One of the common problems of housewives is dealing with dust. It can appear again even 1-2 days after cleaning, and this is upsetting and even interferes with life. How to properly wipe off dust so that it does not appear for as long as possible?

Perhaps we should start the conversation with what type of cleaning to choose. So, we have 2 options: dry and wet. The first one is faster, easier, but is it effective?

Dry cleaning is carried out with a rag (naturally dry) or a brush/broom. This has little effect. At first it seems that there is no dust, but in fact it just rose and dispersed in the air. After some time, it will settle back to the surface in the same volume. The work has been done, but to no avail.

Dry cleaning can only be done with a woolen rag or an electrified broom. Wool perfectly collects dust particles due to the fact that it is electrified. Actually, electrified panicles are also suitable for this reason. After each cleaning, both should be washed thoroughly.

Wet cleaning will be more effective. True, you need to remember that it is damp, not wet. A microfiber cloth is used for this, which is first washed and thoroughly wrung out. Additionally, you can purchase special products for wiping off dust, for example, Pronto “Anti-Dust”. They improve the quality of cleaning and create protective layer, on which dust does not “sit” longer.

A microfiber cloth and some cleaning agent are suitable as a working tool for wet cleaning. Pronto “Anti-Dust” has proven itself to be excellent, but many people don’t like its smell, so ventilation may be necessary. A good remedy is also Mr. Muscle, but you can choose any one you like. However, if there are small children, asthma or allergy sufferers in the house, it is better to refrain from using cleaning substances.

Main stages of dusting:

    Wet a microfiber cloth and wring it well until it is slightly damp.

    Thoroughly wipe down all surfaces, including the inside shelves of cabinets and other furniture.

    For a better effect, you need to wipe everything again, but with a dry cloth/napkin made from natural fabrics.

    Wipe off dust in the most accessible and visible places once every 3 days, and in more secluded corners (the so-called spring-cleaning) once a week.

If polishes are used, it is better to apply them not to the furniture itself, but directly to the rag. This move will allow you to more accurately and evenly distribute the liquid over the surface. But polish applied directly to furniture forms a film that, instead of repelling, will attract dust.

When exactly to remove dust: before or after using a vacuum cleaner? IN modern devices There is a good filter that does not let dust particles back into the room. If you clean this filter regularly, there should be no problems. Therefore, you can safely wipe the dust first and then vacuum it. You can do this at the beginning. But then, when cleaning surfaces, you may encounter a problem when debris from shelves and cabinets falls onto the floor and it becomes necessary to vacuum again.

Cleaning sequence

You need to start cleaning from the bottom up. Remove the highest places first. The very last to be wiped is what is below: usually this bedside tables, system unit computer, and, of course, baseboards and flooring.

Why is this sequence important? Despite the fact that you clean with a damp cloth, some dust particles still “rise” into the air. After some time, it settles again, but on the surface below those that you wiped. It turns out that if you first remove the table and bedside tables, and then climb onto the closet and wipe it there, some of the garbage will again settle on the table and bedside tables. And they will need to be wiped again.

Places not to be forgotten

In order for there to be an order of magnitude less dust in the house, you need to take care to remove it from the most inaccessible places, as well as from those places where it can arise. What we mean here: Usually cleaning furniture is only a small part where dust accumulates. Ventilation openings, as well as filters of air conditioners and vacuum cleaners, often become such “trash bins”.

After wet cleaning, you observe cleanliness, but if the listed places are left dirty, then during air ventilation, dust particles will spread throughout the rooms again. If you wipe them carefully and regularly, you will be able to reduce the rate of formation of layers... yes, that same one.

Vents and filters are not all the places that “assemblers” forget about. The cooler in the system unit or laptop also spreads dust. Regular cleaning of this equipment will also help you maintain cleanliness.

A large number of dust particles accumulate on chandeliers, cornices, on top of doors, on laptop monitors, computers and TV screens. All this needs to be wiped regularly.

You can clean it every day, but such a system unit will not make the air cleaner

arrow_left You can clean it every day, but such a system unit will not make the air cleaner

Listed below are some tips and tricks. Their use will help reduce the layer of dust on your shelves:

    Most of the garbage and dust particles enter the apartment/house from the street. Do wet cleaning in the hallway once every 2 days, and the result will immediately become noticeable. Garbage simply will not have time to spread throughout the entire home, and it will become easier to maintain cleanliness.

    Buy indoor plants. Of course, you will also have to wipe their leaves, but, for example, chlorophytum perfectly cleans the air, and not only from dust particles. It can also be placed in a smoking area, and then the smell will evaporate much faster.

    If you have pets, brush their hair regularly. Moreover, this applies not only to dogs and cats, but also to rabbits.

    You can wipe off dust not only with microfiber. For example, it is best to wipe a laptop/computer monitor, keyboard and TV screen with regular damp wipes. Many housewives may dispute this, but it is still an excellent and convenient tool. And the whole process takes just a few minutes.

    Air purifiers and ionizers can be used as aids. The latter affects the charge of the particles and promotes their sedimentation. The surfaces, of course, need to be wiped, but the air will become clean and free of dust particles.

Dust spoils the attractiveness of an apartment, polluting it, but also negatively affects the health of homeowners. In addition, dust particles are a favorable habitat for ticks and cause allergies in many. Despite regular cleaning, small dust particles still remain in hard-to-reach places. This is the result of improper cleaning. Dust settles on everyone flat surfaces, and also accumulates in bedding. Wet cleaning is more effective because in this case use certain detergents.

Methods for reducing dust on surfaces

You can reduce the amount of accumulated dust by getting rid of things that can attract small particles. To permanently remove dust, you first need to get rid of the things that attract it. Instead of curtains, you can install blinds, and instead of carpet, install parquet. It will not spoil the aesthetics of the room, but rather will make the room more attractive. The chandelier should be ordinary, without pendants, and books should be kept behind glass.

In addition, woolen items and soft toys also accumulate dust in large quantities. All this can be simply vacuumed; the equipment quickly and completely removes dust from things. The knocking out method will not give such a result. You can hit the carpet with a beater all day, but there will still be dust in it.

Blankets, mattresses and pillows need to be ventilated and preferably kept under direct sun rays. Some microorganisms die from ultraviolet radiation. Synthetic pillows are washed, and down pillows are sent for cleaning. It is better to use the mattress together with a cover, like a pillow with a pillowcase. In this case, only the cover needs to be washed.

