We all love beautiful lamps. They are great option visual transformation of the interior of almost any apartment. The most interesting thing is that it’s not at all difficult to make a lamp from a bottle with your own hands. Let's look at several ways to implement such an unusual idea.

Original lamp from a wine bottle

DIY wine bottle lamp

Wine is one of the most popular alcoholic drinks in the world. There is no doubt that in almost every home at least one bottle is bought for every holiday.

This is interesting: After the wine is drunk, the container becomes unnecessary and is simply thrown away. Luckily, old bottles can be turned into interesting lamps that can add a magical touch to your living room or bedroom. They look especially beautiful in complete darkness. Let's find out how to make such a lamp!

Step by step instructions

1.Choose suitable material. Collect everything empty bottles from wine bottles and select several identical ones from which you want to make a lamp. You can take different bottles, but in this case the composition will not be complete. They can be any color. A lamp made from a frosted bottle will look especially beautiful LED garland– brighter.

2.Remove the label. The label must be carefully removed from each bottle. For best results, use a sponge and warm water.

Washing wine bottles

3.Rinse the bottles. They need to be thoroughly treated both outside and inside. After this step, leave the bottles to dry completely.

4. We outline a place for the wires. It is necessary to mark the place from which the wires of our lamp will come out. It is better to make a hole in the side wall near the bottom. This way your lamp will look much neater and more aesthetically pleasing.

5. Prepare the water. We will need it to make a hole in the bottle.

6.Power tools. Prepare in advance the tool you will use to make our hole for the wires. Best suited for such painstaking work diamond crown. This way you can do everything carefully, and the hole will be smooth.

Use clay to drill a hole

7.Use clay. We make a cake from clay and apply it to the intended hole. While drilling, you will need to occasionally slowly and carefully pour water into our hole. This is necessary to ensure that the bottle does not overheat and crack.

8.Drilling. Drilling must be done very carefully so as not to damage the bottle. After completing this process, remove the clay and rinse the bottle again.

The hole must be sanded

9.Use sandpaper. To make the hole smooth, you need to go over it with sandpaper. This way you will sharpen sharp edges and protect yourself from possible injury. This is also necessary in order not to damage the wires that will come out of this hole. Select a piece of sandpaper whose grit is 150 mm.

10.Re-cleaning the bottle. After the work is done, I wash it again.

11.LED lights or garlands. Take LED lights or garland. Single-color lights will look beautiful. But you can also use a multi-colored garland. It all depends on your preferences.

We insert the garland into the bottle through the hole

12.Place the lights in the bottle. Insert the garland into the bottle so that its plug comes out of the hole made.

13. Gasket in the bottle hole. You can use a special gasket to secure the wires. This is optional, but it will help prevent accidental damage to the wiring. Moreover, with such a gasket appearance the lamp will look much better.

Insert the rubber gasket

14. Fasten the wires. After installing the gasket, you need to secure the wires well.

15.Connect. After the work has been done, you can see what you got. Plug in your new lamp. If you don’t like the way the garland looks, you can carefully straighten it. To avoid having to disassemble the lamp, take a thin stick and use it to eliminate any imperfections.

Wine bottle lamp is ready

16.Done. You can decorate the bottle with decorative ribbons or laces (optional). We hope you are satisfied with the result!

Video. Light from a glass bottle in 3 minutes

There is an even simpler way to create a lamp from glass bottles– without drilling a hole. We offer video instructions:

DIY lamp made from a plastic bottle

Enough unusual lamp you can make it yourself from simple plastic bottles from water. Such a craft will look truly unique and original. Finding analogues is not easy.

Original lamp made from plastic bottles

Necessary materials to create a lamp

To make a lamp according to the scheme proposed below, you will need several plastic bottles of various sizes. So, for the base you can use a large bottle, for example, a five-liter one. And for additional decor - smaller bottles. It is important that they have the same color and size.

Base for lamp made from plastic bottles

In addition to the bottles themselves, you will also need to prepare an electric socket, a sufficiently long wire, a plug and the light bulb itself.

