Advantages natural Christmas tree- this is the smell, the aroma of a coniferous forest and natural natural look. How can you make sure that the Christmas tree stays at home during all the holidays, which means for 10 days?

1. It is very important, when buying a Christmas tree, to pay attention to its trunk. It is desirable that it be thick and, like the branches, covered with needles. The branches on the trunk should grow quite often. ABOUT good condition The Christmas tree is indicated by the elasticity of its branches, the prickliness and dark green (not yellowish!) color of the needles. It is important that the branches of the Christmas tree bend and do not break or fall off. You need to hit the butt (the bottom of the trunk) on the ground. If, as a result of this action, needles fall on the ground, then you can safely not take the Christmas tree. If the test was successful, then carefully inspect the trunk to see if there is any mold or mildew on it.

2. When transporting the Christmas tree, in order not to damage the branches, they must be carefully pressed against the trunk and secured with rope, netting or wrapped in burlap.

3. If you bought a Christmas tree in advance, then it is not advisable to keep it at home. It is better to store it wrapped in paper on the balcony. If there is no balcony, you can try to tie the Christmas tree outside the window.

4. If the purchased Christmas tree was stored on the balcony, when you bring it into the house, do not immediately unwrap it, but gradually warm it to room temperature, otherwise the needles may quickly fall off.

5. Before decorating the tree, cut off the lower branches and renew the lower cut on the trunk. The bottom of the tree trunk should be cleared of 8-10 cm of bark and trimmed with a sharp knife to open fresh pores.

Recipes for preserving the Christmas tree:

To the water in which the Christmas tree stands, add 1 tablet of aspirin per 4 liters of water (prevents the development of putrefactive bacteria that destroy the tree trunk), a pinch of salt and a spoonful of sugar (provides nutrition). From time to time water is added, it is important that the water level is higher than the place where the bark is cut;

Dissolve an aspirin tablet and 3-4 teaspoons of sugar in one liter of water. Mix this solution in a bucket with clean sand. Place the Christmas tree in the wet sand prepared in this way so that its bare root is 15-20 centimeters deep into the sand mixture. The sand should always be wet, so it needs to be watered every 2-3 days;

Place the Christmas tree in a container of water, in which you first dissolve a teaspoon of urea;

Place the Christmas tree in a container of water, adding 0.5 teaspoon citric acid(you can use vinegar), a spoonful of gelatin or a little crushed chalk;

Wrap the trunk at the cut site with a damp cloth, which must be moistened periodically;

Adding glycerin to the water (2 tablespoons of glycerin per 10 liters of water) will also help to extend the life of a felled tree.

Can be wetted river sand water with the addition of several crystals of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). This environment is a microfertilizer for the tree. The tree may even begin to grow or take root.

Fertilizers can be added to the water coniferous plants(dosage and proportions are indicated in the instructions).

Festive christmas tree I want to keep it fresh, beautiful and elegant for as long as possible. How to do this?

The most important thing is to choose correctly, buy on time and store correctly until installation and decoration. The less time has passed since the Christmas tree was cut down, the better it will stand in the house. Unfortunately, this condition is the most difficult to implement. As a rule, you have to buy a Christmas tree in advance, when there is more choice, and then store it on the balcony or in another cool place.

If your tree was stored this way, then you should not immediately bring it into the room: due to the sharp temperature change, the needles will fall off more and faster. It makes sense to warm it up to room temperature gradually, holding it for several hours, for example, staircase. When choosing a location for the Christmas tree, it is very important that there are no central heating radiators nearby.

Before installation, it doesn’t hurt to cut down the lower branches, lightly file the cut and expose the trunk from below by 15-20 cm. Remove the bark and file the cut to remove the resin that has clogged the pores and give the tree the opportunity to better absorb water. But if you don't have the right tools or don't have the strength, it's better to leave it as is rather than risk a minor injury. Fresh Christmas tree it will stand just fine, but for a few days in this case It is unlikely that anything will change significantly.

Usually the Christmas tree is installed either in a special cross, or in a bucket of sand or water. If you are using a cross, the only thing you can do to help the tree is to wrap the bottom of the trunk with a damp cloth, and then moisten it with water daily.