All sorts of unwanted elements accumulate in sheets and duvet covers:

  • dust;
  • dead skin particles;
  • various fabric fibers;
  • sand;
  • microbes

Attention! For safety and hygiene reasons, bed sheets should be washed and boiled at least once every five days. It is recommended to wash children's bedding every three days. Pillows and blankets filled with natural down are cleaned every 3 months.

Regardless of the circumstances and negative emotions accumulated during the day, it is necessary to maintain a comfortable microclimate in every living room. This can be done by ventilating the premises, as well as using a humidifier. The main thing to know is that the rooms should not be too hot, since heat provokes the appearance of harmful microorganisms, creating favorable living conditions for them.

Places where dirt accumulates the most

Despite regular wet cleaning, some rooms have significantly more dust than other rooms. This is due to the fact that the smallest particles, invisible to the eye, remain in the air for quite a long time and do not settle on the surface of things immediately. These particles include small fabric fibers, fragments of ceiling and wall trim, as well as pet hair and microorganisms.

There are many hard-to-reach places in rooms where dirt accumulates - a kitchen hood, TV, refrigerator and other household appliances. Much of the dust can be found among scattered things.

Attention! Small particles of dust are long time in the air, attract harmful substances that can be hazardous to health. They cause the greatest harm to people susceptible to allergies.

Dust also accumulates on the sides of paintings, lamps, clocks and in various small objects that are not even paid attention to during cleaning. This is due to some difficulties in cleaning them. By the way, to make work easier, small items can be treated with a spray.

Microscopic particles settle in large quantities on interior items made from textiles. The electrified material has the properties of attracting small dust particles. No less dust accumulates under the ceiling, which is often forgotten.

Correct dust removal

For complete dust removal would be better suited wet woolen fabric, and dry electrified wool, ideally attracts the smallest dust particles. Many people use special store-bought napkins. It is not recommended to clean with a broom, as it raises some of the dust into the air. The most effective means for removing small dry particles is a vacuum cleaner. It reliably removes dust from hard and soft surfaces of furniture, walls, floors, curtains, carpets and more.

Ideal household device For cleaning the rooms there is a washing vacuum cleaner. After treatment with this device, hard surfaces are wiped with a damp cloth. Dry wipes are not recommended. They lift up small particles, which settle over time, forming a coating of dust.

General cleaning should start from the ceiling. You can use a mop wrapped in a damp woolen cloth. Collects the least amount of dust suspended ceiling, which means it is easier to wash.

After using a vacuum cleaner, you must carefully sweep all corners of the floor and wipe with a damp cloth. Then they wipe down doors, window sills, paintings, furniture, internal shelves, souvenirs, figurines and other small items. Furniture is first vacuumed and then wiped. We should not forget about chandeliers, cornices, blinds, and armrests. In the final part of the cleaning, they remove dirt from low surfaces - chairs, stools, bedside tables.

Attention! The process of formation of dust of all types occurs continuously. It is impossible to stop him. This is the reason for the appearance of a barely noticeable layer of dust on any surface during the day.

Ways to combat the rapid appearance of dust

Methods to combat the rapid formation of dust are as follows:

  1. Daily wet cleaning of the entire apartment. Special attention allocated to the corridor and hallway. This will prevent dirt from moving to other rooms.
  2. Step-by-step work with cleaning furniture. First, it is vacuumed and then wiped with a damp cloth.
  3. Use wet wool fabric or lint napkins. It is not recommended to use brooms for sweeping the floor. The ideal option is a washing vacuum cleaner.
  4. Use of special filters in vacuum cleaners.
  5. Mandatory removal of dirt from hard-to-reach places.
  6. Regular cleaning duvets and pillows in companies that use special equipment.
  7. Periodically knocking dust out of clothes, as well as soft toys and regular washing of bed linen.
  8. Perform cosmetic procedures and comb your hair in the bathroom. To remove hair, use sticky tools.
  9. Regular brushing of pets outdoors.
  10. Use of special detergents in cleaning.

Methods for removing dust

Small particles will not cover the surfaces of solid objects longer if they are treated with factory detergents. They remove static electricity, which prevents dust from being attracted. You can use your own preparations.

Lemon solution works well. It reliably removes minor dirt, after which no streaks or drips remain. To prepare this composition, pour small lemon slices with vegetable oil and wait 5 days. Boiling water is added to the resulting preparation, filtered and the fabric is soaked in it. Then it is dried and all surfaces are wiped with it.

Lavender oil is an excellent antistatic agent. It is stirred in water, and then using a cloth soaked in the solution, the furniture is wiped. Good solution considered a mixture of bleach dissolved in water. Another option for a natural antistatic agent is a composition made from water and regular salt. Polished surfaces can be wiped with glycerin diluted with water.

Important! You can add water and shampoo to any antistatic agent, mix thoroughly and treat any surface. This will protect the products from dust accumulation for a long time.

The main thing is not to forget about special soft napkins and fleecy or woolen fabric. The use of other auxiliary means is not recommended. Dust accumulates in the pile, which prevents even microparticles from rising up, and the wool becomes electrified, so it attracts not only small dust particles, but also large ones.

Houseplants against dust

There are certain types of indoor plants that can attract dust, and the housewife can only wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

Helps remove dust:

  1. Ficus benjamina. Absorbs toxic compounds released by some plastic and other products.
  2. Chlorophytum. Absorbs any toxic substances in the room.
  3. Geranium. Destroys germs and bacteria.
  4. Spathiphyllum. Suppresses the development of mold.
  5. "Mother-in-law's tongue." Successfully resists nitrogen oxides.
  6. Cypress. Effectively attracts negative ions coming from electrical appliances.
  7. Gerbera. Actively absorb carbon dioxide, and releases oxygen.
  8. Begonia. Destroys microorganisms and humidifies the air.
  9. Dieffenbachia. Destroys staphylococcus and toxic compounds.
  10. Scheffler. Absorbs nicotine. This plant is useful in an apartment whose owner prefers to smoke while sitting in a chair instead of going out onto the balcony.

