Vitamins play an important role for the human body. We need them like air and water and not only for spring period during vitamin deficiency after a long winter, but also all year round to maintain the beauty of skin, hair, nails and much more. And everyone knows that best source vitamins are vegetables and fruits. But getting the whole family, especially children, to consume them in large quantities is not so easy.

However, if you offer freshly squeezed juice as a replacement, no one will definitely refuse. After all, natural juices are not only healthy, but also very tasty. And this is easy to do if you have a good juicer at home. In just one glass of freshly squeezed juice you can combine all the vitamins and microelements that our body lacks.

And if at your home Small child, then a juicer is a must. After all, even the best baby juices contain stabilizers that prevent them from deteriorating during long-term storage in a jar or bag. At the same time, you can make fresh juice in a juicer by combining different vegetables and fruits, “hiding” among other tastes such healthy foods, but not loved by your children (for example, celery or carrots).

But the variety of juicers on modern market just huge. Which one to choose? To understand this issue, you first need to know what they are, their functions and features.

What types of juicers are there?

Juicers can be divided according to many principles - according to power, functionality, price, material of manufacture, additional accessories, etc. But the main thing is to divide them according to purpose:

  • citrus;
  • universal.

Sometimes, in Lately V separate species take out and auger juicers. But still, in terms of purpose and functionality, they are universal, so we will consider them as a separate subspecies.

Citrus juicers are only suitable for citrus fruits - oranges, lemons, tangerines, grapefruits and so on. And universal ones - for almost all types of vegetables and fruits. Auger juicers can extract juices and oils even from greens, cereals, nuts and soft vegetables. Each of these types has its own classification and subspecies.

Before buying this undoubtedly useful device, you must first decide for what specific purposes do you need it?. Juicers are very diverse in their functions; this review will tell you which one to choose for yourself.


As the name suggests, these juicers can extract juice exclusively from citrus fruits. If you are not a fan of juices, but prefer to consume vegetables and fruits in their original form, but at the same time will not refuse a glass of orange or lemon juice to strengthen the immune system, you should choose a device of this type. And, of course, dedicated to lovers of this most popular drink.

A natural question arises: why is this type of juicer still quite popular? After all, it’s easier to buy a universal one, which can sometimes be used to make other types of juices for variety, even if preference is given only to citrus fruits? The answer is simple - such juicers, firstly, - take up much less space than even the most compact universal model, which is important in small kitchens where it is necessary to place more a large number of technology.

Secondly, they consume much less electricity. Typically, the power of models for citrus fruits reaches a maximum of 200–250 W (the rest are just starting with this figure), and sometimes 40–60 W is enough to work.

And thirdly, citrus juicers are much cheaper than all others, so connoisseurs of exclusively juices with vitamin C see no point in spending a lot of money on equipment they don’t need. This explains the undiminished popularity of this model.

What you should pay attention to

If you decide to choose from citrus juicers, you should pay attention to some of their features and nuances. All of them are a device with a cone-shaped tip, onto which half of the fruit is “put on” and the juice is actually squeezed out, after which it passes through a mesh that retains the seeds and pulp. May be:

  • mechanical or manual - consists of a cone nozzle and a container for collecting juice, which is squeezed out manually by scrolling the fruit - the simplest and cheap option, but requires the use of force and the juice will not always be squeezed out completely, even if you try very hard;
  • press - a lever with a press is lowered onto the nozzle from above. As a result, half of the fruit is squeezed between them and the juice comes out. An improved version of a manual juicer, but also does not provide maximum fresh yield;
  • electric - the only one listed applies to kitchen appliances, the entire process of extracting juice is automated; you just need to hold the fruit or a holder for it. Gives maximum juice yield.

Last option - optimal choice, since it does not require additional effort and time and extracts the most fresh juice from fruits. You need to choose a juicer based primarily on the number of family members and how often and in what volume you plan to juice.

For big family It's better to take a more powerful model. This factor should also be taken into account when paying attention to the reservoir for the finished juice. It can be from 250 ml to 1.2 liters (with and without a division scale), respectively. With a larger volume, you can squeeze fresh juice for everyone at once and put it on the table. If, as a rule, you only need to get one glass, there is there are many models with direct flow, when the juice goes directly into the glass, which eliminates unnecessary washing of dishes.

A big plus will be the presence of attachments in the juicer. different sizes. After all, for example, lime and grapefruit are very different and it is difficult to squeeze out the juice of their different fruits effectively and in the maximum quantity using the same tip. It is also advisable to have a citrus holder, which will make your work easier and protect it from splashes.

It is worth paying attention that the nozzles and all parts that come into contact with fruits and juice are made of plastic. And that's right, because Vitamin C contained in citrus fruits oxidizes very quickly in contact with any metal, losing their beneficial features.


