Kalanchoe is a useful succulent plant of the Crassulaceae family, native to distant Madagascar. They say that in ancient times the people there completely relaxed and fell into hedonism: the mild climate, warm sea, rich flora and fauna almost weaned people from caring for their offspring. The spirits of the ancestors ceased to receive due honors, became angry and decided to punish the idlers by sending a neighboring warlike tribe to attack them. After another bloody skirmish, a woman from the enemy camp was captured by the sybarites. At first no one paid attention to her, but after some time they noticed that children interacted with her with great pleasure. She played, treated, taught and cared for them as if they were her own offspring. And the leader of the Ratatouevs finally understood why his fellow countrymen were being upset... Before she died, the woman bequeathed to the tribe a plant that could cure many diseases - as you already guessed, it was Kalanchoe.

There are more than 200 species of Kalanchoe, they grow in Southeast Asia, South America and South Africa, and they are divided into three groups: flowering, decorative deciduous and viviparous. It is curious that it was the viviparous group that received the most nicknames; for example, in Germany such Kalanchoes were called “Goethe’s tree”, in Sweden - “mother of a thousand daughters”, and in Mexico - “Mexican hat”.

The most common in Russia were Kalanchoe daigremontiana, originally from Madagascar, popularly nicknamed “mother”, and Kalanchoepinnata (“doctor”, “maodzedun”). Their distinctive external signs are strong, erect stems and large, fleshy leaves, trimmed with daughter plants, somewhat reminiscent of the small circular decorations on the side edge of the fields of Mexican sombreros. “Daughters” are extremely tenacious and sprout in the most unfavorable conditions. Decorative plants include Kalanchoe blossfeldiana, which has large ovoid leaves and reddish (as well as orange, yellow, pink) flowers in complex inflorescences.

It was not for nothing that our mothers kept Kalanchoe-savior at home:

  • the juice of the plant quickly cures the flu and is simply irreplaceable as a preventive measure against its epidemics;
  • the juice of mashed leaves stops bleeding, relieves headaches and toothaches;
  • they treat gastritis, eczema, mastitis, skin rashes;
  • ointments based on plant juice heal burns, non-healing wounds, fistulas and ulcers;
  • cosmetic creams with Kalanchoe extract have a high restorative function.

What’s gratifying is that growing Kalanchoe does not require special knowledge or conditions, the plant is very unpretentious, and care will take a minimum of time, so it makes sense to register this natural doctor on the windowsill.

The Kalanchoe flower prefers soil made of peat, leaf soil, humus and sand in a ratio of 1:1:1:1. But you can also purchase ready-made soil for Kalanchoe - PETER PEAT “For cacti and succulents” from the HOBBY line. Illumination: from morning until 14.00 the plant is quietly in direct sunlight, then until the next day keep it in the dark (a room without light, a bucket, a box). IN winter time Kalanchoe does not need to be hidden. Comfortable temperature for her it is +16-18 °C, but she feels good even at +10 °C, the main thing is that there is no extreme heat, incl. from central heating in winter. But the plant does not like high humidity: try to keep its value no more than 35% in the Kalanchoe habitat, otherwise your pet may rot from excess moisture. The material of the pot does not matter. Don’t forget about drainage (15% of the volume) from expanded clay or vermiculite PETER PEAT from the VITA line.


How to replant Kalanchoe after purchase?

Because the root system plants develop quickly, young individuals must be replanted in March once a year large pots with similar soil. Carefully remove the dried soil along with the plant from the old pot and transplant it into a new one, adding fresh soil on the sides (when replanting, the amount should be equal to the number old soil). To increase survival rate, feed the migrant with liquid humic fertilizer PETER PEAT “Living Force: for soaking seeds.” Subsequently, the plant is replanted every 3 years.



How to water Kalanchoe? Caring for a Kalanchoe flower is quite easy. The plant tolerates thirst well; it can be left without water for 2-3 days. In spring and summer, you need to water the Kalanchoe with settled water at room temperature until the soil moisture is reached, but it is better not to top it up. If water appears in the pan, drain it immediately. In autumn and winter, reduce watering by half and water when the soil in the pot is completely dry.

Top dressing

Kalanchoe is stoic in life and doesn’t particularly like “sweets.” But to strengthen the immune system and stimulate active growth at the end of spring, care for the kolanchoe will still be needed. Reinforce it with complex mineral fertilizer; the PETER PEAT “NPK 15-15-15” complex mineral fertilizer from the MINERAL line is well suited for this. Feed the plant with it once every 2 weeks from the end of April to August, the dosage of the applied fertilizer should be 2 times less than calculated on the package, and ready solution be at room temperature. Then, until December and from March to April, use liquid humic fertilizer PETER PEAT “Living Force: for indoor plants” once every 3 weeks. In winter, Kalanchoe is not fertilized.


Why doesn't Kalanchoe bloom? What to do if Kalanchoe does not bloom?

We will highlight several reasons why the plant does not bloom, and we will recommend how to care for the Kalanchoe flower in this case.

Cause What to do
Lighting mode not followed Kalanchoe comes from the tropics, where there is 12 hours of daylight all year round. In our temperate zone, daylight hours in winter last only 5-6 hours. Therefore, in autumn and winter it is necessary to provide the plant with additional lighting, extending the daylight hours to 12 hours a day.
Temperature not maintained For Kalanchoe to bloom, t = 16-18 °C is required. To do this, we recommend placing Kalanchoe in a cool place in winter, for example, an insulated loggia.
Unsuitable land for Kalanchoe Both self-prepared and ready-made soils for succulents, neutral or slightly acidic, are suitable for keeping Kalanchoe. If you want to see Kalanchoe bloom profusely, remember what kind of soil your flower has and the need for additional feeding.
Irrigation schedule not followed How many times should I water Kalanchoe?
In spring and summer - 2 times a week.
In autumn-winter - once a week.
Spray the plant only in persistently hot weather. But if the Kalanchoe sheds its leaves, it means the soil is dry.


