And the toilet can be only 1 m2 in area. About convenience and exquisite design in such conditions there is no need to speak. Change the state of things in better side Remodeling the bathroom, which is aimed at increasing its area, will help. What legislation and advice should be taken into account when doing this?

No. 1. How to coordinate redevelopment?

Almost any action in the refurbishment of a bathroom must be coordinated with the relevant authorities. Depending on the scale of change, you need to use one of the following two approval schemes:

  • simplified diagram. Suitable for those who remove the partition between the bathroom and toilet, but do not increase the area of ​​the bathroom due to the adjacent rooms. Similar option also applicable when moving plumbing items from place to place, but not suitable if you need to install new item. In all these cases, a sketch will be sufficient;
  • redevelopment according to the project takes more time for all approval procedures. It is necessary in the case of combining a bathroom with neighboring rooms, for example, or moving it to another part of the apartment or house. If you plan to increase the number of plumbing fixtures (for example, through a bidet), it is also necessary to draw up a project, because the amount of water consumed and the points of its use will be increased.

As you can see, such redevelopments require a competent approach and coordination with the Housing Inspectorate. Unauthorized installation and dismantling work can result in hefty fines and orders to return the home to its original condition.

Possible options for bathroom redevelopment today are as follows:

  • relocation and/or replacement of plumbing fixtures;
  • combining bathroom and toilet;
  • dividing the bathroom into a bathroom and a toilet;
  • expansion of the bathroom area due to non-residential premises.

No. 2. What legal provisions should I take into account?

Although the apartment is privately owned by each of us, we cannot do whatever we want with it. It is important to know basic safety rules so that an innocent redevelopment of the bathroom in a desire to improve your comfort does not turn into a danger for all residents of the house and for household members.

When drawing up a plan for your future bathroom, you need to consider the following rules:

  • redevelopment cannot be carried out if after it the bathroom is located above the living area or kitchen of the neighbors below;
  • The entrance to the bathroom cannot be from the kitchen or living space if this is the only toilet in the apartment. If, for example, there are two bathrooms equipped with a toilet, then the door to one of them can be located in the kitchen;
  • combining a bathroom requires quality throughout the wet area. In order for the Housing Inspectorate to accept redevelopment, it is necessary mandatory remove the previous screed and install a new one (along with waterproofing). Such work must be reflected in the Act hidden work, otherwise the inspector may not accept the redevelopment;
  • should be 1.5-2 cm lower than in the residential area. You can avoid cutting the floor by installing a dividing threshold.

As for ergonomic requirements, then for convenient use of the bathroom, the standards provide for the minimum required space in front of all plumbing fixtures. In front or - 70 cm and more, in front - at least 60 cm, on each side of it - 25 cm, - 70 cm.

No. 3. What to consider when replacing plumbing fixtures?

Relocation and replacement of plumbing fixtures in most cases refers to reconstruction, which is carried out according to a sketch and only requires notification of the Housing Inspectorate. Replacing one plumbing fixture with a similar one can be done even without notice. Coordination requires the transfer of appliances from one place to another (for example, swapping a bathtub and toilet, etc.).

No. 4. What is the benefit of combining a bathroom and toilet?

This redevelopment is one of the most popular. It allows you to increase the area of ​​the bathroom, place a more spacious bathroom, or vice versa, free up significant space by installing a shower stall. As a rule, the partition separating the toilet and bathroom is not load-bearing, and therefore its demolition does not require fabrication project documentation. A sketch made by a specialist from a design organization is sufficient.

The advantages of combining a bathroom are obvious:

  • when dismantling a wall and eliminating one doorway, a extra space, which can be used to install the necessary plumbing items and furniture, and they can be placed more conveniently;
  • savings on covering one wall and installing a door, because instead of two doorways there will be only one;
  • often a problem with bathrooms apartment buildings The location of communications becomes not the most logical and takes up a lot of space. With redevelopment, this drawback can, at least partially, be eliminated.

