Exotic beauty and the sophistication of orchids amazes people even far from floriculture. Is it difficult to tame tropical beauty, and how to care for an orchid so that it pleases and juicy greens, and luxurious inflorescences?

Many fans indoor floriculture who have not previously grown these unusual plants, there may be a misconception about caring for an orchid as being overly painstaking and time-consuming. But having gotten to know flowers better, it turns out that keeping an orchid of one of the common types in a room is not so difficult.

How to care for an orchid at home, what conditions are required for an exotic crop placed in an indoor pot?

Right managed care implies the creation of conditions close to natural. Orchid on for a long time will maintain health and decorativeness if:

  • all the flower’s needs for nutrition, lighting and watering are taken into account and provided;
  • the plant is comfortable with the temperature and humidity conditions, soil composition and applied fertilizers.

When choosing a flower for home grown It must be remembered that orchids have many varieties, differing in appearance, natural growing conditions, and needs.

Without leaving this fact unattended, you can significantly simplify the care of orchids for beginners and for flower growers who already know a lot about the maintenance of this crop.

Most of the plants found in interiors are epiphytes that arrived from the tropics. They are easily recognized by their succulent aerial rhizomes, which not only provide the flower with moisture and nutrition, but also take part in the process of photosynthesis. There are orchids that are accustomed to living on rocks, where the soil layer, like on trees, is extremely small.

For such plants, air humidity and looseness of the substrate are important. And here soil species In addition to the usual care of the orchid, they also need nutritious soil.

Lighting Features

In the tropics, where the vast majority come from indoor species, orchids grow in conditions of long daylight hours and moderately bright, diffuse lighting. The same conditions are recreated in a situation where the orchid is cared for at home.

The optimal duration of daylight hours for actively growing and blooming orchids is 13–15 hours, practically not decreasing in winter time. Therefore, additional lighting will not be superfluous when caring for an orchid.

You should not place pots on south-facing windows without well-thought-out shading. Bright sunlight can leave brown or yellow marks on the foliage, and buds in direct hot rays may even fall off. The best place– is it the east or west side. On northern windows, lighting will be required even in summer.

If the place for the plant is chosen incorrectly, even with proper care at home, the orchids, as in the photo, turn yellow, their leaves lose their elasticity, dry out, flowering becomes rare or does not occur at all.

Moisture in the air: the key to success in caring for an orchid at home

Increased air humidity is extremely important for successful cultivation tropical plant. And if in the summer it is quite possible to achieve the desired 60–70%, then in the winter the gardener will have to try.

How to properly care for an orchid while working heating devices mercilessly drying the air in the room? To maintain such air humidity, electric humidifiers and household products are used.

The container in which flowers are grown can be placed on a shallow tray wet moss. If you don’t have sphagnum moss on hand that retains moisture for a long time, expanded clay is used in the same way. The plants feel best in a florarium or indoor greenhouse, separated from the rest of the room by plastic or glass.

When a florist uses foliage spraying for care, this should be done regularly and carefully, trying not to get it on the flowers. It is extremely undesirable to allow a still wet orchid to cool, as this will lead to the development of fungus on the succulent leaves and aerial roots.

The flower should be irrigated in the first half of the day with water at room temperature, until the foliage is dry; the pot should be protected in every possible way from cold air and drafts.

Watering when caring for an orchid in a pot

When studying information on how to care for an orchid at home, a novice gardener should not ignore the issue of watering these natives of the tropics.

Already alone appearance plants can tell a lot about his preferences and needs. Powerful aerial and underground rhizomes are designed to obtain and store moisture. In addition, save some nutrients and water the flower can in the leaves that have individual species noticeably thickened.

All orchids are moisture-loving and require abundant watering, in which the soil lump or loose coarse-grained substrate poured into the pot becomes completely wet.

But how to care for an orchid in different periods of the year? Does the frequency of watering change, and how can you find out about the “thirst” of a flower located in a mixture of bark, expanded clay, pieces of foam plastic and other materials that bear little resemblance to traditional soil?

The watering schedule, as well as other orchid care procedures, must be adjusted when the season changes. IN warm time During the year, a potted orchid receives water more often than in winter. But it is better to underwater the plant than to overwater it.

Thick leaves and roots will help the orchid survive short-term drought, but excess moisture, and especially its stagnation, is a sure step towards rotting of the roots.

Tropical guests at home land in transparent plastic pots or containers with special slots. This makes it possible to monitor the condition of the root system; the rhizomes themselves participate in photosynthesis and more easily consume nutrients and moisture. But how to care for an orchid in a pot of such an unusual design?

