For any adult, a comfortable bed is the key to quality sleep. A blanket warms us, helps us sleep, it bedding, and nothing more, for every adult. A completely different matter! It's part of him magical world! This is an object that creates comfort in a tiny crib, and reliable roof a house in which you can always hide from various horror stories and monsters, and a clearing with beautiful drawings, where you can just lie down and dream. Therefore, it is important to understand that when choosing, we care not only about the health of the baby, but also about his emotional state. So, what criteria should a baby blanket meet?

Blanket for a child - selection criteria

1. The first quality that you need to pay attention to when choosing a blanket for a child is the hypoallergenic nature of the materials from which it is made. Often parents choose synthetic materials because their baby is allergic to wool and fluff. But it's not that simple. Firstly, on synthetic fibers The child can have it too. Secondly, as a rule, it is not the natural fillers themselves that cause allergies, but the dust and bacteria that live in them. It is important that raw materials undergo thorough cleaning and quality control.

2. The blanket must have good thermal conductivity and breathability. Of course, it should retain heat, but should not create a “greenhouse effect”. Under a blanket that does not conduct air, the child begins to sweat and open up. But the reason for such openings may also be the considerable weight of the blanket. Ideal option there will be blankets made of camel and sheep wool. They are light, perfectly warm and breathable.

3. A few words have already been said about lightness. An ideal blanket is one that warms well, but whose weight is almost unnoticeable. Down and wool products can boast of such properties. Bamboo blankets have also become popular in recent years. In addition, ease of care guarantees compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, so the blanket should be easy to wash.

4. Upper layer Blankets should be made only from natural material.

Blanket for a child. Which filler should you prefer?

IN Lately Clothes made from silicone, padding polyester and others have become very popular synthetic fillers. This choice is justified for babies who are allergic to natural fibers. Such products are light, easy to wash and dry, but children can also have an allergic reaction to synthetics.

Many parents prefer high-quality natural blankets, which, for example, are blankets from Ivanovo . There are now many options for natural fillers; there is a lot to choose from when choosing. Special attention It is worth paying attention to blankets made of camel and sheep wool. Wool has always been valued for its healing properties. These blankets are recommended for children who get sick often. colds, as well as people who have joint problems. Wool blankets provide excellent warmth, retain heat, and have good breathability. In addition, wool helps relieve static tension.

Duvets are very light and warm, but if such a blanket is thick enough, then it is quite possible that the baby will be under it and it will open up at night. Down and feather fillings often cause allergic reactions in children.

A cotton blanket is not suitable for a baby. It's too thick and heavy. You should not opt ​​for this option.

A silk blanket is very comfortable, light and practical. The filler is the fibers of silkworm cocoons. Such blankets are quite thin, light, warm, hygienic, meet all requirements, but are not cheap.

We hope you do right choice, and what you buy will create comfort in his crib and ensure quality, healthy sleep. You can also read the recommendations for choosing

You always want to surround your baby with maximum care and comfort. That's why children often get the best. Many parents are concerned about the question: which filling is best for a child? To answer this, you need to know what they are, which is really important to consider when choosing. This article will help you understand the question of which blanket is best for a child and purchase a good, high-quality product that will improve your child’s life one more point.

Criterias of choice

Strong, restful sleep is the key to health and Have a good mood not only a small child, but also an adult. First of all, this is facilitated by a comfortable, cozy bed. If the baby already has one, then you need to take care of bedding. So, what should a baby blanket be like? What criteria are important when choosing bedding?


When choosing, be sure to take into account the time of year when the child will be covered with the purchased product. Regarding this parameter, blankets come in several types:

  • Winter. This type has a dense filling. It is comfortable to sleep under it in cold weather, but in warm weather it will be hot and uncomfortable.
  • Summer. This option is made in a lightweight style. Each filler retains heat differently, so it is selected individually.
  • Two-way. The product is quilted on both sides different materials. It can be used in cities with moderate microclimates all year round.
  • Blanket “four seasons”. An interesting type of product that has a push-button mechanism. IN warm time year, you can easily unfasten the additional insulated part, and in cold weather use both.

Important! It is better to buy three blankets for a child: one intended for the cold season, the second for the warm season, and the third is a spare all-season blanket.


For children, this criterion is quite important, because under a heavy blanket it will be completely uncomfortable for the baby to sleep, and for newborns a product that is too bulky and dense is not at all suitable.