Universal juicers are, of course, an order of magnitude more expensive than citrus fruits, but undoubtedly have a number of advantages over them, since can extract juice from almost any vegetables and fruits, and some models even squeeze juice and oils from herbs, nuts, and cereals. As in the case of citrus fruits, when choosing this juicer, you should first decide for what purpose it is needed.

There are incomparable models that have different attachments and additional functions, but they also cost a lot. Therefore, you need to decide whether you need all this or whether you can limit yourself to some basic requirements. In order to find out what fruits and vegetables can be squeezed specific model, you should first read the instructions or read the description and reviews.

According to their classification, universal lighters are divided into:

  • centrifugal or centrifugal with a cylindrical separator;
  • centrifugal with conical separator;
  • screw

In principle, they are similar to each other and work according to the same system - vegetables and fruits are loaded into the fruit opening, through which they enter the mechanism and are crushed with a disk grater in centrifugal juicers or a special screw in auger ones. After this, the finished juice and cake are separated. Each option has its pros and cons, which should be discussed before choosing a model.


Centrifugal juicer with cylindrical separator allows you to get a fairly large volume of finished juice, up to 90% of the weight of the fruit. But its disadvantage is that there is no automatic discarding of dry pulp, so after a few glasses of fresh juice you need to remove it manually and clean the device. This is not a problem if you need to prepare some juice for yourself, however, it will take a lot of time when you need to prepare drinks for big company. And certainly such a juicer will bring inconvenience if you need to prepare juice in large quantities, for example, if you have a summer house.

Juicer with conical separator separates and automatically discards the pulp into a special container, which allows you to use it unlimited time without cleaning. However, this reduces the percentage of finished juice yield - it barely reaches 70% and the pulp is quite wet. This option is convenient if you have to constantly process a large number of fruits, since all centrifuge machines work quite quickly and allow you to squeeze out a lot of juice in one minute. a short time. And with this model, you don’t have to spend it on cleaning waste.

They are becoming increasingly popular today, which is not surprising, since they have a number of advantages. The principle of their operation is somewhat different from centrifugal ones, it is more likely resembles a meat grinder. After loading into the tray, the fruits fall onto a special screw screw, which slowly grinds the fruits and vegetables, after which the finished juice comes out through a sieve, and the fairly dry pulp is thrown out into a special hole. The advantages of such a juicer are that it:

Screw juicers come in vertical and horizontal types. When loading vertically, the screw itself automatically tightens and pushes the fruit, so the help of a pusher is practically not needed, which saves the housewife’s time.

What features are important?

You need to choose the right juicer and there are a number of features that you should pay attention to. You may not need all the features, but you need to know about them. It’s worth deciding on your needs, because every additional increases the cost of the device.

Power. From 150 to 250 W in auger juicers and from 25° to 1250 W in centrifugal juicers. For the latter, this indicator is quite important, since the speed of rotation of the centrifuge and, accordingly, the percentage of high-quality squeezed juice depend on the power - the higher the speed, the drier the cake and the more fresh juice will come out. But do not forget that electricity is consumed an order of magnitude more.

Reservoir for pulp. Important if you are squeezing a large amount of juice. Accordingly, the larger it is, the longer the possible continuous operation time.

Juice reservoir. It comes in different volumes from 200 ml to 1.2 l, or the juice can flow directly into a glass or carafe.

Fruit feeding chute. The wider and larger it is, the better; it does not require time to cut vegetables and fruits. Some time ago advertising campaign Some manufacturers have focused specifically on updating this function - now you can put a whole apple into the juicer!

Foam eliminator. This is a pretty good function that allows you to remove the foam that occurs when squeezing almost all fruits and get clean, clear juice.

Adjusting the slots in the separator. By making them larger or smaller, you can adjust the density of the fresh pulp.

Duration of work. This function is also important if you need to prepare a lot of juice. Some juicers automatically turn off after 10 minutes of operation to take a break to allow the motor to cool down. Others can run for 20 minutes or more without turning off.

The modern market offers big choice juicers from different manufacturers With various functions. Developers do not stand still and are constantly coming up with something new. In order not to get lost in this variety and choose good device which will delight you and your family for a long time, first of all, you need to decide what exactly you need, which functions in the juicer are important, and which you can do without. And then you won’t waste your money, but will get a useful and necessary device for your kitchen.

Fresh vegetable and fruit juices provide us with vitamins, enzymes, and microelements. To prepare fresh juice at home, you need a juice extractor. How to choose a juicer for vegetables and fruits? Which design is better and more durable? Which device models are the most versatile?

Types of juicers

Electricity or mechanical forces

The juicer motor can use electricity or human mechanical efforts. Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. An electric juicer allows you to quickly get a glass of juice from any hard vegetables. But it requires electricity to work.