A small life hack. If the layout of the apartment allows, It is better if the bathroom door opens outwards. In this case, there will be more space in the bathroom to arrange the necessary items, and this will increase functionality.

No. 5. When should you refuse to share a bathroom?

The main reason why they go through the process of dismantling the partition and combining the bathroom and toilet is the insufficient area of ​​these premises. But in some cases this is still not worth doing:

  • if the family is large, then at certain hours (in the morning and before bed) there will be a queue for the bathroom. In this case, it would be more appropriate to have a separate bathroom;
  • some elderly people, most of whose lives were spent in Soviet times, they still perceive a combined bathroom as something uncomfortable and unprestigious. If you don’t want to quarrel and upset the elderly, it makes sense to leave the partition in place;
  • when the bathroom is adjacent to the kitchen. A shared bathroom is a source of odors that can penetrate kitchen area even when using air fresheners. Yes and sounds cistern Not everyone will want to endure the noise coming from the bathroom to the diners.

No. 6. Features of combining a bathroom in Khrushchev and panel houses

Khrushchev buildings planned so that the wall between the toilet and the bathroom is non-load-bearing, so it can be removed without fear. With panel houses things are a little different. Often, even in them it is possible to demolish the dividing wall, but there are houses in which it turns out to be load-bearing. Owners of apartments in panel houses, already at the stage of thinking about remodeling the bathroom, need to look at the technical passport and make sure that such actions can be performed.

The process of dismantling the wall panel house somewhat more complicated than a similar process in the same, because breaking is not as easy as brick partition. In this case, a grinder is used, but it is difficult to do without supports for the walls, otherwise the concrete part of the wall may collapse, leaving only the reinforcement.

No. 7. Features of bathroom expansion

Enlarging a bathroom or toilet can be done in two ways:

  • at the expense of non-residential premises (corridor, storage room);
  • at the expense of residential premises.

The law clearly states that wet rooms (kitchen, bathroom or toilet) cannot be located above the living rooms of neighbors below. That's why increasing the area of ​​the bathroom due to living quarters in apartments located above the first floor it is impossible. The only exceptions are two-level apartments (second level), as well as those apartments under which non-residential premises. It should also be remembered that the room due to which the wet zone expanded ceases to be residential (rooms, etc. cannot be located in it).

At expansion due to the corridor, you must first carry out technical inspection apartments for the possibility of carrying out this redevelopment. It is advisable that it be carried out directly by a representative of the building designer. The examination will make it possible to find out whether the partitions between the bathroom and the corridor are non-load-bearing and whether it is possible to dismantle them without compromising the integrity of the residential building. If the partitions are non-load-bearing, then the approval of the redevelopment is carried out according to the sketch, with mandatory waterproofing of the entire wet area and this is reflected in the Hidden Work Report.

No. 8. How to arrange a combined bathroom?

After demolishing the partition and eliminating one doorway, additional space is created that can be used to install the necessary items: washing machine, bidet, etc. But the first question that arises is whether What should I use, a bathtub or a shower? Of course, using the bath is nice, but how often does anyone in the family take it? If everyone mostly uses the shower, then the answer is obvious, and the space saved can be put to good use.

Additional Storage spaces can be conveniently organized under the sink, if you equip it and place cabinets under it. You can store equipment, towels, and hygiene items there.

To visually make the bathroom a little more spacious, you can use some tricks. For finishing it is better to choose light shades, provide sufficient in each of the zones, and the floor and shower area can be. Instead of floor-mounted plumbing, you can use wall-hung plumbing: the room will seem more spacious and cleaning will be easier. Mirrors, like air, are necessary in the bathroom: they serve not only so that you can see yourself, but also visually enlarge the space, and if positioned correctly, they simply work wonders. It is better to give preference to large mirror canvases.

No. 9. We share a combined bathroom

As the number of older family members increases, a line begins to form for the bathroom during peak hours. At this moment, many decide to share a combined bathroom. The wall will still have to be broken down to form another doorway, and the partition can be laid out not only from and, nor from moisture-resistant plasterboard . The partition must be double. Such a wall can be erected quickly, and it will not suffer in any way from exposure to water.

