Create your own 3D design yourself! Here you will find everything you need for this.

Programs and services for project development premises; Finished works for downloading and editing to suit your needs; Instructions and video tutorials for improvement skills;

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Hundreds interesting ideas for repairs and redevelopment of apartments, houses, rooms and offices. Get inspired and create! Ready-made 3D projects for implementation.

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Do you want to learn how to create your own design projects or are you already doing it. Here you will find a lot useful information in this field to acquire and improve design skills.

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Create 3D design online

Programs for 3D design

Modern software should be convenient and intuitive. In our catalog only best tools, programs and services for creating a design project online. As well as instructions and video tutorials for them.

All owners of apartments and houses sooner or later enter the stage of repair, redevelopment or simple change of scenery in their home. On own experience trial and error making repairs can be costly and unpredictable. It is possible to anticipate the implementation of your ideas, avoid many mistakes and thoughtless expenses. An online design project is suitable for this. Even the most inexperienced user can create a sketch of the interior of his future apartment. Taking advantage of the offer is easy if you have basic computer skills.

On the Internet, many sites offer their design services online for free. New technologies and progress lead to the fact that the most unrealistic projects and ideas are not only brought to life, but also amaze with their diversity. Programs of this type are called schedulers. They help to virtually reproduce how a particular room will be decorated in the future. Such smart products are indispensable for those who want to make their own design online, without the help of a professional designer.

Interior design in 3D online

Online design can be done using different programs, which allow you to change finishing options and select the most suitable ones not only for a specific room, but also for the apartment or cottage as a whole. Users of the online application Planner5D, 3d design online allows you to virtually create any image of an architectural object from scratch. The program gives you the opportunity to build walls yourself or use a ready-made image for your home. It will be of interest not only to professionals, but also ordinary people planning to do the repairs themselves.

The 3d interior design program has a large catalog standard projects, and also collected a huge archive of user works. Decorating rooms involves choosing materials: wallpaper or tiles, painting or plaster. Online room design will help fill the room with furniture, household appliances, place light sources and interior items. You can use a ready-made object and look at it from all sides, work with shadows and light, or draw interior items yourself, rearrange or rearrange the furniture, change the design of the apartment, choose the color of the walls or wallpaper.

What the program allows you to do

Planner5D is the simplest and most The best way create a design online. With its help, you can recreate your home, yard, or garden in a few clicks and fill them with objects from a huge library. It will primarily help those who are planning to remodel their home or yard, rearrange furniture, or perform current or cosmetic repairs.

Room design online for free allows you to create a virtual environment in an apartment, house or separate room. At the same time, the cost of materials and furniture used in the project is automatically calculated. The program's graphics allow you to virtual tour and see the end result from the outside, scan the walls and determine the installation locations of windows, doors, sockets.

To do online design yourself, just study general principles program operation. This fun activity of designing your own home can be something you can work on for hours until you get a result that meets your requirements. For all the nuances of the application, you can ask a question or look for information on forums or blogs. The program is developed in Russian, which makes working with it easier.

Many categories of rooms that can be visualized using the program, including external design(For example, landscape design) make it possible to equip not only apartments, private houses, but also offices, garages, cafes, studios and other objects. It is enough to try online design once to then improve your skills and expand the range of programs from simple to complex.

Creating an apartment project on your own is not only exciting, but also fruitful. After all, having correctly completed all the calculations, you will receive a full-fledged apartment project, where the colors and furniture that you planned are used. Today we will take a closer look at how to create a design project for an apartment yourself in the Room Arranger program.

Room Arranger is a popular program for drawing up projects for individual rooms, apartments or even houses with several floors. Unfortunately, the program is not free, but you have a full 30 days to use this tool without restrictions.

How to design an apartment?

1. First of all, if you do not have the Room Arranger program installed on your computer, you will need to install it.

2. After launching the program, click on the button in the upper left corner "Start a new project" or press the hotkey combination Ctrl+N .

3. A window for selecting the project type will appear on the screen: one room or apartment. In our example, we will focus on the point "Apartment" , after which you will immediately be asked to indicate the area of ​​the project (in centimeters).

4. The rectangle you specified will be displayed on the screen. Because We are doing a design project for an apartment, so we can’t do without additional partitions. To do this, there are two buttons in the upper area of ​​the window. « New wall» And "New wall range" .

