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It's no secret that kids don't need much to be happy. The flight of their childhood imagination makes it possible to transform any household item V spacecraft or a car, so it’s easy to imagine the delight of a child who has received a wooden playhouse built in the country.

The optimal choice would be a children's house specially designed for a boy or a girl. Owning such a home of his own, a child with great desire will leave the city limits, knowing what awaits him at the dacha cozy corner. In addition, this will help parents take care of their dacha farming without being distracted by the intolerable behavior of a bored child.

Nowadays, you can easily purchase a ready-made house by contacting a company that builds compact houses. wooden houses. Specialists will be happy not only to select a design, but also to deliver and assemble the house. Such products usually differ good quality, but the cost of work sometimes scares off buyers.

On the other hand, a wooden house will cost much less if you build it yourself. What is needed to build a children's house in the country? In this case, a purchase will be required consumables And necessary tool. After spending two days off, it’s quite possible to build a small house for your beloved offspring with your own hands.

DIY house for children: advantages of wooden houses

The procedure for building a children's house at the dacha with your own hands

First of all, you need to clarify what plan will be future house, decide on its appearance. For this purpose, a schematic drawing is first sketched out to determine the type of building.

Characteristics of a children's country house that must be determined before starting construction work:

Development of a plan for a children's playhouse made of wood

Initially, preparation is required detailed plan construction work, as well as sketches and drawings. It is important to take into account the specifics of the future structure:

  • The distance between the floor and ceiling should be at least one and a half meters. However, it is undesirable to make the room too high.
  • Will the right decision install at least two windows. Firstly, such a measure will provide sufficient lighting in the room of the house. Secondly, you need to remember about the safety of children, who need constant supervision. Children can be monitored through windows.
  • It is recommended to make the door up to the ceiling level. This way, the child will definitely not get a bump on his forehead, and besides, it is possible that adults will someday have to stop by to visit the baby.
  • To avoid unnecessary injury, all walls from the inside and outside should be smooth.
  • It is better to make the roof sloping, since a flat one can attract children, and sooner or later they will perch on the roof, which will create a traumatic situation.

Tools and materials for construction

Before you start building a small country house for children, you need purchase the following tools:

List of materials that will be required for the construction process:

  • Wooden beam for frame house. Builders recommend using timber with a cross-section of 50X50.
  • Cladding lumber. You should choose plywood whose thickness does not exceed 10 mm. Oriented strand boards are also used. They are cheaper than plywood, but more wear-resistant. Everything is at the discretion of the owners.
  • Roofing material.
  • Bricks.
  • Glass for window frames. It must be taken into account that glass is unsafe for a child, therefore, if you want to increase the access of light to the house, it is better to install plastic windows.

How to make a children's house: construction technology

Foundation and floor

Similar to construction big houses, children's playhouses start building by laying the foundation. You can use earth, gravel, cement or crushed stone as the base.

There are different options, which are suitable for laying wooden boards. Some are filming top layer soil, the top is covered with crushed stone, the area is leveled, and then support bars are laid on the site. You can do it differently: each corner of the building should be paved with a special concrete block, and the supports are placed on sand cushion. Thus, the corners of the building will be placed at a depth of up to half a meter. The soil from the recesses should be removed, and a mixture of sand and gravel should be poured into them. Then the holes are carefully compacted.

Blocks are installed on the prepared places, which must be on the same level. To prevent the frame from being crooked, you should use a building level.

Without a waterproofing layer, the house will not be able to stand for many years. Most often, the insulator is roofing felt or modern bitumen-polymer mastic. Some people prefer natural ventilation. In this case small house built on metal rods or brick pillars no more than 20 cm high.


Having dealt with the foundation and floor, you can move on to installing the walls. To make walls, it is necessary to construct a frame of beams, which in the next stages is connected to thin cladding boards or panels. We must not forget about doors and windows. The first step should be to install timber in each corner, the cross-section of which is usually 50X50, and length - three meters. The product is cut into three equal parts or in half. Then the beams are attached under the door and window frames.

To fix the main beam, it is nailed to the floor using nails. The main thing is that these nails can be easily pulled out later. This measure is explained by the fact that ensuring a strong connection of building units is possible only with the help of special fastening angles, which are installed later.

Between the rafters in mandatory install auxiliary spacers that act as fasteners. Keep in mind that the beams are connected on top by a frame that serves as the basis for roofing covering. After the base for the walls has been prepared, the nails are pulled out and replaced install metal corners. Playhouse will stand firmly and will not fall apart only when all corners and joints are fastened with corner fasteners.