No less than the previous points, when choosing which blanket is best for a child, environmental friendliness and harmlessness of the fibers of the product are important. Due to the stiffness of the fibers, natural materials are often allergy triggers, while faux fur and synthetics are pleasant, smooth, and hypoallergenic.

You can get your bearings by the names:

  • TO natural fillers include: camel wool, sheep wool, silk, bamboo. Wool particles can irritate mucous membranes and skin.
  • Synthetic ones include: acrylic, holofiber, Vitasan.

Important! When purchasing products for children, preference is always given to natural materials.


During sleep, the baby may sweat. In this case, moisture is absorbed by the sheet and blanket. And if the latter does not allow moisture and air to pass through at all, then a microclimate with high humidity and temperature is formed under it, which is unpleasant and harmful to the child’s body.

Important! Children often toss and turn in their sleep, sometimes covering their heads with a blanket. Therefore, it is very important that the blanket has good air permeability.


When choosing a blanket, you must take into account the age of the child and, accordingly, the size of the bedding:

  • A blanket that is too large will get tangled, crumple, and slide to the floor.
  • Small - will not provide for the baby desired comfort, heat.

Easy to care for

It is necessary to support children's things daily use clean and tidy. Therefore, the blanket should be easy to wash, not deform during cleaning and dry quickly, because unexpected situations happen very often with babies.

Which blanket is best for a child of a certain age?

Manufacturers produce a large number of types of blankets depending on the age of the child. Let's look at the main ones.


For a newborn, the first blanket in his life is often an envelope. His convenient design allows you to quickly undress and dress your baby, avoiding unpleasant temperature changes. You can choose a suitable envelope based on the season of its use:

  • In winter, you will need products consisting of two layers: water-repellent and fur.
  • Demi-season envelopes are single-layer.

Transformable blanket

This product is an excellent choice for a growing child. Its design resembles a bag - this allows the baby to feel free without opening up.

Important! The greatest advantage of this type of blanket is that parents do not need to get up at night and cover the child.


This type of blanket is used for walking on fresh air in a stroller in the cold season. It is also very convenient for use at home during nap time for children under 3 years old.

Important! A blanket that has forms familiar to us can be introduced into a child’s everyday life from the second half of his life. The filler, as mentioned above, should be chosen individually, taking into account the characteristics of your baby.

What filling is best for a baby's blanket?

Before you go to the store for a specific type of blanket, you should study the possible fillers and know all their main advantages and disadvantages. After all, when it comes to the safety and comfort of children, every little thing is important.

Warm models

The following types of fillers are suitable options for winter.


If your baby has to sleep in a room with an air temperature of 16-17 degrees, it is recommended to purchase a warm blanket made of high-quality loon or white goose down. This product will also be convenient to use outdoors:

  • The filler allows air to circulate freely and quickly absorbs moisture.
  • The disadvantages include the difficulty of caring for the product, as well as the considerable cost of natural raw materials.

Important! This type of filler is not suitable for children prone to allergies.


For a child born in winter, such a filler is considered the best option. The most commonly available models are made from merino, llama, camel, and cashmere wool:

  • These blankets are especially good for use in rooms with humid and dry air.
  • This blanket has excellent characteristics hygroscopicity and heat saving.
  • Caring for such products does not cause any difficulties.

Important! For the winter season, it is better to choose a quilted wool blanket. For ease of use outdoors, there are models with buttons.


Bamboo blankets have become popular relatively recently:

  • Such products do not cause allergies, warm well, are soft and light.
  • The blanket is convenient to use during winter walks and to wrap the child in the summer while sleeping.

Important! The only disadvantage of this product is its high cost. However, it is fully justified by the quality and properties of the blanket.


It cannot be said that this filler is better for a baby blanket. However, it also has its merits.

Among its features the following should be noted:

  • It is quite suitable for use in an apartment with dry and warm air.
  • The filler is less breathable and not as warm as options made from natural raw materials.

Holofiber or silicone filler

If the family budget is limited, then such a blanket will be an ideal option:

  • The filler is hypoallergenic.
  • Warms well and does not interfere with free air circulation.

Which blanket is better to choose for a child in the warm season?

The requirements for summer blankets are almost the same: it must absorb moisture well and allow air to pass through. But there's another one here important nuance– summer bedding should also provide protection from overheating, because this is very dangerous for the health of young children.