If there was a bathtub in the combined bathroom, now it will most likely have to be abandoned in favor of corner option or shower. If you plan the space correctly, you will be able to place another sink and...

No. 10. What to do after redevelopment?

When the redevelopment has taken place, it is necessary to take care of update technical passport for an apartment, which should reflect all changes. The procedure will be approximately as follows:

  • calling a Housing Inspectorate inspector;
  • obtaining hidden work certificates from construction organization, who performed all the work;
  • obtaining certificates of completed reconstruction from the Housing Inspectorate inspector, which are signed by the construction organization and returned to the inspection;
  • calling a BTI technician for measurements;
  • obtaining a new registration certificate.


Already at the stage of the idea of ​​re-equipping a bathroom, it is necessary to make sure whether this is possible in a particular case. If yes, then start with taking measurements and drawing up a plan for the arrangement of plumbing fixtures and furniture in the future bathroom: this will greatly facilitate all repair work and will tell you their sequence.


Repair even the most large apartment It’s worth starting with the smallest rooms. This is a bathroom and toilet, the interior of which requires maximum visual increase space. First tip: if the bathroom and toilet are separate, it’s worth remodeling and connecting these rooms into one. Do you think that there will be more space by only 10-15 centimeters, that is, by the thickness of the wall? Maybe so, but there will be room for imagination, because the design of a toilet combined with a bathroom makes it easy to change the location of plumbing fixtures or furniture.


Let's talk about plumbing. If the room is very small, it would be appropriate to replace the bath with a shower. Corner models, which take up very little space, are especially in demand. But if there are small children or elderly people in the family, such a replacement will result in inconvenience. Therefore, you can only change the model of plumbing fixtures. For example, buy a corner bath. A nice addition to this model will be a corner sink, which seems to hang over the bathtub - this will unload the space. It is recommended to install the toilet bowl mounted. It will save about thirty centimeters of space and turn tedious cleaning into a quick action. In general, if possible, it is better to hide all protruding parts of the plumbing (tank, pipes), leaving only the necessary ones. This will also free up some space.

Floor and walls

When developing the design of a toilet, it is worth considering that the most common building material for cladding floors and walls is tile. It's easy for the bathroom and toilet great option, and the size of the tile does not affect the perception of the size of the room. The large one attracts attention, the medium one can be alternated with a mosaic of small tiles. For the floor, it makes sense to purchase tiles with a textured surface to avoid falls and injuries. But keep in mind that such tiles are more difficult to clean.

Color selection

More often they choose light shades that visually increase the space: beige, white, milky or pearl. But there is more in modern toilet design practical colors. For example: olive, peach, pearl gray, pale pink or sand.

More space

As stated earlier, modern design toilet presupposes the presence of as many more free space. You can make niches in the wall or hang compact shelves. The space under the sink should be allocated for a closed cabinet. If you are planning to buy washing machine, purchase a model that is built under the sink. Typically, such machines are sold with sinks. This will free you from thinking about the location of this device.


If there is a window in the combined bathroom (for example, a toilet in the country), this can also be an excellent decorative element. But you can also create a false look in an apartment by draping it with light curtains. To visually increase the area of ​​a room, many people use waterproof photo wallpaper. They can be used to decorate an entire wall, or part of it (for example, as a painting or a view from a window). This toilet design will allow you to find yourself at least for a short time on the seashore or in a clearing in the forest.

Apartments built according to standard projects, can rarely capture the imagination non-standard solutions in the design of premises, as a result of which you often have to make considerable efforts to create in your home a cozy corner, where you can relax not only physically, but also mentally. One of the popular solutions, relevant not only from a functional but also a decorative point of view, is a partition in the bathroom. The need for its construction is due to the fact that in the bathroom there are several functional zones, each of which is characterized by its purpose. Within the three main functional zones, which include the area near the sink and toilet, as well as the shower area, there are plumbing equipment, in connection with which, there is a need for their functional delimitation. Also, the true purpose of the bathroom necessitates the need to allocate an area for storing things, of which there may be several. They are used to store towels, household chemicals and cosmetic accessories. However, if your bathroom does not have impressive dimensions, full zoning in in this case will be inappropriate. To find out how to get out of this situation and how to organize zoning of a spacious bathroom using a partition, read this article.