How to prune Kalanchoe correctly? To keep your plant lush, periodically cut off several leaves from the shoots: after a while, several new shoots will appear at the same time at the cut site. Let them grow to the third pair of leaves and cut back at the same level. This needs to be done several times (the last pruning is before the end of November), and then your Kalanchoe bush will be dense and round.

Pruning Kalanchoe after flowering it is needed to remove excess leaves and free the peduncles. In this case, one or two outer leaves on the stems are removed. Make sure all flowers have completely faded before pruning. After each flowering, it is necessary to remove every single flower stalk: remove them at the very base so that the plant does not rot. Pruning Kalanchoe after flowering is necessary to stimulate the growth of new stems ready for flowering.


How does Kalanchoe reproduce?

Let's look at how to propagate Kalanchoe at home, namely by leaves, cuttings, seeds and “babies”.

Leaf. Cut off a large healthy leaf and plant it at an angle of 50 ° from the vertical to the soil mixture with the addition of sphagnum moss PETER PEAT line VITA in a pot, deepening it by 4-4.5 cm. Feed the new settler with liquid humic fertilizer PETER PEAT “Living Force: for soaking seeds" and continue to monitor the soil moisture.

Stem cutting. To propagate Kalanchoe by cuttings, cut a stem with 3-4 leaves and wither it for a day at a temperature of 22-24 °. Then plant it vertically in the prepared pot. Similarly, treat it with liquid humic fertilizer PETER PEAT “Living Force: for soaking seeds”, cover it with film to create a greenhouse effect, don’t forget to water it and let the seedling “breathe” once every 6-8 hours.

Children. Just let the fallen babies take root in the mother pot, and then carefully transplant them into new pots. Care is similar to the previous ones.

Seeds. Place the obtained Kalanchoe seeds on the surface of the soil in a pot, spray with settled, cold water from a spray bottle and cover with film. Further rooting is the same as with children.

Diseases and pests

Love your Kalanchoe, and the plant will always come to your aid! Be healthy!

Kalanchoe cannot be called a problematic plant for a beginner. If you are hesitant and not confident in your knowledge, put your doubts aside and purchase this wonderful plant that can well complement the comfort in your home. Caring for a plant is not difficult, but it is worth familiarizing yourself with the basic skills of caring for a flower so that the plant is comfortable indoors.


Caring for Kalanchoe involves, first of all, competent organized watering. It is worth knowing that the plant perfectly accumulates and retains moisture. Therefore, it should not be watered heavily often winter period and in a cold room. In such a situation, two waterings per month are sufficient for the plant. This is more than enough. Rare watering in winter prevents the plant's roots from rotting. In summer, water Kalanchoe more often, so that the soil is soaked to its full depth. But, excess moisture, should never remain on the surface. In a word, do not “flood” the plant. The next watering in summer should be done after the soil is completely dry. Follow a simple rule - it is better to allow the plant to become somewhat thirsty than to allow too much moisture in the pot.

Read also: Red currant diseases

Lighting, temperature, humidity

The plant loves light and can be safely placed in all directions except north. You should also know that flowering Kalanchoe loves light more than its counterparts and can suffer in winter if there is insufficient natural light. In this case, you will have to take care of an additional light source in winter. Understanding when additional lighting is needed is quite simple. The plant's leaves will turn pale and its stems will stretch and begin to lose leaves at the bottom. Kalanchoe does not have any special requirements for temperature.

You can safely keep the plant on the balcony, even at +12 degrees. This minimum temperature for a flower in winter. In summer, the most favorable temperature can be considered to be up to +27 degrees.

There is no need to maintain a certain level of humidity. The only thing worth warning against in winter is water getting on the leaves, this can have extremely bad effects on the plant in the future. IN warm season, it is worth periodically washing off the dust from the leaves.

Transplantation and fertilization

You will need specialized fertilizers for succulents; you only need to apply them once a month. Complex fertilizers are recommended for flowering varieties; this can ensure brighter and richer flowering. Do not exactly follow the indicated dosage on the package; add only 50% of the recommended amount. Be especially careful when feeding in winter; reduce the dosage by a third from the summer dosage.

Before purchasing, you need to know that you will have to replant the plant annually, since the roots grow quite quickly.

It is better to replant closer to summer, during the period of most active growth. Be sure to take care that new pot was a little larger than the previous one. Replant with no big amount soil on the root system. Do not change the composition of the mixture in a new pot. The soil must be identical, this will significantly help the adaptation process. Buy a clay pot, deep and wide. Before purchasing, remember that indoor Kalanchoe is a solitary plant; it does not like neighbors.

How to transplant Kalanchoe yourself so that the plant takes off and grows?

In a large pot, the size of which is about 15 cm, it is quite possible to plant 2-3 cuttings.

As for the acidity of the soil, its indicators should be within the acceptable range of 5.0 - 6.5 pH. In terms of composition, the optimal option would be: 25% leaf humus, 25% turf soil, 25% coarse sand and the remaining quarter of the composition is divided equally between charcoal and brick chips. Adding bone meal won't hurt. You need very little of it, at the rate of 1 gram per kilogram of mixture. When preparing the mixture yourself, it must be sterilized. Adaptation of the plant will last only two weeks; during this period of time, it is necessary to fertilize it a couple of times.