When choosing in a store, you must first of all pay attention to the material from which it is made. Usually a blanket consists of a cover and filling, but it can also consist entirely of one material. The cover should be made of thick cotton, satin, teak and other natural fabrics.

Based on the type of filling, all blankets can be divided into several categories. Blankets with cotton filling are not in demand. They have a number of disadvantages. Such products are quite heavy and it is very uncomfortable to sleep under them. Despite their increased density, cotton blankets are not very warm.

Down blankets are very warm, but pediatricians do not recommend covering small children with them, as babies often open up. They overheat under a duvet. When the blanket is thrown off there is a sharp temperature difference, in As a result, the child may well catch a cold. Besides, feather filler may cause allergies.

Synthetic filler is very light. It is comfortable to sleep under such a blanket, but this fiber is synthetic. It is not very useful for children, as it can cause allergies.

Today, the best baby blankets are those made from wool. Wool may be part of the filling, but there are also completely woolen products on sale. This one is unique natural material Quite light, warm, hygroscopic, does not cause allergies even in babies.

In the warm season, you can also buy a thin cotton blanket, according to appearance reminiscent of a blanket. If the apartment is hot, then it can be useful in winter.

Caring for baby blankets

In order for the chosen blanket to last a long time, it is necessary to properly care for it. For most models, washing is strictly contraindicated. To clean them from dirt, blankets need to be dry cleaned.

Before placing a blanket in the crib, you need to study all the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the use and care of the product.

From the first day of use, you must insert the blanket into the duvet cover. Children's bed sheets You can buy them at the same store that sells blankets. Currently, underwear sets with images of favorite cartoon characters are especially popular. You can also buy suitable fabric at a fabric store and sew a sheet, duvet cover and pillowcase yourself.

Sleep is very important for human body. A person spends a lot of time in a state of sleep. Healthy rest at night is especially important for a child’s body, because during this part of the day it actively grows and recovers after a busy day.

In order for the baby to sleep comfortably, parents try to choose the best bedding that will not cause allergies and will also perfectly complement the interior of the children's room. Choosing a blanket is not as easy as it seems. There are a large number of types of children's blankets. You can choose from a variety of fillings and pillowcases. In this article you will find tips and guidelines for choosing best blanket for your baby's comfortable sleep.

Online or offline?

First you need to decide where exactly you will buy a blanket for your child. These can be online or land-based stores. It is worth noting that virtual shopping has recently gained great popularity among parents, because on the Internet you can purchase quality goods at low prices. Parents who want to purchase a blanket for their child visit online stores. You can view product catalogs without leaving your home via the link Many moms and dads sit down near the screens with their children to choose the right design.

So, where should you buy a blanket? If you want to feel the blanket first, visit boutiques. Then you can find the same model and filler on the Internet. Online stores have more benefits, because they allow you to buy goods cheaper and without leaving home. If you don’t have the time and energy, then choose online shopping.

How does the quality of a blanket affect a child's sleep?

Scientists from the University of California have found that the heavier the blanket, the deeper and sounder your sleep. Thus, the blanket has a better effect on the body. Not only does it keep you warm while you sleep, but it can also significantly improve your sleep.

This doesn't mean you should replace it right away. old lung blanket to a heavier one. Always go by your preferences. Try to figure out which blanket is right for you and helps you sleep better.

Basic requirements for a blanket

Below are the requirements that children's blankets must meet:

  • The blanket should keep the baby warm while sleeping;
  • The blanket must have good air permeability;
  • Should not retain moisture;
  • Should not cause allergies (must be from natural materials).

Based on these requirements, parents will be able to choose a suitable blanket.

It is also worth paying attention to the care of the blanket. It needs to be washed often, because you need to monitor the child’s hygiene. When washing, the product should not be deformed or deteriorated. The blanket should not take long to dry.

Types of baby blankets

It is worth highlighting two types of children's blankets:

  • Warm;
  • Lungs.

Each of them has specific uses. Warm blankets should provide good warmth on cold days, and the lungs should provide air exchange during sleep and prevent the body from sweating. A child must have two types of blankets for different seasons.

Choose a warm option

You should start from the temperature that circulates in the apartment in certain weather conditions. If the temperature is low enough, then feel free to purchase duvet. It could be white goose down and so on. The baby can sleep under it even on the street. The only disadvantage of such a product is specific and complex care.

Wool blankets are suitable for sleeping in dry and dry rooms. moist air. They are warm enough and do not cause any particular difficulties when caring.

