The construction of houses from logs and timber has always been popular: wood is environmentally friendly and safe material, construction occurs quickly, the walls and facade do not require thorough finishing and insulation. The most difficult thing is choosing the type of wood for the production of a log house. What is better - pine or spruce for the home? Let us determine the main characteristics of trees to select the appropriate material.

Spruce or pine

Coniferous trees have been used for construction since ancient times. They differ from deciduous trees by being tall performance characteristics. The most common are spruce or pine for the home. How do they differ from each other:

Indicator Pine Spruce
Color and its characteristics From brick to bright yellow with natural color intensification over time White, color does not change over time
Turning blue* Possible temporary color change, disappears during processing Less susceptible to blue discoloration, temporary blackening or greening possible
Uniformity of structure Stable, pronounced Uniform along the entire length of the trunk
Resin content Increased Low
Number of knots Large rare Various frequent
Ease of handling Easy to process material with soft structure Difficult process due to excessive knots and hardness of wood
12%, does not experience significant shrinkage 12%, but after drying it may change in volume

* Blue discoloration occurs due to exposure to wood fungi. The resin content of pine prevents this phenomenon, and the infection quickly passes. To speed up cleaning, wood is treated with special impregnations. Spruce is less resistant to fungi, which is why it sometimes turns from black to green.

As can be seen from the comparison, pine and spruce are independent materials that differ from each other. The choice of one breed or another depends on individual preferences, but most developers choose pine lumber because of its financial affordability and ease of use.

House made of pine timber, pros and cons

Logs are made from wood, solid and laminated veneer lumber. The latter is the most common material due to its high performance characteristics:

  • Strength up to 200 kg/cm2;
  • Weight (density) up to 520 kg/m3;
  • Easy to process in production and construction site;
  • Due to the high resin content, the materials resist excess moisture and mold;
  • Sound insulation of the walls does not allow sounds from the street to pass through.

A house made of pine is durable; a comfortable microclimate is naturally maintained inside the premises.

The disadvantages of the breed include:

  • Susceptibility to rot and fungi. With proper wood processing, this drawback is eliminated;
  • Formation of transverse cracks when the beams dry out;
  • High cost quality timber or log house.


Arkhangelsk pine is distinguished by a dense whip that does not require refreshing treatment for a long time.

View of Angarskaya coniferous durable, never turns blue, throughout the entire period of operation the log house emits natural phytoncides, disinfecting the air. Such material will not be cheap.

Karelian pine is suitable for making short-length log houses. The tree has a dense structure.

The New Year is celebrated in every country in the world, and in every country it is customary to decorate some special tree on this holiday: in Sudan they decorate a green nut, in Nicaragua you can see coffee tree with red fruits, in Bali you are most likely to find columns of rice stalks. In Russia, we are used to decorating coniferous trees for the New Year, so many are concerned about the question: how to properly choose a pine tree or a spruce for the New Year.

So, first you need to decide what kind of tree you want - spruce or pine? Of course, the spruce looks like it came straight from the page of a New Year's book - a forest beauty decorated with garlands, balls and toys. Pine, in our understanding, does not correspond to the classical concepts that we are accustomed to since childhood, but it is in no way inferior in beauty to spruce, and besides, it ate longer stays in the house. Pine is more resistant than spruce; it will delight you with its beauty for about a week and a half longer, and its needles begin to fall off much later and they are larger, so it will be easier to remove them. And if you decide for the New Year choose a pine tree, then rest assured that your Christmas tree will withstand almost any number of toys and garlands, while more fragile spruce branches require only a light outfit.

Basic criteria for choosing pine for the New Year holiday

To choose a pine tree who can do everything new year holidays to give you comfort and celebration, follow some basic rules when choosing a tree, and then you will not be disappointed with a living tree.

The main selection criterion is the freshness of the pine. To understand how long ago your pine tree was cut down, pay attention to appearance and the color of the needles - there should be no yellow-brown spots, and if there is also a waxy coating on top, then this is absolutely wonderful, it means the tree was recently cut down.

Once you have decided choose a pine tree the best, then continue to check your tree for freshness. Run your hand along the branches of the tree, and not a single needle should fall off, then the tree is truly fresh. The branches should be elastic, not fragile, and the pine itself should be lush and heavy. Now take a closer look at the trunk - with a height of 150 cm, a pine tree should have a trunk with a diameter of 6 cm - such a tree is healthy and will stand quietly in warm room. And pay attention to the needles - freshly cut pine needles are fragrant and oily.

After conducting several tests with the New Year tree, you will be able to choose a pine tree the freshest and most beautiful.