The bars installed in a horizontal plane mark window openings and the door. Their height is calculated in advance. Calculations are based on the width of the cladding board. The dimensions should be such that during cladding work there is no need to cut the boards according to their width or hide half of the frame. In short, you need to estimate how many solid boards can fit into the remaining lower and upper openings. Horizontal struts should be secured at this level.


The roof of a small playhouse made with your own hands can be high and flat. The design of the roof depends on personal preference. Classic performance requires the following algorithm of actions:

Sheathing and decoration of the house

The final stage of construction includes cladding and decoration of the structure. To create walls, lining, boards or wooden boards. The lining will allow reduce the time of cladding work, since there is no need to adjust elements that fit together without problems. Since the task was to make a children's house, it would not be superfluous to decorate it with multi-colored drawings. TO creative process You can connect the children themselves. Windows can be decorated with carved platbands, which are purchased separately, or made with your own hands.

Inside small house they make a bench and a table, but, of course, these are not the only interior items that can decorate the room. A small porch will give the house a more noble look.

The main thing is that the constructed play structure does not pose a danger to the child’s health. We are talking about proper fastening of elements wooden structure. It is important that children do not get hurt or scratched during outdoor games. The boards need to be carefully planed, and apply protective layer some kind of paint and varnish substance.

Self-tapping screws, nails and metal staples should not protrude or stick out; they are covered with special plugs.

DIY children's houses. Keeping a child busy is not an easy task. Especially when you need to free up quite a significant portion of your time. Of course, it’s great if you have grandparents or funds for nanny services. What to do in a situation where there is neither one nor the other?

Well, there is a way out - why not build one for your little fidget children's compact house? On the one hand, it will become cozy place to play, and on the other hand, it will allow the child to acquire personal space.

To make a children's playhouse with your own hands, you just need to use your imagination and remember everything you learned in labor lessons. As a last resort, you can find necessary materials and advice on the Internet.

First, let's find out what a children's house or tent is? This great solution to organize the baby’s free time for the benefit of his development. Any little person will enjoy spending time in his personal “fortress.” A children's house or tent will allow you to please your child and lighten up your own day a little for personal matters.

It’s not difficult to make a wooden playhouse with your own hands; almost every one of us can also make a tent or cardboard structure, and this article will help you with this exciting activity. So, we build a children's playhouse in the apartment with our own hands

Children's playhouse: choice of material

Each of us has an idea of ​​how to build a children's house: you just need to draw up a plan for the future construction and decide on necessary materials. A house can be built not only from wood, but also from cardboard, although wood as a raw material for this construction is optimal for a number of reasons:

  • wood is stronger and more durable than cardboard, and in the case of building a house for children this plays a huge role;
  • can be made with various decorative cut-out elements, thereby making it attractive and interesting for the future owner;
  • a wooden structure looks more aesthetically pleasing than a cardboard product.

Despite all the above advantages of wood as a material for constructing a children's play structure, you need to decide for yourself where the constructed product will be located. According to many parents, for an apartment it is still better to choose a cardboard option or even install a fabric tent.

This design will take much less space, construction will not bring it into the house large quantity garbage, and it will be much easier to dispose of such a house if necessary.

House dimensions

The next step after choosing the material will be determining and calculating the dimensions and parameters of the future house. To make it interesting for your child to be in it, keep in mind that the more free territory there is, the safer and more comfortable it will be for the child to play in his “fortress.”

If you are building a house outside the apartment (for example, in the country), also choose a freer plot. Although, of course, the territory of the dacha plot will allow you to express your plan much more freely and widely.

DIY wooden house

If you prefer wood when choosing a material, then pay attention to the option of construction from beams. First, we make a frame from them, which should then be covered with boards.

Who among us did not dream of having such a playhouse as a child? Bright, mischievous, cozy - every child will enjoy spending time in such a “home.”

Avant-garde or classic style This house will captivate your baby so much that you will have extra hours to do your own chores. You can also make a mini-house out of cardboard for your apartment.

With the onset of warm days, families are increasingly willing to go to their summer cottages to relax in the lap of nature away from the bustle of the city. At the same time, adults will always provide themselves with something to their liking. They enjoy sunbathing on sun loungers, conjuring barbecues and planting flowers with equal pleasure. But it’s not easy for children to find a use for themselves. They don’t know what to do with themselves and constantly demand attention and support from their parents. Therefore, often summer cottages, to the great joy of the children, children's houses appear.

Children's playhouses are easy to purchase ready-made, or they can be built with my own hands. The variety of models offered is amazing. Designers provide houses with doors, real electric bells and lamps, sets of dishes and furniture. Often the design of the house is supplemented with stairs or slides, turning them into full-fledged playgrounds for children. Manufacturers use plastic to make houses. high quality and the most diverse bright colors. Any buyer can find a product to suit his taste and budget.

