equipped in workshops and service rooms where the stoves are installed.

6.12. Concentrations harmful substances in the air of premises of educational institutions should not exceed hygienic standards for atmospheric air populated areas.

VII. Requirements for natural and artificial lighting

7.1. Daylight.

7.1.1. All classrooms must have natural light in accordance with hygienic requirements to natural, artificial, combined lighting of residential and public buildings.

7.1.2. Without natural lighting it is allowed to design: squat rooms, washrooms, showers, toilets in the gymnasium; showers and toilets for staff; storerooms and warehouses, radio nodes; film and photo laboratories; book depositories; boiler rooms, pumping water pipelines and sewerage; ventilation and air conditioning chambers; control units and other rooms for installation and management of engineering and technological equipment buildings; premises for storing disinfectants.

7.1.3. In classrooms, natural left-side lighting should be designed. When the depth of classrooms is more than 6 m, it is necessary to install right-side lighting, the height of which must be at least 2.2 m from the floor.

The direction of the main luminous flux in front and behind the students.

7.1.4. In workshops for labor training, assembly and sports halls, two-way side natural lighting can be used.

7.1.5. In the premises of educational institutions, normalized values ​​of the natural illumination coefficient (NLC) are provided in accordance with the hygienic requirements for natural, artificial, and combined lighting of residential and public buildings.

7.1.6. In classrooms with one-way side natural lighting, the KEO on the working surface of the desks at the point of the room farthest from the windows should be at least 1.5%. With two-way side natural lighting, the KEO indicator is calculated on the middle rows and should be 1.5%.

The luminous coefficient (LC - the ratio of the area of ​​the glazed surface to the floor area) must be at least 1:6.

7.1.7. The windows of classrooms should be oriented to the southern, southeastern and eastern sides of the horizon. On northern sides The windows of drawing and painting classrooms, as well as the kitchen room, can be oriented towards the horizon. The orientation of computer science classrooms is north, northeast.

7.1.8. Light openings of classrooms depending on climate zone equipped with adjustable sun-protection devices (tilt-and-turn blinds, fabric curtains) with a length not lower than the level of the window sill.

It is recommended to use curtains made of light-colored fabrics that have a sufficient degree of light transmission and good light-diffusing properties, which should not reduce the level of natural light. The use of curtains (curtains), including curtains with lambrequins, made of polyvinyl chloride film and other curtains or devices that limit natural light, is not permitted.

When not in use, curtains must be placed in the walls between the windows.

7.1.9. For rational use daylight and uniform lighting of classrooms should:

Do not paint over window glass;

Do not place flowers on window sills; they are placed in portable flower boxes 65 - 70 cm high from the floor or hanging planters in the spaces between the windows;

Clean and wash glass as it gets dirty, but at least twice a year (autumn and spring).

The duration of insolation in classrooms and classrooms must be continuous, with a duration of at least:

2.5 hours in the northern zone (north of 58 degrees N);

2.0 hours in the central zone (58 - 48 degrees N);

1.5 hours in the southern zone (south of 48 degrees N).

It is allowed that there is no insolation in classrooms for computer science, physics, chemistry, drawing and drawing, sports gyms, catering facilities, assembly halls, and administrative and utility rooms.

7.2. Artificial lighting

7.2.1. In all premises of a general education institution, levels of artificial illumination are provided in accordance with the hygienic requirements for natural, artificial, and combined lighting of residential and public buildings.

7.2.2. In classrooms the system general lighting provided ceiling lamps. Fluorescent lighting is provided using lamps according to the color spectrum: white, warm white, natural white.

Lighting fixtures used for artificial lighting classrooms must ensure a favorable distribution of brightness in the field of view, which is limited by the discomfort indicator (Mt). Discomfort index lighting installation General lighting for any workplace in the classroom should not exceed 40 units.

7.2.3. Fluorescent lamps and incandescent lamps should not be used in the same room for general lighting.

7.2.4. In classrooms, classrooms, laboratories, illumination levels must comply with the following standards: on desktops - 300 - 500 lux, in technical drawing and drawing rooms - 500 lux, in computer science classrooms on tables - 300 - 500 lux, on a blackboard - 300 - 500 lux, in assembly and sports halls (on the floor) - 200 lux, in recreation (on the floor) - 150 lux.

Using computer equipment and the need to combine the perception of information from the screen and writing in a notebook, the illumination on students’ desks should be at least 300 lux.

7.2.5. A general lighting system should be used in classrooms. Lamps with fluorescent lamps are located parallel to the light-carrying wall at a distance of 1.2 m from the outer wall and 1.5 m from the inner wall.

7.2.6. A blackboard that does not have its own glow is equipped with local lighting - spotlights designed to illuminate blackboards.

7.2.7. When designing an artificial lighting system for classrooms, it is necessary to provide for separate switching of lamp lines.

7.2.8. For rational use artificial light and uniform lighting of classrooms must be used Decoration Materials and paints that create matte surface with reflection coefficients: for the ceiling - 0.7 - 0.9; for walls - 0.5 - 0.7; for the floor - 0.4 - 0.5; for furniture and desks - 0.45; for chalkboards - 0.1 - 0.2.

It is recommended to use the following paint colors: for ceilings - white, for walls of classrooms - bright hues yellow, beige, pink, green, blue; for furniture (cabinets, desks) - color natural wood or light green; for chalkboards - dark green, dark brown; for doors, window frames- white.

7.2.9. It is necessary to clean the lighting fixtures of the lamps as they become dirty, but at least 2 times a year, and promptly replace burnt-out lamps.

7.2.10. Faulty, burnt-out fluorescent lamps are collected in a container in a specially designated room and sent for disposal in accordance with current regulations.

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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