What would New Year be without a forest beauty? Of course, we want it to last until the end of the holiday break. When choosing between pine and spruce, keep in mind that pine will last for almost a week longer than the Christmas tree. But the decision, of course, is yours. Let's talk about this in more detail, and also give you some useful tips for decorating the New Year's tree, and also consider useful tips optional New Year's tree.

The fabulous atmosphere of the New Year's holiday can be created not only with the help of a classic spruce. Now other coniferous trees, such as fir or pine, are also at the peak of popularity. They can be cut or grown in containers. What do you like? We will offer you good advice, what to look for when choosing the main New Year's decoration.

Coniferous trees differ in shape, their needles have different colors, they can be hard or soft, last a long time or fall off quickly. It is according to these parameters that we need to cast the handsome men vying for the role of the main New Year's decoration.

Classics of the genre

The resinous aroma of the Christmas tree, so familiar and invariably associated with the New Year, awakens memories of childhood. But, unfortunately, its green needles begin to fall off after just a few days of living in the room. Among all the spruces, the gray spruce does not lose its needles longer under such conditions. She has beautiful shape growth, strong branches that can withstand even heavy candles. But the gray spruce has a drawback: the blue-tinted needles are very hard and prickly, and the smallest members of the family can get hurt by them. Nordmann fir has soft needles that are absolutely safe for children. And she is a recognized champion in pin retention! But, despite such resistance, fir, like other coniferous plants, needs to be cared for correctly.

➠ Remember that main enemy living tree - dry warm air emanating, for example, from batteries central heating. Therefore, you cannot place a tree near them. Conifers don’t like it when it goes straight from the frosty street into indoor conditions. To allow the plant to acclimatize, keep it for a while landing. And one more thing: treat a felled tree like a large plucked flower that quickly dies without water. To prevent the needles from falling off longer, use a special stand with a water tank.

How to choose the right live Christmas tree?

❇ When buying a coniferous tree, carefully examine the needles. They should be a characteristic color for this species, for example, rich green or bluish, but without yellow-brown spots.

❇ Pay attention to whether there is a wax coating on the pine needles. This is a sign that the plant has not had time to lose a lot of water, which means it will be able to maintain its decorative effect longer. A simple test will also help determine the freshness of a cut spruce: run your hand along the branches, and if at least a couple of needles fall off, then this tree is not worth purchasing.

❇ A fresh Christmas tree has elastic branches - they are difficult to break; on the contrary, an old tree has dry and brittle branches.

❇ The girth of the trunk of a one and a half meter Christmas tree should be at least 6 cm, a thin trunk is a sign of disease. Therefore, the thicker it is, the better. In addition, a fresh green beauty should be quite heavy, and its upper part- lush.

❇ Carefully inspect the cut of the trunk: if it has a dark-colored border several centimeters wide, then the tree is dry.

❇ If the needles on the branches are oily and smell like resin, it means the tree was recently cut down. Dry needles mean the tree is frostbitten or old.

❇ Stroke the Christmas tree against the “wool”. The fewer needles left in your hands, the better. Lift the tree and lightly tap it on the ground. If the needles are covered in prickly rain, then it is better to refuse this purchase.

An extraordinary choice - buying pine

Do you want to surprise your household with something unusual? New Year's decoration? Then decorate your living room with pine! Its shape often resembles a cute umbrella. What gives the plant a special charm are its long needles, collected in bunches that look like miniature ones. sparklers. The branches of young pine trees are very flexible and can bend under weight New Year's toys. Therefore, if you choose pine, you will not need traditional toys. Multi-colored ribbons - here best decor for such a beauty!

Only small specimens up to 1.5 m high can claim the role of a New Year's tree. And if felled pines are not often found on sale, then such plants in containers are not uncommon in many garden centers. By the way, in big cities It’s fashionable to rent New Year’s trees: a plant in a pot is returned to the store after the winter holidays. Well, if you want to move the New Year’s tree into the garden, then everything is in your hands!

For those who love consistency

If you want to save time and money, you can opt for an artificial Christmas tree. Unlike living trees, artificial Christmas trees no need to purchase every year. In addition, they do not lose needles and do not require maintenance. True, you will have to do without the natural resinous aroma, but it can also be imitated using fir oil. To do this, you need to spray artificial branches with it from time to time.

Listen to our advice and choose the best New Year's tree decoration from your point of view. After all, he has a special mission - to ignite sparks of joy in all family members and create the atmosphere of his favorite holiday!