Partition in the bathroom: relevance of the problem

In the process of renovating a bathroom or an apartment as a whole, we often have to develop a design for the room, based on the results of which we often come to the conclusion that we did not take into account some of the parameters of the room. For example, the width and height of the doorway, which you need to know in order to bring a bathtub into the bathroom, the height of plasterboard ceilings for installation ceiling lamps, the arrangement of furniture for the correct layout of the room and other parameters of the living space, without knowing which, it is impossible to successfully complete the redevelopment project that has been started. If you are the happy owner of a spacious bathroom, you can not only place all the things and necessary equipment, but also experiment with its zoning, placement of plumbing fixtures and decorative design. The most common installation is the installation of partitions that delimit the area in which the toilet is located from the rest of the bathroom space, due to the fact that this area is the least attractive. Therefore, designers recommend installing a shower stall, toilet or bidet as far as possible from the entrance, and for even greater camouflage, delimiting this area with a decorative partition.

If the area of ​​the toilet or bidet can be delimited by a decorative partition, then the area in which the shower is located should be separated by a reliable solid partition that will protect the walls of the room from splashes and water leaks, and therefore increased demands are placed on its quality.

Partition in the bathroom photo

The functional role of partitions in the bathroom

Functional purpose Partitions in the bathroom can only be determined by the owner himself, based on his needs and preferences. Despite this, in most interiors the role of partitions is very ambiguous, since they can be useful not only from practical, but also from aesthetic point vision. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Decorative function is associated with a person’s constant desire for beauty, the desire to turn his home into a cozy corner, and installation will help solve this problem decorative partition in the bathroom. For example, if you decide to decorate a bathroom in Japanese style, an excellent addition to its interior will be a decorative bamboo screen, which will not only emphasize the naturalism of the finish, but will also become a beneficial addition to it. One more profitable solution for bath in oriental style installation of a glass partition decorated with floral or ethnic patterns;

Room zoning- another important function of the partition, with the help of which several zones can be distinguished in the bathroom, each of which has its own functionality. For example, by installing a partition, you can separate the bath, toilet or shower. You can also install decorative columns on the sides of the mirror or washbasin and thereby separate them from common area or arrange a small niche in which a washing machine will later be installed;

Masking communications- a function that involves installing a partition in the case of strongly protruding pipes or other technical structures that are not possible to hide under false walls or a screen. In this case, the problem will be solved by installing a decorative partition or columns on which you can hang a lamp or functionally significant shelves.

Advantages of bathrooms with a partition

  • A partition in the bathroom separates the “wet” area of ​​the bathroom from the area intended for changing clothes and storing things, that is, it is a kind of screen that protects the bathroom space from splashes from the shower;
  • Having installed another wall in the bathroom with small area, you can solve the problem of lack of space for arranging and storing hygiene products, since on the additional wall you can hang several shelves, as well as hooks and hangers for clothes and towels;

Selecting material for partitions taking into account the specifics of the room

Before you buy a bath partition or build it yourself, you need to choose the most optimal material, from which it will be made, during which it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the room. When choosing a material for making a partition, it is first of all recommended to evaluate not only the economic, but also the technical feasibility of using a particular material. If your goal is to divide the room into several zones, there is no point in using concrete or brick, but if you install a wall-hung washbasin on a newly built wall, these materials will be the most optimal choice, unlike less durable drywall and glass.

To everyone who asked the question: “How to make a partition in the bathroom?” - we recommend choosing a material taking into account the specifics of the room. Microclimatic conditions in the bathroom, namely high humidity, necessitate the use of materials that are resistant to its effects and are also easy to finish. Modern market can offer an abundance of materials that meet the above requirements and can be used to make bathroom partitions. These include:

  • Brick;
  • Reinforced concrete;
  • Specialized building blocks of various origins, including aerated concrete, foam concrete and gypsum blocks;
  • Drywall, resistant to moisture;
  • Glass blocks, as well as strained glass, characterized by increased strength.