If you want to build a house with your own hands, from ready-made models you can take the most successful ones design ideas and apply them in your own masterpiece of dacha architecture.

Children's country house - photo

Children will be delighted with the home of the fairy-tale hobbit, and from a simple hut, and from a wooden hut, even if it does not stand on chicken legs. An ordinary mesh frame with a fair amount of landscaping can turn into a real childhood dream.

Craftsmen who confidently hold instruments in their hands can swing for a two-tier building, where on the ground floor there is furniture for children's gatherings, games and reading books, and on the second floor there is a cozy room for relaxation. In this case, not only a ladder can serve as a way to climb to the upper tier, but also a variety of devices that train strength, coordination, dexterity and endurance.

Building a house with your own hands is a great reason to involve children in this exciting process. Kids who are not yet old enough to do construction work are quite capable of discussing design ideas, taking into account own desires. Older children can participate in creating the plans and also develop their skills by helping adults with the building process. Both will be equally interested in watching how their future own place for games and relaxation grows before their eyes.

Most simple design the house can be assembled from wooden frame,lined with clapboard or block house. This option impresses with its simplicity and ease of assembly. But it is better to install the structure not on bare ground, but on a specially prepared flooring. To do this, it is necessary to fill the perimeter of the structure with concrete bases and install on them wooden frame. Considering that, in addition to the internal play area in the building, it is useful to provide open veranda, the recommended size of the structure should be at least two and a half by one and a half meters.

For correct assembly house, it is necessary to carefully check the position of the beams and crossbars of the wooden frame with a building level. Only after making sure that it is even, can you begin covering the walls of the building. For these purposes, lining made of wood or PVC, as well as OSB boards, are well suited.

For the roof of the house it is best to use translucent polycarbonate, and cut at least two windows in the walls. Window openings can be decorated with beautiful carved frames as a frame. The house should delight and amuse children with its appearance, so it is better to use bright, saturated colors for painting the walls and veranda. The use of stencils depicting cartoon characters will give the house a special charm and fabulousness.

To build a house on two levels, you need to mount an inclined frame of the second level on the wooden frame of the first floor. It can be made from timber measuring fifty by eighty millimeters and sheathed on top with an OSB board. Standard height The slab is two and a half meters, so it is enough for both levels at once. It is logical to place in the lower tier play area, and on the second one to arrange a place for daytime rest. Such a house can be equipped not only with stairs, but also with a slide, turning it into an entertaining attraction. A slide can be easily built from several smoothly planed boards covered with plastic on top. For the safety of children, inclined sides should be installed on the sides of the slide.

For those who are not afraid of difficulties, the idea of ​​​​building a house in the form of a ship, equipped with a steering wheel, portholes, rope ladders and masts, is suitable. Building such a house is not easy, but the joy and gratitude of the children will more than cover all the difficulties of the intricate construction.

A fairytale tower for your baby

Every child dreams of his own corner, where he can freely retire from adults with their rules and advice. So, today's fathers and mothers probably built a structure from chairs and a blanket, which was called a “tent” and played a dual role at once - it was a headquarters in which it was convenient to keep secrets, and a house for such popular game daughters - mothers. Modern children do not necessarily have to suffer every time to build a hut. After all, today on the children's goods market there are such comfortable and practical wooden children's houses, in which you can not only gossip or play role-playing game, but also to hide from the bad weather by having a small tea party with friends.

Wooden children's house - perfect solution for games in the country

For useful and effective leisure time for your child, it is recommended to purchase a children's wooden house for the dacha. This house is made from high quality and environmental materials, which allows manufacturers to guarantee their safety. Wooden children's houses are quite durable and, no less important, durable, which means that more than one generation will be able to play in this house. Children's houses made of wood are thought out to the smallest detail. They are functional and comfortable, and look as if a fairy tale has come to your yard. The design of such a house can be very diverse: with windows, doors, slides and ladders. And also have different layouts. One of important advantages wooden children's house is its high environmental friendliness and safety. When making such houses, in order to prevent the appearance of fungus and rot, the wood is pre-dried. This approach, in addition, helps to increase its resistance to moisture and dampness. Absolutely all children love active games outside and children's wooden houses For the dacha this is an ideal gift for both kids and older children. And thanks wide range presented in our store, you can choose a wooden children's house that will not only meet the interests of your baby, but will perfectly complement your summer cottage, adding a little fairy tale to it. All children love active games on fresh air. And therefore childish country house will be an ideal gift for them. Parents will have great pleasure watching their children. After all, children are an inexhaustible source of imagination and belief in miracles.