Important information: Traditional incandescent lamps are a bad option for our lamp. The fact is that in the process of heating the glass, the plastic can begin to melt, releasing extremely bad smell. In the worst case, this can even lead to a fire. To make a lamp from plastic bottles at home, you need to purchase exclusively halogen light bulbs (economical). Their advantage is that during operation there is no strong heating.

Marking a bottle lamp

Step one: preparing the base for the lamp

The basis of the lamp will be a large plastic bottle or a five-liter bottle. It is necessary to cut off the lower part (bottom) from it. Leave the top of the container intact; later it will be carried out through the neck electrical wire.

Marked base for lamp

Then you need to measure the diameter of the necks of other plastic bottles that will be used for decoration. You can simply attach them to the main container and use a marker to draw circles of the appropriate size. It is advisable to increase the diameter by a few millimeters so that later you can screw the bottles into the side holes without any problems.

Holes in a bottle lamp

Helpful Hint: The easiest way to cut holes for the side bottles is to use a wallpaper knife. But if it is not there, you can use ordinary sharp scissors.

Step two: preparing plastic bottles for decoration

Plastic containers for decoration are prepared as follows. First, their bottom is cut off, then the workpiece is evenly cut into thin strips (you can see the approximate thickness in the photo). The strips are cut right down to the neck - the thickest part of the plastic bottle.

Cutting a bottle to decorate a lamp

Each piece is then heated over gas burner to the state of melting, it is given a disordered and chaotic appearance. It's not difficult to do this. Firstly, narrow strips of plastic are in any case exposed to high temperatures begin to change their shape, arching in the most bizarre way. If you want to correct the shape, use special tweezers or pliers.

Cut bottle for lamp decoration

Step three: assembling the lamp

After melting, all prepared bottle blanks are carefully screwed into the base. All that remains is to make a small hole in the base cover with a heated soldering iron, a special burner or any other available method.

Melting of plastic bottles for a lamp made from plastic bottles

An electrical wire is threaded through this hole and connected to the socket. And for ease of use, you can also attach a loop made of wire. This way it will be convenient to hang the lamp in the right place.

Insert decorative bottles into the holes

At the last stage, an electric plug is screwed to the second end of the wire, and a halogen light bulb is inserted into the threaded socket. That's all - an unusual lamp made from plastic bottles is ready for use. Hang it by the loop, plug it in and check it out!

Insert the cartridge

If you like the result, you can try to make a few more similar home lamps using plastic bottles for them various colors. The result will be decorative and very attractive lighting, which, due to the special decor, will shine in an unusual way on the walls and ceiling of your room.

Very unusual chandelier made using multi-colored plastic bottles


1st. We will need:

- tetra packs, color at your discretion, depending on what you have in mind...
- scissors, you need something to cut out the leaves...
- soldering iron, this is for processing leaves...
- thin wire for twisting branches...
- steel wire for the frame...

2nd. We cut the tetrapacks into pieces... the size depends on the leaves you have in mind... then we stupidly give each piece the shape of a leaf... all you need is your imagination, you acquired cutting skills as a child)))...
I did something similar to birch leaves, because... on the wall
birches are drawn))…

3rd. Turn on the soldering iron...
It’s better to take a soldering iron with a thick tip (this way there’s a better chance of hitting the cut of the leaf, not your fingers))), with a one-sided bevel... we melt the sections, so the leaves look more impressive, especially in the light of a light bulb... we also use the edge of the tip to draw the veins on the leaves, but be careful - they quickly melt through))) after spoiling a few pieces, learn how, since the material is junk...

Since the tetrapacks themselves are cylindrical, the leaves are not flat... the trick is that when heated with a soldering iron, they warp in an unknown direction... that's why they end up looking very good...)))
Now we need to melt a couple of holes in each leaf with a hot needle)) for wires... one hole is not enough, the leaf will dangle as it pleases, under the influence of gravity) but we still need the leaves to stick out the way we want... )

4th. Let's take it thin wire for the branches (I have copper, from the Sovpedovsky stabilizer))) cut into pieces 15-20 cm long. We take a leaf and thread a wire through it from hole to hole in a figure eight pattern) ... near the leaf we twist the ends of the wires by 10-15 mm. on one of the ends we string the next leaf, starting from the outer hole... and so on - string it, twist it... well, how to form the branch itself is something everyone scatters with their brains, depending on what you want... leave the ends of the wires at least 2 cm. Take the next one wire, fold in half, hook onto the last leaf and twist together with the tail from the previous wire, 2-3 centimeters... the branch becomes thicker, already 4 wires...) then form the branches at your discretion... naturally, the leaves should be alternated in size and blossom...