Some of the above materials are used for the construction of more permanent partitions that are relevant from a practical point of view. These include brick, building blocks and reinforced concrete. Other materials, which include glass and plasterboard, are used in the case of installing partitions that only support decorative function and a zoning function, due to lower strength.

It is important to know that most of the above materials, except glass and glass blocks, are characterized by a porous structure that facilitates the penetration of moisture. This necessitates the use waterproofing materials preventing the penetration of moisture. These include plastering, coating and penetrating materials for waterproofing, among which the most universal is considered to be coating waterproofing made on the basis of bitumen and polymers. It is not only easy to apply and dries quickly, but also easy to follow up. decorative finishing using mosaics, plastic panels, as well as mirror or tiles.

Concrete, brick and stone partitions for the bathroom

If you are planning to build a permanent partition in the bathroom, the best material for her it will be concrete or ceramic brick. If we take cases from practice, it is difficult to cite such examples when a wall was erected in the bathroom by pouring concrete, with the exception of those cases when it was necessary to form concrete ledges for a shower stall or for installing a more common glass partition. Thus, we can conclude that this material is used mainly in cases where it is necessary to build a foundation for the installation of something. Brick is more practical material, used for installing permanent partitions for the bathroom, due to the ease of working with it. You can bring it into the apartment in any quantity you need, build both a partition and a more permanent partition that can be laid out various types masonry, thanks to which you can adjust the thickness of the partition being built depending on the area of ​​the room and your preferences. But, despite the fact that brick is a material that is easy and convenient to work with, experienced craftsmen continued to search for more practical and modern materials for arranging a partition in the bathroom, which was a success.

Glass partitions: original ideas for creating additional walls in the bathroom

Despite the fact that permanent structures are more reliable and durable, the greatest interest for designers are partitions that perform a more decorative function in the bathroom interior. Unusual designs can not only attract attention, but also make the room extraordinary, and also visually expand the space of a small bathroom. Wherein practical functions no one has canceled - they are also characteristic of partitions in the bathroom, if to an experienced master managed to combine practical and decorative functionality. To do this, experts recommend using several non-standard techniques.

Glass blocks. By choosing them as the main material for making partitions, you can add unusual notes to the traditional, unremarkable bathroom interior. This is due to the fact that modern modifications of the material look much more profitable than their older counterparts.

The manufacturer offers glass blocks made in the widest color scheme, and uses as a highlight of the material original parts placed inside glass blocks - shells, numerous sparkles or flowers. Light transmittance and transparency are also variable parameters. The undoubted advantage of glass blocks is their ease of installation - using them as the main material, you can lay out walls of various configurations.

Strained glass- material produced in sheets, both medium and large sizes, and therefore, a non-professional often experiences difficulties in the process of installing a partition made of sheet glass. Concerning practical use glass partitions for the bathroom, then it is characterized by significant narrowness compared to more permanent partitions. Such fences can only be used as shower partitions or as the main element used for zoning space. However, this does not interfere with the growing popularity of glass partitions, since the main highlight of such a wall is weightlessness and transparency, which will be especially important in a small bathroom.

Bathroom partitions made of plasterboard: advantages and disadvantages

Despite the advantages of the materials described above, plasterboard structures are still the most popular. Drywall is a material whose structure is represented by a gypsum layer, which is covered on both sides with sheets of thick cardboard.

The advantages of drywall include:

  • A perfectly smooth surface, free of any irregularities and not requiring subsequent additional leveling;
  • High level of air permeability;
  • Light weight and no difficulties during installation;
  • Reasonable price.

Drywall also has its own disadvantages:

  • In mind design features material, it is not recommended to make plasterboard partitions in rooms where the humidity level exceeds 90%;
  • Installation plasterboard partition only as a stationary structure and the impossibility of installing a sliding version.