There are no special features of caring for an orchid, except that you have to water a flower in a solid container from above, and it is convenient to immerse pots with slots in prepared water for 4–6 minutes. During this time, the substrate will be saturated with moisture, and the excess will drain freely.

In summer, the substrate is moistened 2-3 times a week, when the surface of the soil feels dry to the touch. In the cold season, the frequency of watering is sharply reduced.

The need for water is recognized by rhizomes that have lost their elasticity, slightly shriveled and drooping leaves. Healthy plant Once the soil is moistened, it quickly recovers.

But limp foliage on regularly watered orchids should alert the gardener. Perhaps the roots were once flooded and now need sanitization.

Feeding indoor orchids

Like others indoor crops Forced to grow in a limited volume of substrate, orchids need regular feeding. But these plants should not be fertilized too often. It is optimal if specialized liquid formulations are applied no more than twice a month and only during active growth and flowering.

An increased salt content in the soil negatively affects the condition of the plant. How to care for an orchid if there are traces of salinity on the surface of the filler in the pot? It is better not to fight this phenomenon, but to prevent its occurrence. Therefore, they alternate with washing the root system, for which the pot is immersed in warm, soft water for several minutes.

If the fertilizing included in the care of an orchid is excessive, the flower tolerates temperature changes less well and is also more often affected by pests and fungi.

Orchid care after flowering

The wilting of flowers on an orchid is a sure sign that the plant is preparing for a dormant period. It will not lose foliage, but it will develop and feed significantly less until the future appearance of buds. How to care for an orchid at this time?

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the peduncle that remains without bright corollas. While he saves green color and juiciness, it is left.

In some cases, on the same peduncle, buds are formed again, and daughter plants are also formed, tiny rosettes, which, when formed own roots cut and planted in a separate pot, in a loose substrate for orchids. But signs of withering of the peduncle suggest that it is time to cut it out.

If indoor orchid bloomed long and profusely, it is not right to allow reappearance buds, as happens on certain plant varieties. This will only further weaken the flower.

In order for the culture to quickly and well regain its strength, caring for the orchid after flowering includes fertilizing or replanting the flower. However, the latter procedure can be stressful for the plant, since the roots not only tightly wrap around the substrate, but also penetrate into the holes and extend beyond the pot.

A video about caring for an orchid at home will explain all the intricacies of handling a spectacular tropical flower. If you follow rules that are simple even for a beginner, your indoor collection will be replenished with an amazingly beautiful plant, which, feeling cared for, will respond with long, bright flowering.

Among all my brothers White orchid Phalaenopsis is the most popular. It combines tenderness, unsurpassed beauty and at the same time ease of care.

This type of orchid came to us from South-West Asia, but those specimens that are sold in our stores are already adapted to local conditions. Although they still have one “old” habit - this is the love of warmth and sun. The air is too cool for a white orchid, the photo is presented on the website, - it is already stressful, the plants begin to grow worse and stop forming buds on the peduncle.

White phalaenopsis orchid

The second name of this plant is butterfly orchid. So Phalaenopsis is called for the similarity of the shapes of flowers and their colors with bright butterflies. There are quite a lot of varieties, but the most common ones are white, pink, lilac and violet flowers.

The white orchid looks especially sophisticated and elegant. Moreover, Phalaenopsis differs from many other varieties of orchids in that it blooms all year round. The buds open gradually, and each of them lives for at least two to three months. The lifespan of the plant itself is seven years.

Phalaenopsis leaves can be either long or short, wide or narrow. But at the same time they are always dense, fleshy, with a two-row rosette.

There are two types of butterfly orchid:

  • miniature;
  • standard.

The first type of Phalaenopsis grows up to thirty centimeters, the average number of buds on a peduncle is six. And here standard view can reach a height of up to a meter. It produces twice as many flowers - about a dozen. The size of the orchid flower of this variety varies from two to 13 centimeters in diameter.

Features of care

Although the Phalaenopsis orchid is quite undemanding in care, there are still a number of conditions that must be met. They are correct:

  • lighting;
  • temperature conditions
  • watering;
  • selection of substrate;
  • feeding

Proper lighting, temperature and watering are key. If you take care to follow these three rules, you can ensure constant flowering, long life and healthy appearance for your plant.

Lighting Features

As mentioned above, Phalaenopsis was brought to us from hot countries, and therefore it loves both sunlight and warmth. It requires a 14-hour daylight hours - only in this case will buds form regularly. Therefore, in winter it is better to use fluorescent lighting. Be sure to keep the flower in a transparent container with holes. After all, light is needed not only by leaves and flowers, but also by the root system.