5th. Now we need to come up with the shape of the frame...
For me personally, this turned out to be the most difficult thing... I made it in the shape of a sphere... we must also take into account the fact that this design will also have a light bulb, a chandelier after all... I just made a frame with a hole on top so that the socket can fit through))))
For the frame I took 5 pieces steel wire 60-70 cm each. I bent them in a C-shape and inserted them into a tetra pack ring, leaving a 5-corner hole in the center... it turned out 10 branches...
Well, now we need to screw the invented branches onto this structure... it’s better to start from the bottom, and then we apply it according to the tile principle... the frame had to be hung on a rope for ease of work... in a lying position, as it seemed to me, it was simply impossible to assemble...

In the end, I tormented this “ball” tonight... or did it bother me?)) it doesn’t matter... but the chandelier itself is ready...

6th. The next, important stage is the method of attaching this creation to the ceiling... I’m still thinking about it, how to spandize it so that it looks decent, and so that it doesn’t fall on your head if necessary, and so that it can be dismantled later without any problems ( to wash, at least sometimes))))

7th. I finally hung it!!! I didn’t bother, stupidly hung it on a piece of steel wire and disguised the electrical wire and pendant with the same leaves... it certainly doesn’t look bad in the evening with the lamp on... I like it... but it’s not for everyone)))

Probably every person from time to time accumulates glass and plastic bottles. Before you throw them into a landfill, think about whether they can still serve you? Craftsmen They have long been offering a lot of ideas on how to use such improvised material, seemingly real rubbish, to benefit. Such containers are used to make primitive but effective heaters, air humidifiers, all kinds of decorative items and even fences, useful products for garden plot. From this article you will learn several ways to make a lamp from a bottle with your own hands.

Bottle pendant chandelier

A chandelier made from glass bottles will always fit harmoniously into your interior. It is also worth noting that the lamps you make yourself will be exclusive - no one will have exactly the same device as yours.

So, in order to make such a chandelier with your own hands, you will need the following items:

  • Three large bottles.
  • Gloves, goggles and mask for protection.
  • Cutter designed for glass bottles.
  • Sandpaper.
  • A small light bulb with a long wire and a switch.
  • Dark wire.
  • Screwdriver.

Now you need to analyze the procedure, following which you can make a lamp from a bottle with your own hands:

  1. The first step is to get rid of the labels, then dry the bottle well.
  2. Wear protective clothing.
  3. Secure it in the cutter, placing it at the level you want to keep it. You need to rotate the bottle carefully so that the cut is as even as possible.
  4. Fill the bottle first cold water, and then hot, alternating modes until the bottom falls off along the intended line.
  5. Place the object with its cut bottom on the sandpaper and scroll for about 5 minutes. This is necessary to ensure that the edges become smooth and even.
  6. Disassemble the prepared light bulb using a screwdriver, then carefully remove the wire.
  7. Pass the wire through the neck, then reassemble the lamp and check its operation.
  8. Now, in order for the chandelier to become original, you need to decorate the bottle with dark wire, starting to wind it from the neck. You can wrap the structure to your liking.

Decorating a lamp from a bottle

You can make a lamp from a bottle with your own hands, which will harmoniously fit into the interior on a balcony or loggia and will not interfere with admiring the courtyard at night.

For work we will need the following items:

  • Empty glass bottle.
  • Propane torch with a thin tip.
  • Glass cutter
  • Protective clothing and glasses.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Liquid glue designed specifically for decoration.
  • Decorative glass pebbles.
  • A light bulb with a long wire and a switch.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Chop made of wood.
  • Small wire or rope.

Making such a lamp is not so difficult. Below we will describe a master class on making a table lamp from a bottle with your own hands:

  • Remove the labels from the bottle and rinse it well, both outside and inside.
  • Give it time to dry.
  • Using a glass cutter, carefully draw a line along which the cut will go. The main thing here is to take your time and make sure that the lines close together, otherwise you won’t get an even cut.