Construction of a plasterboard partition: preparation of materials and tools

From the point of view of design features, a plasterboard partition in a bathroom is a metal frame covered on both sides with sheets of plasterboard. Free space between the sheets can be used to mask unsightly communications, and the unused space in this area is filled with soundproofing material. If you would like to organize more complex designs, you can rely on built-in shelves or additional lighting.

Required materials and tools

  • In bathroom conditions, it is recommended to use plasterboard that is resistant to high humidity. Such materials include plasterboard marked “GKLV” and “GKLVO”, while the presence of the letter “O” in the material marking means fire resistance. The use of such material will be relevant if you plan to build inside the structure electrical wiring. Square standard sheet drywall is usually 3 square meters. meters, and since sheathing with sheets is carried out on both sides of the structure, when calculating the area of ​​​​the material, it must be multiplied by half.
  • The installation of a plasterboard partition also involves the use of rack and guide metal profiles. If the first installation is carried out in vertical position in increments of 50-60 cm, then the latter are fixed at the level of the floor and ceiling in the transverse direction.
  • Soundproofing material is another necessary component during the installation of the partition. To fill the space between sheets of drywall, it is recommended to use mineral wool boards, which have a dense structure and therefore remain resistant to deformation.
  • Fastening elements are important components of the structure that will ensure strength finished structure. To attach the profiles to the walls and ceiling, dowel nails are used, and the frame elements are connected with metal screws. Sheathing the frame with plasterboard is done using self-tapping screws equipped with a flat head.
  • The final finishing of the structure is done using primer, putty and reinforcing tape. For applying the front coating, paint is suitable, ceramic tile or interior plaster.

What tools should you stock up on?

Prepare in advance the following set of tools that you will need during the work process:

  • Drill-driver and set of drills;
  • Metal scissors and a sharp knife;
  • Building level;
  • Spatula or paint brush.

Installation work: sequence of actions

At the site where the partition is installed, mark the floor and, if necessary, in the place where you plan to install the doorway. Mark the installation of rack profiles in increments of 50 cm, then, using a level, mark the ceiling and walls;

Taking into account the length of the partition, cut the guide profiles and, using dowel nails, secure them to the ceiling, after which, do the same on the floor. If the floor is wooden, use self-tapping screws to fasten the profiles; if it is concrete, use dowel nails. Remember that the distance between the fasteners is at least a meter, and between the edge of the profile and the wall - at least 0.5 m;

Next, we move on to cutting the rack profiles, not forgetting that they should be the same length, namely 15-20 mm less than the height of the room, which will ensure ease of fastening the guides. After cutting, they are strengthened in the vertical direction. The profiles located on the border with the wall are secured with dowel nails, and the remaining racks are secured with self-tapping screws with a press washer;

Important! If the height of the finished structure exceeds 2.6 m, it is necessary to strengthen it with the help of additional guides between the rack profiles;

After installation metal frame start covering it. Having cut the sheets of drywall using a regular sharp knife, they are secured on one side, positioned exactly end-to-end, which will make the seams almost invisible. Attaching sheets to metal profiles carried out using self-tapping screws equipped with a countersunk head. In this case, the head of the fastener is somewhat recessed into the material, which will make it almost invisible;

Heat and sound insulating material - layers - are placed inside the structure mineral wool. It is recommended to carry out this activity with glasses and gloves. To most effectively fill the free cells of the structure, mineral wool slabs can be cut or torn, depending on your preferences;

Having carried out this activity, the second side of the structure is covered, as a result of which you will get a perfect smooth surface, devoid of any irregularities and ready for further facial finishing;

Before proceeding to the final stage of installation - front finishing, it is necessary to carry out a number of standard measures. These include filling the seams and screw heads, before which the joints are glued with reinforcing tape, as well as applying a primer. After this, you can safely proceed to the front finishing of the partition, which depends only on your individual preferences.

Bathroom in the apartment modern man carries a high functional load, since all sanitary and hygienic procedures are carried out inside this room, especially if the bathroom is a combined type.