Please note that for your convenience, the entire project is lined with a grid on a scale of 50:50 cm. When adding objects to the project, do not forget to focus on it.

5. Having finished building the walls, you will definitely need to add door and window openings. The button in the left area of ​​the window is responsible for this. "Doors and Windows" .

6. To add the desired door or window opening, select suitable option and drag it to the desired area on your project. Once the selected option is fixed on your project, you can adjust its position and size.

7. To proceed to a new editing stage, do not forget to accept the changes by clicking on the check mark icon in the upper left area of ​​the program.

8. Click on the line "Doors and Windows" to close this editing section and start a new one. Now let's do the floor. To do this, right-click on any of your premises and select "Floor color" .

9. In the window that appears, you can either set any color for the floor or use one of the proposed textures.

10. Now let's move on to the most interesting part - the furnishings and appliances of the premises. To do this, you will need to select the appropriate section in the left area of ​​the window, and then, having decided on the item, just move it to the desired area of ​​the project.

11. For example, in our example we want to furnish a bathroom, so we go to the section "Bathroom" and select the necessary plumbing fixtures by simply dragging them into the room, which is supposed to be a bathroom.

12. We fill the other rooms of our apartment in the same way.

13. When the work on arranging furniture and other interior attributes is completed, you can view the results of your work in 3D mode. To do this, click in the upper area of ​​the program on the icon with a house and the inscription “3D”.

14. A separate window will appear on your screen with a 3D image of your apartment. You can rotate and move freely, looking at the apartment and individual rooms from all sides. If you want to record the result in the form of a photograph or video, then in this window there are special buttons for this.

15. In order not to lose the results of your work, be sure to save the project to your computer. To do this, click on the button in the upper left corner "Project" and select "Save" .

Please note that the project will be saved in the native RAP format, which is only supported by this program. However, if you need to show the results of your work, select “Export” from the “Project” menu and save the apartment plan, for example, as an image.

The designation “design” came into use in the 16th century in Europe. Although the word comes from in English, an exhaustive interpretation of the term was given in Italy: the concept of art that appeared in a person under the influence higher powers, muses, God. Design - dynamic system, which is based on technical aesthetics, but at the same time is in constant development. In the world's first magazine entirely devoted to this art direction, two theses were formulated on which it is still based. The first place for any designer should remain functional purpose things, and only on the second - its decoration. That is, in trying to invent something original, non-standard, beautiful, we must not forget about the purpose for which it was created. The author of the simple formulation was Sir Henry Cole, who not only gave the world many technical innovations, but also became the author of the idea of ​​Christmas cards. Over time, the concept split into separate branches, which created a complex structure. Among them is interior design - a set of rules and design features interior decoration rooms. Along with landscape view(arrangement of a site and yard area) it is most often used in everyday life and has practical benefits. The development of such projects is carried out by professional designers, but with the problem of creating unique setting Every owner of an apartment or house faces this problem. In order to save money or out of a desire to test their design talents, many refuse the services of craftsmen and begin designing on their own. This task is not an easy one, since housing should not only be beautiful, but also comfortable. We’ll talk about how to make a design project for an apartment yourself and what rules beginners need to follow in this article.


Before you begin the renovation, you should start developing the project. Previously, designers created drawings on paper. This work was painstaking and took a lot of time; it could take several hours to draw one sketchy sketch. When errors were discovered, we had to start all over again. Now in the century high technology when almost every home has Personal Computer, special programs came to the rescue of designers. They made it possible to compile a project manually without any outside help. If for some reason the designer does not want to contact visualizers, then you can use simple photoshop. In the absence of skills graphic designer, a schematic sketch will suffice. To develop a project on your own for someone, and not for yourself, you need to hit the bull’s eye with the concept of work. When choosing it, they rely on the age, gender, psychotype, character traits and preferences of the owner. Inspiration is drawn from beautiful, quality work venerable designers, but you shouldn’t get carried away and slide into outright plagiarism. Other people's ideas are good only when they evoke images of your own.

