Cinder block is a building material for the construction of walls, partitions or foundations. It is made from slag concrete mortar, which includes slag, cement, expanded clay or other fillers; the proportions of all components are strictly observed. Before carrying out construction work, it is necessary to make an accurate calculation of the material.

The cinder block has precise dimensions; they must meet certain standards, that is, 390*190*188 millimeters. Considering the size of one block, you can get the exact quantity required material by calculation. First you need to calculate how many blocks are per square meter.

Method No. 1

With a wall that is half a block thick.

Knowing the height and length of the block, you need to calculate it lateral area, for this purpose all quantities are converted to the SI system.

S=0.188*0.39=0.073 sq.m.

After the area has been calculated, you can find out how many elements are in one square meter.

N=1:0.073=13.64 pieces.

This figure is slightly higher than it actually is, since the thickness of the connecting seam is also taken into account. When taking into account the thickness of the connection, this figure can be reduced to 13.

Method number 2

With a wall that is a whole block thick.

The calculation is performed in exactly the same way; first, the area is calculated, and then the amount of material in one square meter.

S= 0.188*0.19=0.036 sq. m.

N=1:0.036=27.99 pieces.

If we take into account all the connections, which will have a thickness of 8-10 millimeters, then 26 blocks will be needed per meter.

These are basic calculations; to find out more detailed quantities of all materials for construction, you need to draw up a detailed estimate. If the entire building consists of cinder blocks, taking into account partitions, walls, and foundations, then first calculate the weight of the load-bearing walls, this indicator depends on the type of blocks. Cinder blocks can be full or hollow, their weight depends on this, which is 11-28 kilograms.

How to calculate the amount of cinder block per house?

The main indicators in the calculation are the dimensions of one cinder block, its weight; the element with a void has a mass of 17 kilograms, and the dimensions one-story building, for example height – 3 meters, length – 8, and width – 8.

  1. First, calculate the perimeter of the entire building, multiply 8 by 4 sides, you get 32 ​​meters.
  2. If you divide the perimeter of the building by the length of the element, that is, 32:0.39, you get the number of blocks in one row equal to 82.05 pieces.
  3. Then the planned number of rows is determined, while the height of the wall is divided by the height of one element, 3:0.190, and we get 15.78 rows.
  4. You can find out the amount of material for a one-story building by multiplying the number of pieces in one row by the number of rows, that is, 82 * 16, resulting in 1312 pieces.

Thanks to such calculations, it is possible to determine the weight of the structure, that is, the load exerted on the base; for this, the weight of one element is multiplied by the number of pieces, that is, 17 * 1312, resulting in 22304 kilograms. In this calculation, door and window openings are not taken into account; this is done during precise calculations, when a detailed estimate is drawn up. The weight of such elements is subtracted from overall indicator, and determine the load on the base.

The amount of connecting mixture depends on the thickness of the seams; when using glue, this figure should be no more than 3 millimeters, and for mortar - up to 10 millimeters.

Storage and transportation of cinder blocks is carried out on pallets, so you need to know the number of blocks packed in one container. When constructing a foundation, slag-based blocks are purchased, and when constructing walls, you can use material with any fillers.

Basic calculation rules for building a cinder block house

  1. First you need to determine the dimensions of the cinder block, since the material does not always have standard parameters. The partition-type block differs in size, 390 * 120 * 188 millimeters. That is, the product is pre-measured.
  2. After this, they choose the method of laying the blocks, that is, the position of the stone, when constructing the wall. The amount of material needed and its consumption depend on this.
  3. Then the area of ​​the side face and the number of blocks in one square meter are calculated.
  4. And finally, calculate the number of blocks in a row, how many rows are needed. You can then determine required amount material for the entire building.
  5. First of all, it is necessary to draw up a detailed estimate with all the calculations, taking into account the openings of doors and windows, this will make it possible to determine the load on the foundation and what type of foundation to build.