A mechanical juicer can produce juice without power, but requires significant muscle effort. Mechanical squeezing devices are purchased if there is no electricity at the dacha, or if the juice will be prepared on the go.

Universal or citrus

A household device for squeezing juice can be of a narrow purpose (for example, for citrus fruits) or broader and more universal (for most fruits and vegetables). Universal cars are larger, heavier and more expensive. Citrus fruits have simple design, but are limited in the choice of fruits: only juicy orange or lemon pulp.

Universal juicers can be divided into two groups according to the method of chopping fruits and vegetables: centrifugal and auger. How are these designs different? And which squeezer to choose - auger or centrifugal?

Centrifugal juicer for vegetables and preparations

A centrifugal juicer for home is a traditional juice extractor machine. Fruits and vegetables are loaded through a vertical opening. They are lowered and pressed with a pusher. The raw materials fall on rotating knives (round grater) and are crushed into pulp. Moreover, due to high speed rotation, vegetables and fruits heat up and partially oxidize to form foam. The resulting juice in a glass is divided into layers (light and dark, saturated and unsaturated).

The heating temperature of the juice leads to a reduction in the amount of living vitamins. Such a spin is considered aggressive from the point of view of modern advanced technologies.

The distance between the pusher and the grater is several millimeters. This is necessary for the free rotation of the grater with cells. The disadvantage of this design is that you cannot process herbs or squeeze juice from nettles, dandelions, and wheatgrass. To choose a juicer for green smoothies, you need to look at other models.

The juice separator can have two geometric shapes: a cone and a wide cylinder. A cylindrical separator is a circle with sides. When rotating under the influence of centrifugal force, the fruit and vegetable mass is pressed against the sides, which have many small holes. The juice flows through the holes, and the pulp remains in the separator. This is how juice is separated from vegetable or fruit mass.

The pulp accumulates in the cylindrical separator and, although a special mechanism is provided for its discharge, it is often necessary to remove the pulp manually: stop the juicer, remove the lid and take out the squeezed mass.

The cone separator features automatic pulp discharge. During rotation, the squeezed out residues gradually rise to the edges of the filter cone and pour out of it into a special reservoir. This automatically removes waste.

The operation of a centrifugal juicer is accompanied by noise and vibration. The centrifugal design allows you to squeeze out raw materials for a long time. It is indispensable for processing a rich harvest. This best juicer for storing juice for the winter.

At daily use The centrifugal design produces juices from hard fruits and vegetables better than others: this is an excellent juicer for carrots, pumpkins, apples, and beets.

Screw juicer and its features

A screw juicer grinds raw materials according to a different principle - pushing and pressing. These are new gentle-press designs in which fruits or vegetables are crushed and crushed by a rotating auger (similar to grinding meat in a meat grinder) without heat or oxidation. Some designs use two augers in series to grind raw materials. The resulting cake is pushed into the separator, where it is pressed through a sieve.

For daily preparation of a glass of morning juice, it is better to choose a screw design. Let's list its advantages:

  • The rotation of the auger does not create noise, consumes less electricity and squeezes out more juice.
  • The screw rotates at a low speed, which allows you to obtain juice without heating and oxidation, which contains 20-30% more vitamins and enzymes (than juice from a centrifugal machine).
  • The auger juicer is capable of processing herbal raw materials (wheat sprouts, parsley leaves, celery, and other garden herbs). By squeezing the juice from the leaves and stems of plants, a herbal cocktail is obtained - an invaluable supplier of chlorophyll and a means of preventing anemia.
  • Only screw designs make it possible to squeeze out the nut and obtain nut milk - an indispensable protein raw material in terms of nutrition.
  • Screw structures are much easier to clean; they do not have a centrifugal separator or a mesh grater, which must be cleaned with a special brush to avoid cutting your fingers.

The screw design is the best juicer for making fresh juices from any raw material: hard and soft fruits, stone fruits, berries, vegetables, herbs, nuts.

Citrus juicer

The third model of the design is a rotating ribbed cone, onto which a half-cut orange or lemon is placed and pressed down with a hand or a clamping mechanism. The juicy pulp is separated from the peel and falls onto the filter mesh.

This design is used exclusively for squeezing juicy citrus fruits. The height and diameter of the cone depends on the type of fruit (orange, lemon, grapefruit), so for high-quality extraction you need several replaceable attachments included.

In addition, if the squeezing machine has a clamping mechanism, it is safer to use. It is good if reverse rotation of the cone is provided (in reverse side). This allows you to get extra juice from each fruit.

What characteristics of squeezing devices do you need to know when purchasing?