Project creation stages

All work can be divided into stages:

  • Preliminary study of the territory, creation of a technical plan with measurements of premises and analysis utility networks. Much will depend on the accuracy of the numbers that the designer receives, since an error of even a millimeter can lead to serious consequences. By the way, in new mass-produced houses, measurements can be borrowed from the MBTI plan.
  • Preparing a project on paper or in a program. Visualization of the plan. Entering measurements.
  • Redevelopment, installation of partitions, zoning. Laying communication lines.
  • Choice stylistic decision, colors, finishing materials.
  • Furniture arrangement. At this stage, we must not forget that all objects must have their place, but at the same time, lonely voids should not form in the room.
  • Selection of decor.

After drawing up a draft draft on paper, it is redrawn on Blank sheet or print it out if the creation took place in the program. When among your friends there are experienced professionals who have eaten more than one dog in this matter, then it would be useful to give them your work to study.

If there is no permanent access to the apartment or house, then during the measurements you need to make a photographic record and capture the rooms. Being far away, it will be easier to plan something and select the most optimal solutions, if the pictures are constantly in front of your eyes.

Deciding on a style

Finding your own style in a variety of directions is quite difficult. To decide what your soul is in, you just need to study the selection typical interiors. Although the type of housing does not impose any restrictions on stylistic concepts, for certain apartments and houses some directions are used more often than others. So for luxury apartments they choose chic classics, baroque, rococo, art nouveau, colonial style. For one-room apartments in Khrushchev-era buildings they select convenient options, which allow you to smooth out the main drawback - cramped space. The trends that can transform small spaces (the “scourge” of small one-room housing) include minimalism, futurism, loft, Japanese, and Scandinavian style. Ideas are brought to life in spacious studios modern style, high-tech, eclectic, fusion, Provence. Since the type of layout is considered an innovation in the world of interior fashion, the furnishings should correspond to such a fashionable apartment. At dachas they use Russian style and country style, as two polar varieties of ethnicity. In outback conditions they look most organic. In addition, they allow you to save on materials, since you can always use improvised wood (wood) if the forest is nearby and you have a permit for work from a local huntsman/forester. Cozy and homely Provence, a more formal chalet, and a number of “geographical” styles are also suitable for decorating country apartments: Italian, German, Spanish, English style.

Choice of color, texture and finishing materials

When choosing your own palette, you should start with the concept of color combination. There are a lot of principles of combination, but we will highlight only the main ones:

  • Complementary or contrasting. In this combination, two colors are used, which are located on different sides of the Itten spectral circle. They are opposite in psychological meaning, but at the same time in combination they look rich and impressive. Since the duet is too “live” it is not recommended to use it for decorating bedrooms. Choose neutral areas: bathroom, living room, hall.
  • Similar combination. In this case, up to five shades are selected from the color spectrum, which are located next to each other on the circle. Don't forget to adjust their intensity so that the composition doesn't turn out too bright.
  • Triad. Optimal number of colors to create cozy interior in “active” rooms: kitchen, living room. To select colors, a triangle is drawn inside the spectral circle. Its peaks will indicate the desired shades.
  • Quartet. To select four primary colors, you can draw a square inside the circle. The contact points of his ribs will indicate the correct tones. In general, the combination of four shades is already slightly oversaturated, so you should be careful with such a composition.

The “warmth” of walls, floors, and ceilings depends on the choice of surface textures. Gloss, for example, adds chic to the setting, but also makes it slightly official, museum-like. WITH matte surfaces already simpler, since they are “warmer”. Among the “soft” options, note the texture of veneer, which is not only pleasing to the eye, but also gentle to the touch.

It’s easy to get lost among the variety of finishing materials, especially if the designer has never tried to design interiors himself before. Using a combination of their textures, you can even carry out conditional zoning of the room. Will help with the choice stylistic concept, since each direction gravitates towards certain materials and does not accept others. For example, in classic cuisine use expensive tiles on the floor and on the walls. In shabby chic and some eclectic styles they use only inexpensive materials, among which PVC is distinguished. Any country style, be it country or Provence, loves wood. The same material covers literally every surface in the chalet. It is partially used in classic style, but at the same time the walls are covered with wallpaper. For high-tech, plastic, glass and metal are selected.