Wide choice - good prices

A cozy hut, a colorful castle, an openwork gazebo, a fisherman's house or a two-story "mansion" for a little princess - our online store offers a wide selection of children's wooden houses for the garden. Here you can choose a house that will not only best meet the needs of your child, but will also fit perfectly into the decor of your summer cottage. And if none of the presented houses suits you, then we will be happy to create a unique design of a children's wooden house with taking into account the interests and needs of your baby. Depending on your child’s preferences, the house can be decorated with his favorite cartoon characters or heroes in any style, be it space or fairy tale themes. Thus, you can give your baby the best gift, making his deepest desires come true, and a walk into a fabulous adventure. Children's wooden houses for the dacha are an excellent purchase, allowing you not only to spend time outside fun and usefully, but also the opportunity spend time with the children, plunging into fairy world fantasy and childish carelessness.

Impeccable service and quality products

One of important points When choosing a particular store, you need high-quality service and the ability to quickly get help on a particular issue related to the purchase. This is especially true when it comes to purchasing goods for children, where not only quality and safety are important, but also aesthetics. appearance, as well as dimensions. In our online store you can always get advice from a specialist who will help you choose a wooden children's house and answer all your questions about the selected product. We deliver to all regions of Russia at a time convenient for you. Payment can be made in cash directly to the courier or by non-cash payment via bank transfer. Moreover, if for some reason the wooden children's house does not suit you, you can easily return it or exchange it for a similar product. Our store maintains an open and trusting relationship, because we value our customers and are always glad to see you again in our online store. We We take care of our little customers and try to make shopping in our store comfortable and bring only joy.

As children, each of us tried to build a separate home for ourselves - toy house. Despite the simplicity of the design, it was the best shelter for games

A shaky structure made of a box, cardboard or branches in the form of a hut bore the proud name of a house and seemed to be the best.

As we grow older, we think about creating a more durable and functional house for children.

Most often, a children's playhouse is built from wood. The choice of material for the house is determined by rational considerations - wood is an environmentally friendly and durable material. Small house made from coniferous species tree will have a positive effect on the child’s health. In addition, it will give the child the opportunity to feel independent. By building a full-fledged educational house for your baby, you will provide him with his own play area where he can play in any weather.

For parents, the main thing is that it is safe, inexpensive and fits into general style country house or suburban area. Another advantage of the house is that if it is not needed, it can be used as an outbuilding, so to speak, a beautiful shed for storing garden tools, unnecessary things or firewood.

How to make a children's house out of wood

This article will describe step by step instructions How to build a children's wooden house with your own hands.

1. Children's playhouse ideas

First, think about what the house will look like, what type, appearance and dimensions it will be. To do this you need to define:

  • Type. Open or closed;
  • Dimensions. Occupied area and height;
  • Installation location/location. A house installed on the ground and on a tree have different principles of structural design;
  • The material from which the building will be made;
  • Availability of windows, doors and materials for them;
  • The presence of additional components - extensions, a fence (fencing), a terrace, a slide, a sandbox, a swing, a ladder.
  • Availability of interior finishing.

Pictures of a house for children

The photo below shows how to do it children's wigwam for Indians, a hut for Robinsons and a yurt for nomads made of wood, fabric, branches and bushes.

Hut for fairy-tale heroes and forest dwellers.

A pirate frigate for young robbers and a sailing schooner for cheerful sailors.

When developing a house plan, it is worth considering the following:

  • mobility or stationarity. The size of the house and the technology of its construction will depend on this;
  • The presence of at least two windows is mandatory. Firstly, this is lighting. Secondly, the hut must be clearly visible for control;
  • the height of the windows from the floor should be 500-600 mm;
  • door height. At 200-300 mm. taller than the child's height. But it’s better to make them under the ceiling, because sooner or later you will be invited to the house;
  • walls. Must be smooth to eliminate the possibility of injury;
  • roof. Under no circumstances should it be flat. So as not to attract the child to climb on it.

You can sketch your own sketch or use ready-made drawings. Below, schematic drawings show projects of children's houses that you can build with your own hands.

A diagram of a children's house with all the indicated dimensions will help to correctly prepare materials for construction.

3. Tools and material for manufacturing


  • hacksaw;
  • plane;
  • roulette;
  • chisel;
  • metal corner;
  • building level;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver or hammer and nails;
  • sandpaper (for sanding wood);
  • brushes and paint for painting a house or any finishing material type of lining or siding.