Cinder block laying technology

  1. The beginning construction work The construction of the foundation is considered, its width should not be much larger than the blocks. At the same time they perform perfectly flat surface, without chips or significant differences.
  2. Then the corners are set, rows are fixed to each corner, taking into account the thickness of the block and both seams. A rope is pulled between such elements to determine the level of the row being built.
  3. Placed on the foundation base waterproofing material. In this case, the foundation should protrude 70 centimeters above the ground, this will help prevent moisture from getting from the soil to the base material.
  4. The material is laid, the first row is treated Special attention, the final result depends on the quality of work. First, use a spatula to lay adhesive composition or mortar, and blocks are placed on it. After laying three blocks, it is necessary to measure the evenness with a level or plumb line. The thickness of the connection should not be more than 1.5 centimeters. All cracks are closed with mortar; when using a hollow block, its interior is not filled.
  5. The blocks are laid in a checkerboard pattern, this increases the strength of the structure.
  6. After installation, it is necessary to leave the walls until the mortar is completely dry, and then proceed to external cladding. If further finishing is not planned, then a coloring substance, such as soot, can be added to the solution; this will help decorate the structure, but you need to work carefully so as not to stain the main surface.

How to simplify your work?

There are small nuances that make the job easier and also save on costs.

  1. No cinder block required for laying special tools. Use a level, trowel, container for mixing mortar, and a shovel.
  2. Red clay serves as a plasticizer, with self-production this helps save on material.
  3. It is necessary to prepare a special stand in advance on which the upper elements are laid out. It is not very convenient to work on a stepladder, since there is no place to put a bucket or a cinder block, and it also needs to be constantly moved.
  4. The thickness of the connection should not exceed 1.5 centimeters, otherwise a lot of heat will escape through it from inside the building.
  5. Laying in half a block is carried out for non-residential buildings; other methods can be used for the construction of residential buildings.
  6. The preparation of the solution is carried out using a concrete mixer, this significantly speeds up and simplifies the work.
  7. Immediately you need to prepare a file or handy tool for sawing blocks, since the corner parts consist of halves.
  8. The work begins from the corner elements, and the mortar protruding from the pressing is immediately cleaned off with a trowel; if this is not done, many irregularities will form. This complicates further external finishing.
  9. An experienced installer can complete the job using a level. If laying is being done for the first time, then you can make a special template; for this, ordinary flat boards are used.

Before starting construction of a building, it is necessary to calculate the amount of material. To do this, take into account all the dimensions of the block and draw up a detailed estimate in order to be able to not only calculate the total quantity, but also the costs. With correct calculations, mistakes can be avoided during construction work. It is important to follow all the rules for laying cinder block material; the strength, reliability, and durability of the building depend on this.


The developer is always faced with the task of calculating how many cinder blocks do you need for construction. Will help you do cinder block calculation calculator on this page. Just enter your information and our cinder block calculator will calculate how much cinder block you need to buy for construction.

How does the cinder block calculator work?

The starting point for the calculation is the size of the cinder block.

A standard cinder block has dimensions: 390x190x188mm. We assume that the area of ​​the lateral surface of the stone is 0.39*0.19=0.0741 m2.

We must subtract the area of ​​the openings (windows, doors, gates) from the area of ​​the walls, then we will get our calculated area of ​​the material.

Calculation of cinder block for a house

Let's take into account the number of layers of masonry (half a block, a block or one and a half blocks). Dividing the estimated area of ​​the walls by the area of ​​one cinder block (0.0741 m2), we get how many cinder blocks are needed for construction.

Knowing the perimeter, height and thickness of the walls, as well as the size of the openings in the walls, we can easily calculate how much cinder block is needed for the walls.

Please note that it is better to calculate the height of the walls based on the number of rows of masonry. Divide the required height of the building by 0.19 m. If you get a fractional value, then slightly increase or decrease the height of the building to optimize material consumption.

The thickness of the solution is not taken into account in the calculation formula. The consumption of cinder blocks is calculated taking into account a reserve of 5% (losses due to combat when transporting to the place of laying, laying itself, etc.).

In the calculator form, the dimensions of each wall or opening are specified separately (they are often of different heights, and the shape is not always a strict rectangle). Use the green button with the “+” sign to add the required number of walls and openings.

Enter the dimensions of the building and the cinder block calculator will give you an approximate figure for the required quantity.

Cinder block calculator

Attention, all dimensions are in meters!

Building materials have never been cheap, so it is very important to correctly calculate the required quantity, then you won’t have to buy what’s missing, spend extra money on delivery, or think about what to do with unused unnecessary building material that spoils appearance yard and takes up space.

Calculating the number of cinder blocks for construction has a fairly simple algorithm. In order to understand the logic of the calculation, let's assume that we are building a wall of given dimensions without any openings.

The size of the cinder block, or more precisely its side surface, is 0.39x0.19, which means its area is 0.0741 m 2. Now, having previously calculated the area of ​​the walls, we can easily calculate the consumption of cinder blocks for construction.