We develop an electrical and lighting plan

The wiring diagram combines cables, sockets, switches, meter, distribution devices and bends. Correct selection equipment and materials - this is the main goal for which this plan is being developed. Looking at the diagram, you can more rationally plan the work on arranging the electrical network in the house. Having at hand detailed drawing, it is much easier to determine the input power that is needed. If necessary, the scheme will help to redistribute it during redevelopment. This will prevent network overloads and fire hazards.

Selection and arrangement of furniture

Furniture elements are arranged in such a way that there are no “unfilled” spaces, but at the same time comfort is maintained for those who are in the room and for those who move around it. In large rooms, you can use an island layout and move the central set to the middle. For example, in the living room it will be a sofa with a coffee table, in the bedroom - a bed, and in the kitchen - two of the three vertices of the working triangle. If the room is a bit cramped, then furniture is placed around the perimeter. For narrow rooms it is not recommended to use the parallel planning method. In this case, the furniture is placed along two “long” walls, which will visually make the room even more elongated. If the room has a non-standard shape, then the furniture elements are selected special, original, emphasizing its features. By the way, it is better to refuse furniture sets. The only exception can be kitchen sets. In other cases, the kit is selected independently. The process will take certain time, but the decor will not look like the typical decoration of an apartment from the 70s. In small rooms, multifunctional “garden” furniture is used. It saves space and can be removed if necessary, taking up more space. less space. In Provence, Russian, and country styles, you can make some furniture elements yourself, since the trends welcome such a creative approach and have nothing against rough forms.

If the wall of the room has numerous defects that are difficult to correct, then place a built-in wardrobe (dressing room) along it. No one will see any shortcomings, and the owners will have a huge closet.

Development of additional decorative elements

All decor is conditionally classified into two groups:

  • Items that serve solely for decoration. The special comfort is largely due to such “useless” trinkets from a rational point of view.
  • Decor performing useful features. It includes floor lamps, bedside lamps, lamps, sconces, flower vases, jewelry boxes, mirrors, hot mittens and napkins in the kitchen.

Decorative “polishing” of the interior should be developed after the main work has been carried out. However, sketches should be ready long before this stage. In the project, the walls, floor and ceiling are decorated ahead of time with the decor that will be located on their surfaces later. Elements that will transform the furniture can be selected after renovation. Single paintings, photographs or group compositions are hung on the walls. Mirrors, paintings, bas-reliefs, mosaics, and designer selections of plates, porcelain, and baskets also look organic. Floors are traditionally decorated with carpets, runners, rugs, and animal skins. The colder the room, the longer their pile. IN Lately self-leveling floors have appeared that allow you to decorate this surface with incredible designs. The ceiling is decorated with stucco, frescoes, beams, complex multi-level paintings frame structures from plasterboard. However, the main decoration of this area is the chandelier.

Visualization using computer programs

Among the popular visualizers, professionals note:

  • 3D Studio MAX. The program is in demand not only among amateurs, but also in a professional environment. Perhaps this will become best recommendation. The planner boasts high detail and a wide range of interior details.
  • Sweet Home 3D. A free visualizer designed for beginners. The detailing is primitive; to drag the desired object into a three-dimensional room, you just need to hold it with the left mouse button and drag it out from the graphical list. Unfortunately, the range of parts is quite poor, but additional catalogs are available for download on the official website.
  • Roomle. Another “simplified” version of the planner, designed for beginners. Using the program is free, but work is only possible in online mode, that is, all information is stored in the cloud, and without an Internet connection it will not be possible to make adjustments to the digital design project. In addition to design, the user can evaluate his work by walking around a virtual house.
  • Floorplanner. Detailed visualizer for beginners. The creators relied not on the beauty of the picture, but on the possibility of developing detailed project along with communication lines, partitions and stairs. The program has not been Russified, but the simple interface will help you not get lost in the toolbar.
  • Apartama. Online service, who will become an erudite assistant in design planning, since the planner also includes training, useful tips. In the program you can change the layout, select finishing materials, furniture, and decorative details. The visualizer will also provide the addresses of stores where real samples of virtual copies of furnishings are sold, that is, the user will immediately know how much the favorite bed for the bedroom or vase for the living room costs.

Home improvement is a top priority for any designer. Visualizers will help you learn how to draw up projects yourself, without turning to boring textbooks. Learning the basics of a complex profession will be an enjoyable game.