How to decorate a Christmas tree correctly

. ELECTRIC FAIRLANDS. Don't forget that they need to be hung first - even before you start decorating the tree with other decorations. Always start with the lower branches. Place a thread of the garland at the trunk along the lower edge of the branch, bring it almost to the end of the “paw” and, having thrown a loop, move back to the trunk, fixing the wire behind side shoots. So, gradually wrap each section of the tree and rise to the top, not forgetting to periodically grab the trunk. Having reached the top, go down again. This technique looks more impressive than if you simply wrap the branches with lights in a circle.

. BALLS AND TOYS Choose the main dominant color jewelry and hang them first to establish some uniform order and define a clear silhouette of the tree. Then gradually add balls of other harmonizing shades to the empty spaces.

. SECOND PLAN Do not leave any “gaps” on the tree. Decorate the space around the trunk with simple, discreet decorations.

Pay attention to the background, it should not be empty. Place the most beautiful, unusual, antique or even homemade toys in prominent places.

. AS AN ARTIST From time to time, move further away to the corner of the room to look at your work from the outside. This makes it much easier to notice which areas look “bare” and where additional decorations need to be added.

. DEAR TO THE HEART AND THE FRAGILE Hang toys higher to the top of the spruce tree. To a height where pets and small children cannot reach, and where they will not be accidentally touched by passing guests.

. EMPHASIZE YOUR SLIMNESS forest beauty, adding decorative accessories elongated shapes, such as drops and icicles. Hang them close to the ends of the branches, as they usually hang in nature.

. KEEP IN STOCK small decorations on clothespins (clips). Miniature birds, fruits, and figurines of fairy-tale characters are good for thin shoots when you need to fill empty spaces. They are light and do not pull back the branches.

. FOR MEMORY If you like to take pictures with the whole family at the Christmas tree, then turn off the electric garland when taking a photo, otherwise the excess light will make the tree look flat.

It is simply impossible to imagine the New Year holidays without a decorated Christmas tree. Therefore, usually, long before this date, we begin to think about what tree to buy, when is the best time to do it, and prepare toys for decoration. Our advice will tell you how to choose natural Christmas tree and pine for the New Year 2019, as well as basic installation rules and secrets to keep your tree fresh for as long as possible.

Christmas tree or pine?

Before you go to the Christmas tree market, you should decide what kind of tree you want - a Christmas tree or a pine. There are other coniferous trees on sale, such as fir, but they are not very popular, so we will concentrate on the most popular species. Most often, our houses are decorated with spruce and pine trees for the New Year. Each of these trees has its own pros and cons:

    The Christmas tree is cheaper and at the same time has a strong pine aroma. If you want the smell of the holidays to be in the house, then you should definitely choose a Christmas tree. This tree also looks very elegant, as it has dense, symmetrical branches. They are convenient to decorate, and the decorated Christmas tree looks very beautiful. The main disadvantage of spruce is its prickly needles, which very quickly begin to crumble and can become embedded in carpets and home textiles.

    Pine has longer needles and a very pleasant, unique aroma. The needles do not fall off so quickly, and even if they fall, they do not prick and do no harm carpeting. But such a New Year's tree also has disadvantages - it is a sticky resin that exudes from the branches. This makes it difficult to dress up pine and can lead to damage to clothes. The branches of the pine tree grow upward, so the toys do not roll off them. But there are not many branches themselves, so problems may arise when decorating the tree.

And pine trees are often too large for small apartments. Therefore, if you don’t have a lot of space at home, it is better to choose a more compact Christmas tree for the New Year 2019.

When is the best time to buy a Christmas tree?

If you want to buy a beautiful, freshly cut Christmas tree for New Year 2019, then it’s better not to put it off until the last minute. The closer to the holiday, the less choice, and the higher the prices for trees will be. The most beautiful spruces are usually sold out in the first days after the opening of Christmas tree markets, so it’s better to hurry.

Remember that you need to store the purchased Christmas tree correctly. If you put it in your apartment, before the holiday it will dry out and the needles will fall off. It is better to leave the tree on the balcony, in the garage, or simply hang it outside the window - where it will be cool.

If you want to save on purchasing a Christmas tree, buy it on the evening of the 31st. At this time, the remaining stock is already being sold out, so the seller will probably reduce the price. True, there will be less choice, and purchase beautiful tree It's unlikely to work.

How to choose a Christmas tree

The first thing you should pay attention to when going to buy a Christmas tree for the New Year 2019 is the size. If you have small rooms With low ceilings, too big and tall tree not worth buying. It will take up a lot of space and interfere with movement around the house. This is not only inconvenient, but also dangerous, since the tree may fall, and this can lead to broken toys and even a fire due to the garland.