Read also: Lemon pests at home


You can do this if there is more than half a day of daylight. Otherwise, you will need artificial lighting. At vegetative method For propagation, both leaf cuttings and stem cuttings are suitable. Conditions environment pretty simple. The temperature during the daytime should not exceed +26 degrees. At night, your thermometer should not fall below +17 degrees. The lighting must be bright enough, but direct, bright, sun rays. Be especially careful about separating plant material from the flower. He must be in normal, healthy condition. If you intend to plant a stem cutting, then take a shoot with two leaves.

Seeds require soil consisting of half sand and peat. Acidity must be within the acceptable range of 6.0 - 6.5 pH. The soil must be sterilized and thoroughly moistened. The seeds should simply be pressed a little into the ground, and then cover the pot with a plastic bag.

Approximately within 10-12 days, the seeds germinate.

The light should be bright, without direct rays, the air temperature should exceed +22 degrees. Every day, remove the bag and ventilate the pot. Watch carefully for the appearance of sprouts and immediately remove the bag from the pot. The shoots can be carefully plucked to create an elegant bush. Feed the young plant little by little.


The plant usually blooms once a year. You may well see buds even in winter. Flowering plant varieties require regular pruning. You should try to cut off the peduncle at the lowest point; this is an excellent prevention against possible rotting processes. It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the plant and remove diseased leaves and shoots in a timely manner. In the summer, take your time Special attention the top of the shoots, pinch them well. This will help the development of lateral branches.

Kalanchoe - properties and care features

Traditionally, Kalanchoe is associated with traditional medicine. There are many recipes using this plant for completely different diseases. Applications are made from it, tinctures are prepared, leaves are taken internally, etc. It should be borne in mind that not all its types have healing properties. If you are skeptical about alternative medicine, then you should pay attention to flowering species. They have a bush form and abundant flowering different shades. Kalanchoe is quite unpretentious, but requires certain knowledge from the owner regarding care and reproduction. This is what our article will be about.

Classification and type of plant

The plant belongs to the genus of succulents, family Crassulaceae and has more than 200 species. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from a few centimeters to 4 meters in height, with bare or pubescent fleshy stems and leaves, and species include epiphytes and vines. Buds or shoots are formed on the leaves or stems, which are called “babies” in everyday life. With their help, the plant reproduces. The origin of the flower is associated with the tropical and subtropical climate of Africa, South America and Asia. The island of Madagascar is called the birthplace of the flower.

Planting and propagation

Transplanting a bush does not take much time and effort, as it takes root well. An adult plant needs to be transplanted into a larger container from time to time if it has grown greatly. A flower can be propagated at home by almost any part of it: leaves, cuttings, “babies” or seeds. After the leaves or cuttings give roots while standing in water, they can be planted in soil. There are no problems when propagating by children; they are planted in the ground and they quickly take root.

Some types of flowering Kalanchoe require special care during planting. They reproduce using seeds, which are usually sown from January to March. The seeds are placed on the ground and covered with glass or film, maintaining a temperature of 18-20 degrees. The grown sprouts are cropped and transplanted into separate pots.

Rules of care:

  • Lighting: The flowering species of Kalanchoe has the greatest need for light. In general, the plant is summer months It is better to place it on windows facing east or west. In winter, when there is less light, you can install additional lighting. A plant that has been in the shade for a long time must be acclimated to the sun gradually to avoid burns on the leaves.
  • Watering: For watering use settled soft water. If the plant is located in the sun, then spring-summer period Water as the soil dries and abundantly. IN autumn-winter period watering is reduced.

    Kalanchoe: soil, pots, planting/transplanting

    It can be carried out through the lower tray.

  • Fertilizers and fertilizing: carried out in the spring-summer period, using fertilizers for cacti once a month. For flowering species Kalanchoe can also be fertilized in the autumn when buds are planting.
  • Soil features: not suitable for Kalanchoe acidic soil. You can purchase ready-made soil for succulents. If you wish, you can make the soil yourself. To do this, mix 4 parts of turf soil, 2 parts of leaf soil, 1 part of sand and a little manure or humus.
  • Caring for flowering species: It is important to follow some care rules so that flowering is regular and long-lasting. Namely, organize the lighting correctly, bringing it as close to natural as possible. This is about 10 hours of light per day. You can fertilize complex fertilizer. And carry out regular pruning of flower stalks and overgrown stems.
  • Trimming: the bush requires regular and high-quality pruning, especially for flowering species. It is necessary to completely cut off the peduncle so that it does not rot. It is also worth removing excess shoots and shoots, giving the plant an aesthetic appearance.

Diseases and pests:

With quality care, Kalanchoe is resistant to disease, but if not properly cultivated, it becomes susceptible to disease. If humidity and temperature are excessive, powdery mildew may occur. If there is an abundance of moisture and low temperatures, the flower is affected by rot - gray plaque and watery spots.

Among the pests you should be wary of are mites, aphids or scale insects. Specks yellow color on the leaves, then the appearance of whitish spots indicates the appearance of mites. Aphids are usually visible on the undersides of plant leaves. And the appearance of waxy secretions on the leaves and stems indicates the presence of scale insects. Special drugs are used for treatment. And proper care of the plant will serve as prevention.

Read more about diseases and pests.

Tips for caring for indoor flowers.

How to choose and prepare a pot for Kalanchoe?

Choosing the right pot for Kalanchoe is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. And the whole point is that this variety indoor plant specific roots. They are hypersensitive to everything. That is why, in order for the plant to feel good in the future and enjoy flowering, it is necessary to select the right container for growing.

There are different types of Kalanchoe. They are mainly grown indoors. Therefore, they need to choose the pots wisely.

What should you focus on?

But before moving on to the basic rules for choosing a pot for a plant, it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the features life cycle Kalanchoe.

This flower tolerates temperature changes well and loves sunlight.

It constantly needs irrigation, but this plant should be watered very carefully, as it often dies from acidification of the soil. This factor should be the main one when choosing the size of the container.