Removing dust from any hard-to-reach places

Oddly enough, one of the hard-to-reach places is upholstered furniture. Despite this, there are several ways to remove dust from them. The most effective is a powerful vacuum cleaner. It quickly and completely removes dust from chairs and sofas upholstered in regular fabric.

Another method is as follows: place a wet but thoroughly wrung out sheet on the upholstered furniture. Then knock on upholstered furniture, and the dust that comes out settles on the sheet. To destroy microorganisms, the surfaces of sofas and armchairs are steamed with an iron. This procedure is done once every few months.

Books are treated with a vacuum cleaner, the hose of which is fitted with a special nozzle with long pile. The shelves are wiped with a damp cloth. It is recommended to wipe the leaves of indoor plants with a damp sponge. Some small plants can be rinsed directly in the bath at room temperature. This procedure removes all dirt and has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the plants. Since dust collects in small quantities on the walls, they are also vacuumed and then wiped with a cloth.

Blinds are washed in closed. Suitable for processing them soap solution. If they do not look dirty with an old coating, but are simply covered with dust, then wipe them with a damp cloth. For more thorough cleaning, use a special soft brush. If you have time, the blinds can be removed and washed thoroughly in water using detergents or regular soap.

How to train yourself to clean your apartment regularly

Constant light or periodic general cleaning of the apartment will rid the home of dust and harmful substances, so it will be easy to breathe. True, there is not always time and desire for this. Inviting guests can be an ideal motivation. It is unlikely that the hostess will want her guests to witness chaos and disorder.

Clean in the morning when you are full of strength and energy. In the evening after work, you don’t want to do the cleaning, because at this time there is a certain loss of energy, and even the energy accumulated during the day negative emotions do not allow you to do anything useful.

You can choose a specific day a week and clean regularly. Even if there is no desire, you still don’t need to relax. After a few months, you will become so involved in this process that you simply cannot live without cleaning. You will be missing something on this day.

While cleaning, do not be distracted by other things, since the intended work must be completed. All this will become a habit over time. If you always want to return home in high spirits, periodically change the atmosphere in your home: redecorating, change the wallpaper, rearrange the furniture.

Where to start cleaning

First of all, cleaning the premises begins with the removal of objects and things that have the properties of attracting dust. Most of it is concentrated in the lower part of the room, so children suffer more from dust, although they do not notice it.

Children generally get more damage than adults, since quite a lot of dust accumulates in soft toys. Since you can’t throw them away, you need to store them in boxes. The same applies to books. While in open space, printed publications They also attract dust, so books should be kept behind glass.

Especially incredibly large amounts of dust accumulate in carpets that cover floors and wall hangings. They need to be vacuumed much more often than wiping furniture. Things that have not been used for years can be put in plastic bags and hidden in the pantry, or better yet, given to people in need.

For quick disposal from dust it is advisable to use washing vacuum cleaner. A household appliance with a fabric bag throws some of the dust back into the room. A vacuum cleaner with a water filter traps dust completely. After working with such a household appliance, the room becomes slightly humidified. All moisture immediately evaporates after airing the room.

Important! To prevent ticks from breeding in bedding, they should be washed more often using the boiling function.

If you don’t want to remove dust from the floor yourself, you can entrust this job to a robotic vacuum cleaner. To help with this household appliance, you can buy an air purifier. It removes dust from the air, so this solution is considered ideal. The inexpensive device does its job reliably.

To top it all off, you can get an ionizer and humidifier. The main thing to remember is that all this gives positive result when periodically engaged in manual cleaning of premises. If every home owner could see what microscopic mites look like, and even dust itself under a microscope, he would clean every day.

10/07/2018 0 3,854 views

We all want our apartment to be clean and tidy. Therefore, housewives often face the question of how to wipe off dust so that it settles less. They can help here folk remedies, involving the use of available ingredients available in every home. They will not only effectively remove dirt, but also keep it clean for as long as possible, saving you energy and time.

Removing dust from an apartment serves not only aesthetic purposes, it has an extremely beneficial effect on the health of all residents. Dust particles entering the respiratory tract cause irritation, inflammation and contribute to the development of allergies. Therefore, timely cleaning is especially important for allergy sufferers and people suffering from bronchopulmonary diseases.

How should you wipe off dust?

It is very important to remove dirt from top to bottom, starting from the ceiling and ending with the floor. Otherwise, dust particles from above will settle on already washed items, and everything will have to start all over again. If possible, adhere to the following wet cleaning algorithm:

  1. First, clean the ceiling using a broom wrapped in a cloth. Undeservedly little attention is usually paid to the ceiling, but it spreads dust throughout the apartment.
  2. Cobwebs from the corners can be sucked up with a vacuum cleaner, after first removing the brush from it.
  3. Wash or wipe the chandelier shades thoroughly with a damp cloth, after removing them.
  4. We remove the dust layer from the light bulbs using any alcohol solution(ethyl, boric alcohol, vodka), which prevents its re-formation.
  5. Wipe down the walls if they are covered with washable wallpaper or tiles.
  6. We continue wet cleaning, treating window sills and cabinets. Here you should also move from top shelves to the lower ones. Don’t forget to look at closed shelves; dust accumulates there more slowly, but you shouldn’t ignore it.
  7. Wipe down household appliances (TV, stereo, computer, refrigerator, microwave, etc.) - they attract the largest number of dust particles due to static voltage.
  8. Pay special attention to places that your hands usually don’t reach – the armrests of sofas and armchairs, the backs and crossbars of chairs, interior doors.
  9. When washing the floor, pay special attention to the baseboards, thoroughly washing away dirt from them.
  10. To clean floors in hard-to-reach places, use mops and brushes with long handles.

To clean up your home as quickly and efficiently as possible, you should listen to the following tips:

  • Use more often. Try to wipe the areas of greatest concentration of dirt every day - the hallway, corridor, window sills, electrical equipment. Do not wear street shoes into living areas, otherwise dirt will spread throughout the house.
  • You can sweep the floor with a broom or brush only after moistening it with water. Otherwise, they will raise dust particles from the floor into the air, which will then settle down again. It is much easier and more efficient to use a vacuum cleaner.
  • The same goes for a furniture broom. Surfaces should only be wiped with a damp cloth.
  • Comb and do your hair only in the bathroom so that your hair does not spread throughout the apartment. For the same reasons, you should wash and brush your pets regularly.
  • Don't forget about soft objects interior Twice a year, knock out and clean carpets, blankets, curtains, pillows, soft toys. Wash your bed linen weekly.