Juicer rotation speed

Rotation of the auger or grater on different speeds allows you to obtain juices of varying clarity. Liquid is separated from the mass due to centrifugal force. With rapid rotation, the centrifugal force is greater, part of the pulp passes through the holes of the centrifuge, and the juice is thicker. On low speeds By rotating the grater, more transparent juices are obtained because the pulp does not fall into the outlet container.

In addition, the choice of speed is influenced by the softness of the fruit or vegetable itself. The juicer for apples, beets, and carrots operates at higher speeds. Soft fruits (peaches, plums) are processed with slow rotation.

The number of speeds in most models does not exceed two. Old designs have one rotation speed.

How to choose a universal juicer: comparison options

What you need to consider and what to look for when choosing a juicer:

  1. Case material. The metal case is much more durable than the plastic one. Therefore, if you are interested in a reliable purchase, choose a juicer with a metal body and internal parts. Practice confirms that during operation it is precisely plastic parts.
  2. Filter material. Centrifugal separators operate under increased loads. They rotate and withstand the pressure of the vegetable and fruit mass. Therefore, in such models the separator must be metal and stainless (from of stainless steel). In screw designs, the load is less, which is why plastic filter parts are used. But metal elements more durable. The filter for squeezing citrus fruits is almost always made of plastic.
  3. Loading hole size. The wider the gutter, the easier and faster it is to prepare the juice. The average size The apple is 70 mm in diameter. If the hole is smaller, you will need to chop the fruit first. In addition, the length of the loading chute is important. If it is longer than your fingers, this will prevent accidental injury when trying to push the fruit with your fingers towards the auger or rotary grater.
  4. Juice glass size. Determined by the number of family. When preparing juice for one or two people, a sufficient glass volume is 300-400 mg. For more family members need a receiving tank of at least 1 liter.
  5. Automatic cleaning capability. Provided by design. Cylindrical juicers may have a lever to release the pulp. In screw mechanisms, the cake is removed automatically (it moves slowly along the waste removal channel). It is necessary to ensure the presence of a container at the outlet of the channel (bowl, pan, wide bowl). Manually clean a citrus cone juicer.
  6. Availability of brushes for cleaning. This device helps to care for the cylindrical grater of the juicer, clean its sharp cells from vegetables, fruits, peels, and fruit seeds.
  7. Additional improvements. Drop-stop technology, rubberized feet or magnetic guards against incorrect assembly. A drip stop is a clamp that blocks the channel for the juice to exit. Once the juice is made and collected in a glass, the last drops will not fall on the table or tablecloth. Rubberized feet help the device stay in place, which is especially important for centrifugal spinning. Fuses prevent the device from turning on if it is not assembled correctly. And the spout at the receiving tank will allow you to conveniently pour juice into a glass.
  8. Manufacturer. One of the most important factors in choise electrical appliances. The longevity of your juicer is determined by the quality of its manufacturing. The best reviews come from expensive brand models (Bosch, Brown, Kenwood). Service life is confirmed warranty repairs. It’s good if the manufacturer stipulates one and a half to two years of trouble-free operation. This indicates that the product being produced is of high quality.

Review of the best models

Popular and deservedly good reviews use juicers Bosch companies, Braun, Zelmer, Kenwood, Moulinex. Less price for squeezing machines Redmond, SCARLETT, SATURN, Polaris, Philips, Panasonic. Here are descriptions of some models.

The first in a series of juicers - squeezers Bosch machines . The manufacturer produces various models. The filter and housing of universal devices are made of stainless steel. DripStop spout is provided, high quality and operational reliability. The listed characteristics belong to both expensive models(BOSCH MES 4010) and more affordable (BOSCH MES 3000).

The next worthy brand of juicer is Moulinex. Also, a metal body and a wide neck, a large glass for automatic discharge of pulp, excellent quality and elegant design for the entire model range. The most expensive representatives (for example, Moulinex JU650 or Moulinex ZU 5008) are cheaper than similar Bosch models. Plastic models Almost two times cheaper than metal cases.

Price policy Zelmer comparable to commercial manufacturer Moulinex. The record holder of excellent reviews is the ZELMER JE1000 symbio centrifugal machine with two speeds, and the ZELMER 377 SL with one speed. The price of the latest model does not exceed $60.

The lineup Kenwood also offers universal type juicers with speed switching, automatic cleaning, defense mechanisms and a metal body. One of the most powerful models is KENWOOD JE 880 (2000 W).

From the program “Live Healthy!”:

From the program “Everything will be fine”:

The variety of juicers makes it difficult for the buyer to choose. Buy now quality devices with a guaranteed service life.

In contact with

Having a juicer at home, you can make your own drink from any fruits, vegetables and berries without overpaying in stores for packaged products. What is the structure of a household juicer, and how does the device work? Let's take a closer look.