Purchased small kalanchoe It is necessary to transplant them into permanent pots after two weeks.

It is very important that the root system of the plant receives oxygen and develops normally. Constant loosening of the soil partially ensures this. But at the same time, it is also necessary to choose the right material for the pot.

Small Kalanchoe seedlings are quite vulnerable to all kinds of pests and diseases. And all gardeners know that plants often begin to get sick after transplantation due to insufficiently disinfected pots or incorrectly selected pots from an environmental point of view. This should also be taken into account.

Kalanchoe helps restore strength and has general strengthening properties.

Kalanchoe is often called “indoor ginseng”, “magic doctor”. Yes, Kalanchoe is truly a wonderful healing plant. It not only purifies the air, but also has strong antiviral activity. The plant strengthens the immune system and helps restore strength. If there is a sick person in the house, it is recommended to place the Kalanchoe in a dark, cool room for several hours (this will activate its properties) and then place it near the bed. How closer person to Kalanchoe, the stronger the effect. For general strengthening of the body, it is recommended to touch Kalanchoe leaves daily.

An adult, well-developed Kalanchoe plant has a positive effect not only on the well-being of people present in the room, but also on the growth of nearby plants.

Perennial evergreen up to 100 cm tall. The leaves are fleshy, juicy, ovate, large in the lower part of the stem, trifoliate or pinnate in the upper part of the stem, mostly oblong, ovate, the edges of the leaves are serrated, on them a huge number young plants develop. The flowers are tubular, collected at the ends of the branches in large racemose inflorescences.

Kalanchoe blooms profusely from January to the end of May. The plant took root perfectly in indoor culture. His fast growth captivates lovers of home flowers. The homeland of Kalanchoe is South America.

Features of care

For normal development, the plant needs a warm room with good natural light. East or west windows are suitable; southern windows will require shading in summer.

Watering in spring and summer is moderate; in autumn, watering is reduced; in winter, the earthen ball is only slightly moistened. Winter maintenance at a temperature of 12-15 °C.

In spring, the plant is transplanted into fresh soil. It is better to choose wide and shallow pots. An elongated, tired plant can be rejuvenated by cutting and rooting the top. Apical stalk must be dried first. Kalanchoe Degremona is easiest to propagate by “babies”, which are formed in abundance along the edges of the leaves and, falling off, take root themselves.

Family Crassulaceae. Genus Kalanchoe. Natural climatic conditions: subtropics and tropics.

Subshrub or bush succulents with various options structure of the stem and leaves; leaves are opposite, simple or pinnate with a smooth or serrated edge; inflorescence (usually) is a loose cluster located on peduncles.

Attention! Most sources on floriculture admit the same common inaccuracy: the genus Kalanchoe is confused with the genus Bryophyllum. The fundamental difference between them is the inability of Kalanchoe to form adventitious buds on the leaves - “babies”. The most common types in indoor culture are:

Kalanchoe becharensis

♦ The stem is thin, up to 2 m tall, pubescent; leaves up to 10 cm long, wedge-shaped or triangular, coarsely toothed, wavy, in some varieties covered with a waxy coating, in others covered with brownish hairs; peduncles up to 60 cm tall, loose inflorescence, light yellow flowers, blooms in June-July. The leaves are retained only at the top of the shoots, and therefore it is advisable to frequently renew the plants by letting the cut tops grow on cuttings.

Kalanchoe Blossfeld

♦Stalks up to 40 cm tall, smooth, glabrous; leaves up to 7 cm long, ovate, notched along the edges, hard, fleshy, dark green, reddening at the edges; peduncles up to 45 cm, inflorescences capitate, flowers numerous, small (up to 1 cm in diameter), differing in color in different varieties: from lemon-yellow (Golden Fleece) to scarlet-edged (a number of varieties). At proper care blooms from March to October.

Kalanchoe tomentosa

♦ Stem up to 40 cm tall, densely leafy; leaves sessile, elongated oval with a blunt tip, crushed-toothed along the edge; the leaf blade is green, but the color is replaced by dense felt pubescence to almost white; brownish dots or spots may be observed on the teeth and tips of the leaves; flowers are whitish-pink; blooms in July.

Kalanchoe single-flowered

♦ B natural conditions often grows as an epiphyte; stems are creeping, thin, rooting at the nodes; leaves are small (maximum up to 3 cm long), almost sessile, almost round, oval or obovate, thick, fleshy, green; the flowers are swollen, bell-shaped, from reddish-purple to dark red. It is grown as an ampelous plant.

Attention! The conditions for keeping Kalanchoe single-flowered differ from all other species. Enough unpretentious plants. Moisture requirement: rare, but abundant watering in summer, very moderate in winter.

Temperature regime: in winter the optimal temperature is 12 -14 °C, with the exception of Kalanchoe single-flowered, which even then needs at least 18 °C.

Light regime: very sun-loving, typically short-day plants. To achieve flowering in spring and summer, it is necessary to artificially reduce daylight hours to 12 hours. Southern exposure is optimal, with the exception of single-flowered Kalanchoe, which requires moderate lighting.

Soil requirement: a mixture of compost, humus and deciduous soil with sand in a ratio of 4:2:1:1 is optimal, with the exception of Kalanchoe single flowering, which is preferably grown in a substrate of deciduous soil with the addition of humus, charcoal, sand and moss in a ratio of 12:1:1:1. It needs feeding with solutions of mineral and organic fertilizers, during the budding period (from March to August) - with a high phosphorus content or separately with phosphorus.

Reproduction: by reproduction buds, less often by seeds, leaf cuttings and cuttings of peduncles. It is advisable to wither the cuttings for one and a half days before planting. The shards are rooted in the sand. The peculiarity of seed propagation is that the seeds are germinated at a temperature of 16 -18 ° C.