Important! Before this procedure, it is better to practice cutting other glass bottles, as this task is not considered easy.

  • Take a torch and heat the glass at the cut line, slowly rotating the bottle. After some time, it will split on this very line.

Important! Glass can also be cut in another way: after you have drawn a line with a glass cutter, place the bottle in a container with cold water up to the intended line, then pour boiling water into the container. Soon the glass will crack smoothly.

  • Sand the cut line with sandpaper or a sanding block.
  • Apply a drop of decorative glue to the edge of the bottle, then place a glass pebble on it and press it so that it sticks firmly. Next you need to glue the remaining pebbles in a circle.
  • Leave the item to dry for 24 hours.
  • Take a small, powerful light bulb, study its structure, so as not to damage the structure in the future.
  • Disassemble it, then remove the wiring.
  • Pass it through the neck, then assemble the structure back.
  • Adjust the prepared chopik to the size of the neck so that it does not squeeze the wires. After this, the wooden chopper needs to be painted white.
  • Insert it into the neck, pressing down the wire to secure the light bulb.
  • Take the lamp wire and tie it into a loop - this is necessary in order to hang the device where you need it.

Bottle table lamp

In order to make an original table lamp from a bottle with your own hands, you need to arm yourself with the following materials:

  • One glass bottle.
  • Diamond drill.
  • A light bulb with a wire and a switch.
  • Patch.
  • Shade.
  • Protective clothing.
  • Towel.
  • Screwdriver.

Making such an accessory is also not difficult. To do this, you need to follow the following algorithm:

  1. Mark a small hole on the bottle where the wiring will go. You need to stick a patch on this place.
  2. Place the bottle in a towel and use a diamond drill to drill a hole. Take your time - this procedure lasts approximately half an hour.
  3. Peel off the patch and other stickers on the bottle, rinse it from all sides.
  4. Using a screwdriver, carefully disassemble the light bulb.
  5. Insert wire into drilled hole, stretch it to the neck.
  6. Also carefully assemble the lamp.
  7. Attach the lampshade to the neck. The original light bulb is ready.

Master class for children

Many children will be interested in making such a lamp with their own hands. Before making a technology lamp for grade 4, you need to prepare the following items:

  • Two batteries.
  • Miniature light bulb.
  • Foil.
  • Small glass bottle.
  • A piece of paper.

Having prepared everything you need, you can safely get to work.

Don't rush to throw away empty glass and plastic bottles. You can make many useful things out of them household things. We invite you to learn how to make a lamp from a bottle.

Simple table lamp

To do this you will need:

  • a suitable glass bottle for wine, champagne, whiskey or cognac;
  • cartridge with electric cord, which has a socket and a switch;
  • ready-made lampshade;
  • bulb;
  • rubber plug-stabilizer;
  • screwdriver.

The procedure for creating a table lamp-lamp:

  1. Cut the rubber stopper so that it fits easily into the neck of the bottle (picture 1).
  2. Screw the cartridge to the plug and connect the wires (pictures 2 and 3).
  3. Make an arc-mount to which the lampshade will be attached and screw in the light bulb (picture 4).
  4. Insert the plug into the socket and turn on the lamp (picture 5).

Your DIY bottle lamp is ready!

The principle is the same, but the design is different

Another option for creating a table lamp, but different in execution and design.

Instructions: how to make lamps from bottles (photo below):

  1. Take a glass bottle and make round hole below, closer to the bottom, using a glass drill.
  2. Make a hole in the cork and thread an electrical cord through it, and screw the thread on one side.
  3. Screw on the decorative cartridge.
  4. Place the cord in the bottle and close the neck with the stopper.
  5. Pull the cord outward from the hole in the bottle.
  6. Screw in the light bulb.

The original bottle lamp is ready!

Pendant lamps made from bottles - remove the bottom

Such chandeliers will fit perfectly into the interior of a kitchen, living room, bar, country house or a cafe.