All modern juicers are divided into 2 types, differing not only in purpose, but in properties:

They work on the following principle: an axis resembling a spiral rotates, as a result of which the fruit that was placed in the bowl is crushed and moved into the compartment, where the new pulp pressing from behind is squeezed out through a fine grate, filling the glass with juice. Coefficient useful action somewhat better than the canonical centrifugal model, but not as good as the cylindrical type.

Advantages Auger type juicers:

  1. Due to the low speed of rotation of the shaft, the juice does not oxidize, which in turn allows you to preserve all useful microelements.
  2. The wide, large neck prevents the fruit from falling back, as often happens in.
  3. Low noise and vibration levels.
  4. The ability to obtain juice from almost any product: leaves, grass, seeds, pomegranate - due to the slow press method.
  5. Possibility of long-term operation without stopping.
  6. Self-cleaning function available.

The cost of auger juicers is an order of magnitude higher than that of centrifugal juicers, due to their ability to perform a wide variety of work.

Choosing a device for citrus fruits

Due to the fact that citrus fruits have thick peels and many thin veins, a juicer for them must have special characteristics:

  1. The power of such devices varies from 20 to 100 W. The smaller it is, the slower the glass will fill with juice.
  2. The volume of the container is also important. Most often it is no more than 1.2 liters. When choosing the appropriate tank size, you should rely on the number of members in the family.
  3. Please note that the spout in the juicer has great importance. Choose one that will not spill juice when filling the glass.

Many citrus juicers have some additional features:

  1. Direct juice delivery allows the drink to be poured directly into the glass without accumulating in the reservoir.
  2. Reverse mode, which allows the cone to rotate to the right and left, increasing the efficiency of the device.
  3. A system with which you can increase or decrease the density of the juice. This is possible due to the presence of slits in the nozzle through which the drink flows. The larger they are, the thicker the drink.
  4. Additional attachments included will allow you to use fruits of various sizes.
  5. The presence or absence of a lever that holds the fruit while squeezing it adds safety to the device.
  6. The scale that determines the liquid level is convenient if you need to accurately measure the volume of squeezed juice.

Selecting a universal type juicer

Before purchasing a universal juicer, you should familiarize yourself with some of the features of such devices:

  1. Give preference wide neck oval shape. The narrower it is, the smaller you will have to cut fruits and vegetables, which will undoubtedly take some time.
  2. Before purchasing a device, decide for yourself which separator type Do you prefer: cylindrical or canonical. On the scales is convenience or maximum squeezed juice from the fruit.

Universal models have additional functions:

  1. Before purchasing, ask the seller how many revolutions produced by the centrifuge. Optimal speed its rotation is 7000-9000 rpm. You should not listen to consultants pushing you to buy an expensive model that can spin a centrifuge up to 20 thousand revolutions. This is nothing more than a PR stunt.
  2. It would be useful to have speed controller. The harder the fruit or vegetable, the higher the speed required to get maximum juice.
  3. Centrifuge mesh material It is preferable to choose stainless steel, with many small holes, the more there are, the better.


Having decided on your tastes and preferences, having learned the structure, types and operating principle of the juicer, you can decide which model is right for your family. A universal model capable of extracting juice from almost any fruit or a device exclusively for oranges and grapefruits - this is your choice and your opinion, with which no one will argue.

The juicer, at first glance, is not very complex device. However, in the process of selecting this equipment, you may encounter problems. There are several types of devices for obtaining juice from vegetables and fruits, as well as many modifications. Therefore, it will be very useful for any ordinary consumer to know how to choose a juicer for the home and what criteria should be followed.

Juice extraction devices are classified according to a number of parameters:

  • management methodology;
  • purpose;
  • operating principle.

In addition, such models differ in functionality, price and appearance. If you are thinking about which juicer to choose, you should first study the groups of devices and their characteristics. First you need to decide on the amount of juice you need to get every day.

There are devices designed for one or two glasses of drink, and there are high-power units that allow you to get great amount product. The former are suitable for a small family whose members enjoy juice during breakfast. The latter are designed specifically for processing vegetables and fruits in large volumes. They will also be very useful to gardeners who process the harvest.

Based on the principle of operation and design, devices are divided into the following types:

  • screw;
  • universal;
  • press;
  • for squeezing citrus fruits.

To find out which juicer is best to choose for your home, you need to decide on vegetables and

fruits that will be processed using this equipment. Many people love orange juice. Devices designed for extracting juice from citrus fruits belong to a separate category of equipment because they have their own characteristics. If you will mainly use grapefruits, lemons and oranges for processing, then it is recommended to pay attention to this class of devices.

Press juicers are often used to extract juice from fruits with seeds, berries and citrus fruits. Such presses produce a very rich and thick drink, which will contain pulp.