But the requirement in good lighting does not mean that flowers can be exposed to direct sun rays. It is best to place Phalaenopsis where the light is diffused.

If you want to provide optimal conditions For phalaenopsis to reproduce at home, do not allow the room temperature to drop below 20 degrees, the optimal mode is 22-24 degrees.

How to water Phalaenopsis correctly

The main watering of the Phalaenopsis orchid, a photo of which is easy to find on the Internet, is carried out in two ways - through a watering can and by immersion. When the plant blooms, only the first method is used so that the buds are not damaged. During this period, the optimal frequency of watering is once a week.

When flowering stops, you can immerse the orchid pot in water for a few minutes. First, it should be defended and brought to a temperature of 28 degrees.

Phalaenopsis love moisture, so they must not only be watered regularly from a watering can, but also sprayed daily. But drops should not be allowed to get into the outlet - the leaves may begin to rot, so it is better to use water mist technology rather than drip irrigation.

Substrate and feeding

This type of orchid does not require soil - the best substrate for it is pine bark. Large pieces of bark are placed closer to the roots, and the remaining free space is filled with small ones. Buy only proven fillers, as they are sometimes contaminated with fungus.

Don’t forget about feeding your orchids regularly. Just don’t overdo it - it’s enough to carry out this procedure several times a year. In summer, when the orchid blooms, this can be done two to three times a month, and in winter and autumn - once a month. If there are no buds, fertilizing is not required.

White orchids are one of the most exquisite and beautiful plants. They are often purchased for both home and office. In addition, white orchids are often used to create original wedding This plant capable of pleasing the eye with its flowering throughout almost the entire year. But it is worth noting that it requires special care for itself and prefers the constant attention of its owner.

White orchids: photos, description

This plant has several names. Flower growers call it this: or simply white orchid. These flowers are in great demand among buyers. Still would! After all, the plant is so charming that it will win the heart of even the most severe gardener.

In 1750, phalaenopsis was first discovered by the Dutch botanist Professor K. Blume. This happened on the islands of the Malay archipelago. This flower was simply amazing with its resemblance to a swarm of butterflies. Therefore, the botanist gave it the name phalenopsis. Translated, this word means “butterfly”.

White orchids are epiphytes. This means that they use other plants for support.

There are two types of phalaenopsis:

  • miniature (up to a maximum height of 30 cm);
  • standard (about 1 m high).

White main characteristics

The above plant has the following features:

  • has flowers that resemble moths;
  • blooms up to 3 times a year;
  • flowers of yellow, red, white, green or pink color (depending on the type of phalaenopsis);
  • plant height is up to 1 m;
  • has a large root system;
  • pseudobulbs absent;
  • leaves are tongue-shaped, wide, dark green in color;
  • a flower arrow appears at the base of the last formed leaf.

It should be noted that white orchids are evergreen and constantly growing. Photos of the plant are presented in the article. Phalaenopsis blooms almost all year round and lives well in the house for up to 7 years.

A characteristic phenomenon for white orchids is falling lower leaves. This prevents the plant from growing excessively.


White orchids always require good supervision. First of all, it is important to choose the right place where the plant will stand. It should be well protected from the midday sun. That's why ideal window sills for white orchids are those that are located in the south-eastern or eastern part of the room.

The acceptable daytime temperature for phalaenopsis is a maximum of 27 degrees Celsius. At night, up to 16 degrees is allowed, but in no case lower.

In the store, before purchasing, it is important to carefully inspect the plant. A healthy white orchid has light gray roots. Usually the plant is sold in plastic pots, so it is advisable to replant it immediately. Flower growers also recommend a solution of fungicides for prevention.

It should be noted that improper care the above plant can provoke the development of various diseases. This is especially true for watering. If you water a white orchid incorrectly, its roots may become infected with fungus. In this case, the growth of the root system stops, it turns yellow and rots.

It is worth noting that phalaenopsis prefers high humidity in room. Therefore, flower growers recommend regularly spraying the plant and the air around it. But in this matter you need to be careful: water should not get into the core of the rosette of leaves, because this leads to rotting.

Phalaenopsis reproduces by “babies” that appear on the stems of flowers. When they reach about 5 cm, they can be transplanted into other pots.


White orchids prefer moisture-intensive and loose substrate. In most cases, flower growers use bark from old trees. It must be remembered that the best substrate for the plant is pine bark. In addition, gardeners warn that it should not contain resin, as this is detrimental to the white orchid.

It is advisable to clean the bark of resinous substances: boil it over low heat for several minutes. After this, strain off the water and allow the future substrate to cool. Then it is crushed.