Let's say we decide to build a garage with standard dimensions of 4.5x6.5 meters and a height of 2.5 meters (that's 13 rows of cinder blocks).

Calculation of cinder blocks for a garage calculator

We calculate the area of ​​the garage walls: 6.5*2.5*2+4.5*2.5*2=32.5+22.5=55m2.

Have you forgotten anything? That's right, we still have a gate... Let's say we have a gate in the garage with dimensions of 3.2x2.1 meters. The gate area is 6.72m2. Then the total area of ​​the garage walls minus the area of ​​the gate will be: 55-6.72=48.28 2.

Now let’s calculate the required amount of cinder block: 48.28/0.0741=652 pieces.

But we calculated this on the basis that the entire cinder block would be laid perfectly and not a single block would be broken during transportation, reloading and laying. In practice, unfortunately, this never happens. Therefore, it is better to take a cinder block with a small margin, for example around 5%. In our case, this will work out: 652*1.05=685 pieces.

Good luck with your construction!

Online calculator

Please indicate your sizes Standard block sizes 39x19x19 (cm)

Length cm Width cm Height cm.

total length all walls (perimeter): meters.
Average Height walls: centimeters.
Wall thickness: (half block) 19 (1 block) 39 centimeters.
Approximate thickness of mortar in masonry: 15 12 20 millimeters.
Consider windows and doors

Number of windows
Window width centimeters.
Window height centimeters.
Number of doors
Door width centimeters.
Door height centimeters.
Add other sizes

Number of windows
Window width centimeters.
Window height centimeters.
Number of doors
Door width centimeters.
Door height centimeters.


Before starting any construction, it is necessary to calculate as accurately as possible the amount of building materials needed for construction. Simple counting often turns out to be ineffective due to the specifics of each individual building material. The IzhStroyBlok company invites you to use the construction online calculator, which allows you to make calculations with the highest possible accuracy, since the calculation formulas already include the specifics of the materials being calculated, such as expanded clay concrete, aerated concrete, foam blocks, cinder blocks, brick.


The online building block calculator is designed to provide an approximate estimate of the blocks needed to build garage walls, outbuildings, residential buildings, cottages, and other premises.

Default standard sizes expanded clay concrete blocks 39x19x19 cm. To change the dimensions, you must click on the “Change to your own” button and insert your values, for example, the dimensions of brick, foam concrete, gas silicate, ceramic blocks or others.

Rules for using the calculator

In the “Total length of all walls” field, you must indicate the perimeter of the proposed structure, for example, if the house is 7 by 8 meters, then indicate 30 (7+7+8+8=30). In the “Average Wall Height” field, the average height of all walls is indicated. The wall thickness is indicated as one (39 cm) or half a block (19 cm), excluding insulation and cladding! Additionally, the dimensions and number of proposed window and doorways.

All dimensions are indicated in centimeters, except for the length of the walls (meters) and the size of the thickness of the mortar in the masonry, it is indicated in millimeters!


In the results obtained " total cost blocks" is indicated as an approximate expanded clay concrete blocks in Izhevsk to the IzhStroyBlok company in standard sizes excluding delivery. All results are approximate and may differ from real ones due to the specifics of a particular structure.

Before you begin the actual construction of the building, you need to make some calculations. To do this, we will consider all options for the amount of material in area and volume, and also determine the weight that will be important for loads on the base.

We count the material according to all parameters

By and large, we need all these parameters not only in order to understand how many cinder blocks are needed for a house, but also to draw up a fairly accurate estimate for the entire construction.

Here we explain that the cost of the entire building is approximately distributed as follows:

  • 30% - foundation, concrete, reinforcement, plus excavation.
  • 45-50% - house frame, load-bearing structures, lintels.
  • 20-25% - this is the roof, along with the materials and the cost of work, here we cannot just build everything ourselves.

Where to begin

Since we are planning to build from scratch, the first thing we will do is develop the foundation. To do this, we will need not only a geological analysis of the soil, but also the collection of all loads, this is where our first question arises, how much does a cinder block weigh.

The answer, of course, depends on the type of product and dimensions, but let’s say this:

  • from 16 to 20 kg, if we are talking about hollow material;
  • from 22 to 28 kilograms, if we are talking about a solid block.

Now let's decide on overall dimensions material and design values ​​of the house - dimensions.