What to wipe the dust with?

You can wipe off the dust so that it settles less store supplies or natural antistatic agents. The first include:

  • aerosols of the “Anti-Dust” type, which are sprayed onto surfaces, creating a dust-repellent barrier around them;
  • furniture wax creates a dense layer on wooden furniture, protecting it not only from dust, but also from mechanical damage;
  • special solutions designed to kill dust mites are especially useful for allergy sufferers, since mite waste products are the main allergens;
  • polishes with an antistatic effect are used for processing wooden items, giving them shine and renewed appearance;
  • wet wipes designed for wiping household appliances are very convenient for cleaning monitor screens - they can be used without unplugging the electrical appliance;
  • impregnation for upholstered furniture and carpets, forming a protective layer on their surface that repels dust.

Folk remedies include the following substances and their combinations:

  1. Essential oils added to water are used to wipe floors, tables, bookshelves and other furniture. Rose and lavender oils are especially good at removing dust.
  2. Saline solution at a concentration of 1 tsp. per glass of water is suitable for washing shoes, floors and other horizontal surfaces.
  3. The lemon-based product needs to be prepared in advance, but it does not leave sloppy streaks and effectively removes dust and dirt. Cut the lemon into slices or slices, add 6-7 tsp to it. vegetable oil and leave for 5-7 days. Next, the mixture is poured with 200 ml of boiling water and filtered. Moisten a rag with the remaining liquid, then dry it and wipe the furniture with it.
  4. Used for processing glass and polished surfaces water solution glycerin in a ratio of 1:10. They can successfully wash windows and treat glossy decorative elements.
  5. Pour 50-70 ml of 9% vinegar, 2 tsp into a glass of cold water. olive oil and a few drops of aromatic oil. Pour all components into a spray bottle and spray over interior items.
  6. Combine water and bleach in a 1:1 ratio and wipe with the solution. tiles, glass shelves, washing machine and other bathroom furnishings.
  7. To prevent dust from settling on horizontal surfaces longer, prepare a special mixture of fabric conditioner, shampoo and water. They are combined in equal quantities and used to wash furniture and floors.

How to secure furniture?

In order to avoid spending most of your life cleaning, you need to prevent dust from settling on horizontal surfaces. Then you can wipe them less often. Here's what you can do for this:

  • It is advisable to use all of the listed antistatic agents only after complete wet cleaning, otherwise dirt will be transferred from one object to another, and all efforts will be pointless.
  • Maintain a humidity level in the room of at least 40% so that dust molecules do not constantly fly around in dry air, but immediately settle down and can be wiped off.
  • Air purifiers will also help remove airborne dust elements and germs.
  • Store books and small decorative items on glass shelves - much less dust gets in there.
  • Use special organizers, trunks and cases to store clothes and bedding that you don’t use every day.
  • Never apply polish, wax or similar products directly to the surface of furniture, otherwise a sticky film will form on it, which will attract even more dust. You need to treat furniture with a cloth or a special sponge.
  • Replace filters in vacuum cleaners and air purifiers in a timely manner, otherwise they will no longer perform their function.
  • Do not leave windows open for long periods of time. It is certainly necessary to ventilate the premises, but it is better to allocate special time for this, opening the windows wide and creating a draft. If the windows are constantly fixed in micro-ventilation mode, then you will not be able to get rid of dust for a long time.

Video: how to clean a house in an hour?

  1. Wipe the surfaces with microfiber cloths; they stick well to any dirt and hold it inside the fabric. Each time after putting things in order, the rag must be washed.
  2. To wash blinds, it is convenient to use a damp old sock or a cloth glove for household work.
  3. A painting brush can easily penetrate into narrow crevices and carved decorative elements; after moistening it with water, you can easily get rid of dust.
  4. To clean woven shades, lampshades, decorative pillows, and ottomans, it is convenient to use roller brushes with a sticky coating.
  5. If you absolutely need a carpet to create coziness in your apartment, then it is better to choose natural models with short pile. It is better to remove them in the summer.
  6. It is advisable to put covers on top of upholstered furniture and mattresses, which can be washed if necessary.
  7. Indoor plants help to effectively purify the air, but they need help in this. Rinse all plants and pots regularly to rid them of settled dust and toxic substances. Remember that flowers are improper care They themselves can become a source of air pollution (soil, pollen, seeds).
  8. Do not turn your apartment into a warehouse for vases, figurines, decorative candles and other trinkets. Their abundance looks tasteless and creates ideal conditions for dust accumulation.
  9. The crevice attachment for a vacuum cleaner does not always help you get into all the hard-to-reach places. It is more convenient to use a toilet paper roll. It is soft enough to mold to the surface being cleaned and fits well into the vacuum cleaner tube.
  10. After use, also wipe the vacuum cleaner with a damp cloth; it often accumulates about the same amount of dust outside as it sucks inside.
  11. When planning repair work keep in mind that paper wallpaper They attract dust the most. It is better to cover the walls with washable wallpaper or cover them with tiles.

You can endlessly fight dust in your home. Small mineral particles, fabric fibers and skin flakes constantly float in the air and settle on various surfaces. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of them. However, if you adopt the secrets of professional cleaners, you can significantly reduce the amount of dust in your apartment even without special effort keep the premises clean at all times.

Even in an empty, perfectly cleaned apartment, approximately 12 thousand dust particles per square centimeter settle in two weeks. They tell you how to quickly get rid of dust and make the cleaning process more efficient Helpstar home service experts.

Do wet cleaning regularly

Good old-fashioned wet cleaning is a proven and effective way to combat dirt. By wiping the surface, we remove static electricity, and as a result, much less dust settles on the floor and shelves. Thanks to regular wet cleaning, the overall content of fine particles in the air is reduced, and dust mites and bacteria die. This is especially true during periods of exacerbation of respiratory diseases, when viruses literally fly in the air. Regular dust removal helps maintain immunity and significantly speeds up the healing process. Therefore, make it a rule to dust and wash the floor at least once a week. Soon this will become a simple and useful habit.