It is also important to consider the shape of the spruce crown. If you decide to put it in a corner, you can choose a one-sided tree. It will cost less and fit well into the chosen location. Buy a tree with a beautiful, uniform crown if you have a spacious room. Then the selected spruce or pine can be placed in the center of the room and even dance around it.

To select good tree, pay attention to the following details:

    Needles. To check how fresh the Christmas tree is and how long it can stand, lift the tree over the table and hit its bottom part on the ground. If the needles fall off, it is better not to take such a tree. It is also important to evaluate the color of the needles. It should be bright, green and buttery when rubbed a little. If the needles are a little dry, then this is a sign that the tree has stood for a long time or is frozen, so it will soon begin to crumble.

    Trunk. Inspect it carefully, check for fungi, mold or signs of any other diseases. In addition, pay attention to the thickness of the barrel. They usually sell eight-year-old trees. Their height is about one and a half meters, weight - 5-7 kg, and the thickness of the trunk is at least 6 cm in diameter. If the tree is thinner or weighs less, it may be a sign of disease and should not be purchased.

    Smell. Fresh tree smells beautiful and strong. If you pick up a Christmas tree and don’t hear the aroma, don’t buy it.

    Branches. They should be beautiful, green and flexible, elastic. If the twigs break easily, making a crunching or cracking sound, they are dry. Such a tree will not stand for long.

The tree must not only be chosen correctly, but also transported home without damaging it. To do this, wrap the tree in a bag or other fabric and carefully wrap it with rope. They carry the Christmas tree and pine with the top back so as not to damage the lower branches.

If you have small children, then when choosing a Christmas tree you need to remember about them. There are two important points:

    Needles can occasionally be provoked allergic reactions. If the baby has not yet had very close contact with coniferous trees and you're not sure how he'll react to the scent, do a little experiment. Take it with you to Christmas tree market, preferably indoors, in a pavilion, and take a nice walk there. If everything goes well, then feel free to buy a Christmas tree for your home. If not, then it is better to give preference to artificial wood.

    A few days later in warm room Needles, scales from cones, and small pieces of bark will begin to fall off the tree. Therefore, regularly clean under the tree and try to place it higher so that the baby cannot reach it.

How to choose pine

Choosing pine is easier. These trees can more easily withstand travel, being in the market and other activities. The principles for choosing pine for the New Year 2019 are the same - the tree must be healthy, strong, and fragrant. But the needles hold on to it much better, so they do not fall off even with fairly strong overheating or hypothermia.

This reliability of pine needles even allows you to correct the shape of a tree. If there are too few branches at the top and the trunk looks bare, you can cut off the lower branches and attach them to the bald spots. This will not cause the needles to fall off, but your tree will become fluffier and more elegant.

If you decide to place the tree in a corner, buy a crooked pine whose branches are located on one side. Such a non-standard tree can be bargained for cheaper, and in a corner it will look simply gorgeous.

If you have already purchased a tree of your choice for the New Year 2019, it is important to install it correctly in order to maintain freshness and ensure the safety of the decor and those around you. If you purchased a Christmas tree or pine tree in advance, and it was stored in the cold for a long time, under no circumstances should you immediately bring it into the apartment. You need to leave it in the entrance and warm it up gradually.

After the tree is brought into the house and warmed up, use a knife to remove the bark from the trunk about 8-10 centimeters below and hold it under running water. This will help open fresh pores on the trunk. You can also lightly cut off the crown at an angle and cover it with Vishnevsky ointment if you need a slightly smaller tree. True, the smell of ointment can greatly spoil the aroma of a Christmas tree, and even more so of pine, which smells more delicate and subtle.

How long the tree will last and retain its beauty and freshness depends on how the tree is installed and cared for. Christmas trees are often placed in special cross-stands, but this way they dry out very quickly. It is better to put the tree in a bucket of moistened sand to keep it alive longer. Sometimes Christmas trees even take root in such a container and can later be planted outside.

There are several secrets to ensure that your Christmas tree or pine tree does not lose its freshness longer:

    Add a little citric or acetic acid to the water you will water the tree with.

    Dissolve an aspirin tablet in water to moisten the sand.

    Mix a bucket of clean sand with a liter of water, in which gelatin and glycerin will first be dissolved. The trunk must be immersed in sand at least 20 cm and watered every other day.

    If you decide to install pine or herringbone in a cross, first wrap it in a damp cloth, which must be moistened regularly.