To make everything clear, we will calculate how much 1 cinder block weighs and how much will be used for construction based on the following parameters:

  • The dimensions of the material are standard 390*190*190* mm (390 for length, 190 for width and height, respectively).
  • The weight of the product with two voids in the body is 17 kg.
  • The dimensions of the house are 8x8, with a wall height of 3 meters.
  • The building is one-story, we will choose this option for a simplified consideration.
  • The attic as an addition will be considered at the end.

So, now that we have all the initial data, we can proceed to several calculation options, where we will find out all the numbers we need to start construction work.

Related articles:

Counting methods

You can determine the required amount of material different ways. We will offer several, and you can choose which one you will use in your work.

In the first option, we will go through the rows of masonry, and for this we will need certain data:

  • Block dimensions.
  • Home parameters.

The length of our house is 8 meters, as is the width. We agreed to use a height of 3 meters. Next, we will select a standard block for construction 390*190*190* mm.

We need data on the perimeter, for us it is, as always, the sum of all sides, that is, 32 m.

  • We divide the length of the perimeter by the length of one cinder block and get 32/0.39 and get 82.05. That is, we will have 82 products in one row of masonry.
  • We calculate the number of rows. We divide the height of our walls by the height of the product and get 3/0.19, a total of 15.78, that is, we have 15 nearby.
  • We multiply the number of rows by the size of the blocks and display 1230 blocks.

This calculation does not so much answer how many cinder blocks are per square meter, but gives us the opportunity to understand the level of load on the foundation. And since we touched on this, we will immediately make this calculation.

We agreed that the weight of one piece is 17 kilograms, which means that the load-bearing structures will cost 20910 kg, a little more than twenty tons.

Important! The calculation of the value of the blocks was carried out without taking into account the jointing and window and door openings. The same applies to load collection.

Since we've stopped at loads, let's immediately apply a simple formula for calculating the weight of the glue that we will use during laying. Manufacturers indicate that approximately 5 kilograms of glue are used per square, so for us it is 480 kg.

We proceeded from standard indicators from the manufacturer and took into account the thickness of the seam of 3 mm when laying.

Now let’s find out how many cinder blocks are in 1 m2 and there is also a very simple formula for this.

We take the dimensions of our material, let us remind you, this is 390 X 190 X 190 mm and multiply the length and height, that is, 0.39 * 0.19 = 0.0741 m squared. Next we carry out the division required quantities – 1/0,0741 = 14,49.

So, in one square of wall area we can fit 14 and a half pieces of cinder blocks.

Important! This figure characterizes a wall 19 centimeters thick. If we decide that the thickness of the load-bearing wall should be greater, then we will have to recalculate the amount of material that will be located in one square.

And now that we have all these numbers, we can more specifically answer the question about the required value of product pieces for load-bearing walls, taking into account window openings.

Here the instructions assume that the windows will be 1500 mm by 1300 mm, or 1.95 m. Window openings we have 7, for example, it turns out 7 * 1.95 = 13.65. Total total wall area, 96 - 13.65 = 82.35. And this, in turn, is 82.35 x 14.49 = 1193 products!

It is also possible to reduce our initial load on the foundation of the house. Glue - 5 * 18.35 = 91.75 kg, wall weight, 1193 * 17 = 20281, almost 700 kg reduced from the load.

There is another option in which we are interested in how many cinder blocks are in 1 m3; this type of calculation will help us better navigate the issues of purchasing the material, because it is sold in cubic meters.

Here the formula is also quite simple, and will require us to enter accurate data on the dimensions of the product. The volume of our standard product is equal to the derivative of the addition of all quantities, and this is 0.014 cubes.

Thus, to the question of how many cinder blocks there are in 1 m3, we can easily give the answer - 71 pieces. We won’t go into further calculations; we’ve already had the basis for a long time and we are well aware of any numbers.

Option with attic

This is the last point, which may raise some questions for us, and even then of a purely “geometric” nature. The fact is that the principles for calculating the area of ​​the pediment take into account the fact that it is a triangle. And we have to proceed from this.

In our case, the area of ​​one pediment will be 16 m, both will be 32, minus the windows, let’s say we have one on each side, total: 32 - 3.9 = 28.1, or 408 pieces of material, to be completely pedantic!


Since we touched on the issue of finance, the price of one cubic meter of cinder block will be approximately 2,500 rubles.

Important! We say right away that any footnotes on the price should be adjusted by the cost of the product in your region!

Let's look at price differently. We know that in one cube we have 71 pieces of blocks, in different regions the price is different, but we take the cost of one cinder block from 33 rubles per position and get 33*71=2343

We can immediately assume that our house, or rather load-bearing walls the first floor with cinder blocks will cost us 39,369 rubles. Agree, the price is simply unrealistically low.