Features: Young rooted plants need to be pinched at the top. Replanting or transshipment is advisable annually.


WITH therapeutic purpose The juice of the stems and leaves is used. The juice, like aloe juice, has an anti-inflammatory effect, promotes rapid cleansing and healing of wounds and ulcers, does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes, and is slightly toxic. It is used externally in the form of bandages, in surgical practice for the treatment of purulent wounds, trophic ulcers of the lower leg, and bedsores. In dental practice it is used for gum inflammation. Heals cracks in dry skin of the hands, feet and nipples of nursing mothers.

The juice is prepared as follows: fresh cut leaves and the green part of the stems are stored in the dark at a temperature of plus 5-10 degrees for a week, then washed in running water and ground in a meat grinder. A homogeneous mass is obtained, which is squeezed out, the liquid part is settled. At a temperature of 4-10 degrees Celsius they are sterilized, filtered and preserved. In appearance it is a transparent yellow liquid with an orange tint.

The leaves can be used externally either fresh or after keeping them in a dark place. We know what is produced in them a large number of biologically active substances.

Fresh mashed leaves quickly stop bleeding.

For sore throat, runny nose, and flu, you can also use Kalanchoe leaves (the leaf is chewed in the mouth). Several such procedures - and the painful symptoms recede.

The leaves of this plant passed through a meat grinder help with burns. Apply them to the burned area of ​​skin for several hours: the juice promotes speedy healing and also protects against infection. A paste of fresh Kalanchoe leaves also helps with frostbite, purulent wounds, and ulcers.

Kalanchoe leaves are useful to eat when the body is weakened after serious illnesses. They cleanse the blood, neutralize harmful substances and help protect against colds.

For preventive purposes, you can add fresh leaves in vinaigrettes and potato salads, after washing and finely chopping. This is especially useful for people suffering from inflammation of the periodontal tissues - periodontitis.

How to grow Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe is an unpretentious and easy-to-care plant. All its species, to a greater or lesser extent, have the characteristics of succulents - plants that easily survive in the most unfavorable conditions. This determines the method of its cultivation. Any special effort and conditions for its growth and development will not be required. Enough to find for your pet cozy place where there is enough light.

Soil requirements and replanting

There are no significant requirements for soil composition. But still, Kalanchoe prefers soil of neutral and slightly acidic composition. It is best to take garden soil, humus and sand in equal proportions. The thickness of the nutrient layer should be 12-15 cm.

Kalanchoe is replanted in the spring. The soil can be composed as follows: turf, leaf soil, peat soil, sand in equal parts. It is useful to add brick chips and pieces of birch coal to the soil for Kalanchoe. When replanting, the diameter of the new pot should be 1-2 cm larger than the previous one. After transplantation, the plant is watered abundantly; fertilizing begins only when it has taken root sufficiently in the new vessel, that is, after 2-3 weeks.

Placement and lighting

Since in nature Kalanchoe chooses brightly lit places, a bright, sunny window is preferable in indoor conditions. But it is better if the plant is still protected from direct sunlight. On a south-facing window in the summer (and especially during the hottest hours of the day), it is better for it to create shade. IN summer time Kalanchoe also feels good on Western and east windows. Thanks to its hardiness, it can grow for some time even on a windowsill, where the sun's rays do not reach at all.

You can grow Kalanchoe using artificial lighting- in this case use fluorescent lamps for 16 hours a day.

Watering and air humidity

Since Kalanchoe belongs to the group of succulents, all its species are easily tolerated low humidity air. From spring to autumn - during the growth period - they are watered moderately. But you still need to make sure that upper layer the soil did not dry out. In winter, watering can be rare, but periodic spraying will not harm the plant at all.

If you have to leave for some time, your “tree of life” will calmly survive this period without watering. The moisture obtained from the air will be enough for him. Just before leaving, do not forget to water the plant generously and move it to a cool place - away from direct sunlight. In such conditions, your family doctor can survive without any care for a month.

It is recommended to spray some varieties of decoratively flowering Kalanchoe more often, because the duration of their flowering depends on air humidity.

Air temperature

In winter, Kalanchoe is kept at a temperature not lower than 12-16°C. Otherwise, the plant does not form flower buds. In summer it feels great under open air on the balcony or in the garden.


Kalanchoe blooms from about February-March for several months, depending on the species. And when good care can bloom all year round.

How can you achieve re-blooming? When the plant has finished flowering, it should be allowed to rest for a month. At this time, remove all flower stalks from it and place it on a shaded windowsill. You can even cover it with a paper bag or box for a while. This is how a regime is created for him short day— the plant spends most of the day in the dark. All this time, Kalanchoe is watered very rarely. After 2.5-3 months, the plant is gradually returned to normal lighting. It’s the same with watering - they don’t switch to normal mode right away. Changing the light and water regimes stimulates the formation of buds. After some time, the plant will again be covered with flowers.

Often, after flowering, Kalanchoe loses its previous appearance - the stems stretch out and become bare, the leaves take on a different shape (especially if the flowering was abundant). Such elongated stems should be cut, shortened and re-rooted. After radical pruning, the plant is pinched 2-3 more times. In this “surgical” way, you will return your pet to its former cheerful and pleasing appearance.

It should be remembered: any Kalanchoe plant needs a period of rest throughout the year, even if you do not set a goal to achieve it abundant flowering. Usually he is given such a holiday in early spring.

What and how to feed Kalanchoe

In the summer, 2 times a month, Kalanchoe is fed with fertilizers for cacti and other succulents. Viviparous species are fertilized once a month.

Before feeding liquid fertilizer The plant must be watered with clean water.

Growing problems

Kalanchoe most often suffers from a lack of light - the stems stretch, and lower leaves fly around or become pale and yellow.