It should be noted that it is convenient to cut the bark when it is still wet. The size of the pieces should be within 1-2 cm.

How to water a plant correctly?

An orchid with white flowers is very whimsical. Therefore, watering should be given Special attention and do everything right. To do this, use water that contains a minimal amount of calcium salts. Watering the plant is carried out by watering, or, in other words, by the immersion method.

To do this, it is important to take, for example, a plastic container or any other container and place a pot with an orchid in it. Then add a little water (so that only a third of the pot is covered). It is recommended to leave the plant for about half an hour. During this time, the orchid will get wet enough and gain required quantity moisture.

After this soldering procedure, the plant is set aside so that it can drain well. excess water. Then they just return the orchid to its place.

Feeding white orchid

Nutrients are just as necessary for the plant as water. Therefore, flower growers recommend feeding the orchid in a timely manner with useful and necessary micro- and macroelements.

To do this, it is advisable to buy special fertilizers for white orchids, for example, Pokon or Forte. They are also recommended to be applied by immersion from March to September. Feeding is carried out twice a month and alternates with watering.

Pruning the peduncle

It should be noted that the white orchid blooms for quite a long time. Her flower at favorable conditions can sometimes even stay on the peduncle More than a month. But still, the time comes when the plant ceases to delight with its beauty. Flower growers recommend not to rush into cutting flower stalks.

When the white orchid blooms along the main axis, trim the peduncle as follows: it is important to leave 3-4 buds from the rosette of leaves. What does this give? Experts say that such pruning allows new flower stalks to develop precisely from those buds that remain below the cut.

The White Phalaenopsis Orchid is an exquisite plant with magnificent flowers. She is considered a real aristocrat among her peers. Therefore, her care must be appropriate.

The white Phalaenopsis orchid is an unpretentious home plant, which is not difficult to care for. That is why the orchid is one of the most popular indoor plants. White orchid purchased in flower shop, already adapted to home conditions. And caring for these beauties will not be difficult. Orchids love warmth and sun, as their homeland is South-West Asia. Therefore it is difficult to bear low temperatures. A drop in temperature to 16 degrees is already stressful for them. In addition, at low temperatures, buds will not form on the peduncle.

White Phalaenopsis is also called the butterfly orchid. This species acquired this name due to the variety of colors and shapes. One of the rare colors is black and white. But more common shades are white, pink, purple, lilac. The white orchid is incredibly beautiful and sophisticated. The price for the “White Orchid” variety is in most cases the same as for other colors.

Flowering lasts almost all year round, as the buds bloom gradually, one after another. A blooming white bud lives for about two to three months. And the lifespan of an orchid is about 7 years.

A white orchid consists of a stem, leaves and flowers. Leaves can be: long, short, narrow and wide. There are usually about 5-10 leaves per stem. Their color varies from light green to dark green, and there are small patches of brown, red or purple. The leaves of the orchid are fleshy and dense; as they grow, they form a two-row rosette.

There are two types of white orchid - miniature and standard. The miniature one grows up to 30 centimeters, and the number of buds on the peduncle is about 6 pieces. Standard white Phalaenopsis When growing, it reaches 1 meter. More than 12 flowers bloom on a peduncle, and their diameter ranges from 2 to 13 centimeters. The white orchid has no smell.

White Phalaenopsis does not like direct sunlight. Ideal place for him is inner part at home so that diffused light falls on it. For normal development of this type of orchid, and for it to feel comfortable, it needs 14 hours of daylight. Then new buds will appear regularly. Since daylight hours are short in winter, you can use fluorescent lamp highlight the plant. The optimal temperature for flowers is 22-24 degrees. These exquisite flowers love moisture very much, so water irrigation throughout the day is for them. perfect care

White Phalaenopsis is grown in a transparent pot with holes, as the plant cannot live without light. Sunlight is necessary not only for leaves and flowers, but also for roots. If it grows in an ordinary, opaque pot, it may soon wither and die.

Phalaenopsis does not need soil; the ideal environment for it is pine bark. To support the roots, large pieces are placed between the roots, and the rest of the space is filled with small pieces of bark.