If the family is large, this often causes certain difficulties during rush hour, when everyone is getting ready for work or getting ready for bed. At such moments, one person definitely needs to go to the bath, and the other at the same time urgently needs to use the toilet or grab something.

There is a good way out of this situation - glass partitions For bathroom. They will create a private atmosphere without cluttering the space.

Types of bathroom partitions

Even a hundred years ago, when there was no hot water supply in houses, bathtubs and fonts were fenced off from the rest of the living space to create a private, secluded atmosphere for the person washing.

Then, most often, a carved partition acted as a partition. wooden screen. Nowadays, the bathroom partition is usually made of more practical materials:

Important! A glass partition in the bathroom is simply an ideal find for a designer, as it can “dissolve” in any interior, fulfilling its function of protecting against splashes and creating a private space. It is much more practical and durable than oilcloth curtains, which have to be changed frequently.


A bathtub with a glass partition is a very practical and aesthetic solution that allows you to delimit the space in the bathroom into a washing area with toilet and washbasin areas.

The lightweight, translucent and impact-resistant design will reliably protect the walls and floors from splashes that will inevitably occur during showering and washing. Glass partitions differ according to the following characteristics:

It’s interesting that glass partitions for the bathroom are now being produced with completely different designs. Options with sandblasting, pattern and decor, which slightly reduces the translucency of the structure, but at the same time makes it less transparent.

Functions of glass curtains

A glass partition in a bathroom is not just a decorative element, but a functionally significant structure that replaces traditional oilcloth curtains with rings. Therefore, you need to choose a model not by appearance, but by ease of design and reliability.

In the bathroom interior, tempered glass curtains perform the following functions:

Important! In order for transparent glass partitions to perform their protective function well, you need to ensure that the doors close tightly, otherwise water will leak out through the cracks. To do this, a seal is used that seals the joints between the sashes.

Advantages of glass curtains

When thinking about the advisability of installing glass doors for the bathroom, many homeowners do not understand how they are better than ordinary oilcloth curtains, which are attached on rings to a rod installed above the font.

However, professionals note that the difference between these analogues is colossal. The advantages of glass partitions are:

Note! Bath curtains made of glass fit perfectly into any interior style, due to the fact that they are light and weightless. If the room is designed in a minimalist or high-tech style, then translucent or matte partitions, the only decoration of which is a metal frame, are well suited. For bathrooms in classic style, spa or oriental style, you can use models with a pattern applied using sandblasting technology.

Disadvantages and features

Currently, designers consider sliding or swinging glass curtains real alternative traditional shower curtains, which often get dirty, tear, do not protect well from splashes, and also do not look presentable enough.

However, in application glass structures The bathroom has its own disadvantages that need to be taken into account before using them in your interior:

Remember! The most common injury associated with the use of glass bath doors is hitting the head on the glass, which occurs if a person does not notice that the glass is too clean and transparent. Therefore, it is best to use translucent fences that are immediately visible.

Video instruction

Most often, partitions in the bathroom are more of a functional detail than a structure installed in the interests of design. However, no one bothers you to turn it into a decorative element or play it up so that the partition itself looks very organic in the room.

In this article we will avoid examples of very large bathrooms that look more like living rooms by its area. Although this is a huge advantage, modern realities are such that most people are still forced to have no more than 10 m² at their disposal, and most often - 6, 5 or even 3 m². Such room dimensions require maximum thoughtfulness of solutions and very rational use.

Let's see what kind of partition can be built in such a bathroom, what variations and varieties there are, and also what material they can be made from.

Most often, such partitions are constructed from:

  • moisture-resistant drywall;
  • brick (less often from foam block);
  • from glass blocks;
  • from natural stone;
  • made of MDF, wood or chipboard;
  • acrylic

Variations in partition design

Comments on different types partitions contain technical advice and recommendations regarding what material a particular structure can be made from.

Double-sided design shelving

This type of partition is made according to individual order. Its beauty is that with such an unusual and very characteristic appearance it does not lose functionality and provides the opportunity to store in a similar open shelving a lot of useful little things, and also decorate it beautifully.