If you place the tree in a bucket of sand or water, you can already try numerous “folk” recipes that allow you to maintain freshness longer.

You can add, for example, a pinch of salt, a spoonful of sugar and one aspirin tablet (per bucket of water) to the water. You just shouldn’t add sugar: it contributes to the rotting of the water. You can try adding a certain amount of stimulants to the water - "Epin", "Zircon" or "Ribav-Extra", calculating the number of drops according to the instructions.

If you are installing the Christmas tree in a bucket of sand, make sure that the sand is always damp by adding fresh water daily. On the first day, you can mix 1 aspirin tablet and 3-4 tablespoons of sugar diluted in a liter of water with sand.

Well, don’t forget to spray the branches with water from a spray bottle from time to time. Unless, of course, contact with fine water dust has no effect on the electric garlands.

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Coniferous tree - the main decoration New Year's holidays, their integral symbol. Today, many people prefer to purchase artificial Christmas trees or pine trees that will last for many years. And you can dress them up long before the celebration - nothing will happen to synthetics. But what should lovers of all living and natural things do, including the unique? pine aroma so that the holiday passes without unpleasant surprises in the form of yellowed and crumbling pine needles? A live Christmas tree lasts a long time if you follow some simple rules.

Before the holiday starts

Here, as they say, you need to start from the very beginning. That is, from choosing a freshly cut healthy tree.

How do you know if your Christmas tree will last a long time?

  • A fresh Christmas tree or pine tree has needles that are bright (not yellowed) and flexible, not brittle, oily to the touch, lush, looking upward, not splayed out. different sides. They can be bent for a long time, but they break off with great difficulty. Otherwise, there is a high risk of buying a “worn-out” Christmas tree that won’t last long.
  • The needles on a fresh tree hold tightly. If you shake it and hit the base on the ground, the needles should not fall out.
  • A fresh and healthy living tree has a pronounced pine aroma. The opposite suggests that the Christmas tree has most likely already frozen. Accordingly, it will crumble quite quickly.
  • In order to last longer, the tree must not only be freshly cut, but also healthy. The disease may be indicated by a trunk that is too thin (less than 10 cm in circumference), the presence of fungus, mold, or strange growths on it.

In order for a purchased Christmas tree to last longer, it cannot be brought in from the cold immediately after purchase. warm apartment: sudden changes in temperature are detrimental to her. Therefore, we make them not sharp. We let the forest beauty get used to the temperature of the entrance (by keeping it there for about an hour), then you can keep it for another 20 minutes in the hallway, where it is usually a little cooler than in the rest of the apartment. And only after such acclimatization can the tree be brought to where it will stand.

It is recommended to install and decorate living coniferous trees directly on the eve of the holiday, a maximum of 2–3 days before it. Therefore, if you purchased a Christmas tree in advance (5-10 days in advance), until this moment keep it on the balcony or loggia so that it is not warm.

Now let’s install

There are some here too important nuances. So, we immediately reject the option of installing the Christmas tree on a cross or a special stand: it will not allow you to keep the trunk in a constantly wet state (and this is one of the essential conditions for the long life of a forest beauty). Accordingly, you will have to settle on the “bucket-sand-water” option.

There are often tips online to simply place the tree in water, without sand, but this is not entirely convenient or safe. This way the spruce will not be very stable; children or animals can easily knock it over. This means that there is a risk of dousing carpets with water and getting electric lights wet.

So for correct installation Christmas trees you need to do the following:

  1. The trunk of the tree from below is cleared of 8–10 centimeters of bark.
  2. The Christmas tree is placed in a bucket, fixed with stones, covered with sand and compacted thoroughly.
  3. If you need to cut off the top or several branches, the wounds must be treated with garden varnish or something similar.
  4. Now the sand needs to be moistened by pouring it with a solution of water with aspirin (a couple of tablets per 1-2 liters) or with citric acid or vinegar. Depending on the size of the tree, sand can absorb from 1 to 3 liters of acidic liquid.

How to care for a decorated Christmas tree?

If you need the tree to stand for a long time and not fall off, the “set it and forget it” option is definitely not effective. You will have to take care of the forest beauty every day.