To make them, you first need to cut off the bottom of the bottle:

  1. Take wool thread, solvent, bottle, lighter, sandpaper, bowl of ice water.
  2. Cut a long piece of thread and soak it in solvent.
  3. Around the bottle, in the place that needs to be cut, tie several circles of woolen thread.
  4. Hold the bottle so that it is parallel to the ground and light the thread.
  5. The bottle must be carefully rotated around its axis for several minutes.
  6. When the fire goes out, immediately plunge the bottle into ice water.
  7. Carefully remove the bottom.
  8. Grind down the edges of the bottle using sandpaper.

Making a chandelier

When the bottom is cut off, you can begin assembling the lamp:

  1. Take a cartridge or plug and insert it into the neck.
  2. Connect the cord.
  3. Screw in the light bulb.
  4. Hang a bottle lamp from the ceiling using a hook or make a special mount.

Thus, you can make lampshades instead of the usual chandeliers. To do this, simply measure the diameter of the bottle neck and see if it fits the size of the finished cartridge. If not, then cut off the neck in the same way as you removed the bottom of the bottle. Hang the finished lampshade in place of the old one.

Possible luminaire design

It is not necessary to make a lamp out of regular bottle. It can be used as a basis for implementation interesting ideas and ideas.

Design options:

  • Paint the bottle acrylic paint. You can draw a picture or make a stained glass window. A lot of lamps made from bottles, identical in shape, but painted in different colors, look very beautiful.
  • You can wrap the bottle tightly with thread or yarn.
  • Cover the bottle and engrave it.
  • If you are making a table lamp, then inside the bottle you can pour coffee beans, multi-colored salt, seasonings, cereals, pasta, and so on. Such a lamp will not only serve its intended purpose, but will also serve as an excellent decor for the kitchen.
  • There is much more you can do.
  • If you have large perfume jars, they will also serve as an excellent material for creating lamps.
  • To do pendant lamp, it is not necessary to fix the cartridge or stopper in the neck of the bottle. You can insert the cord completely into the container, and place all the other parts under the narrow top. This bottle will look more like a lampshade. Only then do you need to think carefully about fixing the electrical cord.

Lamps made from garlands

Do you want a garland to decorate the room? all year round, and not just on New Year? This can be done very simply.

Master class on creating luminous decor:

  1. Choose the right glass bottle, New Year's garland, sandpaper and drill.
  2. Remove all labels from the bottle.
  3. Secure the bottle and carefully drill a small hole at the bottom. The cord from the garland should pass through it freely. Work carefully, because it is very easy not only to get hurt, but also to break the bottle.
  4. Use sandpaper to smooth the edges of the hole to prevent injury later.
  5. Push the garland inside the bottle through the drilled hole. You need to place the end where there is no plug and mode switching remote control. Try to insert the garland so that it curls inside the bottle.

Everything is ready! If you wish, you can decorate the bottle in some way. For example, draw a picture and attach a ribbon or bow to the neck.

This lamp is very safe, because the garland will definitely not melt anything.

Lampshade made of plastic

Some will say that such a lamp made from plastic bottles is unsafe and has an unaesthetic appearance. In urban environments this is true. But it is ideal for a gazebo in the country.

Master class: how to make a lamp from a plastic bottle with your own hands:

  1. Prepare a socket with an electrical cord and a switch, a light bulb (you need an LED, economy or regular, but low power), a five-liter water bottle, glue gun, pliers, plastic spoons, screwdriver, construction knife.
  2. Using pliers, bite off the entire handle of the spoon so that only one oval part remains.
  3. Cut off the bottom of the eggplant using a construction knife.
  4. Connect to the network.
  5. Once it's ready, start gluing on the spoons. The first row goes from the bottom, and all subsequent rows slightly overlap the previous ones.
  6. Cover the entire container in this way.
  7. Glue the spoons together, stacking them one on top to form a ring.
  8. Attach the cartridge and cord to the neck of the bottle.
  9. Glue a ring of spoons onto the neck.
  10. Screw in the light bulb.

The lamp shade is ready! If desired, it can be painted. To ensure that the paint applies evenly, it is better to paint each spoon separately, and then paste them over the eggplant. It is most convenient to use spray paint. This way you will get less dirty and the layer will lie evenly on the surface of the spoons. Plus, it dries faster.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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