After abundant flowering, it lacks nutrition - the plant also stretches and loses leaves. Help can be provided by transplanting or feeding.

If the loss of decorativeness is not associated with a lack of light or nutrition, it is most likely caused by too warm and dry air in the room. The plant next to the battery is especially uncomfortable.

The appearance of brownish spots on the plant soft spots or mold, on the contrary, means that the room is too humid or the temperature is too low.

Excess nutrition with an overdose of fertilizers prevents the onset of flowering, although the plant may have a healthy appearance and large, juicy green leaves.

Features of reproduction

All types of Kalanchoe reproduce very easily - leafy and stem cuttings or seeds. Kalanchoe Degremona and Kalanchoe pinnate (so-called viviparous species) also reproduce well by brood buds.

For subsequent propagation, small plants are removed from the edges of the leaf blade and placed in a soil mixture with a large amount of sand. You can root them in a mixture of sand and peat. It is advisable to maintain the room temperature at least 22° C, and high air humidity is also necessary.

At home, Kalanchoe can be propagated at any time of the year. To do this, just cut off the leaf blade, turn it upside down and lay it horizontally on the surface of the soil or sand. After this, the edges are sprinkled with a thin layer of soil (2-2.5 cm) and pressed lightly. The cut can be treated with special hormonal preparations (to stimulate root formation).

Propagation by seeds requires patience. To do this, a small bowl 3.5 cm high is filled 1-2 cm with light peat soil, and 0.5 cm of clean sand, washed in several waters, is poured on top. Seeds are sown on the soil prepared in this way, carefully spreading them on the surface, and the soil on top is moistened. The seed plate is placed in plastic bag and place in a warm, bright place, avoiding direct sunlight (desirable temperature - 20-22°C). Crops are periodically ventilated. Typically, it takes about 12 months from sowing to flowering.

First you need to pay attention to the choice pot for planting this plant. What kind of pot is needed for Kalanchoe? It is advisable to choose a pot that has small protrusions at the bottom so that there is space between the pan and the bottom of the pot. small space. This will help avoid moisture stagnation.

The next thing to prepare is priming. So, what kind of soil is needed for Kalanchoe?

Soil mixture made from three equal parts:

Which the soil needed for Kalanchoe? Store-bought soil for succulents with a small addition of sand is suitable.

Necessary soil composition for Kalanchoe:

  • 3 parts coarse sand or perlite;
  • 2 parts of turf land;
  • 2 parts humus (leaf soil);
  • 2 parts peat.

The soil should not be heavy, good drainage is necessary.

It can be broken bricks or, for example, pebbles.

After the soil for flowering Kalanchoe is prepared, you need to plant the plant itself.

Kalanchoe is a light-loving plant; after planting, it is placed in a sunny place.

Water for irrigation is pre-settled; its temperature should be at room temperature.

Watering should be done carefully so that moisture does not get on the stem, otherwise it may rot.

With the onset of cold weather, and until warming, watering of Kalanchoe is reduced. The humidity in the room should not be too high, otherwise the plant will begin to wither and lose its presentation.

For the normal functioning of the plant, timely loosening the soil and fertilizing about once a month. The room temperature should be at least 16 degrees.

Kalanchoe is a heat-loving plant. It can easily cope with the summer heat with timely watering.

In the first year the plant blooms all winter. True, for this you need to regularly get rid of wilted flowers. But in order for flowering to repeat on next year, the flower needs rest in the autumn.

Growing Kalanchoe at home does not require much effort, you just need to follow certain conditions.


Correct flowerpot for Kalanchoe photo:


How does it reproduce Kalanchoe reproduces at home?

Reproduction of decorative Kalanchoe

How to propagate flowering Kalanchoe at home? If the duration of daylight hours is less than 12 hours, it is better to postpone propagation of this plant or additionally use a fluorescent lamp.

Air temperature during the daytime it should warm up to a maximum of 24 degrees, the lower temperature limit at night should be 18 degrees.

When sowing Kalanchoe seeds, the temperature regime should be maintained within 21 - 24 degrees. Crops must be ventilated regularly.


How to plant a scion and how to grow Kalanchoe from a scion at home? You need to plant a Kalanchoe shoot after it has good, developed roots. After this, it needs to be watered thoroughly.

And to speed up the process of development and formation of an adult plant, you need to create a greenhouse effect. To do this, the process is covered glass jar.


How and when can you replant Kalanchoe? at home? Replanting Kalanchoe at home they practice once a year, every spring. This should be done strictly after flowering has completed.

The need for replanting lies in the fact that the plant develops, the root system grows and no longer fits in the pot, it becomes small.

New pot must be purchased larger in size than the previous one. The new container is washed with soap and rinsed with potassium permanganate.

How to do it right replant or plant flowering Kalanchoe in another pot? Before replanting, the flower is thoroughly watered and taken out of the pot.

If the plant is not too large, shake off excess soil from the roots. If there are diseased roots, cut them off. Extreme action must be taken be careful not to damage healthy roots.

Is it possible to replant Kalanchoe in the fall? No. It is necessary to replant Kalanchoe at the end of spring, when the plant is in its most active phase.

Drainage is poured into the bottom of the pot, then a layer of sand and a small layer of earth. Afterwards, the plant is placed in a pot and covered with soil so that no roots remain on the surface. Then comes watering. If necessary, sprinkle a little more soil.

whimsical Kalanchoe plant you can't name it. Growing it will not create big problems and at experienced gardener, and from an amateur.

The island of Madagascar is considered to be the birthplace of the plant. Today you can find Kalanchoe almost throughout Asia. This medicinal shrub belongs to the Crassulaceae family. They are grown in greenhouses and on windowsills at home. The most decorative and medicinal variety remains the bryophyllum variety. When growing Kalanchoe at home its height does not exceed 500 cm. To obtain large sizes, the plant requires a lot of light and heat.