Use the right equipment

Before starting any fight, you need to properly arm yourself. Home service specialists use napkins and mops (mop attachments) made from special materials. So, to remove dust, it is best to use microfiber cloths; its fibers, like a brush, collect all the small particles from the surface. Rags made from other materials only remove part of the dirt, and the remaining dust and dirt are only spread over the surface. Professional cleaners also use a plume broom; it can significantly speed up the cleaning process because it instantly collects dust - its particles are attracted to the pile due to the resulting static electricity. In addition, this is an excellent tool for cleaning hard-to-reach places and decorative small items - he waved the plume - and all the figurines are clean, there is no need to remove and wipe each of them separately. We also recommend periodically treating facades and horizontal surfaces polish furniture with an antistatic effect, then much less dust will settle on them.

Act according to a well-thought-out plan

Professional cleaners remove dust every day from the most different apartments. They always operate according to certain regulations that save time. Specialists are able to clean a room of dirt very quickly and efficiently, because they always move according to the same pattern. The main rule is that you need to clean from top to bottom so that the dust that you shake off from the top shelves does not settle on already cleaned surfaces. To avoid missing anything, walk in a circle in each room - from door to door or from window to window. It is necessary to wipe window sills, shelves, furniture surfaces, appliances, paintings, sconces and various interior decorations - vases, desk lamp and figurines. It is better to place souvenirs that you cannot part with in cabinets and admire them through glass - small trinkets collect a lot of dust and complicate the cleaning process. This solution will save you a lot of time.

When all surfaces are dust-free, you need to vacuum the floor and then wash it. Try to move from remote corners of the apartment to the entrance to it - this way you will not bring dust and dirt into already cleaned rooms. Wet cleaning is completed in the hallway - this way the floors in other rooms will have time to dry before you return there.

Don't forget about hard-to-reach places

Cleaners pay special attention to the upper surfaces of cabinets, which are so inconvenient to wipe. Meanwhile, it is there that it accumulates great amount dust. To speed up the process, you can lay newspaper or large-format paper on them. During cleaning, the sheets are quickly removed from the cabinets along with all the accumulated dust. The main thing is to do it carefully. In the kitchen, instead of paper, you can use film; it will also protect the surface of the cabinet from the formation of plaque from a mixture of dust and grease. Don't forget about chandeliers - lamps literally attract dust. Moreover, the more complex their shape, the faster they become dirty. It is recommended to wipe them with a damp cloth once every two to three weeks. But it’s much faster to do this with a plume broom. When dry, it will quickly remove dust, and if you moisten the fibers and go over the chandelier again, you will get a complete wet cleaning.

Wash your home textiles more often

The amount of dust in the house, oddly enough, depends on how often the bed linen is changed. Home textiles are the main source of dust in every apartment, and they need to be cleaned regularly. If you don't take care of it for a long time, bedspreads, upholstered furniture, and bed linen harbor dust mites, which can cause allergies. Bed linen should be washed at least once a week.

Do not forget also about the permanent upholstery of upholstered furniture; it must be vacuumed regularly. You can also cover the sofa or chair with a damp sheet and beat it thoroughly - this way all the accumulated dust will settle on the fabric and will not get into the air.

A separate conversation about carpets. If you don’t want them to become a haven for dust mites and intestinal pathogens, you will have to thoroughly vacuum them once a week and treat them with a special disinfectant. For effective fight for the cleanliness of carpets and own health it is important to know clearly.

All other textiles - bedspreads, rugs, removable furniture covers - should be cleaned approximately once a month. At the same time, it is not necessary to take dirty clothes to the dry cleaner yourself; some home services, including Helpstar, offer delivery services. The courier will pick up everything you need and bring it back in perfectly clean condition.

Dust not only pollutes the apartment and spoils the appearance, it has a negative impact on the well-being and health of humans and pets. It lives in big number dust mites, which can cause severe allergic reaction, asthma and various respiratory diseases.

In addition, dust carries carcinogens, bacteria, fumes and particles household chemicals, cigarette smoke toxins and other harmful substances. But these elements enter the lungs together!

Even with regular cleaning, dust remains in many hard-to-reach places. It settles not only on smooth, hard surfaces, but also accumulates in pillows, blankets, and upholstered furniture. You can often notice that new dust quickly appears in noticeable areas, even though you have recently wiped the surface.

To ensure safety, it is important to carry out wet cleaning regularly. In this article we will look at how and what is the best way to wipe off dust so that it does not settle longer.

How to reduce dust

To get rid of dust for a long time, try to get rid of things and objects that attract it. So, leather furniture It will be better than with fabric upholstery. Instead of carpet, it is better to use linoleum or parquet, and instead of curtains, blinds. It is advisable to store books, souvenirs and small items behind glass, and choose a chandelier without pendants.

Don't forget that hair, soft toys and wool, and bedding attract and collect dust particles in large quantities. Therefore, regularly exhaust and wipe toys, comb cats and dogs. And comb your hair only in the bathroom.

To prevent mites from appearing in house dust, be sure to wash your bed linen every 7-10 days. Air out pillows, blankets and mattresses every six months. It is recommended to wash pillows once every two to three months, and blankets once every 6-12 months.

And for the mattress, use a special cover that can be easily machine washed every two months. More detailed information how to properly care for bed linen and accessories, see here.

Maintain a comfortable microclimate at home, regularly ventilate the room, and use air humidifiers. Cool is preferable to heat because heat, stuffiness and dry air create favorable conditions for the proliferation of harmful bacteria and microorganisms.

How to wipe dust correctly

To wipe dust from the hard surface of furniture, household appliances and other items, use a damp woolen cloth, as wool is highly electrified and attracts dust particles. You can take special dry microfiber wipes to prevent dust from settling on surfaces for a long time.

Moreover, they vacuum not only floors and carpets, but also furniture, curtains, and the surfaces of other objects. Use a good modern aqua filter for your vacuum cleaner. And after vacuuming, wipe the surfaces with a damp cloth.

Do not use dry cloths or special brooms! They, like a broom, only raise dirt and particles and create dust clouds in the air. In the future, the dust will simply settle on furniture, appliances, curtains, paintings and other objects. Be sure to wet the rag and broom in water.

Start cleaning from the ceiling. To do this, wrap the broom in a damp woolen rag and wipe the surface. By the way, a suspended ceiling collects less dust and is easier to clean.