More recently, bamboo products have become popular. Bamboo blankets provide excellent warmth while being light and airy. They are hypoallergenic and hygroscopic.

A blanket with holofiber will be an excellent budget option. It warms and does not cause allergies.

Blankets for summer sleep

Flannelette blanket is best choice for sleeping on a cool summer day. It is pleasant to the touch and does not cause allergic reactions. It is easy to care for and can be washed frequently.

Products made from calico and fleece are also pleasant to the body and are hypoallergenic. If the child is cold, then you can use synthetic winterizer.

What should you pay attention to?

It is better to buy blankets from trusted manufacturers. This way you can be sure of the quality. Moreover, there are manufacturers who sell blankets at low prices. If you can afford the more expensive option, you can buy a quality blanket at luxury prices.

Peaceful and healthy sleep for a child is a guarantee of peace of mind for parents. After all, calm children's sleep not only allows parents to relax, but is also very an important condition for health and proper development of the body. In order for a child’s sleep to be truly healthy, attention should be paid to many factors. One of the important attributes is the correctly selected Baby blanket.

What should a baby blanket be like?

There is a large list of types, sizes and compositions of baby blankets, but they all must meet the following conditions:
  • Hypoallergenic. Every year there are more and more children suffering from allergies. The reason for this is problematic ecology, unhealthy food and constant stress. Naturally, there is absolutely no point in aggravating health problems. The hypoallergenic nature of the blanket allows you to reduce the factors of allergic reactions and irritation to a minimum.
  • A baby blanket should be warm enough to ensure comfortable sleep.
  • The blanket should allow air to pass through well. While covering his head, the child should breathe calmly. With limited access to air, a greenhouse effect occurs, sleeping becomes uncomfortable and hot. Healthy sleep with such a blanket is impossible, and the risks of hypoxia are obvious.
  • Hygroscopicity. This factor guarantees comfort and the absence of increased moisture under the blanket. Everyone knows that children often sweat during sleep; the blanket should provide good moisture removal.
  • Washing the blanket should be easy, it should retain its shape and all its properties after a cycle of washing and drying.
  • The blanket must be large enough. During sleep, children often throw off small blankets, tossing and turning from side to side, resulting in an uncomfortable sleep. And this is the least of the troubles. The “big” blanket is more difficult to throw off, no matter how much the child spins under it.

Manufacturers offer an extensive list of types of blankets for children (holofiber, padding polyester, flannelette, wool, etc.). All these varieties have certain properties, stand out with some advantages and carry some disadvantages. The best solution will keep several types of blankets at home in order to use them in different situations. The minimum "arsenal" should contain two types - Baby blanket for cold and warm time of the city.

Based on the standards, blankets for the youngest have a size of 112x112 cm. Over time, when the child grows up, they switch to the sizes of blanket models used by adults (140x112, 155x215, 172x205, 200x220 cm).

Types of children's blankets and their characteristics

Blankets made from natural materials

Baby duvet "down"- Characterized as durable and soft, yet versatile. Can be used at any time of the year - in winter it retains heat well, in summer it does not cause overheating. This feature is achieved due to excellent thermal conductivity and the ability to provide normal circulation air. The disadvantages of such a blanket include its allergenicity, it can be a habitat for dust mites, it quickly becomes damp and requires drying from time to time. When buying a duvet, it is better to give preference to quilted models; such blankets are guaranteed to retain their shape.

Blanket "sheep's wool"- These blankets retain heat well, are light in weight, durable and absorb moisture well. A sheepskin blanket maintains moisture well within a comfortable range, even if the child sweats a lot. By absorbing sweat, the blanket quickly releases moisture to the outside. In winter it is better if it is a quilt made of wool, in summer a light woolen blanket. Particular attention should be paid to storing this type of blanket. The main conditions are dryness, ventilation and the use of products that repel moths. Baby blanket wool is not suitable for everyone due to its allergenic properties. In addition to sheep wool, camel, goat, etc. wool is also used.

Baby blanket "cotton"- They have the characteristics inherent in all blankets made from natural materials: good performance in retaining heat and drawing out moisture. At the same time, if you compare such a blanket with other types, you can highlight its low cost. However, these blankets are not particularly popular because... have heavy weight and strongly absorb all kinds of odors.