Indoor views Kalanchoe requires replanting once a year. Most often, such events are carried out immediately after landing. Such frequent replanting is required due to the fact that the bush grows at a fairly rapid pace, as does its root system.

Every gardener can determine the need for replanting by eye: if the root system is visible through the drainage holes at the bottom of the container, and the soil has become dense, then the Kalanchoe needs to be replanted.

Kalanchoe transplantation should be carried out in April or May. At other times, it is not worth performing such actions, since it is in the spring that the crop is in the active phase of development.

Is it possible to replant a flowering plant?

All procedures for transplanting flowering Kalanchoe should be carried out only after all the flower stalks have withered and been cut off. Until this time, it is important to create the necessary temperature conditions for the plant, provide proper watering and lighting. Before transplanting, add a certain amount of long-acting nutritional formulations. It should last until the end of flowering.

How to replant after purchase?

Changing the container will allow Kalanchoe to adapt at home. In addition, the flower will have to be moved to a more nutritious and suitable substrate. Kalanchoes sold in stores are located in peat soil. It is not suitable for the plant. has its own characteristics:

  1. Prepare a new container for the plant in advance. Its diameter is 2 cm larger than the previous container. This will allow the Kalanchoe to grow comfortably in a new place, provide the necessary space for the development of roots, and will not allow extensive growth.
  2. Place a drainage layer 2 cm thick in the pot. Next, fill the container 2/3 with soil.
  3. Moisten the soil, but do not flood it. It is best to perform this procedure the day before the upcoming planting events.
  4. To remove a plant from a temporary pot, first turn the flower over, knock on the walls, and then carefully pull it together with the earthen lump. Develop the root system from the ground, carefully removing it with a stick. There is no need to rinse the roots with water, as they must be dry.
  5. Now is the time to examine the plant to understand its condition. If there are rotten areas on the root system, remove them.
  6. Place the prepared flower in a new container. Wherein root collar must be at ground level. The substrate layer should be 1-3 cm below the top edge of the container.
  7. Carefully moisten the planted flower and add soil if necessary.
  8. Place the Kalanchoe in the designated place.


For Kalanchoe transplants requires soil whose acidity is in the range of 5-6.5 pH. You can buy soil mixture at the store or prepare it yourself. If the second option is chosen, then the following components will be required:

It’s worth pointing out right away that the flower does not make any special demands on the soil and grows well in any neutral substrate. For Kalanchoe, you can use soil intended for cacti and succulents, as well as a ready-made universal substrate for flowering plants. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the air and water permeability of the soil mixture.


ATTENTION: Since the plant’s root system is well developed, the new container should be much more spacious. You can use ceramic or plastic containers, as long as they have drainage holes. Place drainage along the bottom of the pot. Special expanded clay purchased in a store or pieces of brick are perfect.

In addition, when choosing a pot, the following recommendations must be observed:

  1. When purchasing a container, make sure that there are no scratches, cracks, or open edges. Otherwise, they will injure the plant.
  2. The tray must be wide enough. This will make hydration easier.
  3. Rinse the pot before planting hot water using laundry soap. Afterwards wash with plain water. Use the container only after it has completely dried. Otherwise, the root system of the flower will be severely damaged.

Step-by-step instruction

The process of planting Kalanchoe is carried out according to a specific plan.:

  1. Soil preparation. Its composition must correspond to what was there before.
  2. Pour expanded clay onto the bottom of the container. Its layer should be 2 cm. Fill the pot with soil to ¼ of its height.
  3. Before removing the flower from the container, water the soil.
  4. Remove the Kalanchoe from the old pot and free the root system from the soil. To prevent damage to the roots, it is advisable to use a garden trowel. Pry the soil 3-4 cm from the base of the flower and remove the earthen lump.
  5. Remove all elements of the root system that have dried out or rotted.
  6. Place the prepared plant in a new container and sprinkle with soil to cover the roots. Moreover, the substrate should not reach 2 cm to the edge of the container.

After transplantation, the flower adapts to the new soil within 7 days. During this period, Kalanchoe needs feeding. Subsequently, add nutritional compositions as usual. Moisturizing is done after 7-10 days as the soil dries.

Many of us delight ourselves and our loved ones with the presence indoor flowers in a house or apartment. Kalanchoe is one of the most common plants purchased at home. He doesn't require frequent watering, unpretentious, grows quite intensively, reproduces well and pleases the eye with magnificent colorful flowers. Kalanchoe is also medicinal plant, whose medicinal properties known since ancient times. This wonderful flower has healing and bactericidal properties. Even a novice gardener can grow Kalanchoe; any well-lit window sill is suitable for growing it.

Key points of plant transplantation

There are several fundamental points:

  • appropriate time;
  • preparatory work;
  • suitable pot;
  • suitable soil composition;
  • transplant process;
  • proper care after transplantation;

All this will help the plant take root and actively develop, delighting with flowering even several times a year.

When to replant Kalanchoe

The first transplant for Kalanchoe is very significant. How it will take root in your home and its ability to flower depends on this. The young Kalanchoe flower, undemanding in care, initially needs to be replanted every spring. This is due to the fact that the plant grows very rapidly. The main thing is to replant in the spring and not at the time of flowering. An adult flower is replanted every 2-3 years. Even a beginner can determine when it’s time to replant a flower. To do this, you need to pay attention to the color of the leaves: it should not lose saturation. Also check the location of the roots in flower pot: They should not be cramped and the roots should be firmly in the ground. And of course the soil must absorb moisture well. If the plant is not replanted in time, it will not receive enough moisture and nutrients, it will suffer in cramped conditions, which will affect development and flowering.