Then sweep every corner and floor in the apartment with a wet broom or thoroughly vacuum it. By the way, many people are interested in what to do first, vacuuming or wiping the dust. First of all, you should vacuum and then wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

After the floor and ceiling, you should wipe the furniture and every shelf, paintings, small objects and souvenirs, doors and window sills, electrical and household appliances. Furniture and curtains can be pre-vacuumed.

Don’t forget to clean the cornices and chandeliers, armrests on chairs and sofas, and blinds from dust. At the end of the cleaning, low surfaces are wiped, including bedside tables and stools, chairs, coffee tables, and baseboards.

What to do to prevent dust from settling longer

  1. Do wet cleaning of your home regularly, especially in the hallway and hallway. Then the dirt will not be transferred to other rooms;
  2. Use a damp woolen cloth or special microfiber cloths with a fleecy surface to remove dust. Do not use brooms and brooms for cleaning;
  3. Do not clean the floors with a broom, but use a vacuum cleaner. As a last resort, you can soak a broom in water;
  4. First, thoroughly vacuum the floor or furniture, and then wipe the surfaces with a damp cloth;
  5. Use special aqua filters for your vacuum cleaner that effectively collect dust;
  6. Be sure to wipe off dust from every surface and clean hard-to-reach places;
  7. Remove dust from pillows and blankets, stuffed animals, curtains, woolen clothing and other textiles. Wash your bed linen regularly;
  8. Style and comb your hair only in the bathroom and remove any remaining hair. Remove hair from clothes using a special sticky roller;
  9. Regularly brush cats and dogs, remove pet hair from furniture, carpets, and floors using a special sticky roller for animals;
  10. For cleaning, you can use special products, such as polishes and antistatic agents. You can buy the composition or prepare it at home.

What is the best way to remove dust?

To prevent dust from settling longer, you can use various detergents. The easiest option is to buy ready-made Anti-Dust polishes. They effectively relieve static tension and prevent the settling of dust particles. In addition, you can treat surfaces with a natural antistatic agent.

To reduce dust settling, wipe items with the following means:

  • Lemon solution effectively removes dust and leaves no streaks. To do this, cut the lemon into slices, add seven tablespoons of vegetable oil and leave the mixture for a week. Pour a glass of boiling water into the resulting solution and strain. Then soak a rag in the mixture, wring it out, dry it and use it to wipe furniture;
  • Excellent antistatic agents are essential oils, especially lavender and rose. Therefore, simply add a few drops of one of the oils to water and wipe hard surfaces with the solution with a wool or cotton cloth;
  • Take antistatic agent, shampoo and water in equal quantities, mix the components and wipe off the dust with the resulting solution;
  • Prepare a solution of water and bleach in equal proportions and wipe hard surfaces with this mixture;
  • Add to glass clean running water teaspoon table salt and stir. Wait until the salt dissolves and wipe the furniture;
  • Wipe polished and decorative surfaces with glycerin solution. To do this, take one part glycerin to 10 parts water and mix the ingredients.

Use special napkins and rags for cleaning dust with a fluffy surface or woolen cloth. The pile collects and leaves dust in itself so that no dust particles will fly in the air during cleaning. And the wool is electrified and effectively attracts dust microparticles.

How to remove dust in hard-to-reach places

To clean a dusty sofa or chairs, place a damp sheet on the furniture and knock out the items. The dust will come out of the depths and settle on the sheet. Repeat the procedure if necessary. Then go through with a vacuum cleaner and steam with an iron. Do this treatment 1-2 times a year to eliminate dangerous microorganisms and bacteria.

A vacuum cleaner with a special attachment will help remove dust from books. Place a long bristle brush on the hose and vacuum the items. Then be sure to wipe down the bookshelves with a damp cloth. Place books on the surface only when it is completely dry.

Flowers and indoor plants with wide leaves are wiped with a damp sponge. Small plants washed in the bathroom clean water room temperature. This not only removes dust and dirt, but also has a positive effect on the condition of plants and flowers.

Wallpaper also needs to be cleaned periodically, because dust also collects on the walls. To do this, first vacuum the surfaces and then wipe with a damp cloth.

Wash blinds directly on the window. Close the products so that they form a whole canvas. Then vacuum or wipe the surface with a damp cloth. For cleaning, you can use a special brush for blinds, which wipes several plates at once. Dirty blinds are removed and washed in soapy water.

Regular cleaning will keep your home free of dust. However, sometimes it is quite difficult to force yourself to clean the apartment. Useful tips How to force yourself to do the cleaning, you will find at the link

Without exception, dust lives in every house, apartment or room. During cleaning, we pay little attention to it, but in vain. Many housewives, having become interested in picking up dust, are faced with the problem that the dust simply flies around the room, and after that they wonder how to wipe the dust so that it settles less? And it is precisely this question that we will help you deal with today.

How to properly wipe off dust?

Dust must be removed in the following order:

  1. The first step in removing dust is to start from the ceiling. To do this, you can use a broom, after wrapping it in a rag.
  2. Next, you should thoroughly sweep every corner. As a rule, the most important things are stored in such places. a large number of dust.
  3. Do not forget about the dust that is on the shades of your chandelier. It is best to remove it manually.
  4. Then you need to wipe the window sills and cabinets. You need to wipe the cabinets from top to bottom, and do not forget about the shelves that are located inside your cabinet.
  5. Take a close look at the armrests on the chairs, also at the reliefs on the furniture, and the ends of the interior doors.
  6. IN mandatory It is necessary to look at all the electrical appliances in your home, because the energy background that is created by these electrical appliances attracts dust elements in the same way that a magnet attracts metal.
  7. At the end of the process, pay attention to the most understated surfaces, such as coffee tables, chairs, and bedside tables.
  8. Don't forget about the baseboards when you wipe down the flooring of your home.
  9. To prevent dust from settling on furniture, use special “Anti-dust” polishes. They relieve static stress and thereby prevent dust from settling on the surface.

Rules for cleaning dust in the house

It is very important not only to know how to wipe off dust so that it settles less, but also to properly organize the entire cleaning process. To do this, adhere to the following rules. This approach will allow you not only to get a truly high-quality result, but also to save your energy and time.

Rule one. Do wet cleaning of your apartment more often

If you have the opportunity to wash the floors in the hallway, wash them as often as possible! Thus, dirt and dust will not be transferred to other rooms.