Option with pallet

Often purchases are made by pallets, so we need to know how many cinder blocks are in a pallet in order to accurately determine the required values ​​​​for purchase.

As a rule, one pallet is designed for 60 pieces of a product, that is, it falls short of a full-fledged one. cubic meter. We need to build load-bearing structures the first floor, with all our calculations, will require about 20 pallets.


We tried to answer in detail and informatively all questions regarding possible values ​​in the use of our material.

Using the tracing paper of our calculations, you will not only be ready to build a house with your own hands, but you will also know exactly how much and what you need, how much it weighs, and how much it will cost. In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

Before you begin the actual construction of the building, you need to make some calculations. To do this, we will consider all options for the amount of material in area and volume, and also determine the weight that will be important for loads on the base.

Photo of hollow cinder blocks for building a house

We count the material according to all parameters

By and large, we need all these parameters not only in order to understand how many cinder blocks are needed for a house, but also to draw up a fairly accurate estimate for the entire construction.

Here we explain that the cost of the entire building is approximately distributed as follows:

  • 30% - foundation, concrete, reinforcement, plus excavation.
  • 45-50% - house frame, load-bearing structures, lintels.
  • 20-25% - this is the roof, along with the materials and the cost of work, here we cannot just build everything ourselves.

Where to begin

Since we are planning to build from scratch, the first thing we will do is develop the foundation. To do this, we will need not only a geological analysis of the soil, but also the collection of all loads, this is where our first question arises, how much does a cinder block weigh.

The answer, of course, depends on the type of product and dimensions, but let’s say this:

  • from 16 to 20 kg, if we are talking about hollow material;
  • from 22 to 28 kilograms, if we are talking about a solid block.

Full-bodied version

Now let's decide on the overall dimensions of the material and the design dimensions of the house - dimensions.

To make everything clear, we will calculate how much 1 cinder block weighs and how much will be used for construction based on the following parameters:

  • The dimensions of the material are standard 390 * 190 * 190 * mm (390 - length, 190 - width and height, respectively).
  • The weight of the product with two voids in the body is 17 kg.
  • The dimensions of the house are 8x8, with a wall height of 3 meters.
  • The building is one-story, we will choose this option for a simplified consideration.
  • The attic as an addition will be considered at the end.

So, now that we have all the initial data, we can proceed to several calculation options, where we will find out all the numbers we need to start construction work.

Counting methods

There are different ways to determine the required amount of material. We will offer several, and you can choose which one you will use in your work.

In the first option, we will go through the rows of masonry, and for this we will need certain data:

  • Dimensions of the block (for example, standard sizes of cinder blocks).
  • Home parameters.

Number of rows

The length of our house is 8 meters, as is the width. We agreed to use a height of 3 meters. Next, we will select a standard block for construction 390*190*190* mm.

We need data on the perimeter, for us it is, as always, the sum of all sides, that is, 32 m.

  • We divide the length of the perimeter by the length of one cinder block and get 32/0.39 and get 82.05. That is, we will have 82 products in one row of masonry.
  • We calculate the number of rows. We divide the height of our walls by the height of the product and get 3/0.19, a total of 15.78, that is, we have 15 nearby.
  • We multiply the number of rows by the size of the blocks and display 1230 blocks.

This calculation does not so much answer how many cinder blocks are per square meter, but gives us the opportunity to understand the level of load on the foundation. And since we touched on this, we will immediately make this calculation.

Strip foundation for a cinder block house

We agreed that the weight of one piece is 17 kilograms, which means that the load-bearing structures will cost 20910 kg, a little more than twenty tons.

Important! The calculation of the value of the blocks was carried out without taking into account the jointing and window and door openings. The same applies to load collection.

Since we've stopped at loads, let's immediately apply a simple formula for calculating the weight of the glue that we will use during laying. Manufacturers indicate that approximately 5 kilograms of glue are used per square, so for us it is 480 kg.

We proceeded from standard indicators from the manufacturer and took into account the thickness of the seam of 3 mm when laying.

Now let’s find out how many cinder blocks are in 1 m2 and there is also a very simple formula for this.

We take the dimensions of our material, let us remind you, this is 390 X 190 X 190 mm and multiply the length and height, that is - 0.39 * 0.19 = 0.0741 m squared. Next, we divide the required values ​​- 1/0.0741 = 14.49.