Centrifugal (universal) devices allow you to make juice from a wide variety of products. These juicers make fruit and vegetable drinks easily and quickly. In addition, the cooking process is carried out automatically. By using universal equipment Almost any fruit can be processed. The only exceptions are berries that contain small seeds.

Screw apparatus - other good decision. These are high-power devices that can cope with vegetables, fruits and berries. Using the auger model, you can prepare not only juices, but also jam, purees, as well as make spices and obtain juice from nuts and fresh herbs.

To make a choice, you should evaluate all the disadvantages and advantages of each type of device.

Instruments for citrus fruits

These juicers are considered the cheapest. They are either electric or manual. The latter are a bowl made of metal or durable plastic, equipped with a ribbed cone-shaped nozzle. To get orange or lemon juice, you need to cut the fruit into two parts and place each on a cone.

After this, you need to press firmly on the fruit and twist it at the end of the nozzle. To get the maximum amount of juice from the fruit, the operation must be repeated two to three times. The juice will flow into the bowl using special holes located on the body. It's very simple and quick way getting juice.

Models electric type have a motor built into the body. When the device is started, the cone-shaped element is set in motion. Some citrus juicers are equipped with a special clamping device that allows you to speed up the work. In addition, they can be equipped with a speed mode switch.

The advantages of such equipment are:

  • ease of care and use;
  • speed of processing;
  • compact dimensions;
  • small price.

The only drawback is that with the help of such devices it will not be possible to process fruits other than citrus fruits.

Press devices

This group of devices is also distinguished by its simple design., which consists of a special container for juice and a press. Fruits and vegetables are placed on top of the vessel, then the press is activated, under the influence of pressure the drink is released, which flows down through the slots.

Often these devices are used for processing tomatoes, citrus fruits, berries, grapes and other products with a soft structure. Juicer presses can be mechanical or manual. In a manual model, the pressing element is lowered using applied physical effort, while in a mechanical model, this task is performed by a lever mechanism.

Advantages of presses:

  • ease of maintenance and operation;
  • simple design;
  • fast processing of products;
  • Possibility of processing tomatoes and berries.

As for the disadvantages, it should be noted that the presses cannot squeeze the drink out of solid products.

Such equipment is connected to a standard electrical network.. Juice is obtained due to centrifugal force. First, vegetables and fruits, once in the chopper container, are brought to a mushy state with a rotating grater.

This mixture is then sent to the separator compartment, where the pulp is pressed into the walls. Next, the liquid flows into a special container. The cake remaining after processing is sent to the trash bin. This pressing technology allows you to get a clear and light drink.

One of the main advantages of centrifugal-type devices is the speed of making the drink. Thanks to the high rotation speed, it will take no more than two minutes to prepare one serving. This is very important, especially during the “morning rush”.

It is better to buy such equipment if you will be making juices from various fruits and vegetables. Centrifugal devices can handle almost any product. The only exceptions are berries with small seeds and tomatoes.

The bottom line is that the grains can get clogged in the separator mesh, and you will have to constantly stop the juicer to clean it.

Advantages of centrifugal type models:

  • purity of the resulting product;
  • speed of work;
  • ability to process almost any product.


  • loss of part useful elements;
  • large volume of waste;
  • high consumption of products;
  • Some appliances are very difficult to wash and clean.

Screw models are very popular. The principle of their operation resembles the operation of a classic meat grinder. A strong auger (shaft with blades) while rotating at high speed easily crushes the products that end up in the chopper.

Then the substance is pressed through a special mesh, and the pulp and liquid are sent into a container. The drink turns out to be extremely rich. This technology for extracting juice from products is called cold technology. Experts note that it allows you to save the most valuable and nutrients in prepared drinks.

These juicers operate at low speeds, which is why they are also characterized by high speed.

A huge advantage of such devices is the ability to extract juice from any product. This juicer will easily squeeze juice from tomatoes, berries, nuts and grains.

The advantages of auger-type juicers are:

  • complete preservation of nutrients and nutrients;
  • high level of processing efficiency;
  • the ability to extract juice from any product;
  • long continuous operation.

The disadvantages include:

  • low speed;
  • high cost;
  • limited model range.

Criterias of choice

To choose a high-quality and reliable juicer, you need to pay attention to many factors. These include the following:

  • power indicators;
  • materials from which the body and parts are made;
  • additional functions, etc.

Before purchasing a device, you need to find out what materials were used to make its body. If the juice extraction device has high power, then manufacturers often make a durable plastic or metal case. Working elements of equipment are often made of stainless steel.

In centrifugal-type devices, an important selection criterion is power. The juicer will demonstrate high efficiency if this indicator is at least 400 W. The optimal speed is from 8000 to 10000 rpm. The optimal power of auger devices is from 140 to 200 W.