Go over the bedside tables, shelves, chests of drawers, and also with a cloth. household appliances. A particularly large amount of dust collects on TV screens and monitors.

Rule two. Don't sweep the floors with a broom

A broom lifts all the dust into the air; it’s better to use a vacuum cleaner. To finish cleaning, wipe the floors with a cloth or steam cleaner.

Rule three. Knock out the dust

For cleanliness in the house, special attention should be paid not only to how to properly wipe off dust so that it settles less, but also to caring for bedding and textile decor for your apartment. It's easy to do:

  1. Change bedding frequently.
  2. Also, knock out dust from your blankets - at least once every 1-3 months. It is best to do this outside or on the balcony.
  3. This rule can also be applied to clothes, especially woolen ones. In winter, it needs to be frozen from time to time. Take it out onto the balcony so that ticks and other microorganisms that live in wool, as well as in down filling, do not accumulate.

Rule four. Style and comb your hair in the bathroom

As soon as you have done your hair, immediately remove the remnants of your beautiful hair. Also regularly brush your pets, if you have any, and collect their hair.

Rule five. Do not wipe off dust with a broom

A colored broom is a favorite accessory of absolutely all movie housekeepers, but in fact, they are useless because they do not collect dust, but only spread it around the apartment.

What should you use to wipe off dust?

When asked how to wipe off dust so that it settles less on furniture, floors, and things, each of us would immediately answer that with a rag. But not everything is so simple, as in any business, dust collection also has its own characteristics. 96% of all housewives hate dusting. But this is because they do not know that in six months, up to 5 kg of dust accumulates in an average room, and 80% of all immune resources are spent on fighting this dust.

A large number of technical innovations are designed to make our lot easier. But as before, the most effective is the good old rag.

Vacuum cleaner is a housewife's best friend

Everything would be very simple if such household appliances the issue of dust collection could be completely resolved. But the problem with a vacuum cleaner is that it cannot collect all the dust and not everywhere. In addition, very small dust will easily pass through the vacuum cleaner and settle on the floor again.

Vacuum cleaners with a wet cleaning function are designed to solve this problem, but they are large in size, and their price is not aimed at the average buyer. In addition, the humid environment that remains after cleaning is an ideal place for harmful bacteria to multiply.

Electric brushes

There are many different reviews about electric brushes - both positively enthusiastic and extremely negative, related to the uselessness of this device. Given this ambiguity, they are also in our homes, but their effectiveness in the fight against dust is still a controversial issue. The following disadvantages can be identified:

  1. This brush cannot be used to clean all places; you have to carry an extension cord with you at all times.
  2. In addition, some parts of this brush will have to be regularly repaired or replaced.

Overall, at some point things will become very complicated and will require even more additional costs.


This is an indisputable option, familiar to everyone, for solving the problem than wiping off the dust so that it settles less.

There may be various ways uses:

  1. It can be made from old gauze, a T-shirt or shirt. It is used once for one cleaning and thrown away without any regret, and also does not require large additional financial expenses.
  2. For those who love modern materials, there are microfiber cloths or cloths made from microsplit microfiber. They are suitable for reusable use.
  3. There are elite, ultra-effective cloths that can be used on any surface, but they are expensive. It’s worth paying tribute to - this modern cloth will help you clean your entire apartment, from washing dishes and tiles to cleaning your down jacket. And more than once. An ordinary rag is unlikely to help a down jacket, but you don’t mind throwing it away later.

How to wipe furniture so that dust no longer accumulates and settles?

Choosing suitable remedy, you need to know which surface it is intended for. Before using the product, we recommend that you read the instructions, otherwise, instead of the desired effect of repelling dust, parts of the decor will be covered with a thick and dense coating. So, how to wipe furniture to prevent dust from settling?

Polish for furniture elements

They contain components that have degreasing properties - antistatic agents, antiseptics. Upon completion of the treatment, the surface of the furniture does not stick, and that is why the dust does not settle on it, but simply slides off it.

An additional advantage of any such preparation is that it adds shine to varnished and polished surfaces.

Antistatic used for TVs, computers

A special type of preparation containing components that repel dust and dirt even from electrified surfaces. We recommend giving preference to products that can be used with electrical equipment turned on and do not require subsequent treatment with a napkin.

Intensive general sprays

Multicomponent compositions can eliminate static, as well as kill mites and reduce the activity of various allergens. They are so active that they can be used no more than once every six months. They are mainly used to treat textiles, as well as walls and carpets.

Impregnation for upholstered furniture

A professional product that is simply sprayed over the surface of an object, thereby covering it with an invisible protective film. Its only disadvantage is that the product will have to be cleaned at least once every six months so that the product does not turn into a thick coating.

A folk remedy based on table vinegar.

One of effective ways How to wipe off dust so that it settles less - this is a simple folk recipe:

  1. In a glass of cool water, mix 50-75 ml of 9% vinegar, 2 tsp. olive oil and a few drops of any ether.
  2. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray over the furniture.

The disinfecting properties of vinegar can not only help you get rid of dust longer, but also perform preventive cleaning from harmful microorganisms.

  • Those housewives who believe that simply using a polish with an antistatic effect will be enough to maintain order at home are greatly mistaken. No one has canceled regular cleaning and it must be carried out in strict compliance with specific rules.
  • You need to move from top to bottom, otherwise the dust that you removed from the top last will settle on the already treated furniture.
  • Textiles must be washed regularly. If they are not particularly noticeable by the presence of dirt, shake them out and knock them out.
  • Carpets and other similar options flooring it is necessary to knock out and clean at least 2-3 times a year. On summer season It’s generally better to remove them.
  • It is necessary to sweep or vacuum the premises at least once every 2-3 days, and even if there are no carpets or rugs.
  • Books must be stored in closed shelves. If they are fenced off with glass doors, the elements must be tightly ground to each other, without cracks or gaps.
  • Spray and wipe surfaces by special means possible only after a complete, standard cleaning. If you neglect this rule, the dust will not go anywhere. Its particles will stick to each other and form a dense coating of dirt.

You can clean your house using chemicals, for example, using floor or window cleaner. But how to protect yourself from harmful substances in these drugs? There are folk remedies for cleaning the house. Thanks to them, you can keep your home clean safely, and the effectiveness of the methods has already been proven by many housewives. How to apply useful experience in modern reality? Our site shares tips.