In order for the New Year tree to bring only joy, and not anxiety and problems, you need to remember the rules for safe installation:

    Spruce or pine must be placed as far as possible from heating devices, especially if they are heated to high temperatures.

    Do not decorate the tree with real open flame candles or faulty or homemade garlands.

    Try to use unbreakable toys, especially if there are children and pets in the house. Glass ones can be hung at the very top, where they will be relatively safe.

It will help to preserve the freshness of both Christmas trees and pine trees longer. humid air indoors. If you are using a household humidifier, move it closer to the tree. You can also place a container of water near a battery or other heat sources.

If you want the tree to be guaranteed not to dry out and to make you happy until the Old Year, buy a Christmas tree or pine tree with roots and in a pot for the New Year 2019. Living plant You can buy it at the nursery before the cold weather sets in. It is risky to buy in winter because root system may be frozen. Such a Christmas tree will easily remain in the garden until the holidays, covered with mulch. And you can bring it into the house just before the New Year. It is better to choose a simple local Christmas tree, since an imported one may not take root in our climate.

The Christmas tree is traditionally a symbol of the New Year and the main decoration of the house. How to choose christmas tree? In this article we will give some important tips.

Christmas tree markets open 2-3 weeks before the holiday. The first trees, as a rule, are snapped up for offices, retail spaces and catering establishments. With the second wave of felling, occurring on December 18-21, the demand for pine trees and Christmas trees for the home begins. It is the last week before the holiday - better time to buy a Christmas tree - you will be able to save money and get a good copy.

What is better to choose for the New Year: spruce or pine

The New Year tree is usually small, up to 2 m. It is covered with a uniform layer of a prickly coat consisting of short needles, and its light forest aroma gently spreads across the room.

New Year's pine is a tree with thick, long needles. Heavy, massive toys look better on it, and its shape is often far from an ideal cone. But the pine smells rich, festive, and rich.

Fans of pine trees justify their choice by the fact that the tree:

  • Does not crumble for a long time;
  • Does not require spraying;
  • Has a rich aroma;
  • Looks great with any jewelry.

Connoisseurs of Christmas trees note that their choice:

  • It is cheaper than pine;
  • Has denser needles;
  • Looks great with small garlands and balls;
  • Easier to install thanks to a more precise center of gravity.

In fact, the choice in favor of spruce or pine in the New Year is a purely personal matter. Moreover, the choice of holiday markets is not limited to these two coniferous plants. Recently, Denmark began supplying its Christmas trees to our country.

Danish firs are distinguished by their non-thorny needles, pleasant uniform shade and thick aroma. At the same time as the Danes, our market was chosen by the forestry industries of Germany and Norway, whose spruce and pine trees “live” in a tub longer than domestic ones, but are also somewhat more expensive.

How to choose a Christmas tree or pine

Go for a Christmas tree only after you have pulled out toys, garlands, a stand or a tub of sand from the pantry, and have determined where the tree will stand this year.

Trick 1. If you find a place for New Year's pine in a corner or against a wall, you can save money. Trees that are distinguished by the density and regularity of branches on only one side cost 1.5-2 times less.

Directly at the market or in the store, when your eye has already noticed a holiday tree suitable in height and density, examine the following points in the tree you like:

  • Freshness of the cut - there should be no peeling, mold or other troubles on it, only a soft coating of sticky juice;
  • Freshness of the crown - the branches of a Christmas tree, stored correctly, bend, but do not break;
  • Freshness of the needles - shake the tree and hit it on the ground, like Santa Claus with his staff, on a fresh pine tree and if the needles do not fall off from such a blow.

A fresh tree is completely suitable for purchase, but only when you are convinced of the legality of its origin (the seller must have a certificate for the product) and the adequacy of pricing.

X trick 2. It is correct to measure a Christmas pine by the trunk, if they are trying to sell you a tree with a trunk of 1.7 m as a two-meter one, arguing this with the height of the crown, you can safely argue with the seller, the truth is up to you, and with it a discount for your attentiveness.

It is more convenient to bring a Christmas tree home when its crown is softly tied to the trunk with twine or rope.

You should not bring the spruce into the apartment from the cold; let it rest in the cool of the entrance or balcony for 5-6 hours, then it will last longer.

It is important to add a little water, glycerin and sugar to the stand filler, then the tree will crumble more slowly.

The Christmas tree should be sprayed with water from a spray bottle 1-2 times a day, this will preserve its healthy appearance and aroma.

Before installing in sand, you should peel off the bark from the trunk to a height of 10-15 cm, then the pine will not dry out until the end of January.

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