When choosing a juicer for the whole family, do not forget about the capacity of the container.

prepared drink. Some devices are designed for only one or two servings and have a small capacity. If you will be making a lot of juice, it is better to choose a vessel from one to one and a half liters.

A useful feature is the ability to select a speed mode. With its help you can make drinks of different thicknesses. The reverse movement option (in screw-type devices) allows you to squeeze out liquid from vegetables, fruits and berries as efficiently as possible. The anti-drip mode prevents the drink from dispensing if the reservoir is outside the structure. You should also take care to protect against incorrect assembly or in case of a power outage.

To choose good device to get juice You should study the parameters of the most popular and reliable models that have the most positive reviews.

  • Philips HR 1869. Owners of this device rate its performance at a high level. This centrifugal juicer has a power of 900 watts. It easily processes a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. The diameter of the opening for loading vegetables is 8 centimeters, which allows you to place fruits in the structure without pre-cutting them.

Using Philips H.R. 1869 you can make juice from kiwi, oranges, apples and other products. The device is characterized by not very noisy operation and is easy to clean and disassemble. It has modern design and compact sizes.

  • Polaris 0818. This juicer is said to be the best among compact budget class devices. Centrifugal device designed for quickly preparing two or three servings of drink at a time. Polaris 0818 is equipped with automated pulp ejection and a steel body. The juice container can hold up to 600 milliliters of drink.

With this device you can process any type of fruit. It is easy to use and there will be no problems with maintenance. The juicer does not make loud noise when operating. One of the main advantages is the low cost.

  • Oursson 8002. A high-power screw device easily crushes any product. It is equipped with a pair of vessels for collecting the drink, a cleaning brush and a special tray for berries. In addition to juice, with the help of Oursson 8002 you can make confiture, ice cream and puree. Has modern multi-stage protection.

To avoid mistakes when choosing a juicer for your home, you need to decide in advance on its functionality and the required volume of juice. Only in this case can you choose truly reliable and high-quality equipment, which will delight all family members.

In order to be healthy and energetic, it is very useful to drink every day natural juice. A juicer will be an excellent helper for its preparation. Freshly squeezed drinks are much tastier than those purchased in supermarkets, and they have much more benefits. Fresh juices made from fresh and juicy fruits and vegetables help improve health: the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, digestive system appetite improves, immunity strengthens. Do you know how to choose the right juicer for vegetables and fruits?

When choosing a juicer, you need to decide what juice you want to drink most often.

If you are interested in the question: how to choose a juicer for your home, then first you should decide what to process into juice most often. It is important that this or that model must be of high quality, serve faithfully for a long time, and correspond to the preferences and wishes of the owner. Reliability and durability must be present here - these components are very important.

It’s worth listening to yourself, to your desires, what do you want more: drinking classic orange juice for breakfast or, maybe, a multifruit made from juicy fruits. Or maybe you'll like vegetable juice the most? Quality, durability, and reliability are very important in the device. In addition, versatility is also welcome.

Juicers for fruit and vegetable juice

Surely everyone will be interested in learning how to choose the right juicer for fruits, berries and vegetables. By the way, there are units for specific products, as well as combined options, in which you can also make juice from berries, that is, three in one. Universal models are suitable for absolutely all types of vegetables and fruits. They are more powerful and durable. With their help, it is possible to extract juice not only from hard products, but also from soft ones.

Types of juicers for vegetables and fruits


These devices are quite popular and in demand. There is a centrifuge here. At its base is a chopper blade that rotates quickly, at a speed reaching 3600 revolutions in sixty seconds. To prepare the drink, you must first cut the vegetables into pieces. small size. After this, they are placed in a trench. Next, the pusher pushes it all towards the centrifuge -

Single screw juicers allow you to extract juice from almost any vegetable.

This is where the products are crushed. When the centrifuge rotates, the pressed mass remains on the filter. As for the resulting juice, it is poured into a stainless steel bowl. Also, the material for making such a bowl can be plastic. In order to clean the filter from pulp, the device should be stopped.

Single screw

This juicer allows you to extract juice from cabbage, and maybe bell peppers. To get started you need the ingredients

can be crushed, after which the mass is processed. Next, the juice is extracted from it. It takes some effort to push the vegetables into the chute.

Twin screw

In order to work with such a model, certain physical efforts must be expended. But the resulting juice is simply excellent.

What types of juicers are there?

The structure of the device is as follows:

By pressing a citrus slice, or rather half, on the nozzle, it becomes possible to obtain delicious juice. Through the holes in the nozzle, the liquid flows into a special container.

When choosing such a device, you should pay attention to power. The higher the indicator, the faster the drink for energy and vigor will be ready. The volume of the container for collecting juice is also important. The best option There will be a container with a volume of one to three glasses, because you should not store freshly squeezed juice - it should be drunk immediately.