  • timber for making a frame. Recommended section 50x50;
  • lumber for sheathing. Boards or timber will allow you to create a beautiful house;
  • plywood (thickness at least 8 mm) or OSB for cladding. Cheaper, but also less durable material, requiring additional processing;
  • roofing material;
  • brick;
  • glass for windows (if necessary and only for children over 7 years old, and even then in doubt - it is better to exclude any presence of glass).

4. Construction of a wooden children's house with your own hands

4.1 Foundation

Of course, you shouldn’t pour a strong foundation for a children’s wooden playhouse. But take out the soil to a depth of 80-100 mm. and laying bricks over the entire area of ​​the building does not fit. This way the hut will last much longer.

Alternatively it can be used terrace board. But its acquisition is very expensive.

The most budget-friendly and fastest option is to make a foundation of several bricks and a timber frame installed on it. This approach to foundation construction is usually used in greenhouse farming.

4.2 Floor for the house

It is better to equip the floor according to all the rules of the genre. Namely, lay the logs and stuff them floorboard. Or lay OSB or plywood in two layers, so that the next layer overlaps the seams of the previous one.

4.3 Walls and frame of the children's house

Holes are dug at the corners of the foundation to install timber. This is a wall support. Before placing the timber in the ground, it must be processed. Additionally, timber is also installed in the installation areas of windows and doors. For rigidity, the frame bars can be fastened together metal corner. Next, the frame is covered with boards or plywood.

A wooden children's house, the drawing of which is given below, can only be built with the installation of supports.

For an ordinary house, there is a simpler option - knock down shields from boards. And fill timber around their perimeter. Then wooden boards knock together.

Material prepared for the website www.site

4.4 Roof for a children's playhouse

The construction of the roof begins with the manufacture of gables. The same timber is used for them as for the frame. Two triangles are installed on opposite walls. If necessary, several more are installed between them.

A beam is placed between them. One or more depends on what the roof will be covered with.

Or we knock them into a shield, which will then be attached to the gables.

The essence is the same, the difference is in ease of use. One slope or two, the main thing is that the roof is not used by the child as a playground. If the boards fit well, it is enough to treat them with an antiseptic and paint them.

5. Decorating a children's house made of wood

In order for a hand-made wooden house for children to please you, you need to take care of protecting the wood for as long as possible. To do this, it needs to be treated with solutions against bugs and rot. And then open it with stain, varnish or paint.

Install benches inside the house or make a table and chairs of appropriate sizes.

6. Safety of the children's playhouse

Separately, I would like to focus on how to make your home safe. To do this you need:

  • choose a flat area to install the house. Or a reliable tree;
  • check the quality of wood processing. Mechanical to prevent splinters from entering. And antiseptic - the wood must be environmentally friendly;
  • screw screws correctly;
  • better to use for roofing soft materials or polycarbonate. Because, for example, metal tiles have sharp edges and can cause injury.

Tree house for children

If you have already grown up from a small children’s house on the ground, then it’s time to move higher, for example, to the crown of a tree (canopy, uvei, i.e. the upper/middle branchy part of the tree). Additionally, we will describe how to make a tree house for children with your own hands.

1. Choosing a tree

Pay attention to the tree's crown, trunk, location of branches, age of the tree and its size. Coniferous trees are not very suitable for this type of construction, since the needles transmit little light.

In addition, it is important to remember that as the tree grows, it will change its shape. Therefore, build on the lower branches or try to take this fact into account.

2. Selecting a design option (shape)

We need to work out the idea, again, taking into account the configuration of the tree.

A schematic image with dimensions will help you develop your project and imagine what the finished product will look like.

4. House installation

All work on the construction of the walls and roof of the house is best done on the ground. But the installation of floor support belongs to the category of high-altitude work.

To make a floor in a house on branches, you need to install a platform, which will be the basis of the entire structure. It can be supported additional supports installed on the ground, or supports installed on a tree trunk.

Fixing the platform on the trunk will allow you to adjust its height over time.

5. Finishing work

Installing a ladder is a mandatory step in building a tree house. The ladder can be wooden or rope. The first one is more reliable. In addition to the ladder for the house, you can attach a rope along which the descent will be faster.

6. Security

  • a comfortable staircase (straight, spiral), preferably with railings;
  • optimal height of the house. Preferably, up to 3 meters;
  • a reliable platform, necessarily enclosed by walls or handrails;
  • The technology for constructing a children's wooden treehouse does not involve connections with nails. It is safer to use bolts and nuts;
  • In addition, the wood and all connections of the house must be periodically checked and tightened.


As you can see, making a wooden house for children with your own hands is not special labor. In fact, using the same principle of modules, wooden houses for the playground are made, and even cardboard houses for playing in the apartment.

Wooden children's houses - photos and pictures for ideas

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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