So, in one square of wall area we can fit 14 and a half pieces of cinder blocks.

Square meters of masonry

Important! This figure characterizes a wall 19 centimeters thick. If we decide that the thickness of the load-bearing wall should be greater, then we will have to recalculate the amount of material that will be located in one square.

And now that we have all these numbers, we can more specifically answer the question about the required value of product pieces for load-bearing walls, taking into account window openings.

Here the instructions assume that the windows will be 1500 mm by 1300 mm in size, or 1.95 m. We have 7 window openings, for example, it turns out 7 * 1.95 = 13.65. Total total wall area, 96 - 13.65 = 82.35. And this, in turn, is 82.35 x 14.49 = 1193 products!

It is also possible to reduce our initial load on the foundation of the house. Glue - 5 * 18.35 = 91.75 kg, wall weight, 1193 * 17 = 20281, almost 700 kg reduced from the load.

There is another option in which we are interested in how many cinder blocks are in 1 m3; this type of calculation will help us better navigate the issues of purchasing the material, because it is sold in cubic meters.

Material in stock

Here the formula is also quite simple, and will require us to enter accurate data on the dimensions of the product. The volume of our standard product is equal to the derivative of the addition of all quantities, and this is 0.014 cubic meters.

Thus, to the question of how many pieces of cinder block there are in 1 m3, we can easily give the answer - 71 pieces. We won’t go into further calculations; we’ve already had the basis for a long time and we are well aware of any numbers.

Option with attic

This is the last point, which may raise some questions for us, and even then of a purely “geometric” nature. The fact is that the principles for calculating the area of ​​the pediment take into account the fact that it is a triangle. And we have to proceed from this.

Attic option

In our case, the area of ​​one pediment will be 16 m, both will be 32, minus the windows, let’s say we have one on each side, total: 32 - 3.9 = 28.1, or 408 pieces of material, to be completely pedantic!


This is an important parameter

Since we touched on the issue of finance, the price of one cubic meter of cinder block will be approximately 2,500 rubles.

Important! We say right away that any footnotes on the price should be adjusted by the cost of the product in your region!

Let's look at price differently. We know that in one cube we have 71 pieces of blocks, the price is different in different regions, but we take the cost of one cinder block from 33 rubles per position and get 33 * 71 = 2343

We can immediately assume that our house, or rather the load-bearing walls of the first floor with cinder blocks, will cost us 39,369 rubles. Agree, the price is simply unrealistically low.

Option with pallet

Often purchases are made by pallets, so we need to know how many cinder blocks are in a pallet in order to accurately determine the required values ​​​​for purchase.

As a rule, one pallet is designed for 60 pieces of product, that is, it falls short of a full cubic meter. For the construction of the load-bearing structures of the first floor, with all our calculations, we will need about 20 pallets.

Ready-made pallets


We tried to answer in detail and informatively all questions regarding possible values ​​in the use of our material.

The developer is always faced with the task of calculating how many cinder blocks do you need for construction. Will help you do cinder block calculation calculator on this page. Just enter your information and our cinder block calculator will calculate how much cinder block you need to buy for construction.

How does the cinder block calculator work?

The starting point for the calculation is the size of the cinder block. A standard cinder block has dimensions: 390x190x188mm. We will assume that the area of ​​the lateral surface of the stone is 0.39*0.19=0.0741 m2.

We must subtract the area of ​​the openings (windows, doors, gates) from the area of ​​the walls, then we will get our calculated area of ​​the material. Let's take into account the number of layers of masonry (half a block, a block or one and a half blocks). Dividing the estimated area of ​​the walls by the area of ​​one cinder block (0.0741 m2), we get how many cinder blocks are needed for construction.

Knowing the perimeter, height and thickness of the walls, as well as the size of the openings in the walls, we can easily calculate how much cinder block is needed for the walls.

Please note that it is better to calculate the height of the walls based on the number of rows of masonry. Divide the required height of the building by 0.19 m. If you get a fractional value, then slightly increase or decrease the height of the building to optimize material consumption.

The thickness of the solution is not taken into account in the calculation formula. The consumption of cinder blocks is calculated taking into account a reserve of 5% (losses due to combat when transporting to the place of laying, laying itself, etc.).

In the calculator form, the dimensions of each wall or opening are specified separately (they are often of different heights, and the shape is not always a strict rectangle). Use the green button with the “+” sign to add the required number of walls and openings.

Enter the dimensions of the building and the cinder block calculator will give you an approximate figure for the required quantity.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):