Baby blanket "bamboo"- An obvious plus is hypoallergenicity. They practically do not absorb odors, are light in weight, “breathe” well and are most suitable for the warm summer period. Caring for bamboo blanket, you should remember some features: it does not tolerate dry cleaning, washing should be done at a water temperature no higher than 30°C, using a gentle cycle and without spinning in a centrifuge. Drying should be done naturally, with the blanket laid out on a horizontal surface.

Baby blanket"bike"- The base of this blanket is cotton. The peculiarity of the material makes it much lighter than cotton and much softer than wool. The advantages also include practicality and low cost. Special care does not require a flannelette blanket, it can be washed perfectly at a temperature of 40°C, in washing machine, while neither the properties nor the form lose their characteristics.

Baby blanket "terry"- In the manufacture of these blankets, a variety of natural materials are used: cotton, bamboo, linen. During the production process, the material is "assembled" special kind weaving loops, thus obtaining terry fabric. A terry blanket collects all the advantages of natural materials: they are warm, light, breathe well, and provide a light massage. The cost of such a blanket depends on the constituent materials from which it is made.

Synthetic blankets

Blankets based on synthetic materials today are represented by an extensive list: holofiber, fleece, padding polyester, silicone, Thinsulate, Comforel and other artificial materials.

Baby blanket"sintepon"- Main advantages long term service and low price. Synthetic blankets are hypoallergenic and lightweight. They do not require any special, complex care. The disadvantages include poor moisture absorption and poor throughput air.

Fleece Blanket - These blankets are made from polyester fibers. Fleece is very easy to wash, it is soft, retains heat well and is not allergic. Rare feature of this synthetic material- the ability to “breathe”. Fleece fabric requires certain processing, otherwise it is flammable. Another unpleasant feature is that the blanket is highly electrified. A poorly made blanket can “roll” and quickly lose attractive appearance. Always pay attention to the manufacturer's reputation. Sometimes you will see and hear the claim that a baby blanket is made from "cotton fleece." In fact, synthetics may contain natural supplements, but nevertheless will still remain an artificial fabric based on polyester material.

You can buy blankets at the manufacturer's price in our online store or the Kachkanarskaya Manufactory showroom at the address Kachkanar, 8 microdistrict, 6, House of Life. For questions wholesale sales phone +7-950-640-5663, +7-908-915-1528.

How to choose a baby blanket

There is no universal solution when choosing a baby blanket. There are many factors to consider before settling on anything.
  1. The age and height of the child will give an idea of ​​the size of the blanket needed.
  2. Also, the size of the chosen blanket should also be influenced by the size of the children's bed. After all, the main task of sleep is rest, which means comfort is what is taken into account first.
  3. The temperature in the children's bedroom will determine the type of blanket. Not high temperatures will require down and wool blankets. High humidity and warmth - give preference to woolen ones. For dry air and relative heat, choose synthetic models. Always have two types of blankets - for winter and for summer.
  4. Allergy problems dictate the need to abandon natural materials.
  5. Pay attention to the manufacturer; quality can only be guaranteed by a reputation earned over time.
  6. The degree of heat transfer of the blanket. According to this characteristic, blankets are divided into light, all-season and warm. Which blanket to choose depends on temperature regime in the bedroom and personal preference for comfort (this is always individual - some cannot stand extreme heat, others are constantly cold). A warm winter baby blanket must have a filling density of at least 420 g/m2; it is guaranteed to warm you even in the coldest season. All-season blankets can have a density of 300-350 g/m2, these are the most universal indicators. The coldest nights in the off-season can be compensated for with a blanket with a filling density of 220-280 g/m2. On summer nights, light blankets with a density of less than 200-220 g/m2 are useful.
Very warmfrom +6°СVery high
Warmfrom +8.5°СHigh
All-seasonfrom +10°СAverage
Lungfrom +15°СLow
Light summerfrom +19°СMinimum

How to properly care for a baby blanket

The blanket is a thing constant use, and in order for it to last longer and perform its functions efficiently, you must follow a few simple rules:
  • air the blanket at least once a week,
  • Baby blanket synthetic-based materials must be washed at least once a month,
  • wash wool blankets only by hand, when maximum temperature 30°C and using special additives for woolen items,
  • It is better to dry-clean a silk blanket, where everyone will handle it necessary measures, you can shake it and dry it yourself from time to time.

Our company offers a wide selection of blankets on synthetic and natural bases. The materials used and the range of our prices will please any buyer. Children's blanket at manufacturer's price from budget option to expensive models.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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