When choosing a device, you should pay attention to the presence of additional functions. This could be reverse mode. In this case, the nozzle is rotated by the motor in one direction or another. The result is more juice. It is also appropriate to use a device with a lever - with its help you can hold the citrus on the nozzle.

Power ratings for juicers

If you have not yet decided how best to choose a juicer, then pay attention to the power. The higher it is, the faster the juice will be ready. Models for citrus fruits have power from twenty to eighty watts. As for universal models, the indicators are different - from two hundred and fifty to one and a half thousand watts. The power of auger devices varies between one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty watts.

Juicers for berries with seeds

If you are deciding which juicer to choose, then pay attention to the device for berries. Such models also process seeds, and not just the berries themselves.

If you choose a centrifugal model, you will not be able to obtain juice from berries with small seeds. In this case, it is better to choose a screw model or a model with a press mechanism.

The result is a wonderful drink that retains all the beneficial substances from the processed fruit.

There is a manual model used for squeezing berries. In this case, the juice is squeezed out under pressure. As a result, the liquid enters a special container, flowing down a gutter, and the pit with peel goes into another. Possible universal models, as well as specialized ones. In the first case, it is possible to process any fruit. As for the second, here it is possible to process a certain berry.

High capacity models for apple juice

Fresh Apple juice- a storehouse of vitamins

Fresh apple juice is not only delicious, but also healthy. When you have a juicer in the kitchen, it is very simple and easy to prepare this wonderful miracle drink every day. Apple models are a great choice. Screw device It is expensive, so it is not so popular. But there are a lot of advantages here. Therefore, you shouldn’t save money, because it’s decent choice for your kitchen. One of the main advantages of this model is the mechanical spin method. The juice yield is much greater than that of centrifugal models.

The container in which the cake is collected in the screw model does not require constant cleaning. There is also no need to disassemble the housing. After all, the cake goes to the exit on its own. Due to the fact that the rotation speed is quite slow, the juice does not heat up and is not blown through. There is no oxidation of the product. As a result, it is possible to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins beneficial to the human body. The same goes for essential oils.

If there are a lot of apples, then it is best to choose a juicer whose performance is quite impressive. It is worth paying attention to the fact that in the selected model the product is completely immersed, without cleaning or dividing it. In addition, the ability to work continuously without interruption is important. Engine power too important point. The same applies to automatically discarding the cake.

Which model is better: screw or centrifugal?

There are very high-quality and functional juicers, how to choose the right one? Many people are looking for an answer to this question. When a lot of fruit has been collected and there is simply nowhere to put it, it’s time to prepare freshly squeezed natural juices. A juicer will come in handy for this. How to choose for your home best model? There are so many types of these devices. How to choose a good juicer? Screw or centrifugal? There are many questions. It's time to give answers. The screw and centrifugal models are different. Depending on the purpose, you can conclude which is better.

If you decide to choose a good juicer for your home, then pay attention to an excellent option at an affordable price - a centrifugal model.

For gourmets who want to pamper themselves with celery or parsley juices, the best choice- screw model. Despite the fact that its cost is higher, the performance is high.

Advantages of the screw model

Both the screw and centrifugal models will help you get real freshly prepared juice equally quickly

The juice will not oxidize, all substances beneficial to the body are preserved - vitamins, for example:

  • all beneficial properties of the drink are preserved for two days;
  • silent operation, minimum waste;
  • There is useful feature, thanks to which the device cleans itself;
  • You can always squeeze herbal and oat juice, as well as wheat juice.

The undeniable advantages of centrifugal juicers

  • The spin speed is quite impressive;
  • the cost is reasonable;
  • The model is quite simple to use;
  • there is a wide neck.

Additional features and functions

Before choosing a particular juicer for vegetables and juicy fruits, you need to decide whether you need additional functions. Multifunctional models are more expensive, but they allow you to make natural juice from different products faster and with better quality.

Among the main additional features that high-quality models have, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • smooth engine start;
  • drop-stop;
  • automatic pulp ejection.

All these features help make the juicing process more comfortable, faster, and more enjoyable.

The range of juicers is quite impressive. Therefore, if you need such a device, then you must first decide on the purpose of the device. It is also necessary to take into account how much space is in the kitchen so that the device fits perfectly into everything around in this room. Now you know how to choose the best model. There are plenty of nuances when choosing. The main thing is that you need to choose quality models, multifunctional. This is the only way to prepare the most delicious juices from vegetables, fruits. When choosing, you can always consult a specialist in the store. After all, he will definitely tell you about all the juicers, tell you how to choose the desired model, taking into account the preferences and wishes of the client. For those who want to be healthy, cheerful and energetic, natural freshly squeezed juices are simply irreplaceable. A juicer will always help you prepare them.

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