We make an estimate of the necessary materials

Before you make any repairs, you need to prepare your wallet for serious testing. In order not to plunge yourself into a pre-infarction state, the amount is calculated in advance. Before drawing up an estimate, carry out the following steps:

  • After taking measurements, accurately calculate (with a slight excess) the amount of materials that will be needed for repairs.
  • Bring to light your own “reserves” and, if you have what you need, exclude it from the general list.
  • For the same purpose, conduct a survey among comrades who may not need this or that material at all, but are gathering dust in the garage.

After this, they begin to study the market and pricing policy sellers. Services and materials with a cost “above average” are included in the estimate. As a result, the amount will be overestimated, but if force majeure occurs, funds can be allocated from this “extra reserve”. If everything goes smoothly, then the remaining money will be a pleasant bonus to original repair. The estimate includes:

  • Draft and basic materials;
  • Labor cost of workers;
  • Consumables;
  • Cargo delivery and waste removal.

When drawing up an estimate, they focus on just such a simple plan. It is drawn out like a table and each item is divided into subgroups. What is in stock or has already been purchased is marked with a plus, and what is not yet available is marked with a dash.

Necessary tools to implement the project

IN in this case It is impossible to provide an exhaustive list, since in different situations a certain scope of work is carried out. If the renovation has already been done and you only need to arrange the furniture, then you will need measuring instruments and fastening systems (nails, screws, dowels). If you plan to completely redistribute an apartment or house, you will need great amount tools at every stage of work. For example, to wallpaper walls, you will have to stock up on glue, water, containers, a roller and brushes, primer, clean rags or sponges, gloves, and a measuring tape. If you need to create a complex frame for suspended ceiling, then you will need a hammer drill, a rangefinder (tape measure), a level, a screwdriver, hangers for the canvas, spatulas, a stepladder, and sealant. To carry out each stage of work you will need a special set of tools.

Conclusion - project implementation

Making a design project with your own hands is only half the battle. Its implementation into reality will be much more difficult and interesting. The more detailed you develop the project, the less problems will arise at the implementation stage. Before you begin the second part of the remodel, take a critical look at your preliminary work a few more times. It’s even better to show it to another person or scroll through it yourself, but with a “fresh mind.” This is how errors that were not noticeable before usually become noticeable.

Every person wants to have the home of their dreams, one where every detail is in its own place, an atmosphere of comfort and homely warmth reigns, and coming here from work every day is a joy. But most often you have to live in a room, albeit with a good renovation, but still not good enough, in general, you have to be content with what you have. A competent design will help correct the situation, and you can implement it yourself. How to do it? What should be the optimal design?

  1. Draw a plan of the apartment - for this you can use technical documentation or walk around the room with a tape measure, having found out the actual dimensions, it is advisable to make several such drawings;
  2. Specify the location of windows and doors;
  3. Think about what finishing materials you will use in each room. Pay attention to color, practicality, color solutions. Remember that no matter how beautiful the wallpaper is, it must meet the operating conditions - for example, in the kitchen it must be resistant to moisture;
  4. Find on the Internet a photo of a step-by-step renovation of an apartment, where interesting design ideas will be presented, select the pictures that you like;
  5. Place furniture - think about where to put things so that the interior looks updated without being damaged practical side question.

Fig 1.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to create a project the old fashioned way, manually. Today, many programs have been created that allow you to realize any idea. For example, you can download “Interior Design” or a similar program designed just for such purposes.

Video 1. How to create a design project for an apartment yourself

Project visualization: independent apartment design

Software is, of course, a great tool for a designer, but nothing can replace a project put into practice, in real conditions. Don’t know how to make an apartment design project with your own hands? Understand technological and practical issue quite difficult, it is better to immediately start implementing your idea. How to do it?

  • Buy magazines that present interior solutions, or print pictures from the Internet;
  • Try placing a photo of the wallpaper on the wall to understand how it looks in your apartment;
  • Do the procedure several times to determine how well different tones, designs, and patterns combine;
  • Place photos side by side - this way you will understand which models are suitable for your apartment.

Fig 2.

Possessing high creative potential, many property owners want to implement the project themselves, but do not know how to do it. The design of the entire apartment should follow one idea (but this does not mean that all rooms will be the same), and then harmony and comfort will settle in your home for a long time.