  • You need to water with an acidified solution. For nutritious feeding You can also add a couple of tablespoons of sugar to the water.
  • Watering is carried out with settled water, from which the chlorine has evaporated.
  • You need to spray the needles with water every day. Be sure to turn off the garlands first.
  • The air in the room should also not be too dry. You should take care of its moisture, because Christmas trees are placed in apartments in winter period when it works central heating, drying up the air.

Do not place the tree near radiators or heaters. Excess heat will make it dry faster. The effects of drafts are also unfavorable for her. Therefore, the neighborhood with balcony door– also not the best, it creates a temperature difference.

And one last thing. For greater safety, it is better to turn off any garlands at night. This will ensure that the Christmas tree will not cause a fire.

A fragrant, bright, lush forest beauty Christmas tree does not have to be like this only in New Year's Eve. Her life can be extended. True, like any living plant, she will demand specific care. But the minutes spent on this are more than compensated by the hours and days of its lush radiance and fragrance.

The festive pre-New Year atmosphere in the house, which is remembered from childhood, is created not only by frosty patterns on the glass and whirlwinds of snow-white snowflakes, but by the unique aroma of baked goods, citrus fruits and pine needles. Not an artificial, but a living forest beauty, with unique abilities to give joy and vitality, will decorate the long-awaited holiday. Below we will tell you how to keep the Christmas tree at home and what to do to make the holiday a success in all respects.

Having chosen a live Christmas tree, which transforms the New Year holiday into a fabulous and unforgettable celebration, you need to be prepared for a number of events aimed at extending the life of the guest, the brightness of the needles and the intensity of its aroma. After all, no one wants to look at bare branches and walk on a carpet of fallen pine needles.

Real, fragrant and bright pine needles are an unforgettable gift in the house for the holidays, not only for children, but also for adults. You can protect your coniferous tree from death by purchasing a Christmas tree, planted with its roots in a container with an earthen mixture, for rent. Numerous domestic companies specialize in this service for a wide range of consumers.

Forest beauty belongs to the category of evergreens coniferous trees who feel great in the conditions winter cold. Moving a plant to well-heated premises, without first adapting to changing conditions, is a process leading to the probable death of the tree. A few days spent by the purchased plant in an unheated garage, a glazed but not insulated balcony, or even a flight of stairs will allow it to retain its properties longer. natural characteristics. During this period, the tree should be “wrapped” with wrapping paper or newspaper.

One more thing prerequisite preserving the life of a living spruce tree for the New Year - installing it away from heating devices, in cool rooms. There is no need to rush to remove the paper: the plant should gradually warm up and adapt to room temperatures.

When to put up a Christmas tree at home is up to everyone to decide for themselves, but it’s best not to rush into installation.

A few words about water

Water is the source of life for all living things. Extend life cycle The felled forest beauty will be helped by regular moistening of the sand mixture, specially prepared for a Christmas tree installed at home.

An alternative to containers with sand mixture can become a vessel with water. Another option requires wrapping the bottom of the trunk with loose fabric folded in several layers and constantly moistening it with special nutrient mixtures.

Important: The water must be settled or defrosted, that is, without chlorine.

Glycerin added to the liquid in a volume of 2 tbsp. l. per 10 liters of water, will keep the needles green long period time.

Refresh the cut

Living spruce receives nutrients from the soil. A cut plant requires nutrition to the same extent. Provide forest beauty sufficient volume nutrients possible by updating the slice. To do this, you need to expose the bottom of the trunk a couple of centimeters, freeing it from the bark. Then make a new cut, updating the existing one. The peculiarity of the process is the need to form a cut at an angle of 45º and constantly immerse it in liquid.

Keep the Christmas tree green!

Water enriched with a pinch of salt and 1 tbsp. sugar will help delay the period of needles falling off.

Aspirin can be used to fight bacteria that lead to tree death. A medicinal antiseptic solution is created from 1 tablet and 4 liters of water.

Along with aspirin, you can add refined sugar and copper wire to the water.

Christmas tree standing at home, will respond well to fertilizer.

To install a Christmas tree at home, you should choose river sand. To extend the life of a forest guest, it is worth moistening the mixture with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, which acts as a fertilizer.

An alternative to potassium permanganate can be a specialized fertilizer for conifers.