Important stage of cultivation of this flowerproper watering. It is recommended to do this in two ways. The first is to use a watering can, the second is to immerse the pot in a container with water. When the plant is in the flowering period, you need to water it with a watering can so as not to damage the buds. During this period it is better to water once a week. When there are no flowers on the orchid, it is recommended to immerse the pot in water for 1-2 minutes. Water for irrigation must be settled, it must be soft and in the room. Water cold water it is forbidden, optimal temperature

for watering +28 degrees. You should also not forget about feeding the plant. To do this, you need to purchase special fertilizer from a flower shop. It is advisable to feed several times a year: 2-3 times a month. summer period

flowering, in autumn and winter, once a month. When there are no buds on the stem, you can stop feeding. In this video you will find useful tips for caring for Phalaenopsis orchids. All aspects are covered - arrangement of flowerpots, fertilizing, watering, temperature regime

, seasonal care, etc. The variety of these flowers is truly impressive, but still care various types and subspecies of orchids at home are characterized by many common points. Let's consider the basic rules for caring for these beautiful plants

at different periods of their lives.

How to choose and buy an orchid? The best time to purchase orchids is in summer or spring. Check how durable it is before purchasing root system


Advice! Lightly move the stem by its lower part - if the plant sits tightly in the pot, such an orchid can be purchased.

If the plant grew in sphagnum, it needs to be replanted immediately, but the flower can exist perfectly in its substrate for another two years, so it does not need urgent replanting. While the orchid adapts to new living conditions, it needs to be fed. Advice! Usually the plant does well when high humidity ambient air and substrate. But before you start caring for your flower, study the recommendations for a specific type of orchid.

How to make a transplant?

When the root system of a flower begins to overflow pot, the plant needs to be transplanted into large capacity. How to prepare a substrate for an orchid?

  • It should consist of peat, chopped fern roots, charcoal, pine bark and fallen leaves (willow leaves are not recommended). The main condition for the substrate is low moisture capacity .

During the process of growth, the roots of the flower “stick” to the substrate and the walls of the pot, so the orchid experiences a painful process of replanting. Do not water the plant during the first 3-5 days after transplantation, while the “sores” on the rhizomes have not yet dried. Do not compact the soil in the pot. If the flower does not hold well in a loose substrate, secure the plant with wire.

Advice! To reduce plant stress, replant the orchid not completely, but together with a lump of earth. This way you can avoid most of the damage to the root system of the flower.

Flowering period

Flowering is preceded by a phase of active growth. Now the orchid should receive as much sunlight as possible. Sveta, it is also necessary to increase watering and provide fertilizing. To increase air humidity, spray the leaves of the flower with warm water.

Advice! You can take out the plant outdoors (balcony), if allowed weather, but sudden changes in temperature and humidity should be avoided. Just before flowering begins, it is better to reduce watering. The flowering period lasts up to six months.

Popular varieties of orchids
Variety Description Photo
Brassia (BRASSIA) It is called the Spider Orchid because of its thread-like petals, and its sepals give it the most unusual appearance among orchids. Brassia blooms in late spring and is one of the easiest orchids to grow. It is suitable for normal room temperature; in winter it can be stored in a cool room at a temperature of at least 10 °C. Place the pot in a bright place away from direct sunlight.
Lycaste Strong fragrant aroma yellow flowers summer orchid, which needs warmth and sufficient watering. It should be kept in a cool place in winter with very little watering, when flower stalks appear and leaves fall. When the plant is growing, spray the leaves regularly and keep it in a place with light shade.
Odontoglossum The homeland of such a flower is in the mountains, not in the jungle, and therefore they require cool conditions for normal development - they suffer when the temperature exceeds 18 -21 ° C. Hybrids are more unpretentious to the conditions. When odontoglossums do not bloom, increase the interval between waterings . Aim for a winter temperature of at least 13°C.
Oncidium (ONCIDIUM) Tall inflorescences that look like butterflies. The plant is difficult to grow at home, but the hybrid takes root in a bright, well-ventilated room, without direct sunlight.
Phalaenopsis (PHALAENOPSIS) The most common type of plant. Easy to care for and with proper care will bloom all year round. Roots growing from a pot should not be cut off.
Zygopetalum This variety is not easy to find on sale. The plant is endowed strong aroma and large inflorescences 45-60 cm, which appear only in winter and bloom for one month. The flower needs a bright room with a small amount of morning or evening sun

Period after flowering

There is no need to trim the drying peduncle - for some time it will serve as a source of nutrients for the entire plant. If the flower has turned yellow, it must be removed, leaving a stump of 2-2.5 cm. Young buds may appear followed by flowering.

It may turn out that the tip of the peduncle has dried up and a baby has formed. If necessary, the peduncle can be cut 1-1.5 cm above the location of the dormant buds.

Important! But keep in mind that by forcing the old peduncle to bloom again, you inhibit the appearance and development of new peduncles.

After flowering, you should reduce watering, volume and frequency of fertilizing. If the plant has undergone transplantation, re-blooming may happen later than a year.

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