Professional interior design: price, pros and cons

Literate design project, especially if it is exclusive, will not be cheap: professionals highly value their work. However, the result will be worthy, because turning to specialists will meet your expectations. Only a designer can do this work perfectly, with high quality, observing all the nuances.

However, finding such a master can sometimes be difficult: you need a specialist who can listen to your wishes, present sketches and ideas, and make all your dreams come true. You can come up with the overall design of the apartment yourself, but it’s still better to entrust the development of the project to professionals.

Video 2. How to choose an interior designer?

A do-it-yourself renovation design project is quite possible, although this event will require diligence, effort, and a lot of time and effort from you. Watch video lessons and master classes, photos of interiors and unusual solutions, download special programs that will facilitate the preparation of the project. And remember that housing should not only be beautiful, but also extremely practical, because the functional component always comes first.

Apartment design project

With capital or cosmetic repairs any typical room in mandatory a design project for the apartment is being drawn up, even if you are not aware of it. So, when you think about how best to arrange the furniture in your new home, you are engaging in this type of design. However, in order for your home to ultimately bring joy not only to you, but also to your guests, you should take this issue more seriously.

Thus, you can take on the work yourself, or hire a qualified specialist, which is more appropriate.

To date different designers may offer different sets of project preparation services. Unfortunately, there is no specific classification of projects, but we will highlight the main ones:

  • Base;
  • Decorative;
  • Sketchy.

Let's start with a basic project, which necessarily includes a measurement plan, as well as possible options layouts. Usually the designer provides the customer with several layout options to choose from, so that the apartment owner can choose exactly what he likes. Here is the plan for floors and ceilings, as well as the placement of furniture, plumbing, household appliances and, of course, lighting fixtures.

In most cases, even when developing a basic project, designers give their recommendations on the selection of furniture, finishing materials and consumer electronics.

Kitchen interior sketch

A sketch type project is considered the most budget-friendly and includes only a measurement plan, a sketch plan of load-bearing and dismantled walls, as well as a furniture layout. In some cases, the designer also draws up possible layout options.

A decorative project is considered the most elegant, and the most interesting to design. The decoration process occurs at the stage after finishing. By entrusting the compilation of a contracting company, you will ensure yourself a stylish and beautiful interior. It is thanks to this design subtype that you will give your living space a special gloss and elegance. Experienced designer will help you decide appearance curtains, optimal fabrics and accessories suitable for the room.

In most cases, the decorative project is only a component of the complete one. The fact is that it is very difficult to equip the basic communication systems in a house without the help of a qualified specialist, while you can stylishly decorate your own home yourself, for this you just need to have taste and a sense of style.

We have separated the description of the complete design project into a separate block, since it is the most extensive and covers all aspects of the repair process. If you contact a specialized company in order to receive this service, then specialists in the repair industry will begin drawing up the project with a measurement plan, as well as drawing up a drawing of all load-bearing walls, plans for dismantling and redevelopment.

Among other things, this project includes:

  • Layout of the location of all household appliances, as well as pieces of furniture;
  • Output and installation plan for all lighting fixtures;
  • Accommodation of all electrical appliances along the perimeter of the apartment.

This project, like other types, includes floor and ceiling layouts, but the designers immediately note suitable materials, and the use of interesting prints. This also includes drawing up a complete layout of all walls, which is quite convenient for the customer, making it easier to make changes and adjustments.

Designing a bedroom in a special program

A very important point here will be the plan for accommodating everyone plumbing elements, as well as doors and windows. The advantages of this project include the complete creation of the project, taking into account all recommended materials and manufacturers, as well as three-dimensional visualization of the entire apartment or individual rooms. The only disadvantage is the high cost of design.

Avoiding the decorative component of the project will allow you to reduce the cost somewhat, since you can do this yourself. However, you need to approach the matter as responsibly as possible; before you draw up a design project for the apartment yourself, you should evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the living space. This will allow you to correctly place accents, highlighting only the advantages of a particular room.

Advice! Please pay attention Special attention little things, especially lighting and color combinations. Otherwise, during the implementation of the project you will have to resort to many alterations.