The optimal option for a nutritional mixture, 1 tbsp daily. l. added to a vessel with an installed ephedra, it is created from the following components:

Dilute to 10 liters. water.

Regular spraying of pine needles will increase the intensity of the pine aroma.

So that the tree does not fall off and long time pleased with its aroma and green pine needles, it is worth choosing a freshly cut tree. About the freshness of the purchase he will say:

  • trunk covered with needles;
  • absence of a dark border along the edges of the cut;
  • elasticity of branches;
  • the brightness of the color of the needles;
  • strong spruce smell.

A Christmas tree that sheds needles when purchased is not worth taking.

The life cycle of a cut tree will be longer if the top and tips of the branches remain intact during transportation.

A mixture of 3 liters can be used as a nutrient solution. water with the addition of 5 g. gelatin and citric acid, as well as pre-crushed chalk (0.5 tbsp).

There is nothing more beautiful than the bright, fragrant, green needles of a forest guest, decorating cozy home, giving joy and a festive atmosphere until the end of official holiday events. The question of how to keep a Christmas tree in the house is simple, the main thing is to have a desire to keep the New Year's guest attractive appearance for a long time.

In order for the New Year's beauty to delight you with its beauty for a long time, first of all, you need to choose it correctly, buy it on time and, of course, take care of its safety before installation, because we often buy a New Year's beauty a few days before the holiday.

If the Christmas tree you bought was stored outside, you should not immediately bring it into the apartment, because due to a sharp temperature change, the needles will very soon begin to fall off, without reaching the required time. Therefore, it is better to keep the tree for a while, on the balcony or staircase.

To ensure it lasts longer, you should follow some simple rules when installing it.

Before installation, you should cut off the lower branches, free the trunk from the bottom of the bark by about 15 - 20 centimeters, and the cut itself should be slightly refreshed by filing. Thus, you will provide the tree with the opportunity to absorb moisture more freely.

The tree should be placed in a container with sand or a bucket of water. To do this, the sand must first be prepared. Mix it with the prepared solution of 1 liter of water, 1 aspirin tablet and 3 tbsp. Sahara. And after installation, you should water the container with sand daily with fresh cool water. If you install the tree in water, add a pinch of salt, an aspirin tablet and a tablespoon of sugar per 10 liters to the container with it.

After, branches installed Christmas tree, the entire time it is in the house, it is necessary to constantly spray it several times a day. But you should remember that if you use electric garlands for decoration, make sure that when splashing water does not get on them.

By observing such accessible and simple tips, you can achieve a long time desired result in preserving spruce.

How to choose the right Christmas tree?

In order for a spruce to please the eye for a long time, it is necessary to carefully select it. And even if you are not an expert in this matter, after reading the article, make sure that choosing a beautiful Christmas tree is actually not so difficult.

On Christmas tree markets Christmas tree sellers spray them special solutions to for a long time extend it fresh appearance and attractiveness. It’s worth mentioning right away that you shouldn’t take such a tree. And to make sure that the tree is actually freshly cut, you should pay attention to its trunk.

healthy, good spruce must have an uncracked, straight base. If at first glance the trunk seems good to you, lift the tree and lightly hit the cut on the floor. If needles fall from a tree, the tree is no good. And if you find a rim on a cut tree, be sure that the tree has been cut long ago and will not survive the upcoming New Year and Christmas holidays.

Inspect the trunk of the Christmas tree, a healthy one young tree The girth of the trunk should be about 9 - 10 cm. If the trunk is very thin or uneven, then the tree is sick. The branches of a healthy, freshly cut Christmas tree should stretch upward and should be elastic and resilient. You can check the state of the branches as follows. You need to bend one of the branches a little; if it quickly straightens and does not break, then you have succeeded in finding good tree.

Now we’ll tell you how to transport it correctly christmas tree home. At Christmas tree markets, sellers will pack the tree themselves. To do this, using a rope, they will tie the raised branches of the tree to the trunk and wrap the tree. Make sure that the branches are not damaged when packing. Then the tree can be taken home. You only need to hold the tree with the top of its head back, and when bringing it into the apartment, vice versa - with the top of its head forward.

We just suggested how to choose the right tree, and now it’s up to you.

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