The most popular floor cleaner is vinegar. It was used many years ago, today the method has not lost its effectiveness. How to clean a floor with vinegar?

A glass of five percent vinegar is added to a bucket of water and mixed. After this, you can clean up. Vinegar makes floors shiny, it removes dirt, disinfects and removes unpleasant odors.

If you wash your floors with water and vinegar, you can get rid of the smell of cat urine. The solution masks pet odors well.

The only disadvantage of this method is that the vinegar leaves a specific smell. But you can deal with it if you ventilate the rooms after cleaning.

Dust on various surfaces must be wiped off every day, otherwise it accumulates and forms a layer. What to do when open windows Is dust flying and settling in the house? This is where folk remedies for dust come in handy.

  1. A common plant with an unusual name – chlorophytum – removes dust. It is easy to care for and fights dust well. To increase its effectiveness, spray the plants with water. As a result, there will be less dust.
  2. Wet cleaning will save you from dust. It takes a few minutes, but the dust particles disappear. Once a week you should walk over upholstered furniture with a damp cloth, and don’t forget about the carpet. To prevent dust from accumulating, you can wipe the shelves on the walls and in cabinets with water to which a little potassium permanganate has been added.

By using traditional methods you can get rid of greasy stains on the wallpaper. A popular method says that oil stains on walls can be easily removed with a cotton swab or disk soaked in gasoline. They carefully moisten the stain, which disappears before our eyes.

Many people use chemical gels to clean windows and mirrors, but there are also several folk recipes. For example, fly stains on glass can be easily removed using a cut onion, and then the surface is wiped with a light blue solution.

To refresh an old mirror, you can wipe it with an ammonia solution or vodka.

Folk detergents have been forgotten, but they were successfully used several years ago, and some housewives still use them now. The main advantage of such methods is the absence of harmful substances and simplicity.

What's the best way remove dust from the surface? It would seem that there is nothing simpler - take a damp cloth and wipe it. But it turns out that not every rag is suitable for eliminating dust.
Cleaning experts say that a regular rag dampened with water is not suitable for cleaning dusty surfaces.

The fact is that when moisture evaporates, aerosols are formed - microscopic water balls floating in the air, the core of which is considered to be dust particles.
It turns out that in the future we will inhale this dust along with the air. And dust, by the way, is very harmful substance, which can cause allergies.

It is estimated that in a year, if you do not clean your apartment, up to 10 kg of dust can accumulate! Of course, you need to take into account the number of residents, the presence of pets and such “dust collectors” as carpets, pillows and fluffy blankets. Dust settles well on wallpaper, curtains, paintings. Basically, she feels cozy and comfortable everywhere :)

What is the best way to remove dust?

On this moment It’s no longer a novelty to find different materials at hand for cleaning. In the store you can buy:

  1. Special flannel napkins with a magical eco-friendly anti-dust impregnation. But such napkins are not washed, but are immediately disposed of after use. This makes it very expensive to keep the house clean.
  2. Panicles, natural (feather) and artificial. Some surprise you with their beauty: just a real work of art - with beautiful hands, colorful and fluffy, like ancient fans. With such a broom it is very pleasant to sweep away dust from figurines, paintings, small objects, and dishes. After cleaning, the natural panicle must be thoroughly cleaned of dust using a dry method. Choose a broom that can be washed under running water. Disadvantage: Dust can fly up and soon settle back down. But before that, you will already have time to inhale part of it.
  3. Microfiber cloths (microfiber). They come in varying degrees of hardness, which determines their cleaning ability and degree of absorption. These wipes are perfect for dry dust collection. Such wipes are not dangerous for the surface. Their service life is quite long - they can withstand up to 1000 washing cycles.
  4. Special dust-binding wipes for dry cleaning. Dust is destroyed well, without harm to humans (it does not fly up or land). But such napkins have one significant drawback - they cannot be washed. You need to shake it out, and the best way to do this is on the street - go down from the 12th floor and shake it somewhere off to the side so as not to disturb anyone.
  5. You can also use sponge or rubber wipes that do not leave behind small lint.
  6. Miracle equipment for cleaning an apartment: steam mops, electric brooms, vacuum cleaners. All this is suitable for cleaning large surfaces.

How to get rid of dust without a vacuum cleaner and fancy rags?

As we wrote above, an ordinary rag from an old T-shirt or towel does not suit us. What to do?

The answer is simple - take an ordinary piece of woolen fabric, or from an old thing. It is believed that when a dry woolen cloth rubs against the surface, it becomes electrified and attracts dust particles. In addition, such a rag can be used many times - it can be washed.

To prevent dust from attracting our attention, we want to get rid of it for as long as possible. For this there are special anti-dust sprays. Modern production offers high-quality products that neutralize allergens, are harmless to children and animals, and have pleasant aroma. This spray creates an antistatic property on the surface of the furniture that repels dust. The only negative is that the spray can create streaks on lacquered furniture. Therefore, you have to polish with a clean cloth. But, it is better to polish once every 2 weeks than to wash off the dust every other day.

"Old-fashioned" way of dealing with dust

Once upon a time, there were no vacuum cleaners at all, or they were in short supply, and not very cheap for many. In such cases, how did they remove dust from heavy mattresses or sofas, pillows and carpets?

A villager can take it all out into the yard and knock out all the dust special device. Carpets are hung on a turnstile or fence, and in winter they are beaten out directly in the snow. Using the same principle, you can knock dust out of sheepskin coats and fur coats.

In cases where it is not possible to take a thing outside to knock out dust, take a thick wet rag, put it on the sofa (for example), and put a thick dry rag on top of the wet rag. And so they hit this “sandwich” with a firecracker. Lower wet rag after such an execution it becomes gray or even black with dust.

Not everyone enjoys cleaning. Therefore, I want to make it as pleasant and effective as possible.
Most housewives clean their apartments on the weekend, in the morning. And they do the right thing.

IN evening time You can’t use a vacuum cleaner or even rags. A working vacuum cleaner disperses microorganisms that “live” in the dust into the air. They can cause not only allergies, but also infectious diseases. In addition, scientists have proven that the body's resistance during the day is much higher than in the evening.

Therefore, do any cleaning only in the first half of the day, and preferably with the windows open. Also, turn on the music, then fighting dust won’t seem so tedious and boring.

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