It is necessary to measure all the walls in the apartment

Of course, at first glance, drawing up a design project is very exciting and interesting activity. On the one hand, this is true, interior design, thinking through styles is very entertaining, but before starting this work, you will have to wade through a lot of drawings and sketches.

Any project begins with measurements of the room. You need to evaluate every component of the apartment, and very carefully:

  • The height of the walls in each room;
  • Window area and doorways, as well as their width and height separately;
  • Installation locations for all sockets and other electrical appliances;
  • Location of outlet routes for sewer and water pipes.

Before you draw up a design project for an apartment, you should master some computer programs using three-dimensional visualization, or arm yourself with a sheet of paper and a pencil.

Advice! When designing by hand, using paper and pencil, we recommend taking a piece of paper in a box and using one box as ten centimeters of the area of ​​the apartment.

After the preliminary design, the stage of choosing materials for finishing, as well as furniture, appliances and plumbing begins. In order not to forget or miss anything, you should illustrate the future arrangement of furniture on the same scale in which the measurement plan was drawn up.

Furniture arrangement plan in the apartment

You should not give up everything and become depressed if difficulties arise during the planning process, such as empty space in the drawing. This is absolutely no reason to despair; on the contrary, you should realize that you have the opportunity to make amendments at the design stage, and not during the renovation process. This way you will save a large number of time and money.

It is best to immediately draw up two or three options for the possible arrangement of furniture in the apartment, so that later you can choose the most optimal one. Today there are many online designers that do not require installation. Thanks to them, you can quickly and easily decide on correct placement sockets, switches and other similar devices.

Determining the stylistic direction of the apartment is deservedly considered the most interesting stage for both designers and apartment owners. The easiest way is to choose one style and stick to it when decorating all the rooms in an apartment or house. This is very important so that in the process of moving around the apartment there is no peculiar feeling of dissonance. For those who find this design too boring, we recommend playing with colors, shades, and patterns.

Provence style with country style elements in the kitchen interior

We also recommend considering an eclectic style option. It includes harmonious combination several styles, and looks quite unusual and attractive if used correctly. Thus, you can decorate the bedroom in a Scandinavian style with subtle notes of modernity, in turn, the kitchen can be recreated according to more modern trends, complementing them with a Scandinavian atmosphere. This option allows you to make your home original and harmonious, but at the same time implement similar project incredibly difficult. Failure to comply with even the smallest details can lead to the apartment looking simply absurd.

The most popular interior styles today include:

  • Minimalism;
  • Country;
  • Scandinavian;
  • Oriental;
  • Mediterranean;
  • Modern;
  • Classic;
  • Provence;
  • High tech;
  • Colonial;
  • Art Deco.

Some of the trends presented are incredibly similar. For example, you can buy an apartment decorated in Provence style, and no one will notice the difference at all. The same is true with Scandinavian style and minimalist style, they are quite similar, which is why they can be combined quite successfully.

However, don't overdo it because kitchen set from natural wood It will look completely out of place with cabinets made of glossy MDF panels.

Sketch of the future interior by hand

When developing a design project, you should start with the following manipulations:

  • The first step is to create technical task, taking into account the wishes and preferences of the customer. In addition, it is imperative to take into account the age of everyone living in the apartment, their favorite colors and combinations. It is very important that the external component fully satisfies all the wishes of the owners and their tastes. In addition, the functionality of the apartment also plays a significant role. Each family member should be able to relax, work, and do what they love without leaving their home. The designer usually provides several apartment design options to choose from;
  • Next, the designer presents ready-made options to the customer so that he can choose the most suitable one for himself and the whole family. In the chosen option, certain adjustments are then made, accordingly, based on the wishes of the owner. Only after all the nuances have been agreed upon, the project is put into development.

  • The first stage is design. This is rough work, which includes the creation of sketches, drawings and other planning components. Projects are also being created for the placement of all communication systems, arrangement of furniture and equipment. Optimal building materials are also selected;
  • Author's supervision. After compiling full-fledged project, the designer hands over a full package of documents to the builders. However, this does not mean that his role in the arrangement of the apartment has been played; on the contrary, he must then control the execution process. Are the materials chosen correctly, the shades of wallpaper and furniture chosen, and the equipment arranged. In case of any comments, he immediately corrects the builders, so that upon completion of the repair there will be no need to resort to alterations.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):