After purchasing a flower, the first thing to do is replant the plant. Replanting is required to change the peat soil, which is most often used in stores. It is completely unacceptable for the existence and development of the plant. If the flower was purchased during the flowering period, it is very undesirable to replant it. You will have to wait some time until the flower fades, although it is not recommended to leave it in the soil in which it was purchased. The transplantation process itself is not complicated, however, and there are a number of rules and recommendations, which, if violated, can harm the plant, despite its vitality. Inspect the flower for the thickness and color of the leaves. The leaves should not be thinned, pale or yellowed. This may indicate a disease or the presence of pests. If something seems suspicious to you, wait a couple of days before replanting and observe the plant. Optimal time to buy a flower - spring.

Preparatory work

Before transplanting the plant, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory work. Prepare a substrate, some sand, drainage and water. Select the size of the pot into which the flower will be transplanted. If the pot has been used, be sure to rinse it with laundry soap and disinfect with a solution of manganese or a 2% solution of copper sulfate for a couple of hours. Wash the new container with soap and keep in boiling water for two hours. Use only when the container is completely dry so that the root structure of the plant does not begin to rot.

How to choose the right pot for transplanting

When choosing containers for transplantation, parameters and material are taken into account. The size of the pot for young Kalanchoe is usually from 12 to 18 cm in diameter. When replanting a young plant, choose a container 2-3 cm wider than the previous one; when replanting an adult Kalanchoe, the old one should fit into the new pot, not too tightly, but not too loosely. If you take a wider pot, then the plant will not form flower buds, but the leaves will only grow larger. We choose the material for the pot taking into account Kalanchoe’s love for moisture. It must withstand changes in humidity and have high porosity so that the root system can breathe. Plastic pots, although they meet one of the requirements, still do not need to be used for this plant. It is better to give preference to a glazed clay pot. You should not choose a too beautiful, decorative pot, choose the most ordinary one. Soon the sides and bottom of the pot will be covered with salt and water stains, especially if the watering is in a tray. When purchasing a new pot, pay attention that it has no sharp edges, cracks or chips. It is better to choose a pallet larger diameter, for more convenient watering.

Soil and drainage for Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe requires good drainage, otherwise the flower may die from excess moisture and stagnation of liquid. Therefore, first of all, it is laid out on the bottom of the pot. This could be expanded clay, broken pieces of clay shards or gravel. Approximately 20-25% of the pot's volume should be filled, since the plant's roots do not tolerate flooding after watering.

Soil can be purchased at a specialty store. This is a soil for succulents or a universal soil for succulents and cacti. Or you can make the soil yourself, it’s better and healthier. It consists of two parts. The first part is two parts of turf land. The second part is mixed one part of leaf soil and half of each river sand and peat. You definitely need to steam or warm the soil in the oven so as not to infect your plant with fungal infections and pests. To achieve the desired acidity of the soil, you can add a mixture of brick chips and crushed coal. If this is not the first transplant for your flower, try to use the same composition of the substrate in which you had it before. This is done to make it easier for Kalanchoe to take root in a new place. After all, for a plant, any transplant, even the most gentle one, is stressful.

Transplantation process

We place drainage at the bottom of the selected pot and a little sand on top. Pour in some of the prepared soil mixture, moisten it (preferably several hours before replanting), but do not overwater it. The mixture should be slightly moist. We compact the soil a little and create a small bump in the center of the pot to accommodate the root system. The day before, thoroughly water the soil in the pot with the plant so that on the day of replanting you can easily get the flower out and not damage the roots. Carefully remove the plant. To do this, turn the container over and, tapping on the walls, free it from the ground. We carefully separate the roots from the old soil, gently hitting them with a stick. Do not rinse in water; the roots must be dry. We carefully examine the condition of the root system. If there are unhealthy, damaged or rotten pieces, be sure to remove them. Place the treated flower in a pot, distribute the roots evenly over the tubercle and fill in the rest free space soil, lightly compacting the soil. The soil layer should be approximately 2-3 cm below the top edge of the pot. We hold the plant a little so that it is located in the center. After this, carefully water it and, if necessary, add more substrate.

Principles of care after transplantation

After transplanting the Kalanchoe, we place it in a sunny place, the most best option- southwest or southeast sides. Before the end of the adaptation period in a new place, the flower may wilt and even fall off its leaves, so it is necessary to shade the plant so that direct rays of the sun do not fall on it. Water generously, but without excess. There should be no swamp in the pot. The plant gets used to the fresh substrate within a week or two. We do a little feeding mineral fertilizers. They can be found in any flower shop. In the future, after 7-10 days, water the flower in the same way as before transplantation as the soil dries. We gradually resume normal care, and now Kalanchoe pleases you with its magnificent flowering.

Possible problems associated with transplantation

  1. If you are not careful when replanting a plant, you can damage the fragile leaves and stems, which will affect the survival rate.
  2. The plant may not take root if it is not replanted in the spring, so it is better to buy a flower in the spring months in order to be able to replant it without consequences.
  3. The plant may not bloom for a long time after transplantation; in this case, it is necessary to reduce feeding to once a month. You may also have chosen a pot that is too large.
  4. Choosing the wrong location for a plant can lead to wilting. Yellowed upper leaves indicate a lack of light. And if both the upper and lower leaves turn yellow, this indicates excessive lighting.
  5. Also, leaves may wither if the roots are damaged during transplantation. In this case, you need to give the flower time to take root in the new place and reduce watering.
  6. In the absence or inhibition of growth, you need to add fertilizing, the plant does not have enough nutrients. The soil may also be selected incorrectly. In this case, it is necessary to replant, taking into account all the requirements for the soil mixture.

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