The downside of the partition is that it is not airtight, so here we have to talk about separating a maximum area of ​​the washbasin or toilet/bidet. You can make a similar structure from acrylic, as well as from artificial stone. For larger sizes of parts - even from plasterboard.


Monolithic wall

This method of constructing a partition is the most traditional. In the required location, a monolithic wall is erected from brick, foam blocks (if the structure must be strong and very stable) or plasterboard (a lighter material, but also quite fragile compared to the previous ones).

After installation, which happens quite quickly - it can be done in half a day, the wall needs to be plastered and then either painted or, as is much more common here, tiled. Such a partition can simultaneously serve as one of the shower walls, and when the walls are positioned as in the figure above, it can completely eliminate the use of glass sashes.


Brick/glass partition to separate the shower area

IN small spaces The more we can view the volume and space of a room, the larger it appears. That is why it is worth turning to monolithic partitions when the option with this design is unsuitable for use. The essence of the partition is that it remains the same sealed, but its upper part is made of transparent glass, which helps, even if there is a “separator,” to perceive the room and all its zones as a single whole. The lower part of the partition can again be made of plasterboard or brick, and the glass at the top can be carefully mounted flush with one of the walls and the joint between the materials can be treated with sealant so that it does not allow water to pass through.


Single-sided shelving unit with functional niches or shelves

There can be several variations of partitions with shelves. In one case, you can initially plan the protrusions on a vertical plane, make them from plasterboard, and then tile them. Shelves can also be wall mounted, made of wood, glass, plastic, MDF or chipboard, then attached to the finished wall. If the space of the room allows, protruding shelves can be replaced with hidden niches.

To do this, you will, accordingly, need to make the partition itself much thicker in order to form cells for storage or decoration in it. For a bathroom, the depth of such niches may not exceed 20-25 cm. A point or LED backlight. You need to plan this in advance so that the electrician leads out the wire for connection in a certain place.


Disguised pull-out storage cabinet

Most often, when talking about storage in partitions, this is what they mean. top partopen shelves, completely forgetting that at a distance of 1 meter from the floor and below, the space is almost always “walking”. This is due to the fact that very often the partition on one or both sides is adjacent to furniture or plumbing in the bathroom.

A system will come to the aid of all lovers of cabinets and shelves drawers. In the picture below you can clearly see the principle of its location. Frame furniture craftsmen will help you make it - they have in stock and facing materials— MDF and the mechanisms themselves that set the cabinet in motion.


Application of light-transmitting elements

If you have an urgent need to create a partition up to the ceiling that will block sunlight from the window or simply to break up the space too much, use glass blocks when constructing it. Their installation is very simple and unpretentious; even samples made of white transparent glass do not convey the image clearly - but they refract sunlight perfectly.

Alternatively, build monolithic wall to the waist or slightly higher, and make the upper part of the partition from glass blocks. This solution can be called the “golden mean” between a blank wall and a transparent glass partition.


Mobile textile partition

Separately freestanding bathtubs complex shape, of course, are not intended for showering. They often stand in a prominent place and serve more as an aesthetic design element and a means of relaxation than as a functional household plumbing item. That is why, if you have a similar bowl bath and, most likely, you do not use it too often, you should think about a sliding and mobile partition. So that for the most part the room is completely visible, and if necessary, you can hide part of it.

Textiles will come in handy here. Mounted on an ordinary cornice or metal pipe, such a partition is light and weightless. Made from something special water-repellent textiles, intended for bathrooms, it will serve as a shield from excess splashes and moisture.


As you can see, partitions can be completely different. Before choosing any of the options for yourself, once again adequately assess the capabilities of your bathroom and rationally determine what would be more appropriate in it. A large and beautiful partition will not only turn small bathroom into two even smaller closets, but will not be visible.
It turns out that your work may go down the drain. Therefore, if in doubt, choose a conservative and obviously win-win option, and everything else can be supplemented with decor or selection beautiful tiles and lighting - the visual effect will